A B A « G A I N ! faniilinr accompaniments of a high We have the selline <>f n half section of Just previous to the opening of stato of civilizat’on. The picture land, nait half bench an« and nai half bottom land, near T, n n i « laiiu, the Presidential campaign in this 'M n c n A ll. oenrge draws of pover- 1 c-quiiie City, i would make a half dozen rUDMSIIKO EVERY TOIHWT, Front St. Coquille City, •od dairy and per acre. J. A. D ean , Editor and Proprietor country an interesting discussion tv, crime and hopeless competition j up >n ft popular magazine ! entailed by the accumulation of land s p r i ll i Devoted to the interests of the Coquille between 1 Henry George and the in a few hands is vividly presented M r s . C. W. O l i v f , P r o p r i e t o r . Kiver particularly, nnd of the County gett- Duke of Argyle with reference to i to the gaze of the powerful land- This house is well supplied with every­ ,5 .., q ,) the land tenure. The question is; owner, metaphysician, scholar and thin« necessary to make it a Hubacription, por year............................ $- — \ Bandon, Coos Co., Ur. J-— FlRStT CLASS HOTEL. not without its interest here, as ■ natural historian to gaze upon as T ables always supplied with the best the well as beyond the sea. The thco ainong the iniquities of the doc­ TUESDAY, DEC. 0,188-1. market affords. ries of Mr. George are familiar to trine he profits hugely in defend- nderson vln ltf. mg. ar-Pronnetorc-cr. Examiutr. W IT A3l> l i r J l o i l . most American readers, but tlie ►-* O*- ♦« Noah was the nrkitect of his own doctrines advanced by the Duke This house ha”, been elegantly fnrnisitec, H om to A v o li! C iU ch iti^ C o ld . nnd is at once ilio home of Hie tourist. fortune.— W hitehall Times. sufficiently novel to excite cu- The houso is of easy aeivs:, to tko steamer An eminent London physician, iositv. The great Scottish noble- -J Randolph, Oregon: \- Knocks which all have to en- lundi n«, -------------- -------- . : i x / 1 , , , . • | muiiiu” . nil- n.uio IS Hlipplit'd with *X'St iff dare—Equinox.—Philadelphia 0.11. n,an- 15 neeiUess to lms " on j J)r- t,r,,1,a,n> is n>l»rted ns having. mu,,., i-nu,, „«-ml ... i Jn W & l s e r , F r e p * ! a high place among modern think-! sri,d some fi°°d things on the su b-! u • vJi'dl I f St. John was to withdraw,} I 7 : ers by his literary work. The d is-! f ° f colds, and which are in tlie 1 — ! Beer of best Quality always to be wouldn’t it look like “ taking water." cusbion began by a criticism of the main accordant with rational nnd j ! had at the • Brewery, and orders Yon never miss the stump-speak- Duke’s in the Apiil Century, en- I hygienic views. For instance: P* h 2 * from all parts filled promptly, till tire barrel runs dry.-B oston titled “The Prophet of San Fran-1 ‘“If is m>t a correct, practice, nf-j ■ v Times. cisco." This was replied to by Mr.! tor n cold is caught to make the j The man who paints the town George, and the two essays in room a person sits in much wurm-j oquille ity gn red at night feels blue iu themorn- pamphlet form are now before us. i ur than usual, to increase the quail- »■*. Cv* T V V ’ TRT \\ ith a partial abatement in the ! tity of bedclothes, wrap up in flau-, iij- CoquilSo City, Oregon, I iiopkif . nut, The“coachman” seems to bo the political excitement which has for Bel and drink n large quantity of j popular “lly” in the E a st—Evans­ several months agitated the A m or-■ tea, gruel or other slops, because it Dealer in drugs, medicines, eheni- J. ll. K i > si . k r .............................Proprietor. ------Keeps------ ville Argus. ican public, the views of so emi- will invariably increase the fever-1 ¿cnls etc., of the best cjuaiitv, and Constantly on hand h well selected It is a campaign lie— St. John nent a person as the Scottish peer' ishn^ss, and in a majority of in -! all the time receiving fresh, every- stock of