C P Q t f 'M f C it lJ ^ e ta ir i. H ig h e s t o f all in L e a v e n in g Power__ Latest U. S. G ov't R eport A J O T IIE K K ille d T U E SD A Y , SE PT. IP, 1894. — BDITRD BY THE— W. C T. U. The C oquillle C ity W . C. T. U. m eets at the M ethodist church, south, every Fri­ day, at H o 'c lo c k y. il l Ail interested in the work are invited to f ttend. A T em perauce (From the National W . C. T . U. B ulletin.1 111» Newr W ile .If V It D E I ! >■•««! H er T H E Nwu Who formerly resided In Connecticut, wit write»* “ For Roseburg, Sept. 10— Mrs. Helens : who now resides lu Honolulu, 20 years pa«t. my wlfo I Beckman, about 43 years old, su t and l have used Ayer*» | her son Robert Ring, aged about Hair vigor, and we attribute to It tho dark 121 years, were murdered by W. F. hair which she and I ! Beckman, bnsband and step now have, while hun­ ! father, at their farm, 10 miles east dreds of our acquaint­ | of R..seburg, at 6:30 a. m. today. ances. ten or a dozen years younger than wa, There were eye-witnesses to the are either gray-beaded^ killing o f young Beckman. Mis white, or bald. When Beckman had risen and was pre­ asked now our hair ha* paring breakfast. She Imd aroused retained its color and fullness, we reply, * By T b .s e Ulan her 13-year-old daughter, who. the use of Ayer’* Hair j with another little girl, one of the Vigor-nothing also.’ * McGees, was ou the hillside, p l a y - “ In 1868, my affianced { ing. The children heard the shots was nearly bald, and ] tired and ran toward tli house, the half kept fall­ ; Robert, who was out in the yard, ing on t npar the house, after an ax aud I e v e r y I l o » » * I m i «•£. 0 For M, and Homo ¡tud Native Lund. COQUILLE C ITY I M M t .I .l N A B SO L U T E L Y PURE ! V O IU s D *JlhRJWK AND ENCYGLOP/EDIA FO R 1894. T he B est R eferen ce B ook Printed. Everything up to D ate and C om plete. I OVER 1300 TRum. M il TbiUtfM 4'«im e lo L O C A L IT E M S . The recent prees dispatches with H u ll.* * reference to Harriman bare awak­ The showery weather guarantees E d . H e b a l d : Populists should ENDORSED BY STATESMEN, EDUCATORS. AND ened a new interest in behalf of fall and winter pasturage. keep the above text in mind and STUDENTS EVERYWHERE. the “ Magic City.” No town in the be patient under the delirious “ Chicken feed” taken on sub­ etabs inflicted by the effete com- south k .s such interesting environ­ scriptions at this office. biuatious o f law and physic Has Reached Such a State of Perfec­ ments. It has 4000 people, ten Simmons Liver Regulator cures i as illustrated in this county. ! wedge, to go in the woods to cui tion That It Is a Veritable Encyclo­ I day. I churches and no saloon. The rank impertiuance of the i rails, put bis coat and sx near the I Induced general debility and will give you a paedia of Facts and Events, Harriman possesses a most new lease on life. her to use plutocratic duo is obvious; but j fence. It is suposed be hesrd the Brought Down to January Ayer's Hair Vigor, and very soon, it not remarkable citizenship; almost their offensive expletives are e o - ! shot in the house aud was going First, 1894. only checked any further loss of hair, bat The game aw allows brook trout tirely wasted on the high-toned j there. When within 10 feet of every state in the union beiug rep­ produced an entirely new growth, which has to be caught for the market from majority o f the citizens in Coos! the house, he was shot in tliej remained luxuriant aud glossy to this day. resented in its corporation. The Sept. 1st to Oct. 31st county, the Populist hituucr county j breast, falling upon bis face. The j I can recommend this preparation to all in HE Edition of 1894 ha» been prepared people are social, cultured, hospita­ To aid Digestion take one StnallBlic Oeao seed of n genuine hair-restorer. It Is all of the state of Oregon. True, we girls, efter seeing Robert fa that it is claimed to be.“ —Antonio Alarrun, ble and a unit for the advancement •Iter eating. 