‘J ? iz L ± L i records and th a t po.iticul W ^'t2JÖ 1 ’ Pains in the Back wdely -, oil tlieir inrtuenee wouM cut ho figure in the ACME NEWS. GREENLEAF ITEM S. December I, 1901. D ecember 7. HOI. operai ions again oil The mill largali Moore Brothers, who took out o n f fifty Young cattle, iiuislly calve», a while Monday after a long lay off, on II m ) ac­ ago to feed this w inter, sold them mid count of no « liar! room. The scho.mcr Bella arrived here .and last 'w eek they took another sim ilar discharged a quantity of freight at both j drove from the Sinslaw. Clarence B urnett made a few dollars stores. by a shooting m atch Thank-giving Miss Helen Gurney Is slaying with week. her mini, Mrs. Shrum , on Maple Creek. Miss Mary W illcut won a turkey al Mr. Robert Bav and w ife, of North , Clarence B u rn ett's shooting m atch, l ork, have been visiting with olii friends while her two big brothers iried in vain. ill A lile . Mr. and Mrs. Marion Wheeler gave a The R.-N. A. are preparing to give a line dinner on tire 27tli, the aiinivorsary hall C hristinas in the Sauhert Hall. of th eir m arriage. Io a few of their Willi the proceeds they intend to secure friends and rehu ¡ves who were present furniture for Iheir hall. 1,1 ,l,eir last year. One of them All w ho attended the masquerade ball waa llæ '■J''■«'* father, w ho lay a t the -piiuibdny night report a good time. The point ol death a year ago. Now he prize for the cake walk was given to seems good for ninny years, though lie is Mrs. Jennie Gates. far from being a rugged man yet. ] half a dozen senators who will dare to WASHINGTON LETTER. A caucus of th e republican members Jo h n Pope’s new house is one of the A W ORTHY SUCCESSOR. stand against it. prettiest in the count v. The family is was held S aturday afternoon, at which According to gossips, Mr. Roosevelt ■ ‘*v*n4S *n d- More rooms are to he S|>eaker H enderson and the old officers ¡(FttOJI O tit REGULAR CoitKKSI’ONllEXT.) ‘S o m e th in g New U nder th e S u n ” added to it later. had yet an o th er object in leaving the of the house were unanim ously renom i­ Marion W heeler is running a grist All doctors have tried to cure O atahrii j n ated . Mr C annon of Illinois presided, W ashington , Nov. 85, 1901. 1 city at this tim e. The Rev. H . D. Van m id, jig saw, grindstone and churn with by tlie use of powders, acid gases, inlial- If certain ap p aren tly well founded Itroekliuizen, ex-chaplain of the Boer liis new w ater wheel, an lie has a c ir - ! era anti drugs in paste form. T heir pow- i and 146 out of 198 republicans were present. rum ors how going the rounds in Con­ Volksraad, laid announced th a t lie pillar wood saw about ready to connect tiers dry up the mucous m em branes i causing them to crack open anti bleed. lio n . J. D. R ich ard to n of Tennenee gressional circles here are to he depended 1 would 'preach on Sunday on existing , w‘tl* the power Ito also proposes to q-|,e powerful acids used iu the inhalers wag the dem ocratic nom inee for speaker. upon, the ship Btibsidy hill, th e M eara- conditions in Boer land, in Grace Dutch m ake it run the blower of his blacksm ith have entirely eaten away the same mom- branes th a t th eir m akers have aimed to forge. A fter a short seesion on Monday Con­ gun canal, and th e process of acquiring , reformed church, where Mr. Roosevelt cure, while pastes and ointm ents cannot It is reported th a t C. C. Evans sold reach the disease. An old and experi­ gress adjourned till Tuesday, o u t of res “ com m unity of In terest” in railw ay I regularly jattem ls. W hile Americans . . . . . . . , tim ber on hia hotnostead for WOO before enced practitioner who Inis for many pect to the memory of th e late President lines, (of which the country has recently would readily understand th a t no ini- going east, years m ade a close study ami specialty had so striking an illu stratio n ,) are a l l ! portance was to be attached to Mr. of the treatm ent of C atarrh , I hih nt last M cKinley. We have heard from the Carlyles, and rfected a treatm en t which when faith- P resident Roosevelt's first message inexplicably hound up together. It is Roosevelt’s presence on such, an oven- they did’n t get the bear. T h e /g e t one fully used, not only relieves at once, but pe' ruta nently cures CATARRH, by re- ; noir said th a t Messrs. Morgan, H arrt- sion, there is no telling in what shape ; occasionally, nevertheless. was sent to Congress Tuesday. moving the cause, stopping the dis­ The general opinion among the sena- llllul> C ould, V anderbilt, Hili, and