T h a t I .ju e b iu s a t Y r r k a . V . P . N. C. W . n i W l l l o w d a l e . c# ** T r«*h *r»’ institute. | subject o f grammar, there having Cbristian Endeavor of Willowdale D | n « ,| The H e rald is indebted to Prof. been some questions on that sub- Tbe fact ot tbe recent wholesale The bi-couuty association of for the tine accommodations aud r U rC D lU U ll ject placed in the question box. banging at Yreka, Cal., being pretty young people's societies o f Chris­ splendid entertainment provided Is tho ncoret of the restoration to health PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY G. W. Johnson, o f tbe North Fork, He said: I f I ask questions, for us during our meeting; and to which flood's Sarsaparilla gives, for the following interesting pro­ want the teachers to answer from well known, tbe H e r a l d will be tian workers, such as tbe Sunday- tbe officers of tbe PreBbyteriau 41 It g i v e s me V. S. M'EWEN & D. F. DEAN, ceedings o f the teachers’ institute their actual experience, and not coûtent to herewith give tbe verdict schools, leagues and endeavor,rs, church pleasure to recom ­ for the use of their church Editors and Proprietors. held at Marshfield last week: from theory. The time and man­ o f tbe coroner’s jury, and leave met as per cull at Fishtrnp (now edifice. mend Ilo o d ’3 Sarsa­ R e v . G. W. Q u im b y , parilla. It baa cured ner of beginning the study in the tbe justice of tbe act of tbe vigil­ Willowdale) last Wednesday after­ EVENING SESSION, AUGUST 26TH, M r s . A. R. S c o t t , Devoted to the material and social up­ me o f m any com ­ building of the Coquille Valley particularly Was quite well attended and all public school was the prominent ants to their own consciences. It noon. The attendance was good M r s . J e n n i e S im m o n s , plaints, and puri­ and of Coos County generally. topics for discuesion. and a marked interest was mani­ Committee passed off pleasant ly. The Pres­ Subscription, per year, in advanoe, $2. may bave been ill-considered and fied my blood. I AFTERNOON SESSION. 28TH, fested in the work. As high as waa troubled w ith byterian church was secured for criminal, but there are pleas o f tbe R r s o l i t l i o u » « 1 lic a | > e e t . P . F I S H E R , N r v h p a p e r A d v b b t ih in o A g e n t , Prof. W. H. Bunch resumed the twenty Sunday-schools, six En­ my liver, had h ip 31 Merchants’ Exchange, San Francisco, la the entire time of tbe institute. necessity for and rigbteonsness of subject of Arithmetic. As the sub­ Whereas, It has pleased tbe All- di3CC3© and other This paper is kept on file deavor societies aud three Epworth onr authorized agent, l a his office. Gen. Siglin was away, and Rev. ject of primary arithmetic had tbe act that are very strong and Leagues were reported. troublea,with swell­ wise Providence, who controls all ing o f m y angles. G. W. Quimby delivered th» ad- been discussed the previous day, unanswerable, however sad and Tbe services at 3 p. m. were the earthly things, to remove from our T U E SD A Y , SEPT. 3, 1895. For a long time I dress o f welcome. P rof F. G. the time was spent in the study of heart-breaking it may be to loving, first held iu tbe new Presbyterian midst Sister Lizzie Perkins; and had to walk with a THE GOLDBIJG MICKOBE Kelly delivered the response. methods o f teaching advanced Whereas, Wo bow with resigna­ church. In the absence of the is instantly killed by sending cano. F or several indulgent, confiding friends and arithmetic. tion to His will “ who doeth all The music was fuanished by tbe president, Fred Banker, the vice- * a 2-oent stamp to the Ameri­ years I was gradual*“ can Bimetallic League, Wash­ Misses Yoakam and Rogers and Prof. E. E. Balcomb continued relatives of tbe victim? in some president, Miss Nellie Greer, of things well," though we do not un­ breaking dow n. I had the grip in a ington, D. C., and asking for free literature. Mrs. Dr. Evans. tha subject o f Physiology, giving cases. Many of onr renders and Bandon, presided in an intelligent, derstand; and severe form. I procured aix bottles o f Do it. In Prof. Balcomb’a address, us the classification of tissues, of citizens here knew one o f tbe un­ business-like and most acceptable Whereas, We shall miss onr de­ H ood’s Sarsaparilla and It built me up. My recovery I ow e to H ood’s Sarsaparilla. “Science and Character Bnildiug,’’ foods, and the process of digestion. fortunates, beace their interest in manner. A scripture lesson was parted sister from our chapter, but All my ills have gone and I feci like a Additional Locals. 