Polk County times. (Dallas, Or.) 1869-1???, December 18, 1869, Image 1

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VOL. 1.
NO. 34.
the March torm Congress, by joint te- a half per oeot. bonds would reduce the existing relations o f Spain to her colo­ ta Rica has given its assent, but which,
solution, authorised the Executive to annual current expense largely, and nial possessions on this continent. They it is alleged, conflicts with vested rights
To the Senate and House o f Repress order an election in the States o f V ir­ then, after funding, justify a greater believe in doe time Spain and other o f citizens of the United States. The
la leaned Every Saturday Afternoon at
entatives :
ginia, Mississippi and Texas, at which reduction o f taxation than would be European powers will fiod their inter­ Department o f State has now this sub­
Dallas, Polk County, Oregon.
I suggest the post- est terminating these relations and es­ ject under consideration.
In coming before you for the first was to be submitted (h e constitution now expected.
The minister o f Peru having made
F. E. STUART, EDITOR A\D PROPRIETOR. time as Chief Magistrate o f this nation, wbioh each had piwviouslj ia coavea ponement o f this question until the tablishing their present dependencies
it is with gratitude to the Giver o f all tioa framed, and these were to be eob next meeting o f Congress, when it may as independent powers, ss members o f representations that there was a state o f
O FFICE— Main street, between Court and
good for the many benefits we enjoy. mitted either entire or in separate parts be advisable to modify taxation and the, the family o f oations. These depend­ war between Peru and Spain, and that
Mill streets, two doors south of the PostuAce.
We are blessed with peace at home, and to be voted on, at the discretion o f the tariff io instances where unjust or bur­ encies are no longer regarded as subject Spain was constructing in and near New
are without entangling alliance abroad, Executive. Under this authority elec­ densome discriminations are made by to transfer from one European power York, government gunboats which
With a terri­ tions were called in Virginia. They the present laws. But a general revis­ to another. When the present rela­ ■ight be used by Spain in such s way
SIN G LE COT j£S—.One Year, $3 00; Six or trouble to forebode.
Months, $2 Ofl ; Three Months, SI 00.
tory unsurpassed in fertility, o f an area took place on the 6th o f Ju ly, 1869 ion o f the laws regulating this subject tions o f the eolonies cea<e they are to as to relieve the naval force at Cuba so
CLUBS will be .«applied at the following equ-il to the abundant support o f five The Governor elected has been iostslled, I recommend the postponement for the become independent powers, exercising is to operate against Peru, orders were
•rates —Five Copies, one year, $13 75; Ten hundred millions o f people, and abound­ the Legislature met attd did all re­ present.
I also suggest the renew»! uf th r right wf choice and of self control f i n s -t o prevent their, ¿apostara»
•Copies, one year. $25 00, and for any greater
incomes, but at a reduced in the determination o f their future Whatever steps have been taken by this
ing in every variety o f useful mineral, quired by this resolution and by the re­
.number at $2 50 per annum.
coedition and relation with other pow­ representatives o f the Peruvian Govern­
Snbecripdon muet I t ¡mill etrictlÿ in advance. in quantity sufficient to support the construction acts of Congress, and re­ rate, say of three per cent, this tax to
The Uuited States, in order to ment to prevent the departure o f these
world for generations, with exuberant frained from all doubtful authority. I
crops ; with a variety o f climate adapt­ recommend to our Senators and R e­ ing o f the national debt, I feel safe io put a stop to bloodshed in Cuba, aud in vessels, I do not feel authorized to de­
ed to the production o f every species of presentatives that the State be fully re saying thot the taxes and revenue from the interest of neighboring people prof­ tain the property o f the nation with
•One square (10 lines or less), first insert’ n,
the earth's produce, rich and suited to stored to its place in the family o f imports may be reduced safely from 60 fered their good offices to bring the ex­ whom we are at peace, on a mere exec­
Each subsequent insertion......................... 1 I
Elections were called in Mis­ to 80 millions per annum at once, and isting eontest to a termination. The utive order. The matter has been re­
A liberal deduction will be made to quar­ the habits, tastes and requirements o f States.
terly and yearly advertisers.
every living thing ; with a population sissippi and Texas, to commence on the still further reduction from year to year, offer not being accepted by Spain on a ferred to the courts to decide.
Towards the close of the last Adm in­
Professional cards will be inserted at $12 00 o f forty millions o f free people, all 30th o f November, and to last two days as the resources of the country are de­ basis which was believed could be re­
.per annum.
ceived by Cuba, it was withdrawn. It istration, a convention was signed at
speaking one language, with facilities in Mississippi and four days in Texas. veloped.
