Horn. C o p ìH f a' it,y J iu ïiiU i, o ! 4 lui r«-li I M m 'tu r j . SOON. Methodist «errions, by R v. 11. H. S\\;if- ford , are be Id as follows: 1st Sabbath at North Fork II A. M. jn d “ “ Laiupey Creek “ " 3d 44 44 Fish Trap 4th *4 44 b'at|uille City the use purpose of pavilhon for ter if y o u choose to vote. G eo. McF.wan has just com pleted some large water tanks for the too Katie Cook. Mr. Robert Starkey, o f our staff, has been aflbcted with a severe cold for a couple o f weeks. on day. The tug Pelican ran on a rock at ISth ult and J sunk. The Dominion government wants all the Chinese in British town the latter part of last week, the ; management. It has a batch of Our friend Stem la ', o f Dora, has been in C OQUiU e i t e m s ill it s la s t is s u e , town >wn a few days gettin g hop cuttings. He | 1 Representative Logan of the is going to start a yard on his place. capacity to accommodate all who a dance under the auspices of Society at night. Rand entertainment to for be the given here ou the 14th. See nd. Af- r> i 1 f* 1 M iss Rachel kronenburg i and The race house on the 2(>th ult. track Miss Allie W alker paid this oflic*. ceiving compbmentarv C l l Y , O IL, A Primary Department — ON— Orders prom ptly filled. Please return kegs prom ptly after being em ptied. \-j lt-,i "NTT"odnesday ILÆatr. -i, N C T IC E ! ODD FELLOWS HALL. IN \ the By order of tlie board O. C. Huntington, Sec. TLe Tint Best Music Secured. F loor M anagers .— J. W ill be conducted in connection with this institute, and instruction will be given to pupils o f any age nnd grade. Among the branches which constitute a scientific course are, orthography, reading, elocution, plain and Henry '¿»a m a t/a / Schroeder. John B. Dully, Ralph i „ 3nsiness and social letter-writing, com p o­ sition, grammar, political, physical and H . Rosa. I com m ercial geography, arithm etic, b ook ­ keeping, commercial science, algebra, pliys- H a lls Prairie Oregon. F e b .‘24 '85. the laws o f health, and the rudi- n ts o f music—vocal and instrum ental, etc. I f you''wish the health of thi the same as under our old system. *\ A c m t fo r G ib b son 's Gne whisking, an AAA ! S t o v e f . n l l i e r , Mr. D. F . Deal). ; T uition. uil Primary (per t e r m )........................... $5.00 place to remain good, you should j whisky. Also agent for the c e l e b r a t e d I C om . on O rder .— J as. Cartwright llK AGO HEEK and P O R T E R at whole- \ . i t yt / i n - Secondary 44 ............................ $7.00 encourage the supply of pure, fresh C sale and retail. The celebrated ROC A b e e r, îlî,il *1. n . C o l l i e r , C l a r k M i l l e r , Principal. on draught and in bottles. v 3 n l‘J water by taking a share in the Front St., Marshfield, Or., N. P. Hansen, Prop, R eception C o m m it t e e .- Mrs i "•oli™- *«• R E- »»<*« Mr. T I C K E T S , including midnight N O T IC E ! supper, 82.50. Refreshments serv­ , A n yon c wishing to have 5 or fi yoke o f W e havetho sellin g o f a farm o f 10) acies ed at both Hotels, Doors open at T V cattle wintered, will d o well b y calling with a splendid orchard, good water, a good on. or w riting to, Chus. W atkins, nt this seven o’clock. I p la ce .. house. T he farm yielded 50 tons o f ti nothy A'otire. BOB-1. T o the wife o f George W. Martin, a daugh­ hay last season. The farm wil be sold ter: weight 7 \i lbs. Congratulations old boy cheap, and the follow ing go with the plac?: , . . .. .. I , v - ...... i ”0 head o f sheep, a lot o f hogs 1 voke o f cat- ÏI1K 2nd OF THE ShliliS OF j Ik 4 the Auspices of FURN ITURE STORE, STRING BANGS, W ill be given M ARCH the national inaugural ball. 14'85, ----- C onnecting------ Investigate and see where you can buy the cheapest; in doing so, call tit m W hitney & 0 ' ( ,«>nneirs, tlte