The Polk County signal. (Dallas, Or.) 1868-1???, November 23, 1868, Image 2

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    '-■mete.*: am
SktStaMg §oIk(Sirauts £ijnal
O R E G O N ME W S ,
Will Justice be Done?
Oregon has a clear and safe Denio-
OFFICIAL PAPER OF POLK CO. wcre coujnjenced (D lhe Lr. s. circuit crs'tic majority of upward of a thous­
C«»ur», by II. C. Conlson and wife for and today. By reason of the indiffer.
M ON D A T M O R N IN G , NOV. 23, 1888.
the issue of an injunction to restrain eucc of the Democracy on this side of
A San Francisoo religious exchange the cuy of Portland from levying tux the Mouetaius, the late electiou came
remarks upon th e 1* tearful spread of infi­ es upon the property of plaintiffs, for nigh going for the enemies of good gov­
delity*’ end the waning deference ar»d the payment of* interest on the bouds ol ernment. Tln fe is no county in the
respect with which preachers of the the Oregon Cent rallliiilroad Company— valley in which anything approximating
gospel aro received and treated, but West Side. The application was or the full Democratic strength was sot
docs not hint at the true cause of dered to be continued till next Sutur* out. Between a fancied objcctionable-
complaint. To our miud the case is day and »» rule was entered citing the uess of the ticket and an overweaning
a rery clear one. “ Preachers of the city authorities to appear und show assurance that all was i ight in this State
gospel” arc different brings now from cause why the injunction should not be anyhow, the election, so far as this side
■what they were years gone by. The\ grunted.
of the mountains is coueerned, mi"ht
liare come down frotn'their aacrud cal
Front the Unionist that ou Friday he said io have been suffered to go by
lings and soiled their vestnn ntsby dab
default. II id anything like the apathv
night, the room in the rear of the Mag­
Lling in things worldly until tire gener.
and indifference prevailed in the coun­
nolia a loon, was entered, by raising
ality of mankind have about come to
a window, and a pair of fine panta­ ties cast of the Mountains as'here the
th e conclusion that, whatever that pro
loons, u pair of No. 1 white blankets State had Dcen lost and a party, inimic­
tension to tiibe -contrary, preach rs of
al to the best interests of the State and
and five buttles of wine, abstracted.
certain creeds aro no better, if u>
the whole country, and numerically the
The thieves evidently were in seat eh of
good, as the majority of the rabble to
weaker by 25 per eent., would have
whose prejudices and short comings
rode in triumph over us. That such a
they cater when occasion offers. The
turn of affairs would have been a calam.
wery idea of a preacher harn.nguing a
ity the most unconcerned of the apathet-
;. will
-ii readily admit ; and j that to
. re-
snixed multitude on political topics, j running.
e °
bandying Five Points epithets, such as Prtsent
j cover lost ground would have been no
From the Reveille that the general , very easy matter. But, like true patri-
■“ Copperheads,” “ black republicans.”
etc., etc., euggrsts to the minds of eon, hculth of the valley is not so good, as; ots, and undismayed at the supposed un.
«¡derate and thinking men that all is during the summer Among children, availibilitv of our candidates for IVesi-
-not gold that glitters, and that there croup and dypthcria prevail to a dent and Vice President, the sterling
and unconquerable Democracy of the
must he something rotten s-unewheie. considerable extent.
Yet the appalling >pectacle of a preach
House hr.-»king seems to he the eastern counties reached out its hands
or “ bringing dow n the 4 k use ” by the occupation ol some person about Salem. a.ol saved us. But for the vigilance
use of language only fir to he spoken The Unionist speaks of numerous petty ! aIid invincibility of the I'cmoorucy ol
t>y ruffians and bruisers of the baser attempts to steal something by entering lliesc couutics the glorious triumph of
last June would have dissolved in our
sort, is often presented. His pla-e is private dwellings in the night time.
