W iK POLK jjQJNTf TIMES. ODUNTY OFFICIAL PAPE¿ D a l l a s , s a t u b d a y . f k i *. A G E N C IE S you n il. i i. n n i^ .* * E D IT O R IA L Bumm*»* A runt in Sun Francis» o. D e m o c r a t ic state 'M o n . COM v e x - By virtue o f the action o f the Demo­ cratic State Convention, which was held at Portland, on Tlmr-day, M a r c h lDth, 1888, and of the Democratic State Central Committee, which w,i> held at the sanicp'ace. on .Jaunary 8th. 1870, the Democratic State Convention will -be held at Albany, on Wednesday, the ‘23d day of March, tSiO, at *10 o clock a, m. o f said dav, for the purpose ot uominatinir Covcrn >r. Mem­ ber o f Congress, Seer fary o f 8tatu. Treasurer, State Printer. .In ge o f Sc* cond District, •Iinline o f I'Tiitd 1 >i strict, aud Ju Ige o f Fifth District, to he sup­ ported at the next dune eb-etion. By order of -»aid Cornu ittee. repre­ sentation to.siid t ’ onvt-ntiiui was based on the vote east for Democratic Con* oressin m at the Iasi election, g'ving to each county one ddegate for every sev- vntv-hve Dennicratic votes cast, ;i'.»| one delegate for every fraction o f thirtv- eight and over, hut allowing each coun­ ty at least one delegate therein ; which rule o f apportionment will ¡jive to the several counties the following number o f delegates, to wit ; Benton, Claekutuus j late for publication in the last week i-sue:] V . T keyitt , Secretary. Chairman. COM- of your bond. Eeb. 9, 1870. Some poet lias sung— E d . T imes : “ War’s great events s> lio in fortune's train That of t a feather’» weight may kick tho !>eain.” come tux ; for that income is nothing more nor less than the interest on your bond, which we, the people, annually this maxim, for almost any day they may be seen congrccated upon o f which lie has not a single one left to fill all orders promptly. INDEPENDENCE. The members o f the Democratic<*en On Friday morning l reached Jmle- tral Committee o f l'olk county arc re prudence, tin* business depot o f Folk quested to meet at the Court House, in ! eounty. Despite the bad condition of Aud more, wo pay the tux gatherer to was reefuired, he was eutitled to his re­ lor January 11 , 1870 It repres. tits ¡in bled during the past year. shudder for the consc juences. o f Mr. F. R. Stuart, the press, type and all they material used in the publication their debts to the merchants, they hold their grain for a rise in prices, and are it last compelled to sell, often for less o f the Folk County T i m e s , together than they were offered at first, and the with all the brtoks, accounts an 1 out­ proceeds barely cover their indebtedness standing debts due the ofn e, and also • i ¡eluding -torag *). Tho result leaves debts due Mr. Stuart in Folk county, the farmer to commence another year Oregon. ¿Notice is hereby given to a l l. , . . , , . . . , , tu ne deepfy indebted than he was parties concerned, that naymei.t of the , , , .. , . . 1 twelve months before. > same must be made ty the under-igned The main o f discussion in this J. 11. T u r n e r . locality at present rsthc question o f the Dallas, Feb. 11, 1870. \ removal o f the,county scat to this point. A T T E N T IO N I D E M O C R A T S ! The Democrats of Folk will bear in mind that on Saturday next, the 10th instant, the County Central Cmnnil'tee meets at DdliH at 1 F M. tor Nesmith and lion. Benj. Kx-Scn.a. Hayden are expected to address the voters at Parties who favor this measure u n re that it is o f the greatest ¡mportuncee to the eounty that the county scat should he at its most prominent commercial point, so as to make it to the interest of the citizens generally to build up one decent business mart in the county, in­ LUMBER ! ! 