S k t S ilttk ig P o lh ( f o u n t s S ig n a l. 18 ISSUED EVERY MONDAY MORNING J . H. IM ^ O N ^ P u b U » h .r . T trm s .—One year, $3 00; 1 5 0; three months, f 1 00. six months. H I X 8 FOR CLUBS: VlT* copies, one year, $13 76; Ten copies •M year, $25 00, anti fur any greater number at $2 50 per annum. Snbeeription mutt be paid »trictly in advance. New J. H. A L E M FLOURING GOODS. h is m i l l h a v i n g b e e n e n t i r e l y T L E W I S i Double Extra S prepared to exhibit an excellent and cartfully selected stock of . * “ d D t}(fr o i$ " ■ T '‘ i F f Superfine Flour. Groceries. Hardware, Cntlery * Not surpassed by any brand on the Pacific Coast Clothing , Nails, Large Orders filled at the shortest notice. S O O T S tf S H O E S , Flour, Middlings and Bran sold at the Mill, at wholesale only. And in fact everything in the line of S T A P L E and F A N C Y G O O D S usually kept in a rctai' Store will he found on hands and for sale as CHEAP as the CHEAP­ EST. 3tf W. W. MANUFACTURING COMPANT dec21 tf DEALER IX GENERAL A S VISE, MEUCH­ GROCERIES, I> a lia s , O r e g o n . HARDWARE as on hand an 1 is constantly receiving a web selected assortment ole Gute» adapted to the Country '1 rude, couiiatiug of H D r j Goods and Groceries, Clothing and Hardware, b : ots & SHOES, C rodkeky and T obacco . I la v in / been f-nznged in the busi ness fjr l'ifn c n Years, I Hatter n-ysel» that 1 widerstund and can unticipaK the wants of uf my nuiuerous Patron- to the satisfaction el'ad , My friends are assured that I will continue to sell goods as low as tha lowest. W L. F . G R O V E R , A g e n t. DRY GOODS, W . C. B R O W * , QUEENSWARE GLASSWARE 1 CROCKERY AT IN EOLA. K b t t ( J ( ) O l ) s ! NEW G O O D » ! have jii*t received and now opened a new anur attention, a- 1 am determined to adapt »Li. prices to i-nit th« present H ard T i » t s uud i ask you bclore purchasing to call at tho OLD B R IC K CORNER \ And examine for yourselves. P R I M ’» at 12* rvi't per yard. Good quality four-fourths BROWN CABOTT A SHEETING 16 cents- COFFEE bv tbe sack 23 cents per pound, retail 26 cents, pnd all other things in propor tion. Come and examine and be satisfied. JNO C. BELL. J . E-DAVIDSON, Jl- D , P H Y S IC IA N & SU R G E O N . I N D E P E N D E N C E --------- OREGON. R. R . P A R R I S H , IN D E P E N D E N C E , y dwelling and lot pleasantly located in KOLA. I will also dispose of my DRY HOUSE situated on the premises as also fur­ naces, Kettles, Cider mill and press. A rare opportunity ir oflerc-d for some one to engage in the drying business—have tacilities for drying !• IFTY BUSHELS every 24 hours. Call aud examine this property. J. H. DOTY. Eola, Apr. 27, 1868. OREGON. A N U F A C T U R E R and dealer in Har­ ness. Saddles, Bridies, Whips, Collars, Check lines, etc , etc. REPAIRING do-ie on short notice 3tf. M _ I f CELE6RATr f l cû D A T rn D J • 8 T 0 F s lA G H _ B iT T E n 8 !j ( Tliese delkio.is stomach Titters sre entirely * ! Vigc table, and li ve from al.uholand every hurt- { m THEM! TRY TRY \ TH1M! A I JUDGE FOR YOUR. SELF! ; t'ui ingredient A pleasant tonie, and a me { »«reeab’.o dunk. Tue market is flooded with! } Poisonous compounds; but THESE bitters, made [ Jfromthe purest extracts of valuable roots, barks» i and herbs, arc admirably adapted to the cure of J (si I affections of the Stomach, Kidneys,I iver and, J bowels, such ■■ Dyspepsia, Fever, Diarrhoea,. 