K. ' I mm might be made to produce wheat, bar­ Imod in the county, with a college at — A fern de prize fight is the la’ est ley. oats, and the different varieties of Monmouth, another at Bethel, and a sensation in St Louis. They were per Our aims are at 1 too bigh ; we try small grail), and is also adapted to the flourishing academy at Dallas. There mitred to bite, scratch and pout'd each la laaaed Every Saturday Afternoon at To gain the nmniit at a bound, t Wben «e should reach it step by step, growth of different kinds of vegetables, are good opportunitiec for religious other until one o f them became insen­ Dallas, Polk County, Oregon. A: il H mb (be ladder round by round. also apples, pears, plums, cherries, worship in almost every neighborhood sible. Ho « in would e.'imb the bright sublime, quinces, grapes, and small traits ; while — nearly every denomination o f Chris­ — Thero has been a terrible disaster Or breathe liie pure a r o ‘. life, F. R. SHIRT, EDITOR AM PROPRIETOR. the peach, and Indian corn, can be cul tians as found in the liuion, being rep­ on the Erie Railroad, o f which the dis- Must not expect ID rise in ease, Cut I joe himself for toil or strife. tivated soeeessfully in many localities, resented in the county. pitches give very ambiguous accounts O FFICE—Northeast corner of Main and with proper care. Dallas, the county scat, is situated on Oak streets, fronting Academy Block. Itvvould seetn that two trains co lid<*d Wo > .oil’ d not in our blindness seek The following information was fur the La Creole (llickreal) river, and is and that the cars subsequently took fire, Toe'.i^p aloi e for crand and great, SUBSCRIPTION RATES. l»i-dai lint; every smaller good. nisbed the Committee through the col a flourishing little inland town, noted destroying many lives. Form idea make the agg-eg.KO. umss o f the Folk County Signal: for its enterprise and cc/himereial pros­ 8IX4JLE C0JPI8B— One Year. $3 00; Six And it a cloud shou’ d bover o’er — Richmond dates to 21st inst. says Month-. | •; T kiw Montba, $1 tiu. The public buildings of the county perity. There are other thriving little Our weary pathway like a pall, that official returns show that th** vote Remember t»od pounds il there, CLUB'S will be supplied at the following consist of a new court house and jail, towns with post-offices and stores, among for Walker is 20,000 short of the white And His good purpose rei^us o’er all. rate«: — Five t'opie*, one year, $13 7 i; Ten which, with the outbuildiugs, cost about which wc liny mention Buena Vista, Copies. one year. $2j 00, and for any greater registration, and that o f Wells 8,000 where large quantities o f earthernware $13,250. Life si ould be luT of earnest work, number at SO per anuuui. short of the colored registration, 'lhe Our beur:> undashed bv ¡or:jue * frown; The average price of improved farm­ are manufactured. There are also .Vabeeriptun mu*t be paid ttrictl}y in advance. ohjectional clauses o f the Constitution Lot pe’-severance conquer fa o. ing land is about ten dollars \cr acre; Grand Kotide, Lawn Arbor, Luckia- And tuei it so e toe \ iotor's crown. were defeated by 30.000. There ap­ ADVERTISING RATES. unimproved, three. The base of the mute. Salt Creek, Bridgeport, Bethel, Tbe ».I i ' c is not to the sirong. pears to be an entirely new revolution 1 i o race not always to the lleet; soil is clay, with a mixture o f sand, Lincoln, K’ na, Monmouth, Indepen­ O n e square 10 line« or leas), first iusert’n, 53 00 in politics, as only six members elected An i 1 ■<• who neks to pluik the stars, dSacb subsequent insertion......................... 1 00 oxide of iron, lime, and other valuable dence, and Kola. Some o f these towns \\ i . lose the jewel» ai bis loot. to the Legislature have ever been there A liberal deduction will be made to quar­ ingredients, in varying quantities, aud have good warehouses, and are comet) before. terly and yearly advertisers. rendering the greater portion well adap ient shipping points along tbe Wiliam — l h e new French Trans-Atlantic Professional cards will be inserted at $12 00 P O L K C O U N T Y , OREC ted to agricultural and horticultural ette river. per annum. cable has been successfully laid. purposes. The greatest part of the Transient advertisements must be paid for From “ Statistics of the State of 0 — The gauge throughout the entire land in this county that is not well lo­ N E W S IN E R IE F . A. J. D i n n. in advance to insure putdica'ion. All other