mmrn -dm F ir« at NanhllcM . Rev. Mr Stine and family got School is doing well. gsquUU ff U g Starniti. A fire broke out at Marshfield The Christian church was the -------- , ! off this morning for their new Trout are very fine and very The San Francisco Examioei home at Rosehurg. attraction for worshippers Sunday early last evening, partially dep loy­ i plentiful. TUESDAY. OCT. 18, 1894 night, in view of the farewe1! ser- ! will give away at its neit annual Mr. and Mrr. W illie Schrneder ing Laudo’s warehouse and damag­ The dancing club will be re- raon of Rey. C. A. Stiue, who has | drawing 9000 oremiums, aggregat- of Arsgo made a visit to this place ing some good«. Good and prompt REGULAR TRAINS ! organized. ■ been pastor for something over a< i°g id value $145,000. Each sub­ yesterday, returning bo*"« today. work waa done in fighting tbe fire, o n d a y s , W e d n e s d a y s a n d f iu - C. E. Edwards is now engineer year and has accepted a call to the [ scriber, also, receives a fiue picture days will run ua follows; which, if it had not been eo early A rrive , |on the tug Kxtie Cook, at Gold Dr. Stockman was poorly some Leave church at R'-seburg. Rev. Mr. i worth tu the market more than the discovered, would have got beyond M a rsh field 12.16p. m. 8 00 a. ra. days past, but is now feeling so Leave Arrive “ Bench. Thornton of the Methodist church ! price of the pajier. lhese are saving and done much damage. COQUILLE C ITY 11.00a. in. ».lft “ well again that he talks of coming 10.3ft “ ».BO “ Norway Wee Nosier moved yesterday to had cancelled his night appoint- I spleudid inducements, because the The loss will be alight, and ie 10.15 “ 10 (X) ** Myrtle Point to town. the Hatch property, recently merit with a view to bimeelf and Examiner is the best newspaper on covered by ineurauce. We have W ill Price wps np from River, vacated by Mr. Curry. L O C A L IT E M S . congregation participating in this the coast and is well worth alone not learned tbe origin of the fire. I f ton lust Saturday. Price Bro’s saw­ Your own local paper, The H krald farewell greeting to ttie pastor of the $1.50 a year that it coats. District court adjouroad last and the twice-a-week New York Friend Dodge of the West Ore­ mill was ruuning and the shinglu- you subscribe now yon can get the a si.iter church, hence there was an Friday. gonian enters complaint at not re­ mill was to start Monday. World all for only $2 a year! unusually large and appreciative H e r a l d and the Weekly Examiner ceiving last week's H erald . We Tbe H e u a l d ’ s jobwork is a draw­ W. H. Carothers got the winning Attorney Sherwood returned audience. The service was edify- both one year for only $2.75. 1 his ing card. Saturday and Attorney Sinclair ing, the choi- giving severs! chnrm- clubbing rate entitles thesnhscriber number in the chances for Audrey were behind-bttnd in going to press, There is much inquiry for prop, yesterday from attendance at dis­ ing selections, while Elder D. P . 1 to a ticket m the diawing aud all j | Harkuess’ bicycle, which was raf­ bnt mailed the H erald by Wednes­ day noon's mail to all the upper erty, both for rent and sale. Strang, sr., read the scripture lesson other special privileges. Don t fled off last Saturday night. He trict court. river. We hope no delay will Some of the lower-river fisher­ The train brought iu a heavy and Rev. Mr. Thornton uttered , fail to take advantage ° f this offer, presented the wheel to Susie Tuttle who already manages it very well. occur in the future. The pastor then took men are now in this vicinity. load of freight yesterday. which the piayer. There is no medicine so often Last Sunday Edgar Johnson, eon The delegates