tipetti* Jwrnlil T U E SD A Y . AUGUST 20. 1895 ’ R E G U L A R TRAINS , W days wilJ rail as follows; M Leave M B B ondays 8.00 a. ni. Arrive 44 9.15 41 9.50 “ 10.00 41 e d n e sd a y s and f u i - Marshfield COQUILLE CITY Norway Myrtle Point LOCAL Arrive 12.15 p. ni. Leave 11.00 a. in. 10.25 44 10.15 44 IT E M S. Additional locals on 2d page. Now for the new echoolhouse—a pull all together. Wedding bells promise to peal out in the near future. Tom Coke has disposed of his farm near Sumner nnd will move to his farm near this city. Jesse Beyers, after 32 days con­ finement with fever, is out exercis­ ing and inhaling the pure air again. Call on Dr. StraDge to have your dental work done. He will be at Coquille City from August 26th until S e p t 2d. Johnson Bro's bought a large number of bottles for their soda works a. Bandon last week, from a stock that was brought there some time siuce and were attache!. William Abernathy of Dora was down last week. We regret to learn that Mr. A. contemplates moving to Forest Grove with his family to securo educational ad­ vantages. Mrs. John Flinu, of near Fair- view, was visiting in town part of last peek and over Sunday, attend­ ing the religious services and greet­ ing many friends. She returned home yesterday. Rev. Wm. M. Wells of Roseburg, the newly-chosen Baptist minister in this charge, preached last Sun­ day morning and at night. His next appointment will be the 3d Sunday in September. Bo au.e and put a box of Ayer’s Pill« in your satchel before traveling, either by land or sea. You will find them conveaieiit, effi­ cacious and safe. The best remedy for costiven6ss, indigestion nnd sick-hondache, and adapted to any climate. C. M. Skeels and family, of cen- tral Point, have been visiting this section the past week, and after a trip to the bay and to Bandon may conclude to locate in this county— possibly iu Coquille City. The aerial ballancer and acrobat, Godfrey, gave a very acceptable entertainment here last Saturday uigbt. He is good nt all that he promises to do in his line, and is a contortionist of more than ordi­ nary ability. Mr. Godfrey drew a good audience nnd made many friends here. I t is au exception­ ally good show. Mr. C. G. Strong, principal of the public schools at Anderson, Cal., says: “I have used Chamberlain’s Pain Balm nnd have found it an ex­ cellent remedy for lameness and slight wounds.” Lameness usually results from a sprain, or other in­ jury, or from rheumatism, for which Chamberlain’s Pain Bulm is espe­ cially intended and unequnled. It affords almost immediate relief and in a short time effects n permanent cure. For sale by Dr. S. L. Leneve, druggist A commission firm in San Fran­ cisco has awakened to the situation and the knowledge that the famous Point Reyes butter is excelled iu quality, richness of flavor and pre­ paration for market by that of the Coquille valley, and last week their agent appeared at this place duly authorized to tender several points, advance for the Coquille creamery batter and corner the output. The agent visited the creamery iu per- sou, inspected its capacity and the manipulation of the product, and was so delighted with the same that be bargained for the best price going io the city for the brand. The agent complimented the man­ ager, Mr. Romander, for his expert manipnlation, and praised the val­ ley as being firat-class in every particular as a dairy section, and the intelligence of oar farmers in its successful and profitable utilization. The creamery management has been making heavy shipments of late. Null r » w nl D ro w n in g - Word reached this place Sat­ urday eveniug of the accidental drowning of Ed Johnson, of the South Fork, at Bandon that after­ noon. Mr. Johnson and family, Jo e and Mrs. Dean (the latter a sister of Mr. Johnson’s), and sev­ eral other neighbors and friends from the South Fork drove down to the beach last weok and were camping together and enjoying an