Sn>t W te rk lj ÇOlk éO u tttî S ig n a l. MONDAY MORNING, MAY 11, 1S68. V IA T E d i : tm h i i a t i c  O .H IA A T IO A $. ANOTHER M IM TATEM EN T. THINK OF IT VO TER«! in his It has now been eighteen hundred speech here that the people o f the South and sixty seven and one half years Hon. D avid Logan stated fragm ents ^ o f ^ h o l k COUNTY the future city of Polk county, report­ IN' ew ed at the May term, when the follow­ NO. v- GOODS. ing order waa entered . “ Ordered, that Thera come« a voica that wake« my soul; the sale o f Town Lots and the Job o f Ti* the voice of year* that are gone: buildintr the court house be on the 14th They roll before me with alllheir deeds." “ would accept of no terms o f adjustment s'nce th e b o f the Blessed Redeemer. — they were determined, regardless ol We will calculate the number o f min­ G o o d s — C heap day o f June next." There ia probably J , H. L E W I S a word omitted in this entry ; if not, it what terms were proposed to •* go out.” In the summer o f 1848, when the was considerable o f an undertaking for Nov< if the lion, gentleman had ever compare the number to the number o f one day. So, the town o f Cyntheann, S prepared to exhibit an excellent and been in the habit o f reading the current dollars the American people owe as a smoke of the Mexican War had clear* the county seat o f Pulk, was located, carefully «elected stock of ed up, and its muttering thunders result of the folly, roguery and fanati history of the time.*— wb(eh W'e are high and dry, on the hillside about Dry Goods, half a mile north o f where Dallas now rolled away in the distance, Congress ci.-m o f their representatives. Allow­ told he is not— he must have known Groceries, FOR REPRESEO TA Tl VE TO COXGRESS. is. A Coart House was built there iu Hardware, that, early in onr troubles, a P eace ing for any trifling error in onr calcula­ found leisure to look for a moment to J . 8. S M I T H . • Cntlery 1851, by C. C. Redman ; a hotel, stores Co V E N iio .N was held, which was fire- tion, we will set down the nuipber o f the interests, and listeu to the peti­ Clothing, and shops were erected but it was a minutes transpiring between the date FOR PRESIDES!'IA L ELECTORS, tions o f the people o f Oregon ; and in Nailsr side 1 uvci by a Virginian, and was par dry place fora town and did not flour­ S. F. C H A D W IC K , of T>ouglas Couuty. ticipated in by members from even o f the birth of the Saviour and the August of that year, an act was passed ish. Its ridiculous name was distaste­ BOOTS If SHOES, * JOHN B U R N E TT, o f Denton County. Southern State; that in this Con veil present date, at .070,000,000 (nine hun­ organizing for them a Territorial Gov­ ful to the people, and was soon changed And in fact everything in the line of to that o f the distinguished statesman .JAS. H . S L A T E R , o f Union County. turn, Chandler, the olood letter, figuied dred and seventy million) less than a ern u ient. To the anxious and weary who filled the office o f V ice President ST A P L E and FANCY GOODS conspicuously Iroui Michigan, under thousand million. Now, The United settlers, this was a new and auspicious j 0f the United States, during the ad instructions from the Governor o f hL States owes an ascertained debt o f over era in the history o f Oregon ; and great ministration o f President Polk. W e usually kept in a retail Store will bo found on District Nominations. and for «ale as CHEAP a« tbe CHEAP­ will pursue the histery o f Dallas here­ hand« State by whom he w as appointed, to T H R E E T H O U S A N D M IL L IO N was the rejoicing o f the people. EST. ¿ tf FIRST JU D IC IA L DISTRICT. after. D O L L A R S ! Did it ever occur to you In the spring of 1849, Gen. Jos. accept of no terms. And he (Logan) For Prostculiug Attorney— W. G. T ’ V’ A T L T W e will close this arricle by noticing W . C. B R O W N , would further remember that the said that this boasted Republic o f ours owed Lane, the newly appointed Governor of ; an old pioneer, of 1846, who just now 2n DISTRICT. Chandler insisted in the said Conven over three dollars fo r every minute that Oregon arrived and issued his procla- happens to be passing, and whoso gray ; DEALER IN GEN ERAL M ERCH­ For Judge— L. F. MOSHER. tion that a “ little blood letting would has elapsed since the year one to the raation for a meeting o f the Legislature, head and bowed form attracts attention, ANDISE, Prosecuting Attorney— R. S. STRAI1AN. and carries our thoughts whirling back be good for the country.” In this con* present time ? The nuuib^r'of minutes on the lGth day of July following.