5 Loss of Appetite, etc. etc. For sale everywhere. I Ì A. FENKHAl’SEN, S ole ManorAcrt-HER, | cor. Sansome k Jackson, Ran Frsnrisro., D R. HUFFLAND’S For Sale at a Bargain M Harness. ¿ a ld le r y , CELEARATED SW ISS STOMACH B IT T E R S T R Y - -Tbe best Purifier of tbe Blood, IT A Pleasant T onic! A t ery agreeab/e Drink ! Unsurpassed for acting sure/y but gen* gent/y on tbe nt-cretious of tbe kids neys, bowe/s, stomach and liver! For sale at ull wbo/esa/e and retail TRY liquor, drug and grocery stores. IT NO BODY PHOULD BE WIT1IOT IT. NEW C O L U M B I A N J . G. FR ISC H . HOTEL. M a in S t ., Corvallis , O regon. E. 8. Altree, : B B A R B E R aud DRESSER. : Proprietor. S H E R ID A N , OREGON. ANUFACTURERS and Dealers in Saq- dles, Harness, Bridies, Ac. M R e p a ir iln g done on short notice. J. K . LEBO, RACTICAL : GAUNT A F A L K N E R , Prop’r. oard and Lodging on reasonable terms. Meals at all hours. : TAYLOR k DENDEL, Sole Agents. 413 C'ay street, San Francisco. m!2is IIA IR P Indepedence, Oregon. Dr. W . D. JE F FR IE S. M. CAN TER BU R Y, VI. D., P H Y S IC IA N . & SU R G E O N . N* P H Y S IC IA N & SU R G E O N . D IX IE . O H FG .O *. M ediral Ex ■•miner for Manhattan life In­ surance Co. o f N. Y. -WOOL! W O O L ! W O O L !! 50 OOO ^OOO Pcunds o f WOOL wanted for tbe California market, at M ITCUEL A BOSENDORFS. i n d e p e n d - e n c e . who have the Agency for California, rill p a y a b ig b n Cash price fur it, than any bouse in the county. M1TCHÉL A ROSENDORF. Sail EOLA, OREGON. Special attdtion given to Obstetrics and diseases of women. 1______ .'J ■■II JO .M :* T U E J E W E L E R , State Street. Salem . O regon, s the place to go and eei your watches, 4*lo4*k h und jewelry repaired in good style. 1 warrant all my work for one year; if it uot right, I make it right. I R E M E M B E R THE SHOP IN THE POST OFFICE BUILDING. N. B. Fine watches repaiaed with th* great­ est ear*. 7« V1 8 C. B R O W N . P. 8. Tb««e ladehied to me will confer h furor by culling making settUment in medi átele. : tf . w . c ft CONGO SH O W S A N D T H E IR 50 P R E M IU M S TO B E A W A R D E D BY Oregon raised colt* 8 years old, one mile SH O W M E N . T H E OREGON S T A T E A G R IC U L. Trotting. T U R A L SO C IE T Y , A T A N N U a I Oregon raised colts, 4 years old, in harness E A IR S E P T . 88, 2 » , 3 0 , A N D OCT. and ta rule, mile heats, 2 in 3 50 [From the Richmond (V a .) IT 2 , 3 , 1808. Oregon raised colts, 3 years old, in harness The reports of the proceedings the ».« . and to rale, mile heats, 2 in 3 50 Congo “ Convention," now performing | Class 1—Cattle. Note.— Iu all trials of speed 3 to enter and 2 No. 1— S hort H orns . , to start. Rules o f Society to govern all trials in the Virginia capitol, are read by the « Bull*, o l speed. pie with profound amazeuicut. Not No. 7— J/inres and Colti. tBull, S years old and upwards at stupid persons are showing thern- «2 « x Lot of mares and colts, owned by on* < (| 44 41 lves even more stupid than had been man on one place, exhibited at tho fair, not less than 3 15 10 “ calf pposed; not that brutal _*t;( .-»hce S w eepstakes for H ortet, Mares , and Celts Covet. hen exhibited on an elevate *. • cna, kCew, 3 year! eld and upward Without reggrd to Blood mbre revolting than wiv > en< Stallion 20 15 Heifer, 1 year old ** Best 3 year old allion 15 10 countered in alleys and slnmB; not that 44 2 “ •« 10 5 those who bag chickens o f dark nights, Best Calf 44 X 44 44 8 6 No. 2->-D svon 9. Sams premiums as No. 1. “ suckling colt 6 3 should “ want all de money dat can be No. 3— H ere cords . Mares san.c as s' vllions 20 15 got ” by voting it to themselves when Sams premiums as No. 1. Sweep* uikes f o r Stallions. they get a chance, and should go in So. 4— A y rs hi re *. Stallion and his familv of oolts, not less for de bag dat’s got meat in it.** All Same premiums as No. 1. than 5, bes*1 calculated to improve tbe [Exhibitors in Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and b must stock of Oregon horses 25 15 this is natural enough. The performer» furnish satisfactory ev.dence o f age and pedi­ No. 8— Jack», Jennett and Mule». in the strange show are aetiug iu char­ gree.] Imported jack. 3 years and upward 20 15 acter, and are sustaining their parts So 6— G raded C attle —[C r > ss B reeds .] 