POLK mm TIMB8. CO U N TY O F F IC IA L P A P E R . Fr»nk B. Stuart, : : : : t s Editor. D A L L A S , S A T U R D A Y , M A Y 1. T O S IG N A L S U B S C R IB E R S . W I I E U B H I L L IT ST O P ! TO T H E D E M O C R A C Y O F F O L K . C hanged H a n d s . — The In presenting this, our first issue, to H 'rald establishment has been purchas- iiig man who has watched the progress the Democracy o f Polk county, a f»w ed by M r- Sylvester Pennoyer, a thor- o f public affairs iu the United States thoughts suggest themselves to uJ with during the last few years cannot but reference to the in portauce and neccs °"ghpaced, live Democrat, who has been its editor in-chief since it was feci alarmed at the astounding increase sity o f their giving a liberal support to purchased by Mr. Weatherford. o f crime aud corruption that pervades a Democratic journal in their midst, Pennoyer is now its sole proprietor and every vein and artery o f the body poli­ so as to make it potent for good— not will continue to act as its editor. Any dispassionate, observing, think Mr. In Prior to completing the sale o f the tic— from the prostitution o f the pre- only to the general industrial interests Signal material we Lad refunded ad­ togatives of the Chief Executive, o f the community, but to the advance­ vance subset iptions to many of our pa­ through the hulls o f Congress, down to ment o f the interests of the Democratic • /A v trons. Under our arraugemeut with the most insignificant office in the Fed­ parly in Oregon. It is a well-known faeft that . Polk Mr. Stuart, proprietor o f the T i m e s , a eral Government. The various Depart bis hands wc are satisfied the growing ment offices have been degraded into county lias been the battle ground o f number of advance subscribers will be a system o f hospitals for the pauper the Democracy o f the State for many supplied in full for all they had paid on relations aud personal friends o f the years past. The proximity o f Marion the S gnut. Chief Magistrate. The halls of Con­ county«—the stronghold o f Oregon Iiad- In taking leave of journalism in Polk gress, from being the scene o f thu icali-m— and the overwhelming major­ county we cannot do less than return wisest and best legislation by the purest ity o f our political enemies therein, has thanks tor the liberal patronage bestow­ aud uoble-t of >tatesmen, has become, long beeu a source o f fraud and cor­ ed upon our enterprise, aud for the gen­ like the holy temple ol old, a market ruption, in controlling, or endeavoring eral promptness with which we have of money-changers and a deu o f thieves to control, the elections in this county been paid our dues. aud rubbers ; an auction mart, where a F. R. Stuart, Esq., wbo succeeds us, set o f depraved, perjured poliiical dem­ in the Radical iutcrest. Colonization, is deserving of a continuation o f the agogues, who have foisted themselves bribery, the foisting of unscrupulous knaves aud tools o f their own upon generous patronage accorded to us. upon the people only to misrepresent . . , r, . Democratic conventions anu Democratic J. II. UPTON . their interests; sell themselves, body meetings, for the purpose o f breaking Dallas, April 30, 1809. aud soul, to the highest bidder, aud be them up, or initiating any disgraceful come the tools o f the most odious mo­ SALUTE. nopolies. And this same system o f measure that might possibly result in best wishes for its success. fraud permeates every branch o f the producing demoralization iu the Demo- All h a il! prosperity of the Herald will be mate­ April 2Utb, at the residence of tbe bride’s father, by Elder II. M. Waller, Mr. A. B. Cocb- erhain, to Miss Elizubetli Williams, all o f Polk couDty. D IE D . At tbe residence of Mr. D. D. Hooker, in this county, April 12th, Mrs. Sarah Hooker, aged 83 yeHrs WIJLLIAifl tinue to be the leading exponent of Democratic principles in Oregon. Our B onds , p r o m is s o r y for tbe last few weeks in slurring each W e do not care to interfere in this family