outing and rest. Saturday after­ noon, as near as we can get the in­ formal! n, Ed Johnson (the sub­ ject of this writing), Matheson and James Childs of Grants Pass (rel­ atives of Mrs. Messer’s of this city) and Jesse Belieu of the South Fork neighborhood, the tide being low and the ocean having receded beyond many of the rocks, went out to Mussel rock and on the ocean having receded beyond many of the rocks, went out to Mussel rock and on the ocean side of it to gather mussels. Mr. Johnson seemed to hnve been most exposed, though he was a healthy, stout man, a good swim­ mer and familiar with the tricks of the breakers, but while he was em­ ployed a huge wave dashed against aud o’erwhelmed him. One of the men on (the rock, Jesse Belien, doffed bis coat and threw it to Mr. Johnson as be appeared to view, who saw and grasped it bat disap­ peared .’again. Mr. Belien held to the cont, but instead of rescuing Mr. Johnson, tbs sleeve gaye way and the drowning man was seen no more till next morning, when the body was washed ashore and found by the sorrowing friends. The sad onting party at once struck camp nnd started with their teams Sunday for Myrtle Point. The family aud friends at home up the river wereliotified by telephone, and Prof. Tom Johnson, a brother, was summoned from Coos river and passed np home on yesterday’s train. It is a very sad ense. Mr. Johnson, deceased, was widely known and popular;- be was s d affectionate son and brother, a true friend, and a loving nnd provident husbaud and father, in whose mis­ fortune a young wife nnd two chil­ dren have been cruelly bereft of tbeir natural protector. The sym­ pathies of many friends go oat to those weeping parents, wife, chil­ dren and friends in this sad visita­ tion. Deceased was 36 years old January 3d last. A delegation, comprising Hon. W. Sinclair, D. G. W. M., T. R. Willard, N. Lorenz, S. P. C. John- bou and C. W. White, of Chadwick Lodge No. 68, A. F. & A. M., vis­ ited Bandon last Saturday night aud organized a Masonic lodge. The new lodge starts off with a good membership nnd promises snccess. The officers are: Ralph Rosa, W. M.; Robert Walker, sen­ ior warden; Gurley Boak, junior warden; James Langhead, secre­ tary; Jeff Thrift, treasnrei; Wm. BiDgaman, tyler. Gray of the Mail intimates dabionsuees of the Rev. O. G. Quimby and the editor of the H e r a l d “gathering pearls on the bright, celestial shore” together. Well, we wouldn’t, if Gray bad his say-so about it or got there first. He is one of those lawyers the bible speaks about— he “will neither go in himself nor permit others to enter” to that bright, celestial shore. Au intelligent viticulturist, a Mr. Broeteja, Itving at Erfnrt (for­ merly Oak Grove), after experi­ menting with 40 different kmds ot grapes, with a view to finding ont the varieties best adapted to Oregon soil and climate, concludes that the Warden and Niagara are the best, and do splendidly, com­ paring with the best growth in California. The teachers’ examination, held at Marshfield beginning last Wed­ nesday, was concluded by Satur­ day with this result: Passed first grade— Miss Ethel Simpson; 2d Uatarrn. grade—Mars McDonald, Jam es E. E. W. J oy C ompact — Genttemen: Baldwin and Jam es Coke; 3d grade I have just completed the second bottle of your Vegetable Sarsaparilla, ¡ —Miss Marie Black. The attend­ I have had catarrh for years which ance was small, there teiDg only affected my eyes, hearing and stom­ nine applicants. ach. Frequently would have dull Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Quick headaches for days at a time. Since aud Miss Mary Quick aod Mra taking your remedy I havo felt no Wheeler were up last Saturday and disagreeable symptoms. Trusting you will publish this as Sunday at the Baptist services con­ I want any one suffering from any ducted by Rev. Mr. W’ells. of the above symptoms to be bene­ If our readeis will clip the cou­ fited. Kindly send n>e two more