\ 0h* Hbtk i plk Conti JKjnsL A IT A IO IIG A G o o d M o v s .— W e sodentand I t w il l P a y . — W e understand that the citiiena o f Dallas hare it in that gentlemen o f means as well as ex­ eootemplation to grade Main Street perience in the business, contemplate OFFER. l a order It at the S i o n al may attain aa large a c culation a* may be out- aide o f the State and the county be benefi ted thereby in proportion we and provide the same with proper eroes. putting in operation in Dallas a sash ings. The work ought to be commen­ and door factory before long. A n es­ ced ere long, as the ground will dry out tablishment o f the kind would pay at and become hard very soon after the (his place. There will be a great deal rain ceases. Roads and streets should o f building done in the county tho pres­ propose to ft urih the paper to parties always be thrown up in the spring.— who order it neot to the States or to Cal- The summer travel upon them ifornia at the low price o f 12 00 a year Send in jo^ orders and the S i g n a l will be promptly sent to any address By your friends or relatives n the States, a paper from you may designate. your locality is prized beyond calcula­ Up j 0 fbe fa||f renders them impassible F a r m e r s on the highlands in this Advertisers will do well to make a note this place. petitions were started we know not, but surmise that the author was not too well posted in the geogra­ phy o f the ountry he proposed to ac­ commodate with the projected daily line. W h y leave 1-afayette, Dallas snd Inde­ pendence out o f the programme? W e W hen properly painted, this building will be very creditable in appearance. D allas Dempsey of the Dallas swug out a sign. This will aid the weary and hungry in finding where rest and refreshments are to be had. S t a t s A g r ic u l t u r a l S o c ie t y — W e republish in this issue ofth e S i g ­ is entitled to a daily mail service, and nal think it can be bad if proper represen­ Managers o f tho Oregon State A g ri­ tations are made to those presiding orer cultural Society for the benefit o f many such affairs who have not heretofore been readers the proceedings o f the Board o f leaving oat and off o f the line three of F rom a private note, dated Butteville, the most important points on the entire March 25, we learn that an effort was made by the radicals in that vicinity route. Were the petitions amended so as to emrbace Lafayette, Dallas and Inde­ to get up a jolification over the nomina­ pendence, we are sure the chances for tion o f David Logau, but the thing was getting the prayer no go. granted wor.ld be considerably enhanced ; economy would suggest such a course. W e They rustled round for near a half a day and failed finally to raise suf­ ficient funds to purchase enough pow­ shall send this number to about every house, place o f business, and offioe in Dallas, a o i during the week citi- sens will be pretty generally waited up­ on by a ean\ a*aer for the paper.Remam- ber that the better you support your der for ^single blast. as also several advertisements and cards are crowded this week. F ro m expeditious. will be compelled to charge 83 00.— Souimerville, merchants and dealers in I n point o f size, improvements and natural advantages, Dallas leads by a B l a c k s m i t i i i . n o . — Mr. T. J . Farm ers, IHB Largest and Best Assorted Stoek o f D r y G o o d e , C lo t h in g , D raaa G oode, A c ., dee.* Yanduyn & A N D SE E D -SO W E R * Stock o f Goods this side o f Portland. All Coantry Produce taken at iU Highest Mar­ ket Value. M IT C H E L A R O S E D O R P . Independence, March 22, IM S. Ztf Messrs Mitchcl view to making purchases will do well duyn & Somerville, have in store stocks Rosedorf, and Y an­ And Hatton Clipper Plowa, is already in the new town besides the daily going to and from this institution we conclude that the citizens o f Dallas appreciate educational advantages. I n d e p e n d e n c e . — is making rapid strides cityward. built at Dixie. This town has many advantages over other points in the H ead the new advertisements in this issue. W e will notice in detail in our Dow, stores and warehouse, a hotel, a livery stable, a F IR S T D O O R N O R T H COUNTRY PR00U f C L * We also have in eonneetioa a