r . i f rrr- M h I c «»•«! lîrmTnl X ni«. F< " i l s a l t :. FE E D AND L IV E R Y STA B LË The Fourth of July is now at » ‘ / O ,c of laust. 1* mil' : above ll.m- On Sunday night, the 22nd ult., The following extract from a hand, and a few words may tie K.33. Eixclr, Fxcp. orchard. i . r ir i • , . i dot: »h, Jo acres in meaduYV, h the coroner ot Washington county . . letter written ns by a man out in opportune. When we take i.iL* va.-,li bouse, siii O ik . m io c> I h o u s e , iM irU . W«KH ili n; Coquille City, Ogn. Oregon, will explain the manner consideration the trials and tril>u-^'W1S notified that a murder had house * io.. etc. i’nee For jiarticn- TU ESDAY, J I T .Y l, 1S8A Hauling Dono at Reasonable Rates. V lnltf in which the Marston Remedy Co. lation of the Revolutionary Fathers I been committed a short distance lars, apply to J. L, Otiicid on the prt-luises. N1U T A I O U 1. does business. —the ordeal of famine, lire and i n°Hh Hikoboio, and an investi- sQM IN fr In accepting a {»osition on this “ I d e s ir e information in refer­ blood, through which they passed, j g’dion began. I he circumstances _)O id Z A i K a V1 1 \ kJ paper, anil iu assuming a portion ence to the Marston Remedy Co., in order that their descendants I 80 fftr developed, l)oiutto tt scheme IX of the labor necessary to its pro­ of It» West 14th street, New York should enjoy the blessing of free- to defraud lite insuiance companies,! The x,,./ latest/stylos; also children’s f 1 z> r. ? t t t t r> H i m\r duction as a journal of general c j^. I sent them #10 for a dom, it becomes our duty to remem­ ' but a bungle has been made and ; clothing and ladies’ underwear, by’ ! L O Q U I l LI i U l l Y U ( j N, news, we are forcibly lemiiuh d ot t.oaiise medieine, and instead ber W4 them with ,>4. M r s . T r u e a t M o u lt .m ’s o íd s t a n d grateful feelings. the plan is liable to fail. v 2 n ‘U t f the magnitude of the undeitaking,» 0f «¿ending what 1 ordered, they I The firing of Capt. ( ’. TÍ. Armstrong, an old • P r o p r ie t o r , when our inexperience in tmehj M ‘ ...................... i i ? 7 5 SÏÏ1 i « ï i Z i matt*r9 id tateu tnU>consideratum.; am| sent (\ (). 1)., so that I could j ;it night, and all the external ev i-; throughout \ 3 3 ä < < Dealer in drugs, medicines, chem­ California and c Y j n a i i a i in n ü k iïii We approach it with some on i-. not ^ wliat I sent for until I r-aid deuce of heartfelt ivy should Ire con. i Northwest, was found dead m icals etc., of the best quality, and deuce, and doubt as to the final1 1 VJ| all the time receiving fresh, every­ \ Aid n o n I «i' F flß fir r it - result. But, amidst this fog of thing usually found in a first-class _ r T lu • ncopl e oí th<* C o lp ii lie r iv e r sh o u ld uncertainty, there is a ray of gen­ told to send to you ns you could we owe them. There are many who | of the 2h’rd nil. a’ 'is gond Fieilograjili't medical dispensary. Prescriptions n in jn d ial sunshine. W e have been re- tell me 'all about the Marston forget while enjoying the benefits, j v our Mack bears were killo. it?a c« i be ob;» tí') . V. 1 A < ii th e Fu.-iuc coas*,, aro care fully com pou ruled. our 1 m ade by G . i I . ' \ N; si i m i . o f M y rtle P o in t . ceived by alfw iih whom we came | ]»oin0l|y ( o. v*2nl5. the indomitable patience and per-¡ ].,sf v/eo]: ;,t Ie Creek, Oregon : wui soon i O ••»mpieted a flo a tin g in contact, upon our arrival in this ] Wo dipped the above from the I severance of those who ,n i i* _ _ • • ^ produced ^ Xh.at section of t ii the . country seems r -ini section of Coos county, with j Agents’ Herald, and append the them. Hoping that each featun to be overrun by .them and the i W it h ) * /»* IP id v is it «-very p o in t ■ kindness, and it will be out sUiu\ following remarks: » 1 l , 1 1 \ » ecu ,.Iyr;lc F o in t and M YRTLE PO IN T E XC H A N G E on . iiH Ti V of the celebration will bo carried to large, gray, mountain wui»If. ; Bund t ii, ;u*d u pr* p ;r. «l to «i'» K a n Fraii- to preserve that feeling by e\ci\ i \\'t> entertain no sympathy for a successful issue, we wish you a Z '/Z ^ - r t l e ZEPcixit. C g o x Joseph Brake (colored) w 1 eis -K v. ( » v '/ : ; t S Ili n S ;u ' ;• in c isc o pi ices. legitimate effoH, asking no more; q 1v, Ionian. The ignorance of happy and enjoyahli Oil ft í»M ! \VÜ! •t* fa il;. J to m akt Fie-, nr.