to tp d lU CUy fgtxàid. l t i . ^ r l o u I l i- m x . Highest o f all in leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report September 10.—Now for the uew ! church -a pull all together. Rey. C. P. Coue lectured to a T U E SD AY , S E P T ." Ï7._ 1895- I large and appreciative audience j last Thursday eveuiug. For God, and Home and Native Land. | Fishermen at this place started —EDITED BY THE— for tho lower river Saturday night. COQUILLE CITY W. C. T. U. Mr. Wolcott of Prosper has com­ The Coquillle C ity W . C. T . U. m eet« at pleted hie uew rcsideuce at this he Methodist church. south, »very Fri- place. av, at 3 o 'c lo ck p. m. All interested in the ■work are invited to attend The tug Katin O'Neil arrived at our wharf Inst Mouday aud dis­ The hospital buildiug at Beaver T e in iM*ru »•«•♦* I V ttcs » L O C A L IT E M S. charged a large amount of general Hill is under headway. merchandise for Price Bro’s A Co. Keep in miud the W. 11. C. ladies’ TFrom the National W . 0 . T . U. Bulletin.1 Riverton is still on top. Several County court adjourned last Sir Wilfrid Lawson, the Neal entertainment and fair on the 28th. Thursday to reconvene on the 23d. new buildings are going up, while Dow o f England, tells this story more are id prospect. J. I). Bonnett has about com­ Mrs. S. Symous o f Myrtle Point Judge Briggs’ new residence, on on himself: "There was a school pleted the repairs on the Gravel returned lust Friday from a visit to Secoud street. No. 40, is under in the north of England, and the Ford bridge. headway. Judge, ail you want uow her children iu Californio. master gave the children a long The Minard grist mill near Dora is the bird; you have the cage Clyde Gage, son of Sheriff Gage, disquisition upon the steam engine, The steamer Buudorille arrived is pushed to its utmost, running passed through this place last Fri­ at our bnukers Tuesday evening and when he thought they all un­ night and day. derstood it, he asked, ‘What is it day for Drain, whither he goes to and took on a cargo of coal. The musio of tho hammer W. A. Bean secured a small that does the work o f forty horses attend school. launch and gave a free excursion to and saw ring out more lively than and drinks nothing but water?’ Postmaster A. G. Aiken holds Coquille City last Sunday. Sev- and they all called out, ‘Sir Wilfrid tor oome years. the following letters, as advertised, | eraf of our young Indies and citi- I. Hacker of Empire was visible Lawsou.’ ” not having beeu delivered up to zens availed themselves o f the on our streets a short while Wed­ Gatholic prohibitionists have for September 1st: CapL Olsen and opportunity and a general good time was had. some time been greatly exercised nesday o f last week. Frauk B. McDowel. The Riverton Coal Company has Cbarmiug weather since the rain over the manufacture and salt) of Dr. Smith aud Prof. Golden, of completed their tramway and built settled the dust and cleared the the St. Vincent’s beer by the Marshfield, reached this place Tues­ two uew bunkers and will soon run brotherhood of St. Vincent’s Abbey atmosphere of smoke. day of last week on Iheir bicycles, the mine full blast. The daily out­ The schooner Antelope, Ander- but raiu set iu Tuesday night aud put is now 25 to 30 tons, and the near Latrobe, Penn. A condemna­ quality of the coal is superior to s o d , sailed from the city for Co- they returned on the train Wednes­ tory resolution was offered by them anything o d the coast. This coal in the convention of the Catholic quille on the 7th inst. will find ready sale anywhere, and day. Total Abstinence Society but was Mr. Sinclair now occupies Mr. The Curry circuit court meets there are orders waiting for several hundred tons now. rejected on the ground of seeming Nosler’s haudsome property front­ next Mouday, Judge Fullerton J. L. Bean, of Drain, formerly of to accuse religious men and the ing the Methodist church. reached tLis place last Thursday this place and one of our coal com­ clergy o f encouraging the liquor Mr. Wilkins is again at work in from Roseburg and took the pany, arrived here Wednesday. business. his gallery and anxious to make steamer here for Baudou, thence to Accompanying him were a sister, Miss Myrtle, and a younger brother; It having been the custom iu photographs for farm produce. Gold Beach. also Prof. George Lamb aud wife It is now open season for duck certain school districts in Illinois Mr. Perriue, contractor and of Yoncolln. They went clov/u to — chiefly in German communities hunting, and the recent rain storm builder of the light-house