— s- C ».«| M tra tlv e P i l r j l H . save and put in our own 1 would not only entail an nannees- tü tß ilU C U g f e r a l i W . 'W A V . W V A V W A W W W W W W W ^ pockets as dairymen, ; sary lues to tbe whole, but would The following are the figures which would b e............. (5050 00 iu all probability place an incon­ PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY given by Superintendent K. D- OF This would be quite a snug sum venience upon a still greater num­ Sanford in the lnte dairymen’s con­ for one season, and the pertinent ber. J. S. M'EWEN & 0 . F. DEAN, vention in favor of co-operative question, if I understand it at this It has teen said, that, back in J - tho 4 U,-, wmi A M rs? ta 1? Is vnui* What Is condition rif of v you your finir hair rfrv. dry, Editors and Proprietors. dairying: fiarsh, brittle? Does it split at tho cuds? Ha# ft a| meeting, is, shall we co-operate, or the eastern states, cream has been You smile at the idea. But lifeless appearance? Does it fall out when combed or ' Actual expenses manufacturing shall we let some little selfish inter­ eliipped by rail for over a hundred brushed ? Is it fall o f dan dru ff? Docs your scalp Itch ? if you are a sufferer from D evoted tu the material and social up­ 61,000 lbs. butter this year; miles to a creamery and paid well. est in some other direction induce Ici It dry or in a heated condition? If there are some or building o f the Coquille Valley particularly Expert’s wages, 8^ mos. @ ycur symptoms be warned in timo or you will become baia. ^ ■and o f C o m County generally. us to yet continue to be “ penny If tbis be true, it is possible tbut D yspepsia Subscription, per year, in advauoe, fli. (90 per m ou th ............... ( 742 50 wise and pound foolish?” such a thing may be accomplished And Indigestion, try a bottle, and be­ fore you liftvc taken naif a dozen doses, Helper’e wages 8 mos. . . . . 310 00 ----------------» « # > -------------— here in the Coquille valley in the P. FISUKR. M ewbpapsb A dtebtibibo A oebt , ou will involuntarily think, and no I3 / ¿ T V i\V- THE n.tlRY.Ul.VS CSIO.1. near future. 31 Mercliauta’ Exohengvi, Han Francisco ia 220 cords wood, delivered oubt exclaim, 1 ■: : ■ It< r-r ■■’ ■■■’M r u 1i • M - 1 -cM.v.t b n>!*•*• r - . f »• I n l . t U J, oar authorised »gent. This payar la kept ou ûie, @ 85 cts per co rd ........ 187,50 f j Knowlri!j;e oi tho uiscttscxscf Uu>ki..re • scat.i 1 . . . t » tht-jucoy- t/Z Tbe Arago creamery, situated as In his office. _________ ______________________ It u TcÆftM e»ÿ~of how to treat them. “ 8kuokum.M w » itutna « « ; » tieit* u n . r iv.inuAtìls »• *r S e l e c t i o n o f n P l a n t a n d t b e t 'o - it is, having a largo extent of milk- “ T h a t Ju st H its I t !” “■ocin. isy stiniulutiriK 61 bolts butter-cloth @ 6 B U C U B m u ilL J V D - r n u u IV...1 ' ■_ f - • ’ A f L 'W ( JinotaDve, but »delightfully cooling and . refreshing Toe 1«. py fcuiumatini -ß id ¡/row* *a irou b oM f u jiv r a U v « W o r k . tho follicles, it »iups fa tiin u h a ir, ourrs dun* “ That soothing effect Is a magic cts per y a r d ......... 190 32 producing territory around and T u e s d a y , d e c . 25 , 1894. touch!” Hood’s Sarsaparilla gently 4, for neap, wo. ^ t o n ................... 67 50 ity on the Pacifio coast better ¡Point; Mild the same m aybe said - - ' jur - ; - 6 lor I .IP s $¿50. i ! «0. J* l r.or tor food, gives refreshing sleep, and adapted for tbe dairy business on j of Gravel Ford, as woll as many 10 gals oil @ «1 per gal­ In short, raises the health tone of tho TMB SKOOKUn ROOT HAIR GROWER if1 TÎîfthR 5IAr.II 57 South Fifth Avenue, Nov/ York, N. Y. entire system. Remember ‘ lon ................................. 10 00 an extensivo scale than the Co­ | other points which might be men- w W a w a v a s y . w w a «. v * v . v 5 y v w w V a W v V.V? ,’ , quille valley. 2 gals butter color at I tinned. Aud when our railroad is Sarsa­ W The quantity nnd quality of the i completed, if it ever is, the same (2.50 per gallon... 5 00 parilla R epairs............................... 50 00 necessary feed for uuiryiug pur­ may be said of the Middle Fork T H E Y W AY IN T E R F E R E . COQUILLE VALLEY Wear and ‘ tear of eases. 25 00 poses, which can and is produced country, nud even as far out as the 77 00 nt a comparatively light cost, aud Umpqua valley. Insurance EMSlaurt nud Rusun Tfarc nia B e n J. H a r r i s o n . Taxes..................................... 