-4- VOL. 1. DALLAS. OREGON. SA TU R D A Y . F E B R U A R Y 12. 1870. NO. 41. a GJNE BEFORE. — The last fashionable New York N E W S IN B R IE F . the polk bride has a 3150 night dress, and says There*!» n beautiful fare in the »Rent air, Drake Ita* in trod need a bill that pr«i The correspondent of the Cincinnati " bici» f 11 11 w s id o ever ami ne.tr, she is prepared fur fire during la Issnel Every Saturday Afternoon at — ^Lnst Saturday night a fire was dis posi»« to prevent tit« Supreme Court Enquirer, a< Newpoit, Kentucky, turn ■ V » ill* M tniinx Mi» uutl am 1 ‘er tm ir. J)*lWs, Polk County, Oregcu. covered iti the house of a woman naumd night. With \.d,cUi»< lij.ji. yvt with t.xua-ih of prayer, troni dead ini' any act or Congress to be I tabes this : — -Washington specials think Thut I feci hut catiuot bear. unconstitutional, I f Mr. Drake votes j On Tuesday last, while the trial of Adams, in Pittsburg. She was found t . R. STL'ART, EDI TUR V\D PROPRIETOR. lying on ti e floor, burned to death. Senate and House will pass the Postal for that bid be «out in ids peijury. j the ejectment suit of Taylor's heir vs «Umpled band and ringlet of gold, The husband, who w.*s intoxicated, has Telegraph bill. OFFICE—Main street, between Court and Tlk* ke sw./rn to support the Oonstit- | Hornbeck and others, was progressing Draie is sworn l.ic lo\v in a inurbi* sleep^ Mill «creels, tw > door« south of ilio l'ost »ffioe. I siretcli my band l*>r tLe cl**.*j> of ubi, ution ot the United States. Art. 3 of before a jury in the court house, in been arrested. They had both been — Five soldiers were branded “ D” liut i.be «;uji*f air i** straugcly cobi, drinking and he charges her with set and druimuetj out of the service at Fort this city, u stuguJar transiction was dis that Constitution vests judicial power in SUBSCRIPTION rates . And my \igil al*.ne l kccp. the Supreme Court, and states thut closed hy the evidence, which created 'ing fire to the liouse iu order to kill Whipple, Arizona Territory, recently« MX Tlicrc’s a sinloss br* w witb a radiant ero(ril ‘ judicial power ex tend* to all canes in not a lut e surprise and merr incut m • herself. tor the crime of desertioa. ?’ >nths. $2 OW r Throe Mouths, $1 ()<». An I a cross Ui l down ili thè dust; — Two prominent members of the court-room. i'he deleud u s called a law or equity arising under this Consti — A Connecticut inventor has take* CLUBS will bo supplied at the folio win*; Th.-re’s a smii I c ubere liever a «hmie r*>mc« tmw, Methodist Church iu Tu)button, Gcor- witness by the iiaiuent isaae Yeltoo fin tution. Drake proposes to abolish lint rat*»:— -Five (’«»pies, one year. $U! 7.»; Ten A.i*l !<■ irs no ni r !r in tbosc bear eyes l! iw, out a patent for paper coffius. Copies, one year, $'li 00. and for any greater jjo .«vrocija tfu w ìn.io. e it iru.st. clause by Congressional enactment. the purpose of uupeaching the »e-tummy ir , who had been on very friendly — A desperate fight occurred ia Butuber at $2 ¿0 per annum. U n ie , l.j this bill shows that he if op of a witness named William Orcut, win» terms, quarreled about* some church Orange county, Indiana, a few nights dmkteriplitiH mu*t hr jftitl »trirlfff in iidrnnce. Ah. well ! and sinnmer is c >tning agaiu, had te-tified on behalf of the pa in tiffs’'* matiers recently. One finally struck posed to popular g ivcrntnent. Singing I i t suine i*l*l s hi ; ; since between two brothers-in-law nam­ Kilt, Oh ! ir sonni.s liko a sung.of pilin, The Constitution is the work of the