25c. per buttle. have to stoop when peering over, to the neighbors, about half « Bastrop, Tex. • have a novel and attractive cover, wide mar­ The miners at Libby bave been the brink to gnze into the “ ¡Slough mile distant, and told them what o f all the interests of the city. gins, new and improved binding; is printed working steadily the last three of Despond” where the duo reeliue had happened. The neighbors has- The American temperance uni­ on good paper, and contains more and better It keeps them hustling since that decisive encounter wl e ii: tened to the house and found versity occupies a central place in weeks. the Pops of Coos county knocked Robert dead where he had fallen information than any b o o k o f a similar nature published. It is to get coal enough for both steam­ the hearts of the people. Its suc­ out, at one fell lick, both the Denis j iu the yard. On euteriug the cess has already surpassed the ex­ ers. and Reps. We may entertain a bouse, they found Mrs. Beckman Prevent and cure Constipation and Sick- pectations of its most sanguine Headache. Small Bile benna. trifling degree o f pity for the j cn the sitting room floor dead, Imv- Beck The schooner Gen. Bigi in loaded domestic euomy wlieu placed hois j ing been shot in the back. friends. The last year-book shows a roll o f 270 students and ten grad­ with lumber at Empire City last de combat; but we cannot afford man, after the shooting, went to s P R I C E , postpaid by mail, CEN TS. to waste one particle o f sympathy j neighbor’s, nearby, and told the uates; also ten well organized de­ week A u d sailed for Ban Francisco for a pair of irresponsible ctanksi roan what he had done, and said he .Id.trrHx T l i i : tt'O H L D , JTtV) Y o r k City. partments—embracing the class­ nuder Capt. Nylund, late of this who tbiuk that they are big enough, was going to kill himself. O f late ical, philosophical, scientific, aca­ city. able or clean enough to throw they have had several quarrels, i*v 11U IA1.D , tilo »V u n d . 4.1 al.tutto n e e Lo a a v a lic o 8U Guaranteed to euro bilious Attacks and A co.JV anarchism at an overwhelming and ahe was suing for divorce. A demic, normal, commercial, mili­ Cousiipuuon, Small line beaus. majority of the citizens o f Coos messenger was seut to Roseburg, a t i o n a l tary, art and law. It advertises to Judge Fullertou, District Attor­ county. Anything that they can an 1 Deputy Sheriff Bhainbrook im­ ’Ereutlas k«*t7iylug plllscuroconatlpatiou Proullna Itoetityiug pillseureoonatipatlon open the scholastic year on the ney Brown and Sheriff Cathcart say to offend the white laborer mediately went to the scene. Prentiss Rectifying pills euro constipation Prentiss Rectifying pills euro constipation 4th of September with the import­ o f Douglas county passed through seems to endow them with a sense Beckman was brought to town by cr il WASHINGTON. D. C. ant addition o f a girls’ iiidaetiial this place for Curry county last o f supreme gratification. Their Sliamhrojk and young Tipton T h e N a t io n a l T r ih u n k I s now entering upon tta about 3 p. m. and lodged in jail t7th year o f phenom enal success. home, folly eqnipped, where young Thursday to attend district court. sympathies are only aroused when N o othor fa u lty w eekly In the country has had such * they arrive at the uiggah question. alongside of Murderer Blown. A a grow 3 a 5 tc th, and maintained it so steadily. Cure for Colds, Fevers and General Do-» ladies wi'l be instructed in the art goo» Into every County In the United .wtate*. and biJity. Small bile Bcuns. 20c. per bottle. “ A fellow feeliDg makes us won­ 38-caliber Smith & Wesson pistol has it club« a n o f subscribers at nearly every Postotflce. o f home-making, in connection has rained this pro ¡d position solely on its merits H’S. “ Veratries,” the Sun’s corres­ drous kiud.” The irascibility of was found rn Beckman when he as It a hlvhly Interesting fam ily newspaper. 