Coquille City herald. (Coquille City, Or.) 188?-1904, October 30, 1894, Image 2

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¿ s p ill* ¿itg S*ral¿
C H M ianai* w s b e e b s .
C eevsitlra el Ik« C m # C tsa lr Y.
r . k. C. W. la This City.
A session of this body waa held
/ 8. H'EWEN & D. F. DEAN, in this city last week, which proved
Editara and Preprittora.
very attractive and interesting to
D avoU d to I b , m a te ria l a n d aoelal op- many.
The M. E. church was
b o ild is a o f th a O o q n illr ’'a lle y p a rtic u la rly
handsomely decorated by our ladies
B>< o f u o o a C o n n ty g e n i a l l y .
S a M arip tio n , p er y e ar, in advanoe, |2 .
for the occasion, and while portions
t . n a H I B . W iw iraraa a o T a a n sn ia ÁeraT, of the county failed of representa­
n M.rchaut«’ Ixahana*. San Prescieco ie
e^^ietborieed a«eat. Tble paper le kept eu AU,
tion, and the weather was most in­
clement and stormy, yet the attend­
TUESDAY. OCT. 30. 1894.
ance was fair.
At the meeting Wednesday after­
noon, the secretary being absent,
Miss Lelia Sumner was appointed.
Take These
Routioe work was gone through
with and the following numbers on
the program: Song SDd a prayer
by Rev. W. C. Scott of Bandon.
Mrs. J. 8. Lawrence gave an ad­
dress of welcome, which was
responded to by Miss Lelia Sumner
of Bandon C. E., Mrs. Phillips of
Myrtle Point G. E., Miss Daisy
Aliernatby of Dora C. E., Mrs.
Tli« H uuui has splendid club­ Disher of Fishtrap Sunday-school,
b i n g facilities with the best newspa­ and Miss Pearl Abernathy of Dora
pers published in the land. We offer Sunday-school. Reports of pro­
n s H ib a i . d and the New
gress w&re made by Miss Rallona
Scott of Bandon U. E., Mrs. Phil­
WORLD, both for one year
for only.............................$ 2 25 lips of Myrtle Point Sunday-sohool
The H n u u and the Weekly
and 0. E., George Byers of Fish-
& F. Examiner.................. 2 75 trap G. E., Mr. Lasswell of Dora,
The Hssti.n and the Daily
Frank Strang of Coquille G. E.,
Examiner, including Sun­
day’s mammoth edition .. 7 80 Mrs. Lawrence of Coquille M. E.
The H s s a l p and Weekly S. F.
Sunday-school and E. L., Miss
C a l l ................................ 2 25 Williams of Fishtrap Sunday-
The R ibald and Daily Call.. 6 00 school, and Mrs. Seed of Coquille
Tks Daily Call speaks for itself
•a one ot the best newspapers in Christian Sanday-school.
the land, and the cheapest, being Tbs night session was held at
furnished with the H iraxd at only Masonic hall, at which was gathered
the price of the Daily Call, $6.
a large audience.
After Binging
G. A. R. comrades can get “The by the choir, the president an­
Xational Tribune,” published at
Washington City, D. C., at this nounced a committee on nomina­
efflce for $1 a year in advance, or tion of officers for the ensuing year.
with the H erald , the two papers Devotional exeroises followed, con­
for $2.60!
ducted by Mrs. L. P. Maury. Miss
Prof. Kanematz has taken photo Alice Stemler of Dora read a selec­
tion—“Apples of Gold;” Mrs. A. R.
graphs of hie silk station.
of Bandon read a paper,
Mrs. J. A. Seed of Lee neighbor­
shall I take home the most
hood waa in town part of last week.
good from this meeting," which
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown were subject was farther briefly dis­
in from tbs North Fork yesterday. cussed by Rev. W. C. Scott. Mrs.
