a miTJMs w> l ) F A 1»% 4-.U i l.'I N f» Oae square— ten lines or less— fiist in**r tion, . . . . $3 00 Eucb ailditiona! insertion, • - $ l A liberal deduction will be made with yearly advertisers, or persons advertising largely. Legal tenders taken at tbejr current value. Communication- of a personal character will )>« cliur^t-.ii L:*if advertising rates. Blanks ot every ili-criptiou turnished at low rates on short notice, Legal and transient advertisement* must b< paid for in advance to insure their publication. Advertisements not marked the length of time for wtiieb they are to be published, will be inscrtcdtill forbidden and ebaVged accordingly. All advertising bills must be paid quarterly 18 ISSUED EVERY MONDAY 210RNING. i« H. UPTON) Publisher. Term s— One year, $3 00; 150; three months, $100. six months. TERMS FOR CLUBS: Fire eopies, one year, $13 75; Ten copies •■e year, $25 00, and tor any greater number At $3 50 per annum. SmbieriplioH m m I be paid etrictly ii i ¡advance. M EW DALLAS, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1808. YOL. I. Repudiation. D ilS ’ A R lM I I i.iiT O F C O ), I n III A \ W e havo frequently published many But few of our readers arc ¿Vare of A DAY OF THAN K b»! IVI NO FOR THE things about “ Nation »1 Bankruptcy w h o le country a pp o in t ed by the the fearful ext- nt to which the Inibii ot PRESIDEN V. I and “ Repu dia tion" . A l l appreciate using tobacco prevails in this country. Slain St.y Corvallis, Oregon. | the fact that the people of the l nited We give some figures from the Report ! ------------ W r .n a E ü ç l F u i v e r d it v. ¡ States wish to avoid p National Bank" ol the Commission on the Internal li- v By the. President o f the United Stile of 15. 9 . A l t r e e , : : P r o p 'r . x x i <> 1 1 o f ¡ S (5 S - 9 . rup tcy ,” nud that “ R e p u d i a t i o n ’ is an cime system on this subject : d u erica oard ar.J Lodging on reasonable term-1 abhorrent id a at the pres ait. ti m e; hi t B R O F L A M .ATION. in respect to the amount ol the reve­ Meals at all hour*. in the year which is uo.v drawing to r | V ! E THIRD COV p . s e o f LECTURES mid taxation {ire uncomfortable re. nue derived from eigirs, elicroot. Ne.. , 1 of On Institution will commence on the . ^ jt has b ,.e|| tru|y suid that tlierci w;is received by the Govemni**nt i its end, the art, the skill mi l the 1 b r official reports of Federal expenditures lor istid. g 17*» 7)*'J, 2 0 ; 1 N(> l. fcl»27)7>.-j oi the Mi»»ple o f llie l nited States have j . ii. u n i ó , F O riiT II D A Y D P N O V E M B E R , **j b y ; « employed with great dilig|¿u«c and ea ii nut be reduced “ by figures of rhetor .¡*4* 71) ; 18UÓ, 3 ,u 8 7 , 4 2 l * ¿ L (g#,.¿ t (RACTlCVL 11% H ill K ami II Ai It Tobacco, ch ew in g and s mo ki ng . 1 jAi'.Uor. and on broader fields thau ever ie .” W f trill .old that uiendacouB de A n d C o n fin ile F o u r M o n th s. I n d r p n u I iM '.c c , O r e a o s * . $2.7)70,888, (>7 ; lStl l, 8 7 , 08 d 58 1 , 71 ; j " d o r e , and tin- fi uits o f the earth have n i u l s o f official exhibits, by the Radical i I»* en gathered into the gr.mery and the The MEDICAL DEPARTMENT is now es­ Rress, are calculated to alarm bidders of lMb’), 8,(117,020, (Id. tablished a# a Miuff lXtb'>, two hundred and eighty 1 >»oreh< u-e in marvellous abundance 1 nited .States securities. j H . C A \ T E R B I Î t V , .11. S>.. T h e mass o f our people, including a three thousand,three hundred and twen ¡ O u r .highways have been lengthened, P E UMAX E S T I SSI TI UTIOS. and new and prol fie regions have been majority,of business men, (so ca led.) tv-live dollars. P I I Y S ir i \N A STKG FOX". \V«* are perm itted to hope The means < f ¡1Tu.