After the direct examination of Yclton ihe other with his cane, whereupon the ADVERTISING RATES. ed Smith and Denbe. Both received As il tl'>at8 m tiic suu binc a.id ili* rain people and the Supreme Court ie placed was concluded, be was turned over to latter stabbed his assailant iu the neck serious and perhaps fatal wounds. O'er b. art» of tbo worbl’s gr*.ai tbrong. One »quare (10 lines or less), first insert'n, 00 there to guard their interests The Mr. Carlisle, one of the attorney* for the with a pocket knife, severing tire main Jh»*p h «ubsei|uent insertion.............................. 1 00 — Small pox is prevailing epidemical­ •iuilges are appointed for life, so that plaintiffs, fur cross-examination when artery and killing him iu fifteen min­ There's a 1 ea 11 i:'ul ragion beyond thè skies. A liberal deduction will bo made to q u a r ­ ly at Benton City, Montana. Ami 1 1 *ng t > r»*ct) its sfc>>ro ; utes. they can be above the party prejudices the following evidence was elicited. terly and yearly advertisers. For JLÌ; uj . v .' I - *H timi my treasurp Xbere, — A number of gentlemen from Ala­ Attorney— Are you and Orcut on of the hour; they have no pitronage — It is estimated in London, that the Xhe-l.iiigibug eyes and ain<>er h iir Professional cards will bv inserted at il? bama and other points South are ia good terms with each other? at their disposal, and their salary i- «*f Ih oveil noe g.*irc bstoro. festivities at the opening of the Suez .per annum. — ■»- ' ■ V *- - - ' '■"■■■" ■ Witness— Yes, sir. tixed during their term of office, so that canal has cost the Viceroy the enormous North Carolina looking for laborers and Transient advertisemems must he paid for <; E X EU I /, M ISC K L L 1 .V V. mechanics. * Price for mechanics, $50 Attorney— Do you never have any figure of 30,000,000 in gold. they can aet.4uiitramnieled. Drake pro in advauc* to insure puhlicn. ion. All other a d v e n is iu g bills mu^t bo paid quarterly. per mouth ; lor common laborers, $20, S jc ie i V'«ui:** ileuivith Coiistaiiiiiiople. poses to subvert the Judiciary, and quarrel or difficulty ? — The trade in beef cattle with the Legal tenders H-;iti .*»' an Agricultural College at A l t ’ * & t 'A iiiw M I o r s a l- L a ir e »vi-r.l t'j *j o. u te l t bv »gtt 'd Attorney— Did net you and & man rising much above present tates. A Springfield, tiy iti in iguiUeen t mar nobility, ami divide among themselves V a l i a s . P o l k C V uiily. O r e g o n . named Goancy take his wife away ? b e t-i Ur-, wkc-L j ** Igiii_r by their rich i the public domain. — 'ihe pr«‘fit of the richest gold mine Haiti or two, laden with these cattle, Witness— away with comes over the road ever,v week ami >n California la.-1 year was 3340,400. P articular attention ^iven <•» the study and dee rations, were the w*«rk of Greek The effect of such a proposition will « u.iuss— IIis m s wife wuc went « c ia m * j w,m practice of Criminal Law, Co.lection of Claims, yrtjiis — l tt'h rue.itli the vault* w is a be more clearly seen by applying the tue and Gosney, but we did uot take her i » < r • 7 ’ Notes, Accounts, etc. — A great fire at Towanda, Pennsyl­ lake ot i jnsiderable ibqiib a« t of un- : saute principle to our fco >»st„nice it. that city a rc^Mma. pay who are doing nothing, and don’t letter, .July! ranked and conveyed free c.»re whether they ever get anything to visiters, i- situated in the court \:ir*t of heniselves the State interests iu the or-lifficul.y about it. f.ftc a txpert*-in- in tue practirc Metii'nns .»mi Furjjtrv. in all tli.ir v'n‘('*,.:' a pri\ :t*: pala • , the pr p • e ofof whieli railroa Is. proceed to divide out amuttg Attorney— How were you imposed of cost to the person mailing or the pei- " to. Lriin<*a««, ue hope» t<* receive ;» th a r t * son addressed, "t* to any one else except — Work is to be suspended on the lias a boat in which he amu.