44 44 2 “ “ 10 8 without much overplay. Rayne and 44 44 X 44 44 8 5 Bulls. “ jennets, 3 years old k upward 15 10 Lindsey and Burwell Toler and thq Bull, 3 years old and upward 44 2 X 44 4i 44 2 “ “ 10 8 10 4. 44 ] 44 4 4 8 5 rest, are playing such role at cuustituj 44 X *< 44 6 Best Bull calf 4 Jacks under 8 months 5 3 tioQ'inakiug as might have been ex> (Jennets *• 5 3 pected of persons whose ancestors never Cows. 25 15 conceived o f a constitution 20 15 Thoroughbred jack Cow, 3 years old and upward iu four 44 2 X 44 q 15 10 10 6 Pair Orecm-brcd mules thousand years. When men put mol 5 3 6 4 Oregon-breb mule, 3 years and upward Heifer, 1 year old and u ward 4 4 4 4 2 * * 1 1 5 3 keys in charge o f a sh'y>, they hare “ call 4 2 44 4. X « ** 5 3 20 10 Best milch cow of any blood themselves less sense than the monkeys 3 2 R ulb .— Exhibitors competing for prem urns Mule colt 10 5 if they look for a very brilliant voyage. for tbe best milch cow of any blood, shall fur Lot of mule colts, not exceeding 5 To'er in Monday’s debate frankly ail Sweepstakes. nish tbe Superintendent a certified statement 20 15 mitted the difficulties which beset of the amounts, by weight, of milk produced Jack and jennet Tweuty per cent, entrance in all ef class 2. himself and colleagues in their present by the cow entered by tin ur, during ten days Class I II —Sheep <>t the season preceding tbe exhibition, with a undertaking: “ We does not compre statement <>t age o f the calf at tbe lime tbe Rules f o r Exhibit on o f Sheep. II' asked milk is weighed. Exhibitors of sheep shall he required to head to decide dis question.” No. 7—W orking O xeh make a written «.atemeut or affidavit, and to hoW his race, dating bad* to the earli Pair 4 years old and upward 16 8 give to tbe superiutcu lent of the proper closes. est ages, and reckoui g to the present - 3 “ “ 10 6 Of— “ 1 and 2 years old, trained by boy under 1st— The breeding of sheep offered by them t'»in*-, have succeeded at constitution- 16 years 10 6 for premiums. making, he might answer as did one ol No. 8— F at C atle . 2*1—Tru manner o f preparing »be sheep fi.r his people when interoitated on a cer­ [Competitor fur this dipanuient are requir exhilmiou— wuvther tue ei.cep uuve bevu grain ed to file with tbe Correspond ug Secritaiy a or grass fed; if graiu in wbut quantities ; and tain occasion, as to what he was doing: statement of tbe age of tbe animal, time, man­ if grass, the character o f the pasturage. •‘ Catching rats, s ir!’’ “ How many ner, quality aud cost of feeding, and ail the ex 3d— Those exhibiting sheep for premiums have you caught “ When I gits penses connecting with tbe fatteuiog. nffeied fur wool or mutton, shall exhibit tbe dis one 1 am after, and oue more, dat Fat ox, 5 years old and upward 16 shorn fleece with tbe sheep, together with a <4 ^ 4. .4 10 will make two.” statement of the time of its grnwtii. Examiner.'] of m i l l rebuilt inside, and the most improved Milling machinery introduced, is now running o full rapacity. We manufacture j) I S ^ o o d s— C heap NO. 15. DÀ.LLAS, OREGON. JONDAY, JUNE 29, 1868. VOL. I. " steer 3 “ “ M 44 2 *• « 6 “ heifer 3 years old “ 6 44 44 2 M « 4 No. 9—S wxepstaxxs . BuM of any breed 30 Cow o f any brood 30 jZS#~Tweuty p«r cent, entrance in the above department. Clans II—Horses. No. 1— Hortet o f All Work. [The " Horse of All Work " should be fifteen hands, qn ck, lively ears, broad between the eyes, round barrel, short loins, wel 1 up in the sboulder, deep in tbe chest, square quarter«, fiat legs, short between the knee aud pastern* and hock and pastern, hind legs well under hits, speed equal to eight miles an hour on the road, and at least three miles at the plow, with