t if ili* 6Ü q g i r a l i Highest o f all in Leavening Power.— Latest U.S. Gov’t Report W kal u ru n n er»' T ap er C B., R. & E. R. R. & N. Co. M i s s N e l l i e F ig g ’s Najra. 'O T I C E — H o n . W . S in c la ir is «lie re<-n- The following article from the lurly D Q lh in iu il uncut u« C o q a il l c I ity Farmers’ Home Journal, published lor tb e collect inn »if »ubuiily n m i r iR h l- o l ­ iu San Francisco, is to the point ii hv s u b s c r ip tio n * o u Hocnunt o f th is c o m . T U E 8 D A Y , JU N E 25. 1895. „linv. K. A.ÜKAHAM. It is excellent advice to the people =r I o f Douglas county: For God, and Home and Native Land. Umpqua Valley, Oregon, like California, is sutleriug from rail­ — HDtTHO BY TH *— .T H E .. FIRST 8THEET, OPPOSITE O D D road oppression, and tbe people COQUILLE C ITY W. C. T U. F E LLU W S’ HALL, feel it very keenly indeed. Some The CoqumieCity W . C. T. U. meet« «1 A b s o l u t e l y p u r e three or fo ir years ago a movement he Methodist church, south, every fri* C O Q U IL LE C IT Y , OREGON. was started to throw off this yoke ay, at 8 o’ clock p. m. All interested in the They say this is summer— it is by building an opposition road work are invited to ettend L O C A L IT E M S. HOICE stock of new nnd fashionable known to ho so in somo localities, from Jtoaeburg, tbe metropolis of I s fc±$ w J ï:> 1 millinery, includum trimme d.and un- T e m p e ra n c e n o te s. triinmed hats, flowers, ribbons, tips, eto the valley, out to Coos bay by the for the heated apell is on them iu County court will meet the 1st Will receive new invoices and n fiiio stock full force as a reminder; but cur way of Myrtle Point and Coquille of FANCY GOODS by each steamer and FFrom the National W . C. T. U. Bulletin.1 Monday In July. City, a distance of about ninety by rail. Lad ies are 'ordinlly invited to in- almanac tells ns so, and with hay fipect these goods and compare prices. | miles. From this point there is Speaks through the Boothhay (M e.) Rtgisttr, New York’s reform police com­ Mrs. S. A. Moore o f Marshfield Ordors from a distance promptly and harvest aud npeuing fruits and ! good water connection to either of tho beneficial results he has received from missioners declare that “ saloons will leave soon for California. carefully tilled. a regular use of A y e r 's Tills, l i e s a y s : “ I 88 If | N ELLIE FIOG. vegetables pressing acquaintance­ San Francisco or Portland. Work are not proper places to frequent.” This pnper and the twice-o-weok was feeling sick ami tireil and my stomach was begun from tho Marshfield seemed ship, wo aro reminded that summer all out of order. I tried a number The AV. C. T. U. has a branoh New York World all for only $2.25. end of the line nDd the road was o f rem edies, but none seemed to give mo is also here. among the Warm Springs Indians completed as far as Myrtle Point, relief until I w ; ls Induced to try tho old relia­ The Coquille valley against the 1 Mr. and Mrs. N. Lorenz returned situated above tide water on the ble A y e r ’s Tills. I have taken only one in Oregon, with a membership of world—for soil and mild, equable, but 1 feel liko a new man. I think they from San Francisco, Cal., last Fri­ Coquille river. Here the work box, We take this opportunity of informing ir e the m ost pleasant and cnujr t o t n k e ol delightful climate. sixty. our subscribers that the new Commissioner day, landing at Port Orford and stopped short, with n distance of anything I ever used, being so finely sugar- of Pensions has been appointed. He is an The Bandou wcolen mills con­ Nineteen bills relating to tbe old soldier, nnd we believe tlmt soldier« and coming thence by w ay o f Bandon sixty miles to cover before freedom coated that even a child will take them . I their heirs will receive justice at his hands. could be realized. AVlth the Coos urge upon all who aro In noed of a laxative regulation o f the liquor traffic have tinue large shipments of their pto- and on our river steamer. Mr. L ’s Bay and Roseburg railroad com­ to try A y e r ’s Tills. They will do good.»» We do not anticipate that there will be any been introduced in the English dccts to San Francisco. a se s o f th