I I i a THE W EST YOUR HO HE PAPER S U P P O R T IT L VOL. X I I . FLO R EN C E, OREGON, F R I P A Y . G E N E R A L D IR E C T O R Y T R A V E L E R S ’ GUIDE. S T A T E O FFIC E R S- STEAM ER T R A V E L E R S ’ GUIDE M A R G U E R IT E , A D E C E M B E R 27 TOO MUCH T=? T T T T x T T T i T ? s t a g e L IN K . r-T -r-w 4 A D V E R T IS L k S « SIUSLAW’S ONLY PAPZB. 4 VJ O P P O R T U N IT Y 1901. ARIZONA K1CKLETS. NO. 3». maine druggist ’ s dodge . B kr WHAT HAS BEEN QOINQ OfJ IN THE OULCH RECENTLY. Exercise is us bad as too little for (be growing girl, n U very easy fur her to overdo, and this is tbtxcialiy dangerous at that critical jMwicxi of a young girl's A B a i . k a t l a l s r s . l l a a s a g l . l v e l r „ W e .I.r a life when she crosses the line of woman- 1 I t e m * F , u » , k . l- d llu r , W b tt A l . . a r a W r tta a * 1 1 « - hood. It is uot an o u t F r t r oa uncommon thing to lay the foundation I Copy right, 1901, by C. R. Lewis J for years of after T’nck* Jim Wheeler has got beck from misery by neglect of necessary precau­ Halt Luke. He cek-uleted to make bin tions at the first , home there, but as he stutter* and as he was shot at four tliuee In one week ” change of life." The use of Dr. for H-s-Mtut tut tutterlug he deckled to P ie rc e 's F a v o rite c-c-come buck to the C-G-Gulch. Prescriotic i not only establishes regular- ! W e don't lick stump, ou letters at this itv, b u t t g iv e s poatoltlce unless customers cun show health to die entire woinanl) »rgaiium. Us I hut they ure touguelese. Any one It is the o«st medi­ cine for d is e a s e s peculiar to women ' because it cures the I c a u s e s o f disease ; completely and per- , uiuneiitly. ’’ Favorite Prescrip- 1 tio n ” contains no [ a lc o h o l, n e i t h e r opium, cocaiuc nor ; any other narcotic. It cannot disagree with the most deli­ cate constitution. j M e la W t t t t a * t o A re a » « SH v o r F l e o C e a t l* le e e o . , REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. The Florence Real Eelale Agenci lias bargains to otter in the folio* mg property. A druggist of Fustlne. lie ., has solv­ ed the problem of what to do w ith (lie KW aeree on upper North Fork, «lumi annoying little 5 cent silver pieces R E G U L A R D A I L Y T R IP S which have beeu the haue of traders 1^ “ h les from Florence. About 40 xi-r- —— between —— for a uuuitH-r of years. It Is said that bottom, -1 or five acres of it cleared, an Stage Leaves Steamboat Landing on these colus ore more couiuiou I d Maine a small barn on place. Couveniaut .<, the Um pqua for Florence Saturdays. than In any other state because not « bool. County road crosses Ute laud only are the people o f the atate afflict­ Returning, Stage Leaves Florence 23»i acres of land fronting about I«4 ed with their full share of Uulted m ile on Siuslaw river, about 6 mi:«-- Sundays. btates mlullug. but innumerable speci­ above Acme. A good bouse aud barn, S T E A M E R L IL L IA N E xtra Trips When Necessary mens made In Canada, the m aritim e provinces aud Newfoundland tind their a young orchard, and 15 acres clear» ------ MAKKM DAILY TRIPS------- Charges Reasonable. way ucroas the Itorder and circulate Conveuient to school. $1000 worth uuioug the disgusted tradespeople until tim ber on the land. About 20 head From M apleton to F loren ce their patience und the colus are worn cattle w ill, the place. Steamers to out. Early last spring u local druggist ; from Florence pass every day. Prit ------ AND RETURN.------ C O U N T Y O FFIC E R S- culled attention to the fact that be did including iarm , stock and machinery l.raves Mapleton ut 7 A. M. Hot object to the tabooed currency by *3500. Jx*MV4M Florence nt 2 P. .M. ' putting out tlie following ambiguous H . It. K incaid. ' 100 acres, five miles south of Elorencv J u<>»1 T lir «l«xtor>- said it w a s th e F or fu rther inform ation inquire Um-d’s office in Florence. w orst < tse o f in te r n a l trou b le th e y e v e r Lad. I pieces on liiui. 