POLK COUNTY TIMES. DALLAS, OREGON. SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1869. VOL. 1. Till] POLK (OiNTV TIMES Is Issued Every Saturday Afternoon at Dallas, Folk County, Oregon. OFFICE—Northeast corner of Main and Oak streets, fronting Academy Block. SUBSCBIPTION RATES. SINGLE VOPIFS— Ono Tear, $.1 00; Six Months, $2 00; Three Months, $1 00 . CLUBS will be supplied at the following rates:—Five Copies, one year, $13 75; Ten Copies, one vear. $.’5 00, and for any greater uuruLer at $2 50 per annum. Subscription must Le paid strictly in advance. ADVERTISING RATES. One square (10 lines or less), first insert’n, $3 00 Each subsequent insertion......................... I 00 » A liberal deduction will be made to quar­ terly and yearly advertisers. Professional cards will be inserted at $12 00 per annum. Transient advertisements must be paid for in advance to insure publication. All other advertising bills must be paid quarterly. ^ Legal tenders taken at their current value. Blanks and Job Work of every description furnished at low rates on short notice. Polk County Official Directory. P R O F E SSIO N A L CA RUS. , :~r~*?_~ * r?z rz. — r _ ' — *— W . D . J E F F R IE S , M. I)., PIiiA iciaii Kurj;eon, K ola, O regon. Special attention given to Obstetrics and Diseases of Women. Itf J . Ik D A V ID S O N , >1. D ., Physici.*i n «*ind Surgeon, Independence, 0<£ii. « It. J L SsiU P, M. D ., l P h y sicia n and burgeon, D allas, O regon. OFFICE—At residence, on Jefferson street opposite Academy Block. 1 R O A IIA 1 I el L Attorneys & Counsellors-at-Law, SA LEM , OREGON. OFFICE IN TIIE COURT HOUSE. 1 €. (i. C IR L , Attorney and Counsellor at-Law, SA L E M , O R EG O N , Will practice in all tbe Courts of Record and Inferior Courts of this State. OFFICE—In Watkinds & Co’s Brick, up stairs. 1 H atdeii St Slyer, ATTO RVK VS -A T - LAW , D allas, Oregon. OFFICE IN TIIE COURT HOSSE. 1 SULLIVAN & WHITSON, Attorneys & Counsellors-at-Law, D allas, Oregon, Will practice in all tbe Courts of tho State. L T C L ’ ROUS VINE 1 ARI> | 1 J A S . II. T E R S E R . V ineyard A Turner« A T T O R \ K T » -A T - L AIV, D allas, Oregon. OFFICE—On Main street, one door north of the Dallas Hotel. 1 J. L. COLLINS, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, D allas. O regon. Special attention given to Collections and to matters pertaining to Real Estate. 1 J. A ■ AFFLEUATC. | J A S . MCCAIH. A pplegate A R eC ain, A TTO R N EY S -A T - L A W , D allas, Polk County, O gn. 1 Not to the man,of deeds, Not to the man of cunning, Nut to the man of creeds; Not to the one whose passion Is for the world's renown, Not in form of fashion. Cometh a blessing down. Not cate land’s expansion, *' Not to the miser’s chest, Not to the princely mansion, to the blazoned crest; 'N it to the sordid worldling, Not to the knavish clown. Not to tbe haughty tyrant, Cometh a blessing down. Not to the folly blinded. Not to the steeped in same, Not to ihu c.trnal minded, Not to unholy fume; Not in neglect of duty, Not to the monarch’s crown, Not at tde smile of beauty, Cometh a blessing dowu. But to one whose spirit Yearns for the great and good; Unto the one whose storehouse Yielded the hungry loud; Unto the one who labors Fearless of foe or frrwn; Unto the kindly hearted, Cometh a blessing down. RICH CRI MI NAL TH IAL. Folk county covers an area of about 1,250 square miles. Number of \oters, 1,227. Acres of land under cultivation, 93.270. Value ot as-C'-jblo property, $1,234,629. The Land Office for this District is located at Oregon City—Owen Wade, Register; Henry Warren, Receiver. Co1 mtv OrriCKits. — Commifionen, E. C. Dice. it. Tatein: Judge, J. u. Collins: Sheriff* J. W. Mnith : Clerk, J. I Thompson: Assessor, •I. Davi»: Trr-‘iitrer, R. M. May; School Su• j t e r i n ' t J. II. Myer; Surveyor, L. Burch: Coroner, C. D. Einbrec. T erms or Cor nr.— Circuit Court, R. P. Boise Judge, convenes in Dallas oil the 4th Monday in April and 3d Monday in November. County Couit convenes on the 1st Monday in each month. N otaries P i blic .—T. Pearce, Eola; W. W. Boone, Independence: J. L. Collins, Dallas: II. N. George, Buena Vi.-ta. P ost O ffice T own ».