large he Store shop, harness shop and other establish­ with track extending to the River, und are pre pared to receive and Forward Freight for 7 4 c e n ts f a r to n . now remembered. Mr. A d o lf W olfe, now doing business in . YANDUYN A SOM M ERVILLB 3tf in the new town a large business house in which he will immediately open a W HERE ARE YOU G O IO G AND Mr. E. Merwin, postmaster, and dealer iu all kinds o f furniture, will soon move over, when the new town Messrs Baily & Co. have a new steam saw mill situated on the bank o f the i « 23Ä r CONSTANTLY ON HAND, W h y d o y ou D riv a In s a c q ■m ate f A A N D FURNISHED TO ORDER / chandise. issue that he is prepared with increased Ä BLOCK, Concord Wagons, etc., etc., large and varied assortment o f mer­ Willamette near the boat landing.— Ö THE Carriages, W agons, Buggies, the old town will soon have completed CALL OH VS BEFORE GOING ELSEWHERE “ TO THE STORE OF A D O L F W O L F , IN D E P E N D E N C E .” BROWN k KELLY. 28tf. What about M i. Wo\f ? Wny he is Buildimg a new Store and does not want to Move his Large stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Hardware and Resolved, That we renew our pledge This mill, with a cutting capacity o f 5 M feet per day, cannot at present not situated on the Willamette river. facilities to do aoy and every kind o f o f adherence aud unswerving fidelity to the time-honored principles o f the Dem­ supply the deinaud for building lumber. Q u i n c y A . Brooks, Postal Agent, was work for farmers and others who may ocratic party. There is a plainer connected with this N O T I O N S /• and I am going to in towu last week, H e was looking lehose to accord him their patronage.— Resolved, That the Federal Govern­ mill. This place, being conveniently Buy while G R E A T B A R G A IN S are to after the m u service in this section. He has lately fitted himself up with new ment is one o f limited powers, granted accessible' from all parts o f the county be hod. A protracted meeting under auspices anvils, belows and other accoutrements by the States in a written Constitution, must continue to be the striping point And does he take Farm Produce? o f the M. K Chureh closed its labors necessary to a complete establishment. which is the sole measure o f its author­ for a large area o f fertile and produc­ ity in war and in peace, and is alike law Y e s ; and what is better, he pays the in this place on Wednesday eve. o f last T h e campaign between Messrs. for the ruler and people. tive territory lying S. W , W . and N. W . Highest Market price f o r it. 3 tf week. } Smith and Lagan opens to-day at Port­ Resolved, That this Union under the o f the town. 8 n s card o f the Western Hotel P ort­ land. They • ~o south from there on The celebrated gang plow is manufac- Constitution is the only solid founds-* land. This house is now under the the east side o f the river. . F u r n it u r e • Uon j tion ot o f our strengtü strength and prosperity as a , turcd at thÌ8 piace by M r j . Mason. control and management o f Messrs. A t t e n t io n is directed to the adver­ Independence E . M E R W IN , Independence, Oregon. Scwall A Dorey, and seems not to have tisement o f W . C. Brown to be found are wide awake, enterpriseing indus- loet aoy o f its wonted popularity. AN U FACTU RER and Dealer ia all Resolved, That the Constitution ofthe in another column. Mr. B. keeps a trous and energetic— three character, kinds o f Household and Kitchen United States confers no power on Con­ W e are under obligations to Mr C. general assortment o f such goods as gress to legislate upon the internal af­ istics quite indispensible to commend­ this market requires and invites the C. K uhn o f Independence for interest fairs o f the States composiugthis Union. able thrift anywhere. public to call on him in his fire-proof m a n ife ste d in behalf o f our paper, and W e will refer to other points we have Resolved, That it is the highest duty Has on hand a large and well selected Stoek, for numerous favors snd and attentions brick, west side Main street, Dallas. o f every American citizen to maintain visited in tho county in a future aaticle. consistiug in part o f Mahogany and Black W al­ large per ceot., any town in the valley DURBIN OF 8 4 