Coquille City herald. (Coquille City, Or.) 188?-1904, January 28, 1890, Image 1

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    C O Q U ILLE C ITY, OREGON, TU E SD AY, JA N U A R Y , 28, 1890.
VOL. 8.
S u l irr .
for it, you aro nono the better oft.
Hu H e r a l d : A s you promised It is useless in your hands, for it is j C. E. Edwards is agent for the
Coquille river for the W hitley
13., the Pal)0,s carefully to see w h at, able them to keep in good shape a ll' to give a synopsis o f the book mine. Thus you see by one foil
j whs said o f the much-talked o f short neighborhood loads, and re- “ Looking Backwaid’ in your next j stroke, by destioying money, y. >U , steel and bell joint mowers and
, ,
. ,
| i
I .
T ~
„ im
„ 1 1 i
plank road between M y t le 1 omt niit most or all tho county tax. The j issue, I will not write upon that have destroyed gambling,
theft, v>uampion seir-omueis, suii.y
u i s i.u :s s c u ti»«.
riu tik
tp ii».
that the two comities would have a j
lid. H e r a l d :— 1 have watched revenue coming in that would en- i
Ph «irían ant ^urnenn
Physician and Surgeon.
2 Æ 3 r r tls B e i r u t ,
and Empire City.
re- ! subject, but desire to say a few
f w oid-* on a princi pah or two which
lust w e e k 's H e r a l d is a w a y off. fe t v n *e tt» th e u u «‘q u u l
pparent are laid dotvu by Edward Bellamy,
There is not the demand for the muscle vs steam must be apparent
road for the purpose o f carrying to all. The whole bnsinee* issizqd and which are some o f the funda-
U2f”Call* promptly ittfDdi'd tiny or night.
dr .
NO. 26.
J. J. «isxK.Viiovn
“ Progress” in
truth and force of the
u K»tw>hurg, Oregon. I»«-o. A. 1889. Notic«
• is hereby given that iu compliance with the
provisi» ns of the act of Co» gr--s* of .TnneS,
187H, entit led "Mi act for 1 he R ile of timber
I hui I s in the States i»f Cajiiur:>i.t. Oregon,
robbery and in a great measure I ^ay r a ^ e s *
-^ so
" j
cm; -!i 7 i»f i)mig *
murder; nay m o re you have des- ! steel-skein wagon which
is w a i - la», Rtntp < f o r c ^ m . ba- .this *i*y litedintbis
iroyed greed, appressiou, slavery, ranted m every respeet.
A l l per- th«. pi.rt*h.;< • of the* Nr i; o f ««etion No. 8,
persecution, inhumanity and what j B,>ns w'anting wagons and machines at,;j v . iii
j,Vr^,f toRhowlithat°thc iiind
D oU g-
f l n i . lio g K .
j bwcuuuty,.Oregon. Any cud all person«
but wh it i*» the mutter with raiding bor and had nothing to do with the memhered in the twentieth verse this cruel order of thing
*. •
. vf . ,
i . i
. . i
. .
. i . . '
, •
i u
ï claiming adterscly th< alx>ve described
e u o D g h c a t t le to c o n s u m e It in [ir**- l ). A ( . m ilro ;«.l, . v i ; p e o p le to-, t ty .c e n t u r y u i;-iv u ,; . i ; m o n e y u s e d tlia t w e w o u ld s o o n b e a b le to s a y
w a u l M g * t h o r o u g h o r e a lauds nr*-r« qu< sted to lile their claims in
this otliiui oil or bt fora „.-ud ti*»tli day of
ferenco? L et us tigure a litlle. | would be fairly wallowing in w«u.l L. at all, but all business was carried “ Man's humanity to man makes j Berkshire pigs, can now get them ¿lurch,
C has . \V. J ohnson .
Say a nnn could had two tons of and tin* counties would be out o f on by the government credit system, countless thousands rejoice.” L et
0l me-
.V I
are Horn a regis-,
K fc n ttf.
hay over on a plank road, and give
debt, with full treasuries. It i But, say the objector, v.e could n o t, us then one and all wheel into line |
^ .H,m ,u, <' ■' ", “ 1 lir‘ V r- ■
. line pigs. L also have some tlior-1
him the bo8t tiguers ha would only no* too late for Coos and Douglas, get along without money. \Y In and work for the consummation of
Physician and
Orridi: East Entrauco Oliva Hotel.
Coquille City,
J- C- S T O C K M A N * M
u w
General Practitioner.
get ??o‘J for it. It will take him
ami we trust that the manager* of
C o q u il l e C it y , O r e g o n .
two days to make the tri >. and his
county affairs will come to tin*
time, that of his team, w ith expense ¡ rescue with the hues« and most an
•Surgeon Dentist,
o f feed, board, wear au l tear of
proved methods that the counties
• oilier
wagon, harness, eie., would certain- the people —may be able to h o ld
M A R S H F IE L D , O R E G O N .
ly be worth £1(). Say his hny cost their own against ail comers.
him !?•”) per ton when baled, he j
A F arm er .