bottles by return express. (Signed) pon offering premiums, in another column, they will find the promise M r . F red erick D e R ii hmox B , Seattle, Wash. carried ont to the letter. Misa Sus*e Peterson is reported Every mail brings a new batch of testimonials for Joy ’s Vegetable vpry ill at her home at Riverton. S tra D g e , the dentist, ¡s c o rn in g . Sarsaparilla. i I i i 1 manj other ailment* when they have taken hold of tho system, never gets better of It* own accord, bat C o n sta n tly a rotes trorme. There are thousands who know they have a defective heart, bnt will not admit the fact. They don't want tbeir friends to worry, and D o n 't k n o w w h a t t o ta k e f o r it, as they have been told time and again that heart disease was Incurable. Such was the case of Mr. Silas Farley of Dyesvllle, Ohio who writes June 19, 1894, as follows: -* - BIG PROFITS “ sm ü f& T n ^ Returning prosperity will make man, rich, but nowhere ean th e, make so much within a short time as b , snooeaafnl Speculation in Grain, Provision, and Stock. 00 FOR EACH DOLLAR INVESTED CAN BE MADE HY OUR $10 ’= Systematic Plan o f Speculation originated by us. All successful speculators operate on a regular system. It is a well-known fact that there are thousands of people iu all part« of the United States who, by systematic „ trading _ through Chicago tioago brokers, make large amounts every year, ranging from a few thousand dollars for the man who invests a hundred or two t hundred dollars up to $50,000 or $100,000 or more by those who invest a few thousand. It is also a fact that those who make the largeat profits from comparatively small investments on this plan are persons who live awny from Chioago and invest through 441 h a d h e a r t d isea se f o r 163 y e a r s , brokers who thoroughly understand systematic trading. my heart hurting mo almost continually. Our plan does not risk the whole amount invested on any trade, but oovers both sides, The first 15 years I doctored all tho time, so that whether tbe market rises or falls it brings a steady profit that piles up enormously trying several physicians and remedies, in a short time. W RITE FOR CONVINCING PROOFS, also our Manual on successful speculation until my last doctor told me it was only a question of time as and our Daily Market Report, full of raoney-mnking pointers. ALL F R E E . Our Mau- I could not be cured. ual explains margin trading fully. Highest references iu regard to our standing and 1 gradually grow sucoesa. For further information address 'X 'H O l t v C .A .S SC C O . , Bankers k Brokers, worse, very weak, 241-242 Rialto Building, CHICAGO, IL L . and completely dis­ feb l 96] couraged, until I lived, propped half T h e P lo u e e r » ’ R e u n io n , I SOME WANT up In bed, because I presents itself at c o u ld n 't lie d o w n Held at Bandon last week, was a the household nor sit np. Think­ great success, in numbers attend­ and elsewhere if any aotivity in the locality ing my time had Keep your business or affairs alive and ing, in interest and in pleasnre- come I told my fam­ make them move. Cash is the right thing. ily what I wanted ableness. The Reoorder says more Do not let any one get your name down as done when I was a debtor. Be free and independent to pur­ gone. But on the first day of March on than 100 were in attendance the chase where aud what you plfease. If you the recommendation of Mrs. Fannie Jones, first day, iuclnding some who had have not the capital to run the ranch or tbe business get it on the best terms possible of Anderson, Ind., 1 commenced taking D r . M i l e s ' N e w C u r e f o r t h e H e a r t not seen each other for more than and pay for it at ourrent rates, but do not two prioes for aooda for the sake of a and wonderful to toll, In ten days I was twenty years. Among the notable pay few weeks credit. That is your trouble to­ working at light work and on March 19 com­ day, Economy is wealth. Our