2:30—recess. new person. I sleep well and eat heartily.’* we hope to be reunited with her he said: “ In the following short read by Miss Nellie May, a prayer Prof. W. D. Reedy continued the tbe facts of the event as nearly as was offered, then a song was given. (whose absence we mourn) in tbe M rs . C u a r l o t e b K e l l y , Haywards, Cal. Mrs. J. T. Nosier ia on the sick address it is not my intention to present absolutely new matter as to subject ofOrtbography and advised they can be had. We copy from Then followed u“ Soug of Welcome” Grand Chapter which shall meet— list. impress the well established tiutb written spelling as nearly as possi­ the S. F: Examiuer: snug by the Fishtrap Christian beyond Death; therefore, be it Is the only true- blood purifier prom inent­ W. R. Hayter o f Arago was down that there ia a physical basis tor ble; oral only occasionally to help Resolved, That we, members of ly iu the public eye today. Try it. The verdict of the coroner’s jury Endeavor, written by Mrs. B. B. yesterday ou boat ness. character, and that tbe teacher may to create an enthusiasm. He ad­ on this notable affair was ns follows Pauli for this occasiou, and very Beulah Chapter, No. 6, Order of U V» p > * i i c u r e habitual constipa- Oar friend J. W. Sugg furnishes proceed in jnst as truly a scien­ vised the use o f both board and “In tbe matter of the inquisition pleasiug. An address o f welcome the Eastern Star of the state of n O O C l S r I lia tioiu Price 25c. nor box. at a good report of the Y. P. 8. G. tific manner to develop character— slate, bat would not harden the upop the bodies of William* Null, was made by George Byers, which Oregon, hereby express onr sorrow W. Convention at Willowdale. that is the nervous activity which Btndent with long or meaningless Louis Moreno, Garland Stemler and was responded to by the vice-pres­ at tbe removal from out midst of The fishermen at South Bend. our sister, Lizzie Perkins, whom Wash., were receiving 2 cents per Miss Sallie Mast, assistant in is at tbe foundation o f all charac­ words. To define and appropri­ Lawrence' H.’ Johnson. Before E. ident, Miss Greer. A paper was read by Miss Ella we loved and shall always cherish pound for salmon, but the cannery oar oity school, arrived last Sunday ter, good or bad—as in the develop­ ately use the words in a sentence H. Schofield, coroner of the county cot the price to 30 cents per fish, Buck, on What we expect loaccom - in social memory; and and is boarding at Allen Collier's. ment of the muscles o f the same should be tbe primary object of all of Siskiyou, state of California. spelling. child.” Resolved, That we sympathize aud the fisherman went out on a “ We, the undersigned, the jurors plish by those conventions. Then Prof. Kinnicntt, principal of onr MORNING BE88ION, 27TH. Prof. H. M. Coke, according to summoned to appear before E. H, adjournment followed for the pur­ with her dear father anil mother, strike. city school, moved into the Metho­ The opening address was deliv­ appointment, introducing tbe sub­ Schofield, coroner of' tha county of pose of introductions and enroll­ and with her sister and brothers The steanoer Coos Bay was re­ dist parsonage for residence this and all her relatives, and pray that ered by Rev. l)r. Gwynn, of Salem, ject ofHistory, said be believed that Siskiyou, Btnte of California, at ment. cently cut in two and lengthened winter. tbe present text book on history they with us may keep greeu her Evening session.—After short Yreka, on the 26th day of August, Or. In substance be said, “ That as thirty-two feet. Her boilers were- Noah Leneve is papering, paint­ teacher's work was that of building does not meet all tbe needs of tbe 1895, to inquire into tbe cause of devotiooal exercises, Rev. T. memoiy by emulatiug tbe noble also taken out ai.d fitted with a ing and finishing anew the Jones tbe character and molding tbe teacher, and advised tbe use of tbe death of William Null, Louis Brouillette discussed the topic— traits of her honored character; and system o f forced draught. She 1» Resolved, That a copy of these property, now A. L. Nosler’s, for minds of persons, his work is of supplementary work, and outlines Moreno, Garland Stemler and What shall 1 do to help my brothor. to be a passenger boat, and will ply for each lesson for the class. resolntions be furnished to Mr. occupancy by Hon. W. Sinclair. Lawrence H. Johnson, having been