TH E W E S T . j}nciGn{ p OQ j the U nited S tales in the pnrcbnsc of m achinery ami so forth, and that in a r c even t, th is sum , vast ns it is, is nothing to n cou n try Hint can to spend $140,000,000 a jrei r indetinitelv in pen- siolis alone, 'flie argum ents against Hie , canal are generally regarded as very weak and th ere is little expectation o f WORTHY RAILWAY O BJECTS TO SCHOOL TAX. ¡ A SUCCESSOR. I ---------- To health an d happiness is Scrofula — • • S o m e th in g N e w U n d er t h e S u n ” The Union Pacific Railroad is emu- -P U B L ISH E D EVERY FRIDAY MuHNIXU.— as ugly as ever since tim e im m em orial. plaining to the courts th a t it is obliged I l causes bunches in th e nock, dis­ All doctors have tried to euie C atarrh i to educate the larger portion of the cliil- hv tiie use of jiowders, acid «sees, ¡’d ia l-• figures tiie ekin, inflam es th e m ucous m em brane, w astes the m uscles, w eak­ dren of W estern Nebraska and Eastern ers ami drugs in paste form. Their pow- Fum n, L a n « C o u n t y , O regon ... iders dry up Hie mucous M em branes ens th e bones, reduces th e pow er ol W j oining out of its own pocket. T he, ,o crack O|«en ami bleed.! resistance to disease an d th e capacity - - BY - - - citizen» are taking such advantage of The powerful acids used in the in h a le rs: tor recovery, an d develops into con­ i .1 . . . . I have entirely eaten away the same inein- H.eir exercising any apprcu.ible e lic it the law m tlio sparsely settled districts |,ri, ni,B ,|,.u u ltir m akers have aimed to sum ption. that the railroad is Obliged to shoulder euro, while pastes and ointm ents cannot “ A bunch appeared on the left side of on Congress. reach til« disease. An old and ex|ieri- m y n e c k . I t c a u s e d g r e a t p a in , v .as la n c e d , P resid en t Roosevelt I na allowed it to niue-telillis of the cost of m aintaining enced practitioner who has fur many ' a n d b e c a m e a ru n n in g sore. 1 w e n t in to a E ditor an's in ,he " etk an'* * iU #:" ’e you ¡(you use it at once. It is | no ordinary rem edy, hut a complete fivers on a regular salary an d eqtti.ig oil I ior consill‘ r “ tion and rep o rt. In up to the stan d aid set These facts have for live hours each d a /. treatm ent which is positively guaranteed In seeking relief from the hardship to cure CATARRH in any form or stage i th e fees which they receive for perform- Hou8e n ,atter8 do ” ot n,ove '»uitB 80 b tc " Pre t‘y widely advertised tl,rough­ first step was to place an W ,,8e’' a«®r° '»•* «hre.-tlons which ing th e various duties connected with | ^‘,8t' U8 o,dy ®ve or *’x com m ittee» otiO-out the country, hut have had little the com pany’s ' 1 ! accom pany each package. Don t de.ay. th e ir offices. T he paper gives statistics ui U‘e *ixty 1x1,1 1,avu 118 >'el bet'n n a " ,eJ effect in cheeking the How of office seek- old caboose o f f »*• wheels along the right but send for it at once, and write lull as to your condition, and you showing th e am ount draw n by each for 81,1 ab ‘e8 Nation will have to aw ait ttrs who block the corridors and crow. of way in th e d istrict. In tl.I» si. »tier . particulars w ill receive special advice from the dtg- ! th eir selection. The H ouse, how ever, I th e ante-room of the W hite House one ■11,6 e n lPioyes established a resi | coverer of this wonderful remedy regard­ salsry , elerk hire, etc., and urgos th a t ¡I | case w ithout each one were paid a regular .a la ry as J h *d * '"•«’«‘“•“ »F l' vely tb,,B a t »« <»»• . T here are nearly as m any of these as is du,uu 1,8 a vot8r- A 8ection of th ® « “» - ing the your regular price of "S cost N U to F F you L E S beyond .” the O .W .H U l i a s ju s t op o n ed tip a n e le g a n t |¡ ni) o f good« o f th e fo llo w in g ord, r . W.1L WEATIIERSON r ~ Hood’s Sarsaparilla ! S atu rd ay a,lJ i,s bi ennial seat- usual at the beginning of a new adm in- p an y ’s laiuI grallt was devtleJ t0 !