totpllU City gewM. toJn a>;'e°8 rte^ eDt waB visltin* 5,11 Weak, Irritable,Tired « I Was No Good on Earth.’ ' ’ ----------- strengthens R E G U L A R T R A IN S Commissioner Stitt made a trip the weak bullda up the broken jyj^ONDAYa, WEDNESDAYS AND FUI- to the county seat on county busi­ down constitution, and permanently tiny« will mu as follows; ness last week. Leave I Arrive cures every kind of nervous disease. 8.00 a. m. | Marshfield 12.15 p. ra. “ A bout one y e a r ago l i r a » afflicted Rev. Mr. Smith and family Arrive “ | Leave with nervousness, sleeplessness, 9.15 “ IC O Q U ILLE CITY 11.00a. ni. occupy the Leneve residence, next Creeping sensation in m y legs, U n do Kirkpatrick went up to his Middle Fork ranch yesterday. T U E S D A Y . N O V E M B E R 5.1895. 9.50 10.00 “ “ | Norway Myrtle Point 10.25 “ 10.15 “ door to H euald office. Slight pa lpita tion o f m y heart, D istractin g confusion o f the m ind. Serious loss o r lapse o f m em ory. W eighted dow n w ith eare and w orry. I com pletely lost appetite A n d f e lt m y vitality w ea rin g out, X was weak, irrita ble and tired, M y w eight w as reduced to ISO lbs., Miss Miuuie A. Lea, of Minne­ I n fa c t I w as no good, on earth. sota, is visiting her step-father, Mr. A friend brought Croy, at this place. She reached me Dr. Miles' book, here Suuday. She prefers to win­ "New and Start« ling Facta," and ter here. I finally decided A postoffice has been established to try a bottle of at Wedderburu, Curry county (R . D r . M ilks ' B o - D. Hume’s new tow o), and editor oratlvo Nervine. Before I bad taken Edwin M. M. Bogardus is appointed one bottle I could postmaster. sleep as well as a lO-yr.-old boy. My Oregon K idney Tea is nature’s appetite returned own remedy for kidnev troubles. greatly Increased. For sale by N. G. W. Perkins, of W h en I had taken the sixth bottle M y w eight increased to 17S bs., M yrtle Point, and Dr. S. L. Leneve, The sensation in tn y lego was gone; o f Coquille City. M y n erves steadied com pletely; M y m e m o ry w as f u ll y restored. Several enterprises that will ben­ M y brain seem ed clearer than ever. efit our section are "in the air,” X fe lt as good as a n y m a n on earth. and should be encouraged because D r . Miles* R estora tive Nervine is A g rea t m edicine, X assure you.** for tho genernl good. Look out Augusta, Mo. W alter R. B u rbank . for some important news. Dr. Miles' Nervine la sold on a positive euarantco that the bottlo will oenefit. The wisest conrse in politics is to vote for A ll druggists sell It first at 81,0 bottles forf5, or the best man, and yon cannot be mistaken. It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt A of “ ____ price So, in the use of blood-purifiers, you can’t by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lad. be mistaken if you take Ayer’ s Sarsaparilla, because all parties agree that it is the best —the Superior Medicine. R estores Health Rev. W. B. Smith will preach L O C A L IT E M S . next Sunday, morning and night. T o McDonald’s, (or hot or cold A church conference will be held at 10 a. m. baths. Qleun B. Cos has moved from Baudon to Eckley. Aaron W ilson returned Grauta Pass Saturday. from Fiu 3 milch cows for sale by R. D. Sanford. See his notice. Mrs. C. W. Martin and Mrs. Frost returned from San Francisco yes­ terday. County teachers’ examination at Marshtield Wednesday o f next week. T h e eteamer Bandorille arrived at this place from Portland this forenoon. W. P. Bovee left some extra-fine GraveDstein and Fall Beauty apples with ns last week. Populist county committee elec­ tion in several precincts next Sat­ urday. See notice. Dr. Miles* Nervine You can buy a good farm cheop, and adjoining Coquille City on the west, by calling on It. D. Sanford. J. B. Fox won’t be downed. W e Miss Jennie M oom aw of Norway have now a sweet pumpkin grown was the guest o f Miss Ray Collier and i • .c n wi ri .