-s in |>M’ i convicted of muidcr in tlie first lias always a onmplete assortment tlian the generous fori >ea ranee of a . ^ uu> Folks is astonishing when we * - O* . ali si y »t ‘.s i it< W i i i ( > ..•-¡'.ri. Irm i’, the sn u 'il- o f (.¡ cimti ! Merchandise, Boots and Shoes We have liad colisi idoral le rain, | degree, and sentoucej to bo tiling * eS «it a t » í *. K ’ , .' ;| i ’ i ¡ 7 k J 7 iu ci'.es. discriminating public for one who', consj^er amount of light that s and 'i’ohacoes. Hardware, Glass »! t'- issue, i 0,1 tin nth o f August next, in Sa­ ; H i !. t iiSKT i *> t r ii " ¡ li' i<» co m p are h is Ciroceri« is about to engage, f*»r the is slicil on tlie efforts of th o s e '111 lie week preceding tins Wood and Willowwnre, and everthing li cnrs > who i »loaded w. indicate if not ! I*'1'1- usually found in a first-class time, in a profession fraught with ; afioU1¡naMe quacks, If the ability . Tlu ---- signs —....... ; - a » partial ..................*i ,. . . , i" a ¡ , "m è n e n t c itiz e n j Mr 1 • ) . I k iwfirtz K or.-. Highest price paid for coun­ inuumerable difficulties ami where | 0j* h,cal physicians is doubtful j complete failure in the hay crop. ¡ gunlv ot complicity m tin o f Ci i »s ; * »! i * V ì • ? 11i it is to th e in t e r i s' try produce, hides, furs,Ac. was sentenced to j o f til ‘ t,..- r ' . l' * p .•••olii:'..- Im m e in d u s try it becomes impossible to please j ^ j.y t|0 they who doubt, not apply! It is an unusual occurrence in thit mimh Oifturs. ('r.sh is our motto, Marv F tS \V i ,rl/. ! and Ilc»Vl»' 1(‘0P i.: e i:»"U«'y in th e c o u n try . all. I for information to the intelligence t latitude, and the changing of the ; ciwnc.it ioi life. v lu ltf Burke A Hicky. 1 f \ . J ' * r •’ | _____________________ Heretofore, it has been both our j wl irh exjsts jsl cviiry community? j iho longest day in the year, ■ was acquit! » i 4 r disposition and delight to be 11,11 But that ignorance, of which we ^ given as ike cause. Si» say die. At M. \ Weller’s ranch, Wash- 1 n fl 1 1; n 11 * I r •1 • • ri V» J i u U 11 JL independent fugleman, tiring speak, is seldom the reason. The weather prophets: but wi diî 11 *r p^cca Springs, a man was killed in and left, front or rear, w henever , true cause is parsimony—a desire with them. The separation of the a well by the falling of a buchi r» p » 1 » T II N I V we saw, after due reflection, an t,l»tain a great amount of some time in which the moon revolves i u'l.n i he well was about seventy fu t f l i - i J Í 1 1 1 1 ü U Trent St. Coquiile City, r r i outlay. The 1 arol|U^ the earth,20days, intoquar- j (jt.ep, and the bucket full of dirt opportunity to correct au abuse. thing, for a tnlling F l ill— While we have l>eeii but an person who credits the stories h‘rc5» gives us no authority foi the j feu u,.aily tlie entire distance, r , o i/. Ü. \X. O l i v e , P r o p r i e t o r . f h e r r jt v o p Q G u r generally entertained on tlint j (.rusjjjng the unfortunate man humble laborer in the vineyard of extant with reference to life-sav- V- ! i U . o i i k i u l u i literature, still, we have aspired to ing remedies, and fortunes that : The moon is a!ways ehang- beneath its weight. A | p reci ti j g tho n e c e s sity o f ali B u s iu s- This house is well supplied with every- i M en . Fr.