1 know lie doesn't w ant Several m illion feet ol good fir tim ber on P re s id e n t.............. .......... Marion M oiris decide«’ to w r ite t«> y o u for h elp , I rece iv e d a .L ami thill's Just why I give it to him. Hie place. Price »1600. Tim e w ill be - OF r \ eticou r g in ij r e p ly an d c o m m e n c e d tr e a t­ f E. A. E vans, All through freight on the stage v m c en t ut o n c e . I bad in»t u«cd v o u r ‘ F a vorite In nine cuses out of ten when he llnda given ou part if desired. I W . I I . W ertlierson, P r e scr ip tio n ’ n w e e k b efore 1 b tg a u to feel A. W . B E A D L E & CO. Board of Trustees. e ith e r way between Eugene aud b etter, an d . av I c o n tin u e d , m y h e a lth g r a d u a lly w hat 1 have done he w ill look around j 80 acres of timber land about four j W in. Brynd, M apleton, will be charged at the im p r o v e d , am i iv im p r o v in g e v e r y d a y .” the store for a chance to sjiend it agalu. miles from Acme aud I L. Christensen. 22 M arket St, m ile from 8ius In this way I get 5 cents' worth of D r . Pierce’s Common Sense Medical rate of two cents per pound d u rin g law river. Has a large quantity of fir an.1 Recorder.................. . ........ C . C. B elm ke San Francisco, Californit the m onths of October, November, Adviser, in paper covers, is sent frv e on trade that would not have come to me WE IHM'T LICK HT1M1-S. receipt of 21 one-cent stam ps to pay T reasurer .............. .............. O. W . Hurd If 1 hud not passed the silver piece. I t i cellar timber which can be easily bauled December, Ja n u a ry , F ebruary, expense o f m ailing only. Atldresa Dr. who thinks It a part of our duties as is a small thing, lint I have liicreuM-d to the river. Price *600. M a rs h a l.................. ..........G . C. C um pton M arch and April, and one cent per R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y. ixistmaster can complain to the |x>st- 12« acres of tide .m l bottom l.n.1 my trade more than *100 this season m ustrr general and be banged to blml pound during tin; months of May, by putting out that notice. There la i fronting on the Siuslaw river about unit Ju n e , J u ly , A ugust and September. 1 some pro lit In *lts i worth of trade, even miles above Florence. A large, S E C R E T S O C IE T IE S . M rs . R. E. K a n o f f , An Individual known aa “ Kansas If the dealer is a druggist. I'm more frame bouse a good b a r n a n i „ V Tom ” got out of town last Monday than »50 to the good ou account of that „„-bar,I of 11 ace» on the plal-e ^Ak,"u night Just teu minutes too quick for F. A A. M . Florence Lodge No. 107. N O T A R IE S. aigu.”—New York Suu. | 20 acres have be... plowed. Steamer io Regular communication on second the vigilance committee, and If be keep« up tile gait lie had ou him when Florence passes the place every day. and four’ ll Saturdays in each m onth. F lobence , - - O kkoon . C a l ls r e r e h a a n d T e le g r a p h y . A. R. BUTTOLPH, lie le ft Ills neck w ill be safe for some i I nee *6000, iucludiug stock and ms E . W . C onn, W . M. In the tenth year of Queen Victoria's time to come. I t . B, M ii . i .8, S e c re ta ry . 