— Dallas (county seat). LQL^lodcpcnde:.c;• 7 -V|',i7out!i. TiuenaJ»ISl'dr Piitt’tiT^'ridgeport, Kina, Grand Ruiide, Lawn Arbor, Luckiamuto and Salt Creek U. S. M ail leaves Dallas for Salem on Mon­ day, Wednesday mid Friday at 7 a in., rcturn- iug same davs nt f> p. m.; fur Independence, each Tuesday morning at f>; for Salt Creek, each Tuesday at Ip m ; for Lafayette, Mon­ day and Thursday at 3 p. in., returning Wed- nesay and Saturday at 10 a ui : for Corvallis, Wednesday and Saturday at 10 a. m., returning Monday and Thursday.at 3 p. in. éjr. . .' BY M ART T. T Y L E R . Not to the man of dollars, PUBLISHER, P. R. STUART, WHO ARE THE BLES8ED 1 A few days since, says the Oregon« tan, a criminal trial was had iti W ush- in^ton county which, in 8 <>uie respects, was about as rich a tiling as was ever published in “Harper’s Drawer.” The story goes that a young woman living with an elderly coup e was awakened in the uiulit by somo person tickling her feet. She set earned «and the fellow si >ped ; but before getting out of hear­ ing he coughed, aud she ihouahv she knew a young man who had such a cough. So the next day she told the old lady, who of course was indignant. 1 ’lie young man with a cough was ar- rcstea and taken before a magistrate, on the charge of attempting a rape 1 'lic Justice hcarjjLlhs.-kuU^M*S~ap,1 IDs missed^ b< > tTT the charge and the prisoner; whereat the old lady got on the rampage and wanted to know if the mythical young lady called Justice was living or dead; if living, where was she hiding herself, and if dead, where had they laid her ashes? In short, the old lady kicked up such a row that the magistrate got scared and concluded to expose the young man with a cough once more to the perils of the law. He accordingly oidered him again brought in (without any new warrant) and had a jury summoned; the jury heard the evidence and disagreed. Another jury was Called and attain they disagre d. Finally, leaving the juryim-ti to go their w\>ys, the niagi-trate summoned two justices to sit with him in the trial; one of them went and sot; the other forgot to go. The result of the latter trial was. the young /man with a cough was found guiity and fined 85 and costs. Young man with a cough said he had not the spondulics to pay and that the Justice would have to send him to jail! Magistrate declared he never would send him to jail; never! he must pay or get security. Young man with u cough was firm as a mule; he wouldn't pay; he wouldn’t get security; he would go to jail. “Never,” said the magistrate; * if you can't get it any other way, I’ll resign nty office and go your bail myself” How the matter was settled, we have not yet learned« Du­ ring the trial, a controversy arose he- tween the opposing counsel as to wheth­ er Wharton or Greenleaf were the bet­ ter authority as to some point in crira in .l evidence. This quarrel was settled finally by one of the coutisel, who ex­ hibited to the magistrate a met chant's catalogue of law hooks for sale, in which Wharton appeared in the column above Greenleaf. The Justice declared that satisfactory, and that Wharton would be recognized as authority in his court in preference to the other. When a number of foreigners were recently presented to the Pope at the Vatican, a little American boy four or five )ears of age was introduced with the rest. When th° little fellow was led up the Pope seemed pleased with his bright, intelligent face, and kind'y raised his foot higher than usual, so that the bof might njore easily kiss the cross upon his toe. The youthful Pro­ testant did not understand it to be an evidence of favor. He straightened himself up as if his dignity had been compromised, looked full in the eves of the Pope, and answered sharply, "No, Sir, J won't Jo it/ ’’ The Americans and English present endeavored to pre­ serve grave countenances, while the Pope smiled good humoredly and ex­ claimed, “Americano/ ” tG F Judicious advertising ii the sur« est road to success in business. A NUT TO CRACK. P A T . J . M ALQNE. Late Telegraphic News. We give, says the Pitsburgh (Pa ) Many of ourretders have no doubt A terrific storm passed over tbe West on Post, for the Radicals to crack, the fol. been victimized more or less by the April 20. extending from northern luwa, as far as Chattanooga, Tenn. Hail fell at St. lowing maxims against so called proteC swindle« whose name heads this article, south Louis of iiuinen?e size—many thousands of tion, concentrated “in a n tshell” by windows were broken — hundreds of hor.-es ran the New York Evening Post, one of they will therefore be more interested away—and the damage at St. Louis is near At Dubuque u vast amount of prop­ the very ablest organs of thetr party : than surprised at the following detail* $100,900. erty was destroyed, houses were carried The whole use of Government is to of a forgery case for which* he was ar­ awuy—oue man was and killed, and s number in­ make thiug 9 cheap. It maintains civil jured. At Indiaunpolis the Ceutral Railroad depot was blwwn down, and a watchman killed order, it protects citizens from violence rested at San Francisco, a couple of —several other employes injured. In Ken­ weeks since. We copy from the Morn- and fraud, it saves to them the time and tucky the stqrm was very severe—several