Polk County times. (Dallas, Or.) 1869-1???, January 29, 1870, Image 1

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    VOL 1.
la Issued Every Saturday Afternoon at
Dallas, Polk County, Oregon.
OFFICE— Main street, between Court and
Mil streets, two doors south of the Postoffice.
SINGLE COPIES— One Year. $3 00: Six
Months, $2 00 ; Three Months, $1 00.
CLUBS will be supplied at the following
rates:—Fire Copies, one year, $13 75; Ten
Copies, one year, $25 00, and for any greater
number at $2 50 per annum.
¿¡»becriptiun mutt be paid »trictlt/ in advance.
One square (10 lines or less), first insert’n, $3 00
Each subsequent insertion......................... 1 00
—— i
■ -
> 4
. f l c l A I V ,
A i r y A C o u n s e llo r -a t -L a w
D a lla s , P o lk C ou u ty , O r e g o n .
Particular attention given to the study and
practice o f Criminal Law, Collection o f Claims.
Notes. Accounts, etc.
OFFICE— First door north of Dallas Hotel.
____________________ 35_____________________
G E O . C. H A R R I S , IN. D .,
(A Graduate o f Jefferson Medical College,
Philadelphia. Penn.)
From a long experience in the practice of
Medicine and Surgery, in all their various
branches, nc hopes to receive a share ot public
OFFICE— At residence, in the house formerly
occupied by Dr. Jessup.
A i r y A C o n n « ? llo i'-a t-L a w
D a lla a , O r e g o n ,
Will giro opeeial attention to the collection of
Claims, and all business entrusted to his care.
REFERENCES— Hon. John Burnett, Hons.
R. S. Stratum A Simpson, Hon. A. J. Thayer.
B . F . B O A D , VI. D ~
P h y s ic ia n
S u rgeon ,
D a lla s , O r e g o n .
OFFICE— At Nichols’ Drug Store.
J AS. u . t i r a i : r ,
A t t ’ y A C o u n se l lo r -a t -L a w
D A L L A S , O t .N .
Special attention given to the Collection of
claims, also the buying, selling and leasing of
Real Estate, and Conveyancing.
J u s t ic e o f the P e a c e for D a lla s P r e c in c t .
OFFICE— In P olk C ointy T imes building,
Main street, opposite Court House.
W . D . J E F F K I E S , M . I ).,
P h y s ic ia n
S u rgeon ,
K ola , O re g o n .
Special attention given to Obstetrics and
Diseases o f Women.
lt f
J . K . D A V I D S O N , M . D .,
P h y s ic ia n
S u rgeon ,
In d e p e n d e n c e , O g n .
T . V . B . E m h ree.
Office at residence.
Attorneys & Counsellors-at-Law,
S A L E M , O R EG O N .
€ . G. CURL,
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law,
S A L E M , O R EG O N ,
W ill practice in all the Courts of Record and
Inferior Coarts of this State.
OFFICE— In Watkinds A Co’s Brick, up
stairs._____________________________________ 1
H ayd en A M yer,
A T T O R N E Y S -A T - L A W ,
D a lla s , O re g o n .
Attorneys A Counsellors-at-Law,
D a lla s , O i e g o n ,
W ill pcaatice in all the Courts o f the State.
j T l
C O L L IN S ,
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law.
D allas, Oregon.
S u cce ss in B u sin e ss.
A singularly romantic affair was
brought to a felicitous termination in
this city on Saturday. A brief inter-
terview with the happy husband devel.
oped the following circumstances:
Some eight years ago a gentleman
named Patton, with his wife and daugh­
ter, the latter being about thirteen years
o f age, removed from Massachusetts to
California. He was an industrious, en­
terprising man, of limited means, and
sought the golden shores o f the Pacific
in the hope o f bettering his fortunes.
He went to Sacramento City, where he
found ready employment at his trade,
that o f a builder
Ry a judicious in­
vestment of the little means he took
with him, in a few years he became the
possessor o f a nice little property, val*
ued at 810.000 or 81-,000. But ad­
versity came and fire swept away more
than half his wealth, without a dollar of
insurance. Soon after this he was
killed by an accident while at work,
and by a singular fatality, his wife fol­
lowed him to the grave in a few months.