very grasp. In view of these fuels the
not ¡u a political assembly; he cannot
From un advertisement io the Union, i
„ ., , ,, .. ,
i Democracy ot the west side should feel
serve G>d and Mammon, aud h< uce
ist we learn that Messrs G II & Yeaton, '
. . . . . . .
i under peculiar obligations to the sturdy
the people spit, so to speak, upon h.s
Book and stationery J dealers, State s t . | I patriots
, • , on
^ the
,, east , side
-. of P tho Moun-
S.ilem. arc agents for the sale of paper
• through whose energy and fidelity
r , ...
f 1 | j . tains
manufactured by the Clackamas mills, j what wc ,0„t on this side a3 th, pricc of
B lasphem us.—Geo L. Woods has
Oregon. They sell at the same price i (,ur 1(;tbar„y aad non action was saved
issued bii Proclamation for a day of
at which the same article is afforded at | by thcio. and the mad surges of our on
thanksgiving and prayer. For rhapsod
the mills or at the general depot in j t ,„¡c8 checked and them put to route.
ical torn fooiery and downright blas­
Portland (^uitc a saving in. freight | It ¡s> c< mj arativclV speaking, but a
phemy (considering the source from
i. thus ss-c .red to parties in this part of few niollth> ere the fight in this State is
which it emanated) this Proclamation the State and above Salem who pur­
stands without a parallel. Imagine, chase such goods. We pre-ntue print- | to he renewed. A Governor, Secy, of
State, State Treasurer, Member of Con­
kind reader, the attitude your Govern
wr; 11 ^ ai.d tdh r ; tij t r will be gress and State Printer are to be nom­
< r must have assumed with, his sin lit leapt by ’ j >I JA-IS. G.
& Y.
inated and elected by the Democracy.
countenance, looking imploringly in the
Up tt tl:p time we go to pre ss do No republican at ibis’ day is silly enough
direction of some object—he knowing
to question our ability to elect our en­
not what—eyes inverted after the fash clue ha­ bee n ohi lined as to th r* perpe-
ion of a motherless calf in the agonies trat» irs <t the theft from Crider•'s boot tire ticket. The counties of Wasco,
Umatilla, Union, Baker and Grant con­
of doath— hands clasped and bo Jy re­ ami shoe osta i-liahiucut
tain r en— Democrats—whose talents.
dlining— when he urshcred the follow
A pat-kage directed to “ Adel , Dallas
ing choice literature into the world :
county.’’ with no Stufe mentioned, ar. 1
hold relief in any Slate or country
The L ord is our benefactor*
rived safely at tho post office in Dallas a J ,
He grave us our liberties;
Ihc.-c men must be remembered. Out
short time since. Our Postmaster ad
He preserved us as a nation ;
of the multitude of officers to be elected
He bus given us peace.
ded iTowa” to the incomplete super­
God will have been merciful to the scription and returned tho wayfaring in this State the eastern counties have
more than earned a full proportion.
people of Oregon indeed, when, through packege with his “ blit-sing.”
his providence, they may never again
D allas and dalles .—in conse­
From the Grand Roude Sentinel that
he ruled by a super-sanctimonious clown
th;re is a rumor around town that Mr. quence of the similarity of the names
We hove received a nicely gotten Hrustor of Oro Dell, while on his way ! ot the postuffiees, Dalb/s, and Dalles,
from Idaho a few days ago, and and the blundering manner in which
up and ably edited new Democratic pa­
near the place where Mr. Eaton was some people superscribe letters and oth­
per, called the Moaroe City Appeal.and
robbed last spring, was suddenly called er mailable packages, much confu. ion
published at Monroe City, Monroe to ..
upon to halt, by (luce persons who occurs. Letters intended for this place
Mo., M. C. Brown, esq., editor. Wc
sprang from the shrubbery near the go io the Dalles, and vice verna
wish the Appeal a long and prospe rous
It not un frequently happens that let
road, armed and masked, and was rub.
career, and shall place it on our list of
bed of noar five thousand dollars. He ter intended for this place are addressed,
-exchanges with pleasure.
describes tbo men as being two large I Dalles. Oregon, through sheer ignorance
and one small man, who are no doubt ! of the orthography of the uauie of the
T h a t ’ s t h e S tyle .—One Burring
ion, a cnrpet.hagger in Alabama, re­ the remnant of tho hand now on trial in ! postoffice. In such cases the letters
go to the Dulles, and not uufrequent-
cently inveigled scveB negroes on board Port lend for the stage robbery near the
ly to the Dead letter office from there.
