■HS C o p flT r C its d e r a il Highest o f all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. G ov’t R eport O re g o n it m igh t have been im lade.I TU E SD AY, OCT. 30, 1894 that mountains of most tieantif I marble are found, snd will '"m e lime supply tbe western wo«Id; aim that quarries of the finest haiidieg stone exist along the ocean shore ss well as in the interior. Several o f these locndons of tine huil.lini.' stone where sold at speciilsli. n prices to Cslifornis capitalists years ago, as I remember hearing. for ( 1 'ud, ¡iiid IliiniP and Native Land — RTOTkh BT TH1-- COQUILLE CITY W. C. T. The CoqailU# City W . C. T . P . m e .t « * t the M ethodist church, eontfc, every Fri­ day, at 3 o ’clock p. in. All interoeted in the work are invited to rttend. It seems to ms the sound of a new uprising is abroad, aDd if the standard is lifted with courage and faith we shall see advance. The failure of all other parties to meet the obligations o f success, and the onuses of failure in their utter repudiation of the great fun- dimeutai moral principles of gov­ ernment, are written on the very skies in these days o f discontent, bloodshed and fear. Borne new party throogs unseen toward the doorways of destiny, but may not pass to victory without the prohi­ bition o f the snloon system and the enfranchisement of women.— M aryT. Latbrop. The Templar says: “ Thecount­ ess o f Aherdsen during her recent visit to Halifax endeared herself to the White Ribbon women and all friends o f prohibition. Sbe gave an ‘at-home’ and garden party on the magnificent groands of the officiât residence o f the admiral commanding the British squadron in North American waters. It was tbo most brilliant and successful affair ever held there. Among the many Americans present were Gen. Schofield, commnnder-in-chief of the United States army, and United States Consul General Ingraham. The feature of the functioa was the entire absence of wines and liquors. This is the first time in Canadian history that the wife of the governor-general bus held a reception without dis­ pensing liquors, and marks a new era in Canadian sociul life.” Dr. Normau Kerr, at a recent meeting of English physicians, related the following incident, making a personal application to Ins brothers and sistera of the pro­ fession: Before I practised what I taught in regard to this matter, I found that, sing however sweetly I might, my advice penetrated very little into the life and character of tbo inebriates who came before me; but when in order to save a man whom I was called np to see through the night, I took the pledge, iny practice then square! with my precept. I said to this man, “ What on earth do you mean by calling for me about once i n every mouth in this way and wast­ ing your snbstance, only for tha benefit o f your wiue merchant and your doctor? You must tie an un­ mitigated fool —why do you not take the pledge?” When I went to see him next morning, drunk as he had been the night befoic, he grasped what 1 had said. “ Doctor," he said “ you told me Inst night to take the pledge; I will, if you will.” Wlmt was a poor doctor to do? It was a case of the spider aud thn fly, ami the rcnnlt was that we took the pledge in that house together, and that man line kept it till this dsy. I saw him on Monday last before I came here, not as a doctor, for he is of no use to me, ss now he is never ill, but lie has been the means of making hundreds of people ab­ stainers, mostly among thn slaves ot drink as he was himself. X r iiip c r u n r e ABSOLUTELY PURE Our Crraiurry Statruirnt. The test sheet of tin. Coquille creamery, published iD the H erai . d last week, made an excellent show­ ing for our dairymen uuder the co-operative system, no patron's milk testing below 4 lbs. per 100 o f milk, and some going above fi— one running as high as 5.6. We are informed by Superin­ tendant R. D. Sanford that while the quantity o f milk furnished has decreased materially, yet on ac­ count of the very high test and large