o S to m a ch « L iv e r , radical changes in the administration of brother Henry, who had undergone pleted, tha people in the valley a n F d o r B a o ll w e d ls ise pension affairs under the now regime. , ta k e * parliament. A pair of fawn were taken over a critical snrgical operation ut tbe would be in an excellent position We would advise, howevor, that U. S. soldiers, sailors, and their heirs, take steps The Tennessee legislature has on the bay to Henry Holm, at German hospital in chat city, is to dictate their terms, not only to to make application at once, if they have not already done so, in o rder to secure the the new road, but to the S. P. Co’s Prepared by D r. J .C . Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mess. removed tbe “ black cap” from that Marshfield, last Wednesday. d o w rapidly improving. benefit of tbe early tiling of their claims lines as well. AVith an outlet state by enacting a temperance ed­ A strictly Irish-grndo Fn»’*»H.V S«wb»* in case there should be any futuro pension The Arago creamery shipped 35 E v e r y D o s e E f f e c t i v e Now, while the disposition seems through Coos bay, Roseburg would Black!uc, poK»eftxlng all modern legislation. Such legislation is seldom ucation law. im p r o v e m e n ts . buckets of butter to San Francisco to be on, and it is the “ fashion” become a city of considerable im­ retroaotive. Therefore it is of great im­ portance that applications be filed in the South Carolina's profits from the last Wednesday, yia tbe bay. elsewhere, why should we net or­ portance, and the adjacent country department at the earliest possible date. u a r a n t e e d q u a l to t h e est If U . S . soldiers, sailors or their widows, would reap the full benefit as dispensary system, during the Miss Lilly Dean is visiting ganize our efforts to adyance the 1*rit es v e r y re a s o n a b le . O b t a in lh< m children or parents, desire information in freights, through competition, fr o m j o u r lo c a l H au ler iu»«l u m U o quarter ending January 31st, friends on the South Fork, and general interests o f our town, aud regard to ponsion matters, they should c o m p a r is o n * . would be placed at the lowest pos-1 write to Tuu P ress C laim s C ompany , at amounted to $151,205. Washington, D. C., and they will prepare may protract her stay through the improve and beautify oursurrouud- sible notch from Portland and San and send the necessary application, if they In one year over a million dollnra' summer. ings? AVhy not organize a Village Fraucisco alike. For the sake of find them entitled under the numerous laws enacted for their benefit. Address, the valley, and for the snkeof your worth of property was destroyed b e l v i d e r e :, i l l . Dr. Strange, the dentist, left for Improvement Club? They exist PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, home, why not push this under­ by the failures o f beer drinking P. O. Box 885.1 Washington, D. 0 . in many places, and bays done! the lower river last week. He is taking forward? Push it to a engineers and switchmen. gaining a good patronage here, as much for their several localities, i speedy completion, and be fiee Miss Kate Lunden has organized he is, evidently, a good workmau. and we could do much to forward from high aDd discriminating p P rom ise ÎU ^tltylng p lllacu ro con stip ation PrfuittasTkeetlfyiiig p ill« «u r o cou»t,ipAtioa" PS Prem isa Rectifying p ills cure constipation Prontlwa E ectlfyipg plllacuro constipation tbe growth and beauty and attrac­ freight rates. Woman’s Christian Temperance County assessor Hansen and && WASHINGTON, d . a tions o f our town. Let ns organ­ 33 Unions of Scandinavian women in deputy, Taylor Weekly, went over Tire N atio n a l Tainnw « l* now entering upon It» * 8 T l i e V a lu e o* a F rie ii« !. m b year of phenonmnal success. . . ize a Village Improvement Club. Brooklyn and New York. 88 No other ftunily wwltly iu tbe country has hod such to the bay side last Wednesday to Cornelia, La.