j" P W rP S q u ill* <£iiy fu r a li T U E SD AY . SEPT. 24. Highest o f all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Powder Bakins 1895. For (¡od, and Hume and Native Laad. EDITED BI TH*— COQUILLE CITY W. O. T. U. T h « Ooqaillle City W . C. T . D. m e e ts * ! he M ethodist church, south, every Fri- sy, at 8 o 'c lo ck p. m. All interested in the work are invited to Ettend ABSOLUTELY PURE William McGary has leased Mr. The salmon cannery at Empire Corman’s place above Norway, is running at full blast TFrom the National W . C . T . Ü. B ulletin.] An original pension has been while the latter goes to southern Four-tiftbs of the deaths of men granted to William T. Miller of Califuruia on account o f failing in Belgium are attributed to alco­ Arago. health. holism. A. W. Brown, representing San­ F. W. Wiland o f Myrtle Point When drinking leads a man to spent a day or two in this place born, Vail A Co. o f San Francisco, commit crime it is a serious ques­ last week on business. was interviewing our business firms tion whether drinking itself be not last week. Mr. B. is a pleasant Mrs. Aiken left the bay last week crime.—Judge Carpenter, Hart­ for San Francisco to select her young gentleman, and this was bis ford, Conn. first visit to Coos, with which he winter stock of millinery. was well pleased. “ Never under any circumstances Round trip tickets will be sold take opium or any other totie drug In Reston items, in Roseburg by Arago and Areata to San Fran­ unless prescribed by an intelligent cisco, good for 30 days from issue, Review: Wm. A b ern eth /.of Dora, physician,” says William Rosser came over the old Coos bay road for $15, cabin. Cobbe. y the other day, enroute for Rose­ We would be glad to receive Emergency hospitals in New some good lard, bacon, chickens or burg. He was accompanied by York add their testimony as to the eggs on subscriptions. Remember bis daughter and her husband, Mr. benefits o f Sunday closing. Sunday, ye editor. N. B.—Or money will and Mrs. H. Burgess, of Auburn, California. instead of being the busiest day, is be accepted. now the quietest. Dr. Dean Clark, the spiritualist, Frank W. Spooner, the gentle­ The government of Canada has who lectured at this place several manly and rustling traveling sales­ prohibited the sale of intoxicants times and speut several weeks dur­ man and advertising agent o f the among the Indians of Hudson Bay ing the summer in this county, is Stark Medicine Co. of Portland, Oregon, spent several days in this territory, and punishes severely any lecturing in Salem. Elder Hollenbeak has supplied city last week. N. G. W. Perkins, violation of this law. The Canadian Pacific railroad our market with home-grown water­ druggist, of Myrtle Point, and Dr. for years past has refused to sell melons lately. This office sampled S. L. Leneve, druggist, of this city, its lands immediately joining its a fine one, and can certify to its have taken agencies for that firm Thanks to Bro. in this section, and the advertise­ stations except npon conditions lusciousness. ments for both these local firms which prelude the sale of intoxicat­ Hollenbeak. A. C. Wilson has leased the appear in the H e r a l d . There ing liquors thereon. Ada H. Keepley, o f Effingham. blacksmith and wagonmaking shop must be merit in these proprietary Ills., as superintendent of the lately run by Jim Whetstone, on preparations, for the firm is a repu­ International and National Medal the corner opposite the Odd Fel­ table one and their scheme of ad­ Contest Bureau, will furnish silver, lows’ hall, and will open out at once vertising is expensive, liberal and exquisitely artistic, while they have gold and diamond medals, with ap­ with new tools and machinery. Rev. F. E. Scofield, Baptist spared no pains to bring their propriate literature for such con­ minister formerly residing at goods before the public in a prac­ tests, at the lowest rates. tical way, confident that they will It has been decided by the Marshfield, but for about a year past establish themselves in the esteem preaching in the valley, has re­ Chicago Presbytery that the o f their patrons. Mr. Spooner churches belonging to it must not turned and will probably reside on billed the towu more thoroughly use fermented juice for communion his place near Dora in this county. than it had ever been done before, and that unfermented grapes must Charley Lorenz came up from and every house was supplied with be substituted at all times. The Bandon last Wednesday, and hav­ attractive readiug matter. This temperance pledges will be placed ing attended the s a I u o f goods firm proposes to regard this south­ in the Sunday-schools. sayed' from the wrecked