over-churn of butter, and the greater price obtained, the patrons made more money out o f their September milk than they did for the larger amount furnished in soy previous month during the flush season. Our dairymen are taking consid­ erable interest just now in improv­ ing the quality as well as the quan­ tity o f milk furnished, and are learning that the price obtained for buttsr-fat alone doea not govern tbe amount of cash received for a given quantity of milk, but must be figuted iu connection with the test obtained, lo ascertain the facts as regards profit, so one patrou may be riceiviug 22 ceuts par lb. for bis butter-fat and auotber only 19 cents, yet tbe one receiving 19 ceuts may be getting more money for a given quantity of milk, on account of tbe higher teit received, than the patroD who receives 22 cts. We are pleased to see our dairy­ men taking such a lively interest in these matters, as the time is upon us when intelligence in dairy­ ing will be tbe key-note to success, aud those who do not keep near the front of the race will eventually be ruled out ou accouot of the busi­ ness becomiug unprofitable tothem, while their more shrewd neighbors get well on at tbe business. Iu Inst issue of the H e r a l d may be found a statement of the Co-op- erativo Patrons company, for the month of September, which is com­ mendable inasmuch as it gives those interested in these matters ’Voip.etliibg to figure from, aud must bf of material benefit by v y of comparison. .lo ir * . in Chicago spends nearly $25,000 per day for tobacco. In 1891 the legalized liquor traffic gave this country 300,000 criminals, 800,000 paupers and 300,009 idiots. It is impossible to climb np with a bottle of whisky in tbe pocket. It is worse than a mill­ stone about the neck. S. u u i.n m i n i n m r o . A. C larke . T o aM Digestion take one Small Bllo Bean 'iter eating. 26c. per I hjl U o . I m m e n s e H o d le s «1 A u r ile r o n . l i u r l h u u «t K n u d » A w u llf t u g P r o p e r D r y e l o p n i n i t. • m a field» N. H., “ I was afflicted with an extremely severe palu In the lower part oI the chest. The feeling was as If a ton w eigh t was laid ou a spot the size of my hand. Dur­ ing the attacks, the perspiration would Stand la drops on my face, and It was \ag-»ny for me to in..ho s u flic l e n t eluirt even to whis­ per. They ca n to suddenly, at any hour of the day or lo^ut, lasting irom AND ENCYCLOPEDIA FOR 1894. The Best Reference Book Printed. Everything up to Date and Complete. OVER 1 tiiir'y minutes to half a day, leav1*»* as sti hleiilv; but, lor several d vs alter« I was quit® pros­ trated an l s o n . Sometimes tlio attacks we re almost d '’ y, then less frequent. After »bout four yp s o f this suffering, I was taken down with bilious typhoid fever, and when I began to fo^nver, I had the worst attack of my old trots! 1 m I ever experlen ’*»d. At the first o f the fever, m y m oth er gave me A y e r’ s Tills, m y d o cto r recommending them as *e!:!" b etter than anything ho oould p -e;»aro. I conttm'.cd taking these Phis, ami so great was» the benefit derived that durlug nearly thirty years I have Imd bat one attack i-f my former trouble, which yield ed readily to the sumo remedy.” • JOHNSON BROF Props. Mrs. R. J. McMullen and two children arrived in thia city lrat Thursday from Portland. Their trip Wednesday night over the mountains during the storm wae quite all they could stand. Shs joina her husband at Bandon, who baa established a hroomhandle factory there, and will reside at that place. He expecta additional . . . n . ... machinery per steamer Bundorille. The schooner Chetco, owned by It. D. Hume, was wrecked at Needle Rock, Westport, Cal ,on tha ICtb, where she was taking on s carco o f bark ” Put up In n®®t. witch-*hftp®<1 bottkm, mifmr 1 ^ wost a ffirsa usa, sssssrJi1 v Has R oa oh ed S u ch a S tate o f P erfec­ tion T h at It Is a V eritable E ncyclo­ paedia o f Facta and Events. B rou gh t Down to January First, 1804. m HE Edition of 1894 hat been