— 3 d m s ~ n iC T . through a period of more than twenty D a lla s , O r e g o n . veutiou a plan o f adjustment was agreed contained in about 1868 yeais figuring The ‘ 4 Provisional Government” erect­ years o f the history o f Oregon. It is 4 * For Proseautin Attorney— C. Q. CURL. as on hand and is constantly receiving one for one against less than one third ed by the pioneers now passed out of Dr. Alonzo W ood ; the man who first upon. This proposition w:.s sub a well selected assortment of Goods 4 t h CISTRICT. uiittcd in the shape of a bill in o f the dollars owed by a government existence, and the uew government bronghr bees across the plaius, to this adapted to the Country Trade, consisting of F o r J u d g e — W. F. T R IM B L E . country. lie settled on the south side ¡he United States Senate. This which has only had an existence ninety- authorized by Congress took its place. For Prosecuting Attorney— J. II. REED. o f the Rickreal in Polk county, where body had, in consequence o f the one years! W ill such a debt ever be In this new Legislature Polk county he has continued to reside to the pres­ Dry Goods and Groceries, ÓT1I DISTRICT. was represented in the Council or high­ ent time, engaged in farming and stock ubscnce of a very lew members, a re­ paid ? ClothinS and Hardware, For Prosecuting Attorney— W. B. LASW ELL. er branch, by Col. Nat. Ford and in the raising He was unfortunate with his publican majority. The Peace proposi­ G e t t i n g its E y e s O pen .— The House o f Representatives, by H. N. V. bees; for when he had nursed them all tions on the basis o f the compromise of­ San Francisco Daily Chronicle, (R ad.), the way across tho plains, and bad Holmes and S. Burch. fered by the vcncruble and patriotic Polk County Nominations. has come to the con dition that it nearly reached his journey’s end, they A t an eirly day Hon. II. N. V . were lost, by his wagon upsetting in the Crittenden, were voted dowu, spurned would not be so bad a thing after all to Holmes settled in this county, north o f creek in the Great Umpqua Canyon— and hooted by the republicans as an in­ C r o o k e r y and T o b a c c o . eleet a Democratic President this fall. the Rickreal, at a place now cniled ! ho^ cver- He is entitled t«> mention a» the sult to justice— a diabolical outrage ou m „ That p iper says : man who fin«t brought the busy little Having been engaged in the busi­ For Si tit Senator. * • Holme’s G a p ” or “ Holme’s Pass” the principles laid down in the Chicago “ Now the Republican organ* talk an though ness for Fifteen Years, I flatter m yself honey makers iuto Oregon. 13. F. BURCH. platform, and as an attempt to •* pur the election of a Djiu>-r*tio P r e i i l n t next a fine opening through a long spur of OLD S E T T L E R . that I understand and Can anticipate year, w >uli»Ie$(:'tc A: W hitson, the war by their leaders in consequence ,bat the troubles of the country are from this county, and his name aud ac E. C. DICE. President, quotes Ethan All- n b efu r Attcrules at Law. o f the refusal o f Cougress to puua the likely to continue if a Democrat is tions will occupy their legitimate place , R. TATOM. Fort Ticonderoja, where he demand«* ■ DALLAS, : : : U REG 0'S. said Compromise— and, flushed with not elected. This is a conclusion to iu these sketches. the surrender “ in the name o f the great Office— In the Court House. For A*ses.