g o g n U U g U i} f staia* TUESDAY, JAN. 15, 1895 for (iv. G. ° Mg Pronti «3 J Certifying pi il:« c u m const |pat,i<.u l-’j-uallsa h oc I uy lag p llls c u r o cousit imi ' i<*ti Prca lies Itortifylng pills euro ronat ipation Prentiss R ectifying pill* euro const l pntl< >u QÇ R Mpp I w ] ■ 00 j j i FY r\L \ A F C VJ i Nu 1 LL ? V c u r i t : ï n j Alm ost a ll pills arul m odlolno p rod u ce constipation, hero l i a p ill i:»;:t cures torpid liver, biliousness, rheum atism . Indigestion, sick headache and k id n ey and liver troubles w ith ou t g rip in g o r loavlng* any trace o f C O N S T I P A T I O N , w hich is the prlm o cau se o f a ll slcknous, bew are o f It geUliiij habitual and ch ron ic with you, H p ° sco to It In tim e ; those p ills w ill euro you. V L A D IE S U so PRENTIGG r e c t i f y i n g p il l , because It Is tho on ly safe and harm less rem edy that w ill surely B E A U T I F Y the C O M P L E X IO N cñ « £ u 3F **i 'XL n p nn clea r tho skin an d rem ovo all blotch es from tho faco. T ry a box and seo fo r your­ s elf. 25 Conta a box. SOLD ONLY IN SE ALED PA C K A G E 3. G O LD B Y ALL D R U G G IS T S . Or sen t b y m ail upon receipt o f p rice by III Prentiss Chemical uiu! Manufacturing Co., ¡4 M CALIFORNIA STREET, SAN FRANCISCO,'CAI. j P ien ti«» R ectifying pills euro con s 1 1 put lou P rou tissltoc lifyin g p ills cu re constipation I T*-rn',i-(s K« m '| i fyj n^r ) ! ! ’ .; cu re c 11 * ■111 -at Inn l ’ r.i.t i 1 vj n - pill-» cu re roti stipatimi For sale by IL S. Knowlton, Druggist. FOR INVENTIONS. P IO N E E R illi Carlton Cornwell, foreman of the Kan at with the interest c f those having claim s against the government Is Gazette, Middletown, N. J., believes that o f INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit o f valuable inventions because that Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy of the incompctcncy or inattention o f the attorneys employed to obtain their patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in em ploying competent and^ reli­ should bo in every home. Ho used ALMOST A NEW YORK DAILY. able solicitors to procure patents, for the value o f a patent tiependsgreatly, if not it for a cold and it effected a speedy AND entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. cure. He suys: “ It is indeed a W ith the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys, That Democratic wonder, the Now grand remedy, I can recommend to York Weekly- World, has just and o f seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re­ tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore arc prepared to all. I have also seen it used for changed its weekly into a TWICK- Pat Phelan, superintendent of whooping cough, with tho best re­ A-WEEK paper, and you can now Obtain Patents In the United S la tes and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In­ (Lorenz Building! terferences, M ake Special Exam inations, P rosecute Rejected Cases, the Bay City mill on Coos bay, sults.” 50 cent bottles for sale by get the two papers a week for the C O Q U IL LE C ITY. S. L. Lcnove, druggist. Register Trade-M arks anu C opyrights, Rentier Opinions as to ami wife spent ceveral days in this same old price—$1 a year. - - — 5 co p e and Validity o f Patents, Prosecute and Think of it ! The news from New place last week. Mrs. Phelan ( Coos Huy New «.) Defend Infringem ent Suits, E tc., Etc. York right at your door fresh every visited with her parents, Mr. and Joshua Nelson lias recovered three days—104 papers a year—and I f you have an invention on hand scud a sketch or photograph thereof, to­ Mrs. Nasburg, while Mr. Phelan from injuries received by n fall I your home paper The H f . hald all for w I L L keep constantl y on hand a com- gether with a brief description of the important features, and you w ill he at once advised as to the best course to pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If f V plete line of and John Yoakum went up the Christmas day aud is able to be others are infringing 011 your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by O n ly $ 2 .2 5 ! FRESH AND SALTED MEATS, river to inspect some timber lands. out again. others, submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting ou the -- «»» --- ------------ matter. S. D. Magnes nnd wife went to Bologna, Head Cheese, City Marshal Johnson last Mon­ A young blood of Condon