prepared with an extra force o f editor!. It will have a novel and attractive cover, wide mar- T hgins, new and improved binding; is printed on good paper, and contains more and bettrr information than any book o f a similar nature published. It is AMERICA’S STANDARD YEAR BOOK, «j PRICE, 25 CENTS. postpaid by mail, d d r t» » T H E n ' O R i n , J»VU> f o r k C ity . I« Family Grocery, 1300 TREATED. ENDORSED BY STATESMEN. EDUCATORS, AND STUDENTS EVERYWHERE. T w fk o?0 A T tO lH A L , 4° P IO N E E R Wo«k at oust* Turuiil Livers. X6c. in»r bottle. ) . / n y y i N 7 ic w orm 1 11 I C o o . hay Newa.i Pruullss tlectlfyiug piliscureconstljMUlua ï ’rumlss RoctUyiug pillscutecunttupiklioa Prentiss Rectifying pills cur® constipation Frentlea Rectifying pilla cura conati pat ton II PRENTISS RECTIFYING PILL ÜZ LJ PH E ! n II j Almost all pills and medicine produce constipation, here Is n pill tlir.t cures torpid a d «-*•» and they contemplate erection of Y,ork ' V*ekl-V World, lia» just a TWICE- crushing ronchinerv to reduce and O n to fWFWICAL C o G *F T L *M K B v S otn e tim e a g o I sen t f o i " , i . ? ^ i o r t h * i f ^ y o u r T a b l e « f o r T o b a c c o lln h lt. 1 receiv ed thef m , l l r"g h t°In d , a ltJ o n g h 1 w a s h o t t , a h c a T y -m o k e c a u d ch cw n r. they did the T’ LARS To- FREE. ical D * » r S i r :—I h a v e beww uslniy ym ir cut * f o r to b a c c o h ah lt. * » d fo u n d 1» w ould d o w h a t ym i c la im f o r It. 1 used tr u c e n t . w o rth c f th e s tr o n g e s t ch e w in g t o b a c c o n d n y , a n d Ir o m o n e to H r« Ctgure; o r I w o u ld i m . * « f r o m ten t o tu r ty p i p e , o f to b a c c o . H » v c sh ew ed a n d em oki-d f o r tw e n ty « » ! » « , an d t w o p a c k a g e . O f y o u r T a b let* c u r e d ^ ^ V ’^ . ' ^ l l l e . M lch. M anufactured on ly hy JOH»sS)lS?P. O. B ox « . riTTSBITBGH, TA. w e e m c w i r t t C o. :-G r w T I *M *S : - T t g iv e s m e p le s s n r - »a s p - a j • . ' y o u r T e l ’let* M y son w e * .t r p n y l y t d . l i c t . d • . »T h . rrten d, 1 w * . l f d t o t r y you r T; .-Ivt. -w - > and : f t e r using your Tablets but tii r • rr.f any kind I h a v e w^ > °J t,.*» o ■y a e an vc £ £ liver, billouBnc83, rheumatism. Indigestion, sick headache and kidnoy and llvsr ; g a. a, troubles without griping or leaving’ any trace of C O N S T I P A T I O N , which P P a a new rom daily . I combination, and will be eaved by I We take this opportunity of informing • .. ,. ... . . w onr HubHoribfTs that the new Commi 88 ion»*r Itsolr, «ml if n#C(*S 8 Ary sent to Eng- of iVnnions has been appointed. He is -n land for reduction. Tn fsot, rov i old soldier, end we believe that soldier« at: 1 umA onl« their heirs will receive justice at his nands. tl Rveling companion nA(l only com- nofc Hntictipat<* that there will be any mcnced i o interPAt me in the tri?RS-| radical changes in the Adm inistration of nrf* that line the ocean shore , b v 1 ^ Y e ” 1 w 1 ou “,*,' ™ „ s _ . r. ld ad vise, h o w ev er, th a t u . a . OOftUHl. Hi I® IktMUfj. Mbc. per bolt l®. the wafers of the Coquille, when mldicr*. »«ilors. nnd tlu,ir heir*, take Step» engine gave a shriek that woke I to make application at onoe.it they Imvc The schooner Eureka finished Ihe O f the 12,000 ealoon-keeper* in .. . * . , . a n ___ \ n o t already done 8 s in or*ler to secure the the night Foho •§ nmonsr thn Ump- 1 t>enefit of the early filing of their olaims loading at Morra* Bro’s mill last New York city, no leas than 8,000 nan hillff. And the brnkeman called in case there should be HUT future pension uch legation ia arldon, have served terms in the prisons. Thursday and was towed to the out my station, so I can only give retroactive. M Therefore It it o f vrenft irn- ortnnee that applications bo filed in th* And this is the class of men that; !" wor n "er •bout 2 P- m’ b* Ul** ,UB n kaleidnacopic glimpse of the sub at th eM rliest possible dnte. ject. Among the tressmss of that •partmen! the government licenses to undo ,luraP • if IT. 8. soldier«, sailors o r their widows Pure for Cold», Ferera nnd Oen®ml De­ shore he said rabies exist in profn- children o r parents, oesire Inform ation h\ bility. nail Uik* II* ans. 2 à . p*r bottl®. all moral work. sion. Occasionally a “ gem of tegard to |H>nsioB m atters, they should write to T he P h M** C i * aim « C oktant . at Mrs. Wilbur o f Bandon purest ray serene” in disclosed to W ashington. D. C-. and tlu y will prepare Every mother should know t h n t!