Missouri Fsioifie railroad, for a distance cated fur agriculture is as good as can Advertising bills must be paid quarterly. — On the next monthly showing there of three hundred miles, was chanced This county, situated on the west pt, j()Um} for raising horses, hogs, sheep Legal tenders taken at their current value. will be a reduction o f the public debt between tho hours of 4 and 8 o’clock bank o f the Willamette river, opposite aotj catt|c . Upon the mountains, and Blanks and Job Work of every description i of about 85,000,000. I*. M. on the 18th. It is said to be the Marion county, and bounded ou the along the streams, there is plenty o f fir. furnished at low rates on short notice. greatest day’s work of a similar charac­ north by 4 anthill, south by Fenton and oaj^ U1 qde, ash, and alder, and other — The vote o f the Methodist church­ west by Tillamook counties, has a popu- valuable timber well adapted for farm- es on lay delegation as far as received, ter ever done. Polk County Official Directory. lation of about 5,050 inhabitants, and building, and general lumbering show a very large majority in favor of — Poytt is the name of one o f the Par­ fV Polk county covers an area of about, 1,200 contains as tine grain, gras- and grazing purposes, On the low hills is much un me urns it, and it is predicted that it will be isian daily papers. Don't Pay is the square miles. Number of voters, 1,227. Acres lands, as are to be found in the State. valuable oak timber; and far up in the fully five to one. name o f a great many in this country. <>f land under cultivation, i*3 270. Value of Lying immediately east o f tin* Coast mountains there is fine cedar, yew, and assessable property, $}.234,j2'J. The Land — At) Omaha special says General — A tornado swept over a portion of There are not many lumber Olfiee for tlii' Distri-t is lis ated ut Oregon !! mge. and io the heart of the \\ ¡Ham- imuilock. Clay and Lafayette counties Missouri, Auger has received dispatches from City— Owen Wade, Register ; Henry Warren, etto \ dley, l>cr fertile soil and beau’ i- j j|);, n,|||s and workshops for converting Gen. (birr, with the expedition ou tin- last week, doing immense damage — Receiver. fill rolling prairies, her numerous vailoxs t|,js ti in ber into lumber and machinery, Kepublicau river, to the 11th inst. A Dwellings and business houses were de­ f'otn in ttmioH* Cot * tv O ekiceks . F., r -urrounded by hills covered by a luxn tj1(.re arc. ,„;,ny excellent and vaUi Diee, K. T j U iu : Jn dae% J. L. Culling; large village of Cheyennes was taken molished, and unroofed, etc. The corn J. W. Smith : ( ’terl, J. I Thomp- >n : .I« i nit and nutritious growth of bunch able sitesfor erecting mills and machine by surprise and fifty warriors, comwau and wheat fields, orchards and fences II. Davis; T rfin rer, R. M. .May: School Su­ orass aud wild clover, known only to shops not vet improved, and some en- ded by Tall Bull, were taken. Seven­ throughout the eouniry were seriou-ly perintendent J. If. M jcr: Surveyor,S. T. Burch: particu ir localities in Oregon aud Cal- , I j tireiy unclaimed. The water is pure, Coroner, C. D. Embreo. teen women and children were captured, damaged. Houses were torn to pieces. iiornia, with various kinds of U!iCfui j a„(j nearly everywhereahuudaut. Some l T e r m s o k C o k r t . — C i r c u i t Court. R . R . Ib i>c among them Tall Bull’s wife and d *ugh- In Clay county the storm was terrible. Judge, convvuos in Dallas on tbeith Monday in i i in her more than suffieient to supply ptnuers ji:tVC water stock from wells, 1 ter. The warriors held two white wo The wheat, corn and the fruit trees and April and .Id Monday in November. Count a t c* de:i and for all agricultural, mechun- ! hut most o f them have springs or men. captured ou the Saline river, us I forest trees and fences went down be Court convenes on tbe 1st Monday in cuoh iual and m inufaeturiug purposes, with streams. month. prisoners. They murdered one, name fore it. The country on its liuc of For milling and mechanical purposes, unknown, and attempted to murder an- march is io ruins. N o t a r i e s P ru n e .— T. Pearce, Eola : W. W. a genial climate, pure water and pro- Boone. Independence: J. 1.. Collins, Dallas; ductivt soil. Polk county hold- ou’ Ti- the water privileges o f this county are iitlicr by the name o f Maria Weigel. II. N. George, Buena Vi»tu. — A newly married couple went to bed due« tin tits to industry and enterprise valuable and extensive, 1 here is hut 8 he will probably recover. The lodi P ost O kku k T ow ns .