Mrs. Judge Dyer visited her Phillips read a paper prepared by
sister Mrs. Buck asyeral days last Mrs. Emma Henry of Myrtle Point,
subject—“The relation of young
Mr. Clark, one of tbs principals people to temperance.” Melville
in the woollen mill enterprise, was Stine recited a temperance poem,
yuiting in this place last Saturday. after which Mrs. Harford delivered
Judge Schrosder did not get a short talk on temperance. After a
attending the state convention of song opjt prqyer, the convention and
county judges, held at Portland audience dissolved for a lunch and
early lest week. He sent a letter. social time, which occupied till
C. C. Myers has finished a ladies’ about 11 o’clock.
Thursday morning, 25tb, session
writing case of myrtle wood, and
it will compare in beauty with the opened with devotional exercises
most highly decorated cases ordi­ conducted by Mis. O. F. Phillips
of Myrtle Point Several made
narily on sale.
responses to the subject of “Sys­
Mrs. R. E. Buck, Mrs. J. S. Law­
tematic Giving.” A song was ren­
rence, Mrs. L. P. Maury, Mrs.
dered and then minutes of former
Lena Johnson, and Miss Alice
meeting were read, corrected and
Beyers of Bumner, went to Bandon
approved. President Miller ap­
yesterday as representatives to the
pointed Mrs. Knowlton and Mrs.
county convention of the W. C. T. U.
Phillips a committee on finance,
Harkuess & Scott advertise by and Mrs. Abernathy, Mrs. A. R.
posters to dispose of all the balance Scott and Mrs. Phillips on resolu­
of their stock of merchandise next tions. Miss Irma Lukens read a
Saturday at auction sale. Here is selection on “Giving of Flowers."
the last chance of the season to Tbs “Ministers’ Hour” was con­
invest at your own price.
Don't ducted by Jlev. W. G. Scott of
miss the opportunity.
bandon, during which be stated be
A. G. Aiken knocked the "post- held the greetings of tbe state pres­
mastership” persimmon for this ident of the G. E. who hoped at
place, announcement of which some future meeting to be with
reached ns late last week. Well, this body. Rev. S. B. Hollenbeak
why not? Glenn is well known, talked on the topic of “How to
popular and qualified and will bring yonng people to Christ.” A
make a very good official.
talk on "The Look-out Committee”
Charley Wickham and Will Cox came next, by Mrs. Abernathy, Rev.
«aught a pretty string of trout last Mr. Holly being absent.
Friday, in a few hours. There
Afternoon session opened with
were 24 of them, not one under 15 song and a prayer by Mrs. Haiford.
inches. They have been biting Committee on nominations re­
lively and several ordinary fisher­ ported: President, Geo. Byers of
men have now gained a wide repu­ Fishtrap; vice-president, Mrs. J.
8. Lawrence of Coquille; secretary,
Geo. T. Moulton has closed bis Mise Lelia Sumner of Bandon;
«aovasa of this oounty for the treasurer, Mrs. O. F. Phillips of
Paoifio Nursery Co. at Tangent, in Myrtle Point; adopted. President
this state. We are pleased to learn Miller introduced the president­
be has done well, and that our elect to the sudience, who thanked
farmers have felt able to invest as them briefly. Myrtle Point was
extensively as represented. Don’t selected for next place of meeting,
forget the “big Oregon red apple.” and the date set at six months from
The time is coming in which you October 24. Mrs. Scott of Bandon
will find a market, and no fruit is then rendered a solo, which waa
more easily and satisfactorily followed by a discussion of “Mis­
sion 8undny-schools in Coos
led by Mrs. Abernstby.
A. E. Avins and A. H. Jones
arrived in this city last Wsdnesday A motion prevailed that Mrs. Aber­
from Eugene. They were favor­ nathy make a report of the Sun­
ably impressed with Coquille day-schools of Coos county. It
and this valley and will endeavor was moved also that Curry county
to locate bare, especially if they be invited to join with this conven­
can get into business. Mr. Avins tion. Mrs. W L. Disher led in the
is a veterinary surgeon of ex peri- discussion of “The relation of tbe
enoe and may prove an acquisition Sunday-school to the church.”
to onr dairymen, as be treats cattle , Several short talks followed. After
aa well as horses. He dehorns a song, tbe subject—“How to se­
cattle and treats their diseases. cure the presence of 8. 8. pupils
Mr. Jones is a fine musician and at the preaching services”—was
aa experienced dancing-master. A s1 discussed by Mrs. Lawrence.
a violinist he ranks high, and can “Teachers' meetings, their benefits
teach it and other instruments.
and how to conduct them” was
t * e t f
Read Our Offers
discussed by Mrs. O. F. Phillips
and several others. After prayer
by Rev. Scott, the president ap­
pointed tbe several ministers of
Coos eounty to organize shinties
in Gurry county, with Rev. Mr.