-es himself i lienjselves Ives the public property ? upon ? f>»tr<*n;«>*o. rhe I’ostoffiee Department, in tbe shape New York Postoffice for want of funds. Witness— I traded the horse for his Tilis theory of Mr Drake's* is uot OFFICE—At re*i lr:;.v, in tiie h*-use f ruo-rly sailing wit liiii about one hundred yard- of a large canvas eoveicij trunk weigh­ m,fupi«*l h r Dr. Je.-«nfc. •* > fr*»it! ti:e e t . t r . mee. Li-t month an new. Rascals in every age have tried wile, but he put on me besides two — Jay Gould has presented $10,000 ing at least pounds. It was mailed K o g ii.-h m in, :. is islature to assume the powers of the »11 fair, but he imposed cm me:—he «»I 30 to 27. V i l l ffive »preial aitention to the coHe lion .on’ journey, but never r. turned, both ticing j J udieiary.* .1 udg.) Duer, in hi- work got the best of the bargain. I had no cionati, on Feb. 3, aged 87. Claim-*. an*l all busts**« entru-m-il t*< his ciire. — An Illinoisan is in Washington af- — The exports of merchandise front R E F E R E N C E S —Tlun. John JJprn«tt. 11 *ns. usphyxiute.l I eyotol the reach of help.' m the Uoustitutiou of the United use for the children, and the dog. t»T a 3500 office, with a petitiou ninety Another K gli.-hnnu vo*upeered to g-t ¡States, gays; ^t. S. btrahan A Siu.ps**r, lion. 4 - J . Thayer. This ifrdiuumy was given with the the ports ofv B"Ston and ¡8an Francisco .75 alone ic se-irtJt ti^ lo-t ones, in an ! ‘ Where there tl no power to interpret utmost coolness, and in a manner which -uTcfeign ports lor the years I8CJS ami SiH — The Congressional Election Com­ her boit with six torches attiched to! B . I '. R O A I*. M . D ., and enforce the laws, the Government, indicated that the witness regarded the Ls0y, were, from B *st o, in 1868,314.» mittee has prepared a very stringent % ■t • ; for a l*n g d¡st mee the r«fl<,eti n of ■f it did not perish by its own weakness, transaction as entirely legitimate and 390.712, and im j8 G 0 , 314.5U4.731 ; Pía y «íc i <*111 :i:i-*o the Htpri's was v sible ; would be corrupted by the u-mp.ition »roper. He is a man of ordinary intel­ from 8utt Francisco, i:i 1808, 314,95lb- bill for the prevention of election Dalla-, Oregon, rlo< »kers ¡it t1• e «ultrai»C<*, until J of new power* by the Legisla'urc, to ligence. and has been for a long time a 148, and in 1809, 317>.282,780. These frauds. — King William of Prussia drinks a .-unstable in the upper end of Campbell figures embrace only merchandise ex- if W-tS 1*» -t in II.* H| 1 t|Mui and d rk ness. : the subversion of pul ite liberty.’’ OFFICE—At NiehnN* I»rn_* St**ro. * j ported to foreign countries exclusive ot gallon of beer at a sitting. A It r an • I-, tire »«t t 'A" h*»urs lie te urn Hamilton, in No T^'d’ the Federal­ county. JA M . H . T I R A K K , Having rescinded the contract with treasure. The trade of San Francisco Jo IV 'ill Ills ir».-it •e - slut se »r.-li eihit- ist, in advoeaiing the existence of an — One hundred and fifty thousand eh'»l& « 1 «1, nd no rly i*\ h.lU-l* Orcut, we presume that he is now pro- in that respect also is the larger of the p.