originat.irs of low prices ou this river. They keep With St« aniers “ C eres" and “ L ittle Annie I a ( ho terminus o f th e ir upper river route, lowing Specialities; carrying passengers and ffeight to and from ; Mvrtle Point. G. A. B R O W N , n4-fhn Proprietor. A good joke is told ««li Captain J. U. I.ight- the well known, Emotional Drama c-ncr and Robert Dunham. A l»«x o f eggs Mr. Anton W irtli returned from passed over ih« ir route last week, and they a trip down the coast, last week concluded from its weight that there was where he has been tilling orders soiiie fraud, and nUnit that time a young A . L. Nosier Prop. chick was lu ard chirp ng. After this they ob for fruit trees. W ith a full cast of caaracteis. served Kobe, t Lowe liir-s ugthro'.i li hi-« teeth Main St. Coeuillc City. Oregon. Representative George tried tc f«»r their amusement. while tin y readjust­ The Performance to conclude pass the Oregon lieu land bill on ed the cover o f the box. A man that can't w ith the Roaring Faroe entitled: I :° :— It WHS to h a v e c o m e I teH a -VOU!l« chit,k fm n in n o ld rooster ought the 24th ult Fresh and choice meats of all to go hungry on thanksgiving. fen Nights ina Bar Room Goquîhe City T in ? Copper» a n d SihGct-iron. w a r e ; a su p e r¿c r a r tic le e f l l c m c m a n u fa c tu re Market The Two Bonny Cashes. up again on the 25th. Don't be misled by misrepresentations of competitors. constantly on hand at their hard ware store in Coquille City,* the fol- A t which time will be presenteil a pleasant visit last Saturday. Look to Your Interests! M u;snriK LD , O u n . 1 Dealer in Furniture, Doors. G lass and F ic­ t ile [ are Frames, etc., and Agent for W hite's | Sewing M achines. v t n l tf Coiiuill 6 City Brass ail NEW HACK LINE! ticket» to Farmers! IF1. IMIarlr, Prep., J kj k I This leaves ; Under President Arthur, Speaker Car­ lisle, Senator Edmunds, Janies (i. i {ilaine and the members of the diplomatic corps and the ladies ot their families are the only ones re- . . ,- ^ , .... ,:,.i..f ♦ , Students wishing to take a com plete bus­ iness course, can avail themselves o f the privilege without incurring the enor­ mous expense and ^inconvenience o f going far from home. Coquille City. Oregon- nyone wishing good, red cedar shingles, fence-posts, pickets, clapboards or shakes will do well to call on S. 15. Harrows, one mile east o f Coquille City. AH orders left at this office or with J. T. M oulton will receive prompt attention. _____ v2n'J3tf will be perfected and in readiness logi; dature* fell dead, o f jjeart disease. Oil the tlool' of the County Clerk Lam b cam e over from Em- , pire Saturday. 11« goes back to-day. h a v- j t i l e balance o f p o w e i ill 11 1 G b a u d s ing com e over to let a contract o f ditching of the democrats in that body. on lus ranch. powers the C C Ç IIIL E £r. iy iE H L 7 P rop, may come and desire to engage in We acknowledge n pleasant call Saturday | Illin o is evening from Mr. llanm ierlaf. o f Gravel Ford, and our old friend J. (\ L au d . for the il 181 l’ he Roseburg Review has great- ,) ( ) ( ) '*0 NTT,8.* a -.i a lot of cows, yearlings ami cents .’. per bushel apply to Aug. il. i t!<'- visin'* the house-hold furniture which is new and 3 m. good. ly improved under Brother Bell S Schroeder. Mr. Jacob Kahn, o f Kahn Pros. Portland. Look out celebration on lo lu m - (j^cibeut Water company. Rem em ber the inauguration ball here to- woolen factory at that place. H 6 morrow night. It prom ises to be the most ] u , . )0 ( 0 sce the project g o ahead, interesting o f the Henson. I guest o f Mr. J. T . M oulton. the with A number o f citizens o f Kew aunee county. ! u* h o ld . W isconsin, think o f com ing here to get Roseburg is talking of starting a homes this spring. WHS