Thornton as chairman.
At 7 p. m. the convention reas­
sembled. After a song and the
reading of a scripture lesson, a col­
lection to defray incidental ex­
penses was taken up. “Tbe Inter­
national lesson system and lesson
helps” was next discussed, led by
Mrs. Harford. Several brief talks
followed. Rev. Hollenbeak then
led on tbe topic, “Special effort on
the part of teachers to bring their
pupils to Christ,” and was followed
by Prof. Harford. Reports of tbe
several special committies were
made, received and tbe committies
discharged. A beautiful song was
then given by Mrs. Abernathy;
Misses Pearl and Daisy Abernathy
and President Miller, with Mies
Daisy Abernathy at the organ.
The secretary’s minutes were
read and approved. Tbe commit­
tee on reeolutiona reported:
Whereas, This convention h»s
been cheerfully, pleasantly and
bountifully entertained, and the
good people of Coquille Gity have
made our stay among them a most
enjoyable one, notwithstanding the
inclemency of tbe weather, and
have bestowed such eare and labor
in decorating, and the young
men trouble and labor in obtuiuing
evergreens, autumn leaves, etc.,
during tbe storm, therefore we
desire to sincerely thank one and
all of them.
The president thanks Rev.
Thornton for assistance in prepar­
ing tbe program, ete.
S . F. A b e r n a t h y ,
Sec. of committee.
Thanks were also voted to the
choir for the music so well selected
and rendered, to the owners of tbe
several boats for reduced rates and
courtesies; also to the president
and secretary for their efficient and
willing labors.
The following were attending
delegates: Bandon C. E .—Ethel
Rnpert, Lelia Sumner, Zalos Scott;
Sunday-school—Knllona Scott.
Fishtrap—Mrs. Emma Disher,
Mrs. J. J. Lamb, Mrs. Albee,
George Byera, Mies Williams.
Myrtle Point—Mrs. O. F. Phil­
Dora—Mr. Lasswell, Misses
Daisy and Pearl Abernathy.
Coquille City, Baptist 8. 8.—
Mrs. J. W. Nosier, Mrs. W. M. Way
Mrs. M. Goodman, Mrs. M. Myers;
C E.—Mrs. R. 8. Knowlton, Mrs.
G D. Elliott, Mrs. John Siiunmns;
Christian 8. 8.—Frank Strang,
Mrs. Alla Seed; Epworth League—
Mrs. .Mice Tuttle, Mrs. lone Scott,
Miss Mary Draue; M. E. S. S.—
Mrs. J. A. Lyons, Mrs Dr. Gulin.
A general handshaking followed
adjournment and a pleasant greet­
ing to old aud new-made frieuds,
and thus ended the second conven­
tion of the Coos County Young
Peoples' Society of Christian
Sun: Tbe masquerade hall at
Libby Saturday evening, 20th inst.,
was a roaring success. Dave Camp­
bell carried off the honors for the
beat dressed gentleman and Miss
Gertrude McDonald was accredited
as being the finest dressed young
lady in the ballroom. The mask­
ers were limited, but this did not
prove a hindrance and evrrybody
had a good time. Geo. Quigley
distinguished himself, ns usual, by
setting one of tbe finest midnight
suppers that ever a ball party sat
down to.
West Oregonian:
There has
been considet able said pro et con
in regard to tbe county clerk re­
fusing to take county warrants as
fees from litigants. This ie a sim­
ple question and it needs no argu­
ment, for it is simply a fact that
the clerk cannot accept such pay­
ment for clerk fees, as he ie obliged
to turn ever to the treasmer every
night all fees paid in. Now how
nice it would be if an attorney
could purchase a fifty dollar county
order for forty dollars and deposit
it with tbe clerk to pay fees in liti­
gation and charges.
Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder
W irM 'i P air h l f t m t Award.
| C oast M ail. |
John Erase lingers along and
little hope entertained that be may
James Watson broke his leg last
week at tbe raneh at Cooe City,
being thrown from a bores.
E. G. Flanagan slipped on the
stairs runniug down back of bis
residence last Monday and injured
bie knee-joint very badly.
Iasac Stevens caught a finger in
a log-chain last Friday at E. B.
Dean A Co’s mill, and is minus n
finger at the first joint. Dr. Tower
amputated tbe mangled member.