-t.dy « • independent Judiciary, »ays : bushels of apples were gathered ii) A ir y A r o H iD c Ilo ix iM jiiT having ! air i*.* ii ■ J iuh 1 wiib tit* ‘ In ;< monarchy, it is an excellent •ared to consider any new proposition two. Minne-ota this season^ D A L L A S ()t;> . ) itf-G» seen the range» « • i V i/lls harri'-r to the despotism of a prince; in unit may uo sublimed to him. Gentle- j — 'pj,0 Cincinnati Commercial calls — Three hundred rai'roads arc now f*p«-ei»1 nttmtiun >:*'''■»> I" tbo i *.,!*Tt. *n *>t and pi l»'.*-' ituiform y con tinue d. '\ I. j a republic, it is a no 1< *»s excellent bar­ men who would rather winter a horse , ,|ie inauguration speech of the 1’resi- building in the United States. <-1muu!i, »I«** the buying, »ell; ig uiul k.i.-in.i *>f Tmk sit an*liortfie* It • vi g miured the rier to t '• »* encroachments and o¡ pres- < h;,it it wile might find it to their ¡id j dent ul its City Uouncil, ‘*a cowardly frP-'.ai Estate, an*i C* nviy »m-i’*;. — A new oi* excitement is going on I**, it to !••• IT i d and i J olt .him I p*rties -i. ms of a repivs* ut it i ve body 1 vantage to give him a cill, but they ! nttai-k on the English language. • JW fttiee *.f tl»e P t l t r e fur D a l l a s i J r e i i n e t . at Middleton’s Run, Pennsylvania. lr • o - aii'ftg o i • u • t.*';<• I» it -nil p c - ’ ’ he declines ’ “ t» i — 'flic California and Oregon Ruil- must hoar in mind ’ that Id's wit re I»>* says : O F F I C E — In I'ul.K Col M l i'lMK- bui.'liog ( )ne man ha* suld a quarter interest in mil lite euri ai* »•* in-p -.-f this singular Main »treet, <>|q.»on reach the northern boundary of the U . f>. J E F F I I I E S >1. I»-. —The special Treasury agent f»*r 1 he W orkman A head .— A good i . , f|M , , . ... could hard I v expect a disposition to 4 r • r j .state. 1 he road «* n«»w graded twenty -«• Many lantiUes : . , . • i . Alaska says that if ihe laws were strict­ P h y sic ia n n in i *tu *g « o i« . S WIN»* M uvr.y torv is told ot a certain prominent j . ., , • , , . ., , . J temper an ! moderate thetr application, •’ 1 six miles, and iron lias been laid for ly enforced the seal fishery n one would ic* d w 11 It s iv• 1 1 _ r ft cents | 1 , * * hive c"iii nrme* vidi sivuig t* n cent l-i**la. Oregon. railroad gentleman of Philadelphia Sorv savs ; eightet n miles. a - á di\. and io »Mite hive found i» ea-i*,r yield the Govern inept an attuual revenue who is eqiiaily renowned for his great ‘ F.very Govern ill lit mil«t, ill its es .Special attention givet) t<* Ol.s itri - :*n<) t-i r> iVc twe i IV e c u s ; n «tli'iig S more — The snow falls upon the Alps thi ; of 3500 , 000 . -»hilily to make a d take a joke. A I o' I>i»eii>e< **l W ■ nt'•*> settee, be unsafe and unfit fur n fro»* winter have been unprecedented, and e rt »in ili'ii b ‘ ' iu eMabli-hi ig a - iv ai r a 1 c nployee, whose home is Avon, ! — The California Insane Asylum haa < 1 . Aba I) tl»-»» », » 1 . D .. » it g l| abi f. ill»' a I *1 i*v to aeeum.ll .te is ! D'*‘Md'*, where a Judicial Department «•line on Saturday night to ask for a the Mount C’ettis Raiitond has sevoral 49 > inn ate*^ 200 of whom are lost6ight times been complete^ly f»locked up . * * » u » »1 d f<»r Oi ;jei gives siren fj, .lops not ex s\ with power eo extensive ,»ass to visit hi-* family. of by relatives and friends. Ph yn ii’ian anil with the L gis'ative Department.” oíd it i- w* ¡1 known rii at ftir. ng»b i- it»*- —The most intense excitement pre­ • You are in th** employ of the rail­ — Hereafter the public debt state­ IL* -tlsus.vs tint without such power Illdepeltiit-lli'C. D g n . I ei-sai v i i ev*iy o •• upa»t»*n We e ir ­ roa 1 ?” asked the gentleman alluded to vails in Cl.utk county, Indiana, in e»»».