— Iletbel. Bridgeport, which tend to make a community pros in a house o > Third street, in St.Joseph, little liability to d image from overflow. ans were so completely surprised that Bucua Vista, Dallas (county seat). Eo!a,(>raud on tlie night of- the 9th iust.. aud awoke perous. wealthy aud permanent] v tdess A few hums along the Willamette river they were unable to carry off a single Rondo, Independence, Lcukiitmute, Lincoln. in the morning to fiud every stitch of The face o f the country in this are liable to inundation, and there i- Lewisville, Monmouth, Rieiireal, Suit Creek ed. package. They left most o f their sad­ and Zeua. their clothing gone, together with four county is diversified and hilly, inter- hut a small portion of the land in this dles and provisions. Carr captured 150 dollars in money, the sum total of the U. 8. M ail leaves Dallas forSaleiuon Mon­ -per.-ed with numerous small pr dries, county that is inundated every year horses and mules, 8 lodges, 80 rifles day, Wednesday and Friday at 7 a. in . return bride groom’s cash. The happy couple iug same davs at ti p. m.: for Independence, or what might be more properly called F resh ets never occur in the spring or mil pistols, aud a number of camp are in trouble now. valleys of an alluvial deposit uud uuu • each Tuesday luoruing at <>; f r Salt Creek, summer in this county. equipages. • each Tuesday at I p m : for Lafayette, M >n- sual fertility. — There is a great flood now in the The Willamette river flows along the dav and Thursday at 3 p. m . returning Wod- — The cotton crop, from all accounts, A ’ hough there is not that vast ex­ Mi-sissippi river. Several houses have entire eastern border o f the county, nesay mid Saturday at 10 a. m.: for Corvallis, wi 1 reach or closely approach three been carried off. • Wednesday and Saturday at to a. rn , returning tent of broad prairie it. this county that from south to north. The Yamhill, Monday and Thursday at 3 p. m. gives so striking a feature to many of the Kickreal, and Luckiutnute flow million bales. — Owing to the prevalence o f cholera the great grain growing districts o f the through the county from west to east. — A new weekly paper, to be called and yeilow fever, hostilities are at an P R O F E S S IO N A L CA lì US. wist, stid the farmer from Indiana, Illi These streams, with their numerous the Anti Prohibitionist, is about to he end, for the present, in Cuba. nois, Iowa and Wi-oonsin would look tributaries o f fresh water from the established iu Bostou by the liquor — Baron Rothehild’s estate has been » . I). J C F F H I E S , M . I»., with astoni-liment and delight at the : p oaj,t R allge mountains, on the west. tr..dc. settled, aud amounts to «349,990,900 & Physician and Surgeon, beautMul fields of wheat, yielding from 8np(,jy every part of the county with --Governor Reed, of Florida, has it) gold. tw. nty to forty, and in m my instauces Watoraod plenty of i t ; and where i-siied his proclamation ordering an llo la , O regon . — A young lady in New Orleans im­ as high as sixty bushels to the acre, tree i ¡s ,,ot ou top uf the ground, it may election on the 2d day o f November, Special attention given to Obi tetri eg »ml from all those imperfections and diseases jJC ,*ol ^ur a feet below its surface, to take the senseof the people o f West agines herself a great statesman, and D is ci* »«* * nl Women. ltf that, for the past few years, hard prov. | 'pj)e temperature of this county is Florida on the question o f annexing annoys her family greatly by dressing in male garments and making harangues J . E . D A V ID S O N , > 1 .1 )., ed so injurious to that department of n)||j Fahrenheit’s thermometer, we that portion to the State to Alabama. from the front balcony whenever she in the older States, at d fur- , jM,|jeve never falls below zero, nor rises — It is proposed by the Cabinet to can elude their watch over her. Physician and Surgeon, industry wished an article of flour which c m he 1U()re tjnn „ ¡ nc,y degrees in the inh ib solve the Cuban question, by the Cu­ In d e p e n d e n ce , O gu . j produced only from the wheat of Ore — The St. Louis Democrat o f June ited parts of the county, and it is very bans purchasing Cuba, and the United gon. 30th says that 810,999 have been offer S R. JE SSU P , M. I)„ rare that either o f these extremes are States endorsing tho bonds for tho pur­ The industrious, thrifty