of the Christian The steamer Alice Blanchard came from the steamer Alice for his text the farewell I tter of needed in every home and so ad­ Eudeavor to the Y. P. S C. W. con­ of S. G. Johnson of the North mirably adapted to the purposes Blanchard. ! Paul to the church at Corinth, reached the bay last Friday night. Fork aud near Fairview,died, aged It lias been rumored that T. W. wherein the apostle admonished for which it is intended, as Chamber­ vention to be held'in this city next Tbe Coqoille academy is an­ lain’s Pain Balm. Hardly a week week, are: Mrs. C. D. Elliott, Mrs. 29 years. Ha was buried yester nounced to open Monday, Novem­ Johnson’s children, at the north i ‘ bp church into unity of miud, passes but some member of the R. S. Knowlton, Mis. J. G. Sim- day from the Fairview schoolhouse. end of town, have whoopingcough, I faithfulness, to dwell in peace and family has need of it. A toothache raous, Miss B.rdie Elliott and W. ber 12th. Rev. Mr. Carl officiating. Therv hut it is inc rrect. j be of good comfort This the or headache may be cured by it. Sugg. \V hetetone and Leneve caught waa a large attendance of frieDdr A touch of lheumatiam or neural­ You will seldom need a doctor if Miss Inez Rich of this place and I P"k,or ot,liz,?d nl' ° for ,be PreBent 40 salmou Friday night and 47 Sun­ The severe pain of ▼ou have Simmons Liver Regulator and neighbors. occasion RDd counseled tbe same gia quieted. Miss Minnie McCloskey of Norway day night. a burn or a scald promptly relieved handy. Arrivals by the steamer Arcnta grace to his fiock. aud the sore healed in much less Simmons Liver Regulator surely expect to leave for the Drain nor. Friday: Otto Scbetter, P A At the conclusion of tbe sermon, time then when medicine has to be Judge Scbroeder returned home curra headache, indigestion and all mal school this w»ek. We got Murphy, M Moriarty, Mrs Jeweti Mr. Stine then expressed a desire sent for. A sprain may bo promptly from tbe bay yesterday. disorders of the liver. The steamer A n t e lo p e h as un Mr Martin. Departures Monday to have the remainin'' debt agaiust treated before iuflamatiou sets in, no chance for an interview. J. L. Scott, the rustling tea and d e r g o n o ..nme re p a irs , c h ie fly th e ; — R M Wieder and wife, Mr' the church buildini» canceled before which insures a cure in about one- coffee and spice ag^nt, arrived in c o n s tru c tio n o f a s a fe an d neat Krouenburg, Alice Graham, I > he departed. He made a state- third of the time otherwise re­ W E B S T E R ’S quired. Cuts and bruises should town last Friday on business. g u a rd on th e a fte r-d e c k . Saunders and daughter, Sam May [ ment of the matter, summing up receive immediate treatment before I N T E R N A T IO N A L Mrs. G. Wilkins left last Wed­ Dud Johnson returned last Sat j that the whole debt was yet $400, the parts become swollen, which j net. nesday on a visit to her parents in urday from a trip through per- [K ir th(,t i2 00 of this was assumed by can only be done when Pain Balm 5 * A Crand hJntM*e. D I C T I O N A R " Y ' The construction of wintei Washington, whom she had not tions of this and Curry county for! ^ Successor o f the for nle Christian E deavor societies is kept u hand. A sore throat may h quarters for both the logging c h iu o “ t c a b r id g e d .” Men in 25 years. beef cattle, for shipment to the of tho church throughout the state, be cured before it becomes serious. * md coal-mining crews at Beavei S ta n d a rd o f the A troublesome corn may be re­ Mrs. Olive visited friends in town city. U. 8. G ov’t Prin t­ about $150 more by subscriptions moved by applying it twice a Hill is being pushed by a lary ing Office, the