Tonight PE R IS H E D ALONE. J u d g e A . H . I 'ls k F ou rn i D e a d H vB ie Htead. PUT IN AT ASTORIA- T h o u sa n d s H a v e K idney Trouble and D on ’t Know it. ACME COnnERCIAL CO., The schooner Wing and W ing, n h ith H o w T o F in d O ut. sailed from San Francisco lor Siuslaw Fill a bottle or common glass with youi about two m onths ago, and was seen] water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a Word was brought to Florence Tues­ several tim es off the m onth of the river, . l»utc C ovxty , O rix ; o \ . - wr sediment or set F R A N K B. W IL SO N , M anager, d a y evening th at E x-Judge A. H . Fisk was towed in at Astoria last Saturday j tling indicates an j £ 1 — s unhealthy condi- had lieen found d-itd a t his hom estead hv the lignt house tender Manx initn. i Y/ *‘on of the kid-1 On retiring, and tom orrow your d i­ on the upper p art of Knowles Creek, in She had lieeu driven to the north bv a I x neys; if it stains Mapleton precinct. u t lin a gestive organs will be regulated and storm . She had lust her jit» ami her ■ your linen it is | O R E G O N an d P ro p rie to r. j Mr. Fisk has been living on bis claim evidence of kid­ o rd e r• you will be bright, active and ready anchor, and the m ainsail and foictail ney trouble; too I (or any kind of work. This lias for some two years, part of the tim e are badly dam aged. frequent desire to $1.50 a year in « iìvihht — been tile experience of others; it ; alone and part of th e tim e having others Thu account ot the trip given in the will be yours. HOOD’S PILLS are ted d in g in the house with him . He had Oregonian stales th at the vessel ran ! sold by all medicine dealers. 25 cts. been alone for a few days, lint saw some short of water and all th e crew had tor convincing proof that the kidneys and blad­ the post-office a t F b-r-ii'-f. der areout of order. | Oregon, a« aecon.l . Some good boys’ suits at A O F ouke's. of his neighbors nearly every day. three weeks was rainw ater caught i.i W h a t to D o. Tuesday forenoon Mrs. Eniersun, a buckets. When the schooner reached There is comfort in the knowledge so We Carry a Fine and A large stock of fancy croi-kcrv at neighbor and relative, went to his place port there was b u t one bucket ot water often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- KATES MADE KNOWN O S | AP- Meyer A K yle’s. and found Mr. Fisk dead outside the on hoard. The vessel sprung a leak Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills c-.-ry j MJOA’MON. Good advice to give to a hungry man house, hut near the door. He had np- about November 15 ami it was necessary wish in curing rheumatism, pain In the Varied Stock of 4 c eitta per li»»«, each i«i»ei timi back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part - —go to th e W estern House. ’ puretitly lain th ere all night, as Ids i to man I lie pumps night and day tc keep of the urinary passage. It eorrecls inability A good second hand cook stove for clothing was wet fiom th e rain. The her ulloat. to hold water and sca'ding pain In passing Oregon, Dee. G, I!l(»l sale. In q u ire a t the W est office. body was in a reclining position, and The cargo was uninjured when she It, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant A bargain was closed a few days ago from- appearances it is thought he had reached Astoria, but she had to go to a necessity of being compelled to go often E ST L IN G S. by which E. E. M arr sold Io J . A. Lev- been taken ill and gone outside, and drv dock fur repaiis. during the day, and to get up many times age his house an I lot in M iller's addi­ sank down unable to proceed further. The ocean has been quite rough (or during the night. The mild and the extra­ Some of the neiglihors saw Mr. I'isk nearly two m ouths past, hut since the ordinary effect of S w a m p .R o o t Is soon ; is N on e too G o o d tion to Florence realised, it stasds the highest for its won­ Again we find it necessary to ask onr Monday apparently in his usual health, 1 Wing and Wing was reported off the Si- derful cures of the most- distressing cases, hut it is thought he passed awiiy th a t usiaw, the tig liojj.uts h at totv.