1 cliinerv. reign electricity was first employed as u A good s lection of the late t A good frame house and two lots in The only soft drink to be found In a means of telegraphing. The I-ondon a O. U. W . Perpetua I.odge, No. 131, [ * styles always on hand. A s meets every 1st “ ml 3d Tuesdays tills town on a hot day la made of Journal of Botany for the year 184T , I W . e .t Florence, near the river. A n e w eacn mouth. Members and visiting! Ik to the property D A m rtrs u ltr**-' «cld, lemons, aour m ilk and a refers to the gum of a new plant from • O r e g o n T O N S O R IA L Price *200. £ P lo r n o e , brethren in good standing are cordially r * ARLO k . dash of red Ink, und the only choice the Mulay pen Insula which had found 40 acres ot land on North Fork about invited to attend. left la b etw w n w ater and whisky. Its way to England and that the plant 3'e miles from Florence, One acre W m . B eiiniiabot , M . W . , MARION MORRIS, P popmetor . However, one can't alw ays have a bar­ Itself had then beeu named by Sir W il­ cleared. Price *800. M ARION M ORRIS. P u llm a n E . A. E vans , Recorder. room of his own In this world. liam Hooker, Ibe famous director o f Shaving and H a irc u ttin g n eatly 41 acres on North Fork about five S le e p in g C a rs the royal gardens at Kew . Tlie new Ucccta Lodge No. 111. meets and p ro m p tly done. miles from Florence. Several acre, tide I . ° every - O F Wednesday found gum. gutta |iercha. was soon There Is uot much to record lu social evening in J.odge E le g a n t R azor H oning and Scissors G rin d ­ ; events tills week. The only event of afterw ard discovered to have an ex­ l«nd, tlie rest bottom and bench land. H i l l , Florence, Oregon. Brothers io FLORENCE. - - O R EG O N D in in g C a rs ing a spec ia lty . Importunée was the high tea given by traordinary degree of electrical non- A comfortable bouse an.l a .m a ll barn g jj d standing invited to attend. Mrs. Colonel I)'Arens, and owing to conducllvlly, and on that account It on the place. Price *700. It . L. E vans , N . G. T o u r is t FR ED . C. BEAN, Front Street, Florence, Oregon. some mistake lu the highness of the tea has proved lndis|>en»ahle In the manu­ 160 acre, of unimproved land on Norin T , E. Ft B.sisii, See. S le e p in g C a rs many of the guests did no< get home factures of submarine telegraph cables. Fork about ten miles from Florence is till a i ter noon n e x t day. Sliuv Its Introduction und the laying of offered for ssled. Near to county road. • T. PAUL O. O. F. M aple Lodge No., 139, m eets j the first A tlan tic cable a b o u t >0,000 H ill make a good stock ■ e v e r y T h u rsd a y ev en in g in M eyer & M IN N E A P O L IS ranch. Price a n i NOTARY PUBLIC, Old Joe Wheeler, Ibe bear hunter, tons of this gum have been used for *450. K y le 's H all, M apleton. O regon, B roth- i electrical purposes. As every effort Io D U L U T H sends us word from hla cave In the era in good sta n d in g in v ite d to attend. A tract of about 50 acres frouting on M A PLETO N . OREGON. mountains that he la coining down find a fit substitute for gutta perch* FARG O Oxo 8 . P helps , N. t i . — — - r - — has so far failed it la clear that but Olear lake three miles south of Florence some duy next week to shoot a few of TO G R A ND FORKS F . 0 . Bean, Sec. If you haven 't a regular, h ea lth y raoroniant o f tha the townspeople und liave a Jolly good for Ibe discovery o f Ibis substance the A fair bouse and about five acres cleared bowvls «very dnr, you'ro 111 or will he. Keep your C RO OKSTON boW X'l« V|»UM. M ill 1 U h w ell. Force, lit »he sh ap e o f vlo- time for a couple o f days. Come ou. Imiuena«* progress that has taken place A good wagon road from the place to O .O . F. Iren e E n ca m p m e n t, No. 42, f lou t pliYhic » r pill I Ison, is dangerous. Tb«t smooth- In ocean telegraphy would have been the hiualaw river at Glenada. A ■ m eets in 1. O. O. F. hall in Florence out, caslext. moat p e r fe c t way of ktt«pLn< Lbo bow«la Joseph. This town Is always ready for W I N N IP E G fine clear and cloau I s tu tako Impossible.