S d E cA C X U a A , E r e flu *
would have but ¿1 0 left for his two
A rag-' Jan. ‘21.
INSTANTANEOUS PHOTOGRAPHERS tons. V e complain now if we have
-• — ITT
of the H e r ­
to sell our h ty right from the ti »M
•'** ’ he river at ¿8, or ¿10 if we ald would like to know in what
st-md, respect Chamberlain's Cough R.»m-
rest for edy is better than anv other. " W e
7 111. will tell von. When this Remedy
Ll>. 1
, f ... j ...
.. . ,
*'' as soon ...-* i
, and be-
it*,l 111 tile
Attorney and Ccutinnv. ..
i *1
is- i
Cl m e ent-ci
ina!.esiliti io.'
j t
A I O . ¿ fe » C - 1 Í A T ,
W i.o ever knew iu the e l itt r days
Attorney Cour sitar at Law.
of steam eiigim-.s a l ieii* man or
M a r s iif ie l d ,
O regon .
c*>:op;:»v *.vh »lia i an\ c<)nsi«lerab!»*
am- »tint o f hnutin a to be 1 >o0 that
Shedden F- Wilson
us«*«1 waigons ant! tea:'. s. Tli **y nr-*
Attorn-: y i * Law
not us**«1 at coil minf*.« w h e re thr*
TY, O r e <
i:g Store.
dist,,«!l(‘:!* of ha'ilin»g is but »: :ui!e
Ti«e obj *t i, «11 t<) l”til1 roads
)O D .
i.-A b •C.IU- ' o f t !» *i l* Ivi- • on u •d by
foreign c rp -rati-, s, ano i» »•
Oregon. mncli on ncc.-an! of ex-»:bit
« i.
cii .rg<*s as In e ;u
1 .
- tv .
t*i IU
m* «>U
C ou*
s'**, s a r :i,
i « r > *
f* ‘T rogre:
*: t - u. : . PHflüi:; hi Law.
Lain t.> 1 > beili fro.ii I » «<
i t *
. i Speciality.
i n, t .. -u *.v * na 1
i bet
«. ( >o l i,
« »lei.
r i h t tl:* plank read id
• *’ u: f.
Oregon. would rot be u-e 1 i; w lì id n i aü-
M V n ran
, O
¡ oughlirod Yorkshire pigs for sale.
I ’ nitkd S tatus L - sj > OrncK
n <t? It lias been demon itrated ilia* this giand object and end.
J fîa ve also tlie celebrated Japanese
Ronebura, Oo-goii. i).*o. 2, 18SU.
huek-..'heat to sell -the boss bnck-
nations can get along and transact
W . H. N o s l e r .
Notion is hereby piven that in ooinpliuno«
I wheat f< r cakes and bees.
all their business without money,
Coquille City, Jan. ‘Jilial 1SU0.
. .
. .
with the proviHirm.-* *.f tb-j net uf Couiirwi* of
] m c k w h e a t I : s o m e t h in g
n e w f o r i j un*8 . WW.entitWHl -A n net forth« «ale of
According to
Robin's ancient
C o n s c o im ty .
r o r i u i t b o r p rirtic* j timl>er lands in th«* stiffs of California, Or-
hist ry the little state o f Venice
| u la i s i n q u i r e o f
aou. Nev.idn, ¡oíd Wn^hinat >n territory,*'
1 John L;i lHanc of Sim Vrancisoo. county of
existed at *1 prospeiod for five lain-j
W hile at Coquille City a counle
G eo . \V. W imf . r ,
j Sail Francis'*«», state <>f Caluornia. has this
n lB t f
A r a g « » , O r e g o n . «lay lib-d in this oilicc his sworn statement
dn-d years without a cent o f mom*y, o f weeks ago wo were asked to as­
------------- ! N o . — for iiurohnsi- of the S\V
hy simply using gov* rnmeut ere 1- certain what the people of the up-
I section No. at. in township Nhi. 28 south,
ran.vp No. H Vest, and will off r prisif to
• ts. 1 am f:ee to admit that under per river thought of the project of
a « ¡ A t is nu re valoabla
G allery s ix doors east of I. O . for its tiud»er or stone than for agricultural
our present complex, comparative the county building a plank road
purposes, and to est:.bli :li his claim to said probably could not be from Em pire City to M yrtle Point, j O. X*. 1 1 . 1 . 1 . o a m p l e s a n .I p i ic e » land la-fore the lb-ejst< r i;iid Receiver of
this offici- ->t’:' Orr£oi:. on Wt-daes-
<b»no, but if all industries were Since that time we have conversed i in gallery.
dnv tin- tilth dav of IVliruory. 1 '•;* ).