LEM, OREGON, shop, R saloon, meat market, barber not CARRIAG E I O P The Highest Market prioe paid for WAREHOUSE, ments M O W N 4k K E L L Y M ERCH ADISE. blacl smith shop and plow markable for a town o f its age. Main street, Dallas, announces in this tf. WAGON AND There will present a business aspect truly re. of the Oregon Democracy. •AN FRANCISCO PRICES. A full Stock of Goods constantly on band te suit the varied wants o f the People. favorably in competition with some o f tival. unmber of scholars o f all grades we see jQ e a l e r s tn G EN ERAL size o f stock, would pass muster very the first class stores in Salem. C r e o l e A c a d e m y . — From the Which we offer at a slight advance on Joan SeunaaviLLa. IN D E P E N D E N C E * Oregon. o f goods, which, for completeness and pose soon to give an exibition and fes­ L a MOLINE STUBBLE PLOWS, ing to move over from the old town.— contemplating a visit to Salem with a T he Good Templars o f Dallas pro­ on hand a full assortment of M ERCH AN D ISE. several stores while others are prepar« Salem Business Directory.” . E X C E L S IO R G A N G P L O W , CAST CAST STEEL PLO W S, in Oregon before it. head, B lack CrRBg P low , CHEAPEST We It now contains B A X T E R ’ S GANG P L O W Best and Vanduya A Sommerwille, to consult advertisements under the AT DODD’S The Largest, within a year past. Parties Saltm justness girtetorg. Please give us a call, und yuu will be Con­ vinced that we have pects o f any paper that has been started d v e r t is e m e n t s . — m Store at In d e p e u d e u e e , which they offer to Bell at at a living price. Having purchased our Stock in San Fran­ cisco, we can easily Compete with those boyiag their Goods in Portland. I. V amdvt *. S alem A A R U P A C T U R B R aud dealer in Har­ ass*. Paddles, Bridies, Whips, Collars, lines, ete^ etc. R E P A IR IN G d >ne on short notice 3tf. MITCHEL A ROSEiMNtrS produce are the present proprietors of the warehouse and railroad track* 9* I . R. PARRISH* That has ever came to POLK CNUNTY, wee lately received at built, which makes thq shipment o f Messrs. Hainas». INDEPENDENCE, ;OREGON- believe the new town has been built up learn that the ju ry in the case of State next. vs. S. Montgomery brought is verdict o f not guilty—That Thomas Monteith was mulcted in the sum o f 81,800. Platform tiou can pay half o f it— 81. 50. County ■— »M with the most flattering business pros» it can be feel able to advance the full subscrip erected er than was originally contemplated we returned from Those who do not Albany yesterday, wc all of its appointments, was the boats quite convenient, safe and County o f far greater pretensions. Mr. W . Me. D. Lewis, who "" ingly a large warehouse, complete in termined to make the paper much larg­ ear A n Extensive wagon shop is being A communication signed "Farm er ” posite the old town and about the same distance from the Willamette. A ccord ­ produce and reception o f freight from Y ........ . T A K E N O T IC E ! tlemen o f means, o f starting a town on for 82 00 a year, but,‘ having d e ­ nal local paper the better aod more useful made. west o f the Willamette river. The landing for river steamers not being between the warehouse and river was a Polk stream, and about the same distance — It was our first intention to furnish the S ig ­ T hree D o lla r s ------n . Riddltry, about f o f a mile distant from that and also a track spanning the low land Mr. The S ig n a l will be among the largest Hotel, has County Papers in the State, and starts logic iovoh od— except bad logic— ¡ d o f the paper. i o f this. H o t e l — Mine host, are right sure that this side of the river But we fail to see the culation o f any county paper in Oregon. county speak hopefully o f the prospects m en! o f a daily mail from W here said has the largest cir­ - and the South bank o f the Luckimute, op. The Signal large aod commodious livery stable in to Corvallis. would turn out. durjDg the winter, in circulation asking for the ertablish- Rickreal aod Monmouth north bank o f the Luckimute, conceived by some enterpriseing gen­ A . H. W hitley, has just completed a Amity, Oregon, was originally located on the will pect o f any dimunition in the demand make them solid, whereas to throw them for such work as a factory o f thv kind D a i l y M a i l S e r v i c e . — Petitions are ««« Taylor's Perry, Dayton, This town, situated in Polk county, first-rate at the old town, the idea was O ur enterpriseing fellow townsman, Portland, Judepentaff business ent season, and there is n o present pros, o f their fall sown wheat. tion. IN D E P E N D E N C E . B O O T AN D S H O E S H O . A t h e *“ w M FURNITURE, during our brief stay in Independence n abort t i n - : since. W e send this number ofthe S ig m a l to many persons not now subscribers with the hope that a general effort will he made to extend its circulation.