O s n u w .- A re p rep a re d from N a­ C laude Yates is taking a nt th e llr p u r t r d T h a t lli.o t h . R a lly C o n ip a n , " ' i l l B u ild D u e o u tut* S iu n la u . tu re ’s m ild laxatives, a n a Knowles Creek country. while g en tle a re reliable Ole M vrind tins gone to Ids r.tncii on j Special Correspondence Eugene Guard. an d efficient. T h e y 1 Knowles Creek to reside for a while, The Eminent Kidney and Bladder Specialist. * * * * * Ivisox, O r., Dec. 10.— We l ave lieard W EATHERS« ) \ ly seaiOí Mr and P ro p rie to r. lk a 8incei ft•: $1.50 a year in « d v a n ir.---- >ur w ent to C alifornia a few j th a t .th e Booth-Kelly Lum ber Co. i n - , R o u s e $5ie L iv e r9 days Joe ago Fellntan for the benefit of Ids h ealth . ! tends p u ttin g in a sawmill on the Lower j C ure S ick H ead ach e, Bil­ Dr. P atterson was in Florence Tues- Siuslaw and have already bought a site iousness, S o u r S to m ach , I day afternoon on professional business. I for th a t purpose. They evidently have ! J. Schreitder and family are now re­ j n il idea th a t I he set eu or eight billion, a n d C o n stip atio n . Sold everyw here, 25c. p e r box. siding in Ole M yrind’g house in Flor­ feet of m erchantable tim ber on the Si- I Acme Commercial Company * * * Prepared by C.I. Hood & Co.,Lowell,Main. ence. F. M. R ath and family moved yester­ C hri.-lm is coots in great varielv at day to the Fred F unke house on F ro n t street. j Meyer & K yle’s. uslaw R iver and ils tributaries are no. I here to stay, but inside of a few years i may be slaugliteicd by orders of mi 1 owners. s and Some people are of the opinion tliat in The Discoverer of Swamp-Root* at Work la C has. Russell and family have moved Florence school closes today for a v a­ SO BATES MADE KNOWN His Laboratory. PLICATION. cation of two weeks. to F. B. W ilson’s house in M orse’s Ad­ a hundred years from now most of this » 8 cen ts per lin e, eaeli luKertim lim ber will still g u ild , if not destroyed There is a disease prevailing In this r, Goods suitable for C hristm as presents dition. by forest files. Such is not the case. country most dangerous because so decep­ of all kinds at th e G reat W hite Store. Deputy Fish VVarden B uhm an was a tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by The w iiter, who is a badger, re mem bars it—heart disease, pneumonia, heart fallut« , Oregon, Dec. 20, 1901. Good advice to give to a hungry man passenger toFlo-enee on tlie L illian yes full well when such was th e idea of many or apoplexy are often the result of kidney I terday. k s for thi I —go to tlie W estern House. in W isconsin, M ichigan and Minnesota, disease. If kidney trouble is allowed to ad­ Mrs. N. F. Womlrock is q uite ill at w here tlie great w hite (line forests waved vance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack A rrangem ents are being made for a Ltheyha,, OffESTLINGS. | th e residence of Jo h n I. B utterfield in high th irty years ago, but a te now anni­ the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves j C hristinas tree at M apleton Tuesday ars. break down and waste away cell by cell. I Florence. s t is N o n e to o Good. I evening. hilated by the blows of the woodm an’s Then the richness of the blood—the albumen customer,’ Frank Montgomery and W. D. Salley axe. L ike here, when lum bering in tlie —leaks out and the sufferer has Bright's We are informed th a t Geo. If. Colter the worst form of kidney trouble. S p e r r y ’s B e s t j has reined the G lenada Hotel to a p atty returned Monday from a business tri, g reat N orthw estern states was in its in ­ Disease, great, and Dr. Kilmer's Sw am p-R oot the new dis­ to Eugene. fancy, tim ber was alm ost worthless and covery is the true specific for kidney, bladder c F a m ily F lo u r 1 from 1 lie east. ^ays be t, Helen Fisk w ent Io P ortland Tuesday tlie settlers would try to rid themselves I and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands Born, in Mapleton precinct, on T h u rs­ continued ingly inexhaustible producti of apparently hopeless cases, after ail other day, December 12, 1901, to Mr. and Mrs. in response to a message th a t her m other of th is seem , i .i , .i i efforts have failed. At druggists In fifty-cent was dangerously ill. of perpetual grow th fur the purposes of and dollar sizes. A sample bottle sent free id elegant line of shoes at O. A. 1’. W alker, a duughter. D. Miles, who has been very ill at agriculture, while at present forty a c re s ' by mall, also a book telling about Swamp- A couple of lum berm en from Wiscon­ of good tim ber iand there would b e n s Ç00L.*n<^ fis wonderful cures. Address tock of Christmas goedd at A sin are on tidew ater looking for tim ber. G lenada for aliont a week, is reported much as a fortune for anyone. Ami the Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Ÿ. and som enliHt im proved, mention this paper. We did not learn th eir names. sam e may be said of Oregon tim ber ' J . J . Em m ons and family have moved before m any years have elapsed. The Bella was towed out over tlie b ar irts went to Yaquiim jester- lonnllyg^ig. last Monday witli a cargo of lum ber from from tlie Kobe house to the Kyle house The w riter looks for heavy shipm ents ' GENERAL NEWS. on W ashington street. ariety of Christmas Kkuds at the Florence L um ber C o.’s mill. to th e E ast whereby an enorm ous j John and G reta B rynd, who have been am ount of tim ber will be consumed and Flo’s, The schooner W ing and Wing w’ns It *¡8 said dispatches were recently milch cow wanted. Leave towed tip tlie C olum bia Diver to P o rt­ attending college nt. A lbany, returned urges expansion of lim ited forest reserves sent from Irelan d to Newfoundland, i home Saturday for holiday vacation. land last Friday to go to dry dock. a r goods, w «« t office. before it is too late. distance of 1700 miles, by wireless tele Ivy M orris, of G ardiner, left for home Preparations are being made for a grnpliy. Marconi, (lie inventor of wire­ ecoiul hand cook stove fur MARRIED. C hiistm as tree in tlie Presbyterian ■ last Monday after spending a day or two less telegraphy, has been eerved with ire at (lie W m office. trrictl in a with relatives in Florence and vicinity. legal docum ents notifying him th at tlie t o ’ clothes for C hristm as church in Florence on C hristm as eve. The In te r Lake, Kalispel, M ontana: Anglo-American Telegraph Co. possesses Louis Benn lias located in Eugene to The steam er R obar s received a new a t the C réât W hite Store, propedor from San Francisco Inst Sat­ practice law. He lias o fie tied an office Mr. O rvill C. E stee and Mies Margaret a monopoly of the telegraph business in ill not amilken d in n e r a t the W estern G ran t, bolli of tlie east shore of tlie Newfoundland and its dependencies and urday which was ordered some six in the Eugene Loan & Savings Bank unday when you are in F io ri F lath ead lake, were m arried nt tlie resi­ dem anding th at lie cease bis experi building. m onths ago. W alter H aring cam e up th e beach dence of Rev. R. M. Craven Saturday m ents th ere. Tlie E obarts went to Coos Bay with a ,a s t i m n i l i e r y1 over a road matter near Price, 25 cents. Sam ples free a t O. W. plcasnnt place on