v. . ÜTiit lUiiriBlii poil» «rouulîî ÿ.jmil. OFFICIAL PAPER OF POIK CO. f t ESI>AY MORNING, JAN. 2C, 18«». mo- -<--ij» . •, » Jw M ,5S(» * ■ i 4 t i that oi.e nl buch iu H uchco and e titu -ih | ti*>n o f State Rights, and in favor o f maintaining a Constitution that guaron gsajrThe publication day o f the S ir.' ! Had this jnst and raitionl sentiment, NAL is changed to Tuesday ever since the adoption o f the ( ’onr>titi> CONGRESS R E B U K E D B Y GEX- tion. actuated the people and the State and Federal Govei'umcnN.tne cove no jr o f the Constitution would have beau t e r r ib l e th e î'jrtlaud ::m src.u. been no invasion oi guur^üteod rip tahgs (Jecided exceptions to the rp e :;h uo sectional animosities, but h a w o v y made by Gen! Sherman at Chicago c.i 1 ^c jid have reigned among the Stata> the occasion o f the late soldiers’ dein- and the people, and we should uow be npipHrasion. *. a., disorderly and ridicu­ an united, prospering, contented, un- le** pcu»-wt>«r, we are disposed to view taxed and wealthy Repqhlic. Geuerul that General’* expression in quite an Sherman, seeing the manifold evils and other and differept light from the view he^d Ijy the Commercial. The fact is, ire fear that Bro. Dow has conic to the conclusion that nothing good can V come out o f Nazereth.” The following extract embodies about all G eo. Sherman said on the aforesaid occasion: Happily, my friends, you did not belong to lha£ class o f our people iu who.se hearts was planted, from youth, the pernicious doctrine of State power, and tnat the citizen should love a part o f the country better that the whole. You were reared in a better school, and taught to revere the Constitution o f the whole country. Now, we think the Commercial will agree with us that Gen. Sherman iss a man of at least prdiuary stnijc and sa g a city Jlpucc that paper mu^t see that yi)len the Gen. addressed himself, i ti ; t i t) 1:1 It . i . ; i « t i t * A F a ll en !t3 n n l(^ed by bis 0\i “ • . i . (n ow i d l y [ j *\ u . w i t b i j ) - - s i — -*- . 5 »o ?i ! v ò C w r . s O v j y i. - teil*. . p i e i u i y e o - . n C a r . . . : '. o t o . . i y . : i * . . . » o e a r l y T ’io P aricidj rtteiepts to Drown *lirj- r , . « . V . v K » « 4 . 1 , -, L •' U 4 iidi an l then ¿urre::ders t 4 , O • . . ■ * * 1 i U . w -i rt U - i C - ’ C , / 1 V . * • i j V* * tY e . . V-/».. i u t m I m « y — . . . - * . ; . o The Steamer Union Sunk cn "he “ You were re- molest degree to republicans or the re pqblican party ? W ho would have the hardihood to assert that republicans had ever been tauuht to “ revere the Constitution o f the whole country ?” They have been schooled to a different belief. W endell Phillips, the groat C . I lili« U . II- ll-. ,1C ' in :a Î . Co J/ V Yamhill Palls! as a s w ,• an.! van Scr- . ùra 00513, who distinguished himself during the late civil war. Bonnet went with me to California, from Oregon, parly iu the spring o f ’47. Soon after pur arrival R. bEA R B O IlK . W . u . W A T K I N D S ,& i'o > WHEAT BOUGHT- ? » W ARE D J 3 3 IN ’ S BICK, Commercial 8treet, S A L E II f. WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL DEALERS CASH P B I 6 S IN for W H E A T and O A T S . Their facilities for receiving and sacking graiq are unsurpassed anywhere in the State. Steamboats laud regularly alongside o f tbeir Ware House at all seasons o f the year. 26tf !»add 1 e r y - H ard tv a r e . L'iinlidgs», & c ., AC. friend writes us from Lafayptte under date pf Jan. 18, as fallows : The quiet o f our town was disturbed this evening by the a horrible murder had . been com ­ mitted in Chehalem Valley. 1’ res. ley town Hall made his appearance in perfectly wet and said he had jumped iuto the Yamhill river with the intention of drowning hiiqself, and gave as a reason that he had committed a ter­ rible crime, aud, failing to pnt an end to his existence by drowning, h^d con­ cluded to come aud glye himself up to the Sheriff. Shortly afterwords, a couri er arrived from m ilA N K F O L For past patronage, $nd hlTin A returned to tbeir old place of buffiues would rr.-pectfully cull atteutiou to tbeir Chehalem with the news that Presley Hall had murdered UMO. 4. anus. — pp— Concord Stage Harne.