_ ... i . _ “ ®Pent be made mnch of anti enchant the and send th® u®c<«Harv application, if they part o f Inst week in tin. croup can be prevented. The first '*** « tl1"' P1*“ , . , bat an inferior nrticle is find them entitle*! under the numerous laws exacted fo r their benefit. Address. symptom of true croup is hoArscuess. * **iv*ring patten s to patrons who i . ,* found among the sands lhat answers l ’ KKSS CM« AI MS COM PAN T , Thi» is followed by a peculiar rough l,n,i ordered from her. John W edderburn, MaimKing Attorney. the demand of this utilitarian age, P. O . Ho x 3*6.1 W ash in gton , D . C. cough. If Cbaniherlain’s Couch Ownmtwiiio ,un mn«* a m h u u * to lie ground fine and furnish dia­ « O oouiimikiu , s.nail Hue th«,.*. Kemedv is given fivelv as soon as , mond dost for various nsss. ,i i i i becomes i i hoarse or even l he Indies prepared the ehurch the child F 1 It would be incomplete not to after the cold has developed it will handsomely for Ihe coouty ennven- add that ha spoke o f a mountain of prevent, an attack. 50 cent bottles tion o f Christian Workers, held in rich iron ore as being a near neigh­ for solo by S. L. Leneve. , this place last week. bor and possible source o f future IIow stnrtling are statistical Three million children are born annually of drunken parents, half a million born idiots, and three hun- . - , . . dred thousand born deaf, dumb and blind. .“ F o r Y e a r s ," 8 ay* C arrie E. S tock well , o C Chester­ John Ward has severed hi» con- PortleDd, Oct. 21.—The renewed nection with the sheriff's office, ntid interest taken in gold miuing iu J. C. Stsuley is deputy now. Oregon at the piesent time prom­ The Manznnits called into the ises to add considerably to the hay Friday. She is hunting for prosperity of the state. We hear information regarding the missing of greater effort iu eastern Oregon ship Ivsnhoe. and success iu quartz mining there. John Yoaknm bronght a burbank All eastern Oregon is waking up to mining enterprises; both quartz potato to town Saturday, which is and placer work will be prosecuted tbe bast spud yet reported. It was with energy. Tbe other day I found raised on the old Yoskam boms i a prune grower who wag going to stead on South Coos river hv Mor i gold mining, and bad loesed ground ris & Condron, aud weighed 6 .J * A Y E R ’ S PILLS I to work on shares, while my land- pounds. It was placed on exhihi-i Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer 8c Co., Lowell, Mas® ! lord at Myrtle creek had discovered tion at Sengstacken’s. Rosebnrg Review.— Ex-Sheriff the old channel o f Cow creek o d Every Dose Effective the hills near there, and showed roe B. C. Agee tells ns that the price be received for his prunes was 44 | lively chunks o f pure gold he had for Petite and 5£ for Italians and j extracted from its bed. We have heard a great deal about Silvers. This includes all bis fruit; gold in tbe sands o f the ocean regnrdless of size, snd is the net beach for 40 yaars past, and that price, sacks furnished him. He is uow beiug revivad, and will be has probably 150,000 pounds. Roseburg Review— B C. Agee scientifically prosecuted. At Roae- burg they told me tha chief mover epd E. E. Weekly are establishing is Simon Lane, a grandson of the a creamery in Happy Valley, aDd old general,who has extensive in­ will wrobably put in a good sized terests along the west shore, aud plant in tbe spring. This issetep in I gathered brief but interesting t ie right direction, similar enter­ details o f what is intended from