>'•». “ GUARANTEED CATARRH C U R E .” high us those olii, ers '■ in adjoining states I UU8e* year would bo saved > dri‘’n " g uf to»»l of son, of Tennessee, was nom inated for I I " ‘ll bu “ ocessary to bring sim ilar of having ns n resident the oldest office- " o rk - o,llY lo be passed in th e long ' Speaker, Mr. K arr, of P ennsylvania, for “‘••lions in o th er com m unities. holder in th e country. H e is Iio«wel| stretch th a t comes after the C hristm as clerk, etc., and a large num ber of reso- i A n K v a n g e li* ! '* S to r y . Unions were presented and referred to a Beardsley, postm aster of a little slow- adjournm ent. P r o p r ie to r , “ I suffered for years with bronchial or G. R . M IL L S , The scenes in both houses today were , com m ittee which was instructed to re- In,,g trouble and tried various remedies going fourth-clans postoffice at North A c m e , L a n e C o ., O re. Lansing, N. Y. M r. Puardsley received aiiiuialed in the extrem e, the S enate of port to a caucus to be held on Ja n . 10th. but did not obtain perm anent relief until his ap pointm ent from P resident John course being tlio m ore sedate of th e two. | Tho resolutions offered include eon- F c0<»|nen(cd using One M inute Cough Q uincy Adams and lias hold tho position In th a t body tlie public is not allowed den,nation of the trusts, the prohibitive C " ' e ’ Wri,,' s Uev- J a ,“e8 K irkm an, evnn- G oO ll ACCOMMODATIONS AT REASONABLE .. .. . geliat of Belle R iver, L l. “ I have no PRICES. since 1828. H e is n inety-nine years of upon th e Hour at any tim e a t all n ear features of the tariff, the solicitation of i , ,, ' 1 hesitation in leeoniiiieiiding it to all G ive r s a call . age and w rites his reports regularly ; tbo °PUI,*1,8 “ 1 th e session, Hie aisles pattonage by tbe dem ocrats, colonial sufferers from m aladies of th is k in d .” every m onth to th e d e p artm en t at and desks therefore rem aining free from governm ent, any interference with th e One M inute Cough C ure affords Imme- llie crowd th at surged in and o u t ol th e value of the currency, etc. O ther reso- relief for coughs, colds and all W ashington, House, where the floor is cleared only lotions provided for the internal govern- i . kinds of th ro at and lung troubles. For i eroup it is unequalled. Absolutely safe. A com m ittee consisting of Judge J . R. fifteen m inutes before the rep résen ta- nient of the dem ocratic m inority. Very p|Pagallt t0 takei never fa i|e> al)ll is ! R ic h a rls, of Boise, Id ah o ; H . \V. Scott tives are called to order. Many desks A t the republican caucus which was really a favorite with the children. They! and C. W. Fulton, of O regon; ex-Gov- were loaded down with tlowcrs sent to held on Saturday afternoon the officers | bke it. M ever & Kyle. : ,- 7 - 7 —2 e r n o r S a m u el T. H auser, of H elena, favored m em bers hy adm irers—or by 1 of the last H ouse were renom inated by E u gene, Oregd n all la te s t sty le s a n d p a tte r n s , consisting |t. t h e ’ ad sei H o m esp u n , C ashm ers, A lpaca, ^htqirir I cliict on 8u a n d m a n y o th e r lin o s o f fan c y patterns. due pi S IL K S a n d V E L V E T S fo r t r i m m i n e g or £ ' D s e war •«day it sine r The ’ ■ •"T''v\arew o n g i st timi liebt n sE o rtm e n t of in<”,Jr idnesd ■ of Eu ,te d —5 i real e lace H Jewelry and Watch: tlii« side o f P o r tia ,U " ral of I „ ^ .,w h o Hl ire e x t F irst National nd the a v y ra W e in v ite an in sp e c tio n o f th e above, is Used a« w ell a« o f o th e r g o o d c a r rie d hv the l ’°20;0’ it P o in fatu o u s a n d a l w a is u d -to -ila te BANE sclio c •sd av fi i t a cm ver, W ashington, has been ap)K>inted to tirepnru resolutions to announce to th e world th e purpose and scope of the proposed Lewis & C lark celebration in Memliers had m et o thers of th eir own ed w ithout modification a lt h r m o h ' r> • , ,, , , party pretty generally a t the S aturday ! onel H epburn entered a.i em phatic p r o - ' An O rdinance Providing for building a iU< UP Cllsh C a p