107 00 the high reputation which the Co­ A g r e e m e n t — J iip tiu c s o C a| »tu rc quille crenmery butter has sus­ J. S. K A N E M A T Z , A .M ., P R IN C IP A L . Hal t ln ng. — ■ -■» «•> * ----- ------ H o o d ’ s P i l l s cure liver ills, consti nation, tained in the markets is ample bilious ness, Jaundice, sick hoadache,indigestion Total cost of manufactur­ London, l)sc. 18.— It is under­ GENERAL NEW S. Itoow s 1 aud 2, Concrete Building, proof of this. — AND — ing 61,000 lbs butter to stood thnt the agreement between BANDON, COOS COUNTY, OR . Another fact of great importance Coquille Creamery Co.. . $1947 00 M l I S » r . i t A 3 » J ( ; i S Y - D l ( i U i 3 t « . England and Russia in regard to to the dairymen o f this community CHINESE OFFICERS TO BF. TUNISHED. Allowing plant to be worth tbe war in the east does not per­ f’ r 'E H M begins 1st. Monday in December, has beeD ascertained; a fact which Shanghai, Dec. 19.— Local C'MiiMpirnc’F K y t r n w y e r s mit any warlike operations in the $5000, interest on same J nnd continues daily, except. Saturday» u n «l it le M f je d A ir a I m P«»t’(h»ii assembling of the British fleet at For further particulars, call on or nddre3* The Daily Call speaks for itself milk supply is only making a fair efforts together, in order that their and lost Ping, Yang, aud Anchow trinl of “ Bunko” Kelly, who was Chusnn and the Russian fleet at Tho Recorder, B andon, O regon, or Tho H ur al p , Coquille City. as one ot the best newspapers in profit when they receive 4 cts per lb combined milk supply might be and Admiral Ting, for failing to couvicted of murder iu the second Chee Fno is thus accounted for. the land, and the cheapest, being for manufacturing. But let me show manufactured into butter or cheese protect Port Arthur aud coward­ degrre for killing Sayres. Dam- It is understood England and Rus­ furnished with the H erald at only you wliat there is to be made or at the very lowest possible cost. ice. meier replied that he had had bus­ sia have decided to fight, if neces­ the price of the Daily Call, $0. Tbe first and most important iness relations with Joseph. Mr. sary, to prevent hostilities ou th e INDICTED POLICEMEN IN COURT. saved to us dairymen by' co-opera­ G. A. R. comrades can got “ The tion— that is by placing our milk, question, which the Dairymen’s New York, Dec. 19.—The court Hume then peremptorily chal­ Tang-Tse-Kiaug. National Tribune,” published at now manufacted by three or four Union will natuially be called upon of oyer and terminer was crowded lenged Dammeier, stating that he A Tokio dispatch says Japanese Washington City, D. C., at this creameries, all together at one plant to determine, will be the selection today with indicted police officials was not a lit man to sit on tho jury. Lieutenant-General Kataira cap­ C O P Y R IG H T S . office for $1 a year in advance, or and managed by ourselves at actual of the most suitable site for their ot all ranks. They included Cap­ The attorneys for the defense tured Hai Cheng, December 13. C A N I O B T A IN A P A T E N T ? For ft crenmery plant. with the H e r a l d , the two p a p ers cost. prompt answer un honest opinion, wi“ * claimed that Dammeier had been The Chinese garrison numbered M IJN N S c C O .« and tain Schmittenberger, ex captain who have bad ncarlyflfty Their success or failure depends for «2.501 experience In the patent business. Comm--------- accepted by the prosecution nnd The total milk supply, I think, 5000, while the Japanese numbered tions strictly confidential. A HnnribookrOf In­ Doherty, Sergeants McLennno, therefore must sit as a juror. only 1500. The Chinese retreated formation concorniuff I'n te n ta and bow to ob­ can conservatively be placed at almost entirely upon the wisdom tain them sent free. Also a catalogue o f ueohao- Tho annual meeting of the state 20,000 lbs daily average, which I or folly which they shall oxercise Clarke, Libers, Jordan; Detective Judge Stevens reserved his deci­ toward Liao Vang. The losses ieal nnd scientific books seat tree. Frink aud ex-Wardmen Smith, Patents taken through Biunn & C o . rocebro teachers' association, including the tako as a basis for the following in the discharge of this important Bums, Hicks, Barns, Levy and sion until to-morrow. Special notice inthe