—“For over six years $ growth, and maintained It so steadily. . Vital force, Leat force, motor finish up their assessments in that ico«» Into every County. In the United Motes, and §s C U R E V c I was greatly troubled with consti­ U it s clubs of «utw rlboni nt nearly every Postomce. T H E L I S T IS S O W r O W l M .E T E . bas gained this proud position soioly on its merits force, nerve force and muscular section. pation nnd biliousness, and was u It a highly Interesting family nowspaper. 3.O. force are all impaired by the influ­ tlio O r e g o n P m M io often unable to work. At tho sug­ The shingle mill turned out 31,- T e S x c t h o n o o l s o k A s lii Cor <■ For tl?e Year 1894 aa To A ll llo o u N c lc c lc t ! gestion of a friend I tried Simmons ence of doses of aloobol.— Dr. N. A c c o r d i n g to f.tiw. It will be rmulo much better and more attractive thai 000 fine shiugles Wednesday of last Liver Regulator, and am now free j tver. While retaintn* all of Its pruseut popular feat a S. Davis. It was not until this week’s meet­ of these troubles.”— Harrison Tarle- •ires, it will constantly add new ones. week. Eight or ten men find em­ Expert bar-tenders estimate ployment, bonce the industry is ing o f the stnte board o f educa­ ton. Your druggist sells it in pow­ A lm ost a il p ills a n d m edicino produeo constipation, horo I s a pill that cure* torpid tion tlmt the final coutest over text­ der to be taken dry or made into a lì sixty-three drinks to the gallon. quite an addition to our place. liver, biliousness, rhoum atlam . Indigestion, sick hoodacho nud kidney aud liver books for the use of the schools of tea. On this estimate there were 6,604,- troubles w ithout grip ing or loaving’ an y trace o f C O N S T I P A T I O N , which jf 'n r M i s t o r y , by men who actually served and Roseburg Review: An ex-con­ Oregon was finally figured out and I ---- ---------- - « --------------— 'ought In the strmrgla. „ , „ . la tho prim o cause o f a ll sickness, bowaro of It getting h abitual and chronic with you, S h o r t H to r lo s of Romance, Travel, Experience 062,891 drinks o f whisky made in boo o , ; thoso pilla w ill w euro you. coo to - — It In tim » . -.. O ...O OO ,/»»»o ....a U.W J oi ^ \nd adventure, by leading writers. vict named White, from Coos decided. The last bitter fight was { a Brtitorlalm upholding the caui»e of the veterans, this country last year. 3:3 . » t I P o P R E N T I 3 3 R E C T I F Y I N G P IL L , and maintaining the highest loyalty to the Oovonv county, was arrested here Satur­ between the two principal series of nwnt, and the promotion of the best Interests of the SS because it la tho on ly safo and harm less The sale of liquors in the “ can- day charged with the Coos bay “ Word Lessons,” which was decided 82 romody that w ill su rely B E A U T I F Y th® a * h i n y t o n N o tes. Full accounts of what Is The long winter evenings can be taking 2£ pluee at the sent of Government; carefhl re­ teen” o f New York Soldiers’ and stage robbery. There wns no proof in favor o f Reed’s by a majority of 3 3 one over Watson’s. That makes very profitably devoted to reading, ports of all important matter« iu Congress and the Ü V Executive Departments; gossip about public men. Sailors’ Home was protected by its ogainst him and he was discharged. the complete list o f text-books as » « but there are some things that we M o tis eh o lti D e jK ir im e n l. Edited by a lady o! ao , exemption by the last legislature One of NS ,0r « T V £ » . e . . n i l H. „ / a-. -V e t... mow hots clear tho skin an d romovo a ll blotches from tho taco. Try a box a n d boo for your­ O f course wo will have a hotel. follows, all but the last six having must read the yoar round. run anil coiupleta than publish*! by any other p.