— Bring or send in subscriptions st S p r in g n once. G o o d s . — Mr. J . H . Lewis For A ll Business Pur­ poses the S i g n a l takes the place of the Capital Chronicle. Resolved, That we are opposed to advertisers who had unexpired con­ sharing with servile races the priceless tracts with the latter will be served political heritage achieved alone by whito men, and by them transmitted to with the former: us, their posterity,.os a sacred fu s t for­ Dr. Alexander, o f -Thl firm e v e r . ^ o f McCaulley & Alexander, Salem, Resolved, That good faith and justice stopped in this place a number o f days to all demands that the public debt shall be paid in like currency as con­ soon be able to exhibit a mammoth stock not long since, and performed numer­ tracted, and we favor actiou by Congress o f spring and summer goods. The ous operations in his line. H e went submitting United States securities to indies will do well to call soon, for new from here to Independence where he be taxed as other property. Resolved, That the burdens o f taxa­ goods will go o f f like hot cakes this had qnite an amount o f unfinished tion ought to be equal among the people, work on hands. spring. and should be upon property instead o f N e w G o o d s .— R . Doty has lately re­ O n e month from Saturday our eandi. the industry o f the country, as by pres­ turned from below where he made ex ent laws provided. dates for «Congressional honors speak tensive purchases to replenish his al­ in Dallas Resolved, That we protest against JONES T H E J E W E L E R , State Street* Salem, Oregon, Center, Dining, Breakfast and Work March 3. by Elder John Stipp, Lewis E. Armstrong to Miss Louesia Turner, all of Ma­ rion county. At the residence ol the bride’s father, March 10,1868, by Rev. J. W. Short, W. H. Ringo to> Miss Delia Stephen- all o f Marion county, Oregon. At the residence of the bride's fathVr, in Polk reuDty. March 11, 1868, by Ira F. M. Duller, J. P., Aaron Chambers tr., and Miss Martha Alice Broshear, all o f Polk county. At the residence o f the bride’s father, two miles south east o f Dixie, on the 24th inst., by Rev. A. E. Sears, D. A. Jory of Marion co. and Miss Sophronia Laskey o f Polk county. DIED. At his borne, Luekimute, Polk co., March 27, Marcus Gillam, aged 34 years; he leaves a kind and devoted wife and three small children and a large circle of friends and relatiens to mourn his loss. At the residenoe o f her son, T. Pearce, in Polk county, Oregon, Elsie M. Pearce, aged 66 years. Pike County Dtmecrat please copy. Grecian, Parlor, and Washington Woodseat CHAIRS. BEDSTEADS, SAFES, STANDS and LOUNGES. A fine Assortment of Pictures s the place to go and get your watches, clocks and jewelry repaired in good stylo, i warrant all my work fur one y e a r; if it is not right. I make it right. I TABLES, Subscribers and has just returned from below, aod will / nut Dressing BUREAUS, against all their enemies the obligations o f the Constitution, and integrity o f the Union under it. and Gilt Frame*. In fact l keep everything useful and ornamen­ tal in the line. About the 10th o f May 1 shall remove my Salesroom end the Postoffiee to South Inde­ pendence. Thenceforward I shall occupy the building adjoining Vanduyn and Sommer- ville’ s Store. E . M E R W IN . Independence, March 24, 1868. S-3m r e m e m b e r t h e s h o p IN TTIK POST OFFICE BUILDING. N. B. Fiue watches repaiaed with the great • est care, tf. - STANLEY'S P a r e W h i t e W b isk y F O R S A L E , W H O L E S A L E A N D R E T A IL . A t the Distillery Price A gency at J. E . C L A R E S D R U G S T O L goods, the reconstruction acts o f Congress as N E W ( r i l l f t F L O W . G a r d e n i n g .