S c ie n tific A m e ric R n . anti were trifling. thus are brought widely before the publio with­ Carr and Joseph, who were cost to the inventor. paper, . _____ ____ ____ This splendid pau— collego association of Oregon and figures; and ns I am well posted on duty. Should the members of this Glen non. The men will plead to­ A Chee Foo dispnteh says great out ‘ lstratod,ba8by^1 issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, bos by far ~‘, the important co-operative Dairymen's arrestod on Saturday on a charge o f eny any scientific JBi circulation of work In tho uneasiness continues nmong the largest ___________9 county superintendcncy, will open at the capacity of the Coquille cream­ UnioD.or any considerable num­ day. ./orId. S 3 a a year. year. Sample Sample copies copies sent sent fr— free. of attempted jurjbriding, were residents o f that place, who fear Building Edition, monthly, £lf>0a yeur. Single ery, and tho amount of labor and ALTOELD SCORES JUDGE WOOdS. Portland tomorrow and continue to *¿5 cent«. Every number contains beau­ arraigned to-di y and given one outrages at the hands of the Chi copies, tiful plates, in colors, nnd photographs of new expense required to manufacture a ber of them, be so unwise and fool­ houses, with plans, enabling builders to show tho Chicago,Dec. 19.— A Hot Springs week in which to plead. It is said and including Friday. Among tho given amount, I will take it as a ish, as to suffer themselves in any nese soldiers. Four foreign war­ latest deslpns and secure contracts. Address MlJNN & COM N e w Y o r k , 3 6 1 B u o a d w a * questions to be treated is that of basis of the point of operation and way to become entangled, or in­ special says: Governor Altgeld, there are five proiniuent xiersons ships are now nt Chee F oo. A in an interview on Debs’ sentence, involyed with Carr and Joseph, nephew of Colonel Yon Hanoecken “ How to Conduct Local Institutes,” place its worth at the conservative volved in the controversies pro­ moted by the self-interest of the bitterly attacks the integrity of and in all probability their name has left Shanghai to take com­ and our County Superintendent sum of (5000. As there is ample claimants or owners o f rival Judge Woods, and says the cor­ will be brought to right during the mand of thfx Chinese troops nt power and almost unlimited room Barklow is announced ns a partici­ crenmery plauts, which may fc# porations wanted Debs sentenced to trinl. Tien-Tsin. A French engineer is already complete, I will suppose presented for their acceptance, jail, and it made no difference what pant. An evening paper says: “ I f it constructing forts at Peking. The that wo add a cheese plant and an the facts were. is possible, as asserted by certain remainder of the Chinese trans­ extra separator, more vats, and other they will as certninly fail to suc­ ceed m the full accomplishment persons in a position to know, that ports have been turned ovar to the TOWN SBIZerf BY A SHERIFF. The H erald is in favor of the fixtures necessary, to the cost of o f their enterprise. there is an organized moneyed con­ protection o f the British ling. $2000, thus making tho cost of Millville, N. J., Dec. 19.— The state publishing its own school­ There are two crenmery plants, ----- ----------- ►-•«**--• - ■ -------- plant to pay interest on $7000, settlement of Halberton, iu tho spiracy in this city for the purpose books; and cutting loose from all which under existing circumstances Subscribe for tlie Examiner and which then will figura as follows: lower part of Cumberland county, of d?featiug the ends of justice, will, inevitably become rivals for combines, trusts and monopolies wns seized by Sheriff Shiun yester­ then it is certain there are going to get a chance iu the great drawing. T h e H s r a l c F s B a r ­ Extra interest on plant acceptance nt the bauds of the be some sensational developments and their evil influences. The prof­ above first calculation.. $ 200 00 Dairymen’s Union; and it would* day, when he made a levy in fore­ before its purposes are accom­ Your own local paper, The H e r a l d g a in G o u n le r . closure proceedings upon a large its of the monopolies for three or Two extra hands at same lie perfectly natural for the own­ plished. Fuither rumors reached and the twice-a-week New Yrork part of the property. The town is wages paid in Coquille World all for only $2.25 a year four years in this state would ers of each of these plants to the ears of Prosecuting Attorney A C R E S .