" ‘ 'V '- ^ • ' \ E ,\ A U lte ^ te m ili i¿oik Urountg l i g n â t . Ib »M»UKI> EVERY MONDAY MORNING J . H. UPTONS P u b lish e r . rfTt»’*.—One year, $3 00; six months. 1 50 ; three months, $1 00. V > TXBKS FOE CLUBS: Five copies, one yeur, $13 76 ; Ten copies one year, $.‘5 00. end for any greater number at $2 50 per annum. Snbmeiptia» mutt br paid ttricily in advance. OI4 *• Ono s.juurt;— ten liue* or Ics»—lii.t inst tlou. • - . «• » { Hicb additional insertion, • - $ I A liber*] dc'iuro.oti will be made with veirly advert ic. ri«. or persons « lv< Hi A-- 1 1 - 1 Ijf'al tender, tab. :i ,,t 1 DALLAS, OREGON, MONDAY, JU N E 15, 1808. VOL. I. NO. 13. Colllll 111.icutmiis of u (iff., | n.ain'l, •> be >e. anted half advc/ti«Mig ru le. * Blank.of every •U-criptioa fumisbod at low rate, on short notice, Lejriil and transient advertisements m«st he i'tf iii advance to insure their publication. Advertisements not marked the le«:.th of time lor which liter are u> be jwib isbed. will h« iiiserteiiiUi forbidden and *hiirger Governor of that cago T rilu n e a terrific slaught upon : . ,, r p m ? MILL HAVING BEEN ENTIRELY ® , Company of usurpers to restrain them State. In response to the chairman ot On a certain occasion Daniel W b | rebuilt inside, and the most improved the Democratic Legislature of Ohio, j yrolu U3ing t|le naiue a(jyptea by the the Suogain n county Democra'ie Con Muling machinery introduced, is uow ruuuiug fster, the great apostle of the Cou.- ifu ululi capacity. We manutacture first, for disfranchising the negroes, and orit^ina.1 and genuine Company, the vention ou the subject of becoming a tion and the Union, speaking of ¿lie J. H. L E W I S secondly for enacting a law umking1 it R eConl say«: candidate, the Gen. concludes : Abolition party, said: D o u b le E l ic a illegal for college students to vote away ; It ¡« unfortunate that any gredt public cn- •* In d"ing this I have only 1 1 n,'ld, (hat I - • i <» __ • ___ i ferpri.e .hould be embarrusbed and unnoyed hope Dfint.traiJ N,,r:h antt Sout i, East ann “ IF T H E IN FE R N A L F A N A T ­ S prepared to exhibit an excellent and from their proper places ot residence. b>'a iwr|rt putty ,aw tfUlts , Hcll H8 haVc ¡¿en M«st will c.t'hcw gBi^rapbical an<1 pyrrol a carefully selected stock of ICS AND ABOLITIONISTS EVER E lic a , a n d Of course tile unscrupulous of Oberliu inaugurated during the past year aguiust the anlm -• *»o-: will unite a. a ban < f bp'ilu r> GET DOWER IN T H E IR H A N D S, r . : Uregou .Central h.tilroud Company. to .tiiv the niabeuici.t servant, CH ANG E AND M AKE LAW S TO Clothin g, Jons A. M c C lkuxaxd . neither lose nor gain a residence «lu ie mcri|s but nmst ne(,,ls stM | , he good “ H°n. Jonx W M kkkit , Cliairauau caii^a- SUIT T H EM SELV ES, LAY V IO ­ Nails, Large Orders tried at the shortest notice. attend»,i- eellege. Tins 1» c o r r e c t.- nt that the same be issued as a jugglery, finally get into power, aud W . V . IS I t O I V X , that theie were three bundled 1111,1 peuse of silencing a cabal t)I unserupu- •• Supplement.” They assure the ediior the result is before iLe country. Take HEALER IN GENERAL MERCH­ heed, Patriots! students in Corvallis Aiilege oi lawiul , joug jlll0 o oduiers and knaves. Sup- that the N “iiond newspaper in Salem and slnuld call it ¡n right here. The N ational is asimon as on hand and is constantly receiving, be next to impossible f<»r the opposite ^ j The editor of the Bulle County Press u well selected assortment of (joor..