DALLAS, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1869. VOL I. The ik’lrckln golhtëountg Signal. a s leSt KD EVERT MONDAY MORNING. Term* — On« year, f3 OS; 150; three months, f 1 00. six months. TERMS FOR CLUBS: Five copies, one year, $13 75 ; Ten f ^ i f * • nr year. 00, and for any greater number per annum. M e r c h a n d is e , Such as A t C o s t . W e will also sell our Improvements, A D V E R T IS IN G One square— ten lines or less—first instr Stor- house. W an hou-c, Barn. Stable. tion, - - - * $ 3 00 Granery and some other Outbuildings, Each additional insertion, • - $ I A liberal deduction will be made with yearly together with Five Acres o f Good ad\ erti.-ers, or persons advertising largely. Land, set in Timothy. There is on Legal tenders taken at their current value. Communications of a persoual character will the premises a Splendid W ell uf Water. be charged half advertising rates. W IN G & A P P E L . Blanks id every discription furnished at low rates on short notice. jy&“ AU those indebted to us. cither by note Legal and trau-ieut advertisements must bt • r book account, are expected to call und settle paid for iu a hauce to injure their publication • Advertisements not marked the length tl immediately. WING A APPEL. time tor which they are to be published, will be inseriedtill forbidden aud eharged accordingly. Louisville, Polk county, Oregon, Sept. 2S, 'OS. All advertising bills must be paid quarterlr NEW C O L I ÎIB IA IÏ Til OS BOYCE, Il O T E E. A D V E R T INI AI* Main St., Corvallis, Oregon. E . X. A l t r e e , : : NO. 30 (S E C O N D Proper. ard and Lodging on reasonable Meals at all hours. term*. IV It VIt I I E K l)ltl> * E R . t alitoriila F L O O R .) E X C I I A N G E . Street, b e lo w SAN M ontgom ery. I-LA SCrSf'O. aud lIA ltt f m le p e n d e m e , O r e g o n E. M E R W IN , IN D E P E N D E N C E . State S tre e t, S a l e m , O r e g o n , the place to go and get your watches. clocks and jewelry repaired in good style 1 warrant all my work for one year; if it is not right. 1 make it right. 9 1 R E M E M B E R T II F. S H O P IN THE POST OFFICE BUILDING. N. B. Fine watches repaiaed with the great eat care, tf. D r .U Y .D . J E F F R I E S . P H Y S IC IA N . & S U R G E O N . E O L A , OREGON. Special nttci tion given to Obstetrics and diseases of women. Drs. M c C a u lle y 4k ALEXANDER, D E A T I S T ». FFICE on State street, over Gills’ Book Store, Salem.Oregon. All o p e r a t i o n s performed by us are warranted to give satisfaction. One of the firm may he found in our office from 3 o'clock A-M., until 4 p. u., of each day s. u .M c C a u l e y , 1 Sly E. V. U. AL EXAN D ER. O WATMOS if CRISWELL , A r c h ite c t* anil P r a c tic a l HOU SE CARPENTERS, I N D U E N I> K S l ’ E O R E G O N . ILL take Contracts for Building Houses of every doscripiiou and kind in town and country. Satisfaction guaranteed. 5tf W J . L. C O L L I N S , ATTORNEY and counselor DALLAS, at law OREGON. y* PECIAL attention given to Collections, ) aud to matters connected with real Estate J . W . M cA F E IÎ, It. D.. h ]im and Surgeon COraerlt°ff LlbertyMd F u r n itu r e * AnORNÜSAT UW, DALLAS : : : ; OREGON. O lle * —In the Court Houa*. o f master and slave aud the concom i­ tant horrors which we clearly foresaw the part o f an uble co-worker in the must follow such consumatkm. Mr. Johnson, we are led to presume, favor­ Commercial ed the war for the reason we opposed — however slight — to ostruseise it, probably not foreseeing the horrid any Democrat or Democratic results which must follow and which publication Has on hand a large and well selected St< ck cousistiug in part of Mahogany and Black W al- nut Dressing for mere diffretices of individual opinion ; while we are equal are to-day being realized. THE LATE LEGISLATURE. Corruption and Bad Failli o f G o t . W oods and the Republican Jfembers Unmasked. The Finan­ ces, A c , A c. But slavery being abolished, we go in for a restora. I I a y d o n I I a l l , January 19,18 69. the seeming facility tion of friendly relations between the o with which the Courier “ goes into States without slavery in any one ol E d i t o r S i g n a l : — The Penitentiary has been a source Martyrdom.” Mr. Dow tuay cntcriain them, und in conclusion we ask the opinions for himself und promulgate Courier, when it would