Coquille City herald. (Coquille City, Or.) 188?-1904, November 27, 1894, Image 4

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    B B
fftfuiUe Citi; Retail
Highest o f
all in
Leavening Power.— Latest U S. G ov’t Report.
T U E SD A Y , NOV. 27, 1894.
For (J«d, and Uomo and Salive Land
C. T. V.
T h » OoqriUl* C ity W . C. T . D. cnefU •«
th e M«uhi>di.t church, «on tb , « r e r j rrt-
d .y , at » o’ cloek p. m. AH interMtad m tha
work arc invited to f ttend.
[F rom tha National W . O. T . 1). B nlletin.l
H r. P a r k h u n t ’a « r r a t S a n a » « -
Dr. Charles H. Parkhurst mada
a noble, a devine plea for fallen
woman in his sermon, October 21,
on the text “ Verily I say unto yon,
that the publicans and the harlots
go into the kingdom o f O od before
H eeaid :
“ Society says there are several
unpardonable sins. They say it is
a crime for a woman to transgress
the seventh commandment, but it
is not so for a man.
One o f the
great troubles when a woman
wishes to lead a better life is that
she does cot receive the help of her
sisters. Wbat hope, then, is there
for a woman to try and do better?
There are a great many Magdalene»
in New York, probably thousands
o f them who will get to heaven.
They are children o f G od—jn»t as
good in His sight as you, aod yon
should do all you can to help them.
I f your fallen sister has reformed
and has been washed in the blood
o f the Lamb, what is it yonr busi­
ness what her former life has been?
His blood is sufficient to redeem
Some of you gather your
skirts about you to escape from
them, while they are just aa pre­
cious to Him ns yon are.
want recognition from woman as
woman. I f they don't get it, they
invariably live a dishonorable life,
die a dishonorable woman and
their bodies are buried in the pot­
ter’s field, where yonr pittilessness
has driven them. The story o f the
prodigal son is a good lesson on
this subject. The father o f this
boy took him back into bis home
and forgot the past. The prodigal’s
eldest brother could remember
nothing but the fact that his brother
had at one time been an outcast.
This describes society to a dot.
There is no reason why an ex-con­
vict or a fallen woman should not
be received into society, when they
have again become good persons
and the past is blotted out.
however, is not the rule, and this is
the reason why out o f one hundred
persons who enter a depraved life,
ninety-five die in that life which
binds them to their destiny and
Sixteen towns o f California have
secured a prohibitory ordinance.
“ A drinking woman is a social
criminal of the worst type.” — Na­
tional Baptist.
A recent dreadful murder in
Connectiicut was committed by a
man who was drunk on bard cider.
Texas W . C. T. U. is to have a
llest Cottage at the state fair where
tired mothers can restand children
be taken cnra of.
The W. C. T. U. of the District
o f Columbia have pssssed resolu­
tions highly commending Mrs.
Cleveland for her firm stand against
L O C A L IT E M S .
Why not get up a spelling h«#?
T o aid Digestion take one Small Bile Been
tf ter anting. 26c. per bottle.
Only 10 cents tuition to attend
and Irok on at “ The Country Ske wl.”
Prevent and cure Conutipetloii and SUfc.
Headache. Small M l« Beaus.
W. Drane will conduct the hlauk-
•roithing alone now, et the old stand.
Guaranteed to cure Rtliotta A ttacks and
Coasiiput-lon, Small Bile Boon*.
Mr. Meseer is improving his
property in the Elliott addition,
opposite his borne.
Cure fo r Cold«, Fevers and General Da.
bllit*. Small Uii* S u n *, a«-. l * r tn.ule.
Yon will be pleased to read the
announcement we make in another
column abont the Thanksgiving
present for ail onr readers.
They Inereaae appetite, purify the wkole
svateu and acton t!»e liver. Rile tleena SnailI.
Don’t fail to see onr offer in
another column announcing the
splendid Thanksgiving gift which
we will present free to all onr read­
Put up In neat watch-shaped bntt tea, sugar
u o a t e d . Sm all B ile B e a m
**c. p e r b o ttle -
I> «ra D o lu s * .