torp VEGETABLES, CANNED GOODS the city on the Arago, having re­ T H E P R E S S C L A IM S C O M P A N Y , day and Wednesday delivered three ceived news that Mrs. Magnes’ i up $f>0 in bills and throw thorn iu 618 F S T R E E T , NO RTH W E ST, W A S H IN G T O N , D. C . Coffee. Sugars Teas, | the stove tbe other day, just to head of horses which ho had im­ father is dangerously ill. P. o. BO X 4 0 3 . JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. Tobacco«, Cigars, etc. pounded, aud which had been ad­ Mrs. H. W. Dunham nnd Miss show that ho didn’ t care for money. Z ‘ : Prices arc as low as the lowest, „¿vj Cut this out and send it with your inquiry. Orders from a 115 part promptly filled. vertised in the H e r a l d , two belong­ Maggie Oilman, who took Yenla S he—You snid before marriage ing to I. Hacker at Empire City Tcrs to the asylum at Salem, re­ that you had never loved nuy one turned home Thursday. They -a a — He— You are the first and one belonging to ex-8heri(T traveled via the Drain route, and | hut me. woman I ever came across who Wieder at Marshfield. The stock had a rougli tiip in the storm. ! V ARASTER . C i : ---- ---- - ! R E ____________ M E M B ___ E R ____ '1 * ir e f o r TO R A COO in fr o m 3 tor* d.iyr-. P o r fr c t ly harm * lo s s ; can.-io n o siicUn«>ss,und m a y b o p iv r n in a cud t>f t- a o r roff'ro w ith o u t ttu* k n ow l­ all its stage«, and that is Catarrh. Hall's and to establish Christ's kingdom, e d g e o f tho p a tie n t, w h o w ill v o lu n t a r ily s t o p s m o k in g o r om .v in g in a fe w d ays. r ' S. B. Gardiner, until recently a Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known r w s Remedy for Catarrh 1« tho •f Rest, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest-. w i are trying to practice here as citizen of Bandon tint now of Klam­ to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being n constitutional disease requires a constitu­ th o patient, b y th o u s o o f o u r SPECIAL FORMULA GOLD CURE TABLETS. the church cannot do, house to ath, spent a few dnys iu this eitv tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is \ C A T A R R H taken internally, acting directly upon the D u r in g tr e a tm e n t p n tlo n t^ ftro n llo w e d th o fr e e u s e o f L iq u o r o r M or- Sold by Druggists or sent by mall. house visitation, night schools, Inst week. Ho returns to Klamath blood ami mucous surfaces of tho system.; p h i n o u n til wtoh tfin o a s th e y s h a ll v o lu n t a r ily g i r o t h e m up. BOc. E. T. Hiueltlne, Warren, Pa. Wo send particulars and pam phlet o f testim onials fre e , and shall destroying the foundation of the reading rooms, Loyal Tempernnce at once, where he has a uew cream­ thereby b e glad to p lace sufferers from any o f tlirao habits in com m u n ica ­ disease and giving the patient strength by tion with persons who have been cured b y tho use o f ou r T a b l e t s . fro m p e rs o n a Legions and industnal schools, ery building under roof and the building up the constitution nnd assisting H IL L '8 T A B L E T S a rc fo r salo b y a ll f i r s t - c l a s s nature in doing its work. The proprietors d r u g g is ts n t 9 1 . 0 0 p er p ack a ge. v /h o h a v e b een special bible instruction, Gospel machinery at Ager, the nearest have so much faith in its curative powers, Ir y o u r d r u g g l s t d o e s n o t k e e p th em , e n c lo s e us 9 f .C O they offer One Hundred Dollars for and w e w ill s e n d y o u , b y retu rn m a il, a p a c k a g e o f o u r cu r e d by th e u se o f meetings, temperance mass meet­ railroad station, ready for delivery that any case that it fails to cure. Send for list T a blets. W rite y o u r n a m e nnd ad d ress p la in ly , an d s ta to ings, words of counsel aud general and placing in position. It is ex of testimonials. Address. w h e th e r T a b lets a r e f o r T o b a c c o , M o r p h in e F. J. CHENEY * CO., L iq u o r H abit. help. All o f this is being for­ pected to start up the creamery by Toledo, Ohio, j DO NOT BE DECEIVED in t o p u r c h a s in g Jrtf-Sold by druggists, 75 cents. T n * O m o C h e m ic a l C o . t __ any o f th e v a r io u s n o s tr u m s that, nro b r in g warded under the diieotion o f our the first of May. Mr. G. is much I ik a it S i r :—I h a v e liccti « s i n g y o u r o ffe r e d f o r sale. A sk f o r ito f o r t o b a c c o h a