—Em pire Review. th e second and fourth Friday of each something new and lively. place for a summer residence H E L E N A »»<1 Price iiiiiuth. M em bers of th is degree are *6<»0 c o rdially invited to a tte n d . BUTTE T a la r H e a to n C n rre n ts . W e understand that M ajo r Callahan, 160 acres of land near Clear lake lying 8. J. S kymoi ' b , C. P. “ F ifty easks of a special design and in lection 11, township 1« IOu tli, riHge who used to be a resident of Ibis F . C. I’ kil , Scribe. Gulch, has come to his end at Nnnta the strongest possible construction." 12 west. Price »260. TO Ko. H e ^ rd e rw l bunted gin at a saloon says The Youth's Companion, "w ill O. O. F.— Sunset Rebekah I.odge No. C H IC A G O V 2 acres tininipioved land lying oa over there, aud the bartender burned soon he sent to Bering sea by the U n it­ • 114, m eets dl Odd Fellow s' hall, the north tide of Clear lake 2 U miles W A S H IN G T O N too mnuy holes In It. and there was a ed States revenue marine service and Florence, the second anil fourth Thurs­ row. Tlien lie burned a hole through placed upon the highest hummocks o f •outh of Florence. A good wagon road day evening., in each m onth. P H IL A D E L P H IA M ks . J. A . Y ates , N . G . the major. the floe Ice. It is ho|>ed by tracing from it to the Siuslaw river. Price *000 N E W YORK A General Banking Business E ked C . I’ eii , Sec. E A T ’ EM LIK E C A N D Y their future course to test »lie direction A farm of about I t » acres lying on the’ P leasan t. P alatab le, P otent. Taste Good, PoG oud, In a llt'le dispute over at W o lf o f tlie currents tli* t crows the polar Eugene stage road about three miles BOSTO N A N D A L L N ever Rlrken, W eaken, or G ripe. 10, Xi. and M rant» Transacted on Favorabl® r e m s pur O. O. F.— Mignon Lodge No. 105. box. W rlto fur free sam ple, and booklet on Greek tlie other day between our horse regions. The casks are twenty-eight almve Mapleton. A ll bottom and Io« health. A«ldre?s C3 . lte lie k ah Degree, m eets in M eyer & P 0 I N T 8 E A S T nml S O U T H editor and the foreman of X X X ranch Inches long and sixteen Inches In d i­ Draft« issue«! on the- principal cities of the 8TFBU5G RKXCDT COXPASY, CM I (AGO er KBW TORI bench land. A good bouse, barn, a fine K v le 's H all, M apleton, th e 1st and 3rd our horse (alitor got the bullets Into > r hif.irinstlnn, tim e cards, mnpv and ticket» I F' ameter. pointed at fhe ends and paint­ United State» ami foreign countries. T h u rsd a y evenings in each m o n th . I etc. call nil nr write liim and Is obliged to take it vacation ed black, so as to be seen easily. In ­ orchard aud ten or fifteen acres in culti- M attie (J. H iuson , N. G. Interest allowed on Demand Certificates of _ j for two or three months. Any one who side o f each are directions printed Ic vstlon. Price *1200, on easy terms. Mas. F. C. B ean , Sec. R. M c M u r p h e y , Deposit when left »tated |MTi(w1. wishes to fill the |M>altlon temporarily aereral languages, asking the Under to nr r , u, t t ern i.o ,0r"'««ion inquire ol Generiti Agent. Rixun* 2 n u d i, Sholton Block C. H. H O LD E N , Collection« receive onr prompt attention. lx assured of *«> per week and the loan w rite to the nearest United States con­ W H 2 r Ck, / ° ,n‘ T ?-rr“e' ' < £ * > » - or W . A. — Ocean Wave Camp No. KÜORXE, OREGON W . H . Weatherson, Florence, Oregon. A T T O R N E Y -- A T - L A W , of a gun. City and Comity Warrants bought. sul. giving the latitude and longitude s 7869 meets ea- li alternate Saturday and V. 8. L and C ommissiobek . A D CHARLTON, In which the cask was found and the » vetting in G ales’ H a ll, Acm e. \ isitiug W . E. BROWN. D. A. PAINE. A florist from Chicago who was here date. Adm iral M elville, who designed AMiatant General Pamenger Agent, brothers are inviteli Io attend. latnd bought, sold and exchanged. President Vice President. ( the other day says that the 2,000.000 i tlie casks, believes that It w ill tie poasl- A LARGE 