Notice of Dairy Convention GsqtiflU GUg f e r a l i T U E S D A Y . DEO. 11, 1894 To Be Held at Coquille City, Bogin ning at 11 O’Cloek A. M„ on Friday, December 14,1804. R E G U L A R T R A IN S \ fO N D A T 8 . WKDNKKDAY8 AND F ill- I t JL days will run us follows; Leave I Arrive 8.00 n. in. Marshfield | 12.15 p.m . Arrive “ Leuvu 9.1b “ COQUILLE CITY i 11.00a. m. Norway | 10.2A “ » 50 “ 10.00 “ Myrtle Point | 10.15 “ L O C A L IT E M S. The masquerade ball Gbriatuias night is all the talk. Bov. Mr. Thornton will preach again on the 4th Sunday o f this month in this place. The people at L ibby intend to have a Christmas tree at the school- house on the evening of the 24th. Why suffer with dyspepsia, bilious­ ness or any disease of the liver when you can be cured by Simmons Liver Regulator? Miss Lenua Blumenrother loft yesterday for Bandon, after a visit o f several days as the guest of Miss Lucy Nichols. Saturday evening, December 22d, the Methodist Sunday-school will give a program consisting o f songs, recitations, etc., at the church. The steamer Bnndorille will be here uy Friday or Saturday. Judge D yer made a flying trip Mrs. Capt. and Mrs. Caddie to this place yesterday. Lockwood were up yesterday. Uncle John Rimmer is Dow Mr. Wilkins took a photograph making bis borne in this place. o f the Leneye building yesterday. Mrs. Buckingham came up from Mies Lizzie Buzan came up from Bandon yesterday to visit her aunt, Bandon yesterday and will remain Mrs. li. E. Buck. It never fniled to cure dyspepsia at home. The “ breakers’ loud roar” has and liver complaint Tako Simmons Liver Regulator. been the music of old ocean for Dr. Holden, dentist, will certainly several days past. visit this place and Bandon as soon The schooner Antelope finished as the weather will permit. loading at Lyons’ mill Saturday, Mr. Harkness and family and and departed down the river Sun­ Mrs. Scott expect to take the day morning for San Francisco. steamer next Monday from the bay Au interesting communication for San Francisoo. All regret to from a prominent, respected, and lose them. cultured citizen appears today in Mr. and Mrs. Pomeroy, promi­ our “ Union Labor Column.” Bead nent citizens and prominently con­ it. nected with the dairy business at The schooner Lizzie Prien took Langlois, Curry county, are visit­ a load of over 160,000 feet of extra ing iu this section. fine lumber from Morras Bro’s mill No better preparation for the hair has this trip, a large proportion of ever been invented than Ayer’s Hair Vigor. It restores the original color to faded and which was fine matched flooring. The Methodist Sunday-school will give Christmas exercises at that church on the evening o f Mrs. Harkness and Mrs. Scott Deoember 2*2d. The pnblio is in­ made a visit to Perkins’ and other vited. friends on the lower river yester­ Fon S a l e —The undersigned day, before leaving for California. offers a span o f good mares, 6 and They return today. 8 yrs. old, wngon and harness, for Another large shipment of sale. For terms, enquire nt the blankets, robes and other woollen poBtoilice, of A. G. A i k e n . Thanks to our friend, J. P. manufactures from the Bandon Stemler, o f Dora, fo r files o f The mills were shipped by rail from Arkansas Farmer, published at this station yesterday to Sau Fran­ Little Bock, Ark. It is Populist in cisco. For rheumatism I have found politics and a lively paper. nothing equal to Chamberlain’s l ’ ain Nathan Tolbert, o f Dillards, is Balm.— J. W. Young, West Liberty, a recent arrival in this locality, nnd W. Va. The prompt relief it affords lie is living above town, near W il­ is alone worth many times the cost, lie Disber’s, for the present. He 50 cents. Its continued use will effect a permanent cure. For sale by is looking for a small ranch. S. L. Leneve, druggist “ Whnn your heart is bad and voor head is bad, and you are bad clean through, what is needed?” asked a Sunday-school teachor o f her olass. “'I know—Ayer’ s Sarsaparilla,” spoke np a little eirl, whose mother had reoently been restored to health by that medicine. The W. B. C. met last Wednes­ day afternoon nnd elected the fol- lowiugofficers: Mrs. George