Dora, Noy. 20.—Jack Frost has
made us e visit. Now look out for
H. C. Lnttrell has rented a id ie
moviDg on to the dairy tanch of
Mr. Deverenx, below Norway.
Success to H. C. $700 is the rent.
Forty cows go wit i the place. J.
H. Minard is helping H. C. to
L. M. would like to know who
took his horse at Dora school house
and left it tied at his best girl'a
yard tence. A pretty good joke on
the horse, I suppose.
O f all the mighty hunters, G. K.
takes the cake.
He started with
an idea be knew where lots of
pheasants roamed. Later be wan­
dered on to the waters o f Elk
creek. Taking his course np stream
be arrived at a certain house and
there be found the object of his
seaicb— e pretty Bird had flown
from Dougins county, and he wae
so enamored be forgot to return
for thirty-six loDg bnnrs.
be returned he was asked, where are
your pheasmts? He answered,
“ ronldu’t find any.
Shiloh school closes on the 23d.
Miss Jnlia Braden has given good
satisfaction at a teacher.
Have yon beard o f the splendid
Thanksgiving present to onr read­
D on R e x .
ers?— a heautitul wstsr-color pic­
ture which we describe in another
Ceos oad C a r r y l u H i* S u p r e m e
C a u r i.
One Small Bile Bean everr nlrht fo ra
In the supreme court Monday of
w e e k arouMe T o rp id Livers. 26c. tier bottle.
last week the following bnsiress
“ Which ie the Sweeter?” a water was transacted: C'wis Bay, I’ ose-
color picture, to be given all our turg & Eastern Railroad & Navi-
readers for a Thanksgiving present, gation Company, appellants, va. Z
is a beautiful work o f art. Send T. Siglin, respondent: appesled
from Coos. Judgment of the court
our coupoD.
below reversed and a new trial
You don’t need to continue dosing ordered. Opinion by Wolverton,
with Simmons Liver Regulator. A J.
R. D. Hume, appellant, vs.
dose a day.
Cliauncey Woodruff et al., re­
Quite n number o f our friends
spondents; appeal from Curry.
have called lately and renewed their Judgment of the lower court
subscriptions for Ibe “ old reliable," reversed. Opiuion by Bean, C. J.
R. D. Hume, appellant, vs. R.
and several new names have been
Schwartz et. al., respondents;
added to the list.
appeal from Curry.
Decree re­
You will certainly never miss versed and a motion for a non-suit
getting one of the superb water- allowed. Opinion by Bean, C. J*
color pictures which we intend giv­
Oregonian: I f Mr. Budd wants
ing to each o f onr readers as a
the Democratic nomination for
Thanksgiving present.
See des­ vice-president in 1896, he probably
cription in another colnmn.
can get it.
The competition will
Boys at Marshfield have been not be grket.
----------- - «#» -----------—
playing the mischief with sling­
T w o A n x io ii. M ru .
shots, breaking windows, knocked
The two inmates in the county
e horse’s eye ont, and perpetrated jail who are awaitiug the action of
other acts o f mischief. Marshal the grand jury, on charges of mur­
Dunham announces that he will der in the first degree, Brown aud
Beckman, ere both preparing for a
enforce the law.
vigorous defense. J. C. Brown, of
The W. C. T. U. bands in Doug­ Myrtle Point, brother of the slayer
las county met at Rosebnrg a week of Alfred Kincaid, is here and will
or so ago and organized a county remain until after the trial. Attor­
union, like in this county. Mr. ney A. M. Crawford will conduct
Brown’s defense, while Beckman
and Mrs Harford, who lately vis­ has employed Attorney E. B. Preble
ited here, were present aDd gays to represent him. The officials
their help. Our Mias Mahal Boutell about the jail say that of the two
was chosen recording secretary of man Beckman appears to be the
most nervous aud apprehensive,
the county organization.
and it is rumored that bis defense
A potato starch factory, on an will be an insanity plea. Brown
lnveatment of $2500 to$4000, would bas not been Tery well for several
days past.— Roseburg Review.