Pelican ranch last summer.
A small vessel and run them over to
From the Otegonian that a man just Should such letters contaiu valuables,
Cuba where be «old them into slavery
they are returned to the Dulles, and of
This man Harrington is a leading mem- i down from the upper Oouniry brings a
oourse are uever called for there, and
ber of the Capet-bag Legislature of Al rrpoi t that W. C. Hull and son, former­
ly of this city, were met by road agents so must be returned to Washington
two -.r three days aSo, on tho road abovo as Per in9lrutlio"3 nfthe R 51 • Gcocral.
A remedy should he applied.
La Grande, and lobbed of oier five
thousand dollars. We have no particu­
N ot generally U nderstood .—
The marked success that almost univer.
The Blue Mountain Timrn, the rad. sally attends merchants of the Jewish
Gen. McClellah his been elected paper form- r'y puhli.-hed at La Grande, faith is au incomprehensible enigma to
President of the California University. is dead.
the great t>ulk of mankind, yat there is
Horace Greeley urges the eofranch
Union county gave an increased nia. nothing -trange about it. These peo-
p'o generally have a good business edu­
o f all who are sow drsfranehi-e 1 on nc jotity over the last June's vote.
cation. They are taught in their colle­
couut of rebellion, as well as color, and
suggests an amendment to the Consti
Mrs. “ M ajor” Pauline Cu-hman.the ges the importance of a 'verlining, and
iution of tho United States securing .-he carpet hugger, who was petted.and they generally he< d the lesson. W ith­
them end*.
fettd, aud lionized by the loilists du­ draw the Jewish patronage from the
Umatilla county official gives Sey ring u portion of tho rebellion, .and press of ihe United States and one-
mour 2J4 majority.
when thieves, strumpets and vagabonds fourth of the tewspapers now prosper­
J • • ---------
I were i demand, for sciving them ac. ing would go down. We know the
. From late Man Francisco exchange* , oeptably in more ways thau one, has Jews advertise liberally and everybody
we can only learn com ernir.g the result cuU1B to grj. f. q h<i tel graph informs knows they make money.
of the late election in California that the | ,h.- world th .t she stole 841.UU from
The uepbew of Thaddeus Stevens,
official eanra-a ly the Secretary ot her ••pal,’* lately, and was sent up.
Ktate can only detestine the contest She will profub y uo tc Sing Sing to who was to h*ve $100,000 from the
between Seymour an d Grant. The Rx keep coiup my with that o'her celebra ureat Commoner*» wealth, if he ab­
mminer still entertains h"{*es that the j tt.d luilist. S .of.rd Conover. Justice stained ten years from liquor, or would
Btate is all right.
1 will never he avenged until Hult, who he obliged to sui render it io the orphans
of ihe soldiers if he indulged, says he
emp'oyod Conover, aud Stanton, who
. I t is an e-tahlishcd fact that a larg*- used him, are consigned to the Peniten­ will not rob the poor orphans.
per cent, of inraniry comes of excite tiary for at least twenty years each.
Mr. J . II Lewis has mòre of that
ment superinduced by the various reli-
The real D i m e of “ Pauline,” the fine and cheap qnccnstyare, Call and
she u M ajor/' is H arriet Ward.
get your supply,
n m
r i i l
n r
D ili
P fl
F ro m
the Oregonian
t h a t p r o c e e d in g s
From the New York Independent,
The mock emotional slang whangcr,
Railroads, and Land Grant Grab­
b e r s.
Gov. Woods, had probably forgotten, Nov. 7tb, 1867.