2.V» Morriami Ht., fo r ., sd. STOOK RANCH. «¡KO. t i. 1‘ eii ., V . C. Titulier lands a specialty. F . W . OSBURN. W. W . BROWN, acres of desert land In Arlsona could ble In thia way to determine whether P o r t l a n d , O r. .G eo . O hambkki . ix , O lerk. Cashier. The " C o x Ranch.” including about Ass t Cashier. be made to grow *20.000.000 worth of* the lee packs d rift from the Arctic I»R. C. 11. T. ATWOOD. DR. A. O. ATWD. N. of A ., C am p No. 2«->5, m eets each 1200 seres, 12 miles from Florence on roses every year. We'd like to see the westward or south and east to the A t­ s a lte rn a te S atu rd ay evening in • ¡ate»’ P H Y S IC IA N & D E N T IS T . die ocean beach, near the Cape. A cactus, the rattlesnake and the prairie lantic.” itali, Acme. Visiting neighbolS are cor­ r *"N |1 Motto- K Kind Trea'ineiit. Prompt Atteiitieo. dog hitching nlong to make room for house and barn on tbe place and a few dially Invitet b> attem l. J Good Work. rosea. » •rs e fle s h as P«od. acres plowed. The government road to D aisy S kysioi ' b , Oracle. JO JO H N 0 . BECK, W . H . W EATHER8ON , Hrceta light house crosses tbe land. C laha E . M ills , R eeorder. This Is an era of experiment.« In food. Diseases of Women a Spe<-ialty. l ’t. Terrace, (»regoli. Florence, (»regoli. As mayor of the town we had to veto Scientific Investigators In Europe, a fte r The place w ill support several hun­ Watch the Went for Trips to Coast. the proceed Inga of the common council ATTORNEYS thorough tests of a horseflesh diet, say dred head Ol cattle or a large herd of Eugene, : : Oregon. for last Friday night, and as a private that this sort of meat, wheu the use of sheep or goats. About 600 bead of sheep citizen we had to throw Alderman A. C. WOODCOCK, It Is continued for a time, teuds to and goats now on the ranch w ill be sold TOBACCO S P IT Raynor out of The Kicker office when and S M O K E he called on Tuesday and used lan­ lessen the weight of the consumer, with the land if desired. whether man or beast. These physio­ Your L ife a w a y I Tim e w ill be given on part of tlie price You can be cured of anv form of tobacco using guage unbecoming a gentleman. The logical sages have come to the conclu­ easily, be rnatlc well, strong, magnetic, full of report that hla leg waa broken na he sion that the choicest steaks and roasts if wauled. For further particulars in- O stenlay to nay puzzling, because horws are as clean L E E M . T R A V IS , A good stock farm ol 160 acres lying that be had discovered what appears i D o Y o u W a n t a H o m e in W e s te r n O re g o n ? V IN C E N T & C O ., feeders as cattle or sheep and much on South slough it now offered for sal«. to be a mine of condensed milk and I cleaner than pigs. H ow can It he ac­ now looking around for a About half ol it is bottom and tide land, counted f o r i—New York Tribune. canned coffee to match It. You Conte to Florence ami nee the fine fui-mM >• the tide land being already diked. A most anything you want In new house, an orchard ol over 200 trees am i beautiful forests in the Siuslaw valley. tentimi given to collection* «mil I Special alten A v s t r a lla * « C a t t l e K l a « . this territory. M. Q vad . ter». L p r o la te mutter E u g e n e , O re g o n - The cattle king of Australia Is Sam­ on the place, and about 600,000 feet of t ». U .. . . I . , , » . T la a tllr V '¡lice »»ver E u g e n « I.»»ait A S a v in g « B a n k . uel McCaughey, an Irishm an who went good tim ber conveniently situated for T h e ir r e t . Kngetiv, : : Oiegun. A little mail who pretended to be to Australia In 185«t w ith practically logging. Extensive out range. About very fond of bis horse, but kept him nothing. H e did not succeed well nt 15 bead of cattle, most of them cows, : nearly starved, wild to a friend: "Yon first, but started again w ith n small with the land. Price »3,000, including don't know how much we think of that flock and from year to year has add»-! stock. Inq uire at tlie Florence Real horse. 