commit the o f trouble ever since it was commenced them lor the benrfir o f those they suit, Democratic party to the destructive- in Oregon, and the older and more ex« perieueed its managers become, tho ea­ and we have not a word to say condem­ inhuman and unchristian war policy Center, Dining, Breakfast and Work sier they can squander the public fundi. natory in th? premises; indeed we whilom oi the republican par»y, just to T A B L E S . Muj Berry, who is responsible to tho thiuk our private views o f matters and count us and nearly all good Demo Governor alone for all the mismanage­ things, as ’ hey once were, coincide with Grecian, Parlor, and Washington crats out o f the Democratic party. those entertained by the editor o f the There are thousands o f men who are ment he has practiced during the past two years, sterns to have improved os Commercial But we do seriously o b ­ C H A I R S . good, substantial Democrats to-day, je ct to a cour-it of conduct which, iu who gave in their adhesion to the war all former modes o f recklessness in that BEDSTEADS, iut results, is so near ukiu to the enter, p liey as the best thing that could be department. The Legislature, reali­ SAFES, zing the unsatisfactory situation o f prise of butting with our beads again-t STANDS and done under the circum stances; and affairs, and acting directly for the peo­ a stone wall. \Ye never hope to see they are tl e last to attempt to make ple, passed a law under the operation the o'd order o f things restored in ihe their former status on this question a sense that the opposition to the Democ o f which the Penitentiary would havo test o f patriotism in anyone to-day— racy would make peoj le believe to be been run at lets than one half ill pret* the last to se< k to eoimnit the Detno A fine Assortment of the thery o f the Democraiic party. I f cratic party to any o f the foul dog­ em cost. This law was vetoed by tho there is one point on which a very large mas o f the past Pictures and tJIlt Frame«. I f the Courier wi 1 Governor as was other laws enacted da­ majority of the American people are desist from exhibiting its wounds it will ring the late session for the purpose of In fact 1 keep everything useful and ornamen­ tal in the line. agreed; on which their minds are irr- probably soou regain that repose so ne­ .staying waste o f the people’s money.— vokubly made up, that point is the uu. cessary to a full restoration o f bodily The Governor is required by law to via- E. MERWIN. nihilation o f the old form o f African vigor and to insure it against the hor­ it the Penitentiary four times a year, slavery. This is a fixod fact, and we rors o f a relapse. at a salary o f 82(10, and traveling ex* ly mortified at B u reau ! LOUNGES. have no disposition to interfere or find peuset, aud how much do you suppose The Revolution thinks that woman fault with a sentiment so uuiyersahy his traveling expenses amounted too— R L A lK s n iT I II N G . H ead qu arter*. suffrage must ere long he adopted entertained. However wrongfully this just the single item o f carriage hire for NEW SHOP. F irs t Door North * f J. H. Lewis’ Store- status was brought about, the question throughout the land, and that the sex instance? 8139 00 is the amount ac will then have it in their power to cor­ pposite Salem, on the Spring Valley road is rettled and has no more to do with N E W STORE, appears from the Secretary o f State's i of a mile trom the Ferry, the under N E W GOODS, rect all the abuses that now afflict hu­ the policy o f the Democratic party to. iglud have opened a Report. The distance ihe Governor manity. Now, it strikes us that there I am now prepared .o offer a day than have the whims and caprices had to travel is one mile and a quarter. large assertmeut of choice Blacksmith and Wagon Shop arc several other difficulties in the way ol the Sultan of Turkey or with the pol­ The following tabular statement, col­ o f universal woman suffrage to be r e ­ ’•Vhere all kinds of work in tbeiv line will be icy o f the Devil with regard to the fu P R O V IS IO N S , lated from the official documents, will executed promptly and with dispatch. moved ere the great right to go to the lure disposition and management o f the ^ L l l K P A l H I S d done to order i*implity carriage hire operations : GROCERIES, polls and vote is realized in all