*or, which «11 candid and right miuded peo­ Jehovah and the Continental Congress.” llo n .S Burch cros-ed the Plains to their late victory, would no. heed the II D AVIS. ple must come. The Veritable *• Uast oui.” this country, in 1847, by the southern Does flic gcmleman know that there was passage ot such Compromise at so lat1* For School Superintendent, I t will be distinctly remembered by or Applegate route, and settled on the no President in Continental times ? M. C A N TE R B E R R Y . i l l c l i n g a n , hav iag nn I to biz, a da y; it was too pateut that Cougits* OSSIAN. utes in these long, weary years, and I i H BOOTS & SHOES, j For Surveyor, had been scared iuto its passage. most, if lint all those present to he«r Rickreal a few miles below where Dal- S. T. BURCH. W ill Mr. Logan deny our proposi­ Mr. Logan’s speech at this place, that tions here laid down ? Will any body lie distinctly charged that the Democ­ racy had always opposed the Pacific gainsay them ? Railroad enterprise. The Hon. gentle­ There is not a voter in Polk county, 'as now stands. He was a gentleman of amiable disposition, engaging, though plain and simple in his manners, and man must have been stupidly ignorant was one o f the unfortunate passengers For Coroner, C. D. E.MBREE. —— - ------ -» • « --------■■■-■ — R e p u b l i c a n C o u n t y N o m in a t io n s . in view of all the facts, but wilireadily much respected bv his neighbors. He o f the facts, or else intcudcd to mislead on the ill fated steamer Gazelle, which State Senator, C haki . fs L afoi . lf . tt ; Repre- discern that the republican party was « e r tative*. J. A. A ip l k o a t e , A W. i . ccas , bent upon war, else why did they repu his hearers on this important question. blew up so disastrously at C .. 1868. source o f wealth Mr. Smith in his ad of truth iu hi- statements. ' Democratic precincts which were count­ in reference to the Countv scat. W . C. W H IT S O N , mirable speech here on Monday last, And Boston Clipper Plows, ed out, and which the Legislature sub. The records begin thus : County Judge. F lo id a C o n st it u t io n a l C on become a little facetious on this quo? Which we offer at ar/ight advance on 1850. Territory o f Oregon, County sequently decided were wrongfully re­ tiun, and remarked that, judging from v e n t j o n . — The- time fixed by the SAN F R A N C IS C O P R IC E S . W O O L ! W O O L ! W O O L !! jected. The Legislature was so evenly of Polk. the avidity with which “ loilists ” had Florida Convention to submit the Con. tf. Septem. 2. The Probate Court met divided as to make it doubtful which I r p i l E E L L E N D A L E M IL L C O . will pay 18 stitution to a vote o f tlm people was been in the habit o f stealing from the N E W H O O D S ! N E W UIH)i|ft! party was master of the field, though at its regular term ; the Hon. Judge “Si J . cent« per pound, f „ r WOOL in « ' . o j con ­ dition (lc.'ivorcd at tlicir WUUL l i U l > E . Government, they had determined th at May. Gen. Meade changed the time the Republicans had about two majority present: have just received and now opened a new to April, whereupon Gen. Grant tele­ the people should have '* lots " ol the « n close party votes. The Democrats Hon. Harrison Linville, and fresh stock o f Spring au«l Summer Custom Carding graphed to Meade revoking his action, claim to have gained since then,and are GOODS all “ blessing.” lion . Thos. J Lovelady, Grades, so the vote will be taken this month. now so confident o f success that there W ill he done nt tho reduced price o f EIG HT lion. D. R. Lewis. Kinds, cents her Pound, when jjre.ise or oil i« furnished. were many aspirants for the honor of S A L T L A K E D E M O C R A T IC C L U B . A Mr. Gleason who got the nomina­ Sheriff: James S. Holman. Styles. i f ,wf f.u™ ‘ *h lnrfl* TEN cents. I f lard o i/. nomination ul their hands at their lu,td lati TW KLVE and n hn If cent«. tion for Lieutenant Governor o f the in and Varieties. Clerk : H. M. Waller. Convention. ON h pound o f good clean lard for every May 2, 1868. Well adapted to this trade h<»tli a« to pri-*e choatc 8tute o f Florida was in Wash Ordered by tbe Court, that Harrison E IG H T pounds o f WOOL, or ONE pound oi and quality. To those desiring to purcha»« * The Democrats o f Salt Luke precinct I n l'.i3 closing speech o f fifteen min­ tard oil for every TEN pounds. ington a short time since, and says the .Spring supply, I will invite your attention. ** Linville be appointed President o f the To insure good ROLLS the WOOL must be 1 aut determined to adapt the prices to met on the above mentioned day.