steamer west locality as partof Oregon, and Gov. Morrill has appointed anti- Bawnmore, purchased a suite of will invade the claims of San liquor men for the new board of finely upholstered furniture, which Francisco for trade. police commissionere of Wichita, he brought home. «.Marshfield Sun.) Kansas, but before their appoint­ James A. Hatcher, of near Fair- The Arago has made 246 voyages ment the city council rendered them view, last week brought in, besides to this port. powerless to enforce the prohibi­ other choice produce, some Globe Mrs.ThomasDickson, nee Tyrrel, tory law by repealing all ordinances Danvers onions, for which that and family left on the Blanchard relating to the liquor traffic. section hAs been famous for years. for Portland, where they will re­ A Swiss legal journal declares He left a sample of what can be side. Charles Sneddon and wife re­ that 90 per cent of all Swiss crim­ done in that line at this office, two turned ou the Arago, after visiting inals are people who own nothing of which weigh 3 pounds. The their old home in Scotland for and have little likelihood o f ever larger one measures 16Jxl4J inches several months. being able to earn a sufficiency. around, and they are solid, smooth Charles Moon leaves for Salem It is also shown by statistics how and beautiful. next week to take the Deccssary ex­ amination before the supreme court drunkenness and crime rise with Our friend nnd former fellow- to become a lawyer. We wish him depression in trade and industry; citizen, J. W. Wimer, who for some much success. and fall as soon as wages go up. two or three years past has been Wm. Lauglois, of Curry county, Dealers in Massachusetts who conducting a large nursery at Glide, was a passenger on the Areata ou have been selling so-called "bop in Douglas county, and devoted her last trip from the city, having beer” have been compelled to take much timeand intelligent commun­ just returned from a sealing cruise on the Japan coast. He was a out United States retail liquor ication with the press to develop hunter on theschooner Winchester, licenses and pay small fines for the horticultural interests o f the which was seized on her nrrival in violating the revenue law. The state, has now moved to Canyon- San Francisco last week. officials decided, after a scrupulous ville, in the southern part of Doug­ A ll druggist# »ell Dr. Miles* Nervo Plasten. examination of the beer,that it came las county, where he will make bis (K oseburg Review.) within the taxable limit as to the future homo. T e m p e ran eo lo te s . a alcohol strength. Mr. Ivan E. Gresheff, minister o f fiuance of Bulgaria, in a recent speech pointed out that one of the greatest curses of the peasantry are the kriohmi (drinking places), and recommended to the committee appointed to consider ways o f bet­ tering their condition the division o f the best means of limiting the liquor traffic in that country. The National Education Society recently held at Denver approved the general movement throughout the country for promoting educa­ tion in the field of American citizen­ ship, and bas emphasized the im­ portance of placing before the peo­ ple of our country fuller history o f what has deen accomplished by arbitration to secure peace through­ out the world. Nervous Shock. E. W. J oy C o m p a n y — Gentlemen: This is the first time I have attempted so write for three years. Have been to nervous nnd weak that I have laid in bed most of the time. A friend who hail taken your Harsnparilla sent Yue two bottles. The second one is most gone, and I have gained twenty pounds, and surely feel a new woman I was pale, thin, no Ambition. Had given up, as I had tried so many remedies and doctors, but found no benefit If you care to publish this you have my consent, (Signed) Mas. A. C. T i u . m a s , Alemeda, Cal. Head Aches, Billiouancss and Tor­ pid Liver disappear when vou take Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla. Mrs. S. A. Kell, of Pomona, Cal., had the bad luck to sprain her anklo “ I tried several liniments,” she says, “ but was not cured until I used Chamberlain’s Pain Balm.' That remedy cured me and I take pleas­ ure in recommending it nnd testify­ ing to its efficacy.” This medicine is also of great value for rheumn- tism, lame back, pains in the chest, pleurisy and all deep-seated and muscular pains. For sale by Dr. S. L. Leneve, druggist. The correspondent from “ Ophir and Vicinity,” in the Port Orford Tribune of last week, speaks thus of meeting Gen. Siglin in Curry county: “ It was our good fortune to meet General Siglin the other day. With theexception of grayer hair, he looks his old time sell. He says there is no difference be­ tween