• i by him, weighing 70 lbs., aorta « V " nn(j jg quite as serious, though I want to sell 10 head o f first- Intttsr hns recovered somewhat. class, fresh milk cows daring N o ­ Mr. Robinson suffers the fracture vember and December. of thrpe ribe, a shoulder blade and R. D. S a n f o r d , senona, or at least painful, internal Coquille City. — . ----- . *0*~ *— - — injuries. A physician was duly The Coquille Dairymen’s Union summoned and the patient minis­ tered to. A t this writing, while he met yesterday and took action on seems to be doing ns well ns could preparing for next season’s busi­ be expected, he is not out o f danger., ness. They - arranged to release the Mr. R. has a brother, besides many creamery and also to inquire rato warm friends, at hand to see to bis j , *ie expediency o f butchering and present care. H is daughter. M is s m ating their own bacon and lard Lizzie, is with her grandmother in ! prices in the market are not such as to warrant sale on foot. Linn county. L e t t e r tr a m OUR NEW CLUBBING OFFERS! Special Inducements to Subscri­ bers— Best and Cheapest. The “H erald” and Y our Choice at the Price Stated Below. ----- o- J^T he H erald has made clubbing arrangements with the following pub- ' lications, as stated below. We take pleasure in presenting to our patrons and others these exceedingly fine offers, viz: The Weekly Examiner, of San Francisco ($1.50), and the Coquille City H erald ($2), both for one year for $2.75. The Weekly Call, of San Francisco ($1.50), and the H erald ($2), both for one year for $2.75. The Thrice-a-Week World, of New York ($1), and the H erald ($2), both for one year for $2.25. The Twice-a-Week Traveller, of Boston—12 pages each week, ($1)— and the H erald , both for one year for only $2. T H E F A R M , H O U S E H O L D A N D L IT E R A R Y . The Rural Northwest, of Portland, Or., a splendid locul agricultural nnd horticultural journal (semi-monthly, 50 eta.), and the H erald ($2), both oue year for $2. The llom e and Farm, of Louisville, Ky., (30 cts.), and the H erald ($2), both one year for only $2.10. Womankind, a handsome, attractive, monthly home paper (60 cents), the Farm News, a practical farm paper, monthly, (50 cents), and the H erald ($2), all one year for only $2. Word and Works, of S t Louis, Mo., including'to each subscriber the Word and Works Almanac nnd Hand-Book, a useful and handsome pub­ lication (both $1.25), nud the H erald ($2), tho three for only $2.50. Every Where, the famous poet W ill Carleton’s charming literary nnd illustrated monthly (50 cents), and the H erald ($2), both one year for $2 P O P U L I S T ' P A P E R S A N D P O L I T I C A L P O IN T E R S . The Road, of Denver, Col., ($1), an 8-page weekly worth double the price, and the H erald ($2), both for one year for $2.15. The Silver Knight, of Washington City, Senator Stewart’s great paper ($1), and the H erald ($2), both one year for $2.35. Our Nation’s Crisis, Gov. AVaite’s paper) of Denver, Col. (50 cts.), and the H e r a l d ($2), both oue year for $2. IN A D D IT IO N TO TH E ABOVE C LU B B IN G RATE S FOR PAPERS, AA’e havo concluded to offer the follow ing books ns premiums for cash subscribers: Coin’s Financial School, price 25 cents, and Coin’s Hnud-Book, price 10 cents, and one year’s subscription to the H erald , all for $2. rCois’s F in a n c ia l S chool , by W. H. Harvey; illustrated, 1«0 imoes and 84 illus­ trations. It simplifies the bnanctRl subject so that an ordinary schoolboy can under­ stand it. It is the text book of the masses, absolutely reliable ns to fnots and figures, and the most interesting and entertaining book on the subject of money published. C o in ’ s H andbook , by \V. H. Harvey; denis with the elementary principles of money and statistics.] Shyloek, price 25 cents, and The Anarchists of AVealth, price 10 cents, and the H erald one year, all for $2. Stay-In referenc to tho above publications, it is necessary to say but little. Everybody knows what magnificent papers the “ Examiner” and “ Call” of S:iu Francisco are, as also the Thrice-n-AA’eek New York A\:orld and Twice-a-AVeek Boston Traveler--each of which are worth the price asked. The Home and Farm is a splendid agricultural and family jour­ nal, large 16-page paper, aud of itself worth the price of both papers. AA'omnnkind is a md»t nttntctivo and entertaining home monthly, henrtilv welcomed by and instructivo to tho mothers and daughters; aud the Farm News is edited by