-d in if you need a medicine you should have the sol 8 -ril-crs wlm are indebted to us to evening. three schooners and taken two out over best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes. ry ami pay up. W inter is here and our You may have a sample bottle of this A neighbor inform s ns th a t Mr. F isk ’s . th at bar. The crew of the R obarts say woodshed Is about em pty. We m. st discovery lower lim bs had been som ewhat num b I the Wing and Wing did not come up wonderful have som ething to till it before long. and a book that tells from paralysis and tiia t his h eart troub- : near the m outh of th e river, as did the more about it, both sent) If you would have an appetite like a bled him occasionally. goods at Meyer & K v |e ’s. i other vessels, hut stood off ten or fifteen absolutely free by mail, bear and a relish for your meals take address Dr. Kilmer & n«m. of«. News of his decease was sent to his | miles d istant. ftilcb cow w anted. Leave C ham berlain’s Stomach and Liver T ab­ relatives a t M apleton and in Eugene. Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men­ W est oflico. tion reading ihis generous offer in this paper. lets. They correct Vtij/irders of th e stom ­ A N O T H E R SC H O O NER - ten d in n er a t the W estern ach and regulate the liver and bowels. The body was brought to th e Mapleton îlectiou of nday when you ure in Flor- Hotel W ednesday, where funeral ser­ Price, 25 cents. Samples free nt O. W. vices w ill be held this m orning. In te r­ Ti e San Francisco Gall last week con­ IBÍstillg of I H u rd ’s drug store. m ent will take place at the Masonic- tained a picture of the schooner which is rint plats of any tow nship Last M onday when the Lillian was cem etery today at II o ’clock. now untjpr construction at Dickey's ship W M . B R Y N D , Prop. counties call at C startin g away from the city wharf she » ouglaa »1 A. 11. Fisk resided in Eugene for ten yarn d at Alan Uainedit, Gal., for A. W . Beadle aca, Setj° office. ' j struck against the corner of a la r g e 1 or twelve years and was well k n o w n 'A Co. E v e r y th in g in connection w ith th e Jii nrtbonae bnililirg in Fn- scow with such force as to break a largo throughout Lane county, having served H o u se is N e w and F irs t-C la s s . The new vessel is a three masted n fitted up and is now used hole in the planking of th e boat. She I as county judge from 18U2 to 1896. He schooner, 147 feet in length, 37 feet in p attern s. ¡muse. | was taken across the river and beached took up tiia hom estead on Knowles breadth, and depth of ten feet, and will SPECIAL ATTENTION TO COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS. Mail proposes the nam e of and the dam age repaired. W e b u y direct from the L a rg est Jobbing H o u ses and Creek about two years ago am i lias re­ have a carrying capacity of 000,000 feet •liitniing san», >rd, of Roseburg, as a can- Coquille City B ulletin: We u n d er­ sided tliere most of th e tim e since. lie lum ber. Tho rra fl is designed especially T h e n o tice o f th e p u b lic is called M anufacturers in th e country, for CA SH , and w e are enabled orney geo H. I for the Siuslaw lum ber trade. stand th a t enough funds have been was about 08 years of age. to o u r new to g e t th e L o w e st Prices, b esid es a lw a y s b ein g su re o f ob­ He leaves three sons and one or two nette Valley P oultry Assn raised for th e estab lish m en t of a C atho­ I. B. (C ushm an informs us th a t the B A T H ROOM old its annual show in Tin­ lic school and church in this city, and daughters. His sons are II. H . Fisk, tim bers of this vessel were all in place ta in in g first-class goods. W e are not p a y in g enorm ous ier 19, 20 ami 21. th a t negotiations are on whereby the wlm resides at M apleton, W. L. and two weeks ago and that it is expected w h e re H o t nnd C o ld B aths «.iny be h ad a t a n v tim e . tlie