|*»r. been decided in January: from the provisions of the excise se lf. Ii3 Ceuta a box. SOLD ON LY IN S C A L E D P A C K A G E S . these is a local paper: the best in A o H i 'u l f a r . l B n y a i i i a . n l , carefully edited “ We” — the community— will tnke S O L D B Y ALL D R U G G I S T S , jy practical gien. Swiuton’s New Word Analysis. the county is before you— the i f » n o r mi N o te», carefhlly compiled. i »3 L» law. O r fiont b y m a ll upon receipt o f price by the lines in our own hands, and not T 11 k N a t i o n a l thibunic la strictly non-partlran. Barnes’ New National Reader. H erald . Another is a good home »nil \û thoroughly American. It bc:Hev6s In the greatest Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing Co., A prize o f $5 in gold will be depeud on any one or set o f per­ to the greatest number ol our people, ¡¿J Webster’s dictionanes. paper of general circulation, such rood bigheet development of our lnstiiutloiMK- Ju National 4 0 6 CA LIFO RN IA S T R E E T , S A N FR A N C IS C O ,^C A LÍ given this year by the national de­ sons if they are Dot willing to ac­ Spencerian system and copy as “ Womankind,” for instance, anity and exalted loyalty. |3 a Pri-ml.-a Rurtlfyintf I’llincurecttnBllputtuu l ’n iu tl». ltocltlyluff p illscuroconM Ip atlon Prentlaa Rectifying pilla curo conctlimtlon Prentiss Rectifying pills cure constipation partment o f mercy, for the best cept the franchises on their merits. books. which comes onco a month filled Fish’s arithmetic, Nos. 1 and 2. with the best things for a busy essay on the following topic: For salo by E. S. Knoivlton, Druggist. Having usod Chamberlain’s Cough Brooks’ Mental Arithmetic. P a y a b le »n housewife. We are able by special “ Does our dominion over animals Remedy in my family and found it Montieth’s Elementary and Com­ arrangements with the publishers, give ns any right to inflict cruelty to be a first class article, I take prehensive Ge.igraphies. to oger “AVomankind” free for a ,rU.« * r « » f.T line that at pears iu il l« written forit, and haj on them, anJ what is the pleasure in recommending it to my .Smith’s series of primary text­ year to every paid-in-advance sub­ Every appeared In no other papor. I t *»**©■ w o s y t tu lc a s f b o i le r - p l a t e m a t t e r . Address— J. V. Foster, AVestport, books in Physiology RDd Hygiene. scriber to our paper, and aro glad effect o f cruelty on those who friends. T H E NAT IONA L TRIBU NE, Steele’s Hygieue and Physiology to do so, for we are convinced that U M NSW practice it?” Essays arc limited Cal. For sale by Dr. S. L. Leneve, YORK A V t . WASHINGTON, a 0 . druggist. for high and advanced schools. no home paper in America contains to not lesa than 3000 words. The The National Tribune and th Barnes’ Primary and B rief His­ more of practical value to women. The train made three special age of those who compete is to be H e r a l d both one year for only tory of the United States. Bright stories, clever poomB, the from 14 to 18 years, inclusive. trips here for lumber nnd logs last Loom is’ series of Vocal Music. latest fashions, news of woman’s $2.50. Thursday, and came over that night Barnes’ General History. Essays must not bo signed; but work everywhere, articles on Monteith’s Popular Science. “ Motherhood,” “ Cultivation of Flow­ name and address, and age of again witli trucks for nnother train Robinsou’s Algebra and Geom ­ ers,” a woman’s parliament for the Equal with the interest o f those having claims againat the government ie writer, written on n separate sheet, of logs, which were taken over that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit o f valuable inventions becauao etry. discussion of matters of interest, Friday morning at daylight. of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their must be sent with tho essay in a Bryant & Stratton’s system of are a few of the bright features of patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli­ M A R K E T AV. L. Hood, the successful young Bookkeeping. sealed envelope. Enclose Btamp if able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not “ AVomankind.” AND entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. Ward’s Business Forms. you wish your essay returned. All rancher of the Rural section, on To the head of the house wo With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys,’ Steele’s Chemistry, Botany, offer on the same terms “ Farm essays must be sent by August 15, the South Fork, is putting up a and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re­ Physics, Astronomy, and Geology. News,” an agricultural paper, edited tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to 1895, to Mrs. Lou E. Rail, 61 8. sawmill. He contemplates exten­ Maxwell’s First Book in Language. by a practical farmer (Miller Purvis, Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In­ Jofferson street, Huntington, In­ sive improvements in buildings, (Lorenz BuildineO Maxwell’s Intioductlon to En­ esq., late state lecturer of the Ohio terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, diana, to be oxamined by a com­ fencing, etc., and will supply him­ glish Grammar. Farmer’s Alliance), and filled each C O Q U IL L E C IT Y . Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to mittee appointed for the purpose. self with lumber, as also any local Maxwell’s Advanced English month with suggestions from able Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Grammar. demand in that neighborhood. No essays will be accepted nfter correspondents, that make it an Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. Peterman’s Civil Government absolute necessity to every wide August 15. Our friend L. B. Fetter o f M yr­ I f yon have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to­ (Oregon edition.) awake farmer. This paper is yours T ^ T I L L keep constantly on hand n com- gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once The thirtieth anniversary o f the tle Point spent a part o f two days Steele’s Popular Zoology. advised as to the best course to pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If for the asking, provided you are a W p le te lin e o f National Number Tablets. others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by National Temperance Society wns in town last week on business. He subscriber to our paper. FRESH AND SALTED M EATS, others, submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the Song Wave. Remember every paid-in-advance held in Now York City, May 14, is quite well satisfied Coquille is matter. ( Bologna. Head Cheese, Gow’s Morals and Manners. subscriber t o tho H e r a l d is entitled VEGETABLES, CANNED GOODS 1895. Tbe annual report was pre­ nottbe"dead town” some people T H E P R E S S C L A IM S C O M P A N Y , Kidd’s Elomentary aud Vocal to his choice in either of these sented by Albert G. Lawson, D. 1)., represent it; in fact he saw for him­ Culture. Coffee, Sugars, Teas, 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, D.G. papers. Tell your neighbors about P. O . S O X 4 6 3 . for the society, showing the work self that it is the business centre Tobaccos, Cigars, etc. Johonnot’s National History and this offer. A sainplo copy of both Prices are as low ns the lowest, o f the year and the progress o f the of the section and the livest town Historical series for primary and papers may be obtained by address­ £3?“ Orders from aui part promptly filled. S3* Cut this out and send it with your inaw.ry. - intermediate schools. of them all. ing the Hosterman Publishing Co., cause in every department o f work. Geographical reader. Springfield, Ohio. The total roceipts of tbe society To bo a "leading” citizen is all Irving’s Sketch Book nnd Tales Come in and pay a year in ad­ for tbe year ending April 30, 1895, right nnd most praiseworthy, but o f a Traveler. vance to the H erald and get one of were $38,170.14, of which $29,308.- when tbe people find that tho “ lead­ Scott's Ivanhoe,Lady o f tbe Lake, these attractive papers free. TTK GUARANTEE A CURE | _______ an d in v it e ih e m o r t I 45 were from publications, and $8,- ing” spirit which animates him is Abbott, Marmion nud AVocdatock. ------estim ation Ha to ou r resp on sibil- j it y an d t h e m e r its o f o u r T a b le ts. McCauley’s Essay on Chatham. 861.69 from donations, legacies, all selfishness, and fniling to pour Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, READ 0UÜ and invested funds. The total ex­ all its increment into his individ­ TESTIMONIALS Julius Cmsar, Merchant of Venice, penses were $38,075.18. Iwenty- ual paunch prompts him to “ lead” aud Midsummer Night's Dream. W i ll c o m p le t e ly d e s t r o y t h e dt*»«lro f o r TOJIACCO in fr o m 3 t o .1 d a y * . P e r fe c tly h a r m - cauao n o j>icknee6, an d m a y bo g iv e n in r. e n p o f t«r\ o r c o ffe e w ith o u t tno k n o w l­ aix new publications have been astray and downward aud to des­ Webster’s Bunker