Transient advertisements must be paid for lor every mortal to acquire an education; The elections have taken place, but the
is hoped that the good offices o f the London for the settlement o f all out­
in advance to insure publication. All other
The report o f the Secretary of the United States may yet prove advanta­ standing claims between Great Britain
with institutions closing to none the result is not known. It is to be hoped
advertising bills must be paid quarterly.
avenue to fame or any blessing o f for­ that the acts o f the Legislatures o f Treasury shows the receipts o f govern­ geous for the settlement o f this unhap­ and the United States, which failed to
Legal tenders taken at their current value.
tune that may be coveted ; with free­ these States, when they meet, will be ment for the fiscal year ending June py struggle. Meanwhile a number o f receive the advice and consent o f the
Blanks an<l Job Work of every description
Time and
dom o f the pulpit, pre<s and schools; such as to reeeive your approbation, 30. 1869, to be 8370,948,747, and the illegal expeditions against. Cuba have Senators to its ratification
furnished at low ra tc^ n short notice.
with a revenue flowing into the national and then close the work o f reconstruc­ expenditures, including interest, etc.,
to be 8321,400,597.
The estimates deavor o f the Administration to execute of the treaty, were favorable to its ac­
treasury beyond the requirements o f tion.
more favorable the neutrality laws in good faith, no ceptance by the people o f the United
Among the evils growing oat o f the
the Government demand. Harmony is
I've found some wisdom in my quest
being rapidly restored within our bor­ rebellion, and not yet referred to, is to the government, and will no doubt matter how unpleasant the task may be, States, but its provisions were wholly
That's richly worth retailing:
I've learned that when one docs bis best
d ers; manufactures hitherto unknown that o f an irredeemable currency. It show a large decrease o f the public so that they may avoid the suffering we inadequate for the settlement o f tho
There's little hurui in failing.
The receipts in the Treasury have endured from a luek of good faith grave wrongs that had been sustained
in our country are springing up in all is an evil which I hope will receive debt.
have exceeded the towards the United States by other na by this Government as well as its citi­
directions, producing a degree of na­ your most earnest attention. It is a
I thought to gather wealth untold.
The injuries resulting to the
tional independence unequalled by that duty— one o f the highest o f the duties amount necessary to place to the credit tions in regard to us.
And made mv boast about it:
States by reason o f the course
My wit and toil bring little gold,
o f any other power
These blessings, o f the Government to secure to the citi­
But I can do without it.
by Great Britain during our
and countless others, are entrusted to zens a medium ot unvarying value. To lock up the surplus in the treasury rested on the high seas by a Spanish
your care and mine, for safe keeping This implies a return to a specie basis, and withhold it from circulation would frigate and two passengers taken from late civil war in the increased rates of
I said the world should bear my name.
And down the ages shout it;
fur the brief period o f our tenure of o f and no substitute for it can be devised, lead to such a contraction o f the. cur­ it and carried as prisoners to Cuba. insurance, in the diminution o f exports
I shall not win the bauble, Fame,
flee. In a short time we must each o f [t. should be commenced now and reach­ rency as to cripple trade and seriously Representations o f these facts were and imports, and in respect, to domestic
But I can do without it.
us return to the ranks o f the people ed at the earliest practicable moment, affect the prospects o f tbe country made to the Spanish Government as industry and production ; its effect upon
Another thing I've KaTtn prove.
who have conferred upon us our power, consistent with a fair regard to the in­ Under these circumstances the Secre­ soon as official information o f them the foreign commerce o f the country, in
Though much I used to doubt it;
and account to them for the steward terests o f the debtor class. Immediate tary ot the Treasury and myself heart­ reached Washington. The two passen­ the decrease and transfer to Great Brit­
One can't be sure of human love.
ship. I earnestly desire that neither resumption, if practicable, would not be ily concurred in properly using all this gers were set at liberty, and the Span­ ain o f our commercial marine ; in pro­
But one can live without it-
you or I tuny he condemned hy a free desirable. It would compel the debtor surplus currency in the treasury for the ish Government assured the United longation o f the war and the increased
I thought to know philosophy,
and enlightened constituency, aor by class to pay beyond their contracts the purchase o f government bonds, thus re­ States that the captain o f the frigate cost, both iu treasure and lives, o f its
And teach the world about it.
our own conscieaces.
premium on gold at the date o f their ducing the interest bearing debt o f the had acted without law in making the suppression could not be adjusted and
My plummet will not sound the sea-—
My ship can sail without it.