^iut rs m il M in e rs h a v in g a n o e - a position—tho' it be but subor­ aro not inaile, Imt are given nwny^ ing; and, if we estimate its power me s>:-.rv to uiake >t. a During a storm near r ]>ui«ii dintlie metr<¡polies, i.» au by the size of its appearance at eer- ,r n FIRST t Î. \fis JJOTLL. dinate one—in the ranks of that must possess a weak intelleet. (wr— oik I ha . . , 1 1 . . . ¡ v> alia, a cloud-burst occur re * ìn tlic «"«il error, because, it nfleets the tide as com se of construction, e ghiecn (ri m raí ' vlultf. ■•■al p: p* r — th e p ro p riit o r o l ! tin- scope mudi on the new moon as it does liberty—tho Republic of Rotters. The the indies off its foundation. » i '’mR. All signs fail in Ore on the full. Henry Hnden. Tlie logie of thè alan e maxim Now, the nsj^'ct is somewhat it \ \ m f this most astonishing i fie fi Pi 'J u v n U . O V changed, and the line drawn, from may be considcreil doubtful. It gvn. dond-burst was, that it pnniuci'U me:.! which there must be no deviation. mav be sufficienti for to-dav, yet. N ota bloislstickcr n o r d ’1'' The road from this ¡»lace to a sucker. T : > IY We have always been inclined to productive of direful consequences Myrtl*' Foilit is yet it an unfin­ a I »ab\ sucker, but u large fish o f i ) the opinion that the people have to-morrow. Notwithstanding this ished state. It is a paramount that species. I j.h V '0 -n -.1 AN I.' • hiUO \ ‘ * ; .. ta V reserved rights, and that no last­ fact, there are many people who duty with those in control to com­ I» UiUi itu : Abbot, late of tlie Lewiston, L T. b in g benefit, no permanent reform seem to abide with it as a text to plete this thoroughfare. From News, will start a paper at Ritz- Í - i. > .. >■ • a 1 ifi] if n. V Ì \ be construed for their especial can be obtained by attacking those fifteen to twenty days’ work fvr villo, AY. T. 'J'here are about one rights vindictively. Domestic j benefit l or the evils of the day, j oll0 map we think would be sul’i- hundred inhabitants at that place, ii»'. r»- r'A »DA ALS/ I il n LLA. GINGER AI.E W — 1 — « •• TT f“' vsO .'O fit f H3p li. TpUi.Jny, 'JJ.*.ru jL J li . evils may be innumerable, still, ^ there will certainly come a day j (.jent, and it would be well to per- and several milla ns of acres of * r-J- '-J O Coll. July < K ii.icd f.>r k . i I k . i ’iil.« : wo ought to consider before fight­ of reckoning. I n tr a v e lin g ov< r | form the operation during tho fine ! |,unch grass land in full view. \uot on ,ti OitUr.s to MuiKlifirLl vL'ul-i T * voke retaliation. c The application serving the deplorable condition interesting to those who travel, tlto piospect. 1 lie fodder i.-? boun -, FqH. i : nr r -*". ft T r se *r : p - ifL »i l 1 ■ . » • • ; 1 «tpi(( of moral force, example and kind­ of that thoroughfare, the possibili- it may not be out of place to put tifili in fact, it is t o o utterly good; A a -a • a .« Ì q i•■ ’ ! h ¿v/i \J J l iß r\ î ♦ w > V*..w red efforts of a peaceful nature, ■ ty of an accident occuring at any in a word for the Conledo road. ami whi'ii all else fails, au un­ i* 4 ¿ o y. * î \ i.. n *• -• 7"; * USD’ -. » M limited supply of grass is not to be V • i Vjr i have more influence over tho aver­ moment, is painfully apparent ! A few ilnvs’ work in w idening that I IV! p-TS *• !*i io »i»n<* or two hdrt sneezed at. O k U; ; 1 il 1 lit‘ S’ lì * *orili» r. age biped than all tlie tyiannic M hen a few victims have been ; road, especially at the bridj, O ' - ) rv The grand jury of Jackson conn- and fauatical laws that were ever ollered up—immolated on tho altar j would l?o of great benefit and a vH U ! found true bills against nil the Q ‘ , enacted. We may be justified in j ,,f recklessness, there will be loud | orcdit to tlie district. We nni ,'t 1 i tv. f \ n- y »n stage robbers before adjourning. * «Í attacking the foreign enemy with j wailing and gnashing of teeth, j jmve yome re.spect f»>r 3 J 1 \ ¿ nH £ \ ! A î n n V. - A A 1 n< v a s S i» * H R,«v. T. F. R o y a l has accepted an « k whatever weapons that are availa- j Some one has said that, “ it is wjK) pm^eth and cultivates as well ¥■ 1 k J ’R O P P v I E T O R , ù à il A U ble, but, the domestic enemy de never to late to mend;” but, if an as circulates opinions with regan i! appointment to do missionary work C( NST AN TRY . . . I S 'i 'i l F . . . serves more consideration; the re­ accident occurs, the damage will to our county. Go*>d roads always ! among the Indians at Klamath, r i e • Keeps r* « 5>i n p , p » - ' ' •A r- •- 1 Y* V f 1 Ô ¡.: X-w a L c i » l , * straining efforts must be calcula­ be followed with damages for neg­ speak for themselves, therefore, ! The fish wluvls at the faìU W \n •rtmiî it of ted with due regard for the result. lect. W e may consider tlie fact J we sav, attend to tho roads as soon above The Dalles continue to dip ! 1:- • '+s- KJiU up large quantities ot sawnon. i Nothing of a politicial nature, that, the travel does not pay the ‘ | as possible. Bod for the salmon. advocating the interest of this or i expense of repair, but we al.-o take Da ? and caj>s, This is a spacious and truly We w ill match Prineville against ! that party, enters into the columns . into consideration the fact that delightful town site. There are any town, for gossip, envy, ( n.its- ; Stationery, Inks, of this paper, consequently, tlieie that does not absolve the proprie- no high hills enclosing it, conse­ tianity, cussedness, fair-dealing, i Soine- Dry gds and will be no diversity of or division* tor from responsibility, quently, nothing to obstruct the liberality and pretty women, s..; s in opinion with regard to such, thing ought to be done iu the Clothing La­ free circulation of the invigora- the News. matters published. There will be j matter, ting wind. The heavy and sudden showers I dies, Gent» a division of profits, providing! ------ -—»-*►«—— ----- Ther are progressive signs of | uf the past month throughout and Childrens there may bo any profits; lmt tim j j . Cussansof Empire, is agent! improvement on every hand P ie -i Eastern Oregon are phenomenal iprov tenure which a new’spaj>er hoids j f()1. following wo^ks: lld l’ Almost every h - General fur­ cautions of a sanitary character ' at this season. on that essential to prosperity is , , ^janllHi 0f Social and Business will, no doubt, be taken alan early cal it v has been visited with “ water nishing goods; undoubtedly, precarious. ; forms. Sept Winner’s World o f , tlay> the town being so situated spouts” doing in the aggregate also groceries, W h i l e wemay be unati.e to sup-j y ollf, J. G. Blaine’s History (il- j tliat drainage will be an ‘usy considerable damage. C’alined goods, Barnhart and Anderson, the j ply our readers with a thrilling InsUated ) Twenty years in Con-1 matter. We have not yet got our parties who killed an Indian po- ! Cigars, tobacco amount of wisdom, or overpower­ gre-s. J. B. Gough’s Sunlight-arid j bearings; but, we will borrow a , Reeman on the r< serration, w ill put andcandies. Ho pays the high­ ing particles of wit, we shall en­ Shadows—au illustrated work on compass from some obliging skip-; their lives in to the hands of twelve est price for country produce. deavor to give them the latest temperance. Life c o. tho Reputai- j>er> auq proceed to give a more m« n in Umatilla c >untv. vln23 items of news and such articles ot can candidate for 1 lesidont- J. ( o ¡ tributo account of V. e learn that a movement is on ol our surround­ a miscellaneous character as w ill B1 nine. Life of the Democratic can foot in a certain quarter, to boycott ings, as early as pot-sible. Tin; ninoxiri refillin g . Ö O Q L T IIs L iE M I L L be appropriate for reading in the didate for president—also, all tlie the Poid-lideili; e icor. This is an T in : SAX FRANC ; >(/(> CHRONICLE is family. lending newspapers and magazines! The people of that section of tho ! exceedingly low down picco of the first >mi» r on tb** coast in ability anil in — AND— In conclusion, we beg leave to ! iu tho world. Biography is pro- I Coquillo cmbiaciug Myrtle