- ment will be printed in three language» li i what tu:i\ bea man’s -ifu»tPili.call in th»' .1 udieial D *p »rtinant, ‘ the will scijiiettce of the diseofo’ y o»‘ gold about — English, French and German. “ Yes.” T . V . IL S.siiStrci*. of those who govern will become abso­ < ji ability, unbss a halut ot saving “ Y»»u receive your pay regularly ?” twenty miles'from Terre Haute, l»y a mg — 8 even thousand Saxons living iu P IIY K 1 CI V V * N llR LEG A ¡- u-t * »*.- -fi.* 1 a- i p »rt of the elm a" er lute and despotic, and it id wholly im­ “ Yes." lately returned California miner, ol Transylvania are to emigrate to tho material whether power is vested in a AMITY, Y A MUI L L CO-, GRI- u O n . 1 he cannot, in th" end. he otherwise “ Well, now. suppose v»»u worked »•ightecn j ears’ experience. People in t b oi . hi nii.-'te e-'tii1 <*r a lost m i»» single tyrant or in uu assembly of ty­ for a farmer instead ot a railroad, would »hut section are wild with tlie gold ma­ United Stales in the spriug. J 3 A* <»«* e at rv»i*lenre. 14 y 1 —The Untied States steamers Nipsie ()n tin* eonM-ov. vvh n a hit*it ol’ -iV rants." you expect your employer to hitch up nia and are leaving other business to and Guard were to sail from Philadel­ B O A 1I A T I * L \ H M A , No remark i- bettor founded in hu­ i ,i L c»iites 11Xe.J I is ;j il 'lele IH r>»¡1 ltd his team every Saturday night and car­ search for the precious metal. phia on Jan . 20th as the Darien exp»? nt *n experience than that of M •life-» ry you home ? " — Great freshets have occurred late­ A tto r n e y s & C o u n sellors-at-L av r, w hit!» other g . . l »ju g. t l»s»s, powe»- in the body to which he belongs. me ride.” Will practice in all the Court« of Rot-ord anil . ,_*,,n bought a beautiful vTThi on Lake Como, timates that about thirty Londou thievtf S'^rce u *w p isso-se 1: so -u But. Mr. D.ake has attempted too much Mr. Fmplo.ee caiuc out three min where she will hereafter reside during arrive irr America every week. lolvrior Court» of this St». te. gone. <’cn!v in trying to break down the Comtitu- ut»s after with a pass for twelve uiontl s. OFFICE — In Watkiiul« A Co’a Erick, up the summer season. Beautiful scenes op» n liuf'.rta us. ti*»n in his own party The New \ ork — There is a steam hammer at Dan­ #tair*. I * 1 — ■■■" ■ ■■■ — - - -------- ~- Tk- » - — -- —-- L ’fe and h lirirv fid our h -irN. Bros Evening Post, which was Radical at the — A building, occupied Ly the Met­ ville, l ’a., which cost $40,000, and The late Douglas Jcrrold with some Iflayden «V Uves-, j.« tilv shine« above our pathway, and time that Drake was a rabid pro shtverv friends, .was once invited to a gentle ropolitan Paper Company, was burned which will crack a nut without break­ love, pern* an I ooiitt5i,|Oii»,nt reign su- man, bitterly denounce* his bill. man’s house somewhere in Sussex. A in New York*on Feb. 2. The loss is ing the kernel, or ciush a solid cannon A T T O I i A 13Y M - A T - L A W , pr< urn. Ah J hut the s«*e«e changes. Thousands of other Radicals will gladly new kind of rogue-vinaigre was in vogue estimated at from 8150,000 to 8250,- ball with a sixty ton blow. D allas, Oregon. Time speeds a ong. ( ’louds come avail tltcmsi Ives of the opportunity of at that time, and «Jerrnld. being young 1*00. 