H eadache » K i» A Y la often a warning th at th e torpid or Inactive. More troubles may follow. For a efficient cure of Headache liver troubles, take HORNING — C ovmty , O regon .— •it lino iii'il, r • E WEATHERS« >N lite r an d P ro p rieto r. « is : $1.50 a year In adv.i •ed a t th e poi^-office at ! aunty, Oregon, as «••<•« — i i liver is serious prom pt, and all Hood^s P iSSs While they rouse the liver, restore full, regular action of the bowels, I.lky do not grii>c or pain, do not irritate or Inflame the Internal organs, but have a positive tonic effect. 25c. at all druggists or by m all of C. 1. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mass, . C hristm as goods in g reat variety at Meyer A K yle’s. Good advice to give to a hungry man USING BATftfl MADE KNOWN O N A l - —go Io Ihs W estern H ouse. PLICAT1ON. tides 8 coutH per Un®, ench iiisurti.tn Coll. Van Cleve, editor of th e Ynqiiinn Post, was elected mayor ol Toledo last bee, Or,•gun, Dec. i:. ¡’.><¡1. week. Negotiations are under way for the sale of some good business property in WESTLINGS. Florence. The schooner Bella is loaded with B e s t i s N o n e to o G o o d . lumbe. teady for ano her trip to San Francisco. vx' p, A One thoroughbred Poland C hina pig r 11111 l Y r l l l i r " as r,'l-l'i'e il hy Archie Meadow, of I U l l l l l » 1 IV U 1 NorUl Foil. few j ays ago Died, in Florence, Monday evening, story tioolcs for C hristm as nt A Dee. 0, 1901, the infant, d au g h ter of Mr. ke’s. and Mrs. J . A. McLood, aged one day. •lection of rod milch cow wanted Leave The schooner Danielson, laden with isisting o, ■ t $he W est office. lum ber, was brought down from Acme orl second hand cook stove for yesterday and anchored in the liv er at Spruce Point. aca, ^in q u ire a t the W est office. i chicken d in n er a t the W estern The H udson-W oods land contest, on Sunday wiieu yon are in Flor- which was set for hearing before U . 8. Comm issioner Bean nt M apleton last imtterng. & due print plats of any tow nship Tuesday, was w ithdraw n, e or Douglas counties call a t C I The singing school taught by R ev. G. rimming miden’a office. i A. McKinley at the Presbyterian church 3tHin TE. e g .?l)err.v's i!2 e was some frost in Florence •sday and T hursday m ornings— it since last spring. ’’'T ’Tcntw of C hinam en who worked in 'tit of m w y during the fishing season sdne»day afternoon for P ortland • of E agene. 3 + / w k (i,ed—50 persons desiring to ilis- a-V/lHi real estate in this vicinity to call lace th eir property on our list. : Weal hereon. ral of the young people of this vl- -*—«^-A^.who are attending college a t Al- ire expected home in a day or two nd the holidays. B I avy rain Saturiley n ig h t and Sun- uhove, as liaed the stream s and brought ,| m, (j! 1,000,000 feet of log* down to th e " it P oint T c r r ® H B on Friday evenings is well attended hy the young people of Florence, yya are ¡„formed by Win. Brynd ll.at he contem plates cu ttin g his farm up into sm all tracts and selling it to people w anting sm all places to m ake homes. School D istrict No. 118, of Lane coun­ ty, near W altcn, voted to levy a fifty mill tax, a t a special m eeting, for the purpose of building and furnishing a PL R S O N A L S . W m. B ernhardt intends soon to move h it k to F lorence. H ale Sm ith, cf Sam aria, was in Flor­ ence over Sunday. I.. Lamb, of Deadwood, sp en t last S unday in Florence. Mrs. E. A. Morgan is home again after spending a m onth a t liecetu. Mis. C. G. Wilson and children s ta rt­ ed Sunday on th eir way to Chicago. IL D. Paine and H arry G rah am , of Eugene, were in Florence last Friday. I.. E . Bean was slin k in g h a n d s w ith ; his FI oiciico frien d s F riday and S a tu r ­ A TRUE STATEMENT. Come all ye honest farmer* W ho live by n a tu re ’s law, And lee our big potatues, On th e N orthern Siuslaw, It is as fertile region As eye of man e ’er saw, F o r ‘t a le r s ’ lay like cord wood H ere on the Siuslaw. The North Fork is so fertile No man can pick a tlaw, I ii fruit a n d long polaloe* H ere on the Siuslaw. The ladies here can dig them More graceful than a squaw, And carry them hy arm slul, H ere on the Siuslaw. day. C h ester Bean returned home a few days ago, a fte r sp e n d in g th e su m m e r in The Salley ranch comes nearer