€ùtpii\U City ¿Turali!. TUESDAY, NOY. 12 REGU LAR ; ; the w rong w ay to cure a T R A IN S V » ON D A Y S , W ED N ESD A YS lvJL days will run us follow s; Lon vo 8.00 a. iu. Marshfield A rrive “ a . 1 '» “ C O Q U IL L E C IT Y s. su •• Norway 10.00 “ M yrtle Point LOCAL is o s . W b s l » l i e C 'a q u l l l e V a l l e y C am D o . I i t i t t t t m t m t m t i « » « « » « « » » * « : I Hosts o f psople ko to w ork in AND FUI- Arrfke 12.15 p. m. Leave 11.00a. m. 10.25 “ 10.1ft “ ITEMS. Thanksgiving on the 28tb. Additional locals on 2d and 4tb pages. Tbe bund bag received a new snare dram. Mrs. James Drown and daughter of Myrtle Point drove to Coquille in h buggy cn Inst Fridny. S t. J a c o b s O il 3 a ? jr r Ä k £ A very pleasant and successful T o McDonald's, for hot or cold baths. j social was given at Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Elliott gave n nice party Morgan’s last Tuesday eigh t Saturday afternoon last to her Sun­ Oregon Kidney Ten for sale by Dr. S. L. Leneve, of Coquille City, day-school class. and N. G. W. Perkius, o f Myrtie Dou't fail to attend the auction Point. at McCleary’s next Saturday, 16th Thirty-four books on Common iust., at 11 a. m. Law will be sold at auction by Mrs. Aikeu will be here tomorrow McCleary next Snturday, 16th inet.; with a new and choice selection o f just the thing for Inw students. millinery, just received. The ladies Mrs. Frost left yesterday for are requested to call and see them. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Donaldson, o f South Marshfield, where she will nenr Riverton, have had their Lome open n uotion store if the can secure cheered at the reception of a little u building suitable. 1 * f EART DISEASE, in» Elder Holleubeak, of Burton I I m any othor all incut* when they -¿TO have taken hold o f the system, Prairie, was in town Saturday on never gets better o f Its own accord, but business nud left od exhibit a stalk Constantly y r o i r f tcorse. There are of corn, of tbe Yellow Dent variety, thousands w bo know they have a d efective heart, but w ill not adm it tho fact. T hey haviug eight well-formed ears, well d on 't want their friends to worry, and filled and matured, thereon. Four Don't knots tvhat to take for it, as they have been told tim e and again that smaller ears are also plaiuly visiole, heart disease was iucurablo. Such was the case o f Mr. Silas Farley o f D y osv lllo, Ohio but are a malformation. He who writes June 10, 1894, as follow s: plucked the stalk frrm a splendid 441 had heart disease for »8 yearm, field of that grain ou Leonard my heart hurting mo alm ost con tinu ally. Tho first 15 years 1 doctored all tho time, Coon’s place— the old Fox farm— trying several physicians and remedies, until m y lost d octor told me It was on ly a in the North Fork section. question o f tim o as I could not bo cured. Our frieud J. D. Fox makes I gradually grow another exhibit o f farm products worse, very " weak, and com pletely dis­ witb us, of nu unusual character couraged, un til I for so Dear the coast. It consists lived, propped h alf up In bed, because I of 4 ears of corn, averaging 13 couldn't He dotsn inches long (o f which he has a nor sit up. Think­ ing my tim e had patch), well formed and nearly com e I told my fam ­ matured. It is extra fine. ily what I wanted done when I was Judge J. Henry Schroeder, hav­ gone. But on the first d a y o f March on ing noticed in last H erald the the recomm endation o f Mrs. Fannie Jones, o weight of a Golden Tankard beet f Anderson, Ind., I com m enced taking Dr. JUiles’ Nets C u r e fo r the Heart sent to this office by J. B. Fox, esq., and wonderful to tell, in ten days I was one scasou’s growth from tbe seed working at light work and ou March 19 com ­ m enced fram ing a barn, which Is heavy and weighing 12 lbs., concluded to work, and l hav’nt lost a day since. I am 56 inches and weigh 2501bs. discount it, and so last Saturday years old, 6 ft. believe I am fully cured, and