5» « with their literary studies. The pondent at Myrtle Point, says: i the duo lifts been stirred up to an was arrested. The coroner held an a a c o per tlpe Year 1894 sewing room, the dining room and “ The manager of the Roseburg insaue pitch in witnessing the vie- inquest on the remains of the vic­ 31 It will be made mu-'h better and m ore attractive thft* the kitchen will be under the care baseball tenm is sending iu flour to toiiesof the Coos county Populists. tims, and returned a verdict chnrg • \or. W hile retaining nil o f ts present popular feat ires, It will c o stantiy add new ones. and supervision of a competent settle expense biMs o f the late Those victories have acted as a iug Beckman with murder. daneper—a “ deadcold frost” to the Almost all pills and roodlclne produce const! pat Ion. hero Is a pill tuat euros torpid I Marshfield bun.) matron who will direct every de­ tour o f conquest.” liver, biliousness, rheumatism. Indigestion, sick headache and kidney uud liver prospective reception o f the ouly John Nasbiirg has closed his troubles without griping or loavlug any trace o f C O N S T I P A T I O N , which partment o f this co-operative home­ Btnger. A jews harp and tin-pan Put up In neat, watch-shaped bottles, sugar If n r H istn v ti. l>y m en w ho actually served and Is tho prime cause o f all slcknoss. bowaro o f It getting habitual and chronic with you, In the struegie. orchestra would now be an appro­ saloon in this place amt will attend ’’ought like education, of hand as well as coaft'd. Small bile Uettus. 26c. per bottle. sco to It In tlm o; those pills will euro you. S h o r t s t o r i e s o f Rom ance, Travel, E xperience Attorm y John F. Hall o f Marsh­ priate accomp. uimsnt to the Re­ hereafter to his business in Co- inrt adventure, by leading writer*. bead. In this way the entire ex­ } A 1 * * % i S” " U bo P R E N T I S S R E C T I F Y I N G PILL. K ftltoriu tm upholding the cause o f the veterans, quille City. field passed down the coast through publican minority iu the state of and m aintaining the highest loyalty to the Govern» d m ak M /l because It Is tho only safe and harmless pense is reduced to $6 per ment. and the prom otion o f the best Interests o f the C. O. Gilkey of Prosper expects M M V k H & saB Nfeni?remedy that will surely D E A U T IF Y tho Oregon. This combination, re- this place last Friday to attend w hole people. month. This industrial plant is t t ’noh I n ffton IVetrm. Full accounts o f what Is court at Gold Beach, Curry county. feried «o above, is neglecting its to move to Oklahoma in the near I faking place ai the seat o f G overn m en t; cnrefhl r a o r till Important m atters In Congress ami tha under the auspices of the ladies of legitimate sphere of action to the future. E >rts xecutive D epartm ents: gossip about public men. Circuit court opened there yester­ H o u s e h o l d D e p a r t m e n t . Edited by u lady ol detriment of its clientele, aud Harriman. Girls from the rural A shipment of salmon came over j National reputation. clear the skin and remove all blotches from tho face. Try a box and soo for your­ day, Judge Fullerton presiding. flounders around in a dizzy laby­ from the Coquille yesterday for O . A . It.. IF. It. € . , a n d S. o f V. Netcm, m ors diBtiicts will find an opportunity self. 25 Cents a box. SOLD ONLY IN SFALED PACKAGES. full nd com plete then ptn.llshed By any other paper, They increase appetito, purify the whole rinth o f political projections. Un­ j | S O L D B Y ALL D R U G G IS T S , A f f f l r u l t 11 m l D e p o r t m e n t , carefully edited the cannery. il system uud act ou theliver. bile UbnusSmaiL to secure a brond and liberal edu­ by practical men. j , Or sent by mail upon receipt of price by wittingly, they have aspired and l .Y n r « . earefhlly com piled. The two principal black-sand j T ( J h e e n e N r a ational The OregoniaD o f the llth inst. asceuded to the pinnacle of absurd­ cation at a nominal cost. T r ib u n e I h strictly non-partlzaa. P r e n tis s C h e m ica l a n d M a n u fa c t u r in g C o., mines at Randolph have bpen j and thoroughly American. It believe« In the greatest J 406 CALIFORNIA STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. rood to the greatest number of our people, and ins No school in the south has a announced that J. 11. Gillstrap ity; their schemes are the property bonded by eastern capitalists. $500 highest development of our lusiiiutious—iu Nation**! j , Prentiss Rectifying pills cure constipation Prentiss KoctlCj iug piils euro constipation brighter future. Chancellor J. F. would leave that