suf­ ficient blood to insure spirit and endurance; and no horse in this or auy other class will be allowed to compete for a premium unless be be s und—that is, free from Constitutional dis-> ea«e.] Stallion 4 years old and upward < 20 .. g .4 44 U •4 2 10 Si 1 8 j Buckling colt 5 3 up- ward 20 15 Mare 4 yiars old and upward 15 10 44 M “ 3 10 8 44 n 44 2 8 5 X 44 « 1 5 3 “ suckling colt 3 2 No. 2— Draft Hortet• Stallion 4 years old and upward, tested by actual trial 15 Stallion 3 years old and upward 15 10 44 2 << « 10 8 44 X X 44 8 5 suckling colt 5 3 Broodmare (and colt) 4 years and up ward 20 15 Mare 4 years old and upward 15 10 .4 J 44 44 10 8 44 2 <• 44 8 5 44 X a< X 5 3 “ suckling colt 3 2 Span of draft horses, tested by trial 15 10 ** “ 3 years old 12 8 Note.— No animal under 3 year* old in" this department is to be submitted te the trial test by the judges. No. 3— Thoroughbred«. Stallion 4 years old and apward 25 44 3 44 44 20 U 2 << 44 10 J I. 44 I« 8 44 suckling colt 5 Mar# 4 years old and apward 20 44 3 44 44 II 44 44 2 “ 8 44 44 I 44 5 3 “ suckling colt In the dedartment o f thoroughbred animals, whether cattle or horses, none will be permit­ ted to compete but such as furr.ish satisfactory pedigrees, in writing, properly attested. No. 4—Roaattcrt. Stallion 4 years old and upward, to be tested by trial 20 Stallion 3 years old and upward 15 .4 2 " “ 10 20 44 x « ' « 5 Trotting. Running and Trotting for Oregon Colt*. — Banning. 13 Bred \ Ohe ! jam satis. W O R D S V i i i T BURN. A True Prophet. On a certain occasion Daniel W eb ster, the great apostle o f the Constitu­ tion and the Union, speaking o f the Abolition party, said: T “ IF TH E 1X F E R X A L ANAT- LCS A N 1) A BO MTU>N 1 STS K V K it (JET B O W E R IN T H E llt H A N D S , T H E Y W IL L O V E R R ID E T H E C O N S T IT U T IO N , SE T T H E SU ­ P R E M E C O U R T AT D E F IA N C E , C H A N G E A N D M A R E L A W S TO S U IT T H E M S E L V E S , L A Y V IO ­ LE N T H A N D S ON T H O SE W H O D IF F E R W IT H T H E M IN T IIE IR O P IN IO N S O R D A R E QU ESTION T H E IR I N F A L L I B I M l Y, AXD F I N A L L Y B A N K R O P T THE COUNTRY A N D DELUGE I T W I T H B L O O D .” ? Buck Ewe Three lambs 8 5 5 5 3 3 No. 10—Fat Sheep. Pair of wethers “ ewes “ lambs Buck for wool and mutton, of any breed Avii |/va vvu»• vM.i ---------- --- ----- 8 5 3 8 5 3 2 5 15 10 Ciasa IV—Swine, Poultry, dkc. No. 1— Suffolk. Boar 2 years old and upward 44 X 44 «< 5 5 5 5 3 10 « 6 months old, aud not one year old 8 Sow 2 years old and upward 10 44 J 44 44 g « 6 months old, and not one year old 5 Litter of pigs, not less i|ian six, under six months No. 2— Eteex. Same pitmium as No. 1. No. 3— Berkthire Same premium as No. 1. No. 4— Graded. Same premium as No. 1 Entrance fee, 10 per cent. No. 5— Poultry Lot white dorkings. 1 cock and 2 Lena 44 “ gray or speckled *4 44 44 “ black Spanish 44 41 “ white polands 44 •I “ black poland 44 44 “ golden * 44 44 “ silver 44 *' red or buff shanghae “ 44 “ white sbanghiB *• 44 “ bantams, gold lace “ 44 M silver lace u 44 u Bolton greys > “ 44 M Brahma Pootra M 44 “ Cochin China *‘ 44 u other foreign variety " native, not less thau six 10 6 * Turkeys. Lot, 1 cock and 2 hens Duck*. Lot, 1 drake and 2 hens Geese. 