s in for C o m m e r c ia l C o l l e g e , - if required at the time. ; til down Leaver slough the other Smith river on the a is Fair grounds Joint Representative Sutton pass- Samuel IIanc«K*k was in town several days last week with a sore hand. splendid f'ooral.le ftpnetyear. UVAl Fourth of July 1885. The Society will have a large and commodious Hereafter you will have to regis­ Fairview, was in their grounds at H alls Prairie sioirr. The mantle o f the com ing gloom Decends: the toil grows lighter; It ends in darkness: but. makes room For the dawn immortal brighter. ► - L O C A L IT E M S . of COQUlLLE GRAND The Southwestern Oregon A gri- nre being started up, ami the out- m this county have decided to give ! T h e stm is at the zenith: and. \««utli*s fiery course impeded. Meets obstacles on ev'i y hand— Fright hopes which have receded* R e m e m b e r vkre a,re 01u.b>t>ing witlT. tl îe SAUIST F R A N C I S C O C A L L , g iv in g ex­ Inauguration ball tickets c e lle n t ;pa/per a n d tine H E R A L D for $ 2 . 5 0 : sale at Andrew’s. p e r an n u m . H. W . Hoi vers tott, o f town Hatnrday. M ills and factories in the East The dawn »»f consciousness appears; cultural Society having been in re- ’ ° ° k ls sa‘ l1 to he Youth eager and e'er ready a im e in Would spring to me .-t th,- oonmiiiK yean ceipt o f urgent solicitations front ^ ' With ft»ot ;teps yet unsteady. many citizens in various localities : 18S5. T U E S D A Y , M A U . • N K O T lt'i:. (l,K OABCON.) —-— In connection with a ------ W e l l s e le c t e d s to c k o i g e n e ra l h a r d w a r e , ¡stovess an d ranges^ w ood and -w;illo^v w a r e . kinds constantly on hand. There is a mistaken idea am ong some o f Farm t«x>ls and Implements, Iron and Stool, Pumps, W ater-pipes The steamer n o t c o m i n g in t i m e : our citizens in regard to the affidavit fo r A L SO Doors open at half past 7, \ we run short of paper, having only proof o f publication o f land notices. G r o c e r ie s , vegetables and pro- and Fittings, Paints, Oiks and Brushes, Lamps and ('rockery, Harness number have made a needless trip to tu b Performance begins at 8, sharp. enough for a half issue w hich we «»ilice to get their affidavits, not knowing è v i s i o n s . » tc., etc. n 50 ami Trimmings, Rope, Glass ware, Plated and Granite ware, Rifles, Admission, 50 cts., (_ liildren have divided so each one could get was «»nr duty to send it t«> its proper destina- î.«*i«. I)«.n t forget, if \«*u do ;i*«t >« nil li­ under 12, Half ¡nice. a n s his share. Much corresjioudencc the inon«*y, t«* pay the officer you make p s i 'f Pistols and Ammunition, Terra Uutta i liimm y Pipe, Bird cages and and late items of news are conse­ before for the publication o f your notice. At die conclusion of the per­ Do this and all wil! be w ell—Lett« r th.\*i i *r quently crowded out. Fishing tackle, and «di (i >ods usual!v Lent in a first class Hardware formance there will be a »ucial gel til«- :li “ lavit and carry it ¡.rov.-id y* «u The Southern Oregon Improve »- ' 1 «,.» . Ball when an oppoitunity wiil he p icket è -, m . o- in y T.-i.n: iw inliing lo b«iy farnu. wiUt land Store. ment company have set prices on if you p i y no at*, -nti t » tu- all afforded 11: sc wishing to trip tiie or town lots, im provcd <«r uniiupn.vi-J, \\i l . 1 . their lands on which settlers have ligiit ialilastic. Ball liciiets. oi) cts. do wi !| to cali i>n O. ( ’ . H untington. **<.‘ity 1 guarantee satisfaction s q ie .T H lity u J )1) Mi A, t'oiu sisu m cu tct!. N. B. \» c mai improvements, the prices being 810 ¡'«'•t.'. Sì oi- -t« ( , qiiillt- ( j- v, i «efori* P1-"'I ' .