be shipped to us per steamer Myrl X I am now only anxious that everyone shall a beet of the some variety weigh­ know o f you r wonderful remedies.” D yesvillo, Ohio. 8 ilas F a r u b t . ing 21 lbs. It stauds 18 inches Dr. Miles Ilon ri Cure Is sold on a positive high and is 26£ inches iu circum­ guarantee larantco that tho first bottle will Deneflt. A ll druggists sell it a t $1. $1, 6 bottles fo r !6 or __J l________ ference the smaller way. The it will be sent, prepaid on rucoipt o f price by the Dr- Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. judge throws the responsibility of these figures ou the editor, whom he knows is proof aguiust the Restores Health attucks of pnrtizon critics and dry- goods box statesmen aud berces. We aru glad to observe that our But the proof of the pudding iu friend Pat Henuessy has been this instance is by calling aud see­ appointed superintended of the ing it. company’s work nt Newport. Mr. AND S T IL L ANOTHER. H. is not only exceedingly well Yesterday morning W. C. Poxsou qualified, but be is upright, manly, sent us in a beet of bis own rais­ fair-dealing toward those wbo are ing trom tbe seed this season, a subject to ins bidding, bolding Globe Mangel, which measures their confidence aud winning end thus: Height, 12 inches; through retaining that o f bis employers. from side to side, 12J inches; cir­ The Newport company is acting cumference each way, 34i inches much more wisely and consistently and 37J inches. Weight, 26\ lbs. than some others we know of, and Iu fact, we invite all to call and the result will be thnt popularity see these fine specimens of fruits, aud prosperity will reward them. vegetables and cereal products of Mrs. Root has some extra furni­ our own superb Coquille valley, ture for sale, cheap for cash. It is and then they can speak for them­ in excess of what she needs, since selves, intelligently, and not second­ closing her boarding bouse. OUR NEW CLUBBING O FFERS! S pecial In d u c e m e n ts to S u b s c ri­ b e rs— B est and C heapest. The “ Herald” and Your Choice at the Price Stated Below. H e r a l d has made clubbing arrangements with the following pub- lications, as stated below. SYe take pleasure in presenting to out patrons nnd others these exceedingly fine offers, viz: Tho Weekly Examiner, of San Francisco ($1.50), and the Coquille City H erald ($2), both for one year for $2.75. The Weekly Call, of San Francisco ($1 50), nnd the H erald ($2), both for one year for $2.75. The Thrice-n-Wcek World, of New York ($1), and the H erald ($2), both for one year for $2.25. The Twice-n-Week Traveller, of Boston—12 pages each week, ($1)— and the H erald , both for one year for only $2. T H E FAR M , H O U S E H O L D AN D L IT E R A R Y . Tho Rural Northwest, of Portland, Or., a splendid local agricultural nnd horticultural journal (semi-monthly, 60 cts.), nnd the H erald ($2), both one year for $2. The Home nnd Farm, of Louisville, Ky., (50 cts.), nnd the H eral 0 ($2), both ono year for only $2.10. Womankind, a handsome, attractive, monthly home paper (50 cents), the Farm News, a practical farm pr.per, monthly, (50 cents), and th« H e r a l d ($2), all one year for only $2. Word and Works, of S t Louis, Mo., including to each subscriber the Word and Works Almanac nnd Hand-Book, « useful and handsome pub­ lication (both $1.25), and the H erald ($2), the three for only $2.50. Every Where, the famous poet Will Carleton’s charming literary and illustrated monthly (50 cents), and the H erald ($2), both one year for $2. P O P U L IS T P A P E R S AN D P O L IT IC A L P O IN TE R S. The Road, of Denver, Col., ($1), an 8-page weekly worth double the price, and the H erald ($2), both for one year for $2.15. The Silver Knight, of Washington City, Senator Stewart's great paper ($1), and the H e r a l d ($2), both one year for $2.35. Our Nation’s Crisis, G ot . Waite’s paper, of Denver, Col. (50 cts.), and the H erald ($2), both one year for $2. IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE CLUBBING RATES FOR PAPERS, We have concluded to offer the following books os premiums for cosh subscribers: > ^ iie Tbe Star Comedy Co. will pat on a grand piny Christmas eve, and The I. O. G. T. will give a pub­ daughter. The H erald extends give a ball New Year’s eve. lic installation at Masouic hull congratulations. Robert McCleary’s auction side; D .