a staff of experienced agricultural writers, is handsomely printed, and contains what the practical farmer wauts. AVord and AA’ orks is Rev. Irl Hicks’ paper of St. Louis. This is a scien­ tific journal and is full of excellent rending matter. The Almanac, given with the paper, contains 100 pages of forecasts and other useful infor­ mation and is n valuable book. The Road is a large, wide-n-wide Populist paper, published by “ mid- dle-of-the road” Herbert Oeorge, of Denver, Col. Of The Silver Knight it is only necessary to say that it is Senntor Stewart’s fearless paper, and is published iu AA’ashington City. Our Nntion’s Crisis is best advertised by saying that it is owned and edited by Gov. AVaite, Colorado’s great Populist governor, tlio AVar-horse of the Rockies. It is good reading. Tho Rural Northwest is an Oregon farm journal, and is clean and well managed. It will be worth the price we charge for both papers to any former in Coos county. These Club Rates, o f course, imply payment in advance.“®® firi?“ AVe can only make these splendid terms where cash is-®® IW ¡»aid in advance. -® g t Coos Bay Wewrs. t A night watch man has been found necessary at the new schoolhouse, owing to the number o f petty thefts committed lately. Lumber, nulls nud tools have been missed from the premises. L. M. Noble had an exciting time with a big buck deer at Glas­ gow, Saturday. Lim e shot four­ teen times nt the bnck, but failed to hit him, nfter which he threw his rifle iu the bay and came to town. Alex M cLeod and U. F. Hughes, who occupy n room nt the Central hotel, were awakened Saturday night by inhnlicg smoke, which tilled the room. They soon ascer­ tained that their tied was on fire, and they promptly Bet to work to extinguish tho flames, which they fortunately succeeded in doing. Uatarrn. Every mail brings a new batch of testimonials for Joy’s Vegetable, Sarsaparilla. HUH*. BAKING POWDER Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. Or Trustees Desks or Supplies I 19 tfl Coqaille City, Oregon. TH E — "Great Revelation ot Mon­ etary Sin,” SHYLOCK, A p p ly at this office. Hon. AV. S. Vanderburg passed through Coquille Inst Friday on his Also way to AVashington City ns n dele­ gate to the general assembly of the Knights o f Labor, which meets in that city on the 12th inst. H e ex­ pects to be gone a mouth or six weeks. for the supplement S hylock , entitled to The Anarchists of Wealth, T'STBAY N O T IC E .- T h e onderaiRned 1J has taken up two steers, described as follow«: One black steer, about ♦ years old. crop and swallow-fork in right ear, and under-bit iu loft. The other about 2 years old, red, with line back, nnd same ear-marks as the former. For fnrtber particulars, call on or address the andersigned at Hural, Coos county, Or., prove property, yey charges for keeping and advertising, or the stock will be sold to pay expenses. JOHN P. HAYEf*. Karat, Coos county. Or., Oct. 28, 1805. I H aolund —At Marshfield, Oct. 27, 1895, to k CREAM School : Boards Father Clinkenbenrd of Marsh­ field, fnther-iu-law o f Hon. \V. S. Vauderburg, has gone oat toXpeud “ An expoi-nreof the plot o f the --- ----------------- *— the »in te r with his son-in-law, E. Red-S hield( Rothschild) to defl- Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Pow der L. Woodiuff, in Garden Valley. troy a Republic.” One i“ a 25- AwarJed Gold Medal Midwinter Fair, San Francisco. cent book, cent — — ’ the other - a 10 — — The tug Barclay Golden took the j book; but wc have made ar­ SMcdpHT U jjof -, .H i K I U K D . schooner Danielson toMorras Bro’s rangement» with tbe publishers fry *. »'■ M l s ,«'*' H ooten - H i l l —A t the residence o f the mill last Saturday. Tw o schoou- I bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. U. F. Hill, j by which 25 cents will hny both, or both will be given free to a easb j on the Middle Fork, Oct. 23, 1895, Amzi ers are loading there now. ! subecriber to the H erald foroDe year. | Hooten and Miss Zon Hill. S trano - W aghbb — At the residence o f Ernst Hermann, at Myrtle Point, Nov. 3. 