— Having mora cream ery......................... 620 00 press thoir claims with the utmost nearly deserted,only n few families Hume to-day regarding jurors who ----------------------- •-«+*-« ----------------------- A . w v / renj estate then I can profitably establish n plant, and theroaftor the living there. The clock factory, manage in person, I offer for sale, at prices gals extra oil i(fi $1 per Four Beautiful Lots yigor, aud will not hesitate to are already accepted in the case of pubiic schools could he furnished to suit the tim es and on good terms, all m y g a l .................. 5 00 enlist nil of the available outside which has been the chief support Sleeves. The result of this is that In the heart of town have been realty except my home farm , which coneistR with free text books on what has 110 cords of the town, has been closed. extra wood o f 160 A C R E S joining Coquille C lt f , which influence in order to serve individ­ Nearly all the inhabitants have Mr. Hume is proceeding more placed in our hands, and will be is a splendid location, handy to town, good been wanted on commissions and (which is allowing £ ual interests. cautiously than before in the ex­ sold together at a very reasonable schools, churches, m ills ami railroad depot, moved to New York. About two additional)....................... 93 75 committee junketings. also local liver boats, and near landing o f If the members of tho co-opera­ years ago the place was started by amination of men who profess to rate. This is a rare chance to sea-coiner vessels, and iu a pood neighbor­ Extra butter-olotli at same tive Dnirymen’s Union, or their be willing and honestly uble to try secure either business or residence hood, which a careful buyer w ill not be slow a Hebrew syndicate ami about 50 rate (1 bolt per 1000 lbs) 570 96 executive officers through which Some of our broad-minded nnd lots which will double in value in to appreciate on »ocornt of convenience, houses were erected. The failure the case now awaiting a jury.” 3 times ns many tubs at accessibility to th e best m arkets ou the they may ohcose to operate, are twelve months. Call and see them. coast, wide-out statesmen, when it comes saving o f time in transacting busi­ is attributed to the bard times. same price....................... 525 00 shrewd enough to take advantage ness nnd low freights. to appropriating tho public’s money 6 gals butter color extra, ------ —+ ------------ W ill be divided if desired. It has m ostly o f this circumstance o f a rivalry 80 acres of very rich bottom la n d , to establish state institutions, think @ $2.50 per gal............ 15 00 between these two crenmery plants Henry Wilson, the postmastor nt in grass for meadow or pasture; h it would cost (350,000 to establish 8 tons extra salt at $22.50 40 acres of level bench land, and they may be able to secure a suit­ Welshton, Florida, says he cured a How to Get $ 1 0 0 and Perhaps a 80 acres o f rough, woodland. per ton ............................. 180 00 able plant for much less than wliat case of diarrhooa of long standing in Fortune. and equip a school-book publishing Living sir-m n s and springs furnish water Extra repairs.................. 100 00 it cost, which would be a very six hours, with one small bottle of in every ffeld. '¡'his is the very best clover house for tho Btnte. This is tho W e secure patents and to induce people “ wear and tear of and other grass lands. material gain to the union. Such Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and to get track of their bright ideas we offer a in-expert testimony of lawyers, 6 acres are m IV tit» and Italian prunes, 75 00 methods have been practiced in Diarrhtea Remedy. Wliat a pleasant prize o f $100 to be paid on the first o f every ...................................... W I I Y ? because he follows these also a general variety o f fruits. month to the person who subm its to us the hut expert find practical knowledge 38 50 business enterprises o f “ insurance................ rules: “ Keep the head cool, the feet much surprise that must have been to the m ost meritorious invention during tho pre­ T H IS IS A C H O IC E D A I R Y F A R M , warm, and the bowels open.” You 40 00 greater magnitude, ami by men in sufferer. Such cures are not un­ ceding month. W e will also advertise tho " taxes........................ «ays that $75,000 would fit out a W ith a large, successful crcnn.ery h an dy can have a clear head and live to be invention free o f charge ir> the National is well fenc ’d, has two sm all barns, a houKe Total of extra expense to much higher business circles, and usual with this remedy. In many Recorder, a weekly newpaper, published in complete plant and run it a year. that has served its tim e, but could bo ninety if you do the same thing. manufacture 20,000 lbs ---- — ---- ------------------------- are by no means considered dis­ instances only one or two doses are W ash in gton , D . C .. which has an extensive cheaply repaired. Steamers and railroad When the bowels fail to move dur­ of milk per day instead cars both pass within 69 rods of ths bonne, required to give permanent relief. circulation throughout tho United States reputable. 1 1tnndon Recorder. I ing the day take on retiring two and is devoted to the interest o f inventors. and being a warm, well sheltered location, of 5000 lbs, which would A creamery plaut having all the It can always bo depended upon. Smith’ s Small Bile Beans. Their J. D. Rossmnn, of the Coquille all conduce to make thiv a most dosirnblc* N O T S O H A R D AS IT SE E M S . make over aud nbovo When reduced with water it is pleas­ homo for some oue. action is so mild that you arc not necessary facilities for receiving Tho idea o f being nbie to invent some­ Mining Co., has gone to 8nu Fran­ the 61,000 lbs of butter aware of it. All day your mind will all the milk supply on the Coquille | ant to take. For sale by S. L. Len- thing strikes most people ns being very i 'j A CRES, also, o f level sniscly cisco in the interest of the com­ difficult; this delusion the company wishes be clear and cool. “ Not a gripe in a manufactured here this land in Rand on, and overlooking river, ns far es it can be navigated ! ove, druggist. pany. to dispel. It is the simple things and sm all barrel of them.” Ask for small size. its fam ous beach nnd tlie Pacific ocean; has year an increase of 183,- inventions that make the grentest amount with any kind of boats, by simply \ fair buildings and good water, is good veg­ Doctors Alex Donald and Chas. Take no substitute for SMITH’ S Joaquin Miller, the poet of tho o f mmiey, and the complex ones are neldom 000 lbs of butter at an hoisting it all from the decks of etable or small fruit land and u capital place Alm ost everybody, at some Mngruw loft on Sunday morning actual extra cost of only$2263 00 boats to its receiving tanks by Sierras, and George Farrington, an profitable. for p o u l t r y , and a fe w cows to soil m ilk time or another, couceives an idea, which to (pend Christmas at their homes Whereas the 61,000 lbs to city cnstouier* and cam pers on the bench. artist of note, have engaged passage if patented, would probably be worth to him steam power; and with a very little As a health resort it can’ t be boat, havin g in St. Paul, Minn. They intend to on the next steamer to sail for a fortune. Unfortunately such ideas ar^ this year cost the the mildest winter, coolest summer and additiouAl expense, tbe same may usually dismissed without thought. Tho return here again. Honolulu. They have been en­ most equable temperature in tho U n ited Coquille Creamery Co. .$2147 00 be done from railroad cars; simple inventions like the car window States. gaged by eastern publishers to which could bo easily slid up and down w ith­ '%Bssassw Bsm The Bchooner Eureka made the Aud this would cost us, Mr. A plnnt which has all the nec­ out breaking the passeuger'a passeuger's back, the sauce C Q A CRES of heavy timber, run up from San Fraucisoo in three Schroeder, Dixon or Gravel Ford as essary atenm power nnd room to prepare a history of Hawnii, to be out pan, pan, tlie collar button, the nut lock, the 3 miles from Coquille C ity and tho days, but was detained ou tsid e 13 muoh, if not more, as I think it can mnnnfacture fifty thousand pounds written be Joaquin Miller nnd bottle stopper, the snow shovel, are things river. W ill be sold low. days, on Account o f bad weather, be easily shown that tho Coquille o f milk per day into butter or illustrated by Mr. Partington, nnd that almost everyone sees some way of im ­ O U S E A N D T H R E E L O T S in C oq«iIle proving upon, nnd it