Wick- ham, president; Mrs. D. P. Strang, senior vice; Miss Lucy Nichols, junior vice; Mrs. H. H. Nichols, chaplain; Miss Birdie Elliott, con­ ductress; Mrs. Della Wickham, treasurer; Mrs. Sheppard, guard. Bev. O. G. Qnimby, Baptist, will preach at the M. E. church in this place on Sunday, December 16th, at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The evening sermon will be his farewell Mrs. lone Scott wns given a address, as he will leave for the delightful farewell hop at Masonic Umpqua valley in aday or so there­ hall last Saturday night, by her after, tlicuce to eastern Oregon. host o f young friends in this place, The Christmas eve entertain­ prior to her departure for resi­ ment nnd “ fish-pond,’’ to be con­ dence in California. The attend­ ducted by the band, is for all and ance wns large nnd the pleasures free. It is expected to furnish of the evening were complete. All prpseDts for every child, to which regret to lose her, and society end the baud solicits contributions. circles will miss her very much. Parents and friends having pres­ Lawson Lawhom, living near ents to be distributed, are requested Fairview, came near losing his to deliver them at Masonic hall on comfortable home by fire Wednes­ Monday,24th inst.,to the committee, day evening, 28th ult. While at and give neces6nry instructions. supper, Mrs. L. had passed out ot At the last regular meeting of a bedroom iuto the diuiugroom, Gen. Lytle Post, No. 27, G. A. E., where she left a lamp for a moment, held last Wednesday evening, the expecting to return. Suddenly a following officers were elected for flash of light startled them, and on the ensuing term: John Morris, entering the room a blaze was post commander; Joe Waltermeyer, spreading up the wall near where senior vice; Ed Nichols, junior vice; the lamp sat. With some good Jonathan Quick, chaplain; W. Sin­ fighting the lira was subdued la a clair, quartermaster; G. 11. W ick­ brief tim6 and the home saved. As ham, officer of the day; G. W. Nor­ to the origin of the fire, whether ton, officer o f the guard. Ed the lamp exploded, or the wall­ Nichols was chosen delegate to the paper caught from the lamp, our state encampment and 8. W. Har­ informant could Dot tell us. The rington alternate. damage resulting was small. Judge Scbroeder will celebrate Christmas eve with a family re­ union, which will number about seventy persons in all, including those added by marriage. Grandpa and Grandma Schroeder will be the central figures of the joyous occasion, end undoubtedly it will be a happy meetiug to all as it will rank among the very rare family reunions o f anything like so large a number of persons iu this section o f OregoD. These pioneers in this valley and coast country hold the esteem and respect o f all, and con­ gratulations o f many will attend them on this festive reunion. See notice to taxpayers. At Roseburg, in circuit court last week, up to Thursday, the case against G. S. Brown, for the mur­ der of Alfred Kincaid at Oakland last summer, had progressed to the extent of entering a plea of not guilty. The grand-jury returned a bill of murder in the first degree. Thursday morning Attorney Craw­ ford moved for a continuance, and the motion was being argued. The man W. F. Beckman, who killed his wife and her son, Robert Bing, at Oak creek last September, has also been indicted for murder in the first degree. L a t e r — Since writing the above, we learn that on Friday the conrt denied the motion for a continu­ ance o f the Brown case and ordered ajnry ampsnneled. O f eight jurors examined only one had as yet been accepted. gray hair, and imparts that natural gloss and freshness, everyone so much admires. Its reputation is world-wide. Attend the entertainment next Friday night, and help the ladies of the Christian church pay tha last installment on their bell. Admission, 10 cents. J. Albert, proprietor o f the “ Workiugmen’o Store” at Marsh­ field, passed through this place to Baudou yesterday, where he will display a stock o f men’s and chil­ dren's furnishing goods. E I m u M n u i j F n t e r t a f a m r ia l. The river is up, half banks fall. Tbe steamers Antelope and Mjrrl have a big