n Cleveland Democrat and a Sherman Republican—and like a patriot he does not propose to BtAnd either. Alas, how many who know this to be true have not the courage o f their convictions, but will permit their party bosses to ride them into the gold-bug camp. Wbat is to become o f our country if men with sense and a little free­ dom left, have lost the spirit of their forefathers?” Judge S. W. DeVVitt, the Indian claims examiner, came out from Coos county, Satuiday, and is now at the McClallen House. He is feeling indisposed on account of a bad cold. Claude Nosier, of Coquille City, on his way to attend the state normal school at Monmouth; Wm. J. Abernethy, of Dora, and R. E. Golden, o f Marshfield, eDroute to Corvallis, to enter the agricultural college, were receDt arrivals at the Hotel Van Houten. Flanagan and Sherwood brought ont 200 head of fine cattle from Coos county last week for Yaung & Co., of Oakland. Those driven out i by RussellDemeut for P.B.Becklev ! were genuine heavy-weights, and two o f the ateera weighed 3940 pouuds, although in only ordinary condition. A gentleman told us Saturday that he saw over 180 bead of this lot weighed, aud the average was over 1200 pounds. Roseburg Review: Some of the brightest newspapers in Oregon have the dullest editors. They have' just sense enough to steal the best things other editors write—and the general public seldom kuow tbe difference. We could name ex­ changes in which an original thought or idea is an exception. j Newspaper men should combiue to expose these editorial impostors. There is more catarrh in this section o f the country than all other diseases and until the last few years was supposed to he Tho following instructors will be incurable. F or a »treat- m any years doctors prononnoed it a local disease, end pre­ in charge o f the blind school at scribed local remedies, and by constantly Salem this year: Prof. J.L. Carter, failing to cure with local treatment, p ro­ nounced it incurable. Science ha# proven superintendent; Mrs. J. L. Carter, catarrh to be a constitntional disease, and matron; Miss M. McFaddeu and therefore requires constitutional treatm ent. H all’ s Catarrh Care, m annfactnred bv F. J. Miss Sadie Bristow, teachers; Miss Cheney A C o., T oledo, Ohio, is the only co n ­ Bertha Hubbard, music teacher, stitutional enre on the m arket. It is taken aud Miss Etta Skeel in charge of internally in doses o f 10 dropa t o a tea- spoonful. It acts directly on the blood and the industrial department mucous surfaces o f the system . They offer Forest Grove,after a hot munici­ one hundred dollars for auy case it fitta to enre. Send fo r circulars and testim onials 1 pal battle, has decided to bond the Address. F. J. CH F.NKY Jt Co., T oledo,O . city for $30,000 for a waterworks. t£ T S o ld by druggists, 75c. P IO N E E R Some time ago John Priest, ex­ collector of customs of Yaquina, discovered a process by which fir and other wood could be rendered impervious to the toredo and the effect» of decay. Mr. Priest ob­ tained a pateut on bis discovery, and last week announced that he expected to sell the right for the United states within a few days to a company or syndicate, for $20,- 000. The Toledo Post says that everybody who knows John Priest will be pleased to hear of his good luck, for be is a very worthy gen­ tleman, and needs this windfall just now more than at any other period of his life. The Weekly Irish Times reoently printed a notice inquiring for in­ formation of the whereabouts of Michael McMahon Murphy, whose fatbsr, James Murphy, clerk of the Union, Dundolk, County Louth, died June 8, 1895. Michael was last heard o f about four years ago iD Roseburg, Douglas county, Ore­ gon, and if he wishes to communi­ cate with his friends he should address them through “ Mutual Aid Department. Weekly Irish Times, Westmoreland street, Dublin, Ire­ land.” Roseburg Review: Theappoint- ment of Henry E. McGinn, the drunkenMultnomah county senator, to the vacancy o d the bench caused by Judge Hurley’s death, will dis­ appoint many Republicans who had hoped for a new deal under Governor Lord. McGinn isone of Joe Simon’s most pliant 'tools, and probably the most unfit man to be upon the bench in all Oregon. AYEirs _ M SARSAPARILLA BtóCUBEDOTHt» WILL CUBE YOU - Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder World’ « Fair Highest Award. Another Free Offer. K E T C. B., R. & E. R. R. & N. Co. V T O T IC K —H on . W . «in clu ir is tho repn- larly authorized agent at C oquille City .. . - . . . . ■ • j . 