is these kind o f inven­ W E B S T E R ’S before getting into the river. C ity plant eau handle milk much cheaper cheese, and the cream from as it is their intention to remain in the tions that bring tho greatest returns to the , islands several months. author. L P' 17 unimproved lots in variou s IN T E R N A T IO N A t J. Doyle nud Matt Stroul, from than either of the other plants much more. The prize we offer will be paid nt the end ! parts o f Coquille C ity, Coos cou nty, YakiuiSj Wash., ailived here last named, especially if the getting to o f each month, whether the application has : Or., giving a variety o f locations t o c h o o is A plant that hna an abundant ! A bmst oPtht Timti D IC T IO N A R Y Rend two 2 cent postage stamps A G fo n J Educator. from and at reasonable prices. Friday tn a covered wagon, haying market of the finished product is supply o f good, cool, clear running to “ The Road Publishing Company,” been acted npon by tho patent office or not. ! Every competitor must apply for a patent on SuceMAOrQ/thS .com e in by the way of Rosebunt taken into connection. Q Q - A C R E FARM 3 miles from water from a mountain stream; a! Denver, Colorndo, and get a sample hi* invention through ns. nnd whether he j 11 Unabridged.” ^ town. 20 acres choice creek bottom and tbe Middle Fork o f the Co­ Aud by adding the firet coet of plant that is well, and suhstan- j copy of that great cartoon Fopulist secures the prize or not, the inventor will S ta n d a r d o f the i j land and some very fine saw timber on bal have a valuable patent. quille river. Mr. Doyle is looking manufacturing 61,000 lbs butter tially built on a firm and solid foun­ weekly, “The Road,” also a copy of U . 8 . G ov’t Print- ; T H E P11ES8S C L A IM S C O M P A N Y . nnce. Spring branch, cosy buildings, et«. ing Office, the U.S. for a place to locate and will pro­ this year at tho Coquille creamery, dation (which is an absolute their famous English OctopuB (devil J ottn W eddebrurn , G en’ I M anager, 618 F : I Call on or address directly. Supreme Court and 8 t . N. W .. W ashington, D . C. o f nearly all tho 1 bably make hia home in this section Which cost was..................(2447 00 necessity, where a Dumber o f sep­ fish) map, free. This m a p and “ The It. D . S A N F O R D , Schoolbooks. P . 8 . — The responsibility o f this com - 1 on his farm at Coquille C ity, .of tho county. This added to the extra W a r m ly com ­ arators are to be run at a high rats Road” with the H erald for ono year pany may be judged from the fact [ 1 Or call nt T H E IIL IiA L D OFFIC’ H. m e n d e d by every ' that ils stock is held by about seventeen ! cost of manufacturing The woollen mills will close o f speed) and where an abundant j for only $2.10. State Stiperir.ten- ! hundred o f the leading newspapers o f the j dent o f Schools, < 183,000 lbs, which wo dowD duung the holidays and do supply o f wood is near at handri United States. [D ec. 18’ 94-tf and other Educe.- | have found was..............$2263 00 a plant where all o f its freight, \ It is reported from Yaquina that tors alinoet with­ some necessary repairing—build To the Unfortunate. out numbor. the schooner Mary Gilbert, Captain Gives a total cost of man­ a pillar under the boiler, and other either to be received nt, or to be THE EXAMINER’S BIG PREMIUMS DC. GIBBONS’ A C o lic * © P r e e ld e n t w r i t e s : “ F o r J Dodge, from San Francisco, for ufacturing a 20,000 lbe work that needs to lie done. This shipped nwny from, enn be handled " e e * © w it h w h ic h t h e ey© fin d s th e DISPENSART, daily milk supply, which u an opportune time to do the work with steam power in hoisting it' Alsea bay, for lumbar, in attempt­ The San Francisco Examiner '* w o r d s o u g h t , f o r a c c u r a c y o f d e fln i- * would make at same rate, as a large amount of wool that is from the decks of (mats or railroad ing to sail in over the bar tbe will give away nt its next nnnnnl “ t lo n , f o r e ffo c t lv e m e th o d s in In d l- ! 02Î XoarKfT St, '*e a tin g p r o n u n c ia tio n , f o r te r s e y e t ' ( 2 4 4 , 0 0 0 11 m butter at ordered from tbe city is delayed on corner o f C om m ercial cars or lowering it on tn the same other day went ashore acd is a drawing 9000 oreminms, aggregat­ 14 c o m p r e h e n s iv e s ta te m e n ts o f fa c ts, San Francisco, C a l. totalwreck. No lives lost. cost to us o f ....................