the lake, and have tlie , Tuesday and H enry C. Payne has been Itarday a German named H u rd ’s drug store. Miss Rebecca H enderson is visiting best wishes of tlie com m unity for tiieir | appointed to succeed him . and fatally injured by Among th e tens of thousands who her parents on Maple Creek this week. happiness and prosperity. The heaviest fall of snow in flftv years The bride is a sister of Mrs. Geo. II. was reported from Scotland the Kith C aptain Cox and wife have retu rn ed have used C ham berlain's Cough Remedy persons desiring to dis- for colds and la grippe du rin g th e past from th eir hom e a t th e cape to spend C olter and resided a t G lenada for several iust. years. in (bis vicinity to call few years, to our knowledge, not a single the holidays. S a v e d I l i a L ira. property on our list case has resulted in pneum onia. Titos. F ran k W ilson lias purchased a lot in M. W. 4. ELECTION- ‘•I wish to say th a t I feel I owe my W hitfield & Co., 210 Wabash avenue, lower Acme, on which lie is erecting a life to Kodol D yspepsia C ure,” writes C. tne line from Cottage Giove Chicago, one of th e most p rom inent re­ new building. A t Hie regular m eeting of Ocean Wave ’ If. C lirestenson of Hayfield, Minn, “ »« been completed and on tail druggists in th a t city, in speaking of Mrs. li. G. Mills was taken violently (’am p, M odern Woodmen of A m erica, I “ For three years I was troubled witli II be turned over to the this, say s: "IV e recom mend Cham her- ill Tuesday m orning, b u t is now im ­ held in Acme Saturday evening, the fol- dyspepsia so th a t I could hold nothing lain's Cough Remedy for la grippe in proving. — . felegraph Co. lowing officers were chosen for the corn-, on my stom ach. M any tim es I would par Creek, Douglas county, many casts, as it not only gives prom pt The Rev. M cKinley preached an in ­ ing term : he unable to retain a morsel of food. Fi­ and com plete recovery, but also counter­ J lesday, December 18, 190 l , teresting sermon a t tlie schoolhouse S un­ R. F. D ennis, V. 0 . ; Geo. IL Gibbs, nally I was confined to my bed. Doctors | Id of M r. and Mrs. T. J. acts atty tendency of la urip|>e to result day m orning. W. A. ¡O scar G ates, B anker; Geo. E. ' said I could not live. I read one of your in p neum onia.” F or sale by 0 . W. bout one week, Mr. P ra tt and fam ily have moved from C h am b erlain, Clerk ; J . O. Lasky, E s­ i advertisem ents ou Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Hurd. was closed this week by th eir home on South Slough to the cort ; S. D. C onrad, W atch m an ; A. J. nnd thonglit it fit iny case and com- ernhardt purchased {torn HAVE YOU SEEN ANY FOSSILS IN Waite house in Acme. W ilkinson, S en try : F. C. Peil, malinger menced its use. I began to impiove what is known as th e THE ROCK ? from the first hottlo. Now I am cured Xelson H ew itt arrived Saturday for tli roe years. ' 7 R Lroperty I" Florence. and recom mend it to a ll.” Q jgvstsyonr m orning and will spend tlie holidays E N C A M PM E N T ELECTION- 1 last week Dalton and food. C ures all stom ach troubles. Professor C ondon, whom everybody with his paren ts and friends on the :re arrested on a charge < f Mever A K yle, river, knows as tlie pioneer const geologist, iea Morrow, were found Iren e E ncam pm ent, I. 0 . O. F , of will send me into th e Coast M ountains M artin Xoffsinger has moved ilia fam ­ ier in the first degree. to search for fossile, from December 20 ily to Acme, wiiere they will reside ^'*orencc' a t th e ir m eeting last Friday IMPROVED FARM FOR SALE- - Rath struck a snag in the to Jan u ary 4. Anyone know ing