0f_ for tbe collection o f subsidy and rig h i­ si ay subscriptions on account o f this com ­ pany. R* A. G R A H A M . Family Grocery, (L oren z B uildin g) C O Q U IL L E ..T H E .. C ITY . JOHNSON BROS Projs. W I L L keep con sta n tly on hand a c o m ­ plete line o f FR ESH AND SA L T E D M EATS, Bologna. Head Cheese, V E G ETA B LES, CAN N ED G O O D S A Bright Lad, Coffee, Sugars, Teas, Ten years of age, but who declines to give Ills name to the public, makes i)iis Authorized, confidential statement to us: “ When I was one year oid, my mamma died of consumption. Til« doctor said that I, too, would soon die. and all our neighbors thought Hint even if 1 did not die, I would never b© unit to walk, because I was so weak nnd puny. A gathering formed and broke under my arm. 1 hurt my finger and it gat be red and threw out pieces o f lame. If I hurt myself so as to break the skin, it was sure to become a running sore. I had to take lots of medicine, but nothing has done me so mudi good as A yer’ s Sarsapa­ rilla. It lias made me well aud strung/’— T. D. M., Norcatur, Hans. • T obaccos, Cigars, etc. n r Prices are as low as the lowest. J F * Orders from any part prom ptly filled. A Y E R ’S Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, £faam. Cures others, w ill cure y o u T r a in and Band-Sawing AVING w ell-ngged Tnniing-Lafche and Band-Saw in operation, the under­ signed solicits A L L KIN D S O F H ELDRE “B G. A. R. NOTICE. W e take this opportunity o f inform ing our subscribers th a t the new Commission© o f Pensions has been appointed* H e is an old soldier, and we believe that soldiers and their heirs will receive justice at his hands. W e d o not anticipate that there w ill be any radical changes in the ad m inistration o f pension affairs under the new regime. W e wonld advise, however, that U. 8. soldiers, sailors, and their heirs, take steps to make application at once, if they have n ot already done so, in o rdor to secure the benefit o f the early filin g o f their claims in case there should b e any fa tare pension legislation. Such legislation is seldom retroactive. T herefore it is o f great im­ portance th a t applications be filed in the department at the earliest possible date. I f U . S. soldiers, sailors or their widows, children or parents, desire inform ation in regard to pension m atters, they should write to T he P ress C laim s C ompany , at W ashington, D . C., and they will prepare and send the necessary application, if they find them entitled under the numerous laws enacted fo r their benefit. Address, PRESS C L A IM S COM PA N Y, P . O . B o x 385.1 W ashington, D . C . A . t r i e d . h l .h - .r a H . F am ily S o n in . M achine, possessing all m od ern im prove ment». G u aranteed E q u a l to t h e B est P r ic e # v e r y r e a s o n a b le . O b ta in t h e m f r o m y o u r lo c a l cl e n te r a u d m a k e c o m p a r is o n s . ELDREDGE MANUFACTURING CO. BELVIDEKE, ILL. Fonti ss Rectifying pills cure! constipation ¡Prentiss Koctllylug puis cure constipation Prentiss Rectifying pills cure constipation Prentiss Rectifying pills cure consti pat Ion PRENTISS RECTIFYING PILL cru R E 5 W Snow has fallen heavily on the mountain range west ot Baker City. R AND At the mussle beds, north of Oceanside, D e a r San Diego, Cal., Mrs. L. R. Stiles and her father, J. B. Borden, were both shot and killed last Tiesday by unknown parties. Mrs. Stiles was outraged. A white man and a half breed negro Borden was 80 The general convention of the are suspected. Baptists o f Oregou will meet in the years old. Baptist church in Eugene this fall, the meeting commencing Ootober I 3 R . J. BURT. MOORE, 22d and closing October 29th. SU RGEON A N D P H Y SIC IA N . C. O. White is turning out some I L L prom ptly respond to all calls, 50 Chinese pheasants ou the Raley dav or night. farm, near Pendleton, for propaga­ C O Q U IL L E C IT Y , O R E G O N . tion purposes. Rev. J. C. Douglas, Baptist, of Pendleton, illustrates his Sunday evening sermons with a stereopti- con. A The Nutioual Tribune and .the H euald both one year for ouly $2.50. PI IE ?r 6 as "S SI S’ a 19 • * 3 a U£ I II Turning and Band-Saw Work at any time. Can be fo u n d at the S h in gle - m ill. (3 t f ) W . W . S H IE L D S . u Almost all pills and modlclno produce constipation, horo Is a pill that cures torpid liver, blllousnoss. ‘rheumatism. Indigestion, sick headache and kidney and liver troubles without griping or leaving* any trace o f C O N S T I P A T I O N , which Is the primo cause of all sickness, beware o f it getting habitual and chronic with you, see it In pills will euro you. o w to »n iu time; uuiu, those imiou ¿.ilia m u DU1U JUI £ * II LADIES: Use P R E N T I S S R E C T I F Y I N G PILL, bocauso It Is tho only safe and harmless remedy that will surely B E A U T IF Y th© COMPLEXION