1 1 .1 .0 0 0 S ec t o f L um ber AT TILL0TSQ8 S m ill ! A pood assortment at the Mill Y a r d ; or Or­ ders filled. JU D G E C OLLIN S, at Dallas, is my author­ ized Agent to sell said lumber and fo Collect all bills due me for lumber. Put in your orders soon, if you want a good lot of Lumber at A d m i n i s t r a t o r '* U n d e rw o o d , B a r k e r & C o, M A K E R S , S a le . street, S alem . O regon, a l l k in d s of w a g ­ most approved styles apd the beat o f workmanship, ou short notico, and AT P O R TLA N D P R IC E S ! 21-tf anufacture o n s after the M February T im i, A. 1). 1 >7'*, the un lersigned, Administrator o f iho e«;.c<> o' J Ar;n- sirung, deceit-t-d. will on Monday*, the7th day of M). D . S L O A T , •»% March, A. D. lS7ii. ¡it the l’ôurt II u-^M-snrTi») Dalla», in »aid c-.r.nty b e 'w v n OrSnours o f U u-'{ P M.. of »’ .li 1 d;IV, C a r r i a g r c a m i O r n a m e n t i l i o'clock A. M . and 4 expose for pn’ di • ■i'e. for -go! 1 or silver coin, to the highest I• i• i 1er. all tho n lit, title aud S I G A P A I ¡V T E R , interest, wbi» h th » iid .1 a--|ih Armstrong ha i at tlie tune ot hi» dece- 1 »--, in au I T• » the tol- Commercial Street, ¡ lowing deseii' d pr mis. ». viz : The s-»uth- Opposite Starkey’s Block, { nf se -ti-ni two ; tho west ¿ ol sou*! v 21 tf 8 ALEV. r.i't j o f »action three: íoutliea»* 1 ol - i -irih i-î 1 o f Melimi tosi : the nortliea-t Í 1 of -ecti o» and th j n »rill« - • oí nonno - Ml , f range l Wert. ii. eleven, in t >>v i •> j, Ü ! -a. ri . • o» ncgiù at oli • PnlU County, 1 i. irruís ot rale. Ca»h lu o'clock on r.iii hand. S. i . S T I E E S , .e J. G. CAMPBELL A-üUuii.'i.aóir. S fL U V iN A W n r i - .».( ! I > > l . t l M ; O -a- ! ( - R E P A IR I N G done on short notice. iLlv T à ' 1 *> t \ li 1 i. lami SfilNDLER, l UN I T U R E AND Î ! > I >I7V G ^ . I. ir g e s * s a , c k and fixe O l d e s t T ' u r - i .it u r c iliu is e in P o r t i . lid. ..i», ' !: ECO » MS AND F A C T O R Y : .1 vYlNi Ilo C-ltl . li SALMON AND FIRST STREETS, COÜ t I, \ OREGON. li* tf' to Ul . .11 - » » - .11 fJ. H A A S , tlv a.» • tc II 1 - I tu |»ie DEALER IN ». clic -.ol lutili lo n: , -I .il ittico.I \ » .t, ut-li. li - il -111 - tic- li .ail v y\ A D K 11 l.L -:.r i- Ft-h. l'.'-aoll t -U n et. S .i l e a i , B O O T «, O regou, '1 »•-> Ri i»r» .>tuu Kx|ircs» office. È KES.i G alü ¿ (Vi- E V K K Ï 2 m L Imp i ter» and Dealers in \ i l i lie |ia> IU ill to n -.a .(us a ^ A N U F A C T U R E R AN D D E A L E R IN Ham. ». ria Idi«:, B ridici, Whips, Collars, h. c„ Li-ics. < t -.. etc., of all kiud.», which he is • - . I red to scil ::t the lowest living rates. Feh. 1 J, 1 »-70 n >; 1. IIH E i M i 1 ou.y M a in st. (opposite the Court House), D a l l a s , t A-liiit) Fanemah, a distance of some two thou this por­ W A G O N PU RSU A N C E OF \N O R D E R OF TIIE Î N County Court of Polk <■ unty,Oregon, mad-.* some four hundred feet be’ow the falls to All G oods b y the P a c k a g e at R e d u c e d B a t e invi« .‘¡tf C o m m e r c ia l The basin extends from sand five hundred feet. M O O R E ’S BLO C K , S A L E M . Feb; 12-nolltf. f i l e oyi al ;<-i a dtstuuee of twelv«- hundred fee't. & E A R H A K T , WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCERS O n tile Y a r d . STEPH EN T ILLO T SO N . »•.•un - \, be taxed to fill the orders that sha 1 port ili hi t - m p a n y worke ! ene et ea \ i I i*.d iioi i j-i.iii* i ul-i < --u.it> : 1 il one dav stream in upon you, for politi- | audsucoessiully in cutting aw.iy the rue side Rose Potato, pripaid, for $1. Conover’» Col­ ossal Asparagus, $:’> per 100; $23 per 1000 pre­ paid. New hardy lragrant everblooming Ja­ pan Honeysuckle, 50 cents each, prepaid. True Cape Cud Craubcrry, for upland or lowland culture, $1 per 100, prepaid, with directions. Priced catalogue to ^ any address gratis; also, trade list. Seeds on commission. B. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nurseries and Seed Warehouse, Plymouth, Mass. Estab­ lished In 18>2. _______________________ _ $9 P er T housand, W I »> says the Enterprise, the Fen.do’s T rm - 23 Sort» of cither for $1 ? prepaid by mail. Also Small Fruits, Plants, Bulb», all the new Potatoes, etc., prepaid by mail. 4 lb«. Early C O X l und grave-diggers, for surely yon will Fresh (warden,Flower, _Fruit, Herb, Tree, 8hrub and Evergreen Seeds, with direc­ tions for culture, prepaid by mail. The most complete and judicious assortment in the country. Agents FOR SALE iu o tice e . f i n ud.ullevs. 