of a during tlie w inter. ! evening chose tlie following officers for , „ ar Corvallis Tuesday and place between the Aisea and tlie Ump- tlie coming y e a r: Eighty acres on Deadwood Creek, nfl n Iwwo minutes. A hole 30 1 q u a w here fossil shells nr fossil leaves or W . II. W ealheraon, C. P . ; W m .! about 50 acres bottom land and 20 acres GREENLEAF ITEM S. Bryn<1, II. P R . * : L. J- M. C i?liriai«n«o» I feet wide was torn in her asbestos or o th er m inerals have been hristensen, s S. ! of it cleared and fenced. A good five- W .; E . A. Bean, Scribe; W m. Kyle, room house, large barn, wood shed and - found, will do a kindness to^jgjofessor D ecember 13, 1901. T reas.; Ludvig C hristensen, J . W . I other out buildings. A nice orchard of igbt train on the Soul hern | Condon by sending me directions to tlie Everybody who iiad been togging in ' | about 150 trees in bearing, all kinds of ul was wrecked Sunday I place. 1 wish to hear of even th e poor- this p art of th e country lost logs in the PR ESB Y TER IA N SERVICES. small fruit. A bout 500,000 feet of good e miles south of Roseburg. ! eets traces of shells. ---------- fir tim ber convenient for logging. Eight K beating bis way on the ’ This work will he of value to th e c o n n - ' big rain about Nov, 22 because the boom I Rev. G. A. M cKinley will preach next bend of cattle, some sheep, and other try as it may prove the preeence ol the com pany did not close the boom until they had gone past. Sunday m orning at Florence and in tlie stock witli tlie place. The laud is on A petition is being Eocene form ation which contains the All tlie settlers ow ning tim ber on tlie i evening a t 7 o ’clock in the Comm etcial county road, and '¿m ile from postoffice, town asking Coagrees to , Coos Bay and W ashington coal fields, airiogpMoiine and nap th a and of the Xiocene in which th e Texas Siuslaw above tlie junction of Lake j Ilali a t Acme. As it is the C hristm as school house and church. Price of farm, Creek have signed a com pact not Io sell season th e serm ons and music will lie including slock, tools, feed, etc., $1000. •e inspected the sam e ns and California oils have heeu struck, F lu BKNI-K R ka I. . TATK AfllM Y. lie pstBioa ie being pretty j All specimens will he deposited in any m oie unless it is scaled, received devoted to ap propriate them es, and the ' Prof. Condon's collection a t the U niver- a ” d Pa ‘J t ° r before it goes into the creek. ' people generally are invited. T here «ill ■d. H«»w to t.'ure C r o u p . Those on Lake Creek declare th a t they he no services on C hristm as day. PROftdian Creek, Thursday, j sity of Oregon’ have loot so m uch money logging th a t | ----------- ------------— Mr. R. G ray, who lives near Amenia, 001. to M r. and Mrs. A. , C hxsteh M a siibih x b , they will log no more. H o w ’s T h is ? Duchess county, N . Y ., says: “ C ham ­ daughter. Weight tw elve ! Eugene, Oregon Road Supervisor B erkshire has given W e offer ° " e ,' un,,re' 1 i ns follows: ”■« λ V« I In M arion, Inng trouble and tried various rem edies TEAM AND LOGGING TIMBER FOR F ln rin ce........................... fenr were b u t did not obtain p erm anent relief until the creek he riprapped a t th e east abut- 7 7 SALE. G len ad a............................ W allowa, I commenced using One M inute Cough ' m ent of th e G reenleaf bridge, and both Portage ........................... 2 2 es you m ade me sav “ " rep aired ■onnties. Cura, writes Rev. James Kirkm an, evan- „ tim . ¿ i , r'a m nn. ” I 'V . Z L ,” | Ooe n’i,n o n ,e e t 011,004 Br ,i,n b e rc o " Mapleton .................. .. 