('. W il k in s , P hoto.
it*- names as witn -s s:
i. -da.-y Tomp­
ii!itionali;:ed (as ik lla m y saw it), with ami interviewed many lead-I __
kins.of Last Portland. Muh:, n ah county,
F o r Mai«*.
• *r< o «a. Aaron L. Ku-rscv. of MountTalior,
then the government b* ing sole ing citizens of Ara go, Norway and*
. -t .
i - i - - i
i *
, i •
i i „
i ... i *! i I A farm and dairy ranch for sale at a lmr- Multnomah cor.i*.t,v. O rison, John K. I)e-
distributer »utl individuals dealing this place, anu have iound that |
j „
yain. adjoining the fair grounds at Ar.u>o ..........
Wolf, of K»>s*-huro, llonolascomity. Orí-yon
140 acres.
FfcomasO. Wilsic. of Camas Valley, Doug­
(not with one nnoihor but) with \ with one or two exceptions every i f;M. os(Mi:ntv,
. . . ( Irejjon,
. . oontaininc
, ,, ...u
Photographs !
f||p g o v e r n m e n t , th e lie c c e s s it y f o r
, .
a n y m e d iu m
o f t x e n a n g e w o u ld
o f th e e n t e r p r is e ,
, . , .
t llin k iu g m en a re
» n e is ill f a v o r
i « p a y e r s and
lessen it’s vanish. The principle, as laid discussing the matter and they ad-
severity, n o. .
illy cure the down in “ lo o k in g Backward’’ is vanoe strong arguments in favor o f
, I
) •. • ..
1 , .
c-*Blintw. days tune and it is tin- tins: I lie nation is tho sole cor- the expenditure.
I he best linan-
only remedy that will do this.
It (»«nntiem, and as such it issues, : ciers o f our section claim that it
ti: Is ill
u perfect harmony
with lia- nnnuallv t<) eacli individual with- would be a good plan foi tho corn;-
turo an i i
out regard to nge, sex, strength, ty board to issue bonds and place
the lungs.
requirements or any thing else a) them in tho market and thus raise
iiqiu-fyin; tin* mu-us and causing err*«]it card marked, however, in the required sum for this much-
list *n from the air cells <>f dollars ami cents which amount needed road and by the time the
its oxpuls
g , » and restoring the system will be ample to carry* the individ- bouds would become due tho pop-
the liiii^
to a strong and h**althv con.liti«*n. u:*.l throu'gli t!io year with all tho ulation woulJ be double what it is
No other remedy in tho market neeessnrie«, comhivts, and luxuries at present in this county, as people
s‘-*s«>s i hese remarkable propet - of life. \\ hen one needs to pur- would be induced to settle if wfe
as chasr* an V go-hi.
; l:e «1. »03 not li ivo had good roads. T h eiefore tliere
o iickly or leave tiie system in as to run 1 al 1 over a ! »tf- ro cit y to find
s îuu«l a c*-*nd:fi'iTi. F ifty rent i ’. id v, hat he Wfli'.ts
i-ue d-'U-.i
for pale by J. placo to buy. r.i.l wl)-*n ho has Every farmer, merchant and busi-
ií N »-1er, (.’««(] idle City, and
'Olitili 1)0Ml tl«>0:s n-it «i“ «>• 1 to take
L Dix.m, Myrte* IN »int.
the g» »cd s to an OX pi*rt ÍA !iSC-'-rtain
» «t* «
i i t i u i
n i i u
v i u u y
n n io
n il
i io x *
.* ■ * • « •
| UK) acres liottom land and 4J acres level las county. Oregon.
i bench land. BN» aon-s cleared and fenetd.
Any and all p, rsonK claiming adversely the
! one-half mile of river frontage with good 1 Above-described lands arc it*qnested to tile
I steamboat land.n-.: it quarter ->f a mile til ir claims in this ofii - or. or before «aid
from jvistothce and school house, good or- 1 i3tii dav of 1 . br.ic.rv, 1SU.Í.
ms. «me house, m.ikhou-e,
C U AS. W. jO U N S T O N , Register.
! '¿oodsic-d ami other outbuildings. To be
I sold with place, 1H cows. 12 two-vear old
heifers. i:t vr-artim* h-ifer«. i blooded butt.
1 team of In rs. s and harnc«4, dairy rix- l uitcd State* land oilice, Koaeburft, Or.,
tur*-9 ami f ¡.riciTig untt nails >>o the
October ‘_'4*h. isso.
placo. For price and term.« apply t*» tiobt.
ci ven that in compti-
W. Builard, itaiidolpb, Coos county. Oie-
X i anco with the jirovisiuns oi the act of
no tf
United States T end Office
Rnst-liurp, Or,'p., Doc. 7. l s--3.