- m Record? Would it seem pure copperhead sheet! wo*pled to the Country Trade, consisting of party to carry the District in which j says iu his paper o f a late date : I fair? would it ba fair? Cannot the l>ry Goods aud Groceries, said college is located. 'J his is just . P ostponed A gain .— T he trial of i No Good T< uiplar can consistently proprietor of the Record see where what the matter is in Ohio. '1 he Über- Clothing and Hardware off It ! suPPort ,,,an f”r olficc " ho is in* coufjsiou and inconveuience would eti Jeff. Davie has again been put 1 I temperate dmi rvorufp as •»« u a drinker. We happen 'in college is a fanatic nigger concern .tic ? Then away with your proton. is to take place {'*) in Ricotuond iu Oc­ to know something of Gen. Grant’s — is patronized by the nigger worship- . tober next! Can anyone doubt the au- reputation before the war, as we lived . . . . . ,y . . mods to honesty in the matter of the iug fraternity in all the Siales ami the ¡ .. . . , C rookkry and T obacco . ratiroad suit you have forced upon a imuus of all this tomfoolery over tho near where his company, was stationed, Canadas. These students Jiave been Honorable Ex President of the South­ lie w is then notorious for his druukcu legit ima'e corporation. H aving been engaged in the bu.-i habits, and sometimes had to be watch­ in (lie li ibit of voting at ail elections in ern Confederacy ? re.-s fir Fifteen Years, I flatter inysel- ed by h is friends to keep him from in Ohio ever since the negro suffrage, par- H as bT si ended .— The daily Va. that 1 under.-tajul and c.iu anticipate juring him self aud others. It is said iy was iu power in that ¡State. This ioni.it has give up the ghost and died, A Radical exchange says : the wijnts of of my numerous 1’atron- f him that on ou« occasion be dressed General Grunt was tir.-atlv umriified at tbe his FAVORITE squaw up in his own to the satisfaction ofu.l was not fair. It worked an injustice, j The weekly is soon to follow. The rubi,,...,.,» ol hi* early 1.,story by bis father. | re ,/llll0ntaUt buckled his 0*n 8 Word to My frieuds are assured that I wi 1 Under the operation of such a rule a : “ pap ” is effectually cut off by the eleo- A correspondent states that justice to thfe p lien- 3 lion- , “ 7. . _ . Continue to sell goods as low as tin few hundred aliens controlled the Con . lion o* a majority of honest men to the tsral requires the statement that he inude every i hur S’uC, Blill UiiHl? IllT puCC US u {^UUrii l.rop. r effort to prevent thiir publication. It before his own quarters. Now hi»w can lowest. W C. BROW N. gressiofml and Judicial District ,n 1 legislature. We would not give id now uud«rau»oU uuilerstooii that iliat he Las quite recently : j thc • e(lit4,r ... ? » id hu Las o < f • any . temperance ■ journal, made sii .- u pcirin|>nc apt to stop tbeir appearance. P. S. Tho«e indebted to me wilt e.-nft-r n j with any show ol deceucy, advocate the fovor by ealliug making .*etll»nie»>t iu nu di suture very * proneriv this inla- ! ! and » disreputable _ , % t concern will ... get out Grant’s life must have been very claims o f puch a man for the hignest h lr iif at te : tr 'V. r n y i à i l cry, 1 1 - niioied 1 1 oifice in the land? Nor has Gen. •urns scheme, ami then ¡he ni-gei : .