o th er the incident m ight be served up abroad. . Charley H itchcock came in last week charges, and curing all inflam mation. ' to ri is tliat but little work will he done . ruHroad kings of the country, who have ' H ence, it was argued th a t it m ight he WHl* l,ia new *l0J «'igoti an.I a pair of It is the only rem edy know n to science ! the 1 that actually reaches the afflicted parts. . all along opposed th e canal because of well for the President to stay nwav. and i horses. He , said he would stole till after the holidays. .... . . , , 7 • ' wagon, give the horses to two friends, This wonderful reme.lv Is known as . “ SN UFFLES, the GUARANTEED 0A-1 i the com petition in transcontinental rates it was suggested thut this had som ething and when a ii xxi comes go to driving TA ltR H C U R E ,” and is sold at the ex- I Fonie of o nr friends from “ way down th at it wits expected to bring about, now- to do with bis departure. H ow ever, it logs from Noti to the E lm ira mill. tremely low price of One Dollar, each I E a s t" have been in th e h abit of m ain­ favor it because they purpose to obtain Mr. Roosevelt really left town for such A M any children on Deadwood Creek package containing internal and external medicine sufficient for a full m onth’s J taining th a t the conditions on this coast control of the m eans of domestic sea reason, he m ust have changed his wavs have whooping cough. treatm ent and everything necessary to are n o t natu rally as favorable for a p p le -; transp o rtatio n . For th e smite reason exceedingly, Indifference to public criti­ its perfect use. George W, K napp, of Oliickahominy, ’• FN UFFLES ” is the only perfect! grow ing as they are on the A tlantic ! , hey are said to be opposed to the ship cism having ever been ien his most strongly *8 8°*n* back to W en.lliug in a few days 0.\T A R R RRH C U R E ever made and is | Coast, and to prove it huve called at ten- subsidy hill, fearing it would tem p t m ’lked characteriat ¡c ! to work. Plucky Mrs. K napp and little now recog ognized as the only safe and pos- I Stanley propose to stay with the home- ¡live cure for tl.nt annoying and disgust­ Hon to th e need of cultivating orchards others to engage in building and operat- here satisfactory results • t i n * w. . " ' I Tliero will he "’any n,ten' pt8 ,nade , stead, Hie hear« and cougars, and tl ing disease. It cures all inflammation herit to to aeetire secure satisfactory result« secure satisfactory results. ,„ g nvB | i,lle8- W h eth er th is explana- th is w inter to repeal or further ‘ ’ quickly mid perm anently and is also reduce , one a. re opening iu l he dense woods. 1 wonderfully quick to relieve HAY I U n d er th e more favorable conditions, as I lion he accurate or not, it is at least cer- ; war tariff item s left standing after the The eastern approach to the Greenleaf FEVER or'COLD in the HEAD. they rem em ber them , w 1,1t h prevail in tain th a t th e g reat transcontinental lines 1 reduction of las CATARRH when neglected often leads . _ ............................ .. .......... — ---- year. P articularly is bridge lias again been saved by hard le vicinity of the A tlantic m ean, apple , have desisted from active opposition to ! this the case in regard to those on llq- work from being washed away. Forly | to CONSUMPTION — “ SN U FFLES ” w ill save you if you use It at once. It is j orch ard s needed no cultivation. Of the canal ami now seom to be favoring uors, beer and stock exchange transac- J 1”’1" 101k used in repairing no ordinary rem edy, but a complete! course th e usually IretjuenL sum m er j it; th a t the big railw ay men are engag- lions, both because these are the m ain abutm ent a nerinancm taff'dr '.” '1'te lhe treatm ent wliicli is positively guaranteed | to cure CATARRH in any form or stage j rams in th a t country do to a considera- illg largely in the ship building and item s th a t are still higher than before estim ate,! th a t it would ’ I if used according to the directions which 1 le e x te n t obviatetlie need of culliw iti.in , o j^ m in g b u iin ess; and th u t none of j the war, und because llioy adm it, m ore | Inove the bridge a few rods Io tlie loca- accompany each package. D on’t de ny, ! but send for it at once, and write lull! of th e orchards for th e purpose of retain-1 ,heui uro pressing w ith any vigor for the i easily than o th ers, of com binations in I tio “ “ 0,,gl,t ,o have occupied originally. particulars as to your condition, and you - ing m oisture, b u t th e fruit-grow ers are I ,,RH8llg8 