So simple yet always efficacious
in all bilious disorders is Simmons
Liver Regulator.
I K atulua Recorder. I
D. E. Baldwin and aone have
A C IG A K ETTE F U N D NOT RESPON­ completed the foundation for th»
school building, nud the raising of
Chicago, Oct. 17.—Frank Kurtz, the flame work started this morn
W h a t Is th e condition o f y o u r s ? Is y o u r h a ir d ry ,
who was to be hanged Friday for j ing.
h a rs h , b r ittle ? Does it sp lit s t th e e n d s ? H as it i
tLc murder of bia wife, will not be
Albert Triebl aud Theo. L
lifeless a p p ea ran c e? Does it fall o u t w hen com bed o r j
executed, Governor Altgeld hav­ , Epplattemer were drowned si
b ru s h e d ? Is it full of dandruff ? D o e s y o u r s c a lp Itch ? t
a i t d ry o r In a h eated condition ? If th e se a r e s o m e of
ing last night committed hie sen­ I Smith River, Sunday lefora Iasi,
o u r sy m p to m s be w arned in tim e o r y o u w ill becom e b a ld . ^
tence to imprisonment for life. j while fishing D ear the mouth of
Petitions for clemency said Kurts i the river. The boat capsized a n d
waa a cigarette fiend and weak- j the two men went over the bar. A
¡third man, Win. Tollman, clung to
1$ what yoo need. It» production In not an nocldcnt, but the result of aolentlflo
research. Knowledge of the diseases of the hair and scalp led to Die <1 '* coy - %
•ry of how to treat them. “ Skookunt ” contains neither mineral» nor oil». I t wT
H EA LTH Y AND C H EEK FUL AT 133 tha boat aud was rescued.
la not »Dye. but • delightfully cooling and refreuhlng Tonic. By stimulaUue J*
t h e follicles, it etop.t failing kutr, cur«» dandruy and growd .*a»r on bald ¿n
Johnson Brothers, of Coquille
Elyria, O., October 21.- George City, gathered up 30 head of be t
* i t r Keep the scalp clean, healthy, and free from Irritating eruption», by V
the Use Of S k ook u m A m Soap, It destroys parasitia insects, tvkiea f<*d on
O. Sharpe of this city claims that cattle on Floras creek, aud etarted
and destroy the hair.
If your druggist cannot supply you send direct to ua, aud y s wUl rorward
his grandmother, Mrs. Crittenden, with them Inst Wednesday foi
prepaid, on receipt of price, ¿rower, $l.uU per bottle ¿6 for $5.00. ¡Soap, UKs. t »
Ja r; I for f 2.50.
who lives with Sharpe, ten miles Martbfield. by way of Myrtle Point.
t i per THE
southeast of Claveland, ia tbe old­ The cattle are to he shipped to San
# 7 S o u th F ifth A t . i m , N ow Y .r h , R. Y .
est woman in Ohio. He gives her Francisco on the Alice Blancbrird.
V V W A W A V W A V .’.W A ’A’.V A V M V
age aa 133 years, and says she is W. D. Shoemaker, butcher, of this
healthy and cheerful and does not place, was dowu and helped gel tbe
Exchange: It is plcabant to
Chicago Record: “Prond as I
look to be over seventy years old. drove started.
am to be an Obioau,” said Gover­ note that thare is n considerably
She is somewhat deaf, but can see
Ahi* Barrows returned this week
increase in tlis number of estab­
well and gets around with compar­ from Gold Beach, where he has nor McKinley in his speech in lishments to Oregou for caring for
atively little attention. She does been at work for aome time. He
fruits iu various ways.
A large
considerable reading, but attempts reports that E. Danielson will be ari A merican.” Why isn't an cider aud jelly factory has recently
only light work. Sharpe says her finish his contract for moving | Ohioan an American?
mother in Scotland, whose home bouses across the river in shout two I Win. Lengren, of Astoria, was been established at WhitesoD, Yam­
was eight miles from Aberdeen, weeks. Tbe buildi gs were moved \ brought to the penitentiary last hill ooui ly.