Alaska. Titan picture man can draw, Of taring the best producer, Arnold Karnowskv returned a few H ere on th e Siuslaw, days ago after a sh o rt visit to Dallas, Oregon. Of these great Lady Fingers, Emil Slm nno, a m em ber of the State So so o th in g to th e jaw , Board of llorlicul tore and a prom inent So crisp, so long, aud tender, fruit grower of The Dalles, died Inst H ere on tlie Siustuw . Friday. You may call m e a big liar— It. N. W entherson left Monday for a I»do not care a straw — trip to Eugene. On th e way lie visited The largest h a te rs ’ in th e state , liisjhcm estend near ttie mouth of Lake Grow on tire Siuslaw . \ I Creek. —A. 11. N ottagb . Mrs». J. A. Bean left Wednesday m om - P R O H IB IT IO N T IC K E T . i ing for a visit with relatives nt Salem I and P o rtlan d . L. E . Bean accompanied I her as far as E ugene. The prohibition party of Oregon held Miss K ate H an n a, who has been th eir state convention last Week and | leaching in the B ern h ard t district, nom inated the following ticket to be ' closed lier school last Monday .and left voled for next J u ..e : yesterday for her home in Eugene. For Governor—Rev. A. J. Iiunsaker, Y am hill county. F o r T reasurer—T. S. McDaniel, of The best place In town to get a good M ultnom ah. meal is at the W estern House. For Secretary of S tate—N. N. Davis, of U m atilla. G O A TS FO B SALE. For S uperintendent of Public In stru c­ I have 160 goats (or sale at $3 per head tion—R. W. Kelsey, of Y am hill. for th e hand. A limit halt of them are i F o r S la te P r in te r — W . W. Brooks, ot nannies. M rs . O vnthia A ustin , M ultnom ah. Airne, Oregon. For Suprem e Judge—C. J B right, of Wasco. A C M E NEW S. F or A ttorney-G eneral—T. H . Goynes, ■ o.' Tillam ook. I F o r Congressman, Second D istrict—F. December 11, 1901. j The schooner D anielson arrived Sat- R. Spaulding, of Wasco. Eleven counties were represented in nrday and discharged a q u an tity of freight at lire A rnie Commercial Store. the convention. Over-W ork W eakens Your Kidneys. ACME COflflERCIAL CO., Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the Wood In your body passes through FRANK B. your kidneys once every three minutes. The kidneys are your ! 1E v il I J ,er to M l- and Mr8.’ Ge“ r«° h ! menced its use. I begun to improve ’of th e logs Out in to th e river. . . . , C liam berlain, son. M other and R eport of D istrict No. 101. Tim e four from tlie first bottle. Now 1 am cured vere caught by tlie Siuslaw Boom , . j child are doing well, and George is the river. m onths: August 26-Decern her 10,1901. and recommend it to a ll.” Digests your low P o in t Terrace. h appiest ot m en. No. hoys, 7; No. girls, 5; total 12. food. Cures all stom ach troubles. ' last of the old bnilding in which j If >'ou " ° uld have an a p Pe,ile ,ike 11 meals take I In Acme, Oregon, T hursday m orning, Average No. of pupils belonging, II ; av­ Meyer «4 Kyle. H urd transacted business for eev- ! bfea1' a,,d a relish for y ° ur Dec. 5, 1901, to Mr. and Mrs. P hillips, a erage daily attendance, 11; No. of days m r., and which was on« of th e old ' Cha,„b erla... s Stomach and Liver Tab- son. M other and child are both doing of school tabght, 70; No. of holidays, 1; IMPROVED FARM FOR SALE narks of Florence, was torn down ! >««•• T1æ>’ ‘:or,cct well. total No. of school days, 77; whole No. vrned a .lav or two ago. | ach and re« ,,latB G,e '*/«'• aad '-«'vels. of days attendance, 8 2 3 , ; whole No. of ... I » Price, 25 cents. Samples free a t O. \V . E ighty ncres on Deadwood Creek, A L P H A C L IP P IN G S - Acme "„rrow ly escaped H yr f s (ifug Btore days absence, 24'- ; whole No. of tim es about 50 acres hotlom land and 20 acres ----------- I y JljJ^ n ___________________ ia injury a few days ago. W ” hile late, 3; No. of visitors, 26. Those being of it cleared and fence«!. A good five- We are glad to see our Siuslaw fariq- By E ven C iiano .!. rk in tlie saw mill his trousers neittier absent nor tardy for the term room house, huge h am , wood shed and sd m ethods t by a live roller, w hich tore them era adopt the latest unproved are Jen n ie and H arry B ernhardt. other out buildings. A nice orchard of Joe M orris, and bruised one of M r. C riss’s legs for carry in« on U,eir work’ JoH,Mo,rriH’ December 10, 