8 lie i- I turn tny eyes hither and thither, and . , -, 3 ' ’ | represented as crying a'dii tho street. COUNTY y m i betake myself to these reflections, oeci- County “ any bones— any old rag» or old 1. t .c otiilu vi tí. lY sioned from the scenes around. I r se to lid r Am>ugst ti>e old hull s a look again, and lu ! stand ng i^i the . > Í» itili .1 ri aily secured, are tlio-u o f Bvrou an : It»*. Uà . « dim distance l see the altar beyond, Meduia Leigh. The cart is I i!x: o 1 a; i u dm ; upon which these politicil shnekers ■ Atlantic Muiitliiy ‘ and platuiy inlii i * i . i*»v O/u.t J are to be immolated. What lover ot til .t I cates l.ow that Boston rnagaz tie con e o tl tilt* his country’s interests would dare to in­ I 1 ii cl. I il. A - t»e kuown amongst writer- o: fan f m .1 i. tervene the hand o f mercy to save Feb. 1 as tlie “ literary slop-hueki-t.” their dastardly carcasses Therefore, T ue F a n a l A t und the F a u l » iu . v - » e let the ear pass on, and the guillotine do its work. Frepure yc it* lertaki-r- on th e W i l l a m e t t e . — List -m. me; v_ ^ .. i. w' VAÜI KTV, I ! - T R ! ’ « E I Y E !». \ GOOD STOCK OF » * Fr u - i t’ olf Skios. Calituroi» K ip ; t a!! ut-, nml California Solo Leather, a .,n h 1 «-fi t lor »a!c-cbv.-i]». t :« ! A T («i. BS. S T E I Æ S ' S T >3SE Eil F ïitsi: ir its ü ! tion of the proposed canal is now built I Da lli» , 1 au. 2'.U TI il - o higlie.»t price ia on »h pa:»l for Fur? and :¡5 II. i. ». and in such good condition that if will ! --------N r-------------- -------------------- rai»cd by taxation to defray the neces­ tO -u c r a l D eU ili \ i - N a t u r e ’ s A p p c a l V I O I v îS ’ not require a lock. A lew d i\s since "tur îliît*. sary and legitimate expenses o f govern­ we si\v a map o f this canal, drawn L\ S T a O R A L ( a S R E i b r 1 8 7 0 Tl on.»or.r!? of pcri-i ri», witkc-xit specifio »il- ment, National, Stale, county and mun­ • Mr. MeHen. civil engineer, who stir ment, ngc th<* vi<-tiiu» *>f la-iz - - n 1 l i -it u le. icipal. To this every Democrat cheer­ lie tiiithiiiL iti)r ar«* »j-t t-> - -i.lcoti»! ihi» »jn-- T uk T’ : ' : » ! E dxtiov o r U vb IIiMfiRcn a x i > veyed it for the Company. From it we I c T i.» rca» u - u T « ' i :\ tv T iio r s '.xa c.p ic s <>f V irfes 11 l u s t r a — o f ilK-rii"ll « i il l.t/.ilt-' » : fully submits. But when a system of learn that there is yet eight hundred I iillv ari.«c» Ir- tu a unni t-| - i nini! eil« r_*y, tor toil C a t a l o g u e u f >>eeils a u d I-'loral G u i d e , . which li t- Mil.jci t i- in. iu ;c rc»|it>i »i't!. t!i -n i» p-iMi-l.i-d ::rul n-.-nly to scud out. It is c l«- heavy taxation is imposed upon the feet of the canal to build, and that in I tho uear »igl.ti-«! ar«- l«-r tiuir «let. rive vi-- baufly priat-.-l ou lino tinted paper, with about people to support a freedman’s bureau, this eight hundred feet then* will be i ion. bucb per»«»:»», nliln-ii^li t!:« y may 1-• tii e L’ i ti fine wood Enjrravinjfs o f Flowers and Y®- « 1 fr-.ui pain, -arc a? Holy invalid», and a.» much _-i t.il. i and a l- -.lutifu! C oloreu F l ATB— eon- negro wards and a bonded aristocracy, three locks. W e are also informed by in m ad o f iiu-dicat ai-1. » » i t tl:cy w.rc-tor- | - stin^ o f »even varieties o f Phlox Drummoudii, thereby placing an unjust burden upon ini-iiit-d xx ¡ili tho pang» ol acute disease. They ! making :i fuio a prominent member and officer of the requiro n k m c ami a i . t i i m i . vi -. iliat will R l K i U E T Ol«’ P H L O X E S , the shoulders o f the poorer classes, _ . , ... Company, that it is the intention of the rouse amt reuu'at.