-s. ,, Hack „ .» Buggy „ Long-Tug „ Short „ „ Carriage „ puddles Bridles. Collars. Halters. Lines. Saddlebags. AND OWN W O B X BENTED. IMPOBTED FOR TH E D killing him instantly. The same correspondent under same ! he exhibited the gold and earnestly I urged me to return with him, saying date says: that I could get any amouut of gold On last night the P. T. Co’s. Steamer T • . . . . T J , , , II wished, but l was rather mcredulou-* Union coming down from McMinn j and deelined making the return with ville with about 20 tons o f freight, ; my family, hut in a very short time thereafter, the whole population ot the struck on the falls at this place and country, men worn« n and children were went down. She is badly injured. wending their way to the “ piomised The I nylon took her freight and pas there are to ho found Democratic edi- land ” and I soon found myself driffting sengers ou down. tors who are destitute of a knowledge | with the curreut, anu ere long lauded From the same that putrid sore throat Bennet re alike o f the magnitude Of the debt and , UP°‘ the golden shore, prevailed at Lafayette. the e probable effect repudiation K0UI,| mained in California until he made hi» r . ... i ». • \" pile. 11^ returned to Oregon, volun*. From the Oregonian o f the 18th ice. put it upon -h ig h moral prmc- : tecrcJ in In f P r o m i s e . — An. p f State power.” For he surely could A few people suppose that Wo.ods the Post seems to. us to be “ well tuken.’- not have meant the exercise, by a State, must call an extra s ssion in order other •* breach o f promise ” suit was It is high time that stupid old fashion­ o f any power not granted in the Con­ that an appropriation bill can be passed lately commcueed in San Francisco by ed theories about “ protection to Amcri F a rm ers’ S tore— stitution, because the Constitution, iu order that he can draw his salary ! a beauty of sweet nineteen against a can industry ” were exploded, as they gentleman generally supposed to have which he so reveres, contains an express m o n ey s a v e d : Those who think thus have not yet are sure to be when political economy is She alleges that defend­ reservation to tho several States, of all weighed the degree o f turpitude the some cash as generally and earnestly studied in our powers not granted to the United Statps. Governor aud the rest o f the Cabal are ant, some years since promised to umr- colleges as Latin, Greek and mathemat The reseryatiQ.il a^o, implies the right capable of. Who will suppose tha. ,hc! r> *bc h“s « “!l ics have been for the last fifty years.— r p H E LARGEST AND $E ST STOCK OF to exercise power so reserved, or the res­ salaries o f .he Clique will not be regu- and 18 >et’. r,'a,J>' aud , 0 y - A few o f the seceeding members o f gress ? W e d»sire to know how it is 9 >an announces. is a doctrine vital Curios Pierce, and now on exhibition the late Legislature are imploring the if said measures proved so decided asuc- to the preservation o f popular liberty in Boston, was lately tendered to Gen. New two story building at INDEPENDENCE, Governor not to order elections no^ call eess, that the same States then recon. which we will sell CHEAPER than the CHEAP­ $o this country; for wheu State rights Grant ly Major W . W . Lelund, aud is an extra session. ’I'hey tell him they 8trncted have now to be reconstructed EST. We are prepared through recent arrange are cfaslroI ecl. all power is centered to he served at the inauguration dinner are repudiated by their constituents aud over again,? \yi 11 anybody answer ? inents made in San Francisco, to find constant in one Government, it will be o f over­ iu Wushingtou, aity in March, uuder sale fjr all kinds of Produce, and paying the that, if an extra se.-sion is called it will highest market price for WHEAT. whelming strength, felt through its the supervision of the republican cen­ W’ e also have in connection with our store, look like their conduct is rebuked by agents everywhere, interfering in ail tral committee, who, are to act as high A n E n c o u r a g i n o F a ct .— I n 1864, the Governor. They don’ t seem to con political and social regulations, retuoved priests o f the sacrifice. in the twenty-five States which then A LARG E W AREH OUSE, sider that it would be a rebuke to him­ so far from the people and exalted so vot“ d for President and V ice-Presi self for the Governor to call ao exira Dr. Li vingstou says that there is a ^¡gh above them, that their complaints dent, General McClallen received where we offer storage on good terms. session. cannot be heard, nor their wrongs be familiar saying iri Africa that God made We alse keep 1,811,754. In 1868. in the same States, M O L I N E and B O S T Q N C I * I M * E R fedressed. the white man nd also the negro; hut Blank Mortgages at the S ignal Seynjour received 2,274,093. dem o­ PLOW S. It is matter