CLOTH­ menced framing a barn, which Is heavy citizens present, as well as pion­ ING for Sandaj and everyday ryday i nse is well work, and I hav’nt lost a day since. I am OS eers, were Congressman Binger made and of good material. It is sold at years old, S ft. Inches and weigh 2501be. the r ght prioe. SUNDAY SU ITS AT # 9 JT b e lie v e I a m f u l l y c u r e d , and Hermann, Gonnty Judge J. -Henty Send for oor foil I am now only anxious that everyone shall Schroeder, Mrs. Lockhart, Mrs. J . list of u t r know of your wonderful remedies." F . Hcbroeder, onr postmaster, A. Dyesvlllo, Ohio. S ilas F arley . SMITH’S CASH STORE, Dr. Miles Heart Cure is sold on a positive G. Aiken, County Commissioner 416 to 418 Front street, San Friuioisoo. guarantee that tho first bottle will benefit. All druggists sell it a t 81, 5 bottles forte oi B. F. Ross, W. D. L. F. Smith and it will be sent, prepaid on receipt of price E x e c u tio n S a le . by the Dr. Miles Medical Oo. Elkhart, lnd. wife, Maj. Robert Lowe, U. S. EVERY DAY CLOTHING Dr. M iles’ H e a rt Cure Restores Health Prof. F . W. Wright of Arago is one of the to ird of examiners and attended the examination at Marsh­ field last week. The Chinese pAy their doctor only so long as he keeps them in health. They believe in preventing rather than ouring disease. This is sound sense, nnd one of the strong­ est recommendations of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, a medicine which not only enres diseases bnt prevents them. Elder Hollenheak was down from the North Fork section yesterday. He and others are hauling lumber for William and Albert Bettys, who are putting up a nice residence on the property recently purchased from Mr. McDowell. To the ladies of Coquille and vicinity.—I have decided to do dressmaking at my home on Cun­ ningham. A share of your patron­ age is solicited. Will call and take orders, if so desired, but prefer the work at Lome. Will sew cheap for cashortrade. All work guaranteed, au gl] M b s . B u s k ir k . Coast Mail: Mr. S. Ban, an in­ telligent. educated Japanese, who spe-aks English fluently, last week, exhibited in tiie office of tho sec­ retary of the exposition n skein of silk raised on Portland Heights. This wonderful piece of infor­ mation, when within the borders of hi3 own county lives and labors the most accomplished, proficient nnd expert silk producer in this whole country, who made an attractive exhibit of silk in its various stages, the eggs, cocoons, floss, tram aud organgine at the world’s fair at Chicago iu ’93, aud at other points, attracting the attention and win­ ning favorable and special mention of tbe government authorities and of silk experts and dealers at all points, but whom he does not deign to mention. Moreover that “intel­ ligent, educated Japanese, who speaks English fluently lart week,” seems to have run ont—dissolved, come to an end—like liisone “skein of silk,” while onrs talks English fluently right along, month in and month out, and hns triumphed in discovering the "hub of tbe uni­ verse” for tbe culture and prepara­ tion of silk fibre. Comp, now, Johnny, don’t go to the ends of tbe earth for a text to expatiate upon. Commissioner Dodge and others. A grand, all-aronnd handshake and greeting of old friends was indulged in, while the citizens of BaDdon had made hospitable and kindly provision for tbe entertain­ ment of these worthy people and extended a warm welcome by way of encouraging their enjoyment of the meeting. Prof. J . I. CoDger delivered an address of welcome, nnd this was responded to by Hon. J . Henry Schroeder. The following officers were elected for the ensuiog year; H od . J . Henry Schroeder, president; Mrs. Lockhart and Mrs. J . F. Schroeder, vice-presidents; B. F. Ross, treasurer; A. G. Aiken, mar­ shal. Coquille City was selected as the place to hold the next meet­ ing. Geo. Moulton again accepts the agency of the Pacific nursery at Tangent, Oregon, and will canvass Coos county. This is a reliable firm nnd already known as such to Coos county patrons, while George is also well known and denis fairly with onr citizens. If you want fruit trees of any kind, trne to name aod at fair prices, give George Moulton yoni order. All druggists guarantee Dr. Miles* P ain P ills to ston Headache. "One cent a “ Tuning and Band-Sawing H AVING well-ngged Taming-Lathe and Band-Saw in operation, the under­ signed solicits ALL KINDS OF Turning and Band-Saw Work nt any time. Can be found at the Shingl.