morning on the of the multitude, and their assin- being the amouut paid down on i unity an»* exalted loyalty. , I Prontlna Itoc-tlfylug pills cure constipation Prentiss rep»1' ” 1" -: ptM«ot»»*econstipation Spence is one o f the best known steamer Augusta for Astoria, where inity diaphanous. Let them abjurp irc I). It is the opinion o f Aduu ; F o r sale b y U S K n o w lto u . DruR’gqHt. " B y e . $ 1 a Y e a r and depart fiom the path of the Pershbaker that the sale will b e : educators in the state. He has he would take a crew for Coqnille viper; then, they may observe the surely consummated. p a y a b l e , to M 'f a n c f r gathered around him a corps of to operate his cannery ou this inutility of expending a stream of --------------------------- rt p :»* ; to g ive m or•• and better matter for the stir» , . n i no other pnner. II »•'**» n o • y o d l e a M Othello’s occupation may still Already a wide and special interest appear«.»« until (he last few years was supposed to be week aroiisu Torpid Livers. 26c. Dor botilo. « » a l t e r . Addretw - 1 incu rable. F or a threat m any years doctors o r b o i l « TH remain intact. has been created in this university, E NATIONAL TRIBUNE, pronou nced it a local disease, and pre- : Adam Pcrshbaker, the lower- Being a Fopulisf, I have an in­ scribed loca l rem dies, and b y con stantly | t7a» NEW YORK AYE., WASHINGTON, 0. 0. which has sprung bo suddenly into river rustler, had been at the bay clination to gratify such peregrin­ fa ilin g to cure with local treatm ent, pro- | existence, and which dares with and passed down home through ating frauds as old Estee, of Cali­ nounced it incurable. Science has proven j The National Tribune and the catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and H e r a l d b o t h o n e y e a r f o r o u l y such boldness to proclaim the tem­ this placs last Wednesday. Mr. P. fornia, and sign myself an therefore requires con stitu tional treatm ent. $2.5U. H a ll's Catarrh Cure, m anufactured by F. J. \ A n a r c h is t - perance cause, and the prohibition informed us that the schooner Long Cheney A C o., T oled o. O hio, is the only con-1 of the liquor habit as a cardinal had returned and reached the ciiy Dr. Price’ s Cream Baking Powder stitntional cure on the m arket. It is taken i E q u a l w it h t h e in te r e s t o f th o s e h a v in g c la im s against the government fs in tern a lly in doses o f 10 d rop s to a tea- principle of its great work. spoon ful. It acts directly on th e blood and th a t o f I N V E N T O R S , w h o o ft e n lo s e t h e b e n e fit o f v a lu a b le in v e n t io n s became from Alaska, and that the Prosper W orld's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma. m ucous surfaces o f the system . They offer ; o f t h e in c o m p e t e n c y o r in a tte n tio n o f t h e a tto rn e y s e m p lo y e d t o obtain t h e ir Inter-denominational, all the arrived there on Suuday, 9th iiist., one hundred dollars fo r any case it tails to j A Ili« Jliiiiuic D e n l. p a te n ts . T o o m u c h ca r e c a n n o t b e e x e r c is e d in e m p lo y i n g c o m p e t e n t a n d reli­ cure. Send fo r circulars and testim onials, i churches are represented in the with about 2000 cnees of sulrnon a b le s o lic it o r s t o p r o c u r e p a te n ts , fo r t h e v a lu e o f a p a te n t d e p e n d s greatly, if not M A R K E T Add is, F. J. C H EN E Y 1 C o., T oled o, the sale of It is reported ¿hat e n t ir e ly , u p o n th e ca re a n d s k ill o f th e a tt o r n e y . faculty or on the board o f trustees. from the Alaska fisheries. by druggists. 