at Ban­ the bench Saturday nnd were well — to mix wine with the lemonade will bring them in ondless quantity. don, last week received the con­ pleased with what they saw. The given to children at school cele­ Some bf our friends might sup­ tract for buildiug the new school- professor aud wife will depart from brations, a petition is now iu cir­ ply us with wheat for chicken feed, house at Marshfield. The cost of us Friday for their home at Yon- colla. culation asking that a section be which will be credited on subscrip­ construction is nearly $11,000. With best wishes to the H erald . added to the school law prohibit­ tions. C racker & T opsy . Mrs. Jos. Caulfield o f Roseburg, -------- ---- -♦»©►-» ing the practice and making any Miss Nellie Sackett departed for who has been visiting on the bay, A ll druggists sell DF. Miles' Ñervo Plasters. member o f the school board who Sitcum last Wednesday, where she passed homeward via this place shall allow it guilty of misde­ takes charge o f the Brewster val­ Mrs. Twickenham (entertaining last week. She has many friends Mrs. B iugo at dinner)—Have an­ meanor and punishable by a line ley school for the winter term. and acquaintances here, having other olive, Mrs. Bingo. I do think o f not less than ¥50. Fred Kent and Grant Clayton lived at this place some time back. they are such a luxury. Bobbie One of the new departments of came over last week from Dillards Biugo— You must like them, don’t Mrs. S. A. Kell, of Pomona, Cal., work established by the recent with wagonloads of watermelons, you? Mrs.T\vickenham— Yes, Bob- had tho bad luck to sprain her ankle. council o f the National British tomatoes, etc. They also visited “ I tried several liniments,” she says, b ie ,Id o . W hy? Bobbie— Mother says you don’t linye many luxuries. Women’s Temperance Association Marshfield. “but was not cured until I used is that o f parliamentary franchise Chamberlaiu’s Pain Balm. That Dr. RanBome and wife of Myrtle remedy cured me and I take pleas­ for women. Systematic work is Point, spent a brief spell in this ure in recommending it and testify­ now under consideration, and plans place last week returning from the ing to its efficacy.” This medicine The long winter evenings can be are being made with the object of bench. The H e r a l d sanctum was is also of great value for rheuma­ very profitably devoted to reading, educating those women who already tism, lame back, pains in the chest, but there aro some things that we houored with a call. possess the qualifications to vote in pleurisy aud all deep-seated and Oue of Our old friend, Bro. S.B. Hatch, muscular pains. For sale by Dr. must read tho year round. municipal elections on the subject these is n local paper: the best in o f Santa Cruz, Cal., has been kind S. L. Lenove, druggist. the county is before you— the o f the responsibility o f citizenship. -------------- ► ---------------- enough to forward us files of “ The H erald . Another is a good home 'M firahfiold S un.) One result of the recent British paper of general circulation, such New Charter,” a spleudid Populist John Stauff, o f North Bend, is election, says the Canada Templar, as “Womankind,” for instance, paper issued at San Jose, Cal. very sick and is expected to live has been to commit the respective which comes once a month filled Roseburg Review: The mem­ but a few days. with the best things for a busy political parties on the question of Rev. G. W. Quimby preached housewife. We are able by special bers of the Coos bay ball club dined localoption. SirWilliam Harcourt at the Van Houten, Friday, by in­ his farewell sermon last Sunday arrangements with the publishers, has burned his boats and declared evening, and it was very much ap­ to oger “ Womankind” free for a vitation o f Landlord Cnllahau, who preciated by his audieuce. that the Liberals appealed “ to year to every paid-in-advance sub­ is an old resident of the bay. E. J. Coffelt’s fruit-dryer took scriber to our paper, aud aro glad moral forces, which in the long run Lee Wright, working in Howell’s fire last Thursday and burned to do so, for we aro convinced that are always victorious. No great logging enmp on Bear creek, a few down; it wr.s near his dwelling no homo paper iu America contains reform has ever been achieved house and they had some trouble more of practical value to women. without waiting u long time, aud days ago accidentally stuck a bark in saving it. The loss was about Bright stories, clever poems, the ing-bar into his leg while at work, after many defeats; but to men who $35. latest