- mill. (8 tf ) W. W. SHIELDS. A ll Persons who will clip this coupon from the columns * * *” of the HERALD and send it with their order to Smith’s Cash Store, 414 to 418 Front street, San Francisco, Cal., will receive pre­ miums, as follows: On orders $1 to $10, n child's book, Dolly Dimple Series; order $10 to $25, one year’s subscription, free, to any of the fol­ lowing PAPERS : IX I I SCATTERED HEEDS, Philadelphia. Pa. ORCHARD AND FARM, San Francisco. HOME MAGAZINE, Washington, D. C. FARM JOURNAL, Philadelphia, Pm. Only one coupon honored with each order. |8ugar purchases not included in the above offe r] Books rnrr from oar 25 cent ft- I s ft- ft» list, mny l»e chosen in place | | f L L of papers if preferred. Orvil Dodge, editor and pub­ .« .lit R l ED . D ickson -T ybbbll —At tbe residence of D. lisher of the late West Oregonian, F . Dean, eso., Empire City, A or . 13. 1895, desires to announce through tbe by Justice R. J . CnssAns, Thomas Dick­ H e r a l d that the parties who son and Mrs. Josephine Tyrrell. N oulk -L ammy —In Coquille City, Aug. 18, bnagbt his plaut agreed to, fill all 1895, by B er. C. F.Cone. Charles A.Noble subscriptions that had been paid aud Miss Emma Lnmmy. in advance. D IE D . T omlinson —At Coaled o, Aug. 13,1895, Chas. C. Tomlinson, Aged 72 years and 3 months. L yons —At Ferndale, n°nr Marshfield, Aug. 12. 1895. Daniel Jackson Lyons, aged 82 years, 4 months aud 14 days. BO R 3. P ointrb —At Green Point, Aug. 15, 1895, to Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Pointer, a son. B rkwbb —At Bandon, Aug. 11,1895, to Mr. and Mrs. M. Brewer, a daughter. R obison —At Fishtrap, Aug. 17, 1895, to Mr. and Mrs. Tenn Robison, a son. ] ) R . J . B U R T . MOORE, SU RG EO N AND PH YSIC IA N . IL L promptly respond to all calls, day or night. W COQUILLE CITY, OREGON. Q f » A ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE— O e - J A beautiful home. IOOO prune trees coming into bearing; a good apple orchard ana some small frnit; good house and barn and outbuildings; plenty of good water aod everything convenient. mIO S FOR SALE.—Several fine half- Highest Honors— World’»* F air, breed Berkshire pigs, a bout 3 weeks old, Qold Medal, Midwinter Fair. at 50 and 75 cents each. Call on or send to JOHN QUICK, ft) Lampe y Creek. Or. D R Ï I Testimonials for Lewis’ Rheumatic Liniment. W . T. L e w is . Manufacturer o f Lewis* Lin­ i m * C R E A M B A K IN G P O W D fR Most Perfect Made. 40 Y ean tbe Standard. iment. Myrtle Point. Oregon. Dava S ib : I hava been troubled with sick headache foT rears, and have tried many remedies, but found no good result from anything until I tried your Great Lin- . im nt, I found permanent relief from one application and recommend it tothe public for like trouble. I have often been in bed for 2 or 3 days with this dreadful diaeaae and havasuffered intensely, but I am happy to say tnat I have at last found s sure cure, and that cure is Lewi*’ Great Rheumatic and Nenralgic Liniment. Respectfully. MRS. O . W. RrKW AItT, This Liniment on tale at Ltneve’s drug store. N OTICE is hereby given, that under and by virtue of an execution and order of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of tho 8tate of Oregon for C ooj county, against Matthew N. Belieu,Martha M. Boiieu and\V. L. Dixon, defendants, and in favor of John W. Eld ridge, plaintiff, commanding me f the certain