$4710 00 without any extra tmudling. account of the schooner Berwick Established in 1864, ‘ an d f o r p r a c tic a l u se a s a w o r k in g ing in value $145,000. Each sub­ dot Laving arrived yet. A knitting Dy dividing this milk sup­ All o f these things are matters I for the treatm ent o f ‘ d ic t io n a r y , ‘ W e b s t e r 's In te r n a tio n a l* 5 Sexual and Heroinal ply at several different Baltimore*» Ifew M onum ent. mnohinewill also be placed in the scriber, also, receives n Cue picture of considerable importance to the " e x c e ls a n y o t h o r s in g lo v o lu m e .’ * § diseases,such as G o n - Baltim ore is about to p a t up another creameries we should mills as there ie a good demand for dairymen who furnish milk, for the worth in the market more than the gorrhea, G leet, S tr.c t- monument. The jronng Irish are at the Tbe One Croat Standard A uthoritr. certainly, directly or _________ _____ ure, Syphilis, in all woollen hose, and the company selection o f a plant liaviug all of head of tho movement, and they hare pries o f the paper. These are 1 its forro-u Seminal W eakness, Im potency indirectly, have paid 4 , no». P. .1 . r . :~rrr. Jnvtir© o f t’ * T‘ P have a considerable quantity of these necessary conveniences and not r e t decided on the hero to honor. So and Lost. M anhood permanently cured. T b e spleudid inducements, because the I Poi reme < t . - . r ritta: •• l*h« International cts per lb foT manufac­ yarn already on hand for that pur- facilities would save them a large far the Tote favors, in the order named. nnd afflict?d should nut fail to call ! piethm ary :•* the j orfc^ifon e f dictionaiie». ! I commun I ü t<> all ti.e ci.e great »U nd- ■ npon him . The Doctor has traveled exten­ turing 2 4 4 , 0 0 0 lbs of poae. It will take about eight or amouut of money each year, ami Emmet. O'Connell, G rattan, Tone, Barks Examiner is the best newspaper on ard authority.” sively in Europe, and inspected thoroughly butter, or a total o f . . . . $ 9 7 6 0 0 0 avoid all of the unnecessary #J- and Parnell, and the choice will be made tlie coast and is well worth alone ten days to onmplete the improve­ I the various hospitals there, obtaining ft If A sari na o f r*r%ia rvy* Any for a • i great deal o f valuable inform ation, which ments that are to be made after Now the difference be­ : pauses o f so much handling and from this half dozen. Contrary to ths the $1.50 a year that it coats. , y»ar will provide lie is competent to impart to thiwe in need yon subscribe now yon can get tho order of snch things, the money is >1- , tween $ 4 7 1 0 , the actual which the mills will start up rehandling freight and milk, which - to purchase .» . îurernationai. o f his services. Th e Doctor cures when H ehald and the Weekly Examiner I Can you afford to l.c w id.ou» L.* cost to us of manufactur­ stmoger than ever as there is a others fail. T ry him . D R . G IB B O N will would increase ench year ns their ready provided.—Baltimore L etter make no ebargo unless he effects a care. both oue year for only $2.75. This I G.Se C. K K R / f M - l f C O ., Unhliabersp ing, under own manage­ Jarge amount o f orders ahead. | I nsiness would naturally increase. Persons at a distance C U R E D A T H O M E . ------ — - ♦---- — - clubbing rate entitles tbe subscriber ment, nnd (9760 |>at(l to Springfield, Van?., U .S .A . Should all of these conveniences All com m unications strictly confidential to a ticket in the drawing and all All letters answered In plain envelopes. A stich in time. Take Simmons several creameries at a Take Simmons Liver Regulator { and facilities be entirely ignored P*nd to the pr­ Charges reasonable. Call or w r it* v ld re ss ix» n*>l other special privileges. Don't 4 cent rate, would he to keep the bowels regular. One {in order to accommodate a few Liver Regulator and {ircrant sick- i D U. J. F. G IB B O N , fail to tak > advantage of tbia offer. the amount we could 47 tf] Box 1967. San Francisco, C al. dose is worth 100 dollars. iindividuals who furnish milk, it: ness. The Magic Touch Hood’s Sarsaparilla S L I BALD HEADS! \SkookumRoot Hair Grower ? t ? ? ? ? ? ? Take These C0” I Hood’s Cures mu. If“ 1 Read Our Offers w Chances for Homes. Good Time to Secure a Dairy Farm or Ranch. 1 50 PRIZES ON PATENTS. G la d s to n e h A c le a r M e a d I B ile B ean s! H A