—Several trustworthy (¡ontlp- tonight, after which n graud social comes off next Saturday, beginning V V I V f A n N u T n E nr ladies to travel in O regon for at 11 a. in., at bis store. Don't established, reliable house. Snlary. $700 time will be had. All are invited. and expohses. S teady position. E nclose miss it. Our friend, Dick ltobineon, wbo references and self-addressed stamped en­ Grundy Short, attorney of Myr­ velope. The D om inion Com pany, T hird was hurt so seriously at Morias H our, Om aha B uilding, Chicago, Illin ois. tle Point, weut to the bay on last Dro’s mill a few days ago, is getting W. Drane went out n few days Fridny to spend a few days visitiug along splendidly end hopes to greet lately aud tried his hand at deet relatives and friends. his friends shortly. huntingfgain, but with indifferent Our townsman, W. J. Sugg, is succece, this time. The fog was too W. Notley delivered fresh second- now connected with C. A. Lyons crop blackberries, raspberries and heavy nnd hung so late. He got in tbe snle of the Eureka suspend­ strawberries at the postoffice Sun­ four, however. ers. Will speaks very hopefully day morning. How’s that for your Mrs. Roy, wife of our Cnpt. J. of the businosa. “ Italy of America?” L. Roy, who resides just opposite “ A ch em ical success nnd m edical tri­ Oregon Kidney Tea is the most the crenmery above town, has been umph,” so speaks nn em in ent physician in effective blood-purifier kuewn. For sale by druggists N. G. W. Perkins, quite sick the {last week. Dr. Moore reference to Ayer’ s Cherry P ictorn l;n u d the of Myrtle Point, nnd Dr. 8. L. was called ou Inst Friday aud is eulogy was none too strong. N o other m ed­ icine is so safe and efficacious in all diseases Leneve, of Coquille City. now attending her. o f the throat and lungs. The Hosmer-lloss troupe,strand­ Uncle Bird Vowell of Bandon W. II. Gleaves, a colored man ed recently by the wreck of the spent several days in town lust from Denver Hill, has moved into steamer Humboldt, will play at week. O f course the H erald had the G. W . Wimer house opposite Masonic Hall in this city tomorrow a visit. Mr. V. was seeing to prop­ the Tuttle hotel. He expects to night. erty interests here nud greeting spend the winter with his family Coin’s Financial School, price 29 The It. of P. I all will take place old friends and neighbors. iu Coquille. cents, and Coin’s Hand-Book, price nt Iinndon next Saturday night, Sore Throat. Any ordinary case 10 cents, and one year’s subscription W. H. Cnrothers and daughter, and don’t you forget it. The H er - may bo cured in one night by apply­ to the H erald , all for $2. Miss Welcome, arrived from Oak­ a l d editor thnuks the management ing Chamberlain’s Pain Balm as di­ rCoiN’ a F inancial S chool , bv W . H . rected with each bottle. This med­ land, Cal., last Sntnidsy. The lat­ Harvey; illustrated, ISO pages and 04 illu s­ for a complimentary. trations . It sim plifies the nnnnoial subject ter continued her trip to the lower icine is also famous for its cures of so that an ordinary schoolboy can under­ “ N othing succeeds like success,’ ’ and noth­ rheumatism, lame back and deep- river, visiting her uncle and aunt, stand it. It is tbe text book o f tbe masses, in g will m ore quickly injure success than absolutely reliable as to fa cts and figures, seated nnd muscular paius. For Mr. aud Mrs. Pershbaker. true m erit. F or fifty years, Ayer’ s Sarsa­ nnd th e m ost interesting and entertaining book en tho subjeot o f m oney p ublished . parilla has m aintained its popularity as t h » sale by Dr. S. L. Leneve, druggist. S. P. C. Johnson, of our John­ C oin ’ s H andbook , b y W . H. H arvey; deals superior blood-pu rifier. It stands upon its At nn election of G company, O. vit h tbe elem eutary principles o f ison ey son Bro’s grocery aud ment market, own merits and never fails to giv e satisfa c­ and statistics.) --- N. G., held at Myrtle Point ou the tion . left for San Francisco Inst Saturday hand. BtoD suffering! T ry Dr. Miles Pain Pills. 