ita l, - 850,000 sidewalk on the east side of Lincoln S u r p l u s , 50,000 caucuses, but today offered th e first op- j test, and ttic “ U n nm ltteo on In d u strial Street from the north side of Mani ' purtu n ity for most of them 10 bo b rought ' Arts and E x p o sitio n s” was made a p e r ­ Street to th e south shlo of Josephine „ ,7a .o T ’ c o i„ is te n t P o r tla n d . il! juxtaposition w ith those of opposite m a n tn t com m ittee b ut w ithout jurisdic- S treet, all in the Morse A ddition to *u'd- political faittis. C onsequently, th en , | tiuii in m atters pertaining to revenue Town of Florence. i r- u , ■ . _ r. G. H en d rick s......................... President The Town does O rdain as follows: A copy of th e Yellow Jack et, a radical was m uch hand-shaking and m any warm and appropriations. , 'S. B- E akln ..................... Vice President Secaion 1. T h at it be and is ordained i fj‘ p „ ? i l raS8' ' ................ a " ; T , Cashier ! republican paper published a t M oravian greetings from those who would, later C ashier . and directed th a t a sidewalk snail be ' ......................... A88U 0,1 MARSHAL’S SALE. F a lle, N orth CaroliiiH, is on our table on, defy gaoh other in the open sessions built on the east side of Lincoln (Street E vidently the editor of th a t sheet is a ''Some fam iliar faces were m issing, a Dy virtu e of a w arran t issued by the , ,,, . u 'L K " i ’i.’ i i v i g u t . , , , whole nest full of yellow jackets, as he ! n“ “‘ber of Congressmen of both I L L 1 ^ r e n c e , £o u n - °i « treet <0 , E S IE K N H O U SE he south side of Josephine Street, all in inflicts num erous stings on itis political and .Senate being bung up som ewhere iu ty of L ane, and State of Oregon, to mo the Morse A ddition to tho Town of Flor- W M . B R Y K D , P ro p . „ . . . I directed November 23 J, 1901, com maini- i opponents, w ithout any regard for bis the laciflc on a belated tran sp o rt w hich , ¡ng Ille lo |evv on tlie rert, estatu o[ the ence ce Sail! walk shall be built so as to E v e r y th in g in co n n e c tio n w ith (he ' be about level and aho,u iix inches from H o u s e is N e w an ti F irs t-C la s s ow n safety. is bringing them from the P h ilip p in es, j delinquent property owners named on the * ground, nnd to tv nta-lu as follows: __ Títere is abu n d an t evidence tiiut fin a n -' lbt! d elin q u en t assessm ent roll of th e Six feet wide; three stringers, 5x6 inch- S P E C I A L A T T E N T I O N TO cial affairs will play a leading p a rt in 8aid Town of 1''lorel,'-'c> ior assessm ents In tu rn in g o n t a seven-masted schoon­ es, to break jflfnts it. laying; nails noti COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS. , „„ .1 • . made on th e 21st day of October, 1901 Cougtes8 this w inter, exceeding in 1111- f „ , ., , , ,, , less than 20 pennys. six nails to each er, Ilia only one ever launched, and big 6 1 for building a sidewalk on the north T ho n o tic e o f th o p u b lic is called in proportion to It« rigging, M assachu­ p irtanee every oth er subject except pos-1 side of Main Street in the O riginal Town p la n k ; plank not w ider than 12 inches, I nor less than 2 inches thick, and of good i to o u r n ew eihly th e N icaraguan Tlivy will of Florence from Jefferson S treet to the setts gives a signal token th a t the age of sound lum ber. B A T H R O O M e o tn e up in many form s; first, th ere will " est 8* de of Monroe S ireet, thence along th e sailing ship has not entirely passed Section 2. T he cost of building the ' he those who support tho Babcock bill 1 lllB " ,8 t 8’d ” ol ^Fonroe s tric t from w h e re I l o t a n d C old B a th s m ay b ej aw . ” and th a t the wind v«t rem ains a sidewalk shall be paid by th e lots front­ Main S treet to F irst Stri ct, thence along h a d a t a n y tim e. ing on said walks. ' lo lemovo (lie tariff duties from all a rti- factor in m arine tra n sit.