-tr.tti >n in each Department arc too prone to regard t he subject of i he lutai amount* received in 18(57) occu p ied. iastraction tlmro’ C -Uf-C that long protrreted political and see. au* jin-jil ami t. National Finance asan obstruct} science, from tobacco and its m muiarttire, was d i \ I M . o h i : c ; o n . nplctc. .M at ria! for ar. I edie«! Examiner ter M. u ;U j U.. u 11A In and, while solicitous for the national eleven million, live bundle i and eighty • t oiial cli.sention^ are, at no 1 ^->ee to returning harmony l'R A C TIF A!. A N A T O M Y q nest ions which they are fully c o m p e ­ uinet v nine dollars. i he am ount would ! ' ' “ I Ir.iternal afL etion throughout the tent to understand. D is marvdl iu- to •iiidoubteilly liave been niueb giea teri Republic. Many foreign Stii'e’.s have W IH bt i wpj ' i * 1 . Ptieli t-', upen arriving m j o \ i > t i e b : j s 5 1 V e -: ì s C-: r , 1 r . en ll mi tlit* Dean, who hear professed merchants exp ressings * had it bee pos.-ibl to p io .- u . b e i-U'eetive |' iDeied into liberal ag eein nts t«>\\ ii . are r< «¡ ii tli State Street. Salt-ia. O reg on , J.dteir m ¡ I give a:.v ir orni it: ii ile-irnl. lictude for the national credit tmd the revenue regu;tli> 11 » re.-ju‘Ct:ug the ¡111 ,l>i- " b i l e nation- which are far off. and s thè plaee to go and ¡¿et »olir wat*'n,s, .1 tu tin- lb ai \ n i 1 receive prompt ut- next moment advocating a •* Congress- incuse stock ot tobacco held 111 tl e wbic*., bi-ie.ufoie. have been utisoeial clocks ami jvwidry rep .ir. i io > • i siile. t nt; 'll. 1 warrant «Il my ¡li forano je.ir; if it i al l ’olicv ” which (;:s statistics prove) southern Stales at the close o f the rebel j exclusive, have become oar liieuds not righi. I iu»ko it r m i D H 1 VL HOOKS T h e annual period o f rest which we has swept more o f our c o m me rc e Irotu |jan r e m i : > i it e u t ii i: s n o r the sea- than el;cl d i e ( ’ on c í e n t e cruis­ 't he average annual taxable produc* have re;e hed in heal li and tia quditv this city. Can v procuro IN TUE POST t ! 1 1 i: V II.PIM I. e r s ; which lias almost extimtui-lved our ti'.n ot ihedifieti ut kinds oi in.inula, t and wdiieh is cr owned w it ! 1 so many » . B. Fise va | rea! ship-building inter est; winch has cheek ureil tobacco from Sept 1st, 1* m »2. to b!e.s».ugs, is, by uuivcr ai eon *. nt. a l i f t r , .11. D ., h . f est care, ed industry and obstructed enterprise •June • ’ > th. 18».),wa- tJ. 8 DB, 1 (]S pounds. \ convenient and ¡-uitulde cm* for eulti al l^aruity* Dean ol the i t». in .States comprising nearly one-third Tli..- amount, at the present rate o f ex j v a 'i n g I*t*r.-onal piety, and practising SALK M, OUKüOX. 2 - t>w o f the national do n n iu ; which has ab­ ei.