jar, and canno* help but what object N __ _____________________ q. B. STILE'L OTICE, cash or goods paid for County Orders, at ten per cent, discount. Livcrv and COOPER which they belong, but is interesting only to our mutual enemy. . .. J have peace.” “ Let us HEADQUARTERS! Main street, Opposite Court House, G ESN E ll, H ew S to re ! I H ew G oods! AM NOW PREPARED TO OFFER A large a«sortment of choice PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, WOODEN WARE, TOBACCO, FRUITS, CIGA R S YANK EE NOTIONS, Etc., Etc. ’ lic that their large STABLE in Also, a IN D E P E N D E N C E , General Assortment o f T in-w ar«, is constantly open for the of all those who may favor them with their patronage. 1 A t»ood B ook fo r A g e n ts ! _________________ G . OF TUB PACIFIC I design to keep only the CHOICEST and BEST articles and soil them at a Small Profit For Cash. M Y M O T T O .~ Q u ic k s a le , and «m ail profits« RESO URCES tfâ r Don’ t adverti-e ; it is a very bad plan. It will call attention to your place o f business, and it is much better & J OULD announce to the Traveling Pub­ no credit on themselves or the party to — stable. the journals in such a controversy. It certuiuiy reflects no more— is Feed C. B. S T I L E S ’ book IfO T ItE question have in view iu continuing j notes , A ccm nts. and ull other Claims made a specialty a.id promptly aollected. 1 and the Salem Press have been engaged jvonder D A V ID S O N , SPECIAL COLLECTOR OF CLAIMS. N o G o o d . — The Portland Herald other. A J E N N IN G S L O D G E No. 9 F . w V t A. M., Dallas, holds its regular com- /w rxm unications on the Saturday preceding | the Full Moon in each month, unless the moon fulls on Saturday—then on that day, at on# o’clock. Also, on tbe second Friday in eaeh month at 7 o'clock, P. M , for tbe purpose of improve­ ment of the Craft in Masonry, and Ihr such other work aa the Master may from time to time order. All Brethren in good standing aro invited to attend. By order of the W. M. Office, No. 64. Adjoining Telegraph Office, Front at., Portland, Ogn. rially stimulated, and that it will con­ dead ! public service. The -ituation and drift crat*c ra,‘ ^9' aru 0,1*y a ^ew aul0,,o tbc ; for people who wish to trade with you to and tlie verdict o f the Coroner's J u r y * o f affairs is well understood by the I mJ r*ad of di-honest and nefarious prac- , hunt you up. It gives your < ustomers I leading .nunds of both parties; but licc3 indulged in by the God-and-mor- exercise, and makes them healthy. Re­ is : “ Died o f W hite Pine fever !” alityites act oss the river, aided by their sides, if you advertise, somebody will The P o l k C o u n t y T i m e s now m akes while, on oue hand, Democrats are ma­ satélites on this side. buy up all your goods, and then you will its bow, nd scuds you all fair greetin':. k in g every effort to arouse the people To guard, then, against a continuance have to get more, which would be a great The enterprising citizens of PuR ! to a sense o f their danger, the R epu1»* o f this system o f political fraud aud bother to )ou. county could not think of getting along j iicun leaders are using their efforts to j blind the ua'iou to the true state of treachery, and to maintain the sacred- without havinga home journal iu their N e w M a i l S e r v i c e , — Petitions for j affairs. Once in a whi e, however. ness o f the ballot box within our limits, midst, eveu if its rapidly iucrea-iug 1 when the system operates so as to iu :t is the duty o f the Democrats o f Polk a tri-weekly mail service from Salem to business aud fleet-fi>oted general pros­ I volve S "in e o f their.lifpunlicun friends, to support liberally an otgan in this , Corvallis, via E o’ a, Independence aud perity did not demand such an oriran. some o f these same leaders cannot re. county which shall serve us a beacon Buna Vista are in circulation iu each of This being the case and having received strain themselves. Don Piatt, the light to warn them when such dangers the places named. The