ol its '3 tf MANN A PIERCE. mutderers o f Mrs. Surratt. FRUITS, First Warrant, No. 496, $22 50 fuluess. There are certain periods in WOODEN WARE. The Democratic party would not rest « n Sec. 586 813 50 TOBACCO , the career o f most adult females that ore ‘ slavery ’ if it could. This question « u C IG A R S Third 690 $43 00 would make it inconvenient to hie away o f slavery and its mode of abolishment is « a Fourth 809 $00 00 to the polls on election day to say the YANKEE NOTIONS, Etc., Etc. asobviously irrelevant at the present time BO A ll A H A E A W S O A , least o f it. This difficulty will be hard f design to keep only t e choicest and as affecting or shaping the policy of the $139 00 to surmount except it be provided in Total Articles, aud sell them at m«mall Attorneys & Counsellors at Law. best Democialic party as could well be itu profit lo r C A S H . the-new regulations allowing women to Tax-payers, can you now see - what agmed, while there is not one in a SALEM , OREGON. vote that they are, all o f them, thence becomes o f the vast amounts collected OUR M OTTO: thousand o f the Democrats in the coun­ forward exempt from bearing childreu. from you annually and paid into the OFFICE IN THE COURT HOUSE n27tf ty who have the remotest desire for its RAPID SALES OF CHOICE GOODS. If the voting franchise iu behalf o f the State Treasury ? The Legislative As­ reeussiiation. Yet the republican press, gentler sex should have this effect, then sembly made the attempt, a3 it wat iu Those who want inferior articles must look taking its cue trom some sucli difference elsewhere for them. would it work a revolution indeed, in duty bound, to correct the above and us that apparently existing betweeu the 13tt G. B. S T IL E S . t he sphi re o f women. kindred abuses, but it soou became ap­ AEW YOR K RAKEHI Commercial aud Courier, wilfully and parent that it was useless. The Gover­ T he N e w A m e n d m e n t — Not with knowingly misrepresent the sen ticcn t and nor was promptly on hand with his ve­ . ,T y K K e * t a n r a n L standing the positive declaration con­ o f the party on this false is-ue— or no­ . « f e . to shield himself and partisan petx J. K. GILL. C. F. YEATO!». issue— as well as other questions— such tained in the late Chicago platform that State S tre e t, Salem . against any movement looking toward «■ILL & Y E A T O IV , us secession, .n pudiation. etc., etc , none the States were to be left free to govB retrenchment. SAYERS & BUCKLFY PROPR’S. o f which are qucstiuus before the Amer* eru and control the question o f suffrage Considerable interest has been m ani­ HOLESALE ABO BETAU . DZA1EBS ican people at the present tim e; and for thamselves, Cc tigress ha9 already fested among the people to know whet M EALS A T A L L HOURS -IX- heuce we regret to see the Courier im takan the initiatory steps looking to the oci urred in connection with the man­ J J R E A D . PIES, CAKES OF ALL KINDS, ^ ' a o d Rooksi, agine itself ussailed on these points and enforcement o f neirro, Indian aud Chin^ agement o f the Penitentiary during the Music Rooks, Kept on band and Supplied to Order. give such prwuiin. uce to their discus esc suffrage on all the Stutes, regardless 12 last days of Gibbs’ administration Blank Book«, o f their preference in the mater. This siou. O f live issues we have an abumlan Crackers. Oysters and S ardin es. and the first two days o f W oods’ admin­ Stationery, daucc ; and he who, claiming io labor measure will be abopted, and in this istration these gentlemen afraid or ash­ Being Fitted up in first class style we can aud Fancy Go k I s . guar intee satisfaction. Xltf in the D» mocratic army, lugs in effete connection we desire to ask homst re­ amed to furnish a report covering those Our goods were purchased in the East, by our­ publicans if their leaders have kept pciiod-. Superintcneut Shaw’s Report, selves. and we teel confident that we cau give issues, t»r no-issues; iu other words which can he found in the Appendix to perfect satisfaction to all who may favor us would build up a man o f straw fur the faith with the party and the people ? tho House Journal, page 500, says : Harness ' with their patronage, both as to price and amusement of demolishing him, is a I f they have Dot (and surely no one Siddlery, “ Ou the 20th day o f August, at a* quality. weak