100 liest blow, by making them supremely contemptible. Shill a proceeding c.t once so fatal *in its character and so loathsome in its details, a t once a great crime, a great peril and a great iudecen-. cy, continue to offeud and disgust the world ? Is it necessary that the worst o f ends.should be pursued by the worst of means ? Can despotism devise uo more decent formula for its dirty ends? For shame, that the people of the North should so Tong have Iterated „ the brutal exhibition ! If they .are utterly oblivious to every political principle they have ever professed ; i f they are utterly insensible to every pledge o f honor they have ever made; if they, iiodeed, desire to pour only vit­ riol in the Southern wounds, and edu­ cate Southern hearts to the very gall o f hate under sense o f enormous perfidious wrong— at least let them do aw ay the pitiable monstro-ity o f negro constitu­ tional ctnventions as the instruments ol their malignitv. They have abun- dunce o f as despicable stuff as tyrants ever were made o f ; let them send the negro behind the scenes, and fly their i»pes. and Sheridans, und Mfifties, und other like tiger cats, directly at our throats. 4th— The committee shall take into consi d - Could there be a more striking illus­ eration tbe quality as well as weight ot the tration o f the shocking burlesque now fleece, and quality and age as well as weight of carcass performing than that? W e must now No. 1— Amcricoa (or cross bred) Jferino pause and seriously ask pardon for $5 Single ewe having introduced into these columns 3 M lamb 10 Book 2 years old and upward the parliamentary language now current. 44 | 44 r 44 5 W ith faces as grave as those o f the 5 Ydarling ewe dressed-up terriers iu a dog dance, 5 Ewe and lamb 5 Three lambs theee persons indeed perform their 3 Sample of wool, quality and weight % parts as well as they can. Terrible as No. 2—Auttralian Merinoet. That party did, by dint of sheerest is the exhibition they make, they are Same premium as No. 1. No. 3— Spunith Merinoet. not t be blamed that it is no better — jugglery, finally get into power, aud Same premium as No. 1. But what aro we to say o f those who the result is before the couutry. Take • No. 4— French Merinoet. got up the show? Nay, rather what heed, Patriots! Sama premium as No, 1. * No. 5—South down». sre we to say of those who keep it up, ----------- — - a * » - -------------- Same premium as No. 1. and still prolong the monstrous specta­ V O T E OF T H E »T A T E . No. 6—Mew Oxfordthirt. cle ? There lies the ch ief marvel o f Same premium a a N o , 1. No. 7— I^eicettenhiret. this revolting exhibition. Have men The following is the vote for Con­ Same premium as No. 1. no longer even the lowest sense of gressman iu the late election : No. 8— Coitwoldt. shame Have Wade, and Sumner, Logan Smith Same premium No. 1. • Brood mare (and colt) 4 years old and Best pair common upward 13 10 “ Bremen 10 Mare 4 years old and upward 15 / white China 44 44 3 »« « 10 8 “ brown “ *8 5 «4 2 “ u wild grey 44 J 44 X • 44 3 Guinea Fowls. *• suckling colt 3 - 2 Rest lot No. 6— Matched Carriage, Buggy and Saddle Pair, white Hortet. P ea Fowls. Span carriage horses 20 15 Lot, cock and hen Buggy horse 10 8 No. 8— Halite• Saddle horse 8 1 Walking horse 15 II Pair common white “ lep- eared Note.— Horses competing in this department Canary Birds. will be tested by trial. Largest lot No. 6— Speed and Bottom. Entrance fee, 10 per cent Running. C To be concluded next week.'] Running horse, mare or gelding, $154 u 2 mile heats, 2 in 3 Trotting stallion, mile heats, 3 in 5 - “ 2 mile “ 2 in 3 Horse, mare or gelding, 5 miles R A T E » O F A U V liK IIS l U . One square— ton lines or less—Irist ins«r tion, - - - - -** C CG Each additional insertion, » $ l A liberal dof’.u -ti<»n will bo made with yearly advertisers, or persons advertising largely. Legal tenders taken at their current value. Communication« of a personal character will be charged half advertising rates. Blanks oi every discription furnished at low rates on short notice, Legal and transient advertisement* m ist be paid for in advance to insure their publication. Advertisements not marked tbe length of time for which they <*ri to be published, will be insertedtill forbidden and charged accordingly. All advertising bills must be paid quarterly. 