Point, business — ^ nüleJL ost____ the frcsniu's:! and reliability < i its NEWS. Bay that, we are neither a recon- j pressing with the rapidity of l i g h t - 1 t o celebrate the completion Mrs. (\ W.Olivo. Mm. A. G. Aikiu. XotbiiiK that tlie world iR sires to know is dite scholar nor an irretrievable nin^ The lucky fellow wild re-1oi the new bridge at that place, omittid from ils cohuiuis. It aims to till OLIVE & AIKEN* every n <|i:ir«ment of a !ir>i -class i»aj»er. dunce. In our creed thero is RR i ceives a nomination will relire for ! ubout the 10th of next month, Jts teleora;.hie reports arc tho latest and DEALERS IN— Have just received at article in which we have im plicit; jiigid delighted with his pros- 1 there will be a picnic, oration, j most Ti*Hul»Ie: its liKiiil jKW.sthe fullest and faith, and that is, we are never too ( p0cp4j visions of future greatness 1 music and dancing; as, it is eon- j i sjiicifsl. and ils i ditoriius troni the ablest tiie lr n o w : pens in the country. old to learn. Our aim w ill be, win surround him in his dreams, sidered an important improvement j 1 THE ( ’ ll RON 1C ! j E b::s always been, and ; i simply, to do what is right in pro- i alld]na pleasure w ill bo augmented an event in the progress of that — AND ALL KINDS OF— ■ always will be. the friend and champion of moting tho welfare of the com -; on arising, to see a recital of Lis | locality, the bridge is a handsome : the people ¡is a;;air.st coinbinaiions. cliques. L U M B E R » corixirations or oppn s>ion of any kind. It munity, and in aiding to make the i antecedents written by a friendly j structure, combining durability | will be independent in everythin»», neutral C e d a r , f ir , ash , m a t l e , m y r t l e , H erald a successful candidate for hand, and drawn with more flattery with economy. »* < —----— in nothing; fair and impartial to all partita, yet t-Ypisinpcorruption wherever found, and Alder and spnice lumber always on than truth. Sic transit gloria muu- puclic favor. I f our chief begins to run T lx a X ja t o s t S t y l o s working with ftiivb ss «-ndeavor to promote hand and for sale at the lowest rates. Robert Starkey. di. around iu the first day of our TOADIES andohiidren s x - xats 1 and protect every interest of the great pub- admission and consequent crude­ I lie whom ii serves and on whom it depends P lcw 3rs, Ostrlclx ! for its support. Now that Wells, Fargo & Co, We feel greatful to the News ness, what will he do when we be- The K AN I R AN CISCO WEEKLY CIIUON- ! liv tlm Til-. K A T IE COOK, on for its very flattering remarks, I have established a line between come initiated? In that case, the F lu m e s and the rn<»t brilliant .ml j y - river t reasonable rates. ftltho’ they were a little “ too pro-j this place and Empire ( ity, it j idea is suggested that we form a Weekly Newspaper in the World, prints i Tips* regularly 72 columns, or eight pages, o f ! , , . ,. vious;” as we were not quite cer-| should receive all the patronage ! conspiracy with the balance of the News. Literature and General Information; ; Lmber, matcll-WOOd and StftVO tim- T-ia,ces, tain as to the position in which j that it may be possible to bestow, j staff, and fire him out for derelic- also ninaoiiiliceiit Aerieultural Department. | h er p u r c h a s e d . Mr. Dean would place us. You j People having packages to forward; tion. Orders for lumber filled in quanti­ X S iT e T e c n s , ties to tsuit, nnd at the lowest living forgot our request, Gus. Be care- by express, can send them through | ■*■■*•* * ----- and Ornam ents. Including postage, to any part of the l nited rates. ful in the future, or it may become this agency—thereby avoiding the j Hurry up tiiose bridges, gentle- States, r / J. PARKER, Ruching Embroidery necessary to pay you a visit.' bother of various consignments, ¡men, and let us have direct com- Sent Free. Sttninlr Cofaf M. L. H ANSCOM, All orders musi be accompanied l