Read, think, and decide! The aim.
for the time, the part he played in dis­
Since the day wheu. Queen Catherine solving the late Legislature when he pie therapeutics of the Patriarchical
era, when herbs “ for healing the na­
projected highways, planned cities, and
tion»” were the only medicine in use,
built both f>y proclamations alone, tlure
little favor with the medical profes.
has been no more Quixotic scheme than
sion of the day. Yet at the early pe­
the one contemplated in the following
riod of the world’s history the ordinary
advertisement, which we clip from the of Grecian bendwhen he wrote:
morning papers of this city:
“ When lovely women stoop to folly.” term of human life was at least eight
times longer than it is now. I t is there­
N otice . — The undersigned have this day
manifest that the stamina of man
formed a co partner-hip for ihe construction of
Blank Mortgages at the S ig n al
raiiroads in the Slate of Oregon and and ad
has seriously declined in tho lapse of
jo iuing States and Territories, under tho name Office-
and style of lien, llo llad ay A Co.
B en H olladat ,
C. T emple E jijiet ,
S. G. E lliott .
Portland, Sept. 12, 1SC8.
Whether the object be that of Queen
Catherine, to perpetuate their names,
and grafify a desire to behold the un.
conditional homage of au unsophistica­
ted populace, or to asccrtaiu the ex
tent to which the people of the Pacific
coast can be gulled, or to establish a
mammoth corporation which will stand
as a perpetual engine of destruction to
the free and independent will of the
people—controlling them politically, so­
cially. und financially, time alone will
will prove; hut sufficient has already
been developed to justify most any
charge of corruption and outrage upon
tho people, limited only by the capaci­
ty of that great gambler in stocks,
cards, steamboats, and the resources ol
the country. It is what that Company
would do if they could, of which we
shall speak.
The action of the last Legislature
in donating to Ben. llolladay & Co.
■a tract of land which the Sate does not,
and, mark us, never will, have the dis
position of, (having two years ago per­
formed that aet.) may be, and we think
is, subject to censure, on account of the
evil which it has entailed ; but with
the motives of the members, wc have
nothing to do, feeling that they were
honorable, and that their action was
prompted by a desire to subserve the
interest-* of the State.
It is not strange that members were
for weeks undecided, or that their fi
nal action was one which is already
b ginning to appear to be directly an
tugonistic to tho interests of the State
ot Oregon.
It is is a fact that (he prosperity of
Central, Eastern and Southern Oregon
has been bartered away to an unscrupu­
lous and iner«.inary Company, which
has already commenced to to turn noon
it- benefactor— to smite the hand which
was extended to it in kitidne-s—aud to
rob us of the commercial advantages
which our position marked out for us.
Wc repeat that every section ef the
Slate has been in turn duped and de
eciveil by the real railroad company
k nown as the East-Side, and the nom­
inal directors thereof are, if anything,
equally deceived aud wronged.
It will he remembered, when joint
memorial. No. 1 (Chapman's) was be
lore the House, Kirk of Umatilla coun­
ty, in eastern Oregon, offered an amend,
meet in effect to ask aid from the
General Government to construct the
Salt Lake branch in a direct line to Pu­
get Sound, via the Snoqiialimie Pass,
and that amendment was bitterly at­
tacked by members from all portions ef
the Slate—by Gazelyuf Douglas,White
of Jackson, Chapman of Multnomah,
and many others—and ou a final vote
w as r<jeeted: Nays, 45; Yeas, 1.
The reasons offered by c ich member
wero the same: They objected in the
strongest terms to any action on the
part of the Legislature looking to the
recognition of the commercial predom­
inance of Puget Sound, in Washington
Territory, oyer the ports within the ter-
r’torial limits of our own State. It was
an unsafe proposition for the rival rail
road companies to entertain ; and when
the llolladay Company, to secure the
votes of certain members, promised to
throw their influence infavor of the di-
eet route, they made that promise in
secret, and in secret it was and still is
kept. Tn titi /as me Wtrs all right, but
the el ego titillabo te was uever heard
from. Eastern Oregon was doubly sold.