fp-sh and choice drugs and med- does not w ear pumps on his feet. on the question of property in land stances prolong, rather than lessen, thing usually found in a first-class icines.notioi s blank books, school hooks cannot, as we have said, be entire- 1 the duration of the cold. It is well; medical dispensary. Prescriptions and everythin*: usually found ill a first-class — Texas Siftings. drug store. Presciptions carefully com­ The ultimate , known that confining inoculated ; carefully compounded, The sot, taking yet another devoid of interest pounded. Give him your orders. test brought by His Grace to the , persons in warm rooms w ill make v2nb His prices are ns low as the lowest. glass, is an illustration of the text vlnt.r> — the spirit swilling but the flesh Georgian theory is an attempt t o ! their small-i>ox more violent Im­ prove “the immorality of any teach- augnmenting the general heat and is weak.—Yonkers Gazette. ing which disputes individual own- fever; and it is for the same reu- “ Why do they always call young ership and control of indefinite! son that a similar practice in the lawyers ‘limbs of the law,’ pa?’ i acres of land.” That a legal right present complaint is attended with “ Oh, I suppose it’s because they’re —FOR— | exists is beyond dispute. Wheth- analngous results, a cold being in -ic n - always broke.-’’Boston Times. In some . . I er a moral principle sustains acus- reality a slight fever. T o m b s io n e a n d Wheu a Prohibitionist orator j U)[n whk.h allow9 Hn indiviliuni Apprcciating tlu* necessity of all Business parts of England, among the lower ha» water brought to lam in a tin ' absorb arcas safficiently large to order of the people, a largo glass Men. Fa*nu rs and Miners having a news­ cup. people think they can see I saKt„ in thou3amk ot people is the of cold spring water, taken on go­ paper published in the nietrojKilies, in ad­ dition to their own local paper—one that through his little g sm e.-C tica | p r i^ at i9sue. ing tolled, is found to be a succoss- contains all Financial, Commercial and Observer. 1 in fact, many General News; which matter not being in A G M C “T ! Was the earth given to mankind ful remedy, and, the scope of a local paper—the proprietor «f There are two methods of be­ for the benefit of the few or the 'medical practitioners reccommeud the lo tte oh thè so fe rote, ire tiare coming notorious, girls. One is many? It will be observed that' a reduced atmosphere, and frequent t b t f v i u i l k t f it ii sertired an ntjene for Ih:' s ile ot tv l A j c r a l t l to elope with a coachman, and the the question is sutfieiently broad draughts of cold fluid as the most towosfoncs and tnonnun iits, front other is to run for President.-Pitts- to enlist the most powerful sym -; efficacious remedy for a recent cold, Has made advantagem* anangemenls burg Times. I pathies and acute intelligence on particularly when the patient’s 15 (ti!“*.! alni ndiiiMr rioese in (.’aliioniiit __W IT H T H E _ _ habit is full and plethoric.” “ Oh, for the wings of a dove,’’ either side. Mr. George says: liiV . SAN FRANCISCO she sang, as she was puzzling her As to what exteut human law- Mr. Graham further snvs: “ It | V bich v.e are enabled fi» give ex- ; celioni bargains. Flint« >graj?ide de- brains as to what new ornament she may create rights is beside this is generally supposed that it is the ; signs and price list plinwn oli ap- should put upon her fall bonnet, discussion, for what 1 promise is to exposure to a cold or wet atmos­ c pheatiou. —Yonkers Statesman. change, not violate, human law. phere which produces the efi'ect The regular cnbscripiii»n price of our paper i-> J. A. D ean . ¥ 2 .0 0 P E i t Y E A R . $1—“ Thief!” £50,000— Defaul- j Such change, the Duke declares cajled cold, w hereas it is returning Office iiFHerald Building. ter!’’ $100,000’—“Shortage!” £500,- would be unrighteous. He thus to a warm temperature after ex- And the vee.rlv subsc:rijition of t lie d il.O N - K'LE is s*_*. Now we will furnish 000—“ Cauadiau tourist!” £1,000,- appeals to that moral law which is posure, which is the real cause of 000—“ Brilliant financier!” —Pitts- i before nnd above all human laws, the evil. Wlien a person in the u n til Dpiipiin fr.ri fino V QOP -r . t * ■ r- burg Telegraph. ! and by which all human laws are : cold weather goes into the open Dudl ffiiiDlrs iiJl G Ili: ** iil , A ' \ every time he draws his breath judged. Lot me insist upon For W’ e read an item about a ini’ k- 1 *° t * loi:?' * ( * ] t ! air 1 ** »tncdiiw fliVi'ii rii ms li this point. Landholders must elect thecobi pa sei mrongn nos­ 5>otli p . « • . r .-i man getting fifty quarts of milk t. on . 1 v* * tl’ from one cow in one day. All we to try their case either by human tri!.-; and windpipe into the lungs, Rlliplnd pm! Ppd can say is that he must have a law or by moral law. i f they say ami co.n-equently diminishes the that land is rightfully properly be boat in these parts. As long as a En.pire CiiY and Drain's Station mighty deep well. ¡ade i-o they by human person law mtinuos in the cold air lie — Lowell Citizen. i. l **3 r r V i ” t STAGE and STEAMBOAT line! cannot charge t h< »se W'lit) VYould feels n >ad effects from it: but as Ü Ù if J P— We have heard of killing two change that lbtw with advoeatiug , soon :t: bo rt turn- home bo ....1 S T i lE ___ C a r r y i n g * T h e U - ?• M a i l s birds with one stone, but is that robber . But if they charge that pr* cell the fire to.warm himself, as bad as killing a lot of people ! such change in human law would ami vory often takos some wann Wells. Fargo & Go’s ....OFTHE.... with one’s tone? W « nsk this ques- bc robbel Vj thcn t)lcy ,,lust show and comfortabh? drink to keej> out Exili .S3 T P a ;C iiï.c CciSLOt:. tion of our \ oculists. - Oil (_itj Der- ; ,[)„(■ |anj ¡s rightfully property ir - , the cold, it is suit!. The inevitable j Äcquilte iiihj T J i^ T h r o r j «I fin iti. O L IV E Bandon HOTEL, Hotel M. E. A he w C C Vrr O . A ÜOldGU 0 F P 0 P. T 0 i i Ï Y New Drug Store! Care ÌSì Beai!! Our Subscribers. M0NUMENT 0 L W c n ilv C liro iifc ie . lU i . 11 l. A h a h 1: o u b n h u Leading Newspaper ncJt* respective o* human law. i; * * j consequence is that he will find ho ! Don Piatt says: “ Musicians are It is needless, however, to insist has taken cold. Ho f«*ols a shiver-; not made, they are born.” This is that property in land ro.ds only on ! ing which makes him draw nearer no doubt true, but it is also a fact human enactment, which may a t : the fire, but all to no purpose; the ! that a good deal of suffering is ; any time be changed without vie- more ho tries to heat himself the; borne by their hearers.—Boston ; lation of moral law. No one se-j more he chills. All the mischief Post riously asserts any other deriva- ; is here caused by the violent ac- A small boy who slid down a tree , ^on* | ^on pretty fast and barked the skin, 11 should be observed that the; “To avoid this when you come on his hands said, “ I guess I don’t ! Duke rehes UP°U iUe r,^',L of co11' | ont of a Vfr>’ col(1 atmosphere, you vearn a hotter than this yearn for for a hotter climb climb than this. ” quest to sustain Ins moral claim,: should not at first go into a room and of which he says: “ It has been | that has a fire in it, or, if you can- — Willamsport Breakfast Table. open to every conquenn army not avoid that, you should keep for A Congressman shouted in his aiR| e v e r y occupying host in all a considerable time at ns great a speech: “ We must return to the ages and in all countries of the distance as possible, and, above all, | food of our fathers.” And what world to establish a similar owner­ refrain from taking warm or strong was it, was askde.” A deep ship.” That this^irgument is fat- liquors when you a»*o cold. This voice across the hall replied: j Rj]y detective,requires no analysis rule is founded on tlie same prin­ Thistles! —Anon. j lnajie plain, i f it were true, ciple as the treatment of any part Tonifin polifiTpoj] J FT» u 111 »id, UOl lift fill a bo. Y E A VS MS KMl’ l UE Cl ?Y AMD IUJA iXS 1 j sr.