1901. School closed three days early on ac about ISO trees ill bearing, all kinds of j r>) ,3 one w j,o ls alw ays ttr th e front S ir. S m ith, of H ale, was in this vicin­ count of the whooping cough. lerabiy. H a ve Q lw a y s on H a n d a P in e ^>tocl^ of small fruit. About, 500,000 feet of good rank in the m arch of progress. He is ity looking for a hom estead a (ew days i n o rth hound passenger train was K atiieuink E . H anna , fir tim ber convenient for logging. Eight m aking a specialty of dairying, and hay­ ago. On account of tlie storm lie did ed in Salem yard hut Saturday, ing discarded the old tim e way is m ilk­ T eacher. bend of cattle, some sheep, end other not get around very inucli, hut th ere are j (j Upm Si F i,h was hilled ai d Emji- stock witli the place. Tlie land is on ing t.is cows during tiic w inter and uses fiv(j go. icine I have ever used. It is a line cliil W tiitlield <4 Co., 240 W abash avenue, nrday for Mr. T abor, who atten d ed Miller. All are cordially invited to a tte n d . d ren ’s remedy (or croup and never fails ; quite S.OOO/WO «tlrnon eggs have Chicago, one of th e most prom inent re- lodge at Blacliloy. Mrs. Gibbs will prepare snp|ier fo r 1 to c u re .” Whon given as soon as the aeepred at th e South Coos L iver (n^ j rilggists in th a t city, in speaking of Only two bids for this mail route are those who wish it. child liecomes hoarse, or even after the pPQ0ery this Beason. Ti this, say s: “ We recom mend C ham ber­ known to have been forwarded. eroupy cough has developed, it will pre­ t week haa let all th e fish ceca ;-.- lain ’s Cough Rem edy for la grippe in Mies E linor Ila le will leave after the IM P O R T A N T R U L IN G . vent the attack. Thia should lie home e riv er, and no »«ore eggs will t-e many casts, as it not only gives prom pt holidays (or a visit of several m onths ; in mind and a bottle of »he Cough Rent- -TV tiiio rrn r. Ttie rack» imvc I,ecu and complete recovery, b u t also counter­ will) friends a t W aitsburg, W usbinglon. T he com m issioner of internal revenue edy kept a t band ready for in stan t use I nnthwiil be uaed next y e a r.—Coos acts any tendency of la arippe to result - F ran k Potte.'f lias liouglit 40,000 feet has rendered a decision in which holds and given ns soon as these sym ptom s News. in pneum onia.” For sale by O. _W. ' of logs from parties having tim b er close Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes, tlia t hankers m ust reiitrn for tax atio n , appear. For sale hy (). W. H urd. afge num ber of the salm on og-_- H urd. to liis mill witicli lie is sawing into lum ­ capital, surplus, undivided profits and I Mt E lk Cretsk, Ja c k so n i-m iniy, FURS W A N TED . ber. borrowed money used in th e business of beert expressed to San F ran cisco , HAVE YOU SEEN ANY FOSSILS IN banking. Tlie com m issioner holds tliat Mr. Levi Berkshire returned from E u ­ THE ROCK 7 The highest rash price paid for all from th ere will be taken to the gene last week. «•Bpitnl is taxable w hether invested in ginds of furs and hides. b of Rogue R iver to be hatched, (j C l’iirrow. Fred A ustin, who left here last spring' United States bonda or bank building. egg« were packed w ith ice to pre- Professor C ondon, whom everybody E x tr’ M » ' » fcdore th e ir destina- knows as ttie pioneer coaet geologist, for E astern Oregon and w ent thence Io ~ ! At R eddy’s M eat M atket, Florence, Or i will send me into the C oast M ountains C alifornia, lias returned aud is working \Ve offer one hundred dollars rew ard -------- — Mann, which was to eearch for fossile, from December 20 at Ju n ctio n . for any omm of C atarrh th a t cannot be e Briti. O O D N E W S eotnes from those In rn e d tu rtle and J » '“ *a >7 A nyone know ing of a E d. H aight, who is working a t Junc- cured by H a ll’« C atarrh Cure. w ho tak e H ood’s S araapurilla fo r th e mou It of th e place between tlie Alsea and th e Ump- j tion, reports bis sister, Mrs. G ibson, as F . J . Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. ! scrofula, dy sp ep sia mid rheum atism , ed into P o r t ' fiua w here fossil shells or fossil leaves or being very ill. W e, th e undersigned, have known F . i va» towr ^taoortsaxcrccthat H O O O ’S CURCC P resid en t Roosevelt endeared him self J . Cheney for the last 16 year«, and he- i Inst F riday. H er asbestos or oth er m inerals have been masses of th e people w hen lie in- iieve him |ierfectly honorable in all bus- i i t tlie vessel was found, will do a kindness to I rofeseor ■fen th e storm s sh e , Condon hy sending me difeelioue to the (oruiej a ijoJy 0( several U nited S tates ineas transactim is and financially able to E V A N G E L IC A L C H U R C H . place. I wish to hear of even th e poor- «,en ators th a t no am o u n t ol political carry out any obligations mode by th eir ests traces of shell». pull, bu t only m e rit/w ill he considered firm. ^ o k place n e ar f <•- ¡ i,i, « ork will be of value to tbecoun- a jugt ,.a nBe for promotion in filling Service« will he held W est <4 T ruax, W holesale Druggists, n in w hich Edgar try ¡t niay prove (he presence of tiie each m onth na follows: Toledo, O. veral lim es in his ! F „.el,e form ation which contains the ----------- — W elding, K iunnn <4 M arvin, W holesale F lorence................. . G le n a d a ......................... back witli a pocket jjfly a ,„j W ashington coal fields. S U N D A Y S E R V IC E S . Druggists, Toledo, O. P o r t a g e ........... ............ B urns gave him an,l of th e Nioi-ene in which th e Texas H all’s C atarrh C ure is U ken in ter­ Mapleton ....................... ^ a m in atio n , and wa.» |W)( F a ijfo rnia oils have been struck. Rev. G. A. M cKinl?y will preach n ext nally, acting directly on the blood anil M cL m d............................ T h e n ex t session of Ali 3iwi.im ens will be deposited in 11 .............. Sunday, Dec. 15, in tlie Acme school mucous surfaces ot th e system . T esti­ Fiddle Creek 11 participan ts in »lie [.ro(. C ondon’s collection a t ttie Univer- house a t 11 a. in., and in tlie church at m onials free. Price 76e. Sold by all B e rn h a rd t....................... Abler Ridge. ................ men and have aj(y o{ (jrL.gOn, , Point T errace at 3 p. m. Druggists. II H e rm a n n ......................... CllSSTEK W a s IIBI KNB, Heed ............................... H a ll’s Fam ily P ills are th e beat. E ugene, Oregon. Acme ................... ......... O f B e n e f it t o Y«»n, ■ M ie r, wl id i pai! | D. P. M itchell, Fulford, M d .: ‘‘During LOGGING TEAM ANO TIMBER FOR ape Bianco Nov. 27. ! No one can reasonably hope for goo.I The Be»* Plaster. a | OIig illness I was troubfcd w ith bed , N ehalem to San I SALE. health unless his bowels move once each A piece of flannel dam pened w ith BOre(1< wag a,jvised to try D eW itt 't W itch stmrg. came ashore One million feet of g«xxl fir lim ber con- j day. Wlien thia is not attended to, di* with womTerful life saving station , C ham berlain's P « 'n B al'» and bound to u a8<,| Halve and did colored coik was tlie affected parts is superior ta a n y plas- rego |tg# j WMs perfectly cured. I t is veuient to the Siuslaw River for sale at order« of tlie «tomaeii arise, biliousntnw, Jlors got ashore W hen troubl««! with lam e back o r at ea|g e on tlie m ark et.” Sure a reason aide price. Ixigging road al- headache, dy»pe[»sia and piles root) fol- jearrie«! 662.000 feel j pains in tlie side or cheat, give it a trial vnie (o r pile«, «ore«, burn«. Beware of rew'ly built from th e tim ber to tlie r i v e r ., low. If yon wish to avoid these ailm ents Also six beaal of num ber one work ecp your laiv.els regular by taking m ote th an a n Cl>unler(e ils. Meyer «4 K yle, (tich will lie saved ; and you » re certain to I* more oxen and a pair <4 bulla, from ala to Gliaiuliertain'« Stom ach an-l L ite r Tab- L eader way» th e ! pleased ith the prom pt relief which it eigld years old. In q u ire of ' lets when required. They sre so easy to S ite captain of the afford«. Pain Balm also core« rheum »- . B o r A o T e a r K M a ry a I S to x a r W att «, I take and m ild and gentle in effect. For i„ ,„. One «ppl cation gives relief. F or i n i say it was n o t. Hr Bobba' roevs PiUariireaU kU arrilia 8 a * «rii-* lu n e d i Co. t bwswk «V «■ ff. Acme Oregon. sale bv 0- W. H e rd . ta .c by O. W. H u td . 1 • a l i o Z « ■su. VVe Have a Complete Stock of Boots and Shoes. 1 N MEYER S, KYLE * * * * r L- Gent’s Furnishing Goods, G H a r d w a r E, !upf Paints, Oils, etc. 1C Prices as Low as the Lowest. mi I K%£S, Flopcnce. Orc{°n