Meanwhile the daughter had grown to
a comely damsel o f twenty-one. There
was no lack o f admirers but no one
suited her. Left alone among strangers,
she longed for the home and friends of
her childhood, but dreading the perils
of an ocean voyage, she waited until the
Pacific Railroad should be completed.
Converting into money what remained
o f the property o f her father, amount­
ing to some 86,000, she procured a
through ticket to New York and start­
ed on her long trip, courageously uoder
taking the journey alone. Soon after
leaving Sacramento, however, she met
by chance, the usual way on railroad
cars, our informant, a young gentleman
of prepossessing appearance, whose fea­
tures bore the impress of virtue and
character. His home is in New Jer­
sey. He had been to California on bus­
iness connected with the property o f a
deceased relative, and happened to fall
in with Miss Patton upon the train. An
acquaintance sprang up, usual at first,
but which soon ripened into friendship,
and she consented to accept him as pro­
tector and escort. Cupid seems to have
been bent on making mischief from the
hour o f their meeting, and with fresh-
filled quiver kept up a persistent target
practice at their hearts. Day after day,
as the train rolled on through the rough
mountain fastnesses and over the great
plains o f the West, the little arrowy
god never for a moment forsook them,
aud they did find it
W e commend the following sensible
article, clipped from au exchange, to
the consideration o f business men:
The man who says it don’ t pay to ad­
vertise is, just as likely as not, doing it
some way all the time. I f the mer­
chant hangs a few o f his goods outside
the door, he is advertising. I f the cab­
inet-maker hangs a chair, or other arti­
cle o f furniture, at his shop door, he is
advertising. I f a man loses a horse, or
a cow, and tells every one he meets, he
is advertising his loss. The doctor who
has a boy to run iuto church and call
him out in haste, is advertising. A
man cannot do business without adver­
tising; and the only question should be
the best way to advertise. I f you have
a lot o f property to sell, which is the
best— to write out a few notices, that
not one in fifty will stop to read, or to
go to the printer, and have a lot o f
well-displayed posters ? I f you are in
business o f any kind, is it not better to
keep a regular standing advertisement
in your home paper, that will stare your
friends and customers in the face every
week, rather than trust to the old fogy
idea o f “ Oh, every body knows m e ?”
But, says Mr. Saveall, advertising
costs money. Very true, and so does
everything else; and it is a good thing
for you that advertising does cost some­
thing. I f it did not, every little worth
less concern would stand as good a
chance for being known as the very best
and most useful. I f you want the peo.
pie to know you have anything to sell,
advertise it in your home papers first,
then in your neighboring papers. The
man who has a reputable business and
spends the most in a liberal system o f
advertising, is one who makes the most
money. This is a truth well verified by
the experience o f those who have tried
it. A wagon may be made to run with­
out greasing, but it’s hard w ork; so a
man may manage to scratch along with
out advertising, bnt he will be apt to
see his advertising neighbor going ahead
o f him at a two-forty gait.
IS ar win.
Thai* lines were written from Washington
by the H on/W m . Mungan, of Ohio:
Whan daylight breaks over the craggy east
And silently strikes on the low cottage door,
And noiselessly lights up the silvery fountain ;
When crystal gems sparkle on meadow and
m oor;
When sweet-feathered songsters their morning
songs waken ;
When the lark from her wings shakes the
bright pearly dew ;
When the lab’rer his early and humble meals
taking :
W’ hen morning first blushes— I then think of
When the day-god has risen high up in the
When nature in spender shines brightly and
When the rays of the sun to all things have
A liberal deduction will be made to quar­
terly and yearly adrertisers.
The brilliance of noon-tide, the diamond’s
bright ra y;
Professional cards will be inserted at $12 00
When the noise of the harvester’s sickle is
per annum.
Transient advertisements must be paid for
When the clear sounding horn calls him home­
in advance to insure publication. All other ,
ward in glee;
advertising bills must be paid quarterly.