-e, would return the ( j o v e n i m e u t an public devotion. solutely des. roved more than a t h o u s ­ annual revenue o f fifteen m illion, seven i R t l o i a t o i e . recotninend that l o u r s I lr .W .J O . J i l l T 'IM *:*. and millions ot a>>. ssahle values in those liundn-'l and tliirtv.six thousand, six 1 day, the _(itii day of N ov em b er next, ¡Stati-; and which blindly persists in hundred and t inety-tive dollars. Wi t h ; *’0 Sl f a je r t and observed by all of r\' f C O * ^ N f ! ï f A T FÍ5 - J • com in tting the cause o f law order, cd some am em iunnt of the present law. (I*“ p " 1*} u‘ ° f tin l nited Stati s, as a P H Y S I C I A N . A S L U G E ON. ueatimi, agriculture, m a n u f i c t u r e -, and and with the exhaustion ol the ,-t » k in ; d ¡y o f public j raise, thanksgiving and •lm ìr.1 to < • fJJNÎlF ua l.-r-; r.oi. \, oitr.aox. ¡'till ' of com me. ree to the keeping o f negro car the e o u m r y , m .d e in anticipation ot tli • 1 » 11 oattlieirv: t r to the A lm ig h t y ('re.itor nud g.- iat u n s . It I* hi.rvtiiou.s tax. wh eh is now near y c f ] C u d I etbag Special attcìtion iv^n to l 1 : and th* Divine R u ler c f the I nivi i>e. l>y whose (lieHi : a l .''SciT hniiilisp, d u c . : , s ol women. hou! 1 Mot (LdU'iiissiou believe that t i e govern e v e r w atchful, m erciful and giae.ous that no fe-sed m» rehauts ju re, ive in the carnival o f ign •ranee, in* ut may safely rely upon an annual iT o v id c u t v ahn.t dates and n itinu.s. 1 diiorder, am] de lructiveue-s. which lia- revcuiK* irotu this sou re*.* for the itnun no i. ss tli an families and individurl Dry . r i ivs. ( U tnlng. Il >ot> gn-wn out b f the negro Miff rage policy diate fntuie of ut least eighteen million men, do live, and move, and have their (•t ( ’ hi ress,' somewhat to ina e them do lars. Icing ■ \ ¡ .*■•!.cis, liar ir Ttriprovrmcnts, these ]>r mi • s. but >vho So.ve Veen tool i-xuola W e v ili n* to give «.itofactioii. o f ii ir J>r i, one thousand eigfit him ut li.iH l.-jH « I Living lie rtf is .-!. tliiul to iiivu-tigate, or too mucli ' ai lo ci Barn, Statile, dred and sixly eight, and o f t!ie In .JlH" One of tlic firm noy Ve fourni in <> ir ' r bou ¡o ^ au individual wiiii.s*; remai kable e ar* cr ofli :c from S u’cluoV. \ m ., u oil I i*. •! . 1 ?’ !. ! imbued with parti-ansbip to exercise dependence ot the Lulle d S at* s the mie otber <)utbui!dings. i- almost without a parallel in the an nri nery , 1 ■ i v. their reas -ni g powers, that i f ilii.- | _ ninety-third. ,,i r wit n Live Aereo of tìo> *1 inis ot romance. l i e was born in Indi­ JS’y E. V. H. AI I \ VN !»ER. ANDRE’»Y JOHN ON. n gro sttflrage busine-s. which is wasting : ana, and is uow about fort y years of age. Rv the l*u-;.l*’i t : WlLI.l.V M ii rwt **i*. s' « o r* ’ a * v ot S'.itcv Lan ,1 set in 1 imothy. 'i iu re is oti the treasure and discarding the intellt | li s name is Edw ard OaiutiiM*. lit iug Splendili W e ll o f Water. gonce o f the land, is not brought to an the I 11’ A l SOX .V filii A'ALL, > e g i g e d in a per-oiial difli> ulty vv.ili a early termiva'ion, the demagogism of" | mau n.lined S in q s o ti.a t Ma*lis>*n in lli 1 T h e M AG »ALI N.S OU X : W Y(»l K — WI Nt ì A: A ITE R . A r t l i i U i i** ; » : s l S. is A tlu* country, which stands ever ready to mil o. iX iG , lie kilie 1 his antagonist j M r (Hive r D y* i a rue' e o ; •* The 1 a g- Ci 1 t > ili1 , »’ . iter !>y net i pioiit by ahti >iiii l condition.-,w ill appeal and tied to the A m erican armv then e n ­ d.tic* S of N « w Y rk ( 'i t v . ” in Par. a , d s II0U JH C A R P Í A Í S :.3 , ;• • I î y i"‘J C X [•. v' t 1 * * ■ ' .4 ; i ir ll » l .