- tin ir t- r, i 1 r nni iiloas.» in cas. s o f ti.,- kind. I i o - T i . T I E R ' S >TO.M- . Tt [h i ™ >t beau .fill, M we 1 » » . t h c r ^ t Denytierats will not remain passively Company to push forward this enter­ ACI1 B IT T E R S ¡ - r M m an immediate :tr.a ‘ *n»truei«vc l loral Guide published,giving plain quiet and submit to the imposition, but I urns» favoraldc i flVrt. The dchuiiaicd and .!«- ; a!" 1 lh‘,r«»S»* »iirections for the prise with all possible dbputch, and i »ponding valeludinarian, x\l. » feels as i f In- C u l t u r e ol' L-'lowers a n d V e g e t a b l e s , will raise the warning voice and urge have the whole canal completed within were but ball alive : who .»buns c< m; any, r.i.d -p|J0 Guide is published for the benefit the people to take the necessary steps lias no relish either f--r in »in •-.».» or pleasure, i» ,,f |Ry customers, to whom it is sent free with- two years from this time. W c sincere­ metamorphosed, by a briel c nrsc ot this most i application, but will lie forwarded to all to throw;off the burden, and avail them ly hope that this accommodating and potent vegotuM« invi^.rimt, iut.. quiet a dill- r- who apply by mail, for Tux C uxts , which is selves o f the only remedy in their pow ent being. The change < fie-.-tt I «.y tne 1>11- ; not L:iif tlie cost. Address, deserving Company may realize its most TElvri, in his In «lily an-i iv. t»l condition, is ; or to guard against like excessive and J A M S V IC K » a eurprise to himself ami to his friends. He • sanguine expectations. mopes no longer: the actsve principle ol life, i R o c h e s te r « ii» ^ » unjust taxation in the future. A certain amount of revenue must he Have the American people become stead of dividing up the trade between so lost to all sense o f a just and equit* the Court House on that day. L* t half a -core o f one-horse villages. In ^ablc exercise o f governmental authority, every precinct he represented, and let support o f this view, they cite A l­ or have they become so warped py pol­ «very one that feels himself interested bany. Sa'em. Corva’ lis and Eugene as itical prejudices, that they will submit put iu his appearance, as business of practical evidence of its correctness— to anything rather than vote with u importance will come before the Com­ these ate flourishing towns, and most o f party that for so many years exercised mittee at that time. Let the Demo­ them arc located further from the geo­ the powers o f government to the best crats o f Folk wheel into line, and graphical centres o f their counties interests and welfare of all parties and eound the tocsin note o f the coming than wou'd Independence be from the classes ? campaign ! center o f Folk. This is how they talk One most important question for the As a great ob people to ask themselves at this time is, M is s is s ip p i .— A bdl, on the model here in Independence o f the Virginia infamy, to admit this jection in the minds o f many, to its re­ State into the I ’ nion, ha- pa-sod tloough moval would be the cost o f new build •‘Shall we, the laboring classes, pay all The newly < lcctcd Missis­ ings, etc., the Independence folks pro sippi Legislature has adopted the F if­ pose to jut up new county buildings o f teenth Amendment, and has chosen a better character than the present for U. S. Senators Fen. Ames, and a ones and entirely at their own cost. rich bondholder pay his proportion of Congress. A D V E H T IS E m W n TS. And as I M o n m o u t h , Feb. 7, 1870 A full and punctual attendance is houses here are tolerably lull o f graiu, E ditor T imes .— Another reason although steamers pas$ each way almost desired. B E N J. IIAYDEN, daily.* Much complaint is made by the why l am a Democrat is that Democra­ Chairman. merchants that the farmers are so slow cy has been, is now, and always will he in di.