F o r S a l e . —A new and charm­
was 146 years old when she died. some time ago and only the work Saturday a week by Shoriff Hare
of placing them on new founda­ and deputy. He will wear the ingly located residence property,
stripes for a period of fifteen years in good neighborhood, with city
New York, Oct. 22. - General tions remains to be cu npleled.
water. The house bus f iv e rooms,
William Booth, comauder-in-chief
The Dairyville creamery will for tbe crime of mayhem.
is story nud a half high And pa­
of tbe Salvation Army, waa for­ close dowu about tbe first of No­
pered. H hs three lots, with barn
»»*«» W » % V W » W A W W A «VW »
mally welcomed here tonight in vember.
ud woodshed. Very cheap. Cali
Carnegie music hall, which was
Ourcommercinl school will open
■ t this office.
crowded to the door. On tbe stage Monday morning, Nov. 5. in Recur
were all the eonomaoders, captains der ball. Students may aat. r a<
Send two 2-cent postage stamps
and officers of lesser rank, while any time bnt will find the work
A Cmrnd
— — — — —— — — — —
to “The Road Publishing Company,”
for • background there was a row leasantertostartin with the class.
Successor o f t h s
Denver, Colorado, and get a sample
“ I n a b r id g e d .”
of flaming banners. In bis address, ring all of your text books with
copy of that great cartoon Populist
U taiidard o f the
General Booth «aid that the army’s you.
weekly, “The Road," also a copy o f
U. ». tioY’t Frlnt-
flag floated in 41 colonies, while
iuff Office, the 17.8.
their famous English Octopus (devil
Supreme Court and
there were over 1000 officers, all
fish) map, free. This map and “The
uf nearly all the
Without a doubt Simmons Liver
fccl-ool books.
trained ministers, on the rolls. He Regulator will cure you. It has
Road” with tbe H e r a l d for o u e year
V. n rm ly com -
spoke highly of the work accom­ cured thousands.
tre n d e d by every
for o n l y $ 2 . 1 0 .
plished by women. Preceding the
nent of S.’hoola,
meeting in Carnegie ball (here was The tax levy of Harney connty
and other Educa­
tors almost with­
a big mass meeting in Union h as be. n divided by tbe connty
out uuwLer.
court as follows: General fund.
A C ollege P r e s id e n t w rite» i ** F o r
15mills;school fund,5>oilU; build­
** e ase w ith w h ic h th e ry e f'n d s th e
“ w o rd s o u g h t, f ,r a c v v ra ry of>
“ tiiiii, f» r «'f/ectivo m e th o d s in lu d i-
Washington, Oct. 22.—The caas 21 mills.
’’ c a tln g p rom inclatlivn, f *r te rs e y e t
of tbe United States against the
The Prinevjlle Review vouches
** OMmorohenidve a tu trin e u t» o f fa c ts,
“ an d f» r p rn e ttrn l tint* n» » w o rk in g
sugar trust will probably be argued for the fact that tba following is au
C A N I O I T A IN A P A T E N T f
*‘die*l«inarr, * W e b s te r’s I n te r n a tio n a l’
prompt anew* e *nd aa a cm sat opinion, writ« t s
in tbe supreme court during the exact copy of an advertisement
n I NN 6c C l’«.* w h o h a v « h ad M srliiltr roars'
Mcvtt»I$ any c th u r alnglo v o lu m e .”
«xpenene« In tbe patent bnalness. comannlen-
present week. The case comes to posted o l tbe hnlletin board in
tlona strictly confidential. ▲ H a a n s a k a f Ia>
formation eoncerntn* F a Cent« «ad bow to ob­
tbe supreme court on an appeal front of one of tbe leading marcau-
Tht- r n -v C ren t F ta n rln rd A itth o r lty .
tain them sent free. Also « eataloffu« of — ohSB
leal and actonttflo hooka »«at fro«.
from the United States circuit court iile establishments of that city:
Hoe. I>. 9. llrsw *r, J o v lc e of the IT. 8.
Patents taken tbroaah Munn k Co. f t e t vs
notice in th« H «!eat!flc A n iericn n , and
of appeals for tbe third circuit. It “Fur Sail.—Shugger, koffy, flower,
tons are brought widely before the pub 11« with­
Dictl nary i* tho perfucHnu of dictionaries.
coat to th« inventor. This splendid paper,
is a bill in equity to upset this trust, milasses, chewin aud smokin ter.
I commend it to all la the cue great stand­
leaned weekly, elegantly Illustrated, m s h r m rtS#
ard authority.”