mortgaged___ real property hereinafter particularly described, or a sufficiency thereof t> satisfy the amounts specified in said execution, to wit: $466.50, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 21st day of May, 1895, an attorney fee of $50.00, and for $13.00 costs aud disbursements, together with costs on said writ, I will, ON SATUR­ DAY, TH E 21 ST DAY OF SEPTEM BER. 1895, at one o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the Courthouse door in the town of Empire City, Coos county, Oregon, offer for sale and sell at publio auotion to the high­ est and beat bidder for cash, all right,J title and interest which the said defendants, or either of them had on the 22d day of Sep­ tember, 1893, or may at any time since nave acquired in or to the following described real estate: The southeast quarter of the northwest quarter, south half of the north­ east quarter, northeast quarter of the northeast quarter, north half of >h i north­ west quarter, southwest quarter of north­ west quarter and northwest quarter of northeast quarter of seotion two, all in township thirty south of range eleven west of the Willamette Meridian, in Coos oounty, Oregon. Dated at Empire City, Coos oounty, Ore­ gon, this 16th day of August, 1895. aug2U6w] W. W. GAGE. Sheriff of Coos oounty, Oregon. C ita tio n . IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FUR COOS COUNTY: In the matter of the Estate of ) Catherine Rebecca Decker, >• CITATION deceased. ) In the name of the State of Oregon: To Samuel E. Deoker, F . M. Decker, Rose Jones (nee Decker), Arthur Decker, Lillie Deoker, John Decker and Alace Decker, heirs nt law of Catherine Rebecca Decker, deceased, late of Coos county, in the State of Oregon, and to all other persons interested in said estate. Whereas, application having been made in due form to the above named Court on the 27th day of July, 1895, by Samuel E. Deoker, administrator of said estate, for an order and license directing, authorizing and empowering him to sell the real estate belonging to the estate of said deoedent, and described ns follows, to-wit; Lots 1, 2 and 7, in block 1; lots 3, 4, 7 and 8, in block 6; lots 7 and 8, in block 5; lots 1 nnd 2, in block 4; and lots 1 nnd 2 in block 2, iu Decker's Addition to Myrtle Point, Coos county, Oregon, And whoreas, said Court fixed on the 3d day of September, 1895, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, at the Court-room of this Court, in the Courthouse in Empire City, Coos oounty and state of Oregon, as the time and place for hearing any and all objections to said petition and the granting of said order and license of sale. Therefore, in the name of the State of Oregon. You and each of you, nnd all un­ known heirs if any such there be, and all other persons interested in said estate are hereby cited, directed and require J to be and appear at said time and place then and there to show cause, if any you have, or if any exist, why an order of sale should not be made, as in the petition prayed for, aud why said petition should not be granted and said order and lioense should not issue. W itness , The Hon. J . Henry Schroeder, Judge of said Court, with the seal of said Court affixed, this 81st B eal ) day of July, A.D, 1895. D. F. DEAN, Clerk. Hug6 5tl By Eugene Pannenberg, Deputy. THE IMPERIAL BICYCLE, Has Taken j™ sstîïïiii, A atrictlr High Grade Machine, warranted from the ground up, U U IU A 1 IU H L 1 1 ( 1 6 First and Second Prizes. $ 5 0 0 0 Challenge in Qold Coin to Any One Who Will Show a Record Like T H E I M P E R I A L ! Nearly 500 were sold in Oregon and Washington ”®S Sari during the aeaaon of 1894. NORTH P A C IF IC B IC Y C L E CO., ____ 133 Morrison street, Portland, Oregon. FOR PRICES, APPLY TO— G . F. B O U T E L L , C oquille City, AGENT FOR COOS COUNTY. DON’T IT’S INJURIOUS TO STOP SUDDENLY and don’t be imposed upon by buying a remedy that requires you to do so, as it is nothing more than