schooner will he completed by F eb ­ 'was let last week by II. I). church expects to purchase the O ’Con­ Fred Fisk, of E ugene. ex p en ses and w ill se ll yo u goods at reosonbale rates. n t of ruary 1st, 1902. . B. Alley for the erection nell lots opposite th e B ulletin office, PERSONALS. This m akes two vessels now under ng h r a wtoUn mill at F ather D onnelly is the prom oter of the GENERAL NEWS. construction for the Siuslaw trade, cue movement and lias succeeded adm irably. Jam es Bay was in Eugene the first of at A lameda and the other, which we persons desiring to dis- They have also established a hospital at The Soutli American delegates to the m entioned two weeks ago, at O akland, Pan-A m erican Congress in session at thia week. atate in this vicinity to call Marshfield. leir property on our list, Mexico object Io American control of the John Mason returned- Sunday after a California. Among the tens of thousands who lierson. Nicaragua canal. liave used G liam lierlain’sCough Remedy trip to E ugene. REW ARDED. tr RoLarJa reto rt «4 Sa t n r- for colds and la grippe during the pnst The International Live Stock Exposi­ T. J . Hudson sliot th ree wild geese - Ü ; 1 front a trip to Y aquina. few years, to our knowledge, not a single tion opened at Chicago S aturday. It while out hu n tin g W ednesday. dow n a cargo of flour and case has resulted in pneum onia. Tlios. C harles S. Charles, the express mes- will continue until December 7. Tliere Geo. B. Camp uses a cane these days W hitfield A Co., 210 W abash avenue, .-.ercliants. seng»r who stood off the robbers who are ten thousand exhibits. on account of a boil on Ids knee. attem pted to rob the express car be­ H otel lias a card in this : Chicago, one of the most prom inent re- The ferry boats San Rafael and Sau­ a b o v e, as . Mr. Mills is fitting up [ tail druggists in th a t city, in speaking of | Sidney W aite lias taken Ids work ent- tween Cottage Grove and Eugene some salito collided in San Francisco Bay Sat- We recommend C ham ber- j t0 D o n ell’s ranch at Mercer «*«• two m onths ago, lias been transferred to ,,r,i„v n j„tlt ¡n „ ,|enBe fog the San <1 by (lie ling and hopes to obtain a I til is, sa y s: Iain ’s Cough Remedy for la grippe in i for th e w inter. Hie C entral Pacific line w ith Iieadq headqnar- Rafael sank soon after. T hree persons * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * patronage of th e p tldic. m any cases, as it not only gives prompt. I.. Diffenbaelier was n passenger from ters a t S hu Francisco. were drowned and nbout tw enty Injured. nrtalns have been placed and complete recovery, b u t niso eountei- Y aquina on the R obarts on liis n ay back On T hanksgiving day lie was called vs of Meyer A K yle’s build- A San Francisco dispatch save: Tiie acts any tendency of la grippe to result from Siletz, wiiere lie located a lionie- into the ofiice of the m anager of the in lias ju s t put in a plai t Chinese Six Com panies of this city in p neum onia.” F or sale bv O. \V. stead. com pany, wiiere a handsom e gold liave called upon escli C hinam an in the Y our patronago ia alw ays appreciated, and no matter how ire gas fur lighting th e ir H urd. m edal, a gold w atch-chain and charm U nited S tales Io contribute one dollar to CO UN CIL PROCEEDINGS- with diam ond selling and a check fori fight tiie extension of llie Geary exclu small your purchases, you may rest assured it w ill be our constant lose combined ages footed HAVE YOU SEEN ANY FOSSILS IN A regular m eeting of The board of $1000 were presented Io him . He also aion act a t the coming suasion of Con­ aim to sell you the best goods obtainable at reasonable prices. THE ROCK? ed and slaty-five years a cre trustees of Florence was lie'll Monday received a very com plim entary letter gress. The Six Companies will co n trib ­ ilk county a few days ago. evening witli President Morris in the from th e com pany. ute large sum s of money for lids purpose i eighty-six and th e gruom Professor Condon, uliotn everybody; chair and T