clear th© skin and remove all blotches from tho face. Try a box and boo for your­ self. £> Cents a box. SOLD ONLY IN SEALED PACKAGES. S O L D B Y ALL D R U G G IS T S , Or sent by m oll upon roceipt o f prico by W A LTER D R A N E, B lacksm ith and W agonm aker, The long winter evenings can be very profitably devoted to reading, Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing Co.f but there are some things that we 406 CALIFORNIA STREET, SAN FRANCISCO,~CALl must read the year round. One of Prentiss Rectifying pills cu re constipation Prontlss R octlfyiug'pllls cu re constipation Prentiss R ectifying pilla euro constipation Prentiss Horrifying pi liseur«* constipation C O Q U IL L E C ITY , O R E G O N ££ these is a local paper: the best in the ’ county is before you— the For sale by R. S. Knowlton, Druggist L L kin d s o f farm work solicited . H orse H ekald . Another is a good home shoeing and plow work a specialty paper of general circulation, such Supplies fo r logg in g w ork, wedger., dogs cant-hooks and everything used in as “ Womankind,” for instance, rings, loggin g cam ps kept o n hand. Satisfaction which comes once a month filled guaranteed. S hop o n corner north o f P io- (19tf with the best things for a busy neei F eed s ta b le . housewife. We are able by special arraugements with the publishers, Chance for a Nice Home, Cheap to oger “ Womankind” free for a 1 \ C U E S O F L A N D , W IT H A year to every paid-in-advance sub­ 1 £ x \ _ go o d , new 2 story hou se o f 7 scriber to our paper, aud are glad room s, besides closets and porches, all w ell to do so, for we are convinced that finished, g o o d spring close to hou se, barn, and ya rd , high land gard en , no home paper in America containa ohicken-bonse you ng orchard o f prunes, plnms, cherries, Equal with tlie interest o f those having claims against the government I® apples, pears and peaohes, w ith an abun­ more of practical value to women. that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit o f valuable inventions because a n ce o f small fru its. About o n e -h a lf is Bright stories, clever poems, the d b ottom of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their land , with garden, or pasture fo r a patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli­ latest fashions, news of woman’s oow , with stock water, aud all cleared and able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not G . W. N O R T O N , work everywhere, articles on fe n o e d . A pply to C oqu ille C ity, ( W est S id e .) entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. “ Motherhood,” “Cultivation of Flow­ With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys, ers,” a woman’s parliament for the and o f seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re­ tained counsel expert in patent practice, aud therefore are prepared to discussion of matters of interest, are a few of the bright features of Obtain Patents In the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In­ “ Womankind.” terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, To the head of the house we O r Trustees Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to offer on the same terms “ Farm Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and ISH IN G T O »L E C H A S E Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. News,” an agricultural paper, edited by a practical farmer (Miller Purvis, I f you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to­ gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once esq., late state lecturer of the Ohio advised as to the best course to pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If Farmer’s Alliance), and filled each others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by month with suggestions from able others, submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the FOR SCHOOLS OR ACADEMIES correspondents, that make it an matter. W ill find it to their interest to consult o - absolute necessity to every wide w rite the undersigned, agent fo r Kane & T H E P R E S S C L A IM S C O M P A N Y , awake farmer. This paper is yours Co . m anufacturers. C hicago, 111. 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, O.O. W e sell direct from the fa ctory, and for the asking, provided you are a ship, f. o. b., to San F rancisco or P ortland . P. O. BOX 4 6 3 . subscriber to our paper. JOH N R O W A N , Agent. C oquille C ity, O regon . 