Emerging from a rebellion o f gigan purchase, and would bring bankruptcy country, and o f submitting to Congress capture, and that he had been repri­ satisfied as ordinary commercial claims,
tic magnitude, aided as it was by the and ruin to thousands. Fluctuation, the question o f the disposition to be manded for the irregularity o f his con­ which continually arise between com­
I saw the earth with wrong overgrown,
sympathy and assistance o f the nation however, in the paper value o f the mea­ made o f the bonds as purchased. The duct, and that the Spanish authorities mercial nations, and yet the convention
Ami set uivself to rout i t :
Some age will see it overthrown,
with which we were at peace, eleven sure o f all value, ( o f gold) is detrimen­ bonds now held by the treasury amount in Cnba would not sanction any act treated them simply as such ordinary
So I can die without it;
States o f the Union were four years ago tal to trade
It makes the man o f bus­ to about 875,000,000, including those that could violate the rights or treat claims, from which they differ mora
ing to the sinking fund. I rec- with disrespect the sovereignty o f the widely in the gravity o f their character
left without legal State Governments. iness an- involuntary gambler, fur in all
I may not reach what I pursue,
A. debt Had been contracted ; A mar sales, whea future payment is to be omend that the whole be placed to the notion. The question o f the seizare o f than in the magnitude o f their amount,
Yet I will keep pursuing:
Nothing is vain that I can do.
ican commerce was almost driven from made, both parties speculate as to what cred itn f the sinking fund. Your at: the brig Mary Lowell at one o f the De­ great even as that is.k There was found
Since soul-growth comes o f doing,
— T Islands
- J—
—i-- — a wide difference „ o f opinion os to t ÿ t
by th« Spanish authoritiesJ
the seas; the industry o f one-half the will be the value o f the currency when tention is respectfully invited t o the’ te«na
I earnesly recom­ recommendations o f the Secretary o f is now the subject o f a correspondence reciprocity treaty between th* M attel
T H E L E G A L T E N D E K D E C IS IO N . country had been taken front the con­ paid and received.
trol o f the capitalists and placed where mend to you thee such legislation as the Treasury for the creating of the between this Government and that of States and the British provinces on this
A short time ago tho universal and all labor rightfully belongs, in the keep will ensure a gradual return to specie office o f Commissioner of tho Customs Spain and Great Britain. The Captain continent, which has not been favorably
instinctive impression th it the forth- ing of the laborers.
payments, and put an immediate stop to Revenue, for the increase o f salary to General o f Cuba, about May last, issued considered by the Administration. The
.coming decision o f the United States
fluctuations in the value o f the curren­ a certain class o f officials, aud the sub­ a proclamation authorizing a search to advantages o f such a treaty would be
Supreme Court on the constitutionality
The work o f restoring State Govern cy. The methods to secure these re­ stitution o f increased national funds in be made o f vessels on the high seas. totally in favor o f the British producer,
.of legal tender nnfoa would bo adverse, raents loyal to the I ’ sion, o f the pro­ sults are as numerous as are the specu circulation to replace the outstanding Immediate remonstrance against this except, possibly, as to a few engaged in
ciused general anxiety and some alarm, tecting and fostering o f labor and pro­ lations on political economy. To secure 3 per cent certificates, and most espe was made, whereupon the Captain Gen the trade between the two sections. No
but the unexpected though clearly just viding means for paying the interest on the latter 1 sec but one way, and that daily to his recommendation for the era! issued anew proclamation,limiting citizen o f the United States would be
and sound decision o f the Court on the the public deht has received ample at­ is to authorize the Treasury to redeem repeal o f the laws allowiog shares o f the right o f search o f vessels o f the benefitted by such reciprocity. Our
Confederate notes case dissipates those tention fr >m Congress. Although your- its own paper at fixed prices whenever fines, penalties, forfeitures, etc , to the United States so far as authorized un­ internal taxation would prove a protec­
uneasy feelings hy foreshadowing what efforts have not met with the success in presented ; to withhold from circulation officers o f the government or to inform­ der the treaty o f 1795. This proclam­ tion to the British producer almost equal
• the practical results will be in the le- all particulars that might have been de­ all such currency redeemed until sold ers. The office o f Commissioner o f In­ ation, however, was immediately with to tbe protection which our manufact­
• gal tender case. In the Confederate sired, yet on the whole they have been again for gold. The vast resources o f ternal Revenue is one o f the most oner­ drawn. I have always felt that the urers now receive from that taxation.