When the bright summer sun make the wild
birds cease siugiug ;
Legal tenders taken at their current value, j
When the kiue seek the shade— then I ’m
Blanks and Job Work of every description
thinking of thee.
furnished at low rates on short notice.
m . 39.
When eventide cometh, and the day has less
When the st inn-king is riding supreme on
the blast;
When the ligbtuing is flashing in coldness and
When labor is o’er and day closes at last;
When the husbandman’s weary from toiling
since m orning;
When the shadows grow long on the flowery
W’hen the luster of eveuing the landscape's
When stars 'gin to twinkle— I'm thinking of
When the pure vault o f heaven, with gems of
great beauty—
The rn.on for their queen and space for their
Reflects the bright sun—each thus doing duty
In uature’ s great system, in ether’s blue
When night has thus settled in silence and
On mountain, on valley on land and on s e a ;
When the whole astral system's repeating its
Of God’s great creation— I ’m thinking of thee.
G E N E R A L M IS C E L L A N Y .
C o m m e r c e ot th e W o r ld .
France exports brandies, wine, silks,
fancy articles, furniture, jew elry, clocks,
watches, paper perfumery aud fancy
articles generally.
Italy exports corn, oil. flax, wines,
essences, dye stuffs, drugs, fine marble,
soap, paintings, engravings, mosaics aud
Prussia exports linens, woolens, zinc,
articles ot iron, copper and brass, indi­
go, wax, hams, musical instumeuts, to­
bacco, wine, and porcelain.
Germany exports wool, woolen goods,
linens, rags, corn, timber, iron, lead,
tin, flax, hemp, wine, wax, tallow and
Austria exports mineral, raw and
manufactured silk, thread, wax, tar,
nut-gall, wine, honey and mathematical
England exports cottons, wolens,
glass, hardware, earthware, cutlery,
iron, metalic wares, salt, coal, watches,
tin. silks and linen.
Russia exports tallow, flax, hemp,
flour, iron, copper, linseed, lard, hides,
wax, duck, cordage, bristles, furs, pot
a h and tar.
Spain exports wine, barndy, oil. fresh
and dried fruit, quicksilver, sulphur,
salt, cork, saffron, anchovies, silks and
China exports tea, rhubarb, musk,
ginger, borax, zinc, silks, cassin, fiila-
gree work, ivory ware, lacquered ware
and porcelain.
Turkey exports coffee, opium, silks,
drugs, gums, dried fruits, tobacco, wir.e,
camel’s hair, carpets, shawls, camlets
and morocco.
Hindostán exports gold and silver,
cochineal, indigo, sarsaparilla, vanilla,
jallap, fustic, o u i peachy wood, pitmuto,
drugs and dye stuffs.
Brazil exports coffee, indigo, sugar,
rice, hides, dried meats, tallow, gold,
diamonds, and other precious stones,
gums, mahogany and indian rubber.
West Indies export sugar, molases,
rum, tobacco, cigars, mahogany, dye
wood, coffee, pimento, fresh fruits and
preserves, wax, ginger and other spices.
Switzerland exports cattle, cheese,
butter, tallow, dried fruit, linen, silks,
velvets, lace, jewelry, paper and gun­
East India exports cloves, nutmegs,
maze, pepper, rice, indigo, gold dust,
camphor, benzine, sulphur, ivory rat-
tans, sandal wood, zinc and nuts.
United States exports principally agri­
cultural produce, cotton, tobacco, flour,
provisions o f all kinds, lumber, turpen­
tine and wearing apparel.
* * • “ — pleasant,
Riding on a rail.”
Matters were brought l^o a focus in a
somewhat shorter space o f time than
Mrs. Grundy assigns to wooers, but both
were fully satisfied and they determined
to take a life ticket together. Thinking
it would be a neat surprise to their
friends, and having that sublime indif­
ference to the opiuion o f others which
is such a distinctive peculiarity o f the
American character, they decided to
stop at Cleveland and have the hymeneal
knot tied at once. They arrived by the
afternoon train on Saturday, and hav­
ing but few preliminaries to arrange,
within a couple o f hours the twain had
been declared one in the most orthodox
manner by one ot our squires. The
night express east bore the happy cou­
ple on their way. W e have briefly
given the facts as related to us, and our
readers will agree with us that the af­
fair deserves to take rank as one o f the
prettiest romances o f the day.— Cleve­
land Herald.