mail service the warmest encouragement from the i \V a-hingtou correspondent <>f the Ciu- threaten, aud which will use its utmost certainly is inadequate to the necessities, good people o f this region, we have ciunuti Commercial, one of the most influence to avert or thwart a iy aud all w<-‘ hope their prayer will be sue purchased from J. II. Upton, Esq , the daring of these spirits, and one of the machinations o f the enemy. Then let cessful. Signal office and material, aud will issue mu>t influential in the Republican party, every Democrat, who reads this, inline- therefrom, every Saturday afternoon closes a letter to toe ComrrLPrpint -m , , do « » Ins • duty « . in the . premises, . Garfield received the nomination closes a tciicr io me commercial as J iately and . hereafter, the P o l k C o u n t y T i m e s , f o l l o w s : I . o f the late Republican convention for j if not already a subscriber to his county 1 fur which we solicit a continuance ol for Wa.-hir.gton Territory, -W il l! Boutwcll in the Treasury and papcri immediately se„d on his name, dcl,- a,° the patronage so liberally bestowed on the House organized by Mr. Blaine in , , , _ . . , lie had better give up the race. With the interest o f the New England mot, and ‘ " ake au,c? d3 for h,s Past del;n' our predecessor. his notorious unpopularity, such an op. urgingup&B. his neighbors the To those who know us it is 5/ltiIcely uj.r^ita-dJWi Pennsylvania pig iron, we JtftQC’j ponent as Gov. Moore, and the Democ ol »vest may Mr,^L»kr-~u»irps on j | necessity that they shou'd sho of the West ’p3~on ¿6 necessary to*say (hat the T i m e s will be nc is sure the willows and sufier outrage and Ret every Democrat in the county thus racy ol VV a - Te'i'i'.ViVj strictly Democratic, and that our every wrong f«»r the next four years. The . , to be distanced. one to further of effort politically will be in advocacy The vast power o f thr General Oovcro act as a P a c i f i c R a i l r o a d . — From a dis­ the interests of the T im e s , by sending o f the principles and interests of tbe ment will be driven with merciless vig­ or over our pmstrute trade, to enrich on subscriptions, and no effort shall be patch dated the 23d inst. wc learn that Democratic party. the already wealthy monopulists o f New wanting on our part to make it an orglifr at that date only twenty miles o f road­ As this is chiefly an agricultural Euglaud aud Pennsylvania. Our grain worthy the support o f the Democracy building were wan ing to complete the county, we will furnish from time to may rot iu our hams, and our sheep be and a credit to the community «gen­ connection between the Union Pacific time such hints and scraps of in forma kil(pd to save the tallow aud pelt, while our party has nearly two thirds of a erally. and California Central roads, and that tion iu that line, as may be deemed majority in Congress. The rich grow the gap would be filled Jt>y to day. suitable in this locality. richer and the poor grow poorer P r o c l a i m i n g H i s O w n I n f a m y .— “ I can tell nty political friends at the George L. Woods heads the list o f the Each week the T im es will contain, Don Piatt, correspondent o f thc Cin West that the day is uot distant when I Directors of the East Side Company in in addition to political, miscellaneous all the glories of the late war and all their answer to the rcmoustrance o f S. cinnati Commercial (Republican), say*: and family reading, a synop-is o f all | the uobie impulses in behalf o f colored G. llecd, in which they denominate We have n > cud of r »g' cs.and an equal the most important and interesting humanity will uot save us. A sickened “ the Secret Agreement ” made bv six number of as*es, in our organization, Eastern and Pacific coast news that » „ 1 J u r i e d people will be »ore I, - o f the ¡«corporators o f the West S i d e 1 tl)at wouW stea, thc ,ast ccnt from the tem p «ted to hanu the Government over Company as a “ gross fraud. Now „ ... may como under our notice. Treasury and drive