N< tic«- i.-. hen-by c;iv«n tb tt in compliance
with iln- nrovisi-ms of the act of congr-ss of
Congress of June B. lhTS, entitle.. “ An act
for tiie sale of timber lands in 1
-dates of
California. Oregon, Nevada . I V, ashing-
fon territory,” Lilburn Watterr .id o f Port­
ia d. county of Multnomah, s* it«- of Ore-
K«.n. has tin's day tiled in this offlee hilt
sworn tat einen t N<>,— . for the purchase
"* l<»:s*J nud 7 ani the E o f ih«- SW l4 of
Iune3. Ws , ntit!«-d "An act for th-’ s«:!o of
timber lands
sof « Cnliforn!».
*>r- section
a, in township No. 2» south
ir.nus in
in tb«-
:;:«* .-tat
.-i u sot
amori'.:«i, *<r
efion. Nevad;«, and 'Vashington terntocy.*’ ranfie N ». 3 w«-s'.. and vili «»(Ter pro«if fo
Mary Campb.-ll • >f !'n:n*. county of McKean, .'Li.»1 thM lb«- h ml Ron -lit is mor valmible
¡.tat«* of Uf-nnsyivanta. has this «lav filed in for its li.ubtr or st«.n, ti».::i f o r ny ricultural
I tî-i-i «»flic- h r sworn s-a'cmeat N o . — . f.-r pnrp-isis, and to «•■*. ;l>’i !• i.iso!ai:u to said
tin* p I 'd
-.f tile SE V4 of s«-ction N ». S. J land lx t«»i :! t- register and n c ver of this
. ofli-.v at !{<i-;"hiirL'. Or.- ;on, on Xrilav the
in township N > .’.» -.o jth r.m^c No. !♦ w
au«l wi!l offer pr«-oi 1 o show tliat Hit- litli day of February. l-'-Jo.
He n.« i ;-s as wim- H-s: Charles Conroy,
land soupkt is more valuable f.-r its timber
*. i .■.-'i-,. TL-nrv L i-- io of Portland,
or st-
*i .
at . i11 ral pm , ........... !
conrity. Ur: -oii. and Jolin E.
t.>-.-stabb-di her .-bn i; to said land b-.-foro ’.t,
¡« >-,i-*CJ'' üoufilaa county,
tlie r«*pi «ter an i \c .v. r of this otL -? at
lt-.*« hiir . Or. K«*ti. <*n ’iu« -ùav. ih-- 2*»th '■ Gr« (.,«-n
Any and all pern-ms elaiminfi adversely
the al> lands are requested to
Orcv-on. lind II. A. R.isor. Tlios. J. JUsor file their claims in this office on or before
I in d James G . Luchanon of Camas Valley, said 14th day of February, ISitO.
Chas. >V. Johnston,
Doufiiaa county Ore «.».
| the
” •-d«-s S <
- M
4»' • ni.
. 1/ '« »»
KM' *4 ’iìonSs
I 4. Iivn IUC
a VHIUrnilTt io I
¡ fi> *ji'ÿ ydainw in
office un or bc-f«.sc ¡
SHHl dJtil 1“. V OI MfUC.i.
. vs.
L ii IN p i\*N. Uivi-t«-r.
“ I United States Lund Office. Rosei,
Roaebnrp Or.,
TI mb - er lan d NOTICE.
October 23rd , 1
if they are genuin-
No, but j»-» vantage it would bo to all coucern-
, , , .
••very where. S -allient 0;*t*g.->
)lo ed, U t!l ' producer could drive
I f tho weather th «t lei* piwítsled goes at once to the sample
it ÍAX1.
1 E«tH!r Agen*.
'»-*-d to h INN* m *n °v to t h r o w ¡*1 tii
un the last two or three weeks eon- store of his ward
nr.d makes down to*lLu bay
_ iu tho winter and
C o q r i L L e c i t y . O r fo o n .
iurds Will'll nil“ [).!•
¡Vi': ! six ceni -
much longer, the pelee lions f r,,,n nn ol,dl“ .s variety sell his produce, or how pleasant
, : Siti: (I 1 > ib, ve I It* l g «ids *. .c!< •* l pP'SpiVt
wiil look gloomy f*»,- of g (.ds the on 1 1 1 1y, make and it would be to st.-p into a carriage
r. O W E N .
- i
« •
i. .. ,
price of which p p duly marked, *i ml in a few noms» be at the county
J CouBSfeior at Law, : in on h*)is 1 back from S,-ottsb«rg H í * \* rv itivi).