\TU.)N EVERY .MONDAY, WEDNESDAY nnd FRIDAY The steamer ,1 UNO or RESTLESS meets the stage at the mouth of the l iupqna. New and comfortable Hinge:!. FARE to Drains Station v7. Fare to Portland by this route c lo.70. Tuich ]i:issenger allowed .Vup.mi.d.iof ba*> r.ge Passengers nre requested to lie in Empire City the night before departure. Any information in regard to the nbovo hue can be procured at the Bint oo or Central hotels in Marshfeld. and the post office or in any public hoise in Empire. » IL L GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY THE CHEONU LK BUILDING. *‘My son, never steal. I f it be- comes necessary for you to take the money of others, do it with a magnitude that will command their admiration and respect.“—Pitts- burg Telegram. then would the estates of Scottish of the body when frost-bitten. If v . v. . J .. ., -» «, ,, H IE SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE is noHemen be open to conquest by it were brought to the lire it would the first paper on the const in ability anti in his tenantry whenever they were won mortify, whereas, if rubbed the frcshnesM and reliability of its NEV.’S strong enough to obtain posses- with snow, no had consequences Nothing that the world desires to know is omitted from its columns It aims r„, fi;i sion, and once under their control follow from it. Hence, if the fol­ every requirement of n first-class paper. Its telegraphic reports are the latest nnd the moral right would insure to lowing rule were strictly observed any part of it most reliable; its local news the fullest and A brass band is, probably, the them. It is rather, however, in —when the body . or . . ., . ; spiciest, and its editorials from the ablest most mixe.1 class of mcu "to be ; tl'« »PPlieatioii of the Duke’» cbos- IS chilled bring it to its natural • pens in the country. THE CHRONICLE has always been, and found, for it alwnvb includes both I en text tlmt Mr‘ Geor8e ,,mke his | feeling and warmth by d egress- always will bo, the friend and champion of tbe high-toned and the low-toned,! m,* ‘ telJinK J-*»»«** »gainst . the j the frequent colds we experience tbe I,,,pva»«„am,tcomi,a,n,i„„»,cii,luM. and th e y are always blowing about 6>stem of »,rivateownership of land j in Winter would, in a great meas- corporations or oppression of any kind. It will be independent in everything, neutral it, to o . B >ston Times ° ^)a^ a gre,d landowner naturally ; ure, be prevented.” in nothing; fair and impartial to nil parties, _ i aims to maintain. The adaptation j . , ~~ , * \ - “ jlou are looking so badlv mv *i i • • I An Austin dutle for some mcom- vet exposing corruption wherever found, aud l | , ,, . . . , ^ , i ® ^ Animal t* > his environment . , .. , • , I working with fearless endeavor to promote d a u g h te r , said an Austin mother c • i i* a text. A . rn , .. prehensible reason was married I Rud , protect . , every interest . . . of , the ' great promote ® * 1 1Iluinei furnishes him Hie lailtlless ! , . . , . . . . . pub- day last week to H stout, heal- ; lie whom it serves and Oil whom it depends to her seven-year-old daughter man is equally fitted by nature j one ,. . . , , , • . „ thy country girl. 1 lie dude was p er-! f,,r ltRsupport. “ that I shall send for Dr. Smith- 1 ... . ! with the rich man for the use of , , f The SAN FRANCIS VNCISCO W EEKLY CHRON- is id i i j ,, , - turned, wore m ils on ins shirt, his “ Don’t send for him. He all in land, and without it lie is as com-1 , . . . . . . . I ICLE, the most brilliant and complete ready er. gaged to be married.” plete an anomaly as a fish without 1 "