7 I l . . . nn 1 d d 1 p p venient to tlie Siuslaw •reeled in gelist of Belle R iver, III. River for aale at Mi fx-od............................. 11 I .a v e n o WOrk, not repairs, would have made it | , reasonable reM „ „ lb |e price. prire. Ixigging road at-' Fiddle Creek ................ 11 hesitation in leconim ending it to all safe. In th e last storm tl.c bank washed re8(|y b o i|t fro,n d |||l * t U l- riyer B ern h ard t........................ Ü sufferers from m aladies of th is k in d .” , away and left tlie end of th e approach A)w} gi)l head o, nnm ber one work | Alder Ridge ................ H e rm a n n ............. ........... One M innte Congh C nre affords im m e­ j hanging, like M ahom et’s coffin, in th e „ „ „ „ a pair o( frol„ , (jr u R eed .................................. d iate relief tor coughs, colds and all air. Acme ............................. eight years old. In q u ire ut kinds of th ro at and lung troubles. For H ioxkv W a its , croup it is unequalled. Absolutely safe. No one can reasonably hope for good Acme. Oreaon. Six Million Boxes a Year. Very pleasant to take, never fail», and is ; health unless hi« bowels move once each In 1895, none; in 1 9 0 0 ,6 ,0 00 ,0 00 ! really a favorite with the children. They o r u«w«at to Vow. When this is not attend«! to, dis- boxes; th at’s Cascarets Candy C a - ; like it. Mever A Kyle. at the poet-office at Fiori no ity , Oregon, aa second (las­ er. $6 * * * O f ACM E, OREGON. * * * * W e arc co n stan tly re c e iv in g n ew goods ou e v ery boat, an d i n v it e you * * * to ca ll an d e x a m in e wo a re n ow bargains W e now h ave th e o fferin g > 4- I A f ine and lo ll Selected stock a c w * & * * * C R O C E R IE 3 , G en ts’, L ad ie a’ an d 4; C h ild r e n ’s I Winter Underwear * J e w e lry , D r y Goods, G e n t’s F u r ­ * * * * * $ n is h in g Goods, lin t s Boots an d Shoe», e v e ry th in g in nnd an d Caps, in fa c t G e n e ra l M e rc h a n ­ dise. * * * * Candy, Nats, Oranges, and Lemons * s FOR T H E * HOLI D A Y S. * I _________________________________________ __ * | HEADQUARTERS * FOR ALL LOGGERS’ SUPPLIES. $ * * --------------------------------------------------------------- ---- * * YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. A E. B. W ilson, M an ag er. * * S * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I îs e n t. MEYER & KYLE * H ave G)l * n w ays * Hand * a Pine ^tocl^ of G ^ O C E ^ IE g , B ry Q o o d sj Hats & Caps, 3 ★ ★ B re s s G [ o o d s j L Boots & Shoes, Gent’s Furnishing Goods, A H a r d w a r E, Paints, Oils, etc. Trices as Low as the Lowest. D. R. M itchell, Fulford, Md. : “ During onk-rs of the stomach arise, biliousness, th a rtic ’s ju m p in to pop u larity. T h e ___________ _____________ a long illness I was troubled with bed’ headache, dyapepaia and piles soon ful- people have cast th eir verd ict. Best FU RS W ANTED. icine fo r the bowels in the w orld "ore"’ to **▼ HeWWt’s Witch low. If you wish to avoid theee ailments Haae! Halve and del so with womlerfol eep your twiwels regular by taking Tlie highest raali price paid for all A ll druggists, lo c results. I was perfectly cured. I t is C haiidierlain'a Stom ach and I aver Tab­ kinds of furs and hides. I ------------- the beat salve on the m arket.” Rare lets alien required. T hey are so easy to G. C. CrMFTow. Arq Yewr Kidaera 9 cure for piles, sores, burns. Beware of take ami mild and gentle in effect. For Ik HObbo/Rpankfr*:« Pulgar«,*|i n e wy m*. At Reddy’s Meat M arket, Florence, Or I “* ÍT4M AM »tarli L« Ilei counterfeits. Meyer A Kyle. ■ale bv O W. H u rd . ■tedi P io R ß Q cc. O i» e f°n