fashions, news of woman’s thoroughly believe iu them, and making a very sore leg for the tiu^e articles on The Franklin (colored) ball team work everywhere, of Beaver Hill, aud tho Marshfield “ Motherhood,” “ Cultivation of Flow­ who are preparing to make sacri­ being. Roseburg Review: The Piuks- team, came together Sunday at ers,” a woman’s parliament for the fices for them, in the end their tou-Marcellus party, of Oakland, South Marshfield iu a friendly discussion of matters of interest, victory is assured.” contest, and the colored boys woo nre a few o£ tho bright features of An attractive and useful Y Alma­ returned home from Bandon last by a score of 24 to 21. “ Womankind.” Mr. Marcellus’ health was To the head of the house we nac for 1896 has been edited by week. General Siglin left for Curry Mra F ranees J. Barnes and is soon very much improved by his stay at couuty last Saturday, to remain un­ offer on the same terms “ Farm til after circuit court, which con­ News,” an agricultural paper, edited to bo brought out by the W. T. P. the const. by a practical farmer (Miller Purvis, Let us have that musical conven­ venes on the 12th inst. He wenl esq., late state lecturer of the Ohio A. The texts and sentiments for the iu a private conveyance, and was tion. There aro bauds enough in different months have been arranged accompanied by his stenographer, Farmer’s Alliance), and tilled each month with suggestions from able by the National Y secretaries aud the couuty to make a very suc­ Miss Frances Elrod. National Y organizers and there cessful aud profitable meeting, and One o f Fred Jeffry’s little girls correspondents, that make it an absolute necessity to every wide will be halftonod pictures o f each, the vocalists could add much that met with a severe accident last awake farmer. This paper is yours week while out huckleberrymg by would be attractive aud entertain­ also of Miss Willard and Lady falling off a log nud breaking her for the asking, provided you are a Henry Somerset with quotatious ing. arm, between the wrist aud elbow. subscriber to our paper. Remember every paid-in-advance Lettors were advertised last week Dr. Evans reduced the fracture aud from their recent addresses. It subscriber to the H erald is entitled by the Marshfield postmaster for will also contain pictures of the the little girl is doing well. to his choice in either of these Temperance Hospital nud the “ Miss E. Lamray” and “ Miss Maud Wo learn from Chas. B. Owens’ papers. Tell your neighbors about Temple. The moon’s phases will Bnlch” in their dead-letter list, attorney that the case o f the State \ this offer. A samplo copy of both be given and the booklet will con­ which, possibly, the pnrties would vs. Owens will probably be d is -! 1>operf) mav be obtained b y address- tain much that is helpful at a low like to have, and could have gotten missed by the district attorney, as ^ g ’ the H e r m a n Publishing Co., the probability o f a conviction is ; Sprin„field, Ohio, price. September 15th has been them here better that there. very small. His attorney claims, Come in and pay a year iu ad- fixed for the date of its issue and T. P. Hnnly, a prominent citizen o be in Possession of evidence vance to the H erald and get one of State Y secretaries and others of the lower river, was in town on that would free him from all sospi- , he8e „(tractive papers free, cions. 1 should send orders at once to Mrs. ; business last Thursday. He re- F. 8. Evans, 161 West Sixth street The tug Katie O’Noil came over I ports progress, though the rain New York. from the Coquille last wepk and 1 caught them with some grain cut took a large cargo o f freight back ! and some still standing, which | with her for parties on the river, being unable to take all that was fact threatens them a little. I waiting for her. It is said that she E. W. J oy C o m p a n y — Gentlemen: Tho “ new woman” is all right; ! will make regular trips between iCav vs, and Tru!c-Marks obtained and all Fat-v TI un is the first time I have attempted .1 nJuctedfor MoocnATt F ees . < so write for three years. Have been the shock seems to come when she ! Coos bay and Coquille carryiug ¡fntb O ur O f f ic e 13 O p p o s it e U. S . p a t e n t O ffic e • v o ca i • e p.u . x m ics* tunc tuoa tuwsc| to nervous and weak that I have goes back on herself, as in the case j freight nnd pnssengers. refromWashin-tPO. . « -------- ------ » , « » « —------------ laid in bed most of tho time. ad model, drawing or photo., wi*h dMrnp-' ' occurring here, and as pathetically | D r, Price’s Cream Baking Powder We advise, if patentable or net, free oi| A friend who had taken your |charge. Oar fee net due till prttent is sr( tired. , W orld's Fair Highest Award. 