be a good thing, for the smaller,
------------- a »#> .--------------^
nnmerketable potatoes would sup­
H u is h t* * r r j t i i i M .
ply it, while the larger and more
Bandon Lodge No. 64, K. o f P.,
ahapely one* could be marketed to was organized at Bandon on the
hatter advantage. Tbink it over— 17tb inst., with eighteen charter
The Lodge was in
e co-operative enterprise, like has members.
been so ably advocated for dairy stituted by F. A. Golden, D G. C.,
assisted bv Thos. D. White and a
purpoees by Mr. C. Romander.
delegation! from the bay. Follow­
W kal f in s
R v n d l
P u b lie ?
Ib a
A C on stan t R
eaper .
I Yourselves.
The Acm e mine is working day
and night, shout $400 in gold being
taken out daily.
K M Reached Such a State of P erfec­
tion That It la a Verltablo Encyclo­
paedia of Fact* and Event*,
Brought Down to January
First, 1804.
IB Edition of 1S94 h»i bees prepared
with an extra force of editor!. It will
hare a novel and attractive cover, wide niar-
|pgim, new and improved binding; ii printed
on good paper, and contains more and berter
information than any book o f a timilar nature published. It is
Fam ily Grocery,
Thera is more catarrh in this section o f
the country than all other dieenaos and
until ihe last few years was supposed to be
(L o re n z Build in©)
incurable. F or a great ninny yearn d octors
pronounced it a local disense, and pre­
scribed local rem idies, and by con stantly
fa iling to cure with local trentm ent, pro­
nounced it inourahle. Science has proven
catarrh to he a constitutional disease, and
therefore requires constitutional treatm ent.
H a ll's Catarrh Cure, m anufactured b y F. J. T V T I L L keen con sta n tly on hand a com -
Cheney A Co., T oledo, O h io, is the only co n ­
?▼ píete line o f
stitutional care on the m arket. It is taken
in fo m a ily in doses o f 10 drops t o a tea­ F R E S H AND S A L T E D M EATS.
spoonful. It acts directly on th e b lood and
B o l o g n a . H e a d Cheese,
m ucous surfaces o f the system . T hey offer
one hundred dollars fo r auy oase it fails to
cure. Send fo r circulars and testim onials.
Coffee, Sugars Teas,
Address. F. J. C H EN E Y Jt C o., T oled o.
L sP S old by druggists, 75c.
T ob a ccos. Cigar*, etc.
%W“ P rife * ace n* low ne the lowest,.
O rders front any »'art prnm ptlv filled.
jr*a* r * r t COy.
Jr*DU*s ftcotifyln* pillscur© constipation PrentisslUciKyiu* pills ‘cura
? Froutlss
Rectifying pills cur© constipation Fr*nil*s fUctlfylog puise u r» eou(ittp*A'.r>n
Almost all pills and m*dlcln® produce constipation* hero Is a piil tuat cures torpid
llTer. biliousness, rheumatism. Indigestion, sick headache and kidney and liter
trouble# without griping o r tearing' any tracs of C O N S T I P A T I O N , which
is th© prime causa o f all sickness, beware of It fe ttia f habitual and chronie with you,
see to it In tim e; these pills will cure yon.
p s
P R E N T I S S R E C T I F Y I N G P IL L .
a because It Is the only safe and harmless
“ remedy that will surely B E A U T IF Y tb*
clear the skin and remove all blotchee from the face. Try a box and aee for year*
•elf. 25 Cents a box.
Or sent b y mall upon receipt o f price by
Prentl-s Ch*mic*l and Manufacturing Co.,
.?Q 406
________ 5AN FRANCISCO, CAL.
|£ E
Pj jle cur* constipation Prentiss Bectil) lug pills cure constipation
» Rectifying
k f o Frentlss^
B Ttlfylng pills
pills cure
constipation Prentt*«
Tftre. *1 a Year
John W edderburn, M en acin g Attorney,
P . O . B o x 385.1
W ashington. D . 0 . !
postpaid by mail.