of the shipping bill—« fact „ tl,. I favor of .h e r reduction. I The connly comm issioners located it will receive special advice from the ills -1 Tlie whiskey sittinir in E iiir e m . it i ’ , i « 1 -, ed . ! in •'O 8 'ercrol thisw edvregar.l- m L h i „ a ? , I >’” u r ‘•are w i l onilerfulrcm ,lo a t < w l -VO" beyond finding th u t th eir orch ard s need cultiva- ! erwl8e a | u ,iulent of th e C ountry G entle- ii,lea betw een A tlantic and Pacific j th e beer men for one th a t am ounts to ' from Mapleton to Florence*1 < Sent, prepaid to any address in the or even to Uniied States or Canada on receipt of m an write« Hint orchard «1« are finding United State« ports—a traffic which, like ! »25,000,000. ' Acme, we’ll forgive the mei’iih tiers for not One Dollar. Address Dept. 1, EDW IN on th a t tlieir orchards mu«t lie culti- j „u o t| ler donlcatic 8|lipping> is ,.e8,.rved . residing in this end of the county. B. GILES & COMPANY, 2330 and 2332 M arket Street, Philadelphia. vated to m ake them do th eir best. He j by the Coiistitutioi. to American citizens i Are sw uptow s of a weak, torpid o r „ „ tie r . Tltu senator* to whom I e stag n an t condition of th e kidneys or . . . " .... . . a . warning it i is extrem . . <••»* statem ent could hard J y be­ ll „ ver, and i are ely • — at — hazardous to neglect, so im p o rtan t >•**’ • ‘■»•‘T ears. One republican tenu­ F lohbncb , L a s s C ounty , O sm o n is a healthy action of these organs, 4 r, w lio faiily represents others, so fur They are comm only atten d ed by loss a< Itelin is io u ern ed , al once retorted of cneigy, lack of courage, and som e­ sharply. ‘ Very weil, Mr. P resident,” - - - BY - - ■ tim es by gloomy foreboding an d de­ he said, ‘•this is a declaration of your spondency. ‘‘I had pains In my back, could not sleep purpose. But I would rem ind you, sir, and when I got up In the morning felt Unit the Senate is also p art of the an- Editor and Proprietor. wurse than tire night before. I begun tak- 1 1 log Hood’s Sarsaparilla and now I can ; pointing power of this governm ent; th at sleep and get up feeling rested and able to do my work. I attribute my cure entirely it m ust confirm all nom inations made Florence, Oregon, Dee. (1, 1901. to H ood 's .Sarsaparilla.” M as. J. N. P erry , by you; and it may huve som ething very care H. S . C opeland , P ik e R oad, A la. different to say on the subject later o n .” This, of course, w as practically a declar- CONGRESS IN SESSION. a n d P ills Htion of w ar; w hether it will result in a C ure kidney and liver trouhlea, relieve head-on collision or not rem ains to be The first session of the Fifty-seventh the back, an d build up th e whole system . i seen. If public opinion supports M r. Congress opened a t W ashington Iasi ! Roosevelt, lie will w in; there are not M onday. -r u s u a iia u svlky ru iu .tv m o unino .— a W. 11. WEATIIERSON ♦F Hood's Sarsaparilla cites a num ber of cases wbicli had come J ex c lu siv e ly -tb e y can divide freights as J MARSHAL'S SALE. ORDINANCE NO. 31. u n d er bi« o h.ervation to justify Ids n .ay > e e m most profitai, e, assigning! ■ late in e n t.—Oregon A griculturist. r.y virtue of a w arrant issued by Hie An Ordinance providing for building a tho«c which requiro speedy movement Recorder of tlie/Town of Florence, Coun- P ro p rie to r, sidewalk on the east side of Lincoln G. R. M IL L S , and pay high rates to th e ir railroads. ty of Lane, and S tate of Oregon, to me Street from the north side of M an Leading citizens of Portland are again and tl,ore w hich are heavier, c lie a |« r ,! . directed N ovem ber 23.1, 1901, coinm and- A cm e, Lane Co., Ore. S treet to the south side of Josephine agitating tlie question of making e ffo r t« and less exigent, to tlieir Iteam ih ip ing tue to levy on tlie real estate of the S treet, all in the Morse A ddition to to secure tlie trade of tDo towns mi tun lines. delinquent property owners name,I on Town of Florence. G o o n ACCOMMODATIONS AT REASONABLE Oregon const. T here m e many towns on R ailroads are rivaling reciprocity ¡n llle delin q u en t aescssm ent roll of the The Town does Ordain as follow s: PHICES. th e different stream s and bays along the popular interest in deliberations of of- said Town of Florence, for assessm ents Seeaion 1. T hat it be ,n.I is ordained G ive vs a call . coast from winch all the trade goes to fleers of govennraent nowadays, in terest j for b u ild in g ’a side-walk o i l 't l m ’north , and . .., directed th a t a oidewaik snail he > Ban Francisco. The latter