- ; : ’ 7 * « • r> POLK CODNTÏ TIMES. COUNTY OFFICIAI. PAPER. Frank R. Stuart, Editor. D A L L A S , 8 A T TU D A Y , N O V . 6. A G B N C IE S FOB T H E »•TIMES.” O. W. CANNON, Esq. is <>ur authorized IiusiDc»s Agent for Portland and vicinity. THOS. BOYCE, Esq , i* our only authorixeil Business Agent in San Francisco. B U SIN E SS N O T IC E . The long and the short o f tho extra­ c » A TT E N * T IO • N OREGON NEWS. — Two lfirge and elegant passenger when gold reached 160 premium, is at the shop o f the Company. They are simply as follow s: The week previous, built entirely o f Oregon wood. Eight gold having ranged at 136— a higher more are in course o f construction. rate than usual— the “ bears,” deeming — The Herald says rents are so high that it could not stand long at that fig­ in Portland that its citizens are flocking ure. sold “ short,” that is, all their gold, to East Portland to find residences. and in fact more than they really pos­ — The first locomotive o f the East- sessed, hoping that by throwing their side Company will be named the Jas. on the market, they could bring t\ic B. Stevens. — The rates o f telegraphing from premium down, and t^ius be enabled to Portland to San Frdncisco have been buy it back at a reduced figure and reduced 33 J per cent. make a fine speculation. Hut the — Mr. John Stewart, of Lane county, “ bull” clique was stronger than they had his collar bone broken by being anticipated. They bought their gold run over by his horse. and asked lor more a,t the saipe or high­ — Another grist mill is about to be er rates. A week rolled around. The built in Jackson county. “ bears” must have gold to meet tbeir — Ashlanders (Jackson county) are The “ b u lb ” then had after a grizzly bear whose track is ele­ A t the last Democratic County Con­ obligations. Diamond had ven inches long and ten wide, and who vention held in Polk county it was re* them in theix power. solved that the County Central Com» cut diamond. The stupid “ bears” had is death on fat hogs. mittce be composed o f one member from each precinct— the same to be selected bv the voters o f the respective precincts— which members were to re­ port to the Chairman of said Committee, bccouie impaled on taurine horns. The — A largo drove o f horses from this gold they needed th.ey could not now valloy passed through Jacksonville last purchase at less than from 150 to 1G0. week for California. The tricky speculators had been caught, — The Circuit Court o f Lane county and ruin stared To at its recent session, granted eight 4 • • them I I I in the face. \ get out o f thi? gambling dilemma, which civorces and Refused three. — W ork on the East-side railroad precincts have yet reportel, uotice is had turned contrary to their expecta­ tions, these rascally “ bear” gold gam­ does not stop for Sundays. hereby given that each preciuct is ex­ — A ship sailed from Portland lor pected to report withiu three weeks— blers besought the interference o f the Hon. Ken. Hayden. A s few o f the before Saturday, Nov. 27. lu case repqft is not made by that time it will naturally devolve upon the Chairman o f said Committee to appoint proper persons to till such exist vacancies as may Send in your reports as early as possible, us important business awaits action. F red . W a y m ir e . Prcst. Convention. Pallas, Nov. Gib, 1800. Government Treasury. The Secretary Honolulu this week laden with flour, of the Treasury had giveu his assurance grain and salmon. as a man and as a high Government — Mr. Dolan, U. S. Deputy Marshal, official that the sales of gold from the took down to the California Peniten­ Treasury Department should be uni­ tiary, a man convicted o f selling whisky Should he now vio­ to the Indians. late his word and break bis faith as a — Frank Masterton shot John P. Government officer, and sell an unusual Lee in Portland last week. The for­ quantity o f gold at an unusual time, mer has been bound over in the sum o f week in enlarged form, with some new type and wearing a general air o f pros­ was done. perity. the instance o f the despairing gold- land last week in a row with two other gambling “ bears,” pnoounced that on Johns about money matters. The the next day he would throw four mil­ murderer^ have been arrested. Long may it remain on duty to protect the citadel o f onr liberties. A ttention ! T a xpa yer s .—T he tax collector gives notice ip another col­ umn wljen he will relieve you o f your surplus ca^h, and where, and also hints at the penalty o f non attention to his demands. Look opt for him- M ore P remiums for P olk . — The Boutwcll, on the 24th, at horse buggy over R ock Point bridge, the horses beeame unmanageable and backed off the lions o f Government gold on the mar­ — Tfie Portland Herald says two ket. This rascally combination o f the gold nuggetg have been brought down Government Treasury with gold gam­ from the Gimletville diggings on Burnt blers can find n- ttce. 'litis will afford us more time to devote tot'he contents of the paptfr, which will donht- le>s prove as satisfactory to our natrons as our self. Mr. Vineyard will make the tour of the county on Im-iucsa connected with the T imes a) the Wcathcf will permit. We bespeak tor him the courtesy we have invariab.ly met at the hands ot the citizens of folk . D EM O C R ATS, T H E B U LLS AND T H E BEARS. OROI DE GOLD W A T C H E S I MANUFACTURED TRE T hey O B O ID E are all BY W ATCH the best CO. make , Hunting Cases, finely chased; look mid irear like Jine gold, and arc equal in appearance to the best gold watches usually costing $150. FillI Jeweled Lever», Gents’ aud Ladies’ sixes, at 915 ea elt. OUK D U U Itl.E E X T R A R E F IN E D Solid Oroide Gold I^untiug Cases, Full Jeweled by Levers, are equal to $200 Gold Watehe* ; Reg­ ulated and (fuuruuteed to keep correct time, mid wear and not tarnith, with Extra Fine Ca»e», at $20 each. No money la required in advance. We