U.8. last Friday and tb >u went to Ban- Supreme Court aud Peter Wise of Mvrtle Point, a by members and friends of the day for a week or two. A lame force. It is a big tbiDg, and th> c f nearly all the don, where she will display a fine sterling citizeu and well-known church, leaving $50 yet to be se­ back may be cured and several Schoolbook«. '« i I road company hae shown enter W a r m ly co m ­ stock of millinery. blacksmith of that locality, made a cured, $10 of which I e pledged if days of valuable time saved or m en d ed by every prise and energy in the work. S.aio Superinten­ a pain in the side or chest relieved dent o f School«, Uncle John Radabangh was flying business trip to this place the other $40 could be raised there Misa Mabel Bontell will hr without paying a doctor bill. Pro­ and other Educa­ He set to work, there­ cure a 50 cent bottle at once and tors almost with­ down from Norway last Saturday yeslerday, including a call at this and (ben. nuch missed in onr social circle- out number. fore, while Rev. Mr Thornton you will never regret it For sole o n business. The H e r a l d was sanctum. She is a charming young lady antp yesterday. Congressman Hermann has ar- : rip to the bay yesterday, return year w ill provide more than enough money pleasure and rejoicing of heart tbe benefit may be retarded. A fair and to purchase r. .copy o f the International. rived at Rosehurg, and is expected big this morning. County Surveyor Cathcart came Can you afford to be without It? persistent trial of tbia medicine lu ver fails, that his flock here has been when tbe directions are followed. over yesterday, and joins Richard strengthened duiing his pastorate to visit his mother and friends at G . A C . M B R R I A M C O ., Puhllm herm , Myrtle Point this weak. He will The women aud children at Houghton, Wra. Fox and Jamea and much good may result. S f r l n t û c l d , M a s *., V . 8 . A . probably visit at the hay and down I Empire have given np everything Doughty at this place to view the « • “ Send to the pnbllRhers for fres pamphlet. The choir then sang the sweet ear l>o not buy cheap reprints of ancient editions and gone a-fishing. Tbe macl eral proposed new road from Roy’s to hymn, "God be with you till we the river before leaving again. AND Charles Wheeler and wife of are so plentiful in the bay that one Riverton, on the south side of the meet again," while the pastor aud GREAT BARGAIN* WORKINGMEN’S lady and bt>r sou caught 300 io river. bis excellent wife Btood in frout of Larnpey creek visited Rosehurg half a day. Folks are putting them Fred Ryons, Miss Lsn»a Ryons tbe platform and received a parting and Drain recently. Mr. Wheeler i / » A ACRES. U. 8. Title. 30 Acre« bo’ up for winter. and Miss Lillie Houghton lately I.ami-shake from the retiring con senior lives at or near DraiD, and i D v land, 10 acres in cultivation, improvements costing $600. Almost h Rov. J. A. Crutchfield, lecently j passed through here from Baudou gregatioD, which had formed in the s o d aid family made a visit to posTornc* building , yonr own price— at X cash and balance in visiting here from the south, has on their wav up to Norway, Myrtle procession, passing up the left aisle the paternal home. 3 years. Call at H bbald office. The I. O. G. T. will give a M A R S H F IE L D , - - - OREGOM . united with tLis confeience and j Point, and other places on the cp- and down and out of the right aisle. P a a lw r ’ a F a r e w e ll. THE EXAMINER’S BIG PREMIUMS Elijah Smith started ou a gen. oral business trip north front Empir* yeatwrday morning. M to., OX I* L. QAUIEI. Stricken Down with Heart D lie a w . Dr. mu* Medical KlkKart, In*. G uttlimen : I foci It my duty, aa