1895, by Kev. W. B. Smith of this city, Zenie d . Strang nnd Miss JSlla Wagner. M u b ph y -B kroin —A t W eavem lle. C al., Oct. 80, 1895. by Kev. Father P. Kirley, John A w arded J. Murphy and Miss Lizzie Bergin. E .W . J oy C o m p a n y — Gentlemen:! H igh est Honors— AVorld’ s Fair, K rantz - B auklow — At Myrtle Point, at res­ j have just completed the second idence of bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cold Medal, Midwinter Fair. , bottle of your Vegetable Sarsaparilla, J. D. Barklow's. No*. 3, 1895. Kev. Tho«. Barklow officiating, Wni. Krantz and M iks ■ D U J have hail catarrh for years which Fanny Barklow, affected my eyes, hearing and stom- ach. Frequently would have dull j headaches for days at a time. Since taking your remedy I have felt no disagreeable symptoms, Trusting you will publish this as j want any one suffering from any Gf the above symptoms to be bene- fited. K indly 'send me tw o more bottles by return express. (Signed) M b . F rederick D e R ichmond , Seattle, AVash. | N — FOR Geo. Moulton again accepts the agency o f the Pacific nursery at Tangent, Oregon, nnd will cnnvnss Coos county. This is a reliable firm nnd already known ns such to Coos couuty patrons, while George is also well known and deals fHirly with our citizens. If you want fruit trees of any kind, true to Dame and at fair prices, give George Moulton your order. E m p ir e CM j la in *. P r a t . W . W r e a t f c a ll. Nov. 2.— Improvements still pro­ TO THE EEITOB OF THE H e BALD — D ear S ir: In returning to Co­ gressing. W. 8. VaDderburg honored oor quille City, after having visited so many places, it must ap]ieartoan y burg last week. H e expects to one tronbling themselves to think leave for Washington, D. C , soon, o f onr return that Coqaille has to attend the Geneiai Assembly of some points of superiority over all the K . o f L. which meets at that others in our estimation, aDd such place on the 12th. It is needless is the fact. The Coquille has many to say that onr D. A. will bb well advantages of climate anil soil and represented. Miss Edna Magee returned on people. The climate and soil are there to stay, and though the people tLe Areata from California, having keep moving— i. e., coming and go­ given up her intention of attend­ ing— still those also who are fitted ing school at Ashland the comiog for the Coquille— that is make them­ winter. News came by telegraph to Sher­ selves a hoiuogenious part with the climate and soil— like the flowers iff Gage that his sou Clyde baa nud the trees, whether o f native boen very sick with typhoid-pneu­ origin or transplanted flourish and monia, at Drain, where lie has been become ill their relations to all attending school. H e has gone to around as though they said this is D illard for medical treatment, the spot for me on earth. It is though all danger is now supposed some Bnch feeling we exp»erience to be passed. Mrs. Gage left on in returning to this loyely valley. Monday for Dillard. Mr. Bluck, former stage driver We come to stay, because the soil, the climate and the people agree between this place and the Ump- qun, has resigned his position on with ns. W ith regard to our leavirg, it account o f ill health and has moved was business aud pleasure com­ iuto Wm. Bettys’ property,formerly bined. Business— the settling up occupied by Sheriff Gage. K b ank . o f a trusteeship aud the contiuua — ...... - »«••--» ------- - - tion of a chancery suit for the re­ A ll druggists guainitoo p r. Miles’ PAflf covery o f the “ Barony o f Bray,” Pu ts to sioi) Headache. “Oue cent a dose." Confiscated nt tlib end o f the war of R. D. Hnme, o f Wedderbnrn, the Roses, between the houses of Lnncnshireand Yorkshire in E ngl­ the Rogne river cannery-man, has and years ago. I baye thrown it announced to celebrate his 59th up, upon receiving intelligence birlhday with a grand ball, to which while in Auckland, New Zealand, he gives an invitation to the gen­ that the loss of valuable papers nnd eiai public through the Gold Beach concluding with these documents I had in my possession Gazette, at Port Carling, Outario, Canada, words: ‘ •Come friends 1 Come foe« i nnd which were burned nt the tire Share our joys as well as oar woes« of (he general store o f C. W. Vau- derbnrg, mill and stenmbont owner, where 1 was a clerk at the