prises having proven a great suc­ W A S H IN G T O N , D. C. conversation with a gentlemen who cess in Coos county. They distrib­ T re JfATmjrAL Tmnnjsr Is now enuring upon Ha occupied the seat with me for half ute a great deal of money iu the Wh yenr of phenomenal etureaa. No other fkaiil.v weekly in th* country has had such an hour ou a late trip south. He i neighborhood iu which they are a growth and maintained it so steadily. It aoes into every County in the United States, and bad come to the country a mouth situated. hm* club* of subscribers at nearly every PoetoiHe®. It lms rained this proud position solely on its merits ego, being interested in gold beach as a highly interesting ftuitily newspaper. Prevent and cure Constipation and Sick- mining and was then on his way Headache. Small Itile Ikon*. For tl?e Year 1894 to Ssu Francisco to secure con­ It will be made much better and more attractive tha* F o rty T e a rs A s « . centrators and other supplies and *ver. While retaining all of its present popular •we*, It will coi stantly add new ones. material for the company. Tile Glen Aiken is euguged in the short time did not allow of full coal business, aud at present is investigation, but the few points filling orders from the Beaver Hill touched are of interest. mine. When supplying a patron VTttr iflntory. by man who ttotuftlly served and In the ntrufftrl®. His company controls eight miles Monday, be said that hauling coal 'ought Short stru t** of Romance, Travel, Experlenet adventure, by lending writer*. of sea beach near tbe Coquille, brought him back to old pioneer tnd Krtttorlrtfm upholding the cause of the veterans, where beach mining has been car­ days,when he was one of a com pan . and maintaining the highest loyalty to the Govern- awHi and the promotion of the beet interests of the ried on for years in a crude way. who opened the Boatman bank, an whole peopio. frnmhtnntm* X*trm. Full accounts of what la They use sluices, with a sheet of hauled the first load of coal ever taking place at the sent of Government; care Ail ra- * or all Important matters in Coo/ress and the copper and rough boards togathsr shipped from Coos bay, just forty C 1 ecutlve Department-**; gossip about public men. Mnu**holrt Df|*flldmeiif. Edited by a Lady of the fine gold in the crevices or years ago. Tbe members of the National reputation . fi. A. Me.. Hr. H.C., ami ft. of V. Xew*. more saw cuts, lie showed almost two company engaged in that enter­ fell and complete than published by any other pap r. A/rrirult*$rul i>rprtrtnimt. carefully edited ounces of gold, worth $30, he and prise with him were his brothers practical men. another man washed out iu two James and John, Frank Ross, Dick by Ornerut Vcir. 1 , carefully compiled. T N a t i o n a l T r i R tf nk i* strictly non-partisan, days and a half, and they dug down Learn, B . F. White, Doc Gaddis »tvI iik thoroughly American. It believe« in the greatest > o d to the greatest number of our paopie, and thd to the stakes where somo one else and Sam Darlington. The coal E ighest devnloiunent of our inatiiutioua—in National had in the past once mined tbe was hauled with oxen from the unity and vxaitad loyalty. same ground. The sea hud washed mine to tit* bead of Coal Bank a Y ear" np new sands that were also rich slough, where a wharf had been T r ic e . P a y a b l e m ¿ W a n c fc in gold, to replace the gold for­ built of poles. It was then loaded merly extracted. How far out this on lighters aud taken to the month It claims to give more and better matter for the sura f two reals a week than any other publication rich sand extends no one knows, ] „ f the slough, near where the rail- O Every liive that a pears in it i« written for it, anil uaa in »»other paper. ■< n»e» u® syadlcaM but probably further than they cau rQad depot uow stands, where 1 appeared •i- hoilei-ftlalc matter. Address— possibly reach after it; though it is vessel was waiting to receive it T H E NATIONAL TRIBUNE, Nt* YORK AVI., WASHINGTON, D. * intended to rig machinery to pump James and Pat Flauagnu, who were the sand ashore from some distance lving where Empire now is, han­ ih n Notional T ribune and iiiu out, as sand is pumped from the dled the cargo, and disposed of it H e rald both one year for only bottom of the river to fill up tbe in San Francisco.