trail as • pleasure, re, to publish, uasolici! unsolicited, to the world tlM benefit t recelv ‘ received * from p*. m il e s ' f t t f stricken dow----- Ä W 5 S '« and Its oom plica!ion«7« ru pld Ing from 90 to 140 bean per minute, _ burmug sensation in the wind pipe, a T glon H o f the O heart U S and A below N lower D S rib, | 1 111 the arms, shortue-wof breath, sleeplessness, a and general debility. The arteries ia i would throb violently, the throbbing o f I could be heard across a large room and would •^ake my * iiole body. I wa* so nerr “ I than could n*A hold my hand steady. I k ___ ______ u n d e r the ire n tm e n l e f e m in e n t ph yH eism ë, a n d hae« t u t o * g a llo n * o f P a te n t h it diet no teU hnot the le ft si benefit. A Mend W fM l mended your rraiedtee Ih e was cured by ht. Milca* romediL« Ihavetsken ■ mtm m throo b->trl«a of your Npw J R F i l Heart (,’ure snd two bottles ^ ■* » Nervine. My pulse Is normal, I have DO n o t• violent throbbing o f the heart, | a w a it a »««. I »incerely recommend eve ry one w ith « o f Heart Disease to ta ke D r . M l I Mow Kerned ie* n u d bd CiSTOd. Gypsum City, Kans. L . L. < g o ld o n a P o s it iv e G u a ra u te o . « A V ft (T U R N f O . Sold by K. S. Ivuuwiton. M is s N e l l i e F ig g ’s ilillinery aud Fancy Goods F IR S T STREET, O PPO SITE ODD FELLOW S’ HALL. S Q U IL L E C IT Y , OREGON. /^IHOIOE stock of new and fashionable millinery, including trimmed and un- I'immed hats, flowers, riblK»ns, tips, eto Vill receive new invoioes and a fine stock FANCY GOODS by enoh steamer and v rail. Ladies nre cordially invited toin- t-ct these Hoods and compare prices, t'rders from a distance promptly e fli irefully filled. tt t fl N E L L IE FIGO. COOS BAY A GOOD HOME FAMILY MARKET, Cheap Cash Store, been appointed to the charges a t. per river, where they intend visit- Rev. Mr. Stine aDd family came Roseburg and Oakland. We had j iDg some of their numerous friends here from Florida some months hoped be would have been plsced and acquaintances. since, his health having been greatly in Coos county. Ttie I. O. G. T. last Tuesday impaired by the malaria of that far- The Coos county Y. P. S. C. night included a social at the con­ off state, but he is now a new man Workers will hold theii convention clusion of their ritual exercises. since residing here, aud although in tills place on the 24tb and 25th It was the first of a series for the a comrade in the late war from mats. There will he attendance j winter and was a charmingly pless- Minnesota, anil now on the down­ from alt parts of the county, and it | anl affair. Prof. Kanematz deliv- ward-side of life’s decline in age. is hoped homes will he open for ered a brief and eloqnent address has become quite robust and may His entertainment during the meeting.; of farewell to Rev. Mr. S*ine aud do much good service y e t Jonathan Quick and wife, and family, who are members, and who comrades here regret to part with Misses Flora and Mary, returned nre about to remove to Rosehurg. him, hut accede to the command of laat Thursday from a visit to Oak- After this social converse and the higher authority and wish him Their occupied the evening. £t! many happy years yet. land, Or., at Lorai e aud points in . games .. good wisliesatteud the family also. Lane county. They visited John j WBS v°ted to hold a "neck tie” ----------- » « • » « --- L. Offield, a former resident of J P ^ ty on Wednesday evening, 24th, D e a th o r a F o r m e r C T tis m . Coos, wbileoutin the valley. Mrs. at Masonic hall. The Democrat, published at Quick feels the better of her trip, Charley . - Laviue came home laat _ Our job department has turned Thursday from near