tres­ labor each man would have to give to ing Chronicle: tles on lines of railroad were partially washed away, one freight train was wrecked—no his own protection, if there were no The fact? a« developed in tbe forgery on the loss of and lives, as far as heard from. A dispatch and county treasury, referred t » in this from Nashville. government. It thus makes a man’s city says the storm did great morning’s issue, arc of tho most extraordinary labor more productive, enabling him to character, and will awaken more than usual damage—roofs of Tenn., houses were blown off. and and trees prostrated. The damage, buy more comforts with it ; that is to surprise is they are uiado public. The statute fences when all parts of the country are heard from, provides lor a phonographic reporter for each sty, it makes things cheaper to him. Distii <-1 Court iu the State, each one being will no doubt count up by millions of dolUrg. No governuit-ot can do more for its sub­ appointed by the Judge o» the Court. In civil Reports from Montreal, Guelph, Dundas, other places iu Canada, say the rivers and jects than this. When any government eases the contending parties pay the fees es­ and watercourses have risen to an immense height, ceases to make things cheaper than they tablished by law, $10 per day, for taking notes, from np of the ice and heavy and twenty cents per folio for writing them up. w’ould be without it, it becomes a uuis- In criminul cases tbe county pays the costs. rains. the The breaking couutry is inundated, and much destroyed. auee. P. J Malone ha 9 occupied the position of re­ property Extended accounts of inundations from What is called “ protective legisla. porter of tbe Fourth District Cour> for several nearly all eastern rivers are received ; railroad Yesterday atternoon, Mr. Ashbury, of travel on some points tion” is a tax law who«e object is to years. entirely suspended. The the Finance Committee of the Board o' Super­ Hudspu River Railroad is submerged at vari- make thing-« dear. It renders labor visors, called upon Judge Sawyer and inquired ous points. Several bridges on the Central less productive ; that is, it enables ihc w hether the hills of Mr. Malone were not incur Railroad carried away. Travel is entirely rect. The Judge replied that they wer« not ; protce'ed producers to get more labor that he hud scrutinized them carefully before suspended. were Saratoga is five feet under water. for their goods, in order that the sur indorsing them, aud that they were in strict The Tribune's Montreal special sajsan order of the British troops from Cana­ plus above the natural price of their accordance with law. One the bills was for of da, withdrawal in next, by well informed per­ * 10 , for one days work in tubing notes of the goods m;«y enrich them. If the law testimony in the tiial of George Chaboit tor ilous to he withheld is said tor a while, but there will does not make things dearer than they murder, tho other was for $(> 0 , lor the case of be, however, eonsid« rable change iu the uiili- tuiy stations. It is regarded both curious and would be without it, its «»bject is not Ah Kow. In the lust-uamed ca-e the defend­ unaccountable. Transfers of tho troops from ant was convicted of murder in the firjt degree, attained, nothing is protected. Its and the law required that the testimony should Montreal to Quebec, which has beeu ordered, whole purpose is to diminish the amouut be. written out to he sent to the Governor The and a general order from tbe Horse Guards of con fort a man’s labor will buy. The bill therefore embraced $10 a day for tak­ directing the retuin of their regiments to Eng­ notes, and $50 for writing out 250 folios, land aud foreign stations has uow beeu with­ Thus the object of government is to at ing twenty per folio. Alter giving this drawn. make things cheap; the object of “ pno explanation, cents the Judge was surprised to learn Considerable uncertainty prevails in conse­ lection” is to make things dear. Tbe from Mr. Ashbury ttiat cadi of Maloue’s quence of adi.