3d iust., Marshnll Macklin was Shylock, price 25 cents, and Th« ——-------- * ---------------- Did you see those large ears of on business. Sam is a rustler and Anarchists of Wealth, price 10 cents, elected first lieutenant, and Milton llu n n w ii} A c r it lr iil. yellow coru at the H erald office? will not only get what he is after, and the H erald one year, all for $2. R. Lee secoud lieutenant, in places On last Thursday as Ed Wilson W ho says Coos county cannot pro­ but lay in a fine stock o f goods teferenc to the above publications, it is necessary to say but made vacant l>y the resignation ol of Middle creek was unloading duce corn? These samples were selected in person. little. Everybody knows what mngnificent papers the “ Examiner” nnd Charles Smith aud W. \V. Endicott, apples from his wagon at the dock, raised on Charley Morris’ ranch in “Call” of San Francisco are, as also tho Thrice-a-Wcek New York World Mr.and Mrs. John Johnson came respectively. and Twice-a-Week Boston T r a v e l e r -each of which aro worth the pri«« the North Carolina settlement. down from their North Fork home the log train came by and his team, asked. The Homo and Farm is a splendid agricultural and family jour­ Henry Lorenz, nn old and prom­ We advise the renders o f the Saturday nud spent Sunday visiting a span of fine large greys, became nal, large l(i-page paper, and of itself worth the price of both papers. inent citiz-m o f Weaverville, Cal., H erald to buy their meat, vegeta­ his brothers S. P. C. and Dudley. frightened nnd ran away before Womankind is a most attractive nn 1 entertaining home monthly, heartily brother of our townsman, N. L o ­ Mr. Wilson could get to them. bles and groceries of Jobnsou Mr. J. is still improving in health welcomed by nnd instructive to tho mothers nnd daughters; and th« renz, and whom a few weeks since P ro’s o f this city. Dy so doiug Farm News is edited by a staff of experienced agricultural writers, ia under his new treatment, nnd They went flying up past the Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz of this place handsomely printed, and contains what the practical farmer wants. they will not only get good bar­ gained 5 pounds iu the past three Masonic hall as far as Mr. Lyons’ visited in San Francisco, while the Word and Work« is Rev. Irl Hicks’ paper of S t Louis. This is a scien­ pluce, then turned east and ran out gains, but fnir dealing, and be well weeks. tific journal nnd is full of excellent reading matter. The Almanac, given brother was there in hospital re­ --------------. ««► 4 -------- by the Methodist church, turning treated. with the paper, contains 100 pages of forecasts and other useful infor­ F r i u l i .11 i I Si C o n s . ceiving medical attention, died at to the right down the first open Parties indebted to me are re­ mation and is a valuable book. I want to sell 10 head o f first- bis home Friday, Nov. 1st. street into the ravine, where a wheel quested to cnll and settle previous The Road is a large, wide-a-wide Populist paper, published by "mfd- class, fresh milk cows during No­ of the wagon was demolished. to the loth of this mouth. Dills dle-of-the rond” Herbert George, of Denver, Col. Of The Silver Knight Geo. Moulton again accepts the vember and December. due aDd unpaid after that date will ageucy o f the Pacific nursery at it is only necessnry to say that it is Senator Stewart’s fearless paper, and The frightened horses were caught R. D. S anford , bo turned over to an attorney for Tangent, Oregon, and will canvass is published