1 arr<wt circulation of any scientific work in th a
filed by tbe United States under tbe backer, Iuglisb and Gunpowder
a rear. Sample
copies aent free.
irle eontei___
Building &Tti on, mom ithly, flôOa y t__
eo-callef Sherman anti-trust law of T T T T, beeps, dride proous,
saving of three cents j + t t a y for a
cent». Every_____
K r number _____
_ _ *25
_ cents.
con tal
year will provide more than enough money
p late s, in colora, a n d p h o to g ra p h s of i
July 2,1890. Tbe case is regarded peaches and plumbs, nope, ryee.
with plana, en a b lin g b u ild e rs to »bow in *
to purchase a copy of the International.
as an important one because of its kandels, cole oiel, koon axel greeee
Can you afford to be w ithout it?
I i C O - N e w Y o k e , B i l l B r o a s w a »
bearing upon cases of similar char­ glass and krokery wair, eat setter}
G . A C . M E R R T A M C O ., r n b llm h c r a ,
acter touching the validity of tbe aud ao fourth; go far kash.”
S p r ia g û e ld ,
Sherman law aa applied to other
•Send to the pnbllahera for free pamphlet.
■v* Do not buy cheap rcprtnta ot ancient edition»
iS k o o k u m R o o t H a ir G r o w e r ■
Yokohoma, Oct. 25.—Three
thousand houses have been des­
troyed by ,r succession of violent
earthquake shocks.
As far as
known, 260 lives have been lost,
and a large number of people
Eccd’s ,i>Cure 3
Time to Secure a
Cal Tiii Out, ¿Sea Good
Dairy Farm or Ranch.
Pittsburg, Oct. 22.—The supreme
court of this state today hnlted the
Standard Oil Company in its pro­
cess of absorbing tbe independent
oil refineries. A deal has been
made to bny ont the Producers’ A
Refiners’ Oil Company. John G.
Carter, of Franklin, Pla., a stock­
holder, secured an injunction in
Yenango county coart. Today th*
supreme court, withont discussiu
tbe question involved, mads tbe
injunction permanent.
liances for Homes.
H r.
E d w a rd
P r a th e r
••I was ‘ oubled with sick heartache« a a l
pains In m
sk had sides. I became partially
dear, and ray n a rro w system was all run down,
finally, I was seized with h e art disease and
feaucht my days ware numbered. I tued
Send th is C ¡U PO N and
2 3 ciM . to
The llo p lt Music Co.,
2Gi) D e arb o rn fit.. C hicago, III.
And receive (p o a tp a id ) O N E
P IE C E O F M USIC, o f yoor
own choice, n a m e d b**low, or
(T H R E E pieces foi ttO cents,
¡or SIX pieces for H I . R em it
• postal n o te or 1 and 2 c en t
I j ^ “ T h is eonpon n o t good
'a fte r D ecem ber 31. 1894.
W edded A fte r th e B all. By B arney
Fav’an. M ost p o p u la r W altz Song
of th e d ay . D e d ica te d to M r C K
H a rris , a u th o r o f “ A fter th e B a ll.. 40 eta
A D ream of A rcadia. W a lts Son-/,
ta d I a n better In every way. I kave sained In
L a n y o n . T h e song of all son>>s. A
•wntt and my former *ood appetite hoi rn-
fa v o rite of A delina P a t t i ................ 50 eta
tnrnad.” E dward F u a t s h . Grafton. CsL
M o o n 'ig h to n th e la g o o n , by G eorge
Hood's Bars-.partita la »old by all dnijcH te.
S c h le iffa r b. L a te s t p o p u la r suc­
| 1 ; pix for *S. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD
cess bv »his no ted co»niK>spr............ 50 c ts
T H R E E S O U T H E R N SON G S: ‘U n­
A CO., Apothecaries. L#w»U. M as.
cle D a n .” “ A ont S is T a b .” a n d
H o o d 's P il ls ora parvly vegetable. SSw
“ W here My H oney Sleeps,” com ­
p lete .....................
.......................... 75 cts
T h re e charm im * p la in tiv e and c h a r­
a c te ristic so u th ern songs, w ritte n
Every R r a d l n y Frraen
by Col W ill L V isscher; n rranged
by W H e rb e rt L anyon.