rustees liry n il, C hristensen lliem selves. years old. | knows as the pioneer coast geologist, I and W eatlierson in attendance. A bsent, E U G E N E ’S W OO LEN M IL L . Tiie D enver Post of December 1 says: v and San Francisco Liim- will send me into the Coast M ountains Trustee E vans. Senator W illiam A. C lark, nf M ontana, building large sheds in to search for fossils, from December 20 M inutes of last regular and sp ecial Tho stock holders nf tiie W illaincl te and Thom as F . W alsh, of Colorado, liave s-their luuilier. One of d e ­ to Jan u ary 4. Anyone knowing of a meetings were read and approved. Valley Woolen M anufacturing Co., re ­ it is rum ored, joined issues in rsilroad led for the local trade and ' place between the Alsea and th e U m p-i The finance com m ittee recommended cently incorporated at Eugene, liave construction, and will build practically wilt keep a stuck of q u a where fossil shells or fossil leaves or th at tlie claim of L. F . Crow for $1, ■ b aiiy nil chosen If. D. W agnon. G. W . H irst, R. a new transcontinental railroad, Tiie | asbestos or other m inerals lia-e been wiiicli was presented a t last m eeting l-e ' pier of all kinds. McMnrpliy aim F. E. D unn directors of Chicago, Rock Island A Pacific is aaid to I found, will do a kindness to Professor ' .rR o b a rts was beached at , paid and a w arrant was ordered draw n the company. Tiie directors liave elect­ be in witli Senator Clark and Mr. Walsli. 'lay afternoon, th e old pro Condon by sending me directions to th e j()r l(le sam e. ed R. McM urphy president, II. D. AVag- The new transcontinental line, would place. I wisli to hear of even the poor- bad lost two bladt-s,» ! Tiie street com m ittee reported that R. non vice president, G. IV. H irst secre­ give Senator Clark an o u tlet for liis Los i N. W eatlierson bad com pleted more tary and m anager, and F. E . Dunn another p u t in its p l a n . ests traces of shells. Angeles A Suit Lake City road, wiiicli This work will be of value to the coun­ I than half of liis sidewalk contract and ow in b etter condition for treasurer. lias been left w ithout one tlirongli the try as it may prove tlie presence ol tiie for a couple of m onths past lecom mended tiiat lie be paid for one- It is expected tiie btiihling for tiie mill absorption of I lie two Colm ado m ountain Eocene form ation which contains the third tiie work, according to agreem ent. : because von bave tak- n Coos Bay and W ashington coal fields, On motion a w arrant wiib ordered draw n will lie completed about February 1, and linealiy George Gould. Tiie Rock Is- H a ve 0 1 ways ei in vain that wour rase i- on H a n d a P in e ocl^ o f it will take aliout three m onths to get nni, would get a new and abort route to and of the Niocene in wiiicli the Texas ■ in Ins favor for $101.75» Hoood’s Sarsaparilla has aif in place and ready tiie m achinery California, and C alifornia oils have been struck. The following bills were then present. eemingly iiopeless cases of All specimens will be deposited in ' ed and allowed : Rudolpli B rynd, ten d ­ for work. a rrli, rheninatlsin, kidney I’rof. Condon's collection a t tiie U niver­ ing street lam ps, $7.00; G. C. Ctnn| ton, BOARD C F T RADE- yspepsia and general ile- sity nf Oregon, DIED. two m onths salary as m arshal, $10; T he Noti G ^ o e E ^ iE g , C lIK K T E R W as IIBUHXE, , W est , printing, $3.75 A meeting of the Florence Board ol alk is being built in 1 ' At liis home near R uby, Douglas conn Eugene, Oregon. An ordinance provioing for a walk on r th a n ever before io 1 ty, Oregon, on Eriilny, Novemlu-r 29, T rade was held Friday afternoon in tlm tiie east side of Lincoln street in Morse's Tiie Bent P laster, of tim e. Including ’’ 1901, nf consum ption, Kev. J . A. Sims, ofiice ni Col. Holden. On account of Hie sm all attendance but little business was A piece of flannel dam pened with addition from F ront to Josephine streets in tiie 531 year of liis age. en ordered and th at a 11 T 3 iy G fo o d c . ★★ 0 ress G f o o d s m il 