in Washington City. Our Nation’s Crisis is best advertised Coquille C ity.! as they climbed the opposite bill -------------- , . . . . _ _ | collection, large and small. by saying that it is owned and edited by Gov. Waite, Colorado’s great Coos county. This is a reliable The new blacksmith firm of W il­ and no further damage was done. R obert M c C learv . Populist governor, tho War-horse of the Rockies. It is good reading. firm aud alreudy known ns such Two boxes of apples were thrown The Rural Northwest is an Oregon farm journal, and is clean nnd well We nre pleased to loarn that to Coos comity patrons, while son & McGraw is haviug a rush of mannged. It will be worth the price we charge for both papers to any George is also well known nnd business. Their specialities are from the wagon hs it paseed the Bert Duzan has secured a half farmer in Coos county. deals fuirly with our citizens. If horse-shoeing aud plow work, at j H erald office, bursting opeu and interest iu tbe ibom ns barbershop you want fruit trees of nuy kind, WayThese Club Rates, of course, imply payment in ndvnnce.- scattering the blushing pippins which they have no superiors. Mr. ] nt Bnudon, loented in tbe Bandon true to nnme nnd at fair prices, O irW c can only mnke these splendid terms whore cash is" over rods of street, making grand tm r pni 1 in ndvnucc. hotel. Bert’s nn artist in his liue, give George Moulton your order. McGraw, in charge, is a skilled R I P A N S mechanic nnd guarantees satisfac­ sport for tbe small boy. Mr. W il­ and is bound to command a large C. L. Gray’s new business bouse tL — son gathered up the fragments aud tion to his customers. share of the public patronage. U FOR THE will begin to take on business ways drove borne, takiug the broken T h e m o d e m stand- J. W. Reddick, Mr. Wetbey’a tbis week. Dr. Moore will soon N o tic e . wagon with him, nnd will place it IU ard Fam ily M edi- son-in-law, reached here from Kan­ stock up bis drug department and The second installment of money on dry-dock for repairs. oc sas l«6t Friday, and after a brief be ready for tbe public patronage, subscriptions to the stock of tbe -------------- » »>* «-------------- 7) c in e : C u r e s the new hotel is now due, nnd should You can buy a good farm cheap, visit will go to Portland to engage of which courtesy, intelligence, UJ com m on every-day and adjoining Coquille Citv on the iu bis business, an ageucy for tbo fair dealing, conscientiousness nud be paid nt once to > J. W. L eneve , Sec. west, by cnlling on R. D. Sanford. Singer Sewing-Machine Co. Tbe experience will win him n goodly ills o f humanity. J. H. Nosier, President. Ö H erald had a visit from Mr. R. share. Then the tlmving parlor Coquille City, October 21, 1895. lm c iu ii» . IU ---- - « . > » « -------------------- L kwin L ewis —At hom e o f the groom , in The subscription list of the H er ­ nnd bathrooms of T. W. Gillhnm, z W. M. McCormick, long nnd B andon, N ov. 1, 189a, E. Lewin and Miss in another apartment, will afford c M inerva Lewis, Justice A. I). Morse offi­ a l d i s enjoying a constant, healthy prominently associated with the cia tin g . A pply at tbis office. facilities in hie liue that will be growth. Several new nnmes nre i p i Libby community, passed through K bonkniiebo - L tons —At the residence o f the b rid e's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. L yon s, being added to it each week, and inviting nnd comfortable. in this city. N ov. 8, 1895, by Rev. W . B . Also for the supplement to tbis city enrly last week on a trip Sm ith, F . W . K ronenberg and M iss L illy we are proud of the fact that we In noticing the marriage o f Miss to Riverton, where be was taking p STRA Y N O T I C E . - T h e undersigned S h y l o c k , entitled L yon s. j has taken up two steers, described ns have tbe very best people of Coos Lizzie Bergin last week, we had j follow s: Ono black sf ecr, about 4 years old . i bis little sou to spend the winter m in .y . ! cron