7.r»c. AND several o f the old black-sand claims, W it h t h e v ie w o f p r o t e c t in g in v e n to rs fro m w o r th le s s or careless attorneys, Non-political, giving alike one free a n d o f s e e in g th a t in v e n t io n s a re w e ll p r o t e c t e d b y v a lid p a te n ts , w e have re­ noticed a few weeks ago, has been I . ! A. M. Bailey, a w ell kn ow n citizen ta in e d c o u n s e l e x p e r t in p a te n t p r a c t ic e , a n d t h e r e fo r e a re p r e p a r e d t o effected. Capt. Tennisson was I Coos Bay h ew s: Look out for scholarship to each of the G. A. it. o f E u gene, O regon , says his wifo Obtain Patents in th e United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In­ posts, mid Camps o f Confederate has fo r years been tro u b le d with over from the Coquille yesterday 'raveling stents, whether repre-j (L oren z B uildin g) and received pait payment npon j seuting accident msnrsance ageu-l terferences, Make Speciai Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Veterans of Tennessee. Parents ch ron ic diarrhoea and used many which was sold for mes, or otherwise. A number of Register Trade-M arks and C opyrights, Render Opinions as t o his property, willed was C O Q U IL L E CITY. can safely trust their children in a rem edies w ith little relief u ntil she $8000. S cop e and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and The sale includes the responsible men here claim they I tried Cham berlain’s C olic, C h olera Defend Infringem ent Suits, E tc., E tc. town whdre the saloon and its ac­ Engle mine, the Lane miue and have been badly bilked, and they and Diarrhoea R em edy, w hich lias I f y o u h a v e an in v e n t io n o n h a n d s e n d a s k e tc h o r p h o t o g r a p h thereof, t o ­ companying vices are forever pro­ others, and the total consi ieratior wish to warn others throughout cu red h er sou n d and w ell. G ive it g e t h e r w it h a b r i e f d e s c r ip t io n o f t h e im p o r ta n t fe a tu re s , a n d y o u w i l l be at once is $70.000. Beveral members f this section. hibited. a trial and y ou will b e surprised at IL L keen con stantly on hand a con.- a d v is e d a s t o t lic b e s t c o u r s e t o p u r s u e . M o d e ls a re s e ld o m necessary. I f ----------- » ------------------ the purchasing company left St “ Laura writes from home that plete line o f o t h e r s a re in f r in g in g o n y o u r r ig h t s , o r i f y o u a re c h a r g e d w it h infringement by the p rom p t relief it affords. 25 and Paul, Miun., this week and are she has hong .t a wheel,” said Mrs. F R E S H AND S A L T E D M E \ T 8. Fires decreased in Maine one- o t h e r s , s u b m it t h e m a tte r t o u s f o r a r e lia b le O P I N I O N before acting on the 50 cen t bottloB fo r sale by S. L. m a tte r. coming on to make arrangements Figg to the aunt with whom she half during the first fifteen years Leneve, d ru ggist. Bologna, Head Cheese, for active work. A mill and other is spending the stunner. “ I’m T H E P R E S S C L A IM S C O M P A N Y , V E G E T A B L E S . CANNED G O O D S aster the passage o f the p r o h ib ­ Ralph Knight, a tough at Myr­ improvements costing in the nggre- ti,e ohl fashion is coming 6 1 8 F STREET, N O R T H W E S T , WASHINGTON, O.O. itory law. Coffee, Sugars Teas. tle Point, who recently viciously gate about $ 100,000 will be erected ¡„ ne« jD said the- old lady. “I p. o. b o x *63. JOHN WEDDERBURN, M a n a g in g Attorney. Tobacco«. Cipnrs. etc. • Some one puts a good deal into assaulted two citizens of that 'dace on the p rem ises near th e river, and a||ow J’ || |lllVe to c o m e u p and (each Price* arc hh low ns (he lowest. ,.^ 5 49* Cut th is ou t and se n d It with you r inquiry. -Mr a few words when he says that and committed au act o f mayhem on w ork w ill be p rosecu ted at o n c e ! |le r jlo w to sp in .” Orders from rc } t iut pr‘ tn;»tly filled. and e m p lo y m e n t w ill b e g iv e n t o ; _ ----- --------------------- “ the labor question can never be Matt Nystrom, by biting off a fin­ a large n u m b er o f p eop le. | Send tw o 2 -cen t p osta ge stam ps ¡5 Ct w settled as long as saloons nreopen.” ger, bas eluded arrest aud skipped It is said ca re fu l tests o f th e to “ T h e H oad P u b lish in g C om pa n y,” Indians of eastern Washington the country. It is said be was sand have been m ade from tim e to D enver, C olora d o, and g e t a sam ple CURE i m ost I are said to have taken steps to aided aud abetted by friends, who tim e for m ore than a year past and c o p y o f that grea t ca rto o u P op u list sibil I I ca refu l investigation es tornir re«i>onsibil that the p rin cip a l o b je c t o f th e i w eekly, “ T he R o a d ,” also a c o p y o f 5 ity aud tho m erits o f our Tablets. prevent the sale of liquor among will now have to appear before the work is n ot to g et the g o ld but their fam ous E n glish O cto p u s (devil them by unprincipled white men. graud-jnry to auswer for their other metals iu the sand, al- fish) map, free. This m v p and “ Tt. HEAP OUR , TESTIMONIALS j ___________________________________ though the gold will be taken H oad” with the H kiialu fo r o n e year The Massachusetts legislature work. erfectly h »rm - W ill com p letely d estroy tho d esire fo r TOJIACC-O in from S days. P Perfcctl le knowl* in.