• o, , .r ., ’ • T ot 'lie otute 1 rcusury for the next two fau'ty, indeed, when he fears to lot the Grant reformed his habits. We have it public read so partial an uccountofil us /lissf-et up » hypocritical bowl against it i: .. « s u , M.V\ (»O iil» ! M W G tm lJ M years. It will be remembered thut'tax his own father would have given. on the most unimpeachable authority O / ’li>lV.iiie;'i'iii2 college stu-leuts. that it is no unommon thing for him ¡payers of Oregon hive been keeping bave .iii«t received a-nd now openoil a nv*> INDKi* E X i ’ E X C E , O i 1E G 0 X. U nder the heading, “ a true patriot,” to be seen drunk in Washington.— and i rush »lock el sp rin g and ¿Kimme, KELKO ¡»UFI'RAGli ! this thing running for the two years Wendell Phillips, who, as a Tciu, erance ^ - . W M ' A i T t ' l ' E R und dealer in li ir b lM d )« all last past. The last legislature appro the. Reading (P a.) D aily 7\ rn.es say s man. stands deservedly high, is one of y » U»-« .-.i »lies. i»ri‘i*'-s. *V nips, If ollar-, G rades. ! As the States now stand, universal! , rfM, vr '.n f. in «•»«•. ••■c. Kinds. H O - U SA N D POL that one Raljih D. Fritz, of Sau Fran­ the numerous authoritte« ior this much. . . . . , . . . . ! printed 1 EM T ----- L suffrage for blacks and whites nliko has * , , K E l'A ilil.V i do i - on short notice î.rf. Styh 8. 1 ^ . • ¥l LA R> ol the people *’s è money as a peri cisco, in u will lately unde by him. 1 b en cstabî'.diid in Jlaiue. Nt w Damp- , , ¡ . 0» for _ . . m lrap . and Varictw s. the k t coi.tem , „„j ¡ hot,uoalhed to lhe U..¡ted S u tes .w ent, T O n S 'L U T . Well adapted to this tra d , both as to p r i e + ( >h.re, \ orimmt, Ivnoiie Lsiandaiju leu- and quality. To ifiose d t s m i g t o | a rebaje : since that sum was exh .usted it is said ! thousa,,d dolIars t0 u‘Wanl rcduc* S¡ rin y r u p p ly . 1 will invite your a tten ti > i. a | j ticssce by tlieir own people. In V ir­ A good S ta b le w it h c a p a c lo u t 1 aui «»etcì w ined t° ad a p t 'Ui (■ ri« * «-' Io MM ti ! , CELEBRATED , ginia. tho Car'»!ims, Ge »rgia, I lorid i, the light fingered gentry about t h e ! in? the I“,bi5c i,,del,tcd,,efW' This, , tir> sent ll.uii» T ixks . and i u»k y«*u b.;ur« State House have been feeding tlU! | sum it is true, us goo I as far iW it goes j purcba.-iug ti»eaD ai tue i Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louis . , . . . , hut when it N considered that the entire 1 Enquire at the Sigual oZce. extraordinary levies— on the ------------------ --- * The««* ¿clii'loui **ouiiic)i Fitter* ars ct»irely * I iana and Texas, it lias been establi.>hed same , with . , amount wi.l only piv the interest ou i y p\v O L D B R IC K C O R X C K ) VefcCtabU. and tree from uicobol and every hurt- T H E CASE W E L L STATED. people s treasury. by the existii g reconstrucfion laws — ilic public debt f r tii : Iiurt spues of I ---------- £ TRY 1 A |JUDGE Ar«l examine for yourselves. * in B une of the others the blacks are ; THEM! — A —. FOR emisvnania one hour and t enty' /uo m inutet. if j Kx Governor Horatio Seynmnr late- of T he legislature FKINTS «t 12V cents per yard. __ r (■««od (pialiiy fonr-fourtbs EKOW N CAR^'al absolutely disqualified Rom voting — | laioly mljmirned ditl till in its j»o\v r to will becomeajmarent that several Midi ly addressed a lai co meeting at Riidge TRY ' T r e a Y0UR A S H E E T I N G 11» laiiits- M! | SELF! lu O h i o , by a 1 .w ju«t enacted, e^ery ' revivo t|)0 0|j K uow N o tin g reign of !