This was followed by a sermon to more importance than that o f the between San Francisco and Mon­ EVENING SESSION. sworn according to law, and Laving young men, by Rev. H. F . Burgess and Mrs. J. M. Perkins, and tbnt terey bay- The great over 300-horse-power minister. That the minister deals The church was crowded full to made such inquisition, after inspect­ of California. said resolutions be spread upon engine, for nse in hoisting coal- with tbe people as a mass, while Tbe state o f Iowa bas decided to. the brim for the entertainment. ing the bodies and hearing the tes­ Tbe following were appointed tbe minutes of this chapter, and cars at the Beaver Hill mines, was tbe teacher has to deal with the Music was furnished by MissSmith, timony adduced, upon our oaths reporters to tbe several newspapers: also a copy be furnished each of return a bronze statute which received per steamer Homer last individnal.” Prof. Balcomb further introduced Miss Anderson and Mrs. C. W. each und all do say that we find the Coquille H e r a l d and the Bulletin, the Coquille City papers for pub­ George M. Pullman presented to it week. The engine weighs 16,000. about a year ago. The statute O ra X . M a u r y . the work by a few remarks regard­ Tower. Mrs.E.Robertson and Mrs. deceased were named William Null, J. W. Sugg; Bandon Recorder, Miss lication. Last August while working in the ing the laws o f Oregon governing E. E. Balcomb favored us with Louis Moreno, Garland Stemler and Jennie represents a scene in the massacre- N. L o r e n z , Charleson; Marshfield harvest field I became overheated, the teachers and public schools. recitations, and John A. Gray lec­ Lawrence H. Johnson, and that Wil­ papers. Miss Committee. at old Fort Dearborn, new Chicago. Howard; Port ---- A--------» — ►«---------------- was suddenly attacked with cramps By pointed questions, most all of tured, while the people laughed. It shows an Indian interfering to- liam Null was a native of Ohio, aged Orford Tribune, Miss Scott; Gold and was nearly dead. Mr. Cum­ tbe important points o f such law How J. B. Fox and T. S. Everden have save a woman from death at the- forty-five years; Louis Moreno, aged Beach Gazette, Mr. Miller. mings, the druggist, gave me a dose were quite thoroughly discussed. Tbe followiDg-named teachers forty years, a native of Mexico; young people can make life a suc­ completed the bridge ou the Mid­ hands of another Indian. ---------------------- ----------------------------------- of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Reading—Prof. W. H. Bunch attended tbe institute: Garland Stemler, a native of Arkan­ cess, wns tha subject of a paper by dle Fork in good style, and to such Diarrhoea Remedy which completely showed many of the errors o f the “ It’s bard to tell just what the- Miss Jenuie Charleson, and this satisfaction that the former gets sas, aged nineteen years, and F. G. Kelly, James L. Coke, relieved me. I now keep a bottle old methods o f teaching reading, Alfred A . Johnson, Samuel J. Sleep, Lawrence H. Johnson, a native of was discussed by members of tb e three or four more bridges to put public wnuts,” said the theater of the remedy handy.—A. M. Bun­ giving his own experience in study­ “ It hasn’t Adjourned. in repair in other paits of tbe manager, with a sigh. Scotland, aged fifty-nine years; that convention. Edward Robison, W. J. Patterson, nell, Centerville, Wash. For sale ing and teaching reading; showing county. struck me that way,” replied the- THURSDAY’S PROCEEDINGS. they came to their dentil on tbe 26th Louis Strong, C. D. Roberts, by Dr. S. L. Leneve, druggist treasurer. “ It seems painfully easy that both tbe a, l>, c, and word Lelia Sumner, Morning session—opened by lay of August, 1895, in this county Mars McDonald, Comrade Ed Nichols was with by strangulation. They were singing, prayer by Mrs. Scott and the Dinue-Goodman-Buzan hunt­ to me. In nine cases out of ten it, The new tag reached this place methods are deficient, bat suggested Libbie Gabeler, Agnes Rogers, He showed that Joey Beyers, A ing parly mentioned last week, but wants its money back.” ' hanged by the neck by parties un­ other devotional exercises, about 2 p. m. yesterday, four days a combination. W. H. Bunch, prayer for Sabbatb-schools was we had not learned the fact till known to this jury. oat from San Francisco. It is the Barnes’ Readers are admirably Nellie Dement, E. Jenkins, Mother—Johnny go down to the- “ All of which we duly certify by offeied by Wm. Miller. A