W hat a
man can write out clearly, correctly, and
briefly, without book or reference o f
any kind, that he undoubtedly knows,
whatever else he may he ignorant of.
For knowledge that falls short o f that
knowledge that is vague,hazy, indistinct
uncertain— I for one profess no respect
at all. A nd I believe that there never
was a time or country where the influ­
ence o f careful training were in that re­
spect more needed. Men live in haste,
write in haste,— I was going to say
think it haste, only that perhaps the
word thiuking is hardly applicable to
that large number who, for the most
part purchase their daily allowance of
thought already made.— Lord Stanley.
M an
n o w s . —
A S l i o i i t M i s t a k e . — In an adjoin­
ing county, not long since,two men start­
ed for the county seat, in order to pro­
cure license. The desired licenses were
o f a very different nature; the one want­
ed license to keep a horse, while the
other wanted license to wed his lady
love. They procured license and re­
turned home, each happy in the posses­
sion of the much coveted document and
both blissfully ignorant of a terrible
mistake. The marrying man, however,
was fearfully aroused from his dream o f
connubial bliss when he showed his li­
cense to the Justice, who informed him
that the paper was all right and regular,
provided he wanted to keep a horse, but,
was not worth a cent if he was on the
marry. The explanation is this: the
Clerk had mistaken tho names of the
men, and filled out the respective li­
censes with the wrong names. It re­
The Courier-Journal says: “ Private mains to be seen whether the fellow
letters from Washington, emanating with the marriage license will insist
from sources which we regard as entit upon his rights and marry the girl.—
ed to a serious consideration, assure us Walla Wat la Union.
that a very earnest and well-directed
The Toledo (O h io) Blade favors the
effort will be made after the recess to
passage by Congress o f a general divorce
serve Tennessee as Georgia has been luw, thus securing uniformity in all
served. ‘ Stokes and Maynard,’ says a the States and Territories and reme­
letter which is now before us, *are dying many existing evils arising from
working like beavers. When asked for our preseot anomalous system. W ith­
a pretext, they say that no other pre out being friendly Jo an undue increase
text is wanted than the recent defeat o f the powers o f the Federal Govern­
o f loyal men. I f they can make a par­ ment,” it says, “ we do think the cause
ty question o f their claim it will go o f morality and social order demands a
through iu spite o f facts and laws
change in the direction we have in iica-
An apprehension o f this kind would ted.” Let Congress enact such a law,
seem to be childish but for the unvary­ and the scandalous spectacle o f people
ing conduct of this miserable, high­ jonrneying from State to State in the
handed despotism which' is resolved to
desire to divest themselves o f hymeneal
rule or ruin the country, or both.”
bonds through the h$xity o f some local
t e T ’To a toast o f “ The babies— God
bless them !” a railway conductor res­
Special attention given to Collections and to
ponded : “ May their route through
matters pertaining to Real Estate.
life be pleasant and profitable; their
» . A. A P P L E G A T E .
ties well laid ; their track straight for­
and not backwards. May their
Applegate A J l c C a i n ,
A young lady dancing at a fashionable fathers be safe conductors, their mothers
ATTORNEYS-AT- LA W , ball, travels 40 miles during the even­ faithful tenders, and may their switch
never he misplaced.”
D a lla s , P o lk C ou n ty , O g n .
divorce statute, wilp no longer ofiend.
Moreover, the anomaly o f having chil­
dren declared legitimate in one state
aud illegitimate in another State would
be avoided ‘as likewise many knottv
questions affecting the rights o f inherit­
ance, carelessness or other comparative­
ly innocent cause, they would do aught
iu violation o f legal statutes, or the
moral law.