send by Express anywhere within tj;e United States, payable to agent on delivery, wiih the privilege to open ami exaujjtie before paid for, and if not satisfactory returned, by paying the Express charges. Good» will l^r »cut by mail as Registered Package, prepaid, by sending cash in advance- AN AGENT SENDING FOR S IX W A T ­ CHES GETS AN EPTRA WATCH FREE, M AKIN G SEVEN $15 WATCHES FOR $90, OR SEVEN $20 WATCHES FOR $120. Also, Elegant Oroide Gold Chains, of latest and most costly styles, for Ladies and Gentlemen, from 10 to 40 iuebes long, at $2, $t, $6 and $8 each, sent with watches at lowest rholesale prices. State kind aud si/.e o f watch required, aud to avoid bogus concerns order only from 28-13 T H E O R O ID E W A T C H CO. 14H F ulton St., N ew Y ork . Splendid Opportunity To Invest! WING TO BAD HEALTH, I HAVE concluded to sell out all my property in Independence, consisting of one Town Lot, one Store— with wareroom attached—neatly fitted up and filled with Drugs, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, and in fact everything generally kept in a Drug Store. Terms reasonable. Call on, or address L. A. ROBB, 21 Independence, Oregon. O DRUG of the bear’s mouth, and America wil a stand disenthralled, honored and free — The Eugene Journal says: There Taxes will be light and labor will be are two petitions in circulation ip this rewarded. God speed the day. city for the reprieve o f penitentiary convicts— ope for James Ross, sen­ C o u r t in Y a m h i l l . — The Circuit tenced from Douglas county, and the Court for Yamhill county, Boise Judge, other for Henry Vaughn, from one o f will convene on Monday next at La­ the counties east of the mountains fayette. Ross was sent to the penitentiary for I n L i m b o . — A few days ago John assaulting Jack Montgomery last spring Brunnemer was arrested under charge and Vaughn for resisting and shooting of stealing money belonging to High C i r c u i t C o u r t . — The Fall term o f the sheriff o f Umatilla county while at­ land Lodge, I. 0 . O. F., ot Eola pre­ the Circuit Court for Polk county will cinct, Polk county. He is now in jail, tempting to make his arrest, some two commence on Monday, 15th inst.— awaiting trial at the District Court.— or three years ago. ¿Judge Boise. — The Sentiael says that on the 23< Statesman. Howard & Co., Jewelers and Silversmiths, 619 Broadway, New York. We refer, by permission, to Messrs. Wells, Fargo k Col, N. Y. and San Francisco. I. W. Raymond, Esq., T. R. Butler, Esq., B. C. Howard, Esq., San Francisco. W. S. Hobart, Esq., Virginia City, Nevada. T Summons. In the Circuit Court o f the State o f Oregon for. Polk County. '■ Mary E. Cline, Plaintiff, vs. Il.-nry Cline, D e­ fendant. Suit for a Divorce, r p o 11ENRY CLINE, D EFEN D AN T: IN X the nanje o f th*? State o f Oregon, you are hereby required to appear in the Circuit Court ot the State o f Oregon, for Polk county, within ten days fr..m the date of the service o f this summons upon you, if served within this county, and within twenty days, i? served within any other county of this State, or if served without the State, by publication or otherwise, then on or before the 3d Monday in November, 1869— the first day of the next regular term of the Court aforesaid. You are further notified that if you fail so to appear and answer the com­ plaint o f the Plaintiff, for want thereof She, plaintiff, will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in complaint, to-w it: a Dissolution of the Bond o f Matrimony existing between Plaintiff and Defendant, and for the care and custody of the Minor child of Plaintiff and Defendant, with costs and disbursements of suit. Hayden k Myer Attorneys for Plaintiff. Dallas, Oregon. Oct. 2, 1869. 23-* Executor’s Sale. I H , $28 in Greenbacks, or abont $20 In Coin. All the other kinds, both gold and silver, in the same proportion. Do not order a Watch till you have sent for a Prsce List, as it con­ tains a groat deal o f information regarding these watches that will enable you to make an intelligent selection. Don’t forget, when you write, to s.ate that you saw this advertisement in the Poi.x Cocw rr T imes , and you need not put in stamps for return postage. Address in full, In the Circuit Court f o r Polk County, State o f Oregon. Charles McDonald and M. J. McDonald, Plaintiffs, vs. James M. Haggard, by F. Shoe­ maker his guardian, and Nathanial Haggard, Defendants. Suit in Equity for Partition o f Real property. O TIIE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS : To alt and each o f you, In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby cited and summoned and required to be and appear in the Circuit Court for Polk county, State o f Or­ egon. within ten days from the date ot service of this summons upon you, if served in this county, and within twenty days, i f served in any other county in this Stale, or if served without the State, by publication or otherwise, then on or before the 3d Monday in November, 1869— the 1st dny o f the next regular term of said Court, then and there to answer the complaint o f the plaintiffs filed in said Court praying for a division and partition o f a certain tract or parcel o f land in said county and State, des­ cribed a. follows : Beginning at the N. E. cor­ ner o f Elias Harper’s donation land claim Not. 51, T. 6 S., R. 6 West, in sections 32, 33; thence running west 40 ebs. to a stake; thence south to Township line: thence east wjth said line 40 chs.; thence north to th e p la ce o f begin­ ning; containing 240 acres, more or less, ex ­ cepting 80 acres off the north end, as widow’s dower. Now then, if you and each o f you fail to appear and answer said complaint as above required, then the plaiutiffs will apply to the Court tor the relief therein demanded, to-wit: the partition mid division of said premises, or sale thereof, and for costs aod disbursements of suit. Vineyard