-posing of their grain. Instead o f in favor o f light and equal taxation. N O T IC E The undersigned having purchased, N S\V —— wanted. At lii¡•’ ¡'«•port on tho 6th, William Riggs, step-son of Mr. Tho». Hart, o f apoplexy. And as we stand and view the old woman haggard and b tfer. drawing scene, soon to he the field o f political u chiffonier s cart, ornament-d with carnage and defeat, ’ we in our heart I ¡meet .i. , , copper bells, auu lined with the The ware­ selling in a reasonable time and paying til E D . ward. Dallas, on Saturday, the F.tth dav o f the roads, 1 saw teams laden with dead cal pestilence, likeotln reieat scourges, an 1 deep« niug the eh mu. I ol the can February, 1870, at 1 o ’ clock p. m., for hog*, for shipment, come in from the must needs needs he abated, or the lib-I leading into tlu- his;n at this place tho purpose of fixing time an ! manner immediate neighboihood of Dallas, and erty of the people is g«>ye forever. During the same time the FniiiManv o f holding the County Convention, an 1 \ the business men informed me that this bu-.lt a good .suh.-tantiai stone wall tront' ! ranch o f business has more than dou­ for the transaction o f such other busi­ S to 1” loot high uii the east or ¡atm t O R I H 'S P O X D E N C E ness as may properly come before it. lu E >ia, Feb. Otti, by J. li. K ty, J. F , M r. J. K, li. Pumpelluy n o i M ss A loiaido Sh rtfor, both of Folk county-. At the residence o f Mr. J. P. Robertson, on the llh i o s t , by th > I l a -, li. It. I5i«t r, Ur. -ainunl Davis, o f Marion county, a n i Mis» Sarah M. Robertson, o f Pulk ooanry. the collect it for you. What a blessing to ' n,Vel" ’ » »* ">» U ^ l r a t c u l locomotion street corners and more secluded places, for persons on horseback— my animal quietly discussing the chances o f for­ have a tax gatherer at other people's expense !” being a tolerably good traveler— but tune, or with more fear tho treachery Admitting that the bondholder pay.- my infirm condition was a greater ob- o f fate. And, should perchance a stacle than l anticipated, particularly stranger pass, or casually stop near tux on his income, let us look at the question : Here is a farmer, we will pay one hundred aged to reach Monmouth before it got and then they will retire to a more con and sixty dollars tax, besides an income ijuite dark. venient place. Now to this l do not care t tx if his income exceeded six hundred H O W THE COUNTRY LOOKS. to find fault. I do not charge them dollars. Now, here is a bondholder The genera! appearance " f the com - with encompassing in high places the with a ten thousand dollar bond. The try on route, and the balmy atmosphere <; K in g’s death,” or o f a great “ mis- interest on that bond, at six per cent, contributed not a little towards my re­ prison” in the K in g ’s street. No, fur would be six hundred dollars. That in vigorat ion. On reaching the top op they have a right to knot round in such interest would be his income.. Now, the hill in the vicinity o f the residence groups, plan out their mode o f opera­ how much tax does the bondholder pay ? o f \V. (\ Brown, Esq , on the Dixie tions and draw wise conclusions; but I Not one c e n t ! Now you who love so r oad, the scene that presented itself to shall insist that the people— these well to pay your taxes, including the view was really enchanting, considering smaller ’ fry— to whom they denied the six hundred dollars to Mr. Bondholder the season o f the year. The whole privileges and wisdom o f their groups, (while he smiles in his sleeve at vour landscape was a grand floor o f brown have a right also to be heard, aud not innocence), vote the Republican ticket, and eineral 1 mosaic, the soft yet bril* only to he heard, but act as to the fit as forme I swear eternal enmity against liant tint o f the sprouting fall grain m ss and* purity o f these same groups such an iniquitous system o f taxing a ¡•lending most harmoniously with the for official tru-t and duty, that arrogate free people. passing glory of the insinuating, indig­ so much to themselves, and derogate •• We lax your coats, wc tax your