roll-call since last issue. Katie O’Neil, S. J. Wheeler, cap­ arranged to meet the demand of Nellie Sackett, H. M. Coke, grocer's nud get a pound of black the teacher if strictly followed. followed and appointment of com­ this inquisition in writing by us. tain, and is sent by the Pacific Tillie Gamble, F. S. Bunch, . Prof. Knnematz is up in the tea. Johnny— 1 heard pa say be- 10:30—recess. Signed this 26th day of August, 1895. mittees, as follows: Millie Dise, Marine Supply Co., of 206 Califor­ J. H. Leek, mines, making surveys of claims, didn’t like black tea. Mother— It Geography— Mrs. Balcomb gave Daisy Giles, Nominating committee — Mrs. A. G. Davis, foreman; W. E. Neuffen, nia street. She brought a cargo Pearl Fetter, makes no difference what your A. Lee, Frank Fiusen, E. Dudley, Scott, Bandon; Mrs. Morgan and platting the Diyilbiss Co’s claims, fnther says, John ny, this family is. of merchandise for river points, an interesting lecture on the sub­ Inoz Lusk, G. W. Johnson, John B. Mack, J. D. Stevens, T. B. J. J. Lamb, Coquille; Mrs. Byers, and assaying. including some for several of onr ject of Geographv, showing its Annie Carl, Edith King, iu mourniug now. merchants here, for Norway, and a place and importance in tbe school. Lulu Walker, Davidson, John E. HnrmoD, A. D. St. Fishtrap; Miss Howard, Marsh­ Lucy Black, ------------ --------- ---------------------------------- - MPROVED FARM OF 1 0 » ACRES She suggested also many devices field; Nellis May, Myrtle Point; Claire, A. Frost.” large quantity for Morras Bro’s. Flora McCloskey, W. D. Reedy, good fruit and grain land in Hogue HotlCB to I>II iVJ 1114*11. W e made mention some weeks ago for making the subject iuteresting. Estelle Robertson, W. J. Moon, The only body that received nny Mr. Perkins, Parkersburg; Miss Kiver Valley, for exchange for a small Patrons not belonging to the Co­ place near n town in Coos county, or sub­ Prof. F. A. Golden took up the Sarah G. Miller, D. L. Rood, o f this prospective enlargement of attention wop that of- Garland Stem- Leneve, Bear creek; Iley. Hollen- urban prop« r ty. J . IJ N D SLE Y , quille Dairvraen’s Union will re­ Beagle, Jackson counlv, Oregon* ceive 10 cents per pound butterfat onr shipping facilities, aud we are subject o f Grammar, and after Emma Stauff, lor, which was prepared for burial beak, Fairview; Mrs. Dr. Kelly, 46 3m] Cbas. Flynn, glad to announce its consumma­ reading from some standard authors Wm. Cavanaugh, C. F. Watermau, by the coroner bnd buried from the Riverton; Mr. Miller, Dora; Fish- in milk delivered nt Coquille- on that subject, gave his personal J. B. Sneddon, tion. Methodist church, the remains be­ trap U. Sunday-school, M issLam b; % B. F. Savage. Creamery from June 8th until fur­ o ® fc O experience in teaching, showing ing placed in Evergreen Cemetery. Myrtle Point U. Sunday-school, *13 S .^ °s ther notice. o Godfrey, the “ Wizard o f tbeAir,” the necessity of less technical Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder The other three were hauled out to Miss McDonald. C o q u il l e D a ir y m e n ' s U n io n . * C -v s s gave another entertainment in this knowledge and a greater knowledge World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma. Coinmitlee on resolutions Bnd irs ^ the paupers’ cemetry. 2. r C P S- o 5; Per C . Romnnder, Manager. s- city last Saturday night to a good cf real practical work;showiog also finance— Mrs. Disher, Mr. Brouil­ M tea m er B n w u m o r e a W r e c k . g H 3 -a a nndience. H e is a wonder as a how that students are allowed to lette, Mrs. Scott CD - w® p 2 : The tank steamer Bawnmore, a DON’T STOP TOBACCO wire-walkor, trepezist, contortionist repeat rules and commit long sen­ The celebrated Hale A Narcrossi M. C. Miller made a general re­ * gLs mining suit, involving the payment and all-round gymnast, and tences to memory while they have British tramp steamer chartered cn o M® - 9 t o port of Sunday-schools; leading How to Cure Yourself While Using furnishes a night’s entertainment little knowledge ns to their roal by Grace & Co. of San Francisco, of several millions o f dollars to the- : C c t> o H 3 K minutes of last convention followed. O L> s jg Tobacco. ran ashore last Wednesday even­ o f himself, wierd, wonderful and meaning. stockholders iu the mine, which wa». o CD c© Mrs. Brouillette read a paper H * • J Z L H i . o The tobacco habit grows on a man ing about 5 o ’clock, at Floras Lake, varied as any given by an ordinary claimed to have