* J111 to an overtax d people to elect men to Monthly for Se [iteu b*-r is q:i* to a » tering M ex ico. A t I he battle o f Cli .p- I At jl V. TN D l ' L N M i X n : O R E (JO N . Congress pledged against vot ng appro ultapee he w,i> taken pri onci, and lay ,-t art ling US ••'1 !»e wi< k. lest m .n in w i s h et ArprTi. . > » N ew Voi k, wliic Ii made s nell a s•*n-a- .... pr t wide fufvtjm interest on for month- in a M .xiean dungeon \ ¡’ U c Or. Sri»:. 1 -, o*1. priât ions to ILL Uke 4 !>-• j ti li in th e J “ ly and A u . nsi mi tubers 1 nited Ftatrs bonds, i his would in mg releasod a* last, he m a r i e I a Span- ( and fouutrv. ,- . . .. ..... O ... a t o f the same ma azine. and has a much practical re; udiation W c hop»c never ish girl, and settled on the Bio < J i.mde j more pr eticil hearing. A c c o r d i n g to to see it. But when men o f respecta- Here being attacked by the ln d i o i s , him, there are six hundred and forty liilitx abase tlvinselves so far as to voti hiiu.-eifand family were carried into j .-even kn *wn houses o f prostitutes in for negro . uflr.igo, for the sake o f oh et captivity, where he again spent two N w ^ ork. and he explains some o f the \ - 0 « Li V 4 T 2 S 3 . V « A i r F A T : i n g a p . ditie il favorite to office, we may y a is. I'.fF-'eting his *>ea^e lie joined ; hellish devices y which they art* pro. ... ... ,,, . , well a*k the Question, “ Wt.at will nun ATTORNEY AND C0UH3ZL0R AT LAV.’ a ranger com pany and w as shot in .i ti lit i • i i > M I I. O * J \ nleil with min it. s, m dilitiou to the i not d o tor [-any purposes : w til the l ainaneh* s, se..iped and left -upply *.u hi* i naturai female imninr.il DALLAS, OR E d US. Thro e 3 cars ago, hud the question y. E R f H A N T S ’ EXTIIAN CE , l " f dead, l i e , h >w> ver, recover* i 11 ■ i t \ liiruisiies. 1 ii sonic Cases tlu* very been asked whether it w. re ea-itr t>> j' inoil the W a lk er ex •«•«iition t*> X ,..li­ <'a!il'.rnia '¡Ir ti, be lo w Montgomery, PECIAL attention given to Colli fions, p rents o f the girls them -elves profit , popularize tin: idea o f "Niigro Suffrage ngua, win re he was wottmL <1, c . tur* I and to matters eon uve ted v.itii r -.¡.i I talc S A S / IiiAXCJSt (). | or th t o f •* Repudiation,” eight out o f ami again imi nsoned. But b ein j: again j ten would have gnswered : “ I could id easi d, he sailed i >:r the l m u d Fiâtes 1 abb* oeeupaltnn. Jir D y e r s in-eov- not be induced to vote for e i t h e r ; ” I ut Vi ill Was WI’» d.- 1 tu* Vestid he ¡i ami ! c .M l 57 \\ E L F •S. c . t ries, whih* probing into thX great ui E S S i A F K ^ I I I T I B H ’J I r . the majority 1 old he led into voting he h a rd y os<■aped wi th l i - ìlio He e*r « f society, are o f *xci t d;n g i oteros*, J ) E N T I S T , NEW PII 01 *. *l Repudiat mi sooner than “ N eg ro Was one o f t In* pas-eogerson the 1 fated j and *!<• ti ve attentive1' eou-td* r.itiou Suffrage. — S. F. Call. I'tllt I D A I , D , OH l A. O N , Evening Star. and again escaped death ; ¿ P .!< ;», <>n tin* Ppring V. ll**y road. from jibilanibrcpists. A p >int worthy D.MS—NO 8 'J l irst » treet’ ly % If f i.f mile Iroin the Terry, ttiu uiul-.r- DENTAL where .-<* many p er bh ed . II«’ is n * ot note is a- follows ; “ A 1 •«r_-*• m a ­ A c c i d e n t a l l y S h o t .