Uddrt— Tam WOULD,
II will fee anode mi*h bettor sad more ettrecthr* this
s**r. WbU* MtMtnfnp si I of its preset* t popular Aa6
ism, it will ee stanUy aid sew oooa
find them entitled uuder the num erous law* ,
enacted for their benefit. Address.
IT S F E A T U R E S -
A Grant county charivari was
brought to au untimely end ths
other night by tbe error o f Err at
, Waterman, the ringleader, who
abot himself in the foot
m i 13 0 0
F or t&e Y ea r 1694
Work was resumed in the Em-
pire mill Monday.
Mi»» Sarah F ox, of Newport, is
W a r E M o r y . by sssa who actually serwd ami
In the »truest*.
report' <1 sick witb consumption li> tought
M « r f Si •rim m of Romanes, Travel. Siperleast
i*4venture, by lautlos wtltee«.
ban Francisco.
mSUrnrtmf upheldfiiR th* cause of the vewraM,
inalutatalng th« highest loyalty to th* Govern*
Three coveys of Chinese phene and
»aal, aod th* promotion of tha best Internats or th#
ants were rainac! in tbe vicinity of
•rwaJkJ»##ow Fovea. Fill accounts of what Is
place at th* sent of Oevoram«*nt; careful ra­
J. M. D h vis* place, Coo« river, tbit toktn*
tterte of all Important natter* In I'otiKrr«« and liis
■x*cutlv* Departments; go-alp about public men.
■ * m **A*I4 P e p e r f i n w l . Edited by a lady of
There arr a few steelheads in tbe Motional
. A . JE., VT. M. C\, e n d ». o f F. Fee*«, more
complete thnn published by any other pepeg,
Imy now, but their principal run- __ i f i,nd
H e w l f w r e l D e jM r fm e n f , carefully edited
ning time is from January to fey practical men.
( f * e e r « i .Vetee*, cere fully compiled.
March, and their »«pawning season ' T h s N ation *! T r ib u n i ; l* strictly mm-per tima,
and tO* roughly American. It kelleven In the grvotesl
is in April HDd May.
d to tha gTMiieAt number of our people, aud ths
best development o t our tasUtuttoas—la N allouai
Where is William Calvin H srn f
ty aatf «salted loyalty-
His brother w-ites from Deer
Lodge, Mon'ana, that he wants in­
formation regarding him. He cams
P a y a b l e w A w a n O fr
to Cooe county t«ro years ago.
It «-»l-n, ,o « . . . ra.rr « H D«tt.r*r S k th. .tu«
» -«h fb». m
jr oth.r piibimiio.
The funeral of Terrence Dolan, s . » . I r r « . Un. Mat«
Olmi • p«»r- In It U -i rlil-u Sir It. «n.1 >i«a
whose death renilted from injuries m m i w I In M u lh .r p*p.r. I I « - • - a .
M h « ll.i- | .I .M u l l . r . Aitili*.
received st the quarry explosion,
took place Saturday.
Relative* 1 * 1 H1W voa x AVI.,
from the Umpqsa were i* attend­
Tli« N.uiimal Trinane ui.d b*
ance, nnd a largf circle of friend* H erald both one year for oulv
were also present.
Services were $2.50.
conducted by the Rev. Father Des-
marais, aod the remains were in­
terred iu th* Odd Fellow*’ ceme­
Hazing operations are said to
have been inaugurated at W ill­
amette university, Salem.
The Best Reference Book Printed.
Everything np to Date and Complete.
•ee h fc w latsrsstJnf tonify m ----------
C i -quills, Nov. 20, 1894.
iC oos day News.)
green pastures, fed on by thouaaeds
o f cuttle, frnit laden orchards,
blooming gardens at the edge o f
winter! I f von cannot realize this
where yon are, con>e here and camp
ont, aud then you can judge for
The New York Tribune says
“ The liquor traffic is today the
heaviest clog npon the progress,
W. A. McGuire, a well known cit­ ing are tbe charter members'
and the deepest disgrace o f the izen of McKay, Ohio, is of the opin-
That Democratic wonder, the New
ion that there is nothing as good Thrift, R. H. Mast, F. H. Lowe,
nineteenth century.”