>e(|iie>ts would be rq u .ivd to lift the j port, t ’ouneciicnt. Fr.nu bis speech U j OUKE bv the sack 23 cents per pound, {Till TH iim-rpdirnt A pleasant tonic, and a monl ruai' 25 cents, and al/other things in propor , iLim ab.e Uiink. T ie market flooded wilb * man wlm has any visible admixture j prus*cri| ti««n aud intolerance. The l»u.deus off thè uccks uf thc pcoplc wì mnke tlie followiiig exlriict, and ask Lome aiai examine and l«e sati-fo-d. ) ./ul.-onouHiompountlH; butTHESLbitten.made . } from the pureit »'xtracta oi valuable n olp. btrl» J black blood, no matter how small a de- | k,.„iers 0f either House were fierce in pi i ced there by ilo Republican party 1 ibr it ilio attenti»-n of eve» \ render: J Y O C .B E L I i i indb«rbA an-admirably adapted totLc.un oii I venture«] to ask to.d.iy a vcry {n!laffe.-tii>nH of tlie Kt. marb, Ki<1nryi>,T iyir an J gret’, is excluded*fr »m the ballot box. j l l |t .i r aeu«uciutiuna of Irishmen aud Very uiati'iiu-iy. • Bowel*, sa'h aa Fyitpepfia, Fever, Diinl era., , intdbg* lit iium. whose potdtiou in lifi* is J of Appetite, ete. etc. For wle evetywl tie. { In New York, any black man who owns (; orilianiS J b K D A Y I D S O .l, M » , 0 ue Ilhkm an, ioim-rly a Dana is writi.i^ a life of G iant. , pruof ,,f h s capacity nnd saum-ity. how J A. FKNKIlAl'srN. S ole M axcta . itinrB, r.™ St>n^< me k J h kFor, F nti 1 n gent/y oli tlio mcrvtious of tiie Uiti-» dic'ilous in itself that no one paid any , ra(Rw,i |j. g. Si-uutursjust elected b> the "re- lor” dry :lijt FI FT \ 111 JjllBLd every «1 hours. ney», b«)we/s, st -ina-li inni /iver! Francisco JIm ilo r (relieioui,) on the | we consl-ler a very fair cMiu.ate. Now, attention to it— did Dot even think it coiimru; ted ■'legislation bf Arkansas : Call and examine tbi* property. For mio ut a// who/esa/e atld retai/ . . . . , . | you are to remember how much t 'e worth tlu ir w ill* to vote against it. — - j “ McDonnld was o uwry a Kansu* Don:o- impeachment J. H. DOTY. /iquor, dru^ and groeery storca. crime is ernndcu out this yf is nm|ti,,|icd by - , i . : . . i » * ... crr«t. lluiin^ the war he w s ane of thc pi in Eoia, Apr. 27, 1863.________________ _ lh e proposition however received a few ( ^ ^ jn lU nol„rioi)8 a.,d week It will appear next week. taxation in its various forms. Now, all NO BODY SHOULD BE WITIIOT IT. votes, which about twenty years later, i thieving ri. g. in connection wiih Lime, Biunt labor above six hours is put upon you J. G. F K I 8 C I I . J ï ì Fr o p ii e to r. made Cufiee a man and a brother.' ami oihers. which controlled thc whole man­ TAYLOR it DEN DEL. bole Agents. D ucks and D rakes V i tii the by the tax gatherer. It is put upon you agement of the frontier department, ai d stole 413 C ay street, San Francisco, ni 12is themselucs rich off of tbe govirument and poor D eoi le s M oney , by the M ongrel ! |,j the policy of tho Government. O f B la c k s m ith Shop T he Heading (F a.) T m e s , (rad.) sbMier . That i* about the extent of bis rad­ T I and republh-an* may judge from that mpeachers .