— Mr. J. figij'.d have ocelle*! a resident o f this city and dciigh's i . the jority <>f ilo si* girls w n e once Sunday ( ’¡iplingcr, * f this county, visited his relating o f adventures wliic ar«*c r a n Schoid scholar-, and n any <>f them ar»' son in-law, Mr. Scott, in Linn county, Blacksmith and V/agon Shop ly remarkable to a lu-t d eg re e .— X . O. di Uehftrs »»ft liristi oi pi rents. J . I V . i l l i ' A F E E , '-A- 1 ) . , Nuin hist week, and went into the mountain» 1‘teajune. Where a’ l hie 1 j of work in their lino will ho to hunt deer. lifts »if th-in were I H u o i l y Sumía* (Lie day last \vc**k. as ex* « tfil | ji inpily and w itii ili-patch. Sello,> 1 tenehers :•! Lit.erty an.I •*ii**rs oi they were about one mile and a half liOen chi sen as offi. ers in R isa L-alge. itavi he* n r< v eab’d by f ho Court street«, Salem. lit' in Lon ton. the .Midnight M ! SSK )1) apart. Whil e going through a very No. o 0 , 1 O. G. 'f.. lbr the quartet TO tour huudrctl Ltils rescued from the thick bi u s h , Mr. Fcott, suppo-ing he ending «Jan o l s t , iS ( il ): David i *. Fret streets and dens o f vice in L union by saw a d* cr, fired at it, the ball striking tvuian, W. C. T. ; Sarah A . 1’ i e t t , man, that Mission, nearly every one bad been J . E B A V lD N O r«, n I> , Mr Capliugcr in the left arm, about five inches below the shoulder, break, W. R. II S . ; Miss Martha A. W el c h. a Sunday School scholar or teacher PnYSICIAN & SrUGEON. ¡ng the bone in the arm. T h e coat W li. 11 S . ; Mis.sM. E. W il l i a m s o n ; / : m d their aggregate att ndauen nt Sun ( l l l l l l ) i l l . t i l ( l and I j C l l i f t H I N D E P E N D E N C E - - - OKEDON. that Mr. ( ’aplit)ger wore was something W . V . T. ; W . W . T a t i - o u , W . S , lay School anioni ted t«> one thousand two hundred and sixty three, years— an j ot' the color o f a deer, and the mistake C O A L and IK O N . Albert S. Chitwood. W. F. S. ; Rosa average o f over three years to each . was not discovered until the shot was Cole, W . T . ; Miss M a r y E W e lc h , W. J. A. APPLEGATE. W. C. WIIITSON g H 1004) TON S. : fired. Mr. Caplinger was nearly twen- M ; A l oi»z<) Williams. W . D. M ; A p p lc^ r>u< meet. San Francisco. [lOly] 413 A 415 P acific & t vort, W . Chap. that Mr. Scott had, carried a half ounce Office—In the Court 11 ¡use. ing ilio editor ha*l attendi*] in San hall. Tli is is the third or fourth acci A S t r a n g e C k o c e e d i n g — Tiic R* Frati* iseo, whieh w >s beiti under thè dent that has happened that way, dur publican members o f the Lower House | _ lauspicea c f a creo 1 whieh bel'evcs i n ing the last two or three years, and o f the Oregon Legislature have all re j ‘ . . some have proved fatal.— Unionist signed, and tlu* G ove rn or has accepted | ^ coming ot Christ. A.- A T T O R N E Y A XI» C O U N SE LO R A T their resignations. • * * * * j to the character o f the audience present LAW, HAVE SOLD MY ENTIRE STOCK OF r nothing hut the greatest provocation (|,c eoca-ion, the Chronicle s avs : Dry Goods and Groceries to J. G. Brown, A woman wh o was arrested a f* w S a le m , O re g o n . and all tlio-e indebted to me by book Recount, days ago, in Cincinnati, for being in can justify such an unproved nted a>: .. Th(i ;;Uljj1!