-p.ituh from Loud m saying that called for over two hundred dollars. The the United Stales has made i demand on the two are in irreconcilable contradiction, bills two men repaired at ouce to the office of the British Government for an explanation in the and every man who advocates “ piotec- Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. It was •Mary Lowell affair. It is looked upou as tive” tax laws is, to the full ex'ent of there discovered that after the printed forms another speck of war. French Canadians continue to leave for that advocacy, an enemy of his govern of demand on the treasury bud been filled up tbe The United States. The annexation question and indorsed by Judge Sawyer they lueni aud his country. His influence correctly were altered by placing the figure “ 1 ’’ before is still agitating the public mind. is given to defeat the very cuds for the " 250,” increasing the number of folios by The Herald's Washington special declares which society is orgaiized among men * -i.WQ* al)^ placing the figure” 2 ” before the that the Government is making active prep­ figure “ I0'u and the figure “ fiO,” making one arations for war on Cuba. \ We would respectfully inquire of document a detuaud And the other a The Tribune's special says the GovcrnmdJ^t the Post whether enforcing the pay demand for $2fiU. Judge Sawyer decided at will preserve strict neutrality. a formidable J:*:. merit of the five-twenties, in gold, is once that the »Iterating werc ¡„ Malone’s haul . * It is said Orleans lor t” . *t'uu,“oU PrePar‘ .*“*-. ^ytP^ofmer accounts were examined ing at Nt * -.J- : - ’_ „uba, to St* under com­ not “protective legislation,” also?— "JD.1 and it was iound that the last demand present­ mand of Gen. Steadman. It is also iatimated Whether it docs mft"protect the special ed, which originated iu the trial of W. Oregon that the authorities arc taking no trouble to a similar forgery had been successfully prevent its sailing. interest of a few at the expense of Smith, perpetrated the motley hud been drawn by- A Washington special says it is confiden'ially everybody else, increasing taxation and Malone, and and a receipt for $290 bad been sigued declared that a peremptory demand will be making things dear, rendering labor by him when he was entitled to $90 only. Iu made on the authorities of Cuba for of the cases the fraud was for $200. The the immediate Spanish less productive and defeating the true each release of the brig Mary Lovell, rg^ n of this uuitoruiity is apparent. Maloue and surrender ot tbe two passengers taken objects of government ? court not by, prefixing a figure add less than from the Lizzie Majors. A refusal of the de­ 1,000 folios, which at 20 cents each make the mand will be followed by hostile demonstra­ B u sin e ss M en — While Benjamin $ 200 . Tke services of District Attorney Byrne tions of the navy. Pn whom the King of Prussia recently conferred the order of the Red Eagle. Miss Mary Louise Warner, aged fourteen, is the most popular barber in Lansing, Michigan. She is established in her own shop. Several of the war vessels of our navy hsvo been oidercd from ihc Pacific to the Atlantic. Smelling furnaces will be built this summer at Denver, Colorado, to reduce iron ore. Rich gold discoveries are reported to have been made recently on Green river, about 300 miles below the point where the Union Pacific Railroad crosses that stream. The report goes that the remains of men and horses are to be seen in the locality of the discovery, which gives rise to the opinion that the mines were discovered at a previous period, the dia- coverers having perished, and that tho remains referred to arc those of the party. The Navajo Indians arc said to have formed an alliance with tho Pah Utah? and Hualapiaa and taken possesion of southern Utah and all that strip of country north ot tho Colorado, and propose carrying on a wholcsalo system of plundering, murdcriug and robbing. As there are several white settlements in that section, fours are entertained that many settlers will h* slaughtered. The result of the geological survey, under Prof. Hayden, of the coul fields of Wyoming and Colorado, is being published at Washiug- ton. These coal fields cover thousands of acres, and aro from fiveTo fifteen feet in thick­ ness. The Union Pacific Railroad runs through the best or them. Tbe Huntsville (Texas) Tima says : “ If the woilhless carpet-baggers und scallawags who are here for the purpose ot writiug lies about crirno and outrages were only out of the country, our State and couutry at largo would soon be blessed with peace and prosperity,” The banking business flor rishes in LaCrossc. The Democrat says there are in that city two faro banka, three keno csrablishmcnia and seventeen other guinbliug institutions. In the Union Pacific Railroad and Fisk Jr. trial, David Dudley Field asserted that the Union Pacific Railroad ring had realized a profit of $10,000 per miie from Government subsidies, which amount the)’ had already di­ vided among tbt m.-elves. A six hundred and torty-five acre plantation, hut twenty-one miles lrom Charleston, S. C., 3 cId lately for $S00. The Democratic State Central Committee of Pennsylvania kaa decided to call a convention for July 14th, to nominate a Gubernatoii&l can« did a to. Tho recent consolidation of the infantry forces of the United States leaves but two reg­ iments of colored troops in the service.