• note case, the Court declares that “ evi­ more successful than could have been the nation, both developed and unde ous aud important under the govern­ most intimate relations should be culti­ Some arrangement, however, for the
dence may be received to prove that a reasonably anticipated. Seven of the veloped, ought to make our credit the ment. It falls but little if any short o f vated between the Republic o f the regulation o f commercial intercourse
.promise expressed to he for the payment States which passed ordinances of se­ best on the earth. With a less burden a Cabinet position in its importance United States and all independent na­ between the United States and the D o ­
o f dollars was, in fact made for the pay­ cession have been fully restored to their ••f taxation than the citizen has endured and responsibilities.
It is therefore tions on this continent. It may be well minion, for adjusting the claims o f the
ment o f other than lawful dollars o f the places in the Union.
The eighth for six years past, the entire public recommended to pass such legislation worth considering whether treaties be­ Hudson Bay and Puget Sound A gricu l­
United States;” and that “ the party (Georgia) has held an election at. which debt could be paid in ten years; but it as in your judgment will place this of­ tween the United States and them may tural Companies, on the part o f the
entitled to be paid in those Confederate she ratified a Constitution. Republican is desirable that the people should not fice on a footing commensurate with its not be profitably entered into to secure United States, has terminated its labor ;
.dollars ran onlv receive their actual val in form, elected a Governor, members of be taxed to pay it in that time. Year by importance, and character, and ability, more intimate relations, friendly or the allowance o f 8650,000 has been
made, and all the rights and titles o f
ue at the time and place o f the contract Congress and a State Legislature, with year the ability to pay increases in a ra and qualification, with the class o f men otherwise.
the Company on tbe territory o f the
in lawful money o f the l nited States.
all other officers required. The Gover­ pid ratio, but the burden o f interest
There appears to be a world o f mean­ nor was duly installed, and the Legis­ ought to be reduced as rapidly as can
The subject o f an interoceanic canal United States have been made over, and
ing in these sentences. They promise lature met and performed all the acts be done without the violation of the
As the United States is the freest of to connect the Atlantic and Pacific all rights and titles o f that Company on
to the whole class o f debtors a relief then required of them by the recon­ contracts. The public debt is repre all nations, so its people sympathize oceans, through the Isthmus o f Darien, the territory o f the United States have
they did not expect, and they take from struction acts of Congress.
Subse­ sen ted in great part by bonds, having with all people struggling for liberty is one in which the United States is been extinguished, and deeds for the
the whole class o f creditors a great deal quently, however, in violation o f the from five to twenty and from twenty to and self government.
But while so greatly interested. Instructions have property o f the Company have been re­
they did not expect. Thus, if the Court Constitution that had just been ratified, forty years to rqn, bearing interest at sympathizing, it is due to our honor been given our minister at the Republic ceived. An appropriation by Congres*
decides that the legal tender act was il­ as since decided by the Supreme Court the rate o f six per cent, and five per that we should abstain from enforcing o f the United States of Colombia to en to meet this sum is asked. The com­
legal, all debts will have to be adjusted o f the State, th**y unseated the colored cent., respectively. It is optional with our views upon unwilling nations, or 'deavor to obtain authority for a survey mission for determining tbe Northwest­
and settled on a gold basis, and paid in members of the Legislature and admit­ the Government to pay their bonds at from taking an interested part in initi­ by this Government, in order to deter­ ern laúd boundary between tbe United
gold. O f course this means a reduction ted to seats members who are disquali­ any period alter the expiration o f the atory quarrels between different nations, mine the practicability o f such an un­ States and the British Possessions, un­
in the expressed amount o f aU debts. fied by the third clause o f the Four­ last time mentioned upon their face. or between governments and their sub­ dertaking, and a charter for the right der the treaty o f 185G, have completed
I f a note for §1,000 was given when teenth Amendment in the Constitution, The time has already expired when a jects
Our course should always be in o f way. to be built by private enter­ their labors and the commission has
gold stood at 8140, its value in gold, at an article which they themselves had great part o f them may be taken up, conformity with strict justice and inter prise, if the survey proves it to be prae been discharged.
In conformity with the recommendation
that time was about 70 per cent, or 8700 contributed to ratify.