|lCe por t|l0 lil()Sf IlUr', Was 1 H L L practice in all the Court* ofRecotd will confer a favor, by coming forward immed­ tion as this wholesale desertion of duty. ()f t,lat (ll, ¡ ul, »»hieli is met in Spir w ami inferior Court« of this Xtuto. iately and making settlement, either by C’usli male attire, confessed that she had worn Office, iu W O kin di A Co’i Brick, up stair*. D aily (^S. F . ) Morning Chronical. j Ul|jist ,, ti,ILrs ¡,ud W o m e n s ’ Rights or Note. J. U. Brown is uurborizcil to settle men's clothes for the last nine years, 18tf all accounts. ^ ^ BROWN an<^ *,ail filled various stations, ranging T h e above from a Republican paper j Conventions, with narrow receding ________ Irotu fireman on a steamboat, to clerk in California, expresses the opinion ot h*r* heads, loti:: straight h iir and sunk. H O ’r E I,. m w m m m m \ B A 4 •> * *» • . e » » M I 1 . At o J . L. € « E E E A « , Cosi. J T il OS. BOYCE, S Physician arid Surgeon FOUNDRYfflEN AND BLACKSMITHS C. G. C U R L. MUST SETTLF UP- I \ BOAIIA h 1 F A W N O V Attorneys k Counsellors at Law, SALEM, OREGON. OFFICE IN THE COURT HOUSE. n27tf In pursuance of arrangements just entcrc*! into a* per above »tinouucement, 1 make my bows to all customers ot tl.e bouse aud .tesire a continance of tbeir favor*. I nose desiring good bargain* in dry good*, groceries, etc., etc. will do well to remember Brown’s tiro proof brj^k.DalL-. J. G. BROWN. Justice. Til m k s g l y i n g . Tabacco Statistics. I f the popular beli ef in the parity o f our republican form of government be well tou ded, there «hould be uo need for elaborate arguments in favor o f Free- Trane. T h e f-iui pie question o f justice being decided, must forever set at rest all cavil, f*»r surely none o f the advocate» o f “ protection ” will avow a purpose to do that which is palpably unjust iu order to benefit themselves. Let ua any. exchangt^pi'commodities in tbi- light, and the monstrous, injustice o f legislative interference in the traus* action will at once beeomo apparent. I have earned, by a certain amount o f la* bor, a dollar and a half; I want a pock­ et k n i f e ; Mr. Rogers, o f Sheffield, E n g land, has produced a knife with the s me amount o f labor as it it cost me to earn iny dollar and a half, and is willing to exc ha ng e his knife for my money, i his would seem to be a very simple af­ fair, concerning no one except Mr. Rog- • is and myself, and in whi«.h I should have e ’early t h e ' right to accept the terms lie ofters; but here the Govern­ ment steps in and says to m e : “ O u r American cutlers cannot produce a knife with as little effort as Mr. Rogers. Iu oder to do a remunerative business,they ;*re forced to ask three dollars for the ir products, and therefore we have placed a duty . I' a dollar aud a half on the ar­ ticle you wish to purchase. ” “ B u t, ” I reply, “ 1 do not want an American knife, and 1 d o want an English oner experience having shown me that the !.*tt r i- better tempered. It may b e n mere whim o f mine, but, at any rate, the only knife I wish to buy is the one which Mr. Rogers offers, and I cannot- see why 1 should be forced to pay twice as much as be ¡¡.-ks. Besides, I have only got a dollar and a half.” •* It can’ t be helped,” returns the law, “ you must either perform twice as much labor, s o as to e.iru three dollars, or go without & knife. Our domestic manufactures must he protected." Is not the glaring in- ju.