Should take advantage of the extra­
ordinary offer made by tbe F a r m e r s ’ At E v e n tid e , N octu rn e for piano, by
M arcus, a very b rillia n t N octurne,
T r ib u n e — General Weaver’s paper—
the brightest, the newsiest and the a b o u t g ra d e 4-5....................................60 cts
’ry G roves, reverie fo r piano
best reform paper on the list. They I n by Flow
M arcus, a b e au tifu l re v e rie ,o rig ­
only ask 25 cents for this large 48- in a l a n d sure to p le a s e .. . . ..............50 c ts
T h e above a re a ll fine e d itio n s of v al­
column weekly from now until Jan­
le copy lig h ts , a n d c a n n o t be h a d in
uary 1, 1895. It is a bargain, and uab
c h ea p form .
we hope every one of our readers C oupons m u st acoom panv th e o rd e r to
will take advantage of it at once. secure th e re d u c tio n s n am ed .
Hood’s S a rsa p arilla
T h e H e r a l d ’s B a r ­
g a in C o u n te r.
— Having more
150 'rp » il ACRES.
e s ta te th a n I enn p ro fita b ly
m a n a g e in person. I oiler fo r sale , a t p ric e s
to unit th e tim ea a n d on good term ?, a ll my
re a lty except my homo fa rm , w hich oontiistn
o f 150 ACRES jo in in g C oquille C ity , w hich
in a sp len d id locution , h a n d y to tow n, good
Bchoola, ch u rch es, m ills a n d ra ilro ad dep o t,
also local riv e r b o a ts, a n d n e a r la n d in g o f
sen-going vessels, nnd in a pood n e ig h b o r­
hood. which a c irefu l buyer w ill n o t bo slow
to a p p reciate on aooount of convenience,
acc e ssib ility to tho b e st m a rk e ts on th e
ooast. s av in g o f tim e in tra n s a c tin g bu si­
ness and low freig h ts.
W ill he d iv id e J if d esired . I t h as m o stly
80 acres of very rich b o tto m la n d ,
in grnss fo r m eadow or p a stu re ;
40 acres of level bench lan d , an d
30 acres of rough w oodland.
L iv in g atr< aroa a n d «¡»rings fu rn ish watg>
in every field. T h is is th e very b e st clover
and o th e r g ra ss lands.
6 acres are in P e tite an d Ita lia n p ru n e s ,
a lso s g e n e ra l v a rie ty o f fru its.
W ith a large, successful cream ery h a n d y ,
is well fenced, h a s tw o sm all b a rn s , a house
th a t h as served its tim e , b u t could be
cheaply repaired. S te a m e rs a n d ra ilro a d
c a rs b o th pass w ith in 60 ro d s of th e house,
a n d bein g a w arm , w ell sh eltered lo catio n ,
all conduce to m ake th is a m o st d e sirab le
hom e fo r som e one.
Cony Stillwell of Bandon re-
turned from his protracted visit in
Yamhill county last wesk, coming
with hiB mother, who had gone to
Salem in charge of Mrs. Webster,
whom she delivered at the asylum.
Corry is looking well, hat sings the
same story aa many others have
done—"you people here may talk
of bard, times, but you have not ex­
perienced wbat most comic unities
1 1 ACRES, also, of level sandy
hnve in the valley.”
^ la n d in B an d o n . and overlooking
A. E. Avins, a veterinary surgeon
itH fam ous beach an d th e Pacific ocean; hag
b u ild in g s a n d good w ater, is good veg­
jnat arrived her# from the valley,
e ta b le o r sm all fr u it lan d a n d a c ap ita l place
fo r poultry , a n d a few oowa to sell m ilk
tells us we look comfortable here,
to c ity cu sto m ers and cam p ers on th e beach.
and as it faring quite well to Tell your neighbors about it.
A s a h e a lth re s o rt it o a u ’t be b e at, h a v in g
th e m ild est w in ter, coolest sum m er a n d
what they are in that section. I d
m o st e q u ab le te m p e ra tu re in th e U n ite d
F a r m e r s ’ T r ib u n e ,
8 ta te s.
that splendid country wheat only
Des Moines, Iowa
Q Q ACRES of hisvy timber,
averaged about 15 bushels to the
3 m iles from C oquille C ity an d th e
acre tbe pea* eeaeon, and oate about
river. W ill b e Hold low.