the McNair out legal blanks— powers of place, where the railroad company att irney for distant parties—post- \,s getting out p'les, almost a erà, lulls of lading in book form, crushed msn. \V i.ile loading piles in triplicate, posterà, letterhesde |OD the cars, one immense log rolled programs, etc. For nest jobwork, an‘l strock him in such s manner at city prices, call or send to this fnr « *h'>r' while to impress his office, i associates with the idea that he "neck-tie" social at Masonic hall Wednesday eveuiug of next week. Look out for a grand time. Attorney J. M. Upton o f Ban- dou returned home last Friday, via this city, from district court. F o r S a l e . — A tract of 160 acres of fiue timlier land, near Fishtrap. Apply at this office. Mrs. Hollan will leave abont Thursday, for California. Sherman Flinn came in from the North Fork, this morning. Wild geese are on the wing. Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter Fair, San Francisco. 17I7TLL sell Gent’« and Children’ s Glofch- ▼ V ing, Hats, Caps. Shoes. Underwear, etc., from 25 to fiO per cent cheaper thau any other house in Coos county. GIVE US A CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. 8 3m] J. ALB ERT. Proprietor. ROBERT — D EALER Hardware, C o q u ille C ity , O r. T E N T 8 M A D E TO O RD ER . T E N T IN G M A T E R IA L Stoves, Tin­ BANDON, O RDERS BY MAIL + CREAM leef, Veal, Pork, and Salt Meats of all Kinds, Vegetables, Canned r ods, and OF A L L DE8CRIPTION8. Vessels and Logging Gamps promptly applied. Such share of public patronage as firat- e! has goods, low prions and square dealing »title us to ia respectfully solicited. t a w « U JJ ? OR. .in PROMPTL Attended to, And Roods shipped p* steamer to all points on the upper river n prices that d efy competition. C O A L S IO V E S , W OOD STOVES, COOK S T O V E ' R A N G E S. BUILDING HARDWARE— Hueh u N«iS Berawi, Lock*, Hlngm, «te., at rook-bottom prion. - _ . I li. * V . I D U ELDREDGE _° , V W. L. D ouclas VWCfX A i lirst*« store, Front street, we nre now pre­ wired to furnish, at the lowest living rate, TH» »1ST OF T O U B F lIT U B S Albany. of - recent date. — — -i - Oregon, — b — » — — - - -----1 makes mention of the death of F o r S a le . Mrs. A A. Skiuner at Eugene, *p H B E K NICE LE V E L L O T S - who, with her husband, was for­ merly a resident of Coos county, ..T H E .. FOR THE PRICE OF TITO -$125 ! and has relatives still living in thi- t In H » .« I m iw h - d 6tti a«d Tth, Ww.-d- valley: l i n i A v ili. u : . I.» B m io n . A i 1 - « n M . L U • NDLE «14N. A pioneer lady with an interest, SI tfl P«rkar«bari;. Or ing history died at Eugene a few days ago. She was Mrs. A. A. The Pan! Bouloo and George j WB8 » df ad " > «• b» ‘ b* w" 8 b'*dlv Skinner, and wan <>ue of five BOHN. Charles A. Baldwin & Co. Gonne musical novelty combination ; ■■ Pretty lady school teachers sent here H ath * * —At Junction C it f Sept. 29, 1894. to Iter, and Mrs. I. P. Haynes, twin boys. gave . pleasing entertainment her. j ^ ’ har\ He limped about the from Vermont bv the governor of BANKERS, [One of them lived only a few hours; the 1D'“1* having luckily escaped that state in 1851 with the self, laat Thursday availing, other aud the mother are doinR well.] 40 a n d 4 » w a l l s t r e e t , from broken hones and serious sacrificinir aim of civilizing *hi- C l iv t o w - On North Fork, Sept. 24. 1894, to audience was select and appracta- j N ew Y o rk . Mr and Mrs. John Clinton, a son. iujnries. ( h*r nw,'y barbarous region. Her p Accounts o f Bank« and Banker« received tive. Tbe musical numbers ware . . . . . , name was Lincoln, and after 'each- > on favorable terms. A nice wedding ceremony took ¡ „ K b (.