— i lie impeachment trial | course we cauuot lift the load of t»xa- D A L L a S, OREGON. says of negro suffrage in Tennessee: icalism, what is to be expected of him. lie pr«»ba' ly wiil cost the workingmen u roqnd sum. tion altogether from the people. You Cî A U A T &, F A L K I V E R , bought hi* c/ection with money Bto.cn lroiu It will all be touud iu the bill. It is cannot reduce the hours of labor to six Tho act c ’tublishing equal suffrage ^ © -P R IC E S REDUCED.-®-^ the bleeding nation.” stated that the printing of the tickets of hours per day ; but I tell you, those of was approved by the Goaernor on Fcb- S H E R I D A N , OREGON. Tbe Cb icj says reconstruction, as it has re­ admission cost no less than $6,UU0.— you who toil iu thc workshops, when Two-horse wagons ironed complete for $80,0b A ü UF à CTUBEES and Dealers in Saq uary 19, 18G7, and was at once carried sulted iu Arkansas, is a miserable failure.— The exp en -eof the trial is set down at ■ yOU have labored your six hours, when Brake for wagon $12, 00. d/es, Harness, Bridles, Ac. before the Supreme Court, which affirm­ Trom an acquaintance w ith muni of tbe lead­ near 3100,000. Certa-u witnesses cost J y0U ai-tf beginning to feci your arms Horaea shod ail rouud with new shoes at $2,50 R e p a ir iin g uonc on short notice. ed, by a unanimous decision, that thc ing characters figuring in it, it pronounces the country 8-3.009 each. Gen llou^- weary, andjou desire either mental oc- Shoes set for 25 cent* each. them “ a miserable pack of adventurers, kick­ Doubletree#, aud Singletrees, wood and ir»n change was iu accordance with thc Con. ed out ol detent society in well regulated com­ seau nefted some §9,UU0, a good job.— cupatmn or enjoyment with your fam. complete tor W # 'lhe sum of teu cents a mile and ten ilies, the tax gatherer cou.es in and D r . XV. B . J H H B 1 E S . stitution. Rut Teunessce was not a munities—drunkards, loafers, thieves, gam­ W agon*. B u g g ie s an a fc lx p r e s s-H a c ks, dollars a day, was allowed for attend says: “ N o ; we own four hours of Northern State, and had just been blers, pimps and pot-house politicians, none of anee. This is a nice array of items to y»mr labor yet—y u must pay them, to ironed on short notice and at prices to suit customer*. snatched from the jaws of the rebellion. whom would be entrusted with the care of au make the tax payers of the country us.” [Applause.] Now I ask you, P H Y S I C I A N . & S U R G E O N . TH OM AS J. DOW. honest man** stable.” sweat for. This if a beautiful sum to­ laboring men, can you afford «11 that The Republicans there had not becu in COLA, OREGON. It is estimated that Four Hundred tal to fleece from the already over-burd­ in order that these gentlemen may favor of universal suffrage, but when ened wealth-producers. Are the revo­ amuse themselves with tiioir policy o f YEW C O L U M B I A N Special attcition given to Obstetrics' and they found it was the only means of Million Dollars will be required to con­ lutionary spirits at the seat of govern­ recoDStructhin ?” diseaSts ot women. duct the Government through the fiscal ment to be allowed to go on from » n«* retaining power they adopted it. H O T E L . — — — ■p—m year commencing July 1, 1808. IIow uet »if infamy to another, without bein T he French papers have, o f lute, set JO A E S TH U JK W E L E K , M ain S t .j Corvallis, Oregon. I n Iowa the Supreme Court lately ” ¿ a , r , .Z ^ < h i » e o , n p . r e with fony millions 1 rebut « l by .n ouln.*o«a M .ln . _ state Street, Salem, Orex