and sw allow -fork in right ear, nnd j county as our patrons. Tbanks, barely time nnd space to give the with bis grandparents, Mr. and T ower —At Em pire C ity, Nov. .5, 1895, to ! under-bit in left. T h o other aliont 2 years j friends. formal announcement, and so make Mra. Petersou. Mr. Me is much M r. nnd M rs. M orton ^’ower, « daughter. j old . red. with line b ack, nnd sam e enr-mnrkn I aysb —On the East Fork o f Coquille river. j as the form er. The people’s friend, C. L. Gray, additional mention here, that the broken jn spirit since tbe loss of M N For further particulars, call on or address ; ov. 7, 1895, to M r. nnd Mrs. A. J. Mnyse, j tho undersigned at Rural. C oos county, Or., ! n son. news was much o f a suipnse to is still adding to bis stock o f jew­ his beloved wife, some few mouths D onaldsow pr o f property» pay ch arges for keeping nnd —Nenr R iverton. Nov. 7, 1895, to advertising, or the stock will be sold to pay elry and notions. He is just the her many friends here who heartily since, but is a good aod thrifty Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Donaldson, a daugh­ expenses. JO H N P, H AYES. “ An exposure of tiro plot o f tho ter. 1 R ural, C oos county, O r., O ct. 28, 1895. kind of a business man Coquille join in wishing her a long and i citizen and will retain his prom- Red S liie!d( Rothschild) to des­ S uoihiakbb — At Bandon, Noy. 1, 1895, to happy life. The bridal presents needs, and the people love to trade Mr. and Mrs. W alter Shoemaker, a son. | inence among bis friends and troy a R epublic.” One i« a 25- Execution Sals. witb. He keeps the best watch were numerous and valuable from neighbors among whom he will 8 t it t —At Cape B lanco. Curry cou nty, N ov. eput book, tbe other a 10 cent ft. 1895, to M r. and Mrs. T . J. S titt, a j O T IC E is hereby given that under and b oik ; but we bave made ar­ hospital in O ' j county. Cali and her friends and neighbors nt her I contiuue residence. The company daughter. j l i by virtue o f ah execution aud order o f home, and the wedding was largely is grently improving matters iu . T— ---- r—. — — -- see him. I sale issued out o f the Circuit C ourt o f the rangements with the pablisbers : S tate o f Oregon for C oos C ounty on the f»th by which 25 centi will buy both, or both will be given free to a cash attend’d. The bride and groom, S avage — On North slou gh. N ov, 4, 1895, E. P. Mast and L. A. Lawhorn that section, aod a bright future is day o f N ovem ber, 199ft, iu fa vor o f L . A. Jeannette, beloved w ife o f B. F. Savage, Rol»erts, plain tiff, nnd ngninst tho property subscriber to the H ebald for one year. of Middle creek, loaded down with Mr. aud Mrs. John J. Murphy, j promised. aged 22 Tears, 4 m onths and 3 d a ys. o f Lizzie O . Lehnberr and J. A. Lshnherr, her husband, defendants, com m an din g me apples, potatoes and gram, drove then left for tbeir borne at Junction ’Administrator’s Notice- j to make sale o f the certain m ortgaged (Jatarrn. up to tbe H erald office on last City. prem ises in anid execution nnd hereinafter Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure f i7lanciai Jc/icc ( Look Out For This Space NEXT W EEK! C. L. Gray, The Jeweler, Will Make an Announce­ ment. ‘'Great Revelation of Mon­ etary Si," SHYLOCK, I The Anarchists of Wealth. Thursday determined to force their plunder on this office. O f course we were unable to resist, and so tamely submitted to tbeir imposi­ tion. Next. Tbe band gave a nice serenade last Thursday night to Mr. and Mrs. Zenie Strang, wbo have made tbeir home at tbe residence of D. P. Strang iu this place. The night waa clear and still, aDd the charm­ ing music served for all, even while tbe honors were specially for tbe young couple. The hearts o f sll wbo heard the sweet strains could joiD in good wishes o f long nnd happy lives to our young fiiends. Oats, wheat or barley will be taken at the H erald office on back subscriptions. We hopeour friends will utilize