|„ k )I h fe . year« she married D IE D . P nde a..d Investm ent Securities. varied and plaasing, while the f Pa>/ i melai L ttsr Mai.ed on Applicati««. a l —Near Myrtle Point, Oct. 6, 1894. Ka Chinese, Irish and other musical place tra the North Fork o f Co. Jndge A. A. Skinner, then n terri N * H-vear-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John ‘A: ÌL KSPONDBMCB SOLICITED. qnille river last Friday evening, at torial judge, who died some year« Neal. impersonations, funny songs and Jo Huso»—Near Fairview. Oct 14, 1894, Ed which our young friends Dr. J. C. n8 °' leaving her a widow, which witticisms were artistic and com­ var Johnson, aged 29 years. and Miss Edna H ill were '¡ l ” r'‘m* io« d She was ical. They may visit us shortly Bogus . , „ 82 years old. the contracting parties. Rev. C. A .1 . _______ c u n r isTHiexsT. again. Awarded g j d n V f a |" >l|uGi,|l|A Stine of this city officiated, and the Prof. T. C Land of the North Mr. and Mrs. F. L Harford, the »5. CORDOVAN, H lfb M t Honor»— W orld’« Fair. rptrsHAtnanaiEDCAiF temperance lectorers, are com­ event took place nt the home of the Carolina »ettl-ment was iu thi D R, bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. place last Saturday, on his return ing to the coast to bold a serien of * POLICE,3 a o u x gospel temperance meetings. They H ill’s. No pvent o f the kind has from a visit to Bandon. a place he « « a w occurred in thi. section for a ! had n<*t sean in 15 year» pa-:. A a trle tly h ig h - g r a d e F a m ily i r w l a g will reach Marshfield about the *2. ‘ I¿P BOYSSCHOaSHOEi M ash ln n , posse sal hi , e l l m o d ern lorg while where more kindly Prof la n d miffari* conaid«rnbli •LADIES* I in p ro v»- m e i«La 16th. Mr. Harford is an eudorsed iutereat and sincere well-wiehea from wonnda b*> r*»ca ^ad in the lecturer for the W. C. T. U. of Or ...T i»" « ,. uaranteed qual to the est a sc no roe catalmuc have attended the happy pair. late war, having been a member egon, end Mrs. Harford is state rW L * D O U G LAS, P r l. e s v e r y re a s on a b le- O b ta in th e m Both are well known and higb'y of the fanera« "Stonewall" Jack- B R O C K T O N , M A M . fr o m y o n r U .m lv f am i mmko recordirg secretary. For year* •om p a H son a . Vets can s a v e m oney by » e r c h t t e le s W . L . esteemed in this county, and are of *on H, b, HVe *r°"pe- _ He has heen a |>uu«iee N h e e «. . they were in the field in Missouri, onrbeetv.ra gpenple. Thert.-etor bighlv-eHteemed citizeu of Cooe Because, w e are the largest manufactarers of adverdaed shoes is the w orld, sod wuaraatee ELDREDGE MANUFACTURING CO. and have lectured in Nebraska. and bride left Satutday raorging county for many y ear». the vabie by »tam ping tbe na-ne and price oa , the bottom, which protects yon against high Kansas snd most of the western for Kansas City. Mo., where they The dancing clnb ia called to BELVIOERE, ILL. prices and the middleman's profits. Onr shoes equal custom w ork in atyle, easy fitting and states. They come well endorsed will stay the winter and while the meet at Ma«onic hall next 8ator- w earing qualities. W e have them sold eve ry­ where at lower prices for the vnlne given than and are highly epokeo of by tb* former attend* a term at dental day night, for tbe purpose of re­ C $., R. A E. R. R. 4 N. Co. any other make. Take no substitute. I f yons press everywhere. These able c o lle g e . The H e r a l d follows them, niganizati<»o. An earl v meeting is dealer cannot supply yon, we can. Sola by . S in c la ir is th e renu- O T IC X - H ob . MOST PERFECT MADE. workers will probably visit this and ame-rely joins in congralnla- desired, so that after the transac- Dealer, whose name will »h^rtly j led age.»