trade., Tbe steamer Dispatch laid off a few days, but is raumug again, and contemplates a ronnd trip each day from Bandon to Myrtle Point. Prof. J. W. E. Alien, graduate of Ciprico Elocutionary Institute of Minneapolis, Minn., gava a moot recherche and pleasing entertain­ ment at Masonio ball last night, consisting o f dramatic recitations from Shakespeare and other cele­ brated authors. Tbe erening waa iuolemtDt and tha audience small, butthe entertainment was of a high ordar, edifying and pleasing, being much enjoyed by those who had tbe honor to bear so able an eloou- ti sist and intelligent a gentleman as Mr. Allen. Tha following con­ stituted the program of the even­ ing: "Cassius against Caesar,” acts from Julius Caesar, Shakespeare; mandolin and gnitar rendition by Misses Lizzie Buzan and Pearl Baxter; recitation, “ Rienzi to tha Romans” -M itfo rd ; recitation, “ Bernardo del Carpio” — Hemans; recitation, “ Seven Ages of Man” — Shakespeare; recitation, Catiline’s Defiance”— Croly; recitation, “ Mar- mion and Douglas” — Scott; recita­ tion, “ The Lunatic;" violin and guitar selection, H. A. Jones and Miss Lizzie Buzan; recitation, “ Wolsey’s Fall” — Shakespeare; re­ citation, “ Lay of tbe Madmao.” It will be observed that these selections are all o f tbe highest order, and the imperson ations re­ quire a master in dramatization, and Mr. Allan filled tha require­ ments not less oomplately than many of the famous dramatists. Tbs dairymen'« convention will be held in this city Friday, and To Every Dairyman in the Co­ quille Valley, Who Owns or from indications a good attendance Milks Cows—Greeting: is promised. Believing that great good can bn H. A. Jones returned from the accomplished for the dairy inter­ bay last week with bis family, who ests o f the whole Coquille valley, by a united effort and action on had come over from Eugene via the part of the dairymen of the Drain. O f coarse bis cup o f hap­ whole valley in general, the under­ piness is full. signed and many others i.suo this F o r S a l k .— A tract o f 160 acres call for the above convention, or of fine timber land, D ear Fisblrap. meeting, for the purpose of discuss­ Apply at this office. ing aud taking definite action on the best plan of co-operation. The horse raisers of eastern Ore­ As it is now well understood gon who have been seeing electri­ that the concentration of a very city and tbe science knocking the largo milk supply atono point, and value out of horseflesh right and under one management, owned or left, will now begin to take a more controlled wholly by dairymeD, cbeerful view of tha ecientific dis­ means a saving of much expense coveries. Tbe new preventive and now wasted by a division of said cure for diphtheria requirts an anti- milk supply, and an addition of taxineserum made out o f the blood many cents per pound on every of horses or cows. It requires six pound o f butter-fat wa produce, it months work to pnt a horse’s blood is expected that it will be neces­ iuto shape to extract this strum, sary to continue in sessiou during aDd one horse is oaly capable of the day and evening, and if need producing 159 doses of tbe staff. be a short session the following New York city has been asked to forenoon, and it is desired that ns make a $40,000 appropriation to many as can should prepare pap­ secure serum for the city hospitals. ers on the subject of the “ Best This is only a starter. Plan o f Co-operation,” to be read Astorian: Parties just up from at said meeting, and it is expected that a full atteudanoe o f cow own­ that part o f the coast report that a ers all over the valley, from the large rock is front of an immense head o f tt>6 Coquille river to its cave about a quarter of a mile south mouth, and all the tributaries, will of Heksta Head, is swarming with be in attendance and help make it Bealioiis. They are big fellows, exclusively a meeting of dairymen and are more numerous than ever Look out for the Bandorille. und dairy interests, and thnt each known before. Mrs. Chisholm, mother of our one will consider it their meeting Postmaster Scriver, of Boundary and come prepared to represent City, Wash., was arrested Thurs­ Mrs. S. J. Miller, arrived here last their best interests in the dairy line day by the postal authorities for Friday from Ferndale, California. by voice und vote. Signed by— irregularities in connection with The H erald ’ s jobw ork is a draw­ missing registry packages. R D Sanford, R M Hayter, ing card. J J Lamb, E Heuckendorff, W H Wnddington.S L Lafferty, J P Clausen, Matt Kerrigan, W ALTER DRANE, Thos. Devercux, A R Moomaw, S J Miller, August Carl, Blacksmith and Wm Paxson, Geo W Wimer, sr, Or Trustees W C Bullard, Samuel Shuck, Wagonmaker, ’y y i S U I N G TO iUBOHAEE C A Bullard, A J Wood. C O Q U IL L E C IT Y , OREGON . The steamer Bandorille was ad­ L L kinds o f farm work solicited. Horse vertised in the Portland papers to shoeing and plow work a specialty Supplies for logging work, wedge»., dogs sail this (Tuesday) evening for FOR SCH00LS*0R ACADEMIES rings, cant-books and everything used in Coquille. She was to receive logging camps kept on hand. Satisfaction Will find it to their interest to consult or Shop oh eorner north of Pio. freight at her usual wharf, foot of write the undersigned, agent for Kane . My pulse Is normal, I have no more Nwnrlne. violent _____throbbing throbbing of of the the heart, heart, i t am a a will will man mam . . I sincerely recommend every one with « symptoms _i Heart Disease to take Ur. Miles1 of U r.M U ee • R j eetorm •fee Remedies and be cured. Gypsum City, Kans. L. L. CmifKB. 8 B A N D O N , OR. S old o il a P o sitive Guarantee* Sold bv Us S. Know 1 ton. BY M AIL PROMPTLY attended to, and goods shipped per O RDERS steamer to all points on the upper river at prioos that defy competition. Y CHANGING ..T H E .. ELDREDGE O U R M IN D S e v e n TEN O T S. S t o v e TEN OT 8 . © L O S S / • • • I f your grocer doesn’ t keep it, •end us hit name with io c and 'ct a large box and a valuablo amily household book free. i Donnellai? & C o ., A g ts ., u g l a s no TEN CT 8 . Lasts Seven times longer L ook s Seven times better A bou t Seven times cleaner stov* A bou t T w o times cheaper P®*"*1 A bou t T w o times handier eat?*!* Tea ■ I B M O N T G O M E R Y S T . , 8 . P .. O A L . *S. C O R D O V A N , BANDON, COOS COUNTY, OR. | ____ r p E R M begins 1st Monday in December, ! X and continues daily, except Saturdays | nnd Sundays, until the end o f February, i 1896. Scholars are admitted nt any time. I The techr ical courses will consist o f ! Junior and Senior Classes in Land Sur­ veying. I Marine Surveying~-Ordmary Seamanship and Higher (bourse. Civil Egineering, Junior and Senior Classes. Coarse of Draughtsman. Portrait Drawing and Pastel. Evening classes will be open Monday, I Wednesday nnd Friday evenings of each \ week, from 7:30 to 9 o’ clock, to give mechan- j icn nnd others an opportunity to »tail themselves of the benefits o f this institute T u ition -D a y «Ians, $6 per month. Night clans—$3 per month. ; Payments to lie made invariably in advance to Judge G. M.Dyer, o f Bandon, our authorised treasurer. For further particulars, call on or address The Recorder. Bandon. Oregon, or The U bbald , Coquille City. 1 C A ACRES, C. 8. Title. 80 acre, bot- I O ' / tem land, 10 acres in cultivation, improvements coating $000. Almost at your own prioe—at S oaah and balance in 3 yearn. Call at H«n*u> olilo«. Stricken Down with Heart Disease. rjpH R E E NICE LEVEL LOTS— ßeautiful : Qalifornia. Awarded The debate at the Academy last Highest Honors— World’s Fair. Saturday night was an attraction nnd claimed to be tb4 most interest­ • D R ing yet had. The subject was: Resolved, That the creamery in­ dustry is more lucrative to Coos Const Mail: Judge Dyer re­ county than the fishery industry. turned from Sau Fruncisco whither The affirmative side consisted of he went to confer with parties iu John Leek, Ben Lawrence, Oliver regard to the laud deal on the * C R E A M Sanford and Mr. Airey; snd on tb e ( Coquille. The prospect is flatter­ ing that the deal will be consum­ negative, C. H. Bunch, Geo. Miller, mated. The eastern syndicate has Ed Bobison and Prof. Bunch. deposited 15 per cent o f the pur­ The society appointed the follow­ chase price in bank, to bo paid if ing officers: B. W. Airey,president;' ths abstracts show a good title to Chas. Boberts, vice president; Irma the property involved. Mr. Hacker is busy making abstracts which are MOST PERFECT MADE. Lukens, secretary and treasurer; sent on for inspection as fast as A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free F. S. Bauch, eeaeor and critic; made, and it is not likely there will tom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant bo any failure o f title. 