brother in the faith ai d could be will affirm that they have), then they bout 4 o’clock, p. in., at a concerted 26tf State street. Salem. Ogn. 8. C. »T ID E * . disposed o f otherwise than by discussing haye proved recreant to their solemn moment, a body o f prisoners seized the sndh no issues with him. 11 Mr. John pledge on a most vital point o f pany Superintendent, Wardeu and foreman DALLAS, OREGON. of the brick-yard and drew them to the •on was a “ war Democrat ” once, all policy and are not to be trusted iu any open section ot the fence. There, the X> , A N U F A C T U R E R and dealer in Har­ S , R . J E S S U P , M right. \Ye make no fight with him on thing. Is this no» true ? leader. Bledsoe, ran for the woods.— ness. Saddles, Bridles, A'hips, Collars, PHY SIC IAN AND SURGEON, W right ran in another direction and that score. He had a right so to ho Check lines, etc., etc. D alla«, ^ 1 O regon- was shot ny the Guard Others were REPAIRIN G done on short notice 3tf. and he moreover had u right to c ter- D o n ’ t H elp H im W o r t h a C e n t . t . ilice— At Residence. driven back, but fiually nine in all of taio the sentiment— opposition to s l u r ­ — Many persons who wi»nessed \ loads' the chief plotters escaped. One was ry— which were the main-springs to inauguration will remembor the agon­ kiPed aud six rescued. The other con his being a “ war Democrat ” after the izing contortions he warped him -elf victs were for the most . part quiet.” Thomas hitzpatrick was killed, and N O T I C E . policy o f the war party was developed into wheu the Judge pronounced th e' , . . x . f ^ | _ , ^ nothing further is ►aid o f W right, who C ap ita l S a loon . But we do object to his assuming to be closing adjuration o f the oath he ad A PPU CATION was reported shot by the Guard. .G ov J\ Having been made to the County Court ; OREG O N . au oracle of Democracy, and claiming ministered. The then soon-to-be G ov­ Gibbs says nothing about the mutiny SALEM, of Polk County, hv A. S. Hamilton. Guar iu his last message, while W oods pres* at the same time that to be a Demo­ ernor east his eyes aloft, nnd with dian for Frances Marion, Byron Wilson and Milissa Jane Hamilton, minor heiis of crat oin must have favored the prose graceful wring o f the neck, which gent erved entire reticence in first one, om Melissa Jane Hamilton deceased, FINE WINES, LIQUORS, this important subject. Some people for an order to sell the real estate cution oi the war for the abolition of ly disturhed the placidity o f the-“ locks” think that more conviotsthan one were CIGARS, 4c., Ac. belonging to said Wards. Notice is there­ slavery, or have favored the war at all. suspended fiom hi.- cbm , ejaculated, killed— probably in the act o f adminis­ fore given to the next of kin of said Wards, Liquors 11 kinds bottled by ns and * » r and to all others interested, that sue applica­ This would place the great Democrat­ tering punishment for the attempted in tones alike sonorous and apparently unted. tion will be heard and determined on » ic party in a false and un<>uialous posi­ heartfelt, “ S - o H - E - L - P M - E escapade. Tuesday, February 2d 1 8 0 9 , N o w , kind reader, you .know ve^y tion : would make it responsible for the G — o - d ! ” The sequel hath shown at the Court House in said county. near as much about it os I do.and sho,d J. L COLtTNS, w ry wrongs, outrages and abuses it now that iu things temporal, G od’s will has know uv>re, please publish it that light County Judge. seeks to remedy and will remedy des boou but little heeded by our model may he #h< d abroad in the prem:ses. Iu my next, I will give publio n his­ A T T O R N E l A N D C O U N S E L O R A T pite the giant efforts o f the disunion Governor tory of another leech who owes bis con­ LAW, republicau party and all its quasi allies tinued treasury pickings to the inter- S a le m , O r e g o n . A young man named S e hens, died combined, to the contrary. J. E DAVIIISO V n D rnce o f M is.cr Gum-elastic Conscience ILL practice in all the Courts ofRecotd on Oct. 18th during his I aptism by ua- W e opposed the war after its animus W oods. and inferior Courts of this State. P H Y S IC IA N & S U R G E O N . Office, in W atkinds 4 Co’a Brick, up stairs. F. WAYMIRE- was developed because we were opposed mersioQ in the Platte river. 18tf w M C. G. CURL.