1 A P amphlet “ How to Obtain Patents,” with Sarsaparilla sent me two bottles. stated in these solemn lines: ABSOLUTELY PUBE A n o th e r F re e O ffe r . Nervous Shock. had a little lam b. Tho second one is most gone, aud i Mary W hich follow ed In ami ou t the door I have gained twenty pounds, ami ' T ill Mary pnt the hloomera on, then tt did n 't know her. suroly feel a new woman I was It Ami w ould not ro where Mary went, pale, ambition. Had given lint cried and crie d and cried, up, as I hail tried so many remedies T ill Mary took her bloom ers off j And then it went ami died. and doctors, but found no henefit. --------------» -»e» «— —- - If you care to publish this you havo There is more catarrh in ib is section o f j tlu< country than all other diseases ami my consent, (Signed) I until the last it w years was supposed to be Mas. A. ('. T il l m a n , incurable. For a «rent m any years doctors Alomeda, Cal. prunonneed it a local disease, and pro­ Headaches, Billiousness and Tor­ pid I.iver disappear when you take Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla. —------------ - «•» «--------- — We need u ) ring to plight our troth, he suggested, as he kissed her impetuously. Oh, yes; wo do, retorted tho maiden. None of your sleight o f band tricks with mo. scribed local remedies, and by constantly failing t o «*ure with li»oal treatm ent, pro­ nounced it incu rable. S cience has proven entarrh It» be n constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. H a ll's Catarrh Cure, nnm tfactnred by F. J. Cheney A C o,, T o le d o , O hio, is the only con ­ st! t c ion al cure o n tho market. It is taken infernally in doses o f l o drops to a tea- spoonfnl. It sets directly on the blood and mneons surfaces o f the system . They offer one hundred dollars fo r any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials Address. F. J. CHK.NKY A Co., T oledo,O t#f"8f»ld by druggist«, TV. ’ - - — Have you boarded long at this house? inquired the new boarder of tho sour, dejected man sitting next to him. About ten years. I don’t see how you can stand it. Why haven’t yon left longngo? No other plnce to go, said the other, dismally. The laudlady's my wife. “ Oh, George, I feel so queer,” exclaimed the yontig bride as the vessel lurched again to leeward. “ Isn't there something we- -we can hold on to?" “ I’m nfraid not, dear,” said George, pale to the lips. “ We'll have to let everything go." I should have you know, sir, that I am a Londoner, as I wns born iu London. Bnt I, sir, was boru iu 1 Cork, and I am a Corker. cos» of soul« m* the U. S. aud foreign countries; sent free. Address < C s \.S N O W & C O .| PATtVf O rrtct, WASHINGTON. D. C. A* L O**. A Gentleman W ho formerly reside«! In Connecticut, but who now resides iu Honolulu, writes: “ For 20 years past, my wife and 1 have used A yer's lla ir V igor, and we attribute to it the (lurk huir which she and I now have, while hun­ dreds vt our acquaint­ ances, ten or a dozen years younger thau wo. are either gray-he:uled, white, or Laid. IVlieu asked how our hair has retained its color and fullness, we reply, ‘ By the use of A y e r’s Hair Vigor—nothing else.*’* “ In 18 G 8 , my affianced was nearly Laid, and C. D., R. & AND Family Grocery, (L oren z B uildin g) ..T K e ... ISON BR08 Pus, y fl L E 1; E. R. R. & N. Co. OTJC E —H e u . W . Sinclair i.s the regu- 1 .1 lari y au t Inn d agent at < « quille ( ity lo r the collection o f subsidy and rig h t-o f- v ay subscriptions on account o f this com ­ pany. K . A. GUA11AM. COQUILLE CITY. M R r 5’? t r \ i r a s e “J r o I Æ fl K ooustantl y on hum] a earn- -o . -i “ t L , FRESH ANI> SALTED MEATS, Bologna, Head Cheese, V E G E T A I!L E S , C AN N ED GOUDH * Coffee, Sugars, Teas, T obaccos, Cigars, etc. J P rices nre us low ms the lowest. Orders from ans part prom ptly filled. every day. I In d u ced her to use A y e r’s H a ir V ig o r, and very soon, it not only checked any further loss of hair, but produced an entirely new growth, which has remained luxuriant and glossy to this day. I can recommend this preparation to all in ueed of a genuine hair-re store»’. It is all that it is claimed to be.