-tice o f such a proceeding manifest? I 'ufortunately, this phase o f the tariff question is seldom if evor regarded b y the protectionist«, whose rhetoric i* founded not on justice, but on expedien­ cy It is i xpedient, they say, that ev­ ery branch o f American industry should lx* developed to the utmost, . Granted;, but for the best development o f any in- «1 us?ry no means can be as effective a» Ire** competition T h ro u g h its influence- eiiiuhitioi) is aroused, manufacturing processes are im p io ve d , and the quality o f products bettered. Give any man* tli • monopoly <>f a certain manufacture,, and the inevitable result must be a re* fixation o f bis eare and deterioration o f li s goods ; so that even on the score **f ex pe di enc y, our present protective system is unjustifiable. The terenq o f forcing the consumer to perform extra /¡lx» in exc ha ng e for what he desire», is self evident that we may safely leave it to our r*aiders without further com ­ ment .— Free 2'ruder. iF \ W h a t e v e r view may be taken o f the tacts, it cannot be doubted that the- uianncr in which * Th e W ic k e de st Mau’ in .New York has been published iu the pipers o f that city,and the religious no­ t o r i e t y thut has been given him, have b. i n unfortunate in their effect. I f he is really converted, no advantage can* arise from such heralding o f all the de- 11 Is. I f he was too cunning for the u**< *1 men who have made him famous,. ud has used them as a means o f adver­ t s un-nt which would have been impos- - ¡Lit* without their aid, nothing but evil can be the result. W e should strivcf to bring even tiic “ w itkedes” under the power of the Go -p el , and be discouraged from no attempt at thrir salvation ; but if we succeed, let their works praise them, and grace will have all the m ore honor, while humanity will be likely to be cultivated in the hearts where deprav *iy reigned.— S, F . Occident. D e a t h s of t h e A p o stles — T h o following is the manner in which death overtook the A p o s t l e s : Matthew is, supposed to have suffered martyrdom, or was slain in the city o f Ethiopia. Mark was dragged through the 8treeta>. >f Alexandria, iu Egypt, till heexpired. Luke was hanged to an olive tree itx Greece. J o h n was put into a boiling cauldron at Rome, but he escaped death. He died u natural death in Ephesus, Asia. James, the great, was beheaded at Jerusalem. J am e s , the less, wits thrown from a pinnacle and beaten to death. 1 'hilip was beheaded. Bar­ tholomew was skinned alive. Andretr ^1 a Warehouse. On pr»>misillg to re- en eye*, ami an expres-n>n ot con ten was crucified aud pounded while dying. all unbiased men. sutne the attire of her SC.X, she was let ance iietoking li'tlene.-s o f mind and Tlmmas wa» run through with a lance., .,n(] a contribution taken up for lier T o an cpit >ph on a tiusbaud ami wife contr iet»-d itle s It is difficult to J u d e was - h o t with arrows. Simon waa> r „ _ p ‘ in an English graveyard, this holy text bel eve that our Saviour would seek cruc fied. benefit, w hich netted b-<>. Matthias was stoned. Barn* _____________________ is added :*• T h e i r warfato is a> eouq-li-^t h ir society if he should revisit th af»as wa- stoned. Faul was b e h e a d e d * sr th. by the tyrant Nero, at Rome. Gctyour Blank» at the SIGNAL Offio«. e d . " |