— During the past w se k S -A L E H • groceries, notions etc., etc., which he is unw&ranted by the Constitution, revo­ decJO-tf nanny o f the denizens o f Dallas im prov lutionary in tendency, and in positive offering the public at Eola. Mr. D. A Polk County Invention. violation o f the tkith o f the General ed the opp rtunity afforded by tho very is a liberal and gentlemanly merchant. Government pledged to the people o f J . W . I c A F E E , I . D., W . M. M A S O N is manufacturinfi at nine weather whieh prevailed, for pre­ H u advertisement will appear in our the United States. Appointments for the paring and planting their gardens. I n d e p e n d e n c e , Polk County, Oregon, next issue. Resolved, That we utterly condemn Canvass. Wl shall have something to m y in a G A N O P L O W which is essentially the attempts o f Congress to usurp the Office— near residence, corner o f Liberty an T h e W il l a m e t t e I ron W o r k s . HON. J. S. S M IT H and HON. D. LOGAN, n w next concerning the Ellendale powers o f the Executive and Judicial Court streets, Salem. Itf — A brief visit to this institution, yes­ Democratc and Republican candidates for Con­ superior to anything which has j e t departments o f the Government as a W oolen Factory. gress, will address the people as follows. terday, was sufficient to convince us flagrant outrage upon the Constitution Speaking to commence each day at one o’clock. been offered the Oregon Fanning P ub­ D r. L. 8. S H IF T W s believe the jail is the ooly build­ that it meant business. Several new and the liberties o f the people. Portland, Monday, April 6th. lic in the line o f L a b o r S a y i n g aeaaicaa maohines, purchased by Mr. Hallock Oregon City, Tuesday* April 7th. ing in Del lea which has n prospect o f AN D M ECHANICAL Resolved, That we sympathise with upon his recent visit to San Fracisoo, Salem, Thursday, April, 9th. P L O W S . remaining unoccupied for any consider­ were being put up, while a considers the Irish people, in their efforts to se­ D EN TIST, Albany, Friday, April 10th. SALEM, OREGON. Corvallis, Saturday, April 11th. cure to themselves civil liberty. T o appreciate the advantages this able length o f time. rki en w ere b u sy u p - b io n u m ber o f w orkm ready extensive stock of d ry Physician and Stnpn D r. M eC oT, n physician who stood high in tho neighborhood o f D ixio, whore he practiced his profimmoo, has gone oat north. D ixicitcs generally now w h eels, q u a rts m ills, it w w ater i Resolved. That it is the duty o f the •team engines, etc., e tc . I t is a bu sy Federal Government to extend protec­ n ongin p dace, la ce, and jn s t about that th at locality som e. tion alike to all native and naturalised id j ju D od I t j is p rosp erin g, or else th ere is citizens both at home and abroad. n o th in g in signs. — Oregonian. Resolved, That we are in favor o f encouraging a judicious system of rail­ road improvements in Oregon, develop d ou bletrees, singletrees, "neck T i b pe ople o f Independence intend b a d our vast resources, and for this purpose to improve their main bneiness street y ok es, ete., e tc., at all tim es and fo r Congress should make liberal grants of aid. it low prions. regret his leaving. A t D ows blaok sm ith sh op can be Monroe, Monday, April 13th. Eugene, Tuesday, April 14th. Oakland, Thursday, April 16th. Roseburg, Friday, April 17tk Jacksonville, Monday, April 20th Kirdyville Wednesday, April 22d. Canycnville, Friday, April 24th. Harrisburg, Tuesday, April 28th. BrowusrUle, Wedesdiy, Aril 29th. Beio, Friday, May 1st. Bilverton, Saturday, May 2d. D a lls u Monday, May 4th. MeMiaaviUe, Tuesday, M ai 6th. Hillsborough, Wednesday, May 6th. Plow offers, it is only necessary for the Farmer to give it a trial. Sim ply con­ structed, and pat with a view spaeially OSes in Moores' Br ek Block, Commercial street. Residence aea the Samar ft# First aad Coaler stmata Ui M N I A I A L A W SO N , tn durability, this deservdly Popular Gang Plow mast continue to give uo- qualfied satisfaction whomsoever tried. wherever or by 8 tf A t t s n s fi k Oonncellers at Law, SALEM, OREGON. OFFICE IN THE COURT HOUSE. atTtf - .. •> . *. * ? * ■ » * '.* * * < i