; an ! Cre.-cent ( ’ it ..
iNe f.arn er
A-peliti on is being circulaleti tl'.en retirais f«> his homo while ids sent. 1 he. exceptions above men
Unît t S iat-’s Land Office
'O T IC E is hereby *;iven that in compli-
sTTflKLD, Oo>.
ano? with the provisions of tho act of
, v,!d i# oats for $2 per b i-h 1 ar 1 »ill numerously :-igu*’d asking that order is sent b . the <; -lierai distrib- ! tioin-d .verc men who thought that
i congress of Juno 3. 1ST *, outil b «I, "A n act
-ic« is !:• r- .«■ ; - i v« n i !).«t in compliance V",
i lu .al«-of t iuiL.-i land ¡n the states of
j h a! a good mi>. k-.d f-»r loa ! «r-*
the o f Lllensburg postoiti.-e u t i n i? store, at «nee filled and ¡»er- it were better to wait for a railroad
? « • ney at Law,
, Every body was prosperous and bo changed to Gold Beach. Tin imps '¡is good ¡ ar * awaiting his re- hut that is wht
•d tit 111 .-I5LD. OdfcWX.
ho i py. The roil à* ad came along fooling seems to be unanimous for ! turn home. And in all his dt^alings i coin ty have
1 curries freight or one thelh t.h■ * cibari;
■ ho «loos not ncc«l H
D- 3L. W A T S O N .
f*«r all ho I» is to < h when n s. l.»c- D'ou
Aitarn^y and Ccudseicr at Law
I V“
C i ty . O bis »*.*x.
t I * * c and even if it shouhl c.uuo during ili Tp X ». :>1 s r : i -i No. Il V.' ,-.riii«l will for i*s timber or st«.««-- •a-»r. for açricultural
: ph* can’t campe wit!« ic.
irtios who pr«A|)'*so ilion is rind O is
fftr il* -r,f to sh-*\\ 11 « : I - tí:-
s, i"Jc -4 pnrp ■■■» and to «-at '»tilth his claim to said
i ! v go here, The nmn who ¡ ,¡tr*«n-
nee's the next decade the plank road i lore 'Mtual«!«- : «;■ - ti or st«.n- than i;.nu ¡««-fore 'he- K«*» m ,-r «.tul Receiver of
W h -thor or 1 credit ear«! t- » th«' cl
J. H. N O S L E E .
this ««ti'-c«-
!' »s«-l»«iv. . Ore ..on, on Wediics-
! i::e*l íhu railroad e-.uM own h df tt
will bail l another from the ,'*.».)•il tl’-0
I9th d ly o f Febru • .
Noiarj public
lie nam« s as witir
I.«-\7Í8 Fori*«*«,
dozen o f Ids neight'ors wh.o hauled
la d e to (loj)ond on ourehaso, w! lidi 1
Coqc:A.ias Cm. C *c.
J«>!*.ii A. Gass of F«»rt:nMiL Multnomah ooac-
their freight by t -ani * in »;» > >-*iti >n -ailin g v e s -a Is, w
e -ire unable to •nn h loss T«»r pu¡ »1*1
t -, Or«--*oii, «lohn » . I '«• *V«»lf. Joseph P. De-
I». ! hiott oi R«.
of Uoschiita;. I » «-.i j! .s cf.nit v. Urofion.
j to it. N«*, no; t !i? railro 1 e *ra- i-av.
tlierp is no 1 ah not. This plunk road business
* nr.. ** I •. G ordon .!'. T. Filey .«f W.*if,
! ani*1» of 1 !’.o -/ear.
Any nua »II )«■».*. ns cl;.»:*ii:ifi adversely.
* «♦»-y
it *
i « . a »«««../it LtoLI>\ o n ) Pn.-ciKla î.lûa ! y r t îf »
th<- »ib:>v«*.d«*scrihciJ lands nr«- rcqi::-sted to
pary word l never let the peop'e
1 ¡neon i\o f »r s wind
p» --*ons claini*n<T ndvers- !\ ff'.e tin :r claims in this office on «»r before
vr \ I’O H -M \EfcU
AM *
.1 K W E L K U ,
Mr. \V . H. B«d*lridge, sv.gom vou uon],] r-ot the verv '
why not every one in this f«*r- | *.■)<*a’ ov-d.;scnj*ed Innds-are rcqu«-ste i to | ^¡d iytii\iayof F«-iiru :r*a i *w.
O o o i A i l l e O i t y , O g i T . ' do their carrying. A !)lank:-d wa*
»■ y ,Y«,rk cf ult de cr.swon* >l »u-* at short
“ C Imrnber- |lP,t o f every thing; inf.act there j tile valley lay aside all old fogy t-.«ia nth day <»f March. is:»o.
i u * . « . iomnio*,
BwtitfO u*vt etire.aelv »:>w prices.
v.AnOc . gOl! »'« >: t1 I would w?rv«‘ as a menace «'•*, ( aliform i. says:
c has. w . J«»hn^b«.n.^
j again-1 t«Mi octragooirsly high I Iain’s Cough Remedy is tlie b e r t w-mhl bo no sh<'ddy giaods nor ad- ; ideas «ami use their influence in
1 ¡-rice.*, u but u !*ldb,(«0d menace ! ‘»el linn» medicine J handle.