3000. fqet. Of new w alk Cliiiinlierlaiu'g Pain Balm and bound Io was presented, read th ree tim es under Mr. Siins was horn in Illinois in 1849 transacted. Tim following com m ittees were ap p o in ted : tiie affected parte is superior to any plas­ sns|a-nsion of tiie rules, Hnd adopted ructeil since the )>r Un uiotioii the recorder whs directed and came Io this sta e from Kansas On je tty —W. If. W eatlierson, Win. ter. When troubled witli lam e back or ted Iasi spring. about eight years ago. li e took tip a pains in Hie side or ch est, give it a trial ,o Proc" re D°nt toe county d e ik a certi- homestead on Five-Mile Creek nnd lias K vie.O . II. Holden. i suprem e co u rt last Mon- lied list of tiie owners of property front­ ,'own .a decision as to tin- and you a re certain to be more than ing on new sidewalk on Second and since resided in Hint vicinity and en­ 'Im provem ents—A. E . Pickle, Win. gaged in farm ing. He was a man wlm B rynd, G . ('. C am pton. will of a m arried w om an pleased with tiie prom pt relief which it Madison streets, also to ascertain the Automotiile line— A. E. Pickle, J . A. affords. I’ain Balm also cures rheum a­ :llted previous to Iter mnr- proportionate am ount due from each lot was held in high esteem by liis friends, Pond, Dr. Evans. ami aequaintanees. Besides a sister, ecision of Judge Boise in tism . One application g ites relief. For for constructing sidewalk. A notber m eeting is to lie held next sale by O. W. H urd. PRCPR:' rl m arriage ° l" '' P resident M ortis suggested tiiat tiie Mrs. 8. E. Lowe, lie leaves a wife and Monday evening. >n of the will under such four children to mourn liis decease. LOGGING TEAM AND TIMBER FOR council procure for Hie town an official a was sustained, p lat showing the streets, alleys, blocks, SALE. Pavpfl HI •» U fc. 'lection at Springfield last H ats & Caps, etc., of certain portions of tiie town, as A LARG E R E D U C TIO N - Boots & Shoes, One million feet, of good fir tim bercon- Inid out. On motion tli<* recorder was ctaeely contested bet ween “ I wisli to say Hint I feel I owe my ‘'«k'1 l.'"" venieut to tile Siuslaw R iver for sale at directed to ascertain th e cost of such life to Kodol Dyspepsia C u re," writes C. Tim Lane County Board of Equaliza­ two conncihnen on the a reason-tble price. Logging road al­ plat, allowing llie original town, to g eth ­ H. Clirestenson of Hayfield, M inn. tion lias cut down th e asesaor’s valua­ elected and the taxpayers ready built from th e tim ber to tiie river. er witli M orse’s, M iller's and Cox’s a d ­ “ For th ree years I was troubled with tion ol real estate 29 per cent. Tliia will Also six head of num ber one work ditions. treasurer, while an itnle- dyspepsia so tiiat I could liold nothing reduce tiie Assessment of this county on mv stom ach. Many tim es I would $1,200,099. cliossn recorder. Tiie mä­ oxen and a pair of hulls, from six to Tiie council then adjourned. eight years old. In q u ire of ti from one to fonr, lie unable to retain a morsel of fond. F i­ Tiie assessm ent rolls were atioiit ready S idney W aite , The beat place in town to get a gooii nally I was confined to my tied. Doctors to be turned over to llie sheriff, lint this ostera are now enroute here - Acme, Oregon. said I could not live. I read one of your orilet will give Assessor Burton an dileje Extra* meal is at the W estern House. hom t ie 8in-hiw .. advertisem ents on Kodol Dyspepsia Cure u'ies shout a m ontli’a ex tra work.— o Lumber Co.’« mil I. 1 - H .» w ’ m Thl«? GOATS FOR SALE. and th ought it fit my case and com­ G uard. led N ov.27, the M arr I i W e offer one hundred dollars reward I liave 160 goats lor sale at $3 per head menced its use. I began to im prove tiie Bender Bros. D.