been fraudulently a M D r Miles* P air I Christian Endeavor, by special re­ headache, bil- county to be the roughest and wild­ Superintendent Canning of tbe quest. Closing song by Willow­ tures o f discipline and school gov­ P ills . “On© cent a doe©. At all druggist«. iousnea8,constipation kiariify St., est part of the United States. couuty farm has a bright 8-year-old dale C. E. Recitation by Miss ernment, and the matter of written o f bowel*, pain* in com er o f Commercial Nervous P rostration. the back^nefancholy, boy to put out on trial,or for adop­ San Francisco, Cal. Millie Bronillette. Closing address This in the heart of civilization: program, in which it was agreed tongue coated, font Established in 1864, tion to the proper person. Apply by vice-president. Miss Nettie should understand , ' E. W. Jov C ompany In the English house o f com m ons, that 'P*1 the ,n e teacher «h ou ld understand ompany — Gentlemen: tor the t refitment o f breath, pimples on at ouce in person, or by letter Greer. Song—God be with yoc, Sexual and Seminal face^ body and limb, nervous Friday, during the debate on tbe h! l!e b. w » n ' l 1 hav0 s!lfTered frora pros- ? diseases, snch asG on- till we meet agaiD, by the congte- dechneofnerre force i fjv .« •» . , ra "Y “ ' f’ and that be should , tration from financial losses. Can Mr. and Mrs. Caddie Lockwood «xrbea. Gleet, Str.ct- queen s speech, Timothy Harnngtou j keep a written program of dizzy s p e l l s faint his say Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla has came down from Myrtle Point gation. x nre. Syphilis* in all spella, cold, clammy its forms. Seminal Weakness. Im potency declared that the liberal party had j daily work. The committee on resolutions cured mo. My liver, stomach and together on their bicycles last feel arid hands, sour and Lost Manhood permanently cured. Th a : 10:30—- recess. | j)OW Pis have been very inactive, but Friday morning and rolled on then repirted these fied from home rule. Dr. Tauner risin g , fatigue, in- sick and afflict'd should not fail to c al f | aomma, and all dis­ upon him. The Doctor bas traveled exten­ RESOLUTION« OF THANKS. shouted out “ Lie!” ami confusion ! Mrs. Balcomb resumed the etndy since taking your remedy I am through to Marshfield. sively iu Europe, and inapected t hcrong hly ease* o f the stomach, Resolved, That tbe thanks of j °* Geography, in which she sug-1 entirely well. All business men the various hospitals there, obtaining a otice to sto ck h o ld er s . —The reigned for a time. Tanner refused I liver and kidneys. . . . . . , gestexi many devices for teaching *nd women should u«e it Please irreat deal of valuable information, which annual m -etin« of tho stockholders of the Y. P. 8. C. W., now met in con­ Joy a Vegetable Sar­ he is competent to impart to those in need tho Coos Count, Mercantile end Shipping vention at Willowdale, are hereby saparilla ia »old by all to retract his expression and was geography and making the subject publish. (Signed.) druggists, R e f u s e a o f his services. The Doctor cures when AoeociAtion will bo held At Herald Hall to the steamboat corapa- suspended for a week. Upon retir- intereeting. Prominent among the Ms W m . H enry J onfs . substitute. W Wti h e n ^ ro q j others fail. Try him. DK. GIBBON will (over the H ebau > offiov) in Coqnill* C i t j .. extended . payfbr thebeat make no charge nnless be efFects a enre. ing he made a courteous bow and *upffe«!io ns were the use o f m old-1 Butte, Mont Oregon, on Friday, September S. 1R9S. at 2 Dies for the favor o f reduced rates you get tbe best. Persons at a distance CD RED AT HOME o clock p. m. J. H. JAMES, Sec. to delegates to this convention; to remarked: “ I have greater pleasure W d * dMjMtad maps, m o w - All communications st rictly confidential. ing pictures o f wnterfAllft, cities,! Backache. Dizzinem, Tiredness, Jim Whetstone has moved to the people o f Willowdale for the A 11 letters answered in plain envelopes^ in leaving than I had in entering •„■•«»I. .» ■ .t .l . . . etc. i. give way to Joy's Vegetable Sarsap- Uncle Bird Vowell's property, near splendid and hearty reception ac- j Charges reasonable. Call or write: Address auitnals, ■ mountains, DR. J . F. GIBBON, this dirty house.' ( Pi of. Golden again took up the ¡»rill*. the schoolhonse. corded to ns; to the society of 47 tf 1 Box 1957. San Franoisco. CaL C ïtg & M Î& . L Dolt Hood’s Sarsaparilla I 0 m Mi in 1 0 0 .0 0 Given Aw ay E very M onth I Q THE PRESS CLAIMS GO. 623 J N