— Coast Mail. for o n ly $ 2 .1 0 . less; cause n o fickness, aiid m ay be pivrn i t a cap o ft e n o r c«»ff«^e w ithout tne * enacted «"cid e r law,'at its last ses­ edge o f th e patient, w h o w ill voluntarily stop stu akin gor ch ew ing iu a few days. da Our veteran liayseed friend, J. •f sion, prohibiting the sals in no­ B. Fox, is hard to beat in any line There wrre 330 couvicts in the Illnast Mail.I license places o f any cider or \ of usefulness, not excepting bridge. th e patient, b y the use o f our SPECIAL FORMULA GOLD CURE TABLETS. James leiird, jr., has constructed penitentiary nt Salem on Sept. 1st During trestm ent patients sre allow ed the free use c f L iquor o r M or­ native wine uuless the strength o f | building. He brings more speci- a hop house on his placo at Brews­ One year ago the uuinher was 345. phine until such tim e as th ey shall voluntarily g iv e them up. We send particulars and pam phlet o f testim onials fre e , ana snail tbo same is less than three per : mens o f fine fruits and vegeta, Ics. ter valley and contemplates going he glud to place sufferers from any o f these habits in com m nm ea* ^ into the hop business on quite an tiou with persons who have been cured I y the use o f our T a b l e t s . fro m p e r s o n s cent of alcohol. ] and rare and curious growths of extensive scale. H IL L ’ S T A B L E T S flrc fo r a*10 b y a l* f ik st - class w h o h ave been druKKlHtAat $ | .O O pei package In Commissioner Carroll D. j same, than any other farmer in Frvour d r u g g ie Joeam.t keep them , enclose us % | .OO Considerable interest was ex­ >Ve take tM* op p ortunity o f inform ing cu re d b y th e u se o f and we w ill send you, by return mail, a package o f c W right’s last report on city slums. [ this valley, nml places them on cited yesterday over a fish which onr snlmcrilifTH that the new Com m issioner Tablets W rite y o u r nam e a>* ! nddress plainly, and state Pensions has be^n appoin ted. He it* an New York had a saloon to every exhibition where they will speak has appeared iu the bay and experts of w hether Tablets are fo r T obacco, Morphine old soldier, and we believe that soldiers and H&LiL. 200 persons, Philadelphia one to . tin praises o f our soil and climate. are unable to name the uew arrival. their heirs will receive ju stice at I ds nauda. B L iquor DO NOT BE DECEIVED Into purchasing T n * Omo rnxMicAt O o.: VVe do not anticipate that there w ill be any It is about the average size o f the every 870 persons, Chicago one to any of the various uostrun * t '1 t r i e heir OSAR S i r :—I have been nslnq you r | A branch six feet long filled with clianne* in tfie adm inistration o f offered f o r sale A -k fo r H I L L ’ S herring, but in shape and color radical cut »' fo r tobacco habit, aud found It would every 2 12 . pension affairs nnder the new regime. T A B L E T 8 and take no other * w hat you claim fo r it. I used ten cents ¡cherries, almost like a cluster of resembles the mackeial. A tchool We would advise, however, that U. 8. „ e r t h c f t h e strongest ch ew ing tobacco a day, M anufactured only b y The World’s W. C. T. U conven­ sailors, and their heirs, lake steps and from one to five cig a rs; o r I would smoke grapes, was exhibited at this office appeared off the Glasgow wharf soldiers, to make application at on ce, if they have from ten to fo rty pipes o f tobscco. Have chewed — T H E — tion will be held in London (E n g ­ and smoked fo r twenty five years, and tw o packages about two mouths ago. Later Mr. yesterday and many o f them were not already done s . in ord er to secure the o f your Tablets cured m e so I have n o desire fo r it. l>eneiit o f the earlv filing o f their claim s land) iu 1895 iu connection with Vi ju u i A» B. M. JAYLOKD, Leslie, Mlcb. : Fox brought in some “ foxtail" or taken with a hook baited with in case there should be »my future pension D obbs F eurt , N. Y. salmon eggs. Some were brought legislation. Such legislation is seldom the annual council meetiug of the SI. S3 S S3 „!