First, the Queen Catherine Company
for the universal construction of rail­
roads, never favored the branch from
Eastern Oregon direct to the Sound, be-
canse if would build up a foreign port,
to tho injury of our own ports; and sec
ondly, we now behold them running
directly for the S ound , and directly
away from P ortland !— Commercial
W iseacres .— A great many very ig.
norant and stupid loilists claim that the
republicans in the House resigned be­
cause the Democrats were going to im­
peach the Governor. Now, had the
aforesaid loilists known that it required
a two third vote to impeach, and that
it required two-thirds of all the mem­
bers elected to constitute a quorum
for the transaction of businass, and
that the Democrats never had a two-
third* majority and could not possibly
have impeached the Governor, why,
they might have s-ved themselves the
humiliation pf having made asses of
themselves by making the absurd plea.
W hat does everybody think of the
S i g n a l ’ s new dress?
We fancy
hear you all say “bully.”
S T O R « A G E ! S T O R A G E .
a splendid new
Completed and are prepared to store an indefi­
nite quan tity ot W heat, Oats, Barley, etc., etc.,
and are paying the highest
for W H E A T and O A T S .
T heir facilities for receiving and sacking grain
are unsurpassed anywhere in the State.
Steam boats laud regularly a lo n g iiie of
their Ware House at ali seasons of the year.
i?Sc d ici sie«,
P a in t« ,
At the OU Stani formerly oceunied by M. R.
UNION BLOCH, Ccmmcriial Straet,
SAUÆ H, O f l^ O T .
A liberal diie-iuut made to conntrv trade.
S T R A W IS E R R I * : * !
S T g S I W R E R R E U S !
13 C h o ic e V a r l c ' i e s N o w Ready:
t?l 50 PEU BUNDLED !
jLANTSeari'tuliy Seb.cted and sent by Alai!
at lowratos. October and November i-
Lest timo to l’laut.
Moores’ Salem.
30 I v
J o h n H u s O h e s ,
D ialer Iu
R’a m i« ,
A \ II-
Glas* and F iiH y,
G roceries an d P r o v isio n s.
Under tbo Legislativo Hall, Holman’s
Block, ISaleui.
Willamette Iron Works Company
Portland, Oregon.
lR O \
h ese
B U IL D E R S .
w orks
the bank of the river, one block north ot
Couch’s W barf, and have facilities for turning
out m achinery prom ptly and efficiently.
We have secured the services of M r. Jo h n
N ation, as Director of the W orks, whose e x ­
perience on this Coast for fifteen years gives
him a thorough knowledge of tho various
kinds of m achinery required for m ining and
m illing purposes,
Wo are prepared to execute orders for all
s asses of M achinery and Boiler Works, such
M in in g
S tea m b o a t
M A C H IN E R Y ,
f l o u r in g
m il l s . sa w m il l s ,
4-c. 4-c. 4-c.
M anufacture and rep a ir m achinery of all
Iron S h u tter W ork at San Francisco
Cost aud F re ig h t.
W heeler A R an d all’s P a te n t G rinder and Am­
algam ator.
D unbar’s Self-adjusting P a ten t Piston Packing
E ither applied to old or new steam cylinders.
Q u a rt Stamper«, Shoes and Dies,
Of *jte b«s<j hard iroq.
I t is a scientific fact that, during this
process of human degeneration and de«
cay an immense number of powerful
poisons have been introduced into the
medical repertoire, while the mild veg­
etable system of treatment exclusively
practiced when the world was young,
has been in a great measure abandoned
by tho medical profession. This is a
singular coincidence, and it suggests
the possibility ot a direct connection be.
tween the physical deterioration of tho
species, and „the wholesale administra.
tion of deadly miucral and other drugs.