1 shall have him stuffed so us to Ills holdings until now he has more Estate Agency. sheep than any other man In the world. to preserve him when he die»." "You'd better stuff him now." re­ H e has more neres o f land than sheep, T O O U R PA TR O N S- T w e n tv th re e torted hlx friend, "so as to preserve and his possessions are In the liest parts of Australia. One of Ills farms M ile s W e s t lilm living.” We have made arrangement« hy on the Uarling downs la thirty-six D ig e s ts w h a t y o u c a t . Eugene. hilleg long and forty miles wide. Al which we V ill furnish tha Weekly T h e K a n w a re e . This preparation contains all of the "T didn't get to the field sports In together, be owns more than a million ' Oregonian with the W ist for on« rear digeaunts ami digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relicfand never tim e." said the hare. "W as there any­ acres and leases almut a mlllloo or so to any address for the sum of tv „ J»»,» more. fails tocure. It allows vou to eat all thing luterestlngr' lar« javableeash in advance. WE BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OF REAL ESTATE the food you want. The ----------------...» most sensitive “Y « l '* rep lixl tlie tortoise, “that big T h s T ib e r as a B r e a k fa s t T a b le . A » *n » ll» n champion broke tbe record ’ thousands of fh.peptics „ hare been |n the HO yard Jump.” Philadelphia In the recent beat wave In Rome four ON COMMISSION. J cured a fte r everything else failed . I t P r„ . . swimmers made up a party at 11 prevents fo rm a tio n o f gas on the «tom- 1 o'clock In the morning and proceeded ach, relieving all d ls tre s s a fte re a lIn g M o n e y Saved to take their breakfast In the Tiber. O rlw leal Blsew Sere. For Infants and Children. D ie tin g unnecessary. Pleasant to ta k e «oftlclgb—I - a w —got off a w rally They appeared on the river bank carry­ By H can't help m ing a table loaded w ith dainties, push­ elevali thing Inwst evening. P a tr o n iz in g it. but do you Miss C utting—Is It possible! ed off and nad their meal without re- : J v hvF 0 . r»tW,TTACo.,Ckleaauk Softlclgh—Yaw« I wead It In a i urn Ing to tbe bask and. w hat la more Ils . tl boui« voewuas IS nine j t baser P-1 pah first, dourber k n o w —Chicago surprising, without touching (fie bot­ Prop USYKB a KYLF. tom. New a à A— .* j-. . G o vern o r................................... T . T . Geer. Secretary of S ate ..............F. I . Diiubnr. l're aa n re r................................ F. 8. Moore. ' 8 apt. Public Iustruction J. II . Ackerman State P rin te r .. .. \V. 11. læeds. A tto rn e y General I». It. N. Blackburn ..........It. 8 . Bean Supreme Court -j . . F. A. Moore C. E. W olveiton Judge Second District . J. W . Ii .m ilton Prosecuting Attorney ti eu . M . Brown - Will stake — H. H . B a rre tt, P rop ’r, Florence and Head of Tide. EUGENE-FLORENCE ST A G E L IN E . A A? C M E ORTHERN Pacific, Ry. M I L L I N E B, N otary P ublic, S urveyor N S NOTARY P U B L IC . UBiîefl States Gonissioaer I EUGENE 1 BEST FOR THE BOWELS Loan s Savin® Bank T H R O U G H T IC K E T S I Surplus 3,000 I KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN M R A tto rn e y a t Law, ! F lo re n c e R e a l E s ta te A sren cv . A tto rn ey - a t - Law . D R U G G IS T S ,.“ Do You W a n t a R an c h ? Elk P ra irie Hotel. Do You W a n t Unim proved Land? Co You W a n t T o w n Lots? Do You W a n t T im b e r Lands? ON E U G E N E AND FLORENCE 8TACE ROUTE. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure CASTOR IA J O H N C. BECK . W. H. W EATH ER SO N Qeo. Hale D O N 'T è A. . Tii KW Y Han Ahriyi Bucht