a substitue. In the sud­ den stoppage of tobacco you must have some stimulant, and in most all cases, the effect of the stimulant, be it opinm, mor­ phine, or other opiates, leaves a far worse habit contracted. Ask your druggist about B A C O -C U E O . ------------------------------------------------------------*It is purely vegetable. You do not have to atop UBing tobacco with BA C0-CUR0- It will notify you when to atop and your desire for tobacco will cease. Your system will be ns free from nicotine aa the dny before you took your first chew or amok#. An iron-clad written guarantee to absolutely cure the tobacco habit in ali its forma, or money refunded. Price $1 per box, or 3 boxes (30 dnve treatment and guaranteed cure,) $2.50 For sole by all druggists or will be sent by mail upon receipt of price. SEND S I X T W O -G E N T STAMPS FO R SAMPLE BOX. Booklets and proofs free E ubeka C hemical k M’r’o Co., La Crosse, Wia. Offioe o f T H E P IO N E E R P r E S S COMPANY, 0 . W. Hornlek, Sep t.. Boreka Chemioat and Man’f g Co., L a C m *», W to.-D efr V h “ 1’ “ have bjl?n a? t o W o fiend for many years, and during the past two year« have «moked fifteen toVwSn ty c ta ii? regularly every day. My whole nervous system became affected until mv r»t» vsinfnti ‘ t 6 r » ,ob/ 'oco' for being St fea.t. I tr ie ^ h e a o ^ e a lU d acoiden^afwTe'arned ¿f y?or “BaD olcSro°“ Th£e fodW »yhI°» 8coce“ '.nnt!1 1 your preparation, and today I consider myaelf complete!. SSrJi ?T w"* and the horrible craving for tobacoo, which every inv« ira te sm ok er fu lly ap p reciates, ha completely left me. I oonsider your “Baoo-Onro' sim p ly w onderful, and c a n fu ll recommend it. Yours very truly, O. W. H oknick . Citation. US THE NAME OF THE STATE OF To George Landrith. Joseph Landrith, Oli­ ver G. Landrith, Martha L . Crow, Dora A. Cathcart, Cyrua L. Landrith, E. L Lan­ drith, John Applegate, AJioe M. Hart, Mary O. Wilaon, Samuel W. Applegate, Sylvia E. Chambers. Emma D. Bunch Calvin C. Bridges, heirs at law of Cyrus Landrith, deceased, late of Coos county, in the State of Oregon, and to such other persons as claim a freehold estate in the lands hereinafter described. You and each of yon are hereby notified that, on the 8th day of July, 1895, Martha A. Landrith filed in the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Coos her petition, in whioh she alleges herself to be the widow of said Cyrns Landrith, de- oeAsed, and entitled to havo assigned to her dower, in all those oertain pieces and par­ cels of laud in said Coos county particularly described as follows, to-wit: Lot No. one, nnd nine acres off of the south eml of lot No. 2; tho 8 E ^ of the 8E)£ of section 2H, and lot No. 9 of section 26, all in township 25 south, of range 12 west of Willamette meridian, containing in all one hundred and twenty-four acres, and also all of the tide lands fronting and abutting upon said lands; nnd prays said Couit to make an order directing the manner in which notice of her application for assignment of dower should be given. And whereas said County Court did, on said 8th day of July, 1895, npon the filing of said petition, duly make an order directing thnt a citation issue out of said Court, direoted to the persons here­ inbefore named, notifying them of the filing of said petition, and requiring them to appear in said Court, on or before the 3d day of September, 1895, and show cause, if any they have, v*hy the prayer ot said peti­ tion should not be granted, and the dower of said petitioner assigned to her in the manner provided by law. And whereas said Court further ordered that the Clerk of said Court, cause such citation to be pub­ lished in a newspaper of general circulation published in said county, once each week for four successive weeks before said 3d day of September, 1895. Now. therefore, in pursuance of tho order of said County Court, you and each of you are hereby cited to lie and appear