Hill Orations. e d g e o f th© p a tie n t, w h o w ill v o k u ita r tly sto p st r o k in g o r c h e w in g in a fe w d ays. DeCoverley Papers. issued the last twalve months, truction, then sevar the traces, drop Arnold's Sohrab and Rustam. making 2108 now on its list; 31,- tha nackyoko, loosen the crupper the patient, by the use of our SPECIAL PORMILA Q O U ) CURB TABLETS, Emerson's American Soholar. rhtringr treatment pa Meats are allowed the free n»o of llqnor or Mor­ A FEY 046,748 pages o f tsmpersnce litsr- and right there and then turn phine nntll such tiwio as they shall volcntartly glr© them up. Reed’s AVord Lessons. We send particulars and pamphlet of testimonial* free, and shall atnre have been printed, making that “ leader” out to grass. be glad to p la c e sufferers from any of these h a b its in c o m m n n ic a Testim flBials M hsod ' s Series of Spelling. tlou w ith p erso n s w h o h a v e been cured by th e uec of o u r T a b l e t s . ■941,464,312 pages since the organi­ Electric Series o f Drawing. B. C. Shull, a prosperous farmer from persons . HILL’S TABLETS aro f o r s a le b y a l l f i r s t c l a sh zation of the society; 522,356 bound dxnsrgiatd a t % \ .O O p e r p ack age. Smith's Studies o f English L it­ who have been I f y o u r d r u g g is t d o e s n o t k eep th e m , e n c lo s e n s S | .O . W O . V A HK. volnmes o f Sunday-school books residing above Myrtle Point, was erature. an d w o w ill sen d y o u , b y retu rn m a il, a p a c k a g e o f o u r cured by the use o f o f the society are in circulation in in this place on business Inst Thurs­ Ic T r it T a n d Tra.Ie-M w H cbt*ii».d and «11 P»t- Tablet**. AVftddy’ s Composition. ’m t bu»ine«$conducted for M o o c r at c F ees. W r it e y o u r n a m e an d ad d re ss p la in ly , an d s t a t e the Sunday-sohoola of the land. day. He brought down some w h e th e r Tn b lets aro f o r T o b a c co , M o r p h in e or Electric Geography. I Ova orr.e, ■soeeo..T« u m JAJJgO'XS • and we cun secure patent UX leas tuuo iuaa L iq n o r H ab it. - - ■ — • - e «#» ---------------- choice haras, bacon and lard, of 'remote from Washington. --------------- »■»♦».■»---- ------- DO NOT BE DECEIVED into pnrchafrlng j Send model, drawing O F t r k O h i o c h x w i c a l C o . : any of the various nostrums thr.t aro being Nervous Shock, his own raising and curing, and we tion. W e advue, il or n o t , fr.-e of D r a b S i b :— I h a v e b een n s in g yn nr offered for sale. Ask for H U L L ’ S Tbe state pioneer association 'charge* c o r e fo r to b a cc o h a b it, an d fo u n d i t w on ld Oar fee not dee “ ‘i p * ’ ” ',,“ “ T” " ! ; . » , T A B L E T S and take no other. E. AVr. Jor C ompany —Gentlemen: are sure it proves our section held its annunl meeting iu P ort­ i . u a n u T “ How to Obtain la te a u , wilt. do w h a t you c la im f o r It. I a n d ten c en ts Manufactured only by LA » : the U . S. and fort.it. cocaine, w o r th o f th o s tr o n g e s t c h e w in g to b a cc o a d a y , This is tho first time I have attempted suited, not only to the production land, Friday. Jndge Galloway sent free. AdJrrsa, an d Ir o m on e t o five c ig a r s ; o r I w ou ld sm o k e , . o m ten to lo r t y p ipes o f tob a cc o. H a v e ch ew ed so write for three years. Have been o f choice, healthy hogs, but to the made tha principal address. Offi­ an d sm ok ed fo r tw e n ty fir e y e a rs, and tw o p a ck a g e s to nervous ami weak that 1 have profitable curing and handling o f cers were elected <»s follows: Presi­ o f y o u r T a b le ts cu red m e so I h a v e n o d e s ir e f o r It. ( off . F atint Orrtcs. WAtMiHdron. D. C. ^ * B . M . J A Y L O K D , I^eslie, M ic h . laid in bed most of tbe time. the same. Mr. Shull has more lard dent, Henry Failing (1851), Malt- D on n a F e r r y . V . T . SI. 63 A SI Opera Block. A friend who had taken your and bacon for sale. T H * O n to rr ta H ir A L < > > . ? ^ * » T i . * » * H : - » o i n e t lm e a*»> I -.