for children troubled with eolds or R. Fredericks, J >hu P. Wilbur, York Weekly World, has just j
Indiana's liquor bill is $40,000,- croup as Chamberlain’s Cough Rem­ Peter Loggie, G W. Williams, W. changed its weekly into a TWICE-
000 a year. In silver dollnrs placed edy. He has used it in his family Bovd, Nels Rasmussen, J. H. Jones A-WEEK paper, and you can now
N. M. Smith, W. H Hunt, Alv« get the two papers a week for tbe
flat, edge to edge, it woeld cover for aeveral years with the best
same old price— $1 « year.
the entire boundary line of the ¡ " ” tt« and
k«*P" » botti* of it Lee.^R D. Dickson, IL H. Ro*a (by
Think of i t ! Tbe news from New
in the house. After haring la grippe
•late, including its tortuous river
York right at your door fresh every
he was himself troubled with a severe
three days—104 papers a year— and
lines.—A Huutsinger.
cough. He used other remedies T he Rteam SehM arr I* b . Mol*.
your home paper The H f . rald all for
In poreusne« of an execution
The Inter-state W. C. T. U. Press
to try the children’s medicine and to issued in the state circuit coart, in
O n l y $ 8 .8 6 1
Association will bold its annual
his delight it soon effected a perma­ th* cnae o f Phillip Bacbnsr vs. E.
meeting November 17th, at Cleve­ nent cure.
50 cent bottles for sale H. Habigborst ADd others, S h erffj
land tbe room and honr to be an­ by S. L. Lenove, druggist.
Sente will sell tbe steam schooner;
nounced from the plstlorm o f the
Bandorille, at the foot of Davis j
T be temperature on onr beaeh street, on Novetnlxer 30. T h e ! W$ ta la IM m opportunity o f inforrainif
nations’ convention.
aaliHerihers that the new CominiftAiou. r
on Tneodiy, the 6tb of this month, amount o f the judgment is $ 10.- j o our
f Pension* has been appointed. He ie on
Several ministerial associations
and we belieTe that rtoldieiu and
was 61 degree* in the shade, and
their heirs will re©-,-ire ju stice at h ;R oaud».
o f Pittsburg and Alleghany, Penn­
on Wednesday following it w m i The Bandorille ply* between P* r - W e do net anticipate that there wi!l he auy
sylvania, bar* united in an appeal
lend, Coqaiile river and Ban Fran­
change« in the adm inistration o f
63 degress.
Onr visiting friend* cisco, and i* estimated to be worth radical
pension affairs under tbe new regime.
to the police officers o f those two
ad»ise. however, that U 8.
I from the old states are surprised; in the neigbborbix-d of $25,000.
soldiers, sailors, and th*ir heirs, take -Uepa
«ities for the suppression o f vice­
to tnako application at on ce, if they hare
| they can hardly persuade them-
n ot already d one a , in orJer to secure the
breeding literature.
; «elves that such a tsmperatnre at
Myriad* o f gnats, each witb a benefit o f the earl? filinu o f their claim s
It is proposed to introduce a hill t .iie season of ths year oan be found little toft o f gressy-lookiog cotton in ca se there aliould b e tny future pension
Such legislation is seldom
in tli* next legislature o f Indiana , auy where. Bixty-three degrees in ! attached to its liody, have Iwen ob­ retroactire
T herefore it is o f :;reai iin-
apiilicariona bn tiled in the
served on the *arm days this fall,
limiting the number o f saloons in the shade in November!
Oh, ye floating on the breeze* shout the •pariment at the earliest possible d a te,
sailors or their widoua,
the state to one for each one snowed up, shivering nnd froet-
{ Rogue river valley. They are said children or i*arenta. ceaire in fo n .x t io n i i |
thousand inhabituDts.
Saloon­ | bitten denizen« o f other places. to be tbe little moth o f tl e woolly regard to pension matters, they should
write to T hu P rkss Cbvnra C on e amt . at
keepers are organized to prevent it* , fancy the great orb of heaveo npbie— sd injurious eeeuy of the W ashington, D. C .. and they will prepare
and send the necessary application, if they
j spreading it* gol Isn light over ' applt tree.