In rdlerntpd food, bosi'les every thine ! favor o f the project. I f the p*eo-
O. F.
I. o.
would be -a huge one f.»r a n-w , f-^t p * ,1 mote of it than aJl nth«. -.anwouid buy you would get nt pie say tin re mud be a plank road* i:,lited r>ttt.,s Lnnd 0irlce, m^ber,. Ore«.
October 2:',rd. I8«9.
v’ o
- . —
Coquillo Lodge N
. .
in. .
j ■ cough medicines
lie C«
k » s to
¡l.eJn-inp«; combined.
eotnoined. Every
Lv«-ry nr-tnn!
artuai cost price;
¡»rice; consequently one ! the road will be
bo made and
au«l every-I
Not«.--is l.-. rob.-^iven that in complianot
H — %% at C.jqaills UitY r*»-ry Saturday even j C otlli.y Ilk*.*
t>> maintain.
tl) u n t lin
in «. V-aitm z «»rethron, iu food standing
TO T lC K i !.■■]«•! » . .Vi-.-i ì in compii- 1 wiOi f tie provin--ns of the net of Confiretw
Another objection to u plank ; on<1 u !,o lias used it speaks in dollar, uiider that system, would go j one will be better off.
• ••rdiativ invited.
uno*- wi.h ¡In- |«r-*vi
: i . «.f flic r.ct of of J '.»!*«•
1* 74. cut ¡tied "A n fict fo rth » «nia
En. a. B otrtk . N. G.
r«»nd is the tact that it must be re- glowing terms o f its efticipucy.
J udge L i vero .
CV»n«'r«-sd of J«ur- ;*. l»c,s,
.1 “ *11 ai:« j of timti.r I.-» d> in the stales o f California,
as tar as five under the present
for the* «ale «> litui* -r lau»:» 1.1 the t;».i ■« of
; built every nine or ten years, and ^'*r
by «^. H. N«*sler Coquille ; svati-m.
M yrtle Point.
California, ()r;>;-, n. Nv-vud.t ¡-.nd Vin-.uiu:- i Oregon. N't-v.««!:» nn«l Wr>shmfiton Terri-
A. F. and A. M.
tor territory,” C. D. Elliott <-f liosahurc, j tory." Lewi« F«*r!-es of Portland, connty o f
; timber will soon demand p. big ¡»rice | Gity ami
. L. Dixon, M yrtle
But t!.e grandest feature of the
eonntv of D«»afitns. stair-
Cliadwick Lodg;e,No.68. ,
, ,
•;! lie of On-ifon,
On-u-on, . t:s ; Mnlfnomah. sf-iteof Orofiou, linn thin day
W i n l c r C T in le rn .
Maate a» C*Miuill > City oli Saturday a r-t. 1 along the river and bay. Even as Point.
sworn state- i;j, ,|-n this -..»tics- his «worn statt-ment No.
no-money piinci[*le is this: It
meut No. — , f«»j' the ’•*'-' ■
*ha \ I. « — f , i f f , . parcfenM of lots a and 4 and 8 *J i
A species of bowel complaint, Sec.
«n °th .or bMore tt,e i0U lUUOa in each ! cheap and accessilda as timber is
No. 2*). in l’owiut
_ . , S .
Knuue .......
fI| \\v
», «»f section No. 4, intovrnship No.
pisodf - Q u it e an interest ! wonl.1 almost completely annihilate L
„ V
Jt-SHO L. R o t , W . M.
E’ V ,,lle
,ntP“ st- ;
known as “ winter cholera, appear- No. 11 West, anu will offer proof to I •»,< soniti, r a j w N » . !• west, and will offer
now the lumber for tliat proposed : 'ANA i I *
ro a .l.
Vì «*
s a m p le s
« f Ih i-
'Gold 11- ch G ai-tte.j
J. i W1LS
G. A
Q-en- Lytle Post No- 27,
i road, bridges nml all ;
tho neighborhood <«f *7
? 0 ,0 0 0 .
a t lh o R iv e ,
T |,e ! s « .l e h t e r n r y
'n t n r t n in -
«r««.: in
I Tt
t was
might do, but they would have to .
be replaced by
ip * w
ones soon.
com edow n
with a bang, leaving
the choir and audience separate,!
by, and glaring at, the aforesaid
( Moata in the Mnsonic bnilding, Coqmllc
City, on Saturday nicht öfter each full | q g o o d , s u b s t a n t ia l r a i l r o a d fr o m 1 «rrpeil c u r t a in
A t t ili« im ip fin -A
m j»n .
All mnm'.^r« in finr»d «nanuing are :
j p u p " c u itrtiu .
.v*, m i s ju n c t u r e
••r-Ually invited to attend.
Rosebnrgdown tiie Coquille valley : some crank yelle«l out in the lung-
i to ('«»«>8 bay. Doughis and Coos
| counties could build it for a vory
I little in«*re than they propose toex-
and l’ia ' p e n d in ’ b u i l d i n g tt bt-ttst-k illin g,
W liit«t
mum worrying road that will only
v ln ltf
serve till some corporation builds a
railroad over the tamo route that
will goon robbing the people to all
T *.