time and Administrator’s Notice- sleeping over the store, from which o t ic e i s h e b e b y g iv e n th a t I barely escaped with my life, and the undersigned has been, by the order with the loss o f all the valuables I of the Couuty Court of the County of Coos, State o f Oregon, appointed administrator had in my bedroom nt the time of of the estate of S. C. Braden, deceased. All the fire, 26th o f November, 1878 or persons having claims against said estate ’79 ( I forget which). W hile in are hereby required to present the same, duly verified as by law required, to the San Francisco I wrote to England undersigned, at Myrtle Point, Coos couuty, to enquire whether the loss of those Oregon, nt tho oifioe of Orvil Dodge, witbilfc pspers would interfere with my six months from the date o f the first publi­ cation of this notice. chance o f proving my claim, aud Dated this 1st day of October, 1895. H. C. BUADEN, J b ., »h en iu Auckland on ray way to Administrator Estate of 8. C . Braden* England received letters to any it octl 4t] lessened my chance, which I had always considered very slight, as my grandfather had spent upwards RIP-AN-S of £20,000, and my father nearly IL £14,000, in the tracing tip from the UJ Norman conquest in England the The modern stand- line o f the second sou o f “ Mabel u ard Family Medi- Shaw," first Baroness of Bray, the QC heads o f the heirs o f the first son cir.e : Cures the having been cut off nnd placed on u common every-day the gu*es of York at the time of the > confiscation of the estates. Upon ills of humanity. the ascension o f Queen Victoria to o the throne, her majesty promised TOADS u to restore the confiscate! property z to those o f the families who could o i ^ f prove up, and my father’s father, MAM knowing from certnin valuable heir­ looms in his possession that he was of the family entered upon the claim fur all ho was worth, but got noihing. My father walked iu his father’s footsteps, givin g his sub­ stance for the shadow; I have quit the shadow, nfter having gone half­ way and am determined to enjoy ^ y . I S H I N G TO IU K C H A YE the suushine o f tho Coquille val­ ley instead nud grow flowers and fruit. I f yon think an account o f our trip south and our remarks thereon FOR SCHOOLS OR ACADEMIES would be o f interest you shall hoar W ill find it to their interest to consult op a w rite the undersigned, agent for Kane & further from me. Co . manufacturero, Chicago, ill. AVith kind regards, I am, We sell direct from the factory, and * ship, f . o. b.r to San Francisco or Portland , Yours, respectfully, JOHN HOW AN, Agent. AV. C. \YBENSHALL. Mr. aud Mrs. Victor 11 ngl nnd, a daughter. Looon*—At Spokane, Wash., Oct. 24, 1895, to Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Loggie, n daugh­ ter. McDuFFE»>-At Bandon. Oct. 30, 1801k to ! Mr. and Mrs. E. A. MoDnfee, a son. ■ H a ik lo w —At Mvrtle Point, Oct. 19, 1895, to I Mr. and Mrs. AlbeTt Barklow. a son. Schweitzer, Tailor, BANDON, OREGON, Furnish©« bust goods on the market, home spun and foreign. Latest fashions. THE IMPERIAL BICYCLE, A strictly High Grade Machine, warranted from the ground up, . { o G o ld Medal®. Silv er M e d a l s , F ir s t and Second P r i z e * . A $5000 Challenge in Gold Coin to Any One Who Will Show a Record Like THE Artistie • Tailoring • a • Specialty. All kinds off work will receive earef« M lii attention. Prices reasonable. L asswbll — At his home on Middle creek, I near Fairyiew, Nov. 3, 1895. William MPROVED FARM OF I M ACHES | Perry Lassweil, aged 21 yeara, 10 months good fruit and grain land in Kogne FOB and 1 day. of consumption, Kiver Valley, for exchange for a small j I Deceased was the youngest son of John place near a town in Coos county, or sub- 1 and Eunice Lassweil, and brothe • of John I urban property. J. LIND 8LEY, * 3m 1 Beetle, Jackson coantv, Oregon 1 M. and N. A. Lassweil.1 I . 75 I III® fill } I 4 j g 2 IllIV A II *ar IM PERIAL! Nearly 500 were »old in Oregon and Washington ftv"' during the »eoHon of 1894. ’ir-« PRICES, APPLY N O R T H P A C I F I C B I C Y C L E CO.f 133 Morrison street, Portland, Oregon. TO — G . P . B O U T E L L , C o q u ille C i t y , A G E N T FO R COOS COUNTY.