¡n^ « i -« a , li« ,i Le bus in hir, liaiuls -q E lV lU g b l ’ l« E d . H erald : J notice an litic i« per acre for bottom land and 85 for HI f«»r ¡-.alo a lari;«' oe-it-ty o f r« al « .e.ati*. and 0 ^ V hill lands. W e hear of a number in a Portland Paper that Rr-seburg e in fum ish buvi r ; wiili lami nnviii qnuiiii- Wliitney «« O T ’.mnell, I ’ i d j k of settlers w ho are paying for these has a flagstaff 111 feet above the ty. troni a «juaiior sii-Eoii ni; eli, d o m i t-> a Ralf lol in town, colisi,siing in j*art «*f tlic | ground. Please inform me through lands. follov ing; The Commissioner has recently y ° ur colnnin3 l o 'v tho>’ £ ot ü u b 1st door north of Olive hotel, —tM» ¡ii'i'c s . gO'ni, !;.r,:e dw«»!iing, com - there; and what they want it there M UN iS I'KKEr, m odio barn, fin.- y«iung « rehard. good «ut held that all testimony of witnesses Itoiisi’s. .1') acr«»s miti« r felice. 15 in grass and n s p m v \\w ^ j Y t for. It lias been suggested by C O Q U I L L E c i t y , Lauti ihnifm HO! in pre-emption final proof taken before notaries nublic must hence *°mQ that is for tlie I^l»»l>lican ueiore notaries puunc m u » i , nente- . 1 forth, be*rejected; and that claimant I members of the last Legislature t<> with his witnesses must appear at f'MJst on until an adjoin nment. Rep. the time ana place, and before the officer as set forth in his published notice, and make all proof. The suspension of work on the Beef, Pork Mutton, Groceries and , , . 1 revisions constantly on hand, at the lowest market prices, and Fresh Produce taken in exchange, At the request of one of barn, ii.u, sj.r.ii«^ and io head o f cattle. hogH..» slieep. ! horse and 10 tuns o f liny. Fine tim ber «»n u^Tland. your j EX E C U TR IX ’ N OTICE. ! X ” «»tice is hereby given that Marv W agon- TA er, the £.xecutrix ot tlie las; will and u-siamenn»t Lt oiiani E. W agouer. deceased. , has filed ill the County Court o t the Stute ot Oregon, for the County o f Coos, her final i ; account as such E xecutrix, and that Bind triumphal arch is being A better on this wild erected j (aine bay. hay It seems fo than be on i the over the door containing the words, i natural food for all kinds of stock. All hail to the Chief. portraits of our Splendid ■ Fven hogs will turn from president and graiu preferring the hay. Gee president will adorn the walls their »Stock of kind are looking unusually well, which w’ill he festooned with I owing to the mild winter wo are wreathes. Go and see it; wo con- having. There has been consider- not explain fully. ( able snow fall, but it did not lay n . . . ,, on the ground long, and our cold It now transpires that the g o v e r -; Jf weiithor ¿ ¡ ly lllstp(1 „ nor of this state claims that the 1 days at a time. I learn by news- legislature did not adjourn legally, j paper reports, that the snow* 1ms and is therefore yet in session. I loll much deeper north of here, W hat a muddle! Some claim that | t!; is winter’ than h has at this they could not hold over the time u n ^ ^ , | A t the present tlino we are hav- prescribed, while others have van - ip«/ beautiful soring weather T h n i cc rni ! , . 1 ° i «’ . ut OUS Opinions to oiler. Hie gover- : farmers have commenced plowing, nrr cannot appoint while t h e as- i Some began to prophesy a dry sea- :a ____ , i i7 i - j . i ai .„* sem»>l> is in session, nor can he son, but la s t night their prophecy call an extra session. It s?ems the was dampened b y a nice spring governor must hold differently, or |. ! showei. I hope it • will continue to t .