—Coos Bay News. 12.50. | low places about Portlaud. It is well known that tbe shore $100— Reward- $ 100. Take Simmons Liver Regulator of the Pacific is rising out of the The readers o f this paper will he pleased to remove tbe bile, clear the Lend sea, cspeciallyon the Oregon coast. to learn that tbero is nt least one dreaded that science has been able to cure in I and restore digestion. It was told years ago, that a man disease all its stages, and that is Catarrh, H all's j dwelling on the lower Coquille M A R K E T Catarrh Cure ia the only positive cure known | The H e r a l d bad a pleasan t call to the m edical fraternity. Catarrh being a I found the step by which he landed AND i last week from Prof. Win. Tappan, bis laiat to be a foot higher than constitutional disease requires a constitn- | tion al treatment. H all's Catarrh Cure is representing in our state the in­ when be first located it 30 years taken internally, acting directly upon the ■ and mucous surfaces o f the system. | terests ^of Messrs. Ginn A Co., pgo, and that the river in nn»v n. j blood thereby destroying the foundation o f the disease and giving the patient strength by riffle where it was ouce deep water. publishers, of Boston, Mass. In (L o re n 7. B u ildin g) building up the constitution and a. sistiug view of the possible adoption of So this company has the old sea nature in doing its work. The proprietors C O Q U IL L E CITY. beaches, that reach back a mile or have so m uch faith in its curative powers, new text books in this state for our more, to work on, at well na the that they offer One Hundred D ollars fo r case that it fails to cure. Send fo r list j public schools, Mr. Tappan is sands of the present seashore. The o any f testimonials. Address. F J . CHENEY A C O., here on the merits of their publi­ mountains are so close by that T oled o, O hio. TTTILL keen constantly on hand a con - cations, and is represented to us water power can be utilized to any gcsfS oId by druggists, 75 cents. V V plcte line o f extent that may be necessary. The -----M$> - - ---- specially by a prominent citizen, origin o f the gold is explained by “ Quite a change iu the weather, F R E S H AND S A L T E D MF. TR deeply interested in educational tbo finding of rich ore veins ¡ d the isn't it?” “ Ye*,” replied the Pnpn- Bolosrria, H o a d Cheese. matters iu tbe city of Portland and liear mountain», one being four or \ |jdt with a grin. “ Greatest season VEGETABLES. CANNED GOO! S throughout this state, as fair and five feet wide, and very rich quartz for flops I ever saw!” Coffee, Sugars Teas ----- ——— ----------- open in his treatment o f the ques­ keepe » 30-*tamp mill at work all Tobattroa, Cigars, etc. the time. Undoubtedly the action ! Dr. Brice’* Cream Bakin* Powder Prices are as low ns the lowest tion of school-book aboption aud o f time has reduced more or less] w»rid'» Fair Higheat m .« . i .nd Dipt«««. O rders from a uj psrt prom ptly filn-d. worthy of a hearing. On® Small Rilo Kean «very niirM fo r « [From tha National W. C. T . U. rtnlletin.) Does your influence assist keeping the saloons open? wealth. In receutly alluding to the natural wealth of southeastern w aa p erm a n en t. *wur ' jj • f . h TTFMFW—Tour Tablets hav® perlonneòa T he O hi iH... n ruticaUv. «even ] h ,v e n .. rv Hypo;, u i c a u y , i for orw ’ cu year», and b»vu tw o p a ck a g e* o . . c a r ia o le t * . au d w ith o u t a n y e ffo r t o n m y p art. 1 a A A A d — d - r e w a U O « r , d l e n r .in » to I hiSPONSieiE_"| U gfuts vnkTtOj * - ^ . -. «nrf * ln* y- iv T ’ fureu i v t the tnotflQ of W. L. LO TEGA Y. T H E O H IO C H E M IC A L C O ., menUrn this S S S m 8 1 T. , e a » n d 8 ö O p er» Block. LIMA, OHIO.