4 0 YEARS THE STANDARD. Johu Leek, marshal. DR. L !» DARKER. G R E A T B A R G A IN - BUILDING HARDWAHE—Such a . Nailt, Screws, Locke, Hinge«, etc., at rock-bottom prlcea. S a le . M A IC R IE D . On Main street, between 6th and 7th, W ood­ S temmerman - L awhobn — On North Coos land Addition to Bandon. Address river. Noy. 29,1894, by Rev. J.IJ. Rideout, M. L. RANDLEMAN, J. A. Stemmerraan and Miss Alice Law- 61 tfl Parkersburg, Or. horn. B essib -M c I ntosh — At Marshfield, Nov, 28, 1894, by Rev. W. Horsfall, E. H. Bessie and Miss Josie McIntosh. ARTIES contemplating coming to the B knham - M ast — Near Fairview, at the home Pacific Const, Coast, "Merchants, Merchants, Farmers, of the bride’s parents, Dec, 2, 1894, James M chanics, Clerks or Laborers (male or R . Denham nnd Miss Cailie Mast. female» for employment, to purchase land or engage in business, send SO cents money , 4 ° AND 4a W A L L STREET, ' ( B O R !« . order for Maps, Circulars, Illustrated Books IiioHTHALL— Afc the government works on Papers and General Information of the Pa New Y o r k . the bay, Nov. 27, 1894, to Mr and Mrs oific Coast. K. W. REID A CO„ Accounts of Bonks and Bankers received« George Lighthall, a son. 126 W. First street, on favorable terms. Bonds and Investment Securities. i Los Angeles, Cal. H o o v e r —At Norway, Nov. 4,* 1894, to Mr n20 raj * Daily Financial Lsttsr Mailsd on Ä; plication, and Mrs W. A. Hooyer, a daughter. , CORK ESPONDENCJt SOLICITED. C orbin — At Myrtle Point, Deo. 5, 1894, to C O Q U IL LE V A L L E Y Mr and Mrs Wm Corbin, a dau (liter. H e r m a n n — At Myrtle Point, Deo 3, 1894, to Mr and Mrs S. B. Hermann, a daughter. P END C O A L S1Ô V E S, W O O D STOVES, Is hard work compared with TEN TS M A D E TO O R D E R . C OOK STO V ES. changing the appearance o f your T E N TIN G M A T E R IA L stove with R AN G ES. T mechanically h e “ E R the IE beat ” .wheel. Prettiest model. We are Pacific Coast Agents. Biovcle cata­ logue, m&ilecf free,gives full description, prices, etc., agents w anted . PETALUMA IltCUBATOR CO., Petaluma,Cal. B ranch H o u s e , *31 S Main St., I,os Angeles. C ity , A GOOD HOME rROtCHAEMOMEUZDCALT *4.*S.VFllC(Mr&IMKNtt ♦ 3.!P POLICE. 3 sotxa. * * ^ B » * » * 2 A 7-?ßGY3$CtIWl>«3. ^ _ SENO Foa ICATMJKU. CATMJMUI ________ — ------- Fw«L*DOUttLAS, BROCKTON, M A M . T n ran save a m n b r n n l u l H D a e .l a . S k .e e , W . 1», we ere the largest m.naFicterere ef advertised .hoe# In the world, eed gaereatee the value by .tamping the name end price on the bottom, whleh p p rice . * ~ M is s N e llie Nillincry and Fancy Goods A »trlctlr h l«h g r o d . V a m ll? Savin g M ,c k l « f . a ll aaaSara Im provem ent«. G uaranteed E qual to the B est P rlcM vary reasonable. O btain th em from your local dealer and m ak e eonapariions. ELDRED6E MANUFACTURING CO. F i g g ’e 1 FIRST STRUT, OPPOSITE ODD FELLOW S’ HALL, C O Q U IL L E B E L V ID E R E , ILL. C IT Y , OREGON. HOICE stock of new nnd fashionable millinery, including trimmed and nn- | trimmed hats, flower*, ribbons, tips, etc. where"*! lower prlcea for thcealae ft» « " C B., R. A E. R. R. A N. Co. ! Will receive new invoice* nnd a fine atoek any other make. Take no eubeUtntc. If yene . o f FANCY GOODS by each atemner and denier cannot «apply yon. wt cnn. BoM by O T I C E -H oii . W. Sinclair ia the regu ' by rail. Ladies are cordially invited to in­ Dealer, whose name will shurtly larly authoriaed agent aft Coquille Cilv spect these goods nnd compare price«. for the oollection o f anliaidy and righi-of* Order« from a dintance promptly and appear here. Agent wanted. Apply a ay I »nlwariptiona on account of thie oom- carefully filled. at once. 3* tf| NELLIE FIGO. pany. R. A. GRAHAM C equal _. N I