-n j iiomnh county; vice-president, f o r fl.o o w orth o f y o a r T a b le ts f o r T o b a c c o H a b it. I r*»e*dved ---■----- » ft — UM A, OHIO. Sarsaparilla sent me two bottles. F. X. MAtheiu (1842), Marion th e m all r ig h t a n d . a lth o u g h 1 w a s both a h e a v y sm o k e r an d c h e w e r , ilie v d id th e w o rk in lees th a n t h r e e d a y s . I am cured. The second one is most gone, nnd Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that county; secretary, George Himes p a i m c r LAJta y T r u ly y o u r s, M A T H E W JOH NSON , P. O. P o x 45. I have gained twonty pounds, and Contain Mercury, (1843), Multnomah county; corros- P it t s b u r g h , P a . ifyounae the PetskM* FREE. T u b O h i o C h x w t c a l C o . :—GRKTT.RWtw:— I t g l r e * m o p lea su re to ape-ok a surely feel a new woman I was Kn raerenry will surely destroy the sense of ponding secretary, AVilliam Kapus lncabatora S Breviers* ord o f p r a ise fo r you r T a b le ts. M y son w as s t r o n g ly ad d icted t o th e u se o f M nke m oney w hile smell end completely derange the whole pale, thin, no ambition. Had given o r an d th ro u g h a fr ie n d , 1 w a s led t o t r y y o u r T a b le t*. H e wns a h e a v y nnd others are wns tin g system when entering it thmngh themucons (1853), Multnomah county; direct­ --a n t d r in k e r , b u t a fte r u sin g you r T a b le ts b u t th r e e d a y s b « q u it d r in k in g , tim e b v o ld prreessea. up, as I had triod so many remedies surfaces. Such articles should never be ors—T. T. Geer. Marion county; an d w ill n ot tou ch liq u o r o f a n y k in d . I h a v e w a ite d f o u r month b e fo r e w r itin g Catalog tells all shoot v o u . in o rd er to k u o w t h e eu ro w w p e r m a n e n t. Y o u r s t r u ly , and doctors, but found no benefit mwd eiuept on prawnptiona from numtnblo AVilliam Galloway, Ynrohill county; it .nnd describes erci y > o u . m o ru c r vo ^ M R S . H E LEM MORR1SOM. n. the damage» they will do ia article needed Ibf * If you care to publish this you hare physician», toil fold to tho good von oan poaaiblv derive Thomas D. Humphrey, Washing­ i iv r iv N A T i, O h i o . poultry business T r b O h i o C h b k x c a l C o :— G e w t l * h * w :—T o u r T a b le ts h a r e p e r fo r m e d a m ir a c le in m y ca.?n. from thorn. Halt's Catarrh Onro. mamifr.e- ton county. my consent (Signed) It was decided by the The “ E R IE ” . h a v e n «c,i m o r p h in e , h y p o d e r m ic a lly , fo r se v e n y e a rs, and b a v o bvou eu rw l b y t b e us e o f j t a rial by F. J. Ohonoy .V C o., Toledo, O., M rs . A . C. T i m . m a n . W . L. LOTKQAT. tw o p a c k a g e s o i y o u r T a b le ts , an d w ith o u t a n y e ffo r t on m y p o r t. mechanically the best . ! contain« no tnoronry , and is taken Internally, association to elect an assistant sec­ »wheel. Prettiest model. Address »11 Orders to A le m o n n , C al soling directly npon the b.ood and ninooos retary in each county, these to be sre Pacific Coast - snrfaoea of the system. In hnying Hall's named by tbe secretary. Agents. B icvd e c»tn- o __ 1 , ___ Ti ll- . , C a ta rrh t 'n r e b e aura y o n g o t th e g e n u in e . logue.m ailed free.gives ------ - — i >$> i- - - t Hoad aches, Bllhousness anil T o r - It ia taken internally, and made in Toledo, 51, 34 and UÖ Opera Block. LIMA* OHIO. full deserlo«ion. prices, etc.. * o r s t $ w a s t w . pid Liver disappear when you take * >hlo, by F. J. Cheney Jt Co. Teatimoniala iln w rlt.t’ c piene»* m ention this ' ? m m * A IR l ü BATOR CO .P -t ile w a .C a l. millinery and Fancy Goods Powder N C A FRIEND G. A. R. NOTICE. A Y E R ’S P IL L S G E S ELDREDSE KAHUFACTUniKQ CQ. PRENTISS RECTIFYING PILL ITS f EiSTURtfr A n o th e r F re e O ffe r . L A D IE S ’ C O M PLEXIO N T r x e . $1 t II m FOR INVENTIONS. P IO N E E R Family Grocery, JOHNSON BROS Props. t M A M M M V W n B ,B r r IFini.ll .A I J Doable Chloride of Gold Tablets DRUKMNESS Itf MORPHINE HABIT ^ 5 # PATENTS C .A .S N O W & C O . m OHIO CHEMICAL CO,, Hill s Tablets. CHICKEN MisiKfl pais THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO., Or. Price’ s Cream Baking Powder J o y s V e g e ta b le .Sarsaparilla. I j^ y s o id by Urnggiits, pries 75c. per bottle. W o r ld '« Fair H ijh e a t Aw ard. B i a x c i i H o y s«, i j i S M am yt., l.o s A m T T T S O T S H i U H H l V