u?s to the devil. to tho hated Copperheads.” what can the people think o f this man W c also propose making the local Woods when they are told that he him­ Tho Albany Nimrods ar« having fine sport department o f the T imes a specialty ; TO O U R R E P U B L I C A N 1 R I E N D « . self was one o f the parties that signed with thc Calapooia trout. Herald. that “ secret agreement This act of and to that end we ask our friends in This is the first intimation we have In entering upon this enterprise we deliberately publishing one’s own self every precinct of the county to lend us have received warm encouragement as a scoundrel over his own signature, received that thc “ mighty hunter” ^ I • * i g. i . • I their assistance, by f>rwardiug to this to “ b ob” for trout. from public spirited Republicans iu aud evidences a degree o f moral turpitude condescended office, at their earliest oonveuieQce, of which wc did not deem even Woods Will thc Solon o f the Herald enlighten about Da!las. The rapid settling up guilty.— Herald. eyery item o f local or geueral interest v of the county and the proportionate in­ that may corue within their knowledge. D e a d . — W e le^rn that Mrs. Abbott, crease o f business demands the services R e v i v a l . — It is reported that Mr. N o matter in what shape it comes, so of a local journal, as every one alive P. D. Hull, of Jacksonville, a practical wife o f the editor o f the S’ate Rights you scud us the facts. The balance we to his own and the general interests is printer, has purchased a controlling in­ Democrat, died at Albany last week will attend to. eager to acknowledge As men who terest in the press and material o f the after a painful and protracted illness. Having f»reshadowed thus far what have mixed up much in the world well late Reveille, and will resume the pub­ The bereaved family have our sympathy we intend the T imes to be, we now know, there is one interest that is nearer lication o f a Democratic journal at that in their misfortune. send it forth, trusting to its merits alono and dearer to most strict business men place under the editorial control of for the desired success o f our enterprise. Hon J. S. Smith has introduced than any other, t. c ., self-interest. Oi Hon. J. D. Fay. W e hope this is true. The T imes will be forwarded regu course our Republican friends don’ t Mr. Fay is probably more thoroughly a bill in Congress to exteud the land larly to all the old sub-ci ibers o f the expect any political fa vors at our hands, identified with the policy and'interests grant, made to the Railroad company Signal unless they are ordered discon­ unless kicks and cuffs (not physical) of the Democracy o f Oregon than any from Sacramento to Portland, as far be­ tinued, which we hope will not occur might be so term id ; on thc other haud, other man in the State, and his well yond as the mouth o f the Columbia in many cases. they know we will tread on their toes known ability cannot fail to make the river. The gentlemen who acted as agents as often as we can, with our heel on enterprise a success- The first number It is a startling fact that the office for the Signal are requested to act in their corns as frequently as possible. will be issued sometimo iu June or holders in this country, exclusive o f the the same capacity for the T i m e s . But notwithstanding we assume this July, when all “ policy men” and time­ army and n a v y , appointed by the Pres belligerent attitudo, otherwise thaD servers had better stand from under. ident, number 80,000, and it takes The Washington Territorial politically their interests are identical 810,000,000 annually to pay them! Democratic Convention met on the 22d There are twenty-five thousand men. more with ours and those o f the community or less, employed upon the Cential Pacific and inst. at Vancouver nnd nominated Mar Joseph James, ol Buffalo, N. Y , at large, and «>ur efforts will be unflag Union Pacific Hailroeds. on the Great Plain. This army will be let lnoge in a few weeks, aud