^ Æ a r lc ,
: ' b n " ‘ T
l l >» • ™ " f
; uage of the poet: “ L et her g<», G-al-
; higher.’
*» - « r a l ci.ioa in .be North-
of f
nipid M:«tm-«lav
' vil, and of all th e sayings o
i ment
Saturday modif
n igh t
>n’ t t believe
the last
hist act o f the comic Sam 1 tll° 6rand okl ,nan 1 don’
curtaiu tender
ever told a gr.mder truth. O f
Simonds that the enrtaia
temler I
course some of our preseut bi i«lg«-s j
people will bring forward
fell o i l thestaig«» and let ti e curtain
MaolK at Goqnilla City, «»n every fi
first ! county its *lf could not get it out
Viaitins o n ira d *, in fiood
.»n the ground f«»r much less. O f
•tandin^, c-ir«!inlly iiivited.
H. \y. Nii’ iiitu, Commander.
O- 2>T. <3-..
Company H. Oregon Na­
tional Guard
« . c i « . t y ’8
ves t In al »v in tc r a n d is l i k e l y tD b e
more general this season. Cham­
berlain’s Colic, ChoDra and Diar-
rluea Remedy is a certain cure for
it. For Sale by J. H. Nosier, of
ai* ,H,clltti°iml lov3 tragedy and say
Coquille City, and W . L. Dixon,
;vns 1,0 niol,py » » that; but if of Myrtle Point.
pr«)l>ed to the bottom, in nine cnees
out of ten it wiil be found that the
W n n D S t o r k to F e e d .
lover killed his or her lover because
W. P. Phillips 1ms a lot of feed
he *«r she could not g«d his or her and the best pasturo to be found
i on the Coquille river, and desires
t I i e i 'e
But wo me quito certain that! horses nud cattle to winter. lie
tho 1« ve o f money is tho incentive öfters the best of rates. Call on
A <
t ir s Fram e«, etc., and «Rent for
t«» ui nn *sl every evil. T o destroy him at his ranch at Roland prairie
Sawing Machines.
Having sold out our drug-store money, then, is to destroy evil’s or write to him at Myrtle Point
: *’us>I)Pt's
Ctoqaille City we want ¡,iCP11tive.s and thus destroy evil lt-
j a
rent wit 1 everyone of our ; 8ejf
|f £ have my credit card, by
S p e c ia l N o tic e !
Hereafter all «kills and boat* left in the 1 .
T .
patrons. Do not neglect this, but which the nation guarantees to me,
To the good pwjple of (k»quille City nnd
way at ateniucr landing*on river. an«t which
r,1"> • *t M manifestly the ill-
come at once and let’s have a set­ not only my living, but that which the surrounding country: I have fitted up
a first-class gallery in Marshfield, opiwsite
S S ’C
mcS?. < Twn
i ■'“*
« » - “» r . <'“‘y » t » «o»**ty *<> tlement.
, ...
t 1 •
. *,
j help its people, and now Dougins
Nnsburg A Hirst s store. I clnnu to do the
J. H. Nosier it Son.
and Coos have a show. They enn
haupy, to me then it answers every beat work done i u f ’ooR county. When you
are in our city call and see my work Hnd you
build sucti a road and carry the
E xchange .— I have some very purpose for which money is or was
MutHnriKun, O o n .
D « a !« r in Furnitare Doom, Glaaa
— ---- — —
o d i .
Look Here!
H i ! ant F r i i i Ä
C1Y2LS. -A .. H a r r i n g esr4-/-*T-l
rtc n
lia s a big, heavy team and is prepared to
do all kinds of hauling nnd teumiiiff at rea
onable ratea, and an short notice.
,, a„J
t l)e i r
a I
. .
, , l g ln n re8 n n l| b o r 9 e 8 t h a , ' c r e a t e d j b u t J, ¡8 ro y o w l ) l n d i v i d u a , j Ä
. . . .
____ _
_ _
T W ,“ " W W
J. W
W . Y!tn/ia
, than the people themselves ccultl I will exchange f>r good heifers. | property. I f I lose it «ud you find I V7nn<>
afford to, and ¡>ay for the road in
Address J. W . W im er ,
it, it will do you no good. I f you
Wiveu years, in addition. After
Arago, Or steal it, win it from me or kill me
Subscribe for the H e r a ld .