49* Cut this out an d s e n d it with you r ¡nqw.fy. - Remember every paid-in-advance 19 tf 1 subscriber to the H e r a i . d is entitled to his choice in either of these papers. Tell your neighbors about this offer. A samplo copy of both I WK Grjir.AXTZF. a c c k f ! ------- -------and invite the m ost J papers may be obtained by address­ earutul investigation as to our responsible S ity aud tho m erits o f our Tablets. * ing the Hosterman Publishing Co., Springfield, Ohio. READ OUR TESTIMONIALS Come in and pay a year in ad­ vance to the H erald and get one o f W ill com p letely destroy th© desire fo r TOBACCO In from 3 toft davg. P erfectly h a rm ­ less; cause n o sickness, and m ay b o given in a cup o f tea o r coffee without the know l­ those attractive papers free. edge o f the patient, w h o w ill volu ntarily slop sm oking o r chew ing in a few days. A FOR INVENTIONS. School : Boards Desks or Supplies ( J Double Chloride of Gold Tablets DRUNKENNESS and MORPHINE HABIT PATENTS Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-| ent business conducted for M oderate feta . Ou* O ffice is ORRO« ite U. •. P a n * T O ffice and we can secure patent m lesa tuna Uuu» those 'remote from Washington. . . . , 1 , Sind model, drawing or photo„ With descrip­ tion. We advise, if patentata or not, fret of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A P amphlet , How to Obtain Patents,” with cost ot same m tha U. S. and foreign countries; sent free. Address, C. A. SN OW & CO. \isi Owr. P.TCNT o m e t . W ..M IS .T O S , D. C. the patient, b y the ase o f our SPECIAL FORMULA COLO CURE TABLETS. D u rlngtreatm entpatlents are allowed th© free nso o f L iquor o r M or- phlne until such thane as th ey shall voluntarily gi vo them up. We send particulars and pam phlet o f testim onials fre e , and shall be glad to place sufferers from any o f those habits In com m u n ica ­ tion with persons who have been cured b y the use o f our T a b l e t s . _ H IL L ’ S T A B 1 L L E E T S ©re fo r sale b y all f ir s t - class druggists at 6 | .O O t per p< package. I f your druggist do< does not keep them , enclose ns jp | .O • o O v ^ a v ia and we ___________ w ill seud you, you, b y return m ail, a package or our ui j? T a blets. Writ© you r nam e and address plainly, and state whether Tablets are fo r Tobacco, M orphino or LlqUbr Habit. DO NOT BR DECEIVED Into purchasing any o f the various nostrums that are being offered f o rjw tle. Ask fo r H I L L ’ S T A B L E T S and take n o other. Manufactured only by OHIO CHEMICAL CO, SI. 6S A 66 Open Block, LIMA, OHIO. C H IC itEH BllSlia PITS PARTICULARS FREE. ifyouusethe Petalnm® Incubators A Brooders* Make money while other» are was* tug time by old processes Catalog tel Is all about HR___ itanda I escribes every article needed for tl>~ poultry business A FEW Testimonials H. from persons w ho have been cured by the use of Hill s Tablets. T hu O h io c h e m ic al O o .: D ea r S i r :—I have been using you r cure fo r tobacco habit, aud found It wonld do what you claim for it. I used ten cents w orth o f the strongest ch ew ing tobacco a day, and irom one to five cigars; o r I would sm oke _ om ten to fo rty pipes o f tobacco. Have chewed and smoked fo r tw enty five years, and tw o packages Of your Tablets cured m e so I have no desire fo r it. B. M. J A YLOKD, Leslie, Micb. D o b b s F e r r y . N. Y. T h » O h io C h em ica l O o . :—G entlem en Some tim e ago 1 sent fo r ©1.00 worth o f y o u r Tablets fo r T obacco Habit. 1 received them all rig h t and, although I was both a heavy sm oker and chewer, th e y d id the w ork in leas than three days. I am cured. T ru ly you rs, MATHEW JOHNSON, P. O. B ox 4». P ittsbu r gh , P a . T he O h io C hem ica l C _ o .:—G e n t l e m e n :—It gives m e PI pleasure to speak a ______________________ d" * t o th * e use o f w ord o f praise for your Tablets. My son was strongly a addicted juor, and through h a friend, I was led to try your yonr Tablets. He was a h e a v y : constant drinker, out a fter using your Tablets but three days he quit drinking, have waited fou r month b efore w riting and w ill not touch liquor o f any kind Yours truly, you, in ord er to know th© cure was permanent. MKd. H E L E N MORRISON. The “ ERIE” merhanlcolly the best .wheel. Prettiest model. [We are Pacific Coast Agents. Bica eie cata- ^ _____ logue, mailed free.givea full description. p rices, etc. a g e n t s w a t t k o . PETALUMA Df CUBA t o * CO.. Fetalnmt.Cal. B ranch H ors*, su S Mam Bt , I.osAngelca. C in c in n a ti , O n io. T h « O h io C h e m ic a l O o :—G e n t l e m e n :—Your Tablets have perform ed a m iracle in myce.se. I have used m orphine, hypoderm ically, fo r seven years, ana have been cured by th eu se o f W. L. LOTEGAY. tw o packages o f your Tablets, and w ithout a n , effort on m y part. Address all Orders to T H E OHIO C H EM IC A L CO., 8 l , 63 and 8a Opera Block. LIMA, OHIO.