J J O U 8 E AND T H R E E LOTS in Coq«ill#
W H Y ? Because he follows these
25 bushels while the prices rule so INTEREST
rules: *' Keep the head cool, the feet
low that the farmer ie often worse
L SO 17 unim p ro v ed lota in varioua
warm, and the bowels open.” You
p a rts of C oquille C ity , Cooa oounty,
off than if he had not eown in hope, English Loans
can have a clear head and live to be
giving a vn riety o f lo c a tio n s toohoogg
ninety if you do the same thing.
fro m an d a t re a so n sb le prices.
and reaped in di*pair. He men­
P aid by th e
W hen the bowels fail to move dur­
Q Q -A C R E FARM 3 miles from
tions one farmer, well fixed and United States.
ing the day take on retiring two
^ ^
tow n. 2*i acres ohoice creek bottom
hitherto prosperous ia his hus­
Smith*s S m a ll Bile Beans. Their
la n d a n d som e very tine saw tim ber on bal-
S pring b ran ch , cosy b uildings, e tc .
bandry, who, with gathering about
C all on o r address d ire c tly ,
aware of it. All day your mind will
100 acres of wheat came out $40
R . D. SA N FO R D ,
be clear and cool. "N ot a frip e in a
on h is fa rm a t Coquille C ity,
barrel of them.” A»k for small sixe.
in debt. Many others nave fared
H E R A L D O F F IC 1 .
Miss Tillie Atkinson, a Quaker
T aks no substitute for
about similarly.
•vsugelist, is conducting revival»
To the U nfortunate.
Tbe Christian Endeavor society of tome magnitude in the Yamhill
of this city will give a special pro­ eounty town«.
gram at the Christian church nsxt
Horse» are chenp in Malhenr
Sunday, at 3 p. m. Those eminent
62» koarnry S t,
c o rn e r o f C om m ercial
worker* in the cause, Mr. and Mrs. Lackey bought about 1100 bead
F rancisco, C al.
Harford, will be present and lend 1 from A. Sut*"n Iset week for $2000, Herald and Rural Northweit for $2.
E sta b lish ed in 1854.
lets than $2 per bead.
fo r th e tre a tm e n t o f
their help, Aa on this day the C.
Sexual an d S em in al
We offer a valuable premium to
“I would rather trust that med-
diseasea.auch as G on­
E. throughout thin state will meet j icine
o rrh ea. G leet. 8 tr c t-
than any doctors that I know our subscribers who are interested
u re . S yphilis, in all
end redeem their pledge for $200, of,” says Mrs. Hattie Mason of in the farm, fruit-growing and stock,
its form a. Sem inal W eakness, Im potency
made tome months aiuce, to liqui­ Chilton, Carter Co., Mo., in speaking without extra cost; in other words, an»l I>»et M anhood p e rm a n e n c y cu red . Tho
sick a n d affl e t 'd sh o u ld n o t fa il to call
date the debt on the church at this of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera of one.
upon him . T h e D o c 'o r haa trav eled exten­
sively in E urope, an d in sp ected th« roughly
piece, it is meet end proper that
th e v arious h o sp ita ls th e re , o b ta in in g a
tbe aociety here ahonld be active to
Four Beautiful Loti
g re a t deal o f v a lu a b le in fo rm a tio n , which
m p eten t to im p a rt to those in need
Thomas Williams died at Lost In th- heart of town have been of h is is co services.
help themeelvea and do what they
T h e D o cto r cures when
T ry him . D R . G IB B O N wh)
can. In view of aueb resolve, e
native of Pei osvlvania, aud an sold together at a very reasonable m ak e n o ch arg e unlesa he effects a o u r t.
fWMMg a t h in s ta n c e C U R E D AT B O M B .
collection will be taken np from Oregon pioueerof 1853. He leaves
rnte. This is a rare chance to
co m m u n ic atio n s s tric tly c o n fid e n tia l
the congregation to that end, and a large family of grown children secure either business or residence All
All le tte rs answ ered In p lriii envelopes.
re asonable. C all o r w rite A odress
all ahonld go prepared to do some­ living in Lake aud Klamath conn- lota which will donhle ic value in
D R . i . F. G IB B O N .
Box 19fi7. Sen Francaaoo, C tl.
i <iee.
I twelve monthe. Call aod ace them. 47 \ t \
A clear Head
B eans!