hats, enous fern The only evidences ol hu We tax your bread aud butter; fio'u every one c ls e ,^ It is aston­ M e tax your boots, your socks your shirts, nim presence along the route were a ishing to see— to say nothing of hear* And don't you dare to mutter.” few thin, spiral columns o f smoke that in — the number o f candidates that No. 0. seemed loth to disengage themselves present their various claims, all claim­ from the rustic chimneys that gave ing to have performed invaluable set- “ T he L iterary S lop bucket .” — them birth, and the afoie mentioned vices for the Democratic party. Their l ho Herald says tint the la*t pic -prouting fields o f grain. There were petitions and overtures greatly remiud torial satire on Mrs. Harriet Beecher ;»D . fonie architectural improvements me o f the prayer o f the Fharasee, who 8 owe and that *• literary slop-bucket” , visible about the farm houses I passed thanked A*« d that he was not a- other the A t’ atit o Monthly, is contained in men, having done everything which Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper plements is steadily increasing, in proof .M A ItR I E I). I say we pay your in hand over to yon in go d through the S alem . Monday. Jan. 31st. Truly are our politicians fully alive to medium ot the government tax gatherer. When I left home last Thursday af* on hand, but is nevertheless prepared D E M O C R A T IC COUNTY M IT F E E , ASPECTS. D allas , [The following letter was received too 1 Baker 8 7 1 1 8 • i 1 Clatsop C ot« j Curry 1 O Columbia 1 Douglas {) < i ra ti t c ! Ju ok so n 11 1 > Lane Josephine 11 Liu n Marion 14 171 1<> 1 Folk Multnomah i> Tillamook é have made the ground too soft and 11 Umatilla Union 4 * 1 Washing tou s heavy to plow, except on a few high, "Wasco Yaruhil) G 1 Total 15s1 sandy spots, and the farmers consequent The time for h«»Ming tine County lv are rarelv to be sceu outside o f their Conventions to c!e ft uoli*g:it •s f ¡.ly an i.iilic« -------------- ----------------- -------- — ------- 17 \\T \ /r 17 A | ) A l ' -Li i f X I - i i 1. L i j tion itself, but an invitation to disea»«-, no time should bo lost in recruiting tlie broken- down system with this choicest aud most potent j of all TONU S AN1> NEUVIM S. nolti.-tt ■ 11 LF# ------------- PA Y I P ! P A Y IIP! S - T H E NEW Y E A R 1IAS NOW SET in, we must close our books o f the past A t E B iiiit is I r a ío r 'ü ii S a l e . ; year and begin ar.evv. Those knowing them- ------------- ! selves indebted to u» will please come forward N P U R SU A N C E <>F AN O R D E R OF T H E aud s.-ttle without delay, as we must havo m o- County Court o f Polk County, Oregon, made ney t* il<* business. Thankful to tho public for •lanuary term. A. D. IS“ », tin* undersigned Ad- their liberal patronage iu tho past, we hop« t® minis rator o f tlie estate o f Davi I Rur-len, «1c- 1 merit a coutiuuauco o f the same in the future censed, will on Monday the 7th day o f March, A. i by doing business upon legitimate principles. I>. 1ST», at the Court House door in Dallas, in j ’ C . B R O W N dk C O » said county, between is. hours o f :> A. M. and I j 1)u,]a;1 0 gn., Jan. 8, *1870. 1*.M . ol midi (I»}*, f\|>Dic Tor ¡ » i i i <• snip, for g<»M , _____ ________________ ___________________ _ or silver e«iin, to the highest bidder, all j tho right, title ami interest which the said | David Burden had at the time o f his decease, ; in und to the following described Real'’Estate, ! viz.: The E. $ o f the S, W. and the ri. t o f I the W, A o f the N. E. i <-t •'«•«•tion It, I’, ti. S., ! K. 7 W. o f the Wil.mmtte M e iid .m . Also, • V the uiidivi>le. M. o f said day. Terms o f sale : ‘ a * me Cash in hand. » and CXI,ta6° l ° “ e* B . F . N IC H O L S . V I W IIA T WM. BURDEN, S cllivas A- W-iiTsr.x, 2 January, d, 1870.-^0^9. Dallas, Ogm. Jan. Sth, 1870. Adm "nistratur. Admuiistrat'-r’s Attorne ?. O! à LL SORTS OF GOODS SO LD Cash or Maxketablo Prod««® A Ä at yO ft J. IL LEWIS’S.