in said County Court on or before the 3d dny of September, 1895, and show cause, if any you have, why the prayer of said petition should not be granted. In testimony whereof 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court this 16th day of July, A. D. 1895. D. F. DEAN, County Clerk. ( M IL > By E. Faunen berg, — [jlj28 6t| D. e puty E xecu tion Sale. JOHN H. YAGER, — DEALER IN— Hardware, Stoves, Tin­ ware, Queesware,Glass­ ware, Lamps, Cutlery. Etc., Etc. BAXVDOXV, O R . RDERS BY MAIL PROM FTL Y O attended to, and goods shipped per steamer to nil points on the npper riTer at price, that defy competition. COAL S ’JO V E S . WOOD S T O V E S , COO K S T O V E f RA N G ES. BUILDINO HARDWARE—Bach aa Nall. Borewa, Look., H inge, etc., at rock-bottom nrioea. NOTICE. y per so n or perso n s A n CUTTING ON OR REMOV­ ING CHITTIM BARK FROM T H E Sootheri Oregon Go’s Land, WITHOUT BEINO DULY AU­ THORIZED, W ILL B E PRO SE­ CUTED ACCORDING TO LAW * f-WAny Demon tarnishing sufficient art- donee for the recovery of Bark ao taken will be given one-half of the bark recovered. SOUTHERN OREGON CO. J one ll-3m ) W. L . D o u c l a s OTICE is hereby given thAt under and _ S H O E FIT Fove named, had on the 2d day of March, City, in said county, offer for sale and soli 1895, or may at any time ainoe hnve acquired i nt public auction, to tho highest nnd best in or to the following deacribed real estate, j bidder for cosh, nil of the right, title and to-wit: The creamery building, machinery ! interest which tho said defendants, or and ground known as the Gravel Ford \ either of them, had on the 16th day of Creamery, constituting the creamery plant j October, 1891, or may at any time since of the said Gravel Ford Creamery Associa­ hnve acquired, in or to the above deacribed tion, in Coos county, Oregon, and located real property, or so much thereof as may necessary to satisfy the demands of said on and being the land conveyed to said be Gravel Ford Creamery Association by K. A. | execution as Above stated. Pollard and wife and described as follows: j Dated July 17, 1 riift. W. W. GAGE, Beginning at a pile 12 inches in diameter Sheriff of Cues county, Oregon. Red Front Bnlliding—op-ataira—Front S t. tinder the east side of the Grsvel Ford jly23 5t| COQUILLE CITY. bridge, said pile is marked 44C. 8.” and Is 210)f feet south. and 129 feet east of the meander corner on the right bank of the i North Fork of tbe Coquille river, between I sections 20 and 34. In twp lWsouth, of rsnge I 12 west, Willamette meridian, atate of Ore- i goo, and running aouth 19 deg. east 100 feet along county road: thence south 34 degrees east feel to cedar prsit marked "C. 8.” : thence north 39)4 degrees east a distance of about 130 feet to low water mark of the right bank of the said Coquille river; thence up stream «long krw water mark to t B tm xm , Oregon. Zone 10, IB 9 I 5 . C f l A r r o c — 40 acre» eitra fin« the lower ride of the Gravel Ford bridge;1 r o m t h i s d a t e , u n t il f u r t h e r “ «• vw bottom land, all Improved thence sooth 45 degrees west to the place of notice, «• will pay !9 cent, for good and well located; fair hooee, good apple, beginning containing one-fourth of an wool, delivered here. For further pnrtic- prune and cherry orchards, good barn, beat acre of land more or less and situated in nlnm, call on or addrena of water for hoasahold nnd stock in abund­ Coos oounty. state of Oregon. BANDON WOOLEN M ILL8 CO. ance About 1 mile from ooatotlce, cloea Dated at Empire City. Coos county, Ore­ Hack« and twine wilt be tamlahed free to river and creamery, and good s c ho«»!, gon, this 27th any of July, lW l. npon application to partiea dtapoafnq of with county road running on one side of W. W. GAGE. I.taee. Inmrirc at II VKAl.D Ol'FU F- pyiW 5w) Hlieriff of O o * county, Oregoif. their wool to na. N N smash S l r á l ai Hair Dressine Wool l Wool I RARE CHANGE Farmers, Attention Nice Home for Sale F