— Great excitement recently prevailed
in Wabash over the enforcement of the
Sunday law. Men, women and child­
ren were indicted for fishing, sewing
and blacking boots on that day. About
one hundred indictments were turned
into court against the best citizens o f
the town, including several ladies.
— A Bostonian, visiting the W est,
just to see how green the people are
out here, stopped in Omaha, a few days
ago, and while there paid five hundred
dollars for a red mule, supposing it was
a genuine buffalo ball. Aud he iso’t
the first Bostonian who-has been red-
muled out in this “ very rich but very
ignorant W est.”
— The population o f Ireland by the
— Judge Haynes, o f the Superior census of 1861 was 5,764,543, or more
Court of Ohio, has resigned, with the than a million less than it was in 1821.
purpose o f entering iuto partnership
— It is said that only seven women
with C. L. Vallandigham.
are residents o f W yomiug, all o f whom
— The Chicago Times denounces the are candidates for Congress.
Democrats in Congress as “ asses” for
— The corn crop o f the United States
voting against Mungen’s repudiation is considered a fair average, yet in the
warehouses o f New York and Brooklyn,
— The redskins threaten to djg up on the 1st o f January, 1867, there were
the hatchet on British territory, and 1,000.000 bushels; in 1868,1,500,000,
“ wipe out” all the Kanucks and Brit­ in 1869, 7 0 0,0 00; in 1870 there will
be only 600,000. Draw your own con­
ishers in the neighborhood.
— Westward the star o f Congrega­ clusions.
tionalism takes its way. The Boston
Congregational Review is to be removed
from Boston to Chicago, and edited by
the leading ministers and professors o f
that faith there.
— The discovery o f the skeleton o f a
sea-horse, fifteen feet beneath the sur­
face, near Bic, on the line o f the Inter­
colonial Railway, by the men at work
under the contractors, is an important
fact o f which scientific men will avail
themselves. The existence o f a skele
ton at a hight o f more than one hund­
red feet above the sea level affords con­
clusive evidence of two things— first,
that the land on which the skeleton was
found was once a sea beach or covered
by the ocean ; secondly, that the eleva­
tion of the land above the sea must
have occurred within a comparatively
recent period (that is geologically speak
ing), otherwise the bones o f the skeleton
must have wasted away. Sea horses
were at one time abundant io the St.
Lawrence, but have long since bees ex
— A re-assessment o f the income tax
has been ordered in Cincinnati. It is
said the Government has beeD defraud­
ed out of many thousands ot dollars by
wealthy citizens o f that city who have
not made proper returns.
— How would you like to be a woman
in China? The law o f that land orders
that: 1. Before marrying,the daugh­
ter must obey her parents. 2. After
marriage she must obey her husband.
3. After the death o f her husband she
must obey her eldest son.
— Fireproof furniture is the latest
scientific announcement in Germany.
It is said that a Gcrmas chemist, acting
under a commission from a file insur­
ance company, discovered that impreg­
nation with a concentrated solution o f
rock salt renders all timber fireproof.
The salt, too, renders wood prooUagaiust
dry rot and the ravages o f insects.
— A welding powder, called antimon­
oid, has been in use for somo tims past,
in Germany, and found to be o f great
efficiency. The formula for its prepar­
ation has until lately been kept a secret,
but wc now learn that it consists o f four
parts o f iron turnings, three parts o f
borax, two parts of borate o f iron, and
one o f water.
— The style for dressing ladies’ hair
is changing, the chignon gradually
creeping from the top-knot down upon
the neck. Sensible as this is, it don’ t
suit everybody, for already we hear o f
complaints that “ it interferes with the
pre-empted right o f a fellow’s arm.
— A young lady o f Condon, N. Y .r
who had been blind for sixteen years,
suddenly recovered her sight a few even­
ings since, while enjoying the company
of some friends.
— T be Cuban lobby is said to be the
largest aud to have the least money o f
any ever gathered-at Washington.
— Bramian’s distillery at CaJiytoga,
shipped to New York last-year^^Q bar­
rels o f b ra n d y ; this year it w ill ship
The Napa Register says: A
heavier grape crop is anticipated for
next season than has ever before been
known, owing to the remarkably open
and mild winter. More new vines will
be planted out this season than in any
three years combined. Vineyards pay.