shall F. Moore for delegate. The Con who a few weeks ago presented Grant ging iu their behalf. I f they prosper what will become of i t ? — Ex. ▼entioo then chose O. B. McFadden. the community is benefited thereby, Oregon will receive with open arms with an elegant pair o f boots, is tobe Levi Sheldon, J. L. Rankin, E. S. Fowl and our prosperity is increased in pro­ the white portion of it. The Chinese appointed an Assessor o f Internal Rev­ er, Frank Clark, F. P. Dugan and L. portionate ratio. On thc other hand, if division o f it may go to— well, any­ enue. H Gordon as the Territorial Central the influence o f a journal tu the county where they pler.se, bo they leave our Thc rebel Gen. Longstreet, whom Committee. is a benefit to the community, they fair laud. Burlingame’s bosom, for Grant recently appointed Surveyor of A . J. Cain waa nominated for Prose participate iu the increased prosperity. instance. ________________ the port o f New Orleans, is a relative cuting Attorney in the 1st District, J. With the exception o f the oue fea­ W a n t e d .— Information o f Sanford of Mrs Grant. B. LaDu in the 2d and J. P. Judson in ture, politics, we hopo to make the K . Myers, »vho emigrated to this coast the 3d. « A negro aud a carpet-bagger from T imes as acceptable to Republicans in 1850 or 1851 from Eureka, Illinois. New l Tork are rival candidates for the T h a n k s . — W e are indebted to B. J. as to Democrats, and a source o f pleas­ He was at one time mining in Southern position o f postmaster at Columbia, S, C. Pengra, Esq., for valuable documents ure aud profit to every household it Oregon and was in the Indian war o f and maps relative to the railroad inter­ enters. W e therefore look to the R e ­ The new Secretary o f the Navy has publicans for a fair share of support, 1852. He can hear o f something to ests o f Oregon, also to Senator WiU feeling confident that time will prove his advantage by communicating with posted up a notice that there are no liama tot pub. docs. us worthy o f it. vacancies in his department. Hon J. N. T. MiUer o f Jacksonville. The Signal is M V F H IE D . Portland S L O P E ! A Statistical aud Desciiptive Summary of the Mines and Minerals, Climate, Topography, Ag­ riculture. Manufactures and Commerce o f the Pacific States and Territories, including LOW­ ER CALIFO RN IA, MEXICO, B R ITISH COLUMBIA and ALASKA, DRUG B. S T IL »«. STORE. N orthw est C orn er Main and M ill Sts«» D A L L A S , OGN. By HON. J. ROSS BROWNE, p u r c h a s e d the o l d s t a n d formerly belonging to W. S. Robb, and wishing to live and let live, I will sell at low rates, FOR CASH, everything in my Hne: Complete in One Large Octavo Volume of 874 pages; Price, $4 1)0. D ru g * , P a te n t M e d ic in e «, This is the Cheapest Work ever offered in this market to Subscription Ageuts, and it is compact with useful information, invaluable to MERCHANTS, FARM ERS, MECHANICS, et •, and is of deep interest to ALL CLASSES. Published by II. IS. B a n c r o ft A Co., 1 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. N EW DRUG STORF. L. A . B O B » , Begs leave bv announce to tbe public of ; Polk County. that be has ju s. opened a v in g H And all kinds of PURE LIQUORS, pnt np expressly for Medicinal use. P E R F U M E R IE S OF ALL K IN D S . A lso. Soda, Cream Tartar, Salcralus, Sago, Bird Seed, Paints, Oils, Varnishes , Brushes, Domestic Dyes, Washing Powders, And everything else that is kept in a FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE. B . F . N I C H O L S , Druggist. A t Eiitleppiidcin e A COM PLETE A SSO R T M E N T FARMERS^ STORE ! OP DRUGS, m U > lC IX K 3. p a in M oney T s T O IL S , D Y F -S T U F F , Ac., &c.. Which be proposes to cheapest. Give him a call. r jV I I E LARG EST AND BEST STOCK OF D ry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, and Crockery, sell cheap as the f>2-«tf M F It C I I A A D I S I. V ahdl ’ vx , Saved Î J ohn S ohhhhvllh . | 11” b“ ° “ P',lk C’ '’ “ ’ f 'R O \ R Si W O L F ’S V a n clu y n & S o m m e r t in e , New two story building at INDEPENDENCE, which wc will sell CHEAPER than the CHEAP­ I N D E P E N D E N C E , Oregon. EST. »»e arc prepared through recent arrange­ D EALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE A full Stock of Goods constantly on hand to suit the varied wants of tho People. ments made in San Francisco, to find constant sale for all kinds of Produce, and paying the highest market price for WHEAT. Wc also have in connection with onr etore, A LARGE W AREHOUSE, where we offer storage on good terms. We also keep Tho Highest Market price paid for MOLINE and BOSTON CLIPPER FLOW S. C ountry Produce. CRONE A WOLF. We also have in connection with the Store a large G u a r d ia n ’« S a le . WAREHOUSE, with track extending to the River, and are pre­ pared to receive and Forward Freight for 7 5 ce n ts p e r toil. 3tf VANDUYN A SOM MERVILLE. \ L H r i l t » ! Y E W GOODS ! H EW STYLES! A.\D R E D U C E D P R IC E S AT THE OLD HEADQUARTERS OF W . C . B R O W IV , Brick Store, Main street, opposite the Conrt House, Dallas, Ogn. E HAVE JUST RECEIVED TIIE Largest and most Complete stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE Ever brought into Polk county, including .->pnnii and Summer goods of tho Latest Styles, wtiicb we are defermiood to sell as Cheap, or Cheaper than those of less inducement. We have a very fine assortment of L 4 U IE S * T R IM M E D I N pursuance o f an order made by the County Court of Polk county, Oregon, made April Term, a . n. 1869, the undersigned. Guardian of .Vary E. Lynch, minor heir of »V. W. Lynch deceased, will, ou Tuesday, the 8 th day o f Ju n e, A. b . 1869, at tbe Court House door in Dallas, in said county, between the hours of nino o’clock, a . m ., and four o’clock, p. m ., of said day, expose for public sale, for gold or silver c»in, to the highest bidder, thè one-third iatercst o f said ward, being her entire and un­ divided interest, of, in and to the following des­ cribed real estate, viz: Beginning 6.15chs North and 3.1Scbs »Vest o f the South-east comer o f section 16, T. 6 S., R. 6 W, of the »»’ illamette meridian, running thence North 41.¿Ochs, thence West 15.36chs, theuce South 78.87, thence East ¿I.Odchs, thence North 37 37chs, thenee »Vest 35-64chs, to the place of beginning, containing 228 29 100 acres, more or loss. Also the undiA^ded J of the following, viz: Being a part of tne donation land claim of N. T. Kennedy in T. 6 A 7, 8. of R. 6 k 7, »V. o f »Villamette meridian; Beginning at tho S. E. corner of Brown’s lot of land on said claim, naming theuce »Vest Ifi.OOchs, thence (outh S.UOchs, thence East lò.OOcbs, thence Noith 8.00cns, to tho place of beginning, con­ taining acres, more or less. All of said premises being situated in said county aud State. Sale to commence at one o'clock, r. M., of said day. T. J. DICKEY, Guardian, April 12th, 186». l w4 H ATS* t To which we invite the attention of the Ladies. A Iso, to our full stork of DRESS GOODS, con­ sisting of Silks. Irish and French Poplins, French Merinos, all wool Empress and half and all wool Delaines; and especially to our com­ plete assortment of Brass Buttons. Fringes, Gimps and Velvets o f all colors, our Ginghams, Lawns, Combri'-s, Swisses, etc., etc., iu grout variety. Wo call the attention o f GENTS and IIEADS OF FAMILIES to our fine assjrtmont of CLOTHING and HA RD WA RE, GROC ER IES and CROCKERY. Call and see us. You will always find us happy to see you, happier when we show you eur goods, aud happiest when we sell to you. W C. B R O W N 6i CO. Pallas, Polk county, April 30, 1(69. 1 WATSON & GRISWfcLL, A r c h ite c t s a n d P r a c t ic a l HOUSE CARPENTERS. / t I N D P E N D E N C E , OREGON, ILL take Contracts for Building Houses W of any description or size, in town | or country. Satisfaction guaranteed. E d u c a t io n a l N o tic e . Public examination of Teachers will take place ou tbe second Saturday of March, June, September aud December. J. H. MYER, 1 Supt. Common Schools, Polk Co.