'I he Lancet say*, “ In 1000 grain*
o f beef there are 107J grama of
Iu 1000 grains o f
wine only 1^-”
Invalids make a
great mistake in taking wine in-
stead o f nourishing foods to regaiu
vo m>
E d . H ib a l d : In yonr ¡sane of
tbe 20tb inut appear* an item
from yonr pen ou the prospective
transfer o f onr mill sites aud tim­
ber lands to an eastern syndicate
as it were an arcomplisliMl fact—
which, perhaps, it is— aud, as such,
you intimate, is good reason for
onr people’s congratulation to tb*
New York capitalists.
The writer, in common with the
large majority of your readers,
won Id be bat too glad to congratu­
late public benefactor* if h* eould
see it in that light. Aa th* article
referred to would indicate that tbo'
editor is conversant with a matter | ftr»Aks through the Boothbay (Me.) R fU U r,
highly interesting to ns all, wonld; e f the beneficial result« he t iu received (rum
a regular u»e ol A yer's Pills. He says: “ I
he be so good aa to communicate ¡ was feeling sick and tired and my stomach
without, delay his premises abetting i eeeined all out o f order. I tried a number
his views o* tbe deal, that we may ©t remedies, but none seemed to give me
relief until I was Induced to try the old relta-
ell hejnbilect with him.
toe A yer's rills. I have taken only one
Can no guarrante* that this syn-1 fo x , but I feel like a new man. I think they
dicste, corporation, trust— *r any! are the most pleasant and easy t o ta k e of
other name one may be pleased t o 1 anything I ever used, being so finely sugar-
give it— will operate forth « benefit eoated that even a child will take them. I
nrge upon all who are In need of a laxative
o f the people? Can he he morally to try A yer'a Fills. They will do good.»»
snre that they will Dot hire China­
F e r e ll disease# o t the S tom eck, L iver,
men and Italians to do tbair work, e n d B ow els, take
to the ntter neglect of our native
worker«? Can be he reasonably j
certain that they will not dismantle r n p m d k y D r . J .C .« y « r * C o .,, K m
the mills situated on tbie river an t E v e r y D o s * E f f e c t i v e
build up au industry on their own
town-site? Can he be consistently
sure that they will not look for
their supplies in tbe cheapest mar­
kets to the oblivion o f oui local
farmers,merchants aud mschenics?
Can he be at all certain that they
would not send th* price of other
people’s real astate to the bottom-
ices pit? Can ne be sure in any
degree that they would hesitate to
drive l ‘ie first and last nails in oar
coffin if that course suited them
A showing from tbe editor’s pen
Tuiuvwu Is new settling epee
that would dis|iel our not-un­ I t V a m y fitKMVei.
r ef phenomenal a t r i l ,
ffo other aunt:/ weekly lu the country has had si
founded fears would act as tbe • growth.
a*4 melivteLisrt h m stswttly.
It asas Into »very Couaty In the United States, i
Imlm of Gilead oa a sore head.
les daks of mberrl’ieM st *»«rly every PoetotBce.
It K m seined this pro**d position miel/ en Ms ■
aale b y R. S. Knowlton, DrnggiBt
Equal with the intereat o f those having claim, againit the govermneat to
that o f INVENTORS, who often lot* the benefit o f valuable inventions*
of the incompetency or inattention of the attorney* employed to obtain their
patent». Too much care cannot be exerciaed in employing competent and reli­
able solicitor* to procure patent*, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if «« q *
entirely, upon the care and »kill of tbe attorney.
With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or carries* a tto r n e y s ,
and o f seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, w* hav* n -
tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to
Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct fa*,
tarferences. Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected C****.
Register Trade-Marks and Copyright*, Render Opinions ad t*
Scope and Validity ot Patents, Prosecute lad
Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
I f yon have an invention on hand send e sketch or photograph thereof, to­
gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at aac*
advised as to the best course to pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If
others are infringing on your rights, or if yon are charged with infringement by
others, submit th* matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the
T H E P R E S S C L A IM S C O M P A N Y ,
p. o. BO X **s.
JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney.
Cut this out an* ..nd It with your Inquiry. -**
WK E l i l l H O i A O a r I
«nd I n v ìi, « h .
and t li . m érlM o f on r T a b i.* ..
Doable Chloride of Gold Tablets
W ill © com p is t o l 7 deoferoy t h s d e o ir o f e r TO BA CC O In frwtn S t o A rfovs. P e r f e c t ly I
In m «u p w ftca o r coffee w ithout »he kaowl-
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o m ; $ s s m o n stelrnM s, o a d r o s _
y f b irlren
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$ l f $ o f «ho poU eot, w h o w ill reluutasrily mmp s w s k l o f o r c h o v l n f to * few Roys.
o u t o»Ty e ffo rt on t b « ‘ por$ ot
th$ patient, hy th s woe o f ou r SPEC!AL FORMULA QOLO CURB TABLETS.
Durlaw treotm on tp otleu to s re allow ed the free use o f L iquor o r M or­
p h in e « » t i l such «bits o s th ey shell T olontorily p tre them up.
W o M o f portAewloro oad possphlet uf tostlm ooiols fr e o . o o d shall
ho plod to ploeo swfferers front ony o f thsoe hobits iu com m uuico-
h n ritfe persons w h o b o r e been eured by tb e use o f ou r T ablmts .
from parsons
. H I L L 'S T A IL I T •
to r uole hy
d P u f/t e u o t • | .OO.P^r l^ fk o p e .
who have been
I f yonr drufrwlst does o o i keep ihewi. oneteoe n» f |. .OO
oa d we w ill send you. hy retmru a*oil, o p * e k s fe o f «
cured by th* us* of
T ubi«
W rito y o u r 1 o n e o r d sddruue p lsln ly , ond t
w hether T*M©t oro fo r T obocee . M orphine
L iquor HoLiL
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DO NOT Bf! DÜCWYFD is fee purehontng
T a x o m n C w s a ic s L O o .;
ou y o f the Torioua no*trur s tl t ere beleg
D B .* SI* :—I * » » •
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offered f o r e i l e.
Ask fo r r H l l i - f
n r . fo r tabM eo h .M I, . * 4 foa m l H w o.1*
T A B L S T B and feuke MUISW.
S , T h a t TO* O i l * fo r It. I *M * M .«••«
M oauf ootured only hy
v o r - b o f ( k . r i l * i | M c b .w « * « to ta rr o . S*T.
«n d 1 roan n . I » d r . r l r > n : o r • * « i l d « n o t i
• from i n to Io rly p ip ». Of totnero. H « v . e b « * « d
- s a d • a o t - l for l r * i r • « ! - " . « H » • ( « k s l *
o o f f 70
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o r t « t M « r a n d * B 1 . M
m I h . r . n . t r a i n fo r It.
J iT L 0 U )| L o ,u .t n ic k .
n o r » « r * » * T . » . T.
St. t l A Bl Opof« Bl
n m r c . t C o :—g a s n s w a w -s o m » i i o i f w » 1 — t
for SI 0. w orth o f you r T .h lrt* fo r T o b s o r o Habit. I r ^ .l r # d
Rill s Tablets. C
u .y dtd tt. w o r k ^ ^ t a j^ “ ìì ^ ' h Ì V ¡ qh n on ,
,x *.
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T*m 0 * 1 0 r s p - i c u Co. - o v w i . » « » v - i t «JX-* * • J J S S ! i r t ^ » k 5 f 3 » - «
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«a. k y S ---v,
S .* UUO O
1 h e re need utorpht®*. hypoderm tew lii. fog
L. L U T M A T .
w o p a ci a gio o t jom r Tohleto. ood w ithout o o y e d rovi o* my pMV
»bl^h 1 »v.*«V on M d.u iti**l< ;l.«7- ‘
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A iM r r w
oU O r d r r . t o
• I, S * a n d M
O p o r a S lo e k . L IM A , O N IO .