8100 to 8150 per acre, while grain pays
from 820 to 830. Rooted vines bear in
the second and third year.
— There are 185.227 volumes in the
Congressional Library, exclusive o f
pamphlets aud uubouud periodicals.
By chance there congregated in D ca-
drick street, Nashville, a tew days ago,
five Tennessee printers, whose average
ages were 71, as follows : W . L. Bar­
ry, 8 6 ; John G Barry, 84 ; Hon. O bey
Young, 64 ; John Roberts, 6 1 ; a»nd W .
P. Bang, 59. All o f the five worked
on the reports and journals o f the T en ­
— There are one hundred and twen­ nessee Constitutional Convention o f
ty-eight monasteries in the United 1834.
States, where men live under vows of
— Chicago Courts tried last year 723
celibacy and poverty, and three hund­
divorce suits, and put asunder 469 coup­
red nunneries o f various grades.
O f the successful suits, 305 were
— James Gordon Bennett is writing brought by the wives.
his autobiography, telling about the car­
— The Lower Lake (C al.) Bulletin
eer o f the Herald. Bennett's notions
“ Although dairying is the best
o f the public men of the last thirty five
in the country, the farmers
years are given ; also, explanations of
some o f the peculiarities o f his editorial generally eschew it, and prefer to raise
conduct, showing, it is said, that he their fifteen or twenty bushels o f grain
sought to do good, socially and politic­ to the acre, and pay out two-thirds o f it
ally, by adopting a tone ot skepticism to get the other third to market.”
and mockery.
— A fashionable woman in Paris said
to a reporter : “ I do not object to your
speaking o f me in the papers, but do it
as my maid arranges my decollette dress;
show only a little and leave the rest to
the imagination.”
— A Chicago paper says : “ Erratum.
In our paragraph yesterday concerning
thirteen ministers who had been spank­
ed in iufaQcy, for spanked read sprink­
— There is to be a conference o f the
Postmasters o f the principal cities o f
the Union, at Washington City, on the
12th proximo. The object is to consid
er various improvements which have
been suggested in the machinery o f the
postal system, and to adopt plans, which,
if approved by the Postmaster General,
will be submitted to Congress for appro­
priate legislation. The plan o f deliver­
ing all the letters, as far as practicable,
by carriers, and abolishing the present
system o f boxes will be one of the pro
posed reforms. It is viewed favorably
by the Department.
— The real estate o f the late Gov.
Alliston, o f South Carolina, consisting
ot five splendid rice plantations, and
containing 4,108 acres, was recently
sold at Georgetown, S. C., under a de­
cree o f equity, for 842,700. The plan­
tations cost the Governor 8222,500.
— It is reported that the Ecumenical
Council will canonize Columbus.
— Some few weeks ago a man named
Jaretzky was married, iu San Francisco,
to a widow, after a very short acquaint­
ance, but bufore tho marriage took place
she exacted a promissory note o f 83,000,
payable on demand, as a guarantee for
his good behaviour. A fter the mar­
riage was consummated she refused to
occupy the bridal couch until he had
paid her 810. They lived together
only four days, when she caused his ar­
rest, alleging that he whipped her, and
after the case was disposed oi, they
agreed to separate. She then demand­
ed the 83,000. He deeded h.s proper-
to to his brother-in law in trust for his
children, when she “ raised cain” and
bad him arrested again, but before the
case was heard he cut his throat. lie
will probably recover.
__ There is good authority for saying
t.iat the negotiations fer re-opening tho
Alabama claims question will not be d e­
finitely settled until the assembling o f
the British Parliament iu February, it
being uncertain whether the British
ministry would be sustained by Parlitr-
ment in committing itself to any definite
course or change o f policy as pursued
in the past. An expression is desired
from that body before the ministry for*
mallv agrees to the propositions mad«
by Minister Motley.
— It is estimated there are scVcn
thousand idle men in San Francisco at