4 2 10 5 6 3 T he only Irishman that voted the republican ticket in Portland pot forty dollars for the job, bet the same on the Democratic ticket, and won— of course. That fellow had an I to bii. and Greeley, and the New Yoik Times. and all who, whether as rampant lead ers or reluctant followers, prolong a display which disgusts the civilized world, less sense o f decency, less regard to outraged popular sensibilities, than the meanest ring-master of the meanest circus, or the most brutal exhibitor o f the poorest monkey show or bear-dance? W hy do they not withdraw their ani­ mals and drop the curtain ? Are they waiting for the mob to break in and scatter them ? Sooner or later the peo­ ple will do this. Men will not endure even decent failures. The balloonist who summons a crowd to see him go up, must expect to have his balloon cut to ribands if he fails. The man who takes a crowd’s money under engagement to fly, will be hustled and tossed in a blanket i f he tumbles. Much more will spectators not allow the prolonging o f an exhibition which i- at once a failure and a disgust, such as that of constitution-making by Hunnicutts aud negroes Yet the Radical ring^ma-tc,^ still keep their exhibitions open, . id are still travestying constitution-making, with performers from Congo, who arc absurd without b< ing amusiDg. The world is confounded and disgusted with the jargon that f rrns the high debate o f these mock Parliaments; and Wade and Chase and the rest, keep up the show ! They still bring on the stage the poor creatures that have been jeered and hissed as often as they have appeared, and seem determined to have them pelted, and to realize Toler’s fear o f “ having his clos’ pulled off him,” before clo-ing up the business. W ill the patienee o f the Northern people allow this monstrosity much longer ? It is not merely an absurdity ; it is not merely a disgust— it is a ter. ror. It is that most diabolical o f plots and of dramas— a frightful tragedy in the garb of a farce. It is the dagger o f the assassin with the disguise o f the hnrlequin and the gibberish o f the idiot. It is the dance o f the Ethiopian over the dust o f Washington ; it is the humil­ iation o f the Caucasian by the African— the exaltation o f b n bar'sm nnd feii h ism over 'civilization and. chii-tianity. It gives to republican forms their dead- Baker Benton Clackamas Clatsop Coos Curry Columbia Douglas Grant Jackson Josephine Lane Linn Marion Multnomah Polk Tillamook Umatilla Union "\%ishington \Vaseo Yan/hill 201 536 637 137 211 84 85 676 385 525 174 658 1006 1402 1121 018 61 231 281 475 282 614 591 543 632 107 188 • 32 126 682 425 805 208 834 1302 10 6! 1181 659 43 493 503 328 451 594 f t ,580 11.7853 Total • Total vote o f the State, 1808 22,309. Smith’s majority, 1.209.— Total vote iu 18GG, 2U,2i)9. W oods1 majority, 000 ! ! Increase in the aggre gate vote o f 1868 over the aggregati vote o f 1866,2,130. Republican in crease, 297. Democratic increase, 1, 833. C l in g to T e m p e r a n c e . — Devo­ tion to a cause in sit res a certain reward. unselfish the devotion the more certain its good results. Intemperance is a vice which all acknowledge. Outside o f immediate relations and fiiends perhaps the per­ sonal good to those who induce others to sign the pledge is not always npparw ent, but the good to those who take the pledge is always appaicut. While every man owes it to his own manhood to abstain from the use o f intoxicating drink* he owes the same debt to society, home, wife aud family. Between the tho temperite aud intemperate there it all the difference existing betueeu the beggar and the man o f fortune, between tbe degraded sot nnd ihe princely ffcntleman, between the man shorn o f honors and the possessor o f a crown. That all may be prosperous is the unsclfsh aim and desire o f the temperance community. I •!' The more