'Two firemen were badl^Jnjured — There are more convicts in the ^OFFICE IN THE COURT HO*.. SE. 1 Darkness falls upon our hearts. Dis separating front a man that lias never and fend of a lark, got some ol it and by the falling of walls. California State prison than in that of appointments hover over us. Gone for- been true either to friend or principle. put it on his cheeks. Not knowing how — Low-necked duesscs nro the mode any other State in the Union ip propor­ S U L L IV A N k W H ITSO N , j evUr «lie past. Youth, bright, gay. joy­ The reault will be that Mr. Drake, in­ to do the business artistically, he made in Paris, and they are daily becoming tion to its population. A tto rn e y s A G ou n sello rs-at-L aw , ous, hopeful youth fits yielded to stead of* committing a crime, aa he in­ his face as red as a lobster’s back. In lower. — A Vermont farmer hauls wood to Time and remorseful i» may be. a-sured tended. has simply committed D allas, Oregon, _ a bluo- this condition he went down to dinner. — The silver mi no lately discovered market with a team composed o f eight There was a very smart and snobbish at Florence, Arizona, is creating much sheep. JVU1 praetiee in »vii (Le Court« of «he State. 1 ]J •J«11- «*0,,,,'y< h.-iph ss age granples Jefferson City'(Mo.) Tribune. ~ — ......... ........ ............ .............. with us And th mi — ih! tb m Deuth I ' young fellow present— a sort of Barnes excitement in that Territory. The — A New Y ork jeweller exhibited $ • 1 . 1 «. C O L L I * * , comes, l ’ ut Time yef -pecds on. Ncwcotne—*-\\ho acted funny mao on ledgn has been traced »several mil&s and gold snuffbox presented to t e E per» i h a v i i o v anil rnmwplj’ ir at Tavir Age-* roo«*e shall swoop along; changp j The striped pole used by bar er.s as the occasion. Jcrrold listened to h is! is very rich. or of China by Louis X\ . A tto r n e y and C UnseL»if.-at-Law. m;irki|Jijf tlloir c.,1|rs0> \nq yot ;1 ,jay a sign, originated in the fact, that some /•ackle quietly, until Mr. Barnes, ob Dallas. O regon. — Advices front Mexico report that Iso f shall i.e no' centuries ago. it was customary for bsr- serviftg the flaming paint, cried o ilt; — At the opening of the Suez canal the revolutionary party is daily streog'Ji at is mortal, ail I l»«'rs to bleed people, and the red and the blessing w d pronounced by miniiu Bpscirfl attention givi-n to Colh-'-tions an'! to moro. N\ lieti all th “ Oh, Mr.—AVhat’s your-namc— Mr. yield to »'it»' inf- whit« w ndings on the pole represented Jerrold, what’s the matter with your cuing. Generals Maire, Yarqitiny Pi- t*'rs of aim« st all religions, and in al­ matter« pertaining to Real E.-uu*. 1 that is fl"C*ting. shall yt no-a, Daville and others are organizing most all J.angtm ;es. simultaneously. Hite unchangeable, unfathomable im- »ho bandaged arm of the phlebotomized cheeks ? " J VS. MCt AIX. J. A. APi'LEtiWTE. troops to aid the revolutionists, mortality. | victim. In course of time the ap<»tnc- — A sing!«* manufactory of chloror Jerrold looked up at him angrtv, j carv succeeded the barber as a bleeder; --News i- r'C'ivcd of rich strikes at «»mi in F'liubu'gh, Scotia id , mmkef A p p leg ate A H cC a in . and said i Alex. II »Stephena is l.ar. 'y able to but the old sign of the craft was retata “ l am blushing at your impertinence, Cedar creek. Montana. Over five dol­ >!<>•*«■* a day, or nearly 3,0(.0,000 A T T O R A K IS -V I-L A W , t sit up, and not able to staud. 8o say ed by the latter, after the function which lars to the pan. dote« a year. P»Ut County, O jn . 1 jib e latest buMotiijs. ¡gHTo it significance had ce*»e