— utes, Mr. Lof$in declared that the Geor­ washed nnd cleaned. probabilities arc that the Constitution court ” present H ar d T ime -*, aud I ask y«,u After permanently organizing they gia Constitution had been defeated, and All kinds of M E R C H A N D IZ E kepteonsUnt- purchasing ru ra l/a t the w ill be defeated as thousands o f negroes ly on hand at the A little further on. is the followin passed the following resolutions in ad that the largest negro districts gave the »8 d l l* B R IC K C O B W * have been disaffected toward it bv cx- entry : “ Ordered, that the present lo \ ditioo to their platform of principles : largest Democratic majorities. W hy Company’s Store, And examine for yourselves. army officers o f the north who, failing PRIN TS at 12* cents per yard. r iflOTT cation as made by Commissioners be Reselvcd, 1 hat we the Democratic did not the gentleman tell the people <;«» h 4 quality four-fourths ^ 1 to get nominations for State offices have ELLEN DALE, which w*ll be sold at the A SH EETING 10 cent*- the cause of all this. The truth is this. and is hereby accepted.” This order voters o f Salt Lake precinct whose COFFEE Lv the sack 23 rent* J * » r_ applied themselves to poisoning the A lot o f Yankees wanted office and they is supposid to relate to the “ location ” I DUc'*"1 r*Ui f°r VASU> ' V00L atld rRU' reiaif 2J. cent«, and ul/oth er tin..«» ^ names are subscribed to this m uds of the negroes against the said CH AÄ.E. BOOB u » ». C o » . could not all be nominated. The de. o f the County seat; for, at a special! cj " ^ ‘ ^ j p E I ,« ,. club list, do unreservedly endorse the Apt. E. M. Ce. Constitution Iry telling them that there term o f the court, held on the 14th of’ ^ fcated ones, getting among the niggers nomination o f J. S. Smith as our can* is a e l n m e in the in*tnuuent putting the same mouth, we find the following j . i; U A V ID -n V n » - didate for Congress and that wc will give them l ack info slavery, and the poor first, made them believe that the regu* B entry was made: “ Ordered, that the him our unconditional and undivided deluded c eatures, not being aide to h r nominees for state officers were ¿JAMES GARDEN, VUiSlOI VN' & SI’ BORON. read the document, nor tm'iindeis'and Democratic kidnappers. The first im­ order for the acceptance o f the County support. 1 , . , , , - v r F - - - OREGON. INDEPENDENCE it if they could read it, believe thestoiy. pression is final with a nigger. seatjibe revoked or reciuded.” O Manufacturer è Dealer Resolved. That to secure our county —-IN.— On the 9th o f April, 1851, the court Mr. Lojan told Itis auditors here rom official fraud and corruption. ror at a Bar£ain J iff. Davis voted for tbe original appointed Jas. S. Holuian a commis­ - - .1 welling a. « t lot I le -a n tly located in that it was necessary to enfranchise the BOOTS A S H O E S , *hich a radical and abolition success Pacific railroad bill offered by Andrew O O *•' n‘-v 1)KY KO I. A- sioner. “ to lay off the town o f Cynthe­ as also tur- Commercial st., next dour to M vould impose, we will do all in our Johnson in the United States Senate1 negroes down south in order to keep MOU-E situated ou the; p ™ “ ^ Darumn Bros. Salem. ;>ress. U 1 kettle«. C i d e r mill and p n ann in regular form.” W e know this ce». Keim. • u offered lur some one Ladies’ aud Children’« wear ] ower for tlfttucccs* o f the entiie Deni This is the bill that Hamlin voted down the rebel spirit down there. Will A rare • upportuutay b u ! iin M i_ l u v e ,acilitie* .I r v in -' DUSW®»*— . i . » . v ................. ainst on the general principle that > I10 llftople what rebel spirit there relates tc tho County scat, from the ocratio ticket both state and county. ! engage w thi > uUSllELS every 21 hour* A11 work of my own , , is to he kept down in Washington T Mr. Ter­ horrid name this town first bore I fur drying; H F H ^ t manufacture warranted. JO H N M cC A R T Y , Chairman. he was opposed to aay such measure. j Call »ml ciumiuetu - l J H p 0 TTf, ritory ? Congress made the negro vote Holman took to his assistance Col. Ford Repairing Neatly done. D. J. IIO LM LS, Secretary. Mr. Logun overlooks this little item- there, also, as surveyor, *nd after having lai«J „ ¿ j j Sola, Apr. 27, ISC*. W. A llen , A. S t e v e n s ; Treasurer, R. S. CavsTAi. ; Assessor, N. A. Nr.« bill ; School Superint ndent, B. K o l b ; Surveyor, — G es . h e r ; Coroner, Z. D avis . sitions under consideration? AT DODD’ S 1 O O T S H a S H O E S