Under these and the time is rapidly approaching national law to all. Such haa been the ti cable.
f Congress, propositions were early
--a n d 8700 will pay the note at matur­ circumstances I would submit to you when all may be. It is believed that polioy o f the Administration in dealing
In order to comply with the agree­ made to the British Government to
whether it would not be wise without all which are due may be replaced by with these questions. For more than
The apparent changes in the value delay, to pass a law authorizing the Go­ bonds bearing a rate o f interest not ex a year a valuable province of Spain, a ment o f the United States as to mixed abolish mixed courts, created under the
o f gold during the last eight years were, vernor of Georgia to convene the mem­ ceeding four and a half per cent, and near neighbor o f outs , in whom all our commissions at Lima for the adjustment treaty of April 18th, 1862, for the sup­
in truth, real changes in the value o f bers originally elected to the Legisla­ as rapidly as the remainder becomes people cannot but feel a deep interest, of claims, it became necessary to send pression ot the slave trade. The sub*
greenbacks; gold, which was the stan ture, and requiring each member to take due, that they may be replaced in the has been struggling for its independence a Commissioner and Secretary to Lima joct is still under negotiation.
dard, stood still all the time. There the oath prescribed by the reconstruc­ same way. To accomplish this it may and freedom. The people and govern­ in August last. No appropriations hav.
come to my knowledge
fore, a named debt in dollars was a debt tion act. This done, those to he admit­ be necessary to authorize interest to be ment o f the United State* * entertain the ing been made for this purpose, it is
in greenbacks, and was worth only its ted who are eligible under the third paid at either o f the three or four mo- same warn feeling and sympathy for now asked that one be made, covering that a corporate company, organized
value in rjold at the time it was made. clause o f the Fourteenth Amendment. ney centers o f Europe, or by any Assis the people o f Cuba in their pending the past and future expenses o f the under British laws, proposed to land
upon the shores o f the United Slate*,
This view robs the steady approxi­
The freedraen, under the protection tant Treasurer, at the option o f the struggle that they manifested through­ commission.
to operate their sub-marine cable,
mation o f gold and greenbacks to the which they have received, are making holders of the bonds. I recommend out the previous struggles between
same level, o f the terrors which it has rapid progress in learning, and no com ­ this subject for the consideration of Spain and her colonies in behalf o f the Has made the intercourse «with that under concession from His Majesty, the
had for the debtors, for it assures them plaints are heard o f a lack o f industry Congress. Also, simultaneously with latter. Bat the countries at no time country so difficult that it has been Emperor of the French, with an ex­
that their debts shall not be enhanced on their part when they receive fair re­ this, the propriety o f redeeming our have assumed the conditions which deemed advisable to withdraw our re­ clusive right for twenty years, of tele*
graphie communication between the
a third or a half by the fall o f gold to muneration for their labor.
currency as beforo suggested, at its Amount to war in the sense o f interna­ presentatives from there.
shores o f France and the I nited States,
par, and the resumption of specie pay­
The means provided for paying the market value at the time the law goes tional law or which would show the e x ­
with the very objectionable feature o f
The infinite relief which it interest on the public debt, with nil into effect; increasing the rate at which istence o f a political organization o f in­
all messages confided to them
gives to all who owe money— nine-tenths other expenses o f governnent, are more currency will be bought or sold from surgents sufficient to justify a recogni­ to bring about peace between Spain
o f the whole people— will cause the than ample. The loss of our commerce day to day or week to week, at the same tion o f their belligerency. The princi­ asd the South American Republics, to his Sovereignty and to the control o f
forthcoming decision to be looked for is the only result o f the rebellion which rate o f interest as the Government pays ple is maintained, however, that this with which she is at war, having been the French Government, I caused the
has not received sufficient attention upon its bonds.
without so much fear.
nation will be its own judge as to the accepted by Spain, Peru and Chile, a French and British Legations at W ash­
from you. To this subject I call your
The subject o f tariff and internal tax rights o f belligerency, either to a peo­ Congress has been invited to be held in ington to be made acquainted with the
W A cynic said o f a very handsome earnest attention. I will not now sug­ ation will necessarily receive your at­ ple struggling to force themselves from Washington during the present win­ probable polioy o f Congress on the sub­
ject, as foreshadowed by the bill which
woman whose feet were immense, “ She gest the means by which this object tention. The revenues o f the country a government they believe to be oppres­ ter.
A grant has been given to Europeans passed the Senate in March last.
is very pretty, but she upsets complete­ may be effected, but will, if necessary, are greater than the requirements ant sive, or to independent nstions at war
ly the ordinary system of measurement make it the subject of a special message may with safety be reduced; but as the with each other. The United States of an exclusive right o f transit over the This drew from the representatives o f
f>y proving that two feet make a yard.” during the session of Congress. A t funding o f the debt io four or four and • have no disposition to interfere with territory o f Nicaragua, to which Coa- tke company an agreem ent to accept
P R E S ID E N T ’ S M E SSA G E .
■V . ■ -V - v - '