-c for any case of C atarrh tiiat cannot be for llie liand. About liulf of them are from the first Imtlle. Now I am cured y now have six s: b -m - cured by If a ll’s C atarrh Cure. FURS W A N T E D . ami recommend it to a ll.” Digests your nannies. M rs . C yxtiiia A lstix , fined carrying capamy i F. J . Cheney A Co., Toleilo, O. food. Cures all stom ach troubles Aiene, Oregon. red by the feet Tiie liigliest easli price paid for all W e, tiie undersigned, have known F. Meyer A Kyle. from th eir J . Cheney for tlie last 15 years, and be­ kinds of furs and bides. A n K r « n < e l i » | ’ ($ H t o r y . G. C. C ompton . lieve him perfectly honorable in all bus­ ‘‘I suffered for vears witli bronchial or A D VER TISED L E TT E R S (Florence iness transactions and financially aide to At Reddy'* .Meat M arket, Florencv, (tr lung trouble and tried various rem edies Were pro- carry out any obligations m ade by tlieir but did not obtain perm an en t relief until ' T iiefollow ingletters rem ain unclaim ed lad vanced firm. » I commenced using One M inute Cough in I lie Florence post office for the week ek ; but as W est A T ruax, W holesale Druggists, Cure, w rites Rev. Jam es K irkm an, evan- I ending November .¡0, 1901 : HEN YOU aro feeling tired and 11lie larger out of aorta you w ill find Hood's Toledo, O. Johnson, I/m ie Ifanver, D. C. gelist of Belle R iver, III. “ I have no Sarsaparilla will do you wonderful additional W alding, K innan A M arrin , W holesale hesitation in leeom niending it to all W h ittak er, Ixmie wood. Le sure to GET H O O D ’* . divided Druggists, Toledo, O. W m K vi . e . P. M Rufferer* from maladie* nf tliia k in d .” lle r room H all's C atarrh C ure ia taken inter- ■ One M inute Cough Cure afford* im m e­ irsu e tiie natty, acting directly on tiie blood and H o w to C u r e C r o u p . d iate relief for cough*, colds and all E V A N G E L IC A L C H U R C H . i w ent to mucous surfaces ot the system . T esti­ Mr. R. G ray, who lives near A m enia, kinds of th ro a t and lung trouble*. For monials free. Price 75c. Sold by all croup it is unequalled. Absolutely safe. Duchess connty, N. Y ., aavs: ‘‘Cbam - Services will lie held for good Druggists. Very pleasant to take, never fail*, »ml ia tierlain'a Congti Remedy ia the t>e»t rned- H a ll’s Fam iiv Pills arc th e best. tom e cue li leally a favorite with the children. They I *r ' np ’ have ever used. It is a fine <-|i hil each m o n th as follows: ■Iren's remedy for croup and never fails Florence................... . to, dis- I like it. M eyer A Kyle. SUN D A Y SERVICES. , to r a r e .” W hen given a* soon as the I ilen ad a................... .. Honsuess, P ortage............................ i child hnarae, or even after Hie Mapleton .............. I eoon (ol- They Work While You Sleep. . cronpy cough Ini* developed, it will pre­ M.-L- «' ........................ I ailmems Rev. G . A. McKirdey will conduct re­ While your mind and body rest Ca»- 1| »lionhl be Imrne I'i-ld c < r. '[ t-y t.kin.' ligious services on Sunday, December 8, carets Candy Cathartic repair your vent th e attack, I ',, n lia rd t....................... II T*W Tab- in Hie P resbyterian church in F lorem e digestion, your liver, your bowels, in mind and a l.o w H f Hie Cough Rem­ Alder Ridge .............. to easy to *t 11 a. m ., and in Acme Comm ercial put them in perfect order. Genuine edy kept at hi n 1 ready for inatant use Hermann..................... K t . Fot Co.'» liait in Acme at 36 p. in. E vefj- tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold and given as soon as tlieae symptom* Reed ............................. opcdc c ¡a p p ear. For rale by 0 . W. H u rd . Acme ......................... in bulk. All druggists, roc. holy icvited. If your liver is ou t of o rd er, causing Biliousness, Sick H eadache, Ile u it burn, or Constipation, tak e a dose o. ““ - v eatiiers < ) HootPs Pells J L O ltZ Œ !, hing s 3tHin . General Merchandise. Patent Medicines, I li. - E Sperry’s B est. Family Flour ’ Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Prints, riusi ins, Yarns, Crash, Notions, K Groceries. WESTERN HOUSE. atchee, We Have a Complete Stock of Boots and Shoes. MEYER & KYLE N * * * X OHE d ★ sente mpar P L L Gent’s Furnishing Goods, H a rd w a rE , Paints, Oils, etc. W Prices as Low as the Lowest FI . , Or*cfon