« .tt
, f
-how that the land sought i » mon- ;» du d le
f«»r ¡ts tnuher or stou- t .ian for Ofiricullural
yurp >s«*s, anil to est«l*li*ü his claim to t>aiu
an«) Before the Rcyisu-r and Receiver of
this office at K<»sehnru U r., on lui-Rilaithe
11 th dav of Marcii. 1 *♦“
Hu uanu-R aa wilnc-w-n. J. D. Laird of
L o-.kniK Gla *, Or.. 'V. K. Murray of Gam-
as Aancy. Ur.. W. H. Gordon. L. I.K iU -y o f
nv and all p«-r-*-ns claituinc a-.iy.-rsf-lv
the lands ¡:rc n>qm «t-d to
file their cIsiiitH in this office un or before
s«*d 11th day ot Mrtroh is-.*”
( . im >. V. JohnsU»n.
______________________ _______________ Itegiaw r.
_ .
. - . —
that the lhiul sought i.A mora
v-.p.ud le for its timhor or stone th.«n for
; nanc.jltural purposes. an«l to establish his
claim U* said iand t* -f«*re the lt“^istl«^ and
lice, iv« r of this office -il Uoselmi d. Oregon
i;n AVedncssdny, the lffth day of February,
^ s « jq
nnrafB „„ witnesses: Frank Tomlin,
Job,, Staehli, Join» A ( ’a-
«ff P«>rtland.
Multnowah oountv, (> ia * co » i . John E. De-
\v0n ,,f ic«*s. bur^j. Doagìiu» county. Orefion
| At|>. H1,d a!1
,tl8 c'c.i.i.m» adversaly
. tk .
S(.n i.,d ¡«mds are req=;. st«-d to
iheir oHbu* in office on ur before
, s;4jd ^ylk duy of Febrnarv, IS!*!'.
• q HA 3 \y. JoaxaroN, Register.
United States Land Office. Knachnrg, Or.,
States Lnnd Office, ItnK.-hdrff.Or.,
]>ec«*mbar 3rd 18 S 1 *.
U-ee. ¿th. lS-iff.
O T IC E is hereby ^iv«n that in c.»nipr‘
net of V J O T IC E is han-liv • i v- ir th it in compii-
ance w eh fh - provisions of th
:t I 1 > aure with the pr ».'.¿ions .*f tho act of
f->r the hale ot timb-r lands in 1 he* .Rates of j «>>i!<>resa of a»:«- It. laTa. enisti« d "A ll net
California, Orps«m, Nevada, and Wnahinc | for tiie i-aU; ot tin.L- r lr.m-a ¡ 1 : th s*.!.t.*8 of
ton Territory.’’ Frank K. Jacks* n ot Phil- Galifornia. »rcfiou. Nevnda. end Washinff-
lipa, county <»f Rice, utate <*f Wise.),»sin. ] ton territory.” JaniexG. Bu •hunnnof Gnmaa
has this Unv fitefl iu tliia «>ft*«*e his sworn • Vat!«-v. c-nmt y of t»o:«jl.i... : : « of Oregon,
htateiuent No. — , for the purch.ise <«f th*- has this day filed in this ofiin his Hworn
of section No. 2*», in tmvnithip No. 28 st itrment N->.—, for the p:i
se of the
south rnttfie No. !> west, and wi'.t or!«-« pr<a»f ' N'VV >4 of sectu»n N ». K, in
.»... ,* No. 2U
to show that the laud s«> is r,i«*re vain- j south rar.ffe No. !lw«-it, and
|J oit« r pr«*of
aide for its timber <»r Rtone tli»n f«>r a «;ri-; t«* hh»«w that the land sought is more valn-
! cultural purposes, and to « «t,«!»lish h«R claim able
than for turri-
nble for its timber or at
and 1 toi
>:i-h his claim
I to «aid land bef«»*e the register and m v iv e r coltura'
colt art* p«i.-j*»*8«T
j*un»j«.-, , . an
to. sia
I of this office nt K->s:-hurc. Ur-p«*n, on lues- to sa
d lenu
lnnu before
la for«* the rv
re :'.st
,-t, r ¡»ud
nud recever
j day the oyth day .»f March. 1890.
of this office at K »st-bur^. *)re/on,on Wed-
Renames aR witnesaea: G«s»rgc H . J.ack- . nesilay, i,i«e _Mtli day « f March. L-.IO.
son of Phillip«- Wisconsin. T . C. O ’ Donnell 1 >!«• iinaies as w i t n e s s « G. V.’. Campbell,
of Portland,Oregon, E J.G . I«*-e of R >seb;irg, Thotnns J. R e -. »r nnd ltenrv . Kas«»r of
| } & « '» “ >
; « W
V . „ , y,.n d GUBort V 7 t e i i 5 S - £
burg, Oregon.
. Ur«*OII.
Any and all peinons claiming adversely the
Any nnd all pers ms claiming adversely
^ above-d*-scril*ed l.uuls are requested to fth* tho above-deacribed lauds aro requested to
! their claiin * in lilis office on or before said lile th«-ir daiins in this office «<n or bafora
2&th day of March, 1
said 2tUl dav of March. ls*J0.
( has. W . Johntton, Register.
Chos. W. Johnston, Keffiater.