b it, a n d f o u n d i t w ou ld T A B L E T S an d take no other. superintendents. The work is so pleased with the outlook for that d o ' irhat you c la im f o r it. I u s e d ten cen t* Coos Bay News: Washington’s Manufactured only by v e r t h o f th e s tr o n g e s t c h e w in g t o b a c c o a d a y . planued that any Union, however section. a n d l r o m o n e to fiv e c ig a r s ; o r I w o u ld sm ok o poultry business. Birthday will he celebrated by ---- T H E ---- i r o m ten in f o r t y p ip e s o f to b a c c o . H a > « ch e w e d far from a mine, may take up this A convention of the dairymen Baker Post No. 8, G. A. R., by a The “ E R IE ” fu r It. o f y o u î T i b l e t i 'c u i i ì m « » department and assist in it. Three mechanically the best L eslie, M k b . of the stato will meet in Salem grand masquerade ball at Marsh­ wheel. Frettteat model. D o R n . F e r r t , N. Y . field, on the night o f February 22d. Unions in Massachusetts by con­ W e are Pacific Coast 61.63 & CS Opera Block. T n e n«t?„ m v i n t O o .G * R T i.* M * R :-S o n > «tim e w > I sent tomorrow. Several questions will The iiest sustained clinracter will be Agents. Bicycle eata- f,,T ¿ 0 ^ * >*»ur T«t>let« f o r T o b .e e ., Ib .M t. I r. e « lv « d tributions and literature have been logne,m ailed free,gives LIMA, OHIO. t h e n f (ill r t f b i u d , . 1 t n o a g b 1 w o » b o th « h .jt r y .m o k e r an d ch e w e r. he np for consideration, chiefly awarded a prize, consisting of sil­ full description, prices, etc., a o f n t a w a n t e d , aiding the work in Colorado. Othor PETALUMA IlfCUBATOE CO..PeUluma.Cal. J o l i V A o . BOX « . p a r t ic u l a r s relating to legislation for tho pro­ ver cako basket nod butter dish, B r a n c h H ouse , jji S Main Hi.. Los Angeles. P r r r s n r it c n , T a . Unions in other states havo sent tection of pure food and dairy man­ valued at $12. nnd which are on T ,,rrin in rn i«ifA t Co GRVTI.EMEN:— It gives me pleamro to arrak a FREE. T h e ° h , ° . T - . - ----- w -K in .o M y son w a s s t r o n g ly a d d ic t 'd tf« ti: - .s c « f literature into Utah, and so on. exhibition at J. N. Nelson’s store. y o u r T a b lets. H** wns a h ea v y :’ m i ufactures. The program has a b u t th r e e »lays h e qtiit d r in k in g , Posters, giving full particulars, will The work grows; its activity is ite d f o u r month b e f o r e w ritin g place for “ A paper on the dairy in­ soon bs issued. ours truly, more uniform. The unparalleled MR?. 1IKLKM morrmos . dustry iu Cooc county by a promi­ -----—----- « If* l— - ------ - strikes have forced upon the minds O w cn n rA T i, O h i o . nent dairyman of that county.” D r. Price's Cream Baking Powder r fo r m e ed d a a m m ir a c le in m y cp >e. >AKTIK 8 con tempi a tin 2 ooming fto thè Tt.T o n to rwrwiCAL Co :-G E * T L E M r * :-Y o n r Tablets have perform tracie o f many the need of this work. A 1 h ^ e ? ^ ” “ p M « ¿ I I T p í 5 S « l c . l l r , f o r m e n ye.ir», „mV Havo üeeu m .bxl * b ■ y t h e my* o f Pacific Coaat, Merchauta, Farine rs. World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma. It will bo an important meeting, as ïS S r I Tablets, m U S ii 1 U 1 .I without any effort on m y paru " . L. i L . O f U i A T . Mchnniort, Clerks La bore ra (male or two puckutfeg o f your greater interest nnd more desire to ---------------------- S i t * S --------------- feiuale 1 for einploymeiit, to pure baso lami j k d d i v M Jill O r d e r * t«» the retrenchment and reform wave take it up has been aroused and which has struck the party in Mrs. Tenbrook, hostess of the or engagé in business, semi 5 0 oents ro oney onler for Mape, Circola rs. Illustrateli Books these are harbingers o f a richer power has in view the rooeal of Tenbrook House at Bandon, anti Papera and Genera! Infom.ntion «>f thè Pa C l, 0 3 and 0 0 Opera Block. i.lM/>, OHIO. E W. HK1D A CO,. harvest in the coming year.— Mrs. the present dairy laws and the for several years at Empire City, cificCoast. 1JH W First Street. commissioner. IV. F. English. Log Angeles, Cai. [ passed through town last Friday, i nJU*mj M A R K E T Family Grocery, JO H N SO N BIOS ssa H I UJS iSiitlii Double Chloride of Gold Tablets DRUNKENNESS and MORPHINE HAEIT C iH IG K E ft B*Jsm sjP AY A FEW Testimonials H i l l s Tablets, OHIO CHEMICAL CO geautiful : Qalifornia. 1 T H E O H I O C H E M I C A L C O .,