It may well he doubted whether the
mineral salts and oxyds, and the no less
dangerous alkaloids, wlrch chemistry
has added to the pharmacopoeia, have
not destroyed more lives thau all the
diseases they have been prescribed to
cure. One thing, at least, is certain—
viz : that the average term of human
existence has been shortened since the
days when the vegetable kingdom was
the only medical dispensary known to
The truth is—and sensible people arc
becoming more alive to it every day—
that tho world is overdoetoved. The
principles of medication aro simple;
but they have been so befogged by tech,
idealities, so mystified by profes ional
verbiage, that one half the community
fancy they can neither be interpreted
nor applied except by persons who have
been taught to clothe the living truths
vf science in dead languages. It is not
to the interest of “ the Faculty” that
the throiy and practice of medicine
should be simplified and popularized ,
aad therefore the public conceive but
iittK- light from tin t quart.r.
To prevent crime is euc of the great
i nds ef civil law, and to prevent disease
.-hould be one of tho grand objects cf
medic;. 1 sek-uce. D is letter to protect
thau to cure, aud much easier. Vital
nower is the- natural antagmist cf all the
iufi'.n'iic s that militate against liealtu
—whether they exi-t in the air wc
breathe, in lie water wc drink, or tho
objects with which we come in contact,
• t;- in ourselves. Without a sufficiency
of this reidrH nt principle, there can ho
im reasonable Dope <•!' iscaping prevail­
ing epidemic.-, or of enjoying even un­
der the tiHSt tavorahlc* external eircum-
staaccn an immunity from sickness and
pain. 'J ills fact being established, the
next ouesfion is. ho* shall a deficiency
in physical arid constitutional vigor bo
supplied f Instructed by tbo experi-
cn c of twenty years, and sustained by
ihe testimony <d‘ thousands of individ­
uals of both stxc.-; bailing from all prut»
of the world, we reply that llostctter’s
St'much Bitters is the only medicine
that can be fully relied on as a protec­
tive and preventative tonic and alterna­
tive in ail climates end under all con­
tingencies. With a system strength­
ened and fortified by the use of this in.
vigorant, no one who possesses common
a prudence need fear the effects of maU
aria. It is the lest safeguard against
infection at present known. It produces
appetite ; it promofes digestion ; it pre­
vents constipation : it regulates the flow
of bile; it strengthens the nerves, it
purifies the animal fluid.-; it clears tho
brain; and, the vehicle of its medical
properties being .a pure diffusible stim­
ulant, their influence is extended to
every portion of the system. Mcra
alcoholic stimulants, though administer*,
eu largely iu medical practice, arc not
iu themselves medicines ; but they per­
vade the whoie orgauizatiou more cer­
tainly and swiftly than anything else
tnat can be given. They are quickly
taken up by the absorbents, and tliero
is not a fiber of the body between tho
crown ot the head aud the sole of tho
foot whieh is exempted from their in­
fluence. Hence a spiritous stimulant
is the best medium for conveying to all
the organs and members of a leeble or
disordered system the means whereby
that system is to he recruited and reg­
ulated. I t is for this purpose that the
alcoholic elements is used in the pre-
partition of Hostcttor’s Stomach Bitters,
It is simply the instrument by which
the medical virtues of the preparation
are carried to their objective points and
rendered active.
i t is alm ost necessary to call the attention of
dyspeptics io a medicine which is everywhere
recognized as the standard specific for Indiges­
tion. In every town in the United States which
c«mtains a drug store, or a store in which drugs
aro sold, it is known as a remedy for stom acu
complaints of every class, from simple flatulen­
cy up to the most obstinate chronio torpidity
of th a t most im portant organ. Its anti-bilioua
properties are also universally understood a n d
appreciated f and in th e West and South-w ert
the old “ Ague cures” have been generally
abandoned, and this real chologog—which ac­
tually breaks up interm .ttent fever w ithin a
week after the first dose is tak e n —adopted ia
tbeir stead. In the interm ittent fevers so com ­
mon in malarious district« d a rin g th e fall of
the year it is proved equally efficacious, and i(
may be truly «aid th a t it combines in an equal
degree the qualities of a restorative and a p re ­
Agents for Pacific Coast,
Wholesale Druggist«, Ban Franfiaee.
uqv 2—lm