« , / ’ . . . . . h uie memueis ot tlie legislature treat their wisdom in like manner, must go back, at their own expense, as a dry season here, means short I f * i m. * _ : * and adjourn properly. They failed crops. to elect a U. S. senator, and that Gleaner. august body broke up ip a row. Lak«yi«w, Feb. 17. .uf N POST OFFICE Store, N w y4 and N Hot s E L* sec. 15 Township 2H South o f range Iff W<*st W ill. Mt r.. under the act o f June ffd 1878 for the sale «>f timber lands in the states o f C alifornia, Oregon. Nevada and Teritory o f W ashington. Any and all persons claim ­ ing adversely any o f the above described lands must file tlu-ir claim with the register CON STANTLY o f tlie land office at Roseburg during the DO days publication hereof and failing to do so Keeps their rights will l»e barred by statute, Win. F. Benjam in. An assortment of feb 3 Register. C. ANDREWS \ I n J u stice C ouut for C o q u ii . uk C ity PRBC1NCT. C oos COUNTY. STATE OF OREGON. O. Reed plaintiff | Civil action for vs - the recovery o f Jabez Harris defendant ) m oney. In the name o f the state o f Oregon | you are hereby required t«» be and appear be- {« r e the u n d e s ig n e d , a ju stice o f til'«.peace i for the precinct aforsaul on the 8th day of APril 1K8** nt 10 ° ’ °h>ck in the forenoon o f said dav, at the office o f said Justice, in s»iid j precinct, to answer the above named plain- tiff iu a civil nct.ion- 4’he defendant will i take notice that if lie fail to answer the co m - piamt herein, the plaintiff will take judge- uient against him f«»r * 2 t».ffo and interest A L L A T BOTTOM BRICES. SÎ > P P- H CD 0 U1 U1 3 Stationery, Inks, Dry goods nnt1 Clothing La­ dies. Gents and Childrens General fur­ nishing goods; tr d =. ~Ml\ d a y M ,ay at per cent, per mouth, and for 1ns disburs- m i n t s in this ae.ti«*n. 1 in -d efen d an t is fur- tljer notified that this summons is served n99 6w W 9 PROPRIETOR, SUMMONS. D&a!cr ifl an d manufacturer of. Tin. Copper Shcetiron Ware. Agate and Granite ’ ’ rr U7 a«*r«*s, all bottom , 30 im proved; good house, brim and orchard, also good fences etc., ad join in g Coquille City. Subsciibers, 1 will send you a line new mill at Empire turns out to be from this part of Eastern Oivgon. til ue r e s, all bottom . (Î cleared. nP good nothing. A number of hands were j *j i I reside in LakevicW, *l thriving tillable land; honse. barn, outbouses, or- ... . . . , l‘ hard etc., V. mile from Coquille City. turned off, their jobs being com _ 1 . . . . . . . . . . ¡little Village town nestled close to On«* suburban lot ron t-o.,;., u « pletecl As many men as can be> the fo o to f lligh bald hills on the ‘ b ^ t “!*umtr ¡ T T T [ utilized to advantage are retained! . -, P ,, ,- r: 1.^ * a ,U\11 > ‘1(s,rah,(*fnra family r.-Hidonce, being H h .............. east Side of of the northern portion of of da> l‘>r an- hearing ot ob jection s to such from inlie ( ^«Miuillfc Citv ^ ^ east side the northern portion final account and the settleiueut thereof. by the company. The old mill I Goose Lake valley. T o the west of Dated Dec !»d, lNi-L has been shut down preparatory C. 11. \ olkm ar, ) Mary W agoner, town lies a large tract of level land, Attorney for the estate, i Executrix. to starting the new one. of which a great jiortion is meadow T IM B E R LAND NOTICE. Great preparations are being land, where a mixture of wild U. S. Laud Office, Roseburg Oregon. I made to make the in.iugural ball, grass grows, w hich answers the ...................................... January 25, 1S85. i . \ O llC t is hereby given that John C. a success. The hall is purpose of lir.y. Stock do much ! TA Laird has applied to purchase the S W being magnificently decorated. ('ouiiüle ( i!v,v Oroirmi. 18m !ì(*i'tiis, x ch ) in t ho iiottoiii, i?r> Ì Hi - proved; m-w frumc dwelling, e«>«,d orchard S. 8. McAdams, Prop- von*24 I.u k ct i< \» i'urrcspuutlt-nc«* 'TOAKIil! iLiluf il Aù L HAS ! l- F«"v la.ul TR«>i«^arc upwards of fiftee n m illion feet o f fir and ce ar tiiubt-r on the land which is «»f easy accesst«> the rivor. Tobaco, Fancy Articles, Stationery and the finest quality of School Rooks. Agent for the leading sewing Machines, Mason