>er* Block, seven-headed wheat, which was T h * Onto CnrwiCAL G o .G « N T t .« * r N S o m e time ago I sent T h erefore it is o f i reat im ­ to towu and Bro declared by those retroactive British Womau’s Temperance f o r t ? o o w o r t" o f V o u r Tablets fo r T ob a cco H bit. I m e M portance that applications be filed in the them »11 right »n J . Ulthough l w »» b<.i l i » beR vysm okerund ebew er. LIM A. OHIO. Association, probably iu the month foi warded to G. W. Williams & who tested them to l>e excellent departm ent at the earliest possible date. they d id kuo « - V ^ y o i i i . * m T u i ^ J o h V ^ P . O. H ox « . o f June. Arrangements are al­ Co’s exhibition at Ban Francisco, eating, much resembling the rnnok- If U. S. soldiers sailors o r their widows, PABTICCLAB3 P ittsb u r gh , P a . ready being made to ensure a large ill tl.e Mills building. Last Thurs­ eral iu flavor. Parties went down children or parents, cesire in lorm ation in _ ____ r _ gives m e pleasure to speak a regard to pension matters, they should FREE and representative attendrnce. t o d a y t o tr y t h e ir fis h . you r Tablets. My son was strongly addicted t o the use o f write to T h i P ress C laim s C ompany , at day he brought us a branch from ord o f . P r ^ J i o friend I was led to try your Tablets. He w asa heavyand —— - - »• ---- W ashington. D . C.. and they will prepare I n Z r j J l Z r V . « r Tablets but three days he quit tdrl drfnVln* Madame Tel Bono, who visited a pear tree which held, clustered lull ” u» il k uruiari, • * , . V :.u 7 t > ’ u \ M r e w m i u g Exchange: Horticulture hath and send th« necessary ap plication, if tb-v and will not touch liqu or o f any kind them entitled under the num erous laws To u rs tm l; England Inst year for the puipoee within a spues of 8 J inches, 2 1 fine her profits no less immense that find y vu, lu o ruer u» kuvw tuo cu r« w m permanent. ÎT r L\'HKLES MORRISO». enacted f«>r their benefit. Address. PKKSS C L A IM S C O M P A N Y . C in c in n a t i , O h io . o f nronsing interest In her scheme pears, the bunch weighing within j gol ! mining. The California fruit­ ^ Vft«* Tahlets have perform ed a curt>d m iracle in tb m * y oase. John W edderburn, M anaging Attorney. T h * OHIO C h * mtcal C o :-G * irrL * if* N - T o u r Tao^iew ni» ° of to build n school in Jnpau ou the a small fraction o f 5 pounds, and grower this 8 caeou lms been taking P .O . B«»x;tt3J W ashington D C. 1 h ave used m orphine, hy p od em n ca ily , ioJ «a r t. W. L . LÙTEUAY, ; riches from the upper ledges of tw V packages o l your Tabietsrnnd w ithout any effort ou m y part. w . a *, w lines o f the establishment Pundits each pear measuring from 2 inches A d d r e s s »11 O r d e r » t o !the soil which his deep-delvii g llnmnbi has so successfully coni to 2 j in length, and 1 | to 2 ^ in ! brother can hardly match for sur- SI3LF. î RESPOMItlE pleted iu India, writes to au Eng­ Sr RTS WARTtDj 6 1 , 5 3 a n d O o O p e r a B lo c k . LIM A : O H IO . lish frieud to say the school in diameter, aud Dot yet full grown. ! plus. n»enU th!g nap»^T.)__________ Jnpsn will be completed in a few H elm « more equally astonishing 1 Qneen Victoria pays oTer $4000 ■ I months. growths on other trees. 1 a year iu doctoi's fees. | AYER’S HAIR VIGOR AMERICA’S STANDARD YEAR BOOK.#! 25 N ■ **. * ° 2° “T k s E i J f f e , I PRENTISS RECTIFYING PILL a “ D II us C O M P L E X IO N FOR INVENTIONS. PIONEER Family Grocery, w H I L U S 1 _ _ _ II Double Chloride of Gold Tablets I R E M E M B E R " W Ä DRUNKENNESS and MORFHINE EAEIT % A FEW Testimonials G. A. R. NOTICE. * Hill s Tablets. OHIO CHEMICAL CO, T H E O H I O C H E M I C A L C O ., m in i T5 'S n r i a / n