“ —Autonio Alarruu, Bastrop, Tex. • g 7 a A Y E R ’S HAIR VIGOR Mrs. Henpeck is ono of those wives there is no pleasiug. On the return of her husbauil from the city lately she greeted liim thusly: "Oh, Adolphus,” she exclaimed, “ how short you have had your hair cut!” “ But, my dear Angelina,” replied Mr. H., meekly, “ 1 haven’t bad my hair cut at all.” “Then it is high time you had,” returned Mrs. 11., severely. . r . n o t ic e . W e take this opportunity o f inform ing our subscribers th at the new Commission© o f Pensions lias been appointed* Ht» is an old soldier, and wo believe that soldier« and their heirs will reçoive ju stice at his hands. W e d o not anticipate that thero w ill bo any radical changes in the adm inistration o f pension affairs under tho now regime. W o would advise, however, that U. S. soldiers, sailors, and their heirs, take steps to make application at once, if they havo n o t already done so, in o rdt-r to secure the benefit o f tb « early tiling o f their claims in case there should be any future pension legislation. Such legislation is seldom retroactive. T herefore it is o f great im ­ portance th a t applications be filed in the departm ent at the earliest possible date. If U . S. soldiers, sailors or their widows, children or parents, desire inform ation in regard to pension matters, they should write to T ub P ress C laims C ompany , at W ashington, D . C., and they will prepare and send the necessary application, if they find them entitled under the numerous laws enacted fo r their benefit. Address, PR ESS CLAIM S COM PA N Y, P . O . B o x 885.1 W ashington, D . C . A strictly h ig h -g r a d » F a m ily Bewini; M achine, p osw u d ii’; nil m od ern iiiip rovem i ulA. G u aran teed E q u al to th e B est P rices very reason a ble. Obtain them iYoin you r loca l dewier aud m ake comparison!*. ELDREDSE M ANiifAGTURiM B G O . B E L V 1D E K E , IL L . trentina lieöti lying pills euro c< inaili mi ioa" 1'ivutUs KocUiyuig pill • c uro cornili pa lion Prentiss Rectifying pills euro constipation Freut!*» Rectifying pills curs consti pat Ion j ) R . J. BURT. MOORE, S U R G E O N A N D P H Y SIC IA N . ,L prom ptly respond to all calls, day or ui;.ht. C O Q U IL L E C IT Y , O R E G O N . | Almost all pills ami xncdi< ; ,o pYo«'.u livor, biliousness, rhoum af ia, luri j troubles without gripin'* or lonvl; I Is the prime cause o f nl .dc’ .i: ' ’ • eo to it in tim e; these p i:.; v !il cur AVIN G w ell-rigged Turning-L athe ami Land-Saw iu operation, tho under­ signed solicit* A L L K IN D S O F H fti " > I| Turning and Hand-Saw Work at any time. Can bo foun d at tho Shingle- m ill. t3 tf) W . W v SH IE L D S . C O Q U IL L E tipailoa# hero is a pill cures torpid -, sick heatiacho Und kidnojr aud livor traco of C O N S T I P A T I O N , which : : jotting habitual and chronic with you. i V * It ! > p n C N T I C G R E C T I F Y I N G PILL. *85v because it is tho only Bafo and harmless — ‘ v remedy that will suroly B E A U T IF Y tho C O M P L E X IO N WALTER' DRÄNE, Blacksmith and Wagonmaker, clear tho skin and romovo all blotches from tho face. self. ÿ g Hi 25 ContS a box. Try a box aud see for your­ SOI r> ONLY IN SEALED P A CK AG C3. S O L D B Y ALL D R U G G IS T S . Or Boat by mall upon recelpt o f price !»y P r e n tis s Chemical and Manufacturing Co., 406 CALIFORNIA STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, Prentiss Rectifying!»!ila euroc: Prent ins Rectifying j Ills cure a C ITY , O R E G O N CAL. Btipaiion H!pntnio C n rw tC A L C o . : t EMTLRWER:—It give« mi pious ire to speak % ns. My son was stronely gddicL-«l t o the wee o f Í p r a is e t o r y o u r T a m .uor.rmii through a friend, i v u led to try your '/a blet . fie wa.4 * he-i ry and sou -tant drinker, but a fter lisina yonr Tablet« but three i ays h e Ipil», drinking, •I w ill not touch liquor o f any kind. I havo writ« d four oonth b e fo re w riting in order U> know the euro was permanent. lo u r * truly. IELEH M 0 K I0 9 0X ÎTXCT1VVATÏ, O nto, C h em ica l O o:—C ewtlf "* is v -“ T our Tablets havep^ r a m iracle in m y v the u s- o f m orphine, hypoderm icaliy, fo r seven yea ~s, and b: vo package o f your Tableta, and w ithout any effort on m y paru W. L. IATI EU A T . Address all & j FEE. T h e “ E R IE ” ■wchanfcslly the best heel. Pre* t u-rt uc*!el. W e «re Pac f»c Coast X ______ fr o m p e rs o n s w h o h a v o boon cu r e d b y th o u se o f a fo r tobacco habit, and foun d it would y on claim fo r it. i used ten c e n ts do what ’ worth o f the strongest chew ing tob a eroa d a y , and from one to five ctgurs; or I would moke fro:n ten to forty pines o f tobacco. Have chewed id amoked fo r twenty five year*, and tw o packages o f j aur TuLluio cured mo ______________ s m i T L'”'W-OK'n. _____ K ¡ r m r * v n r