—E x. the so u th side of First S treet fion, Mun­ Section 3. T he building of said walk j --------------------------------- — ------------------ clcs Iliade by tru sts; second, thorn, who roe sire e t io Jackson S treet, in C ox’s favor reciprocity in general and those A ddition to Florence, together with the shall he dune by the property owners, More Instrum ents were filed for record and If not done w ithin ten days from tins' R fiV VI CUJ H ilT P 1 who favor i t in particular eases—such as uo8t!b in terest, mid expenses of eollec- « I I L f ? llU I E L , in the county clerk ’s otlieo during No­ O uba; th ird , those who w ant the su r- tio,,> 1 ll« ' u llu lv levied on t h i follow ing passage of this ordinance said walk i shall be let by the Board of Trustees or C A S S ID Y & SO N - - P ro p rieto rs, vem ber th an any o th er previous m onth . i„ „ , i, , pieces or p a n e ls of land as set forth in plus rvuuccu bv . , q u en t A ssessm ent roll, lying tbe Town of Florence on contract or con­ • a general 8 ■*•• revision ' cvioioh O of l the lilt ga. j i delin F lo re n c e . O re g o n . during th e history of the county. And tariff an d tboa« who w a n t it reduced by and being in said Town of Florence, tracts to tbe lowest responsible bidder, j L ane county has not yet begun to grow. reserving the light to reject any and all a sweeping cut in the w ar taxes. M r. C ounty of L ine, and S tate of Oregon, T l a a b bl08 le s fu fu rn bids. The building of said sidew alk' rn is is h h e e d d w ith all tile I t is ju st laying the foundation.—Reg­ Uabeoek declares th a t he will push his d,«scribed and assessed as folloiyi: Shall be completed in tw days from the d elica cies o f th e seaso n . G ive u s ister. bill and will force th e House to show its ORIGINAL TOWN. passage of this ordinance, a c a ll. Ow ner. himd regarding it; th e republican lead­ hot. B lock. A m ount. occtimi 4. This O rdinance shall take I TIMBER LAND ADVANCING. 5 A R P cnrce........ . . . . 9.04 A first-c la ss ers in general say th at th e bill will qui- ' 4 Cora B Andrews . . . 9.04 its approval by the P resident of the i eliy be pul to deatli iu com m ittee mid 6 J- W . C A R M A N (.»co M M iller. . . . . 9 04 A. II. H am m ond, president of the will not come up for action in Hie House fi <« << •« a« o . . . 9.04 ten days in T un W est . C orvallis dt E astern Railroad Co., who in connection w ith the house ut a ll; wliieb will prevail, only tbe fu­ 7 Ö I W Yaw ter . . . . . 9.01 A ppioved th is th e 3rd day of Decem­ recently returned to P ortland from a 8 • I. M M ille r.......... . . . 9.04 ber, 1901. M arion M orris , ture can tell. Reciprocity in general is visit to San Francisco, iu an intciview •» *« (4 9 5 P resident of the Board of T rustees of . . . Ü.Ü4 a m atter for tb e Senate, but tlio pro­ • * «• ts say s: 10 5 . . . II . 15 the Town of Florence, Oregon. posed action iu regard to Cuba is one for 1 I Goo S o v e ru s........ . . . 11.13 "T im b er land values in Oregon have A tte s t: C. O. B ehnke , Recorder. T. N . SE G A R , - . P r o p r ie to r . both bouses, as it w ill take the form of 3 4 Wm C hurchill . . 9.04 increased fifty per cent since th e g ran t­ N ew M anaoemext . • * (« I legisiuliou an d not of a treaty . Secre- 4 4 . . . 9.04 II vm III i «n d B e a u ty . ing of common point rates on lum ber. S trictly F irst -C lass . 5 4 1. M M ille r .......... . . 9.0, 1 l -*p' Root s i>owcrful recom m endations A poor com plexion is usually the re- T h ere is a continuously increasing de- fi 4 A O Cleveland F ree S ample R ooms . .. 9.04 in favor of it on Hie ground th a t it id 7 4 Lord <& Thom as .. 9.04 E lectric L ights and B ells ! U nless n a tu re ’s refuse is forced U|«on us by the sam e considera­ 8 •< s« 4 • rii capitalista are in v rstin g benvily. .. . 9 04 cause im pure C e n tr a lly L o c a te d . tions th a t forced the war upon us, 1 9 4 L M Miller . 9.04 blood. Pim ples, laiils and other crop- T be lum ber resources of th è «.ale are r . •• <« <• 10 4 low. T his is n a tu re ’s m'i'm Keaaquarters for M in i: ng. Mill ana n am ely : th e necessity of keeping Cuba . . 