the good weather aod roads iu bringing in such articles as we can make use of. We want two dozen good laying lieDs; Drown Leghorns, or Plymouth Rocks pre­ ferred. W e need good, clean, fresh lard. We would like a few good bacon hams. We will take any good bacon on subscriptions. We want to accommodate our patrons and will be pleased to take any­ thing we can handle, but we must also have some money. Friends, please pay part iu cash. Awarded E. W. Jor C ompany — Oentlcmcn: Highest Honors— W orld’ s Fair, I have just completed the second Gild Medal, M id w in t e r F a ir . bottle of your VegetableSarsaparilln, • E iR -’ i I have had catarrh for year« which j affected my eves, hearing and stom- I ach. Frequently would have dull i headaches for days at a time. Since taking your remedy I have felt no I disagreeable symptoms. Trusting you will publish tbis ns I want any one suffering from any of the above symptoms to be bene­ fited. Kindly send me two more \ bottles by return express. (Signed) tls CREAM M r . F rederick D e R ichmond , B A K IN G Seattle, Wash. Every mail brings a new batch of testiiuoninla for Joy’s Vegetable j Sarsaparilla. P O W D fR M ost P e rfe ct M ade. 40 Years tbe Standard particularly d escribed, o r a sufficiency ; th ereof to satisfy tho dem ands o f said ! p lain tiff, tow it: T h e sum o f $508.50. the fnrther sum o f $50.00 attorney fee and I $13.90 costs, together with costs o f said I writ. I will. ON NATUUDAY, T H E I • TH DAY O F D E C E M B E R . 1895, at the hour ! o f one o ’ clock in the a fternoon o f said day. | nt the Courthouse d oor in tho town o f Empire City, in said county and state, offer for sale and sell at p ublic auction to the highest and best b id d er fo r cash, all right, i title and interest which the said d efen d - . ants or • It h w o f them had on the 19th day I o f M arch, 189ft, or may at any tim e since have acquired in o r to the follow in g des­ cribed real property, to-w it: Beginning at a point 4t>7 fe e t from tb e iron oorner or ‘ initial point *>f th « town o f Myrtle Point, Coos co u n ty , O regon, on the west side o f First street; running thence n orth ,10degrees east. 253 feet along said First street; thenco north, W> degrees west. 120 feet; thenee south 253 feet, running parallel with said First street; t h e n o east to the place o f b eginn in g, con ta in in g one acre, more o r lesa. D a ted Novem ber 7th, 1895. i n o v l? 5t1 S chool : B oards N o t ic e is h ereby g iv e n th at the undersigned has been, by the order o f the County Court o f tho County o f C oo«, State o f Oregon, appoin ted adm inistrator o f the estate o f H. C. Braden, deceased. A ll persons having claim s ngninst said estate y y i H I I I N O T O I L ’ ItC H .U E are hereby required to present the sam e, duly verified ah by law required, t o the umleraigned. nt M yrtle P oint. Coos cou n ty» Oregon, at the office o f O rvil D od ge, w ithin six m onths from the date o f th e first p u b li­ cation o f this notice, Dated this 1st day o f O ctober. 189ft. FOR SCHOOLS R. C . B R A D E N , J « .. A dm inistrator E state o f S. C. B raden, W ill find it to their interest to consult o 1 w rite Ilir* undersigned, agent for Kane A oof 1 4t] C o . m anufacturers. C hicago, ill. W e s II d irect from the factory, and ship, f. o. b., to San F ra n cisco or Portland , JO H N R O W A N . Agent, BAN DO N , O R E G O N . 19 tf 1 C oquille C ity , Oregon . Furnishes best good* o n the insrket, horns- Hpon and foreign . L a test fashions. I M P R O V E D FARM O F l«M> ACRES 1 good fruit en d grain land in Rogne H ivtr V alley, fo r exchange for a small pine»* near a town in C oos county, o r sub­ W. W. GAGE. A ll kinds f.1 vroik will receive carefo urban p rop *rty. J . L IN DA LE Y, Sheriff o f C oos county, O re g o n . 4*J 3m 1 Beagle, Jackson cou n ty, Oregon attention. Prices rsuscr.abie. Or Trustees Desks or Supplies OR ACADEMIES C, Schweitzer, Tailor, Irlixtif • Tailoring • a • Specialty-