husbandman, ed as a reward for the head o f Sam chase money. P h y s i c i a n a n d S u r g e o n , from the frosty c imate, bleak hills and reached. Hildebrand, the boldest desperado of The general health o f the county is Dalla», Oregon. — Rumors are rife of the annexation sterile soil of happy New England, ppovVsi6n«, clothing and groceries, Selma, Alabama. a recent unanatnous opinion o f the Su­ duced from these green hills and fertile are asin most o f the old States, SALEM , OREGON, — It is reported in New York that preme Court of Iowa, can he taxed, Will practice in all tbe Court« of Record and valleys of Oregon, capable o f eulnva- MercilaIltg iim] traders, at convenient Col. Ryan and u large body of men under a law of the State to that effect. Inferior Courts of this State. tion for many a montl^ while his own jut8 al, over the State, keep all these, eluded the authorities, aud are now ou OFFICE—In Watkinds A Co’s Brick, up native land is covered with frost and arlic|es lur sa|e> at reasonable prices — It is said that the bodies of the stairs. 1 their way to Cuba to assist the Cubans soldiers killed in the memorable Fort 8now- „ , The principal market for the produce of The immigrant from the sunny South, | tl,H CoUMt ig p orl|and. — The Cholera has made its appear- Kearny massacre have been found to ■ l.itritu A liv e r , an e in Hoboken, Jersey City anil New be petrified although not at first particularly struck Wc traDsiport hy t|ie Willamette riv- The victims o f that affair A T T O R N E Y S - A T - L A W , with the fertility of the soil, as he he 1 cr an(j b wa,roUd a distance of from York. numbered eighty-one, aud were buried holds . , , - the l . i luxuriant - - - - - i ttnt field* o f grain, j fifty to wi hty" niiles \ye have lour * D a lla s, O reg on . — The Internal Revenue Comm is- iti hexes, each box containing eight grass, fruit and veg' getahles, blending so ; d fluUri , lllills an(j nine saw mills si ner has decided that second hand bodies. OFFICE IN THE COURT HOUSE. 1 manifestly the productiveness o f the iu this cnuiity, with a woolen factory articles purchased, repaired aud sold by — A young lady o f Jefferson, Ohio, South with the healthy, invigorating at Eilcnd ilc. S U L L I V A N & WHITSON, tit** manufacturers must pay the same mistook a bottle of violet ink for per­ climate of the North; would, in our fer­ The miueral resources o f this county ta: us the new. fumery, in the darkness the other cve- A t f t f f M f l fc Counsellors-at-Law, tile valleys, smiling in almost perpetual are still undeveloped. Gold, silver, — A letter just received from Chief n*Dro an(^ Put some upon her handk* r D a lla s , O re g o n , green beneath the shadow of mountains copper, iron, and lead have been dis Jt stice Chase gives flattering accounts chief, which she used to wipe her face, W dl practice in all tbe Court.« of the State. 1 covered with snow, find a land where covered in small quantities in thiscoun- of the improved condition of South and, hastening to church immediately the northern lily blooms in its purity in ty, but nothing of the kind that would Carolina. He s»ys the people are fust after, she created an immense sensation. J , L. C O L L I*», the generous shadow of the southern pay. We have some fine saline springs reioperating from the effects o f the — Fresh butter sells at Soguin, Texas, A t t o r n e y atfd C o u n s e llo r-a t-L a w , rose. which would be very valuable if prop­ war, and, if permitted, would soon be for ten cents a pound, and eggs at five Folk county, with an area of 800,000 erly improved and managed, but as yet D allas O reg on . thiivingand prosperous. cents a dozen. acres, has about. 95.000 under cultiva­ nothing of consequence has been done — A grand daughter o f Daniel Web- Special attention fivon to Collections and to tion, and an assessable property o f 81,- — A storm in Iowa carried lour thou in the manufacture of salt. matters pertaining to Real Estate.________ * ettr was married at Westfield last w ?eek. sand feet.of lumber a distance o f about, 234 529, being an increase o f 8201,350 There is some vacant Government J A S . U. T l ' UNi.it. — Georgia is harvesting its wheat—- three miles, tearing the boards to bits within the last two years. Although ).m(j in tl)H coun,yt t,ut very little of LTCIIMM via 8 TAHl> as they flew through the air. this county has numerous good ware- vajue f or agricultural purposes. Some oDi o f the finest crops for years. tinHjar