11.15; s n a tu re ’s method of a ttra c tìn g colisi,lerable allen ito ti in ttie c o x ’s a IUHTION. prosperous, independent and healtliv, , throw ing off the poisons which the bow­ Commercial Id Men. E a st, and undoabtedly tini erection of a O W H u r d .......... . . . 9.04 els failed to rem ove. D eW itt’s L ittle have stirred up Congress exceedingly. $1 to $ 2 P e r D ay n u in l« r of aawmills w ili follow the in- lam a Bergm an. . 9.04 E arly Risers are world famous for rem e­ Eugene, They may, and probably will, fail t o ! vestin**nt in landa. »« tt Oregon. .. 9.04 dying this condition. They stim ulate " T b e W illam ette V alley in particular ' pro ,lu ,‘’ resl,!>’ ' “'t they will undoubt- M F P a rk e r............ .. 9.04 tb e liver and prom ote regular and ,/A ¿ A - /«•« «-« •• «• «« w ill b e t h e s iv n e of niucli activity during ' 1 l-ud N“ 1' 1, .. 9.U1 h ealthy action of th e bowels but never E g g i n g tb e n e x t year, and P o rtlan d will Iw tb e i No* M**1 Su:Hr'‘iiu«n canal has w A Cox . 9.04 cans« griping, cram ps or distress «• •« pills. M ever (k Kyle. liaee of supplies lor th e iiillla and logging I , ”kr* - 1 d ,o such a point th a t actio n , 42.78 M F P arker 9.04 c a n ii* . T h ere is ap iw ren tlv a growing “ H am , its opponents have drop- “ •* “ .......... R 'ln e a t . Y onr U o w cla W illi ( « i r a r . l i . 9.04 (■arrisa,. fa m is h e d » h e ,,“ „ e rr; ” rv ” " r7 »>" d em an d for Ininlter for ex p o rt, and the i *’tMl 1,1081 o ,|ier argum ents against it and | - E nrl.w e se ti-.,h ire. . . . . " f i ? " " O W H u rd .............. ®?r? e o x ’ ltp allon ior», er. 9.04 ~vc. IX C. C. C. f^i L druAmists ruf uuU nkiner. Mrtiinger. "16 ( • « «« at fact th a t th e prices co n tin u e a t proflta- ' 0,1,81111 alClF on the money side. They . . 9.04 ta t t tt .. 9.04 ble figures would in d icate th a t th ere i« claim th at th e enorm ous ex p en d itu re re­ W A Cox TWte T o u r e r o f I’ n i n l n e . . . 9.04 ! quired will have serious effects in this ADM INISTRATO RS NOTICE. no d anger of overproduction. Tiie s itu ­ T he T o rn 1 della Fame, o r T ow er o f O W H u rd .............. co u n try ; Hint $20i?,lKX>,0tX) cannot be at tt tt F am ine, w as noted for its grcw snm e atio n in C alifornia ia all th a t could Iu 9 04 ___Horace J. Minor estate. Italy, lay, th e 23rd day uí Ue- history. It once stood In Pisa desired. T h ere is a larg er dem an d , at taken from pnsluetive in d u stries and And i N o tiie is beret,V given n ,a i , lint th ere nre now no trace •s o f it. put im o one wliieb for years to eonie cem tier, nt th e hour of one o ’c lo c k p. ni. b e tte r figure«, for redwood lunitier and C ount Q g o lin o ile ila G b e r a r d se h ia a .w h „ ra 7 # n v l. Georg« ns l«veti m ust prove absolutely unproductive, ' of said day, a t the front d,H»r of the Odd D a n te iminurtn!tat<lis, am i I .c a u s e i f hts tyran-*^ nrdcr°^ Horace J . Minor, de.'H«M, |i f)V nf the County L'ònw .. . erne, U ounlv of Lane, and M ate of Or«- rtT,,F « j w il) # b o v e U M erlta d b is c o u n tr y p , h e w a , a n te » - persons Havi»,., i viRimn AK:iin«t Twentieth Century Medicine, a point, w i J necessitate th e building of estate a t public auction to the liigbest p r iz e d a «i, ftn n lly <• n q n e m l by th e nntlAed 7 ? * - ar- »rfcny '"-ret,; . •n>tmetí to ttrenont . ti.« Gascarets Candy Cathartic arc as a huge navy w h ich w ill c o s t h e a v ily , b id d er for ca « h , su b ject to r c it a n p tio u , c l i l r f o f th G hibelline««, w h » ItDprlson- proper vouchers tn ..¡ i . i" " 18 wi,b H"’ cd him. V It'i I«!- t n i «ans and two fir ihcsd of ancient pifl p o is o n s a n d , >(l ,jH, t»ther side, how srvr, it io nrgvil h)Haii*fy th e saitl w arrant, »•• i gr,unisons. In thqj tow er, ilo- slow liquid physic as the electric light of j (|m( w||| accruing co«.. ,no,,,,,’ from the nn th'«