« a t O m a ille C ity larly authorised i pur« Grape Creim of T «rtar Powdrr. Fr«s fo r th e c o lle c tio n o f s a b * 'l y a n a rig h t-o f- oity also, snd at Myrtle Point and tions and best wishes for their tion of trasiues. a bocn U bop can A from Ammonia, Alum or «ny other adulUraat, appear here. Agent wanted. Apply > e p j eobncnptiooa OU hU'onnl of this ormi Bandon, while in tbe county. , prosperity end bappineee. j be indulged in. At one#. p r iry . tt. A . G R A H A M 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. T h e d ay’ Having opened onr new and neat Meat larket, first building south o f Naabnrpr Etc., Etc. And A M. S Vanderburg, Prop. F a m ily G r o c e r i e s — ware, Lamps, Cut!ery, Groceries If . . . Varieties T th« JERKY W ILSON PLACE, op- posile the Railroad Depot, FRONT STREET, in ware. Quee sware, G la ss­ M CCLEARY, M A K R IF .n . W » kn -L u » * —On South Coo« river, at reei- deuce of W. A. Luse, esq., Oct. 7, 18i>4. by Justice C uhshds , Richard Wren and Miss Emily Lane. J ohnson -E bickson —At Marshfield, Oct. 6, 18ÍH. by Rev. W Horsfall. Rodolph Johnson and Miss Amelia Eriokson. S a V aus - RoBwnTsotf— At West Marshfield Oct. *, 1M»4. by Rew. G. W . Qaimby, Byron F. Savage and Miss Jeanette Robertson. On the Middle Fork, nt the rvsidvno«* of thA biide’ s parents, Mr and M:s. B. F. Hill. Jtev.C, A Stine of this city officiating, Dr. J . C. Bogue and M..-8 Edna Lili. JOHN H. YAGER Front Street, Marshfield, Or., G B AK IN G POWDER N E B ia IN TO UB O W N HAND. Palmlstrv assume« to tell what tha lines in fotta if noihiL£ hauu Indicate, it will «m a te >o«, , »f Delhi» j ulnre. : pislos its The «bore aisifnun siinowt explains ltscif. The bit length of the L.Nlfi O»f L IF E tndieetee in i n to which you w>ll live. Each B gives you thirty yesrs. Well-marked L IN K OK HEAD denotes brain p o w er; clear L tN li OK FOBTCJNE, fame or riches. Both combined ft n n sncceas in life; but yon must Keep np with hmn I« ><• ideas to win it. You will find plenty of thi ns In Demore-t’ a Family Magaxine, so attractively pre­ sented that every member o f the family is tained. It Is a doe n magazines In one. A CUE A It LIN E OK H E A R T be»peaka tenderness; a su «i«ht LIN E OF KATE, peaceful life: the ftva rf» if crooked. A well - ocflned L IN K OF HKAJ Til spares yon doctors* b ills; so will the health SUiM in Demoresfe. No other magazine publish many sioriee to interest the borne circle. Y«M be subject to extremes o f hlarU spirits or ded] ency lr yoa h.ive the GIB D LE OF V K N lii marked; keep np yonr spirits by having Dem4V * / ft Magaz ne to read. By subscribing r to is it r tat yonTwill week* yon will receive agsllery agellery o f exqnl.vite exanleite w r** o *' f â L of - great value, .- *- Ilde« * the anpero bcaui-'1 aniM-rb premian» rremlni plcfur«-, _________ . j» “ a I'm Daisy I* which la almost I Nal 17x8Slnchee, a Daisy !** which baby, and eqn-d to t •« original oil painting Wb^ch coal MOO; and yon n i l baw a msea/me thatfiamu t he equaled by any in the world for Ita bejttUlful Illustrations an 1 su» |«ct winter, that will ke« p you Boated on all tlie oplaa o f Hie day, and fill the fads, and different Item» o f in unmet atmet tha ! household, beside furnishing Interesting fl»fi>n* mutter, both grava snd gay, for the whole Wftiliy ; and while Demore«!’» is not a fashion effthtine. Ita fashion pa-xes are perfect, ai d you get With if, free o f eoet, all the pattern« you wi-h to tteaftsr;.ig the year, and in any sise you ebnes«. íj» your aubecriptlon nt once, only $2 00, and you will reai I y get over f ‘J5 00 In v.-due. 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