o f public gratulation, the Devil made half casts (mulattoes). i Office- cratic gain, 452,239. J AMES L DALY LOOK ATTHIS1 i»tf X Medicine», TRADE: ¡stock o f h a k d w a u b , which w« Portland prices. H ID E S , T A L L O W IN D rugs, W A B- his father, Mathew Hall, by shooting him wiih a double barreled shot gun— EALEB8 A L A R G E A N P »V P U * S E L E f T E D — s a m l h k a d b (0|(1 GEO. A. EDES & CO., EXTENSIVE’ ASSORTMENT discovery that H O U SE Completed and are prepared to store an indefi­ nite quantity o f Wheat, OaU, Barley, etc.,etc* and are paying the highest OREGON. From our Extra os Wednesday. \ PO TV » CO., E 0 L 4 , H AV E T B I I R • Splendid new R Harness. Saddlery, Leather, ! OTHERS NE --YS. commanding ofhecr being Col. Sumner, distre-s which a failure to “ revere the Copst’nutien ” has brought upon the he went to “ Sutter’s Fort,” and in country, utters this timely admouition conjunction with J. W . M iMarshall en tered into a contruct with Sutter to build to prevent their recurrence. Wo hope a Mill on the south fork o f the Am eri­ Congress will profit by it, and cease can river, and it was during operations their ruinous work outside the Consti­ comenced with the building of that mill thnt’ the Gold was discovered. Tho tution. first gold from these mines seen South o f the Sacramento river, was seen in R E P U D IA T I OX. the hunas o f Capt. Beunct, soou after making the discovery. Bennet started In view of the possible contingency lor Monteray with about ap ounce o f the gold, to have the nietal tested, and o f the ultimate repudiation o f the yieat also to see Qov. Masou apd endeavor to public debt which is now weighing obtain same right to the «»ines. The Uov down upon the energies o f the people, j informed fan) be could giyc him to .uid o f the question ere lor.g assuming : r'tlht, hut the right to work and make , ... i | the most of it while he could. H e re a tangible shape, speculations p ro and . , . , . , . 1 * 1 . r mamed over night with me at r>anta con are to be meet with in the public , (*|ara on |,js Wav to ami from Monteray, prints quite frequently. Editors whose aredjin afbetter school, and taught to re­ loilty is measured by the size of the , . , . ., receive as a consideration vere the Constitution of the whole subsidies they 3 country,” he meant the Democratic por­ lor pandering *o the behests W «■« tion o f bis audience, for what sane rich at. the expense o f the poor, rail poan is there who will usseit that the and frgth at the bare mention o f the word “ repudiation,*•’ while here and tijjove paragraph could rpfar iq (i;*’ re tq the audience thus t r a g e d y fc \ C H E H A L E M TALLEY! i. STO R AG E! STORAGE. Y A M H IL L . W. It. W A T K I S D S , cnrefullv fulfilled, and there vrculd nave * A lthough X E IPS F R O M i* i.' *.y 0 Jt * t * j & i as Genera* Shermuu takes 1»is stand so i nobly and openly against the Hestruc- I I tees their protection and presa va'ion. E R 4 L SH E RM AX. -71*? QRONEkWQLL O il», Yarn!» be« -AN r- C O L O R S O F A L L K IN D S . -AL80- (9 C la** and Putty, tàroceri?» and Provision». J & f Under the Legislative Hall, Holman’a Block, Salem. 2Stf Willamette Iron Works Company NORTH F R O N T A N D E STR EET* P o i ’t l a n d , O r e g o n . IR O N FOUNDERS, STEAM ENGINE. . AND B O IL E R T hese B lIL D E R S * w orks are located on the hank o f the river, one block north oi Couch’s Wharf, and have facilities for turning out machinery promptly and efficiently. We have secured the services o f Mr. John Nation, as Director o f the Works, whose ex­ perience on this Coaat for fifteen years girea him a thorough knowledge o f the various kinds o f machinery required for mining and milling purposes, We arc prepared to execute orders for all s asses o f Machinery and Boiler W p^a, sack M in in g an d S tf« n i| ^ a t M A C H IN E R Y , FLOU RIN G M ILL S.SA W M ILLS. Q U A R T Z MILLS, M IN IN G PUMPS 4rt\ 4-C. * - C ^ Manufacture and repair machinery o f all kinds. Ir o n S h u tte r W o r k at » a n F r a n e le c * C oat » « 4 F r e i g h t . . Wheeler 4 Randall's Patent Grinder and Am­ algamate;. Dunbar’s Self-adjusting Patent Piston Packing Steven’s ** 44 “ Either applied to old or new steam cylinders. Q u a rt S ta m p e rs , » h o e s and D ie s , Of 4ne best hard iron. OREGON B A K F k s t S tr e e t o e iw e e u S ta rk ta d in g to n . P ortlan d . W ash ­ WHOLESALE MAHUFACIURY OF EVERY 8 tyle, Kind and Quality -o * t Crackers. Orders solicited and promptly filled. F. OFITZi Fwsrirte* n «i