city is the ta m in g especially on th e m ake-up of t h e ! side of Main S treet in the Original Town ® ea8t 8lde of Li incoln {Street j principal innikot for th e lum ber ami Senate com m ittee on in terstate coni- Florence from Jefferson S treet to the .f ' A b''lu of -Mu tin Street to produce of these places, and they have meree, several of whose m em bers have f7 ‘8” i,le of. th e m , '^ , • , , i v the • i r, v u, fc o side l' A x /A Mill W 5 street I Tv V v 1 from west ot *si Monroe , . „ n ot 1 l" r- b etter shit,ping com m unication w ill, San been in tin, past the worst sort of stum - I Main S treet F i m S |n .et( t|lul|vc Rlong ence. Said walk shall he built so as to A H K Francisco than with atty oilier port on bling blocks in the way of any reform o f ! the south side of F irst S treet from Mon- he about level and about six inches from th e coast. For this reason if Portland , tl ie in terstate commerce act. The com- ! toe street to Jackson S treet, in Cox's j th e ground, and to he made as follows: gets tlieir trade she will have to offor m iltee will la- revolutionize I iu tlie i -Lldilion to Florence, together witti the Six feet wide; three stringers, 3x6 ineli- E u g e n e , O re g o n . ,l) 1,1’ .'k Joints it. laying; nails not lietter inducem ents for it th an San F ran ­ touting session, Senators C handler, Wol ! costs, in terest, and expenses of t-ollec- ___ duly levied on the following . | ! less th six nail. j tion, I r . huve J’" an " 1 20 1 peunys, peony»’ six nails to each Paid up Cash Capital, cisco does. 850,000 cott, Chilton and Lindsay retiring from pieces ..............i„ or parcels ..t of ,.....i laud ... as set forth = nt P lank; plank not w ider than 12 iincliep, nor less than 2 inches thick, an J of good , S u i‘l ’,l 's - 50,000, the S tilate altogether and Senator Cui- said delinquent {assessment roll, lying Governor Oan Sant, oi M innesota, a n ­ lorn of Illinois resigning from its c h a ir - ! HI|(i being in said Town of Florence, solimi lum n ber. t c (Ter every uecDuim otlntlon consistent . We . ith nounces publicly th a t lie will use bis m ansliip, d . place being taken by Sen- C ounty of L ine, and S tate of Oregon, ' ♦ tUi p ru d e n t bunking. < <>rres|M»ndeii?e solie- iteti. personal hinds to fight the latest rail- 1|tor in9 o f deticribml and ansetiued a» follows: West V irginia. These 111: [ on said walks. I T. G . H endricks way tru st iu cast- the legislature soon to ■. . . . President ORIGINAI. TOWN. I vacancies will enable new men to be 'cction 3. The building of said walk s - Fakin . \ ice President lie called in ex tra session refuses to make ..................... P. E. Lot. Block. Owner. St oilgrass.. Amount, shall he dune hv the property owners ..................U h s I i ì c i nlacetl on the com m ittee—m en, who, it Ö A R P earce.......... an ap propriation. This so rt of talk lias i ¡„ ___i will - n t bo more conciliatory and 9.04 and if not done w ithin ten dava ir om the ! L. fl. P o tte r........ .. Asst. Cashier 1« i hoped, I Cora II A ndrews. 9.04 passage ef tiiis ordinance said walk not been beard since 1862, when Gove: - ..¡,i „ ... who util ue able to accomplish somc- • Geo M M iller.. 9 04 shall he let liy the Board of Trustees oi nor O liver I’. Morton, of Indiana, hor- t |ling ¡„stead of rem aining dead-locked I 9.04 tho Town of Florence on contract or eou- rowed on h i. personal note J„ largo sum lll0 Hrotlllll. Senalo|, E lkjns who 3 I W V a n te r 9.04 tracts to the lowest responsible bidder, C A S S ID Y 4 SO N - . P n ,p t l „ „ „ . to p u t down treason in his own slate 5 I. M M ille r................ 9.04 reserving tlie right to reject any and all has been reported to he opposed to any 8 9 5 F lo re n o e , O re g o n . after th e legislature had refuse I to vote 9.04 bids. The building of said sidewalk reform, lias just stated th a t lie will soon J- 10 3 “ “ “ ................ 11.15 shall lie completed in 60 days from tlie m oney for th e purpose.—Oregonian. iutroduco a hill am ending the law. lie 1 I Geo S o v eru s.............. 11.16 passage of this ordinance. Tables furnished with all the declines Io say for w hat this will pro­ 3 1 Win C hurchill 9.04 Section 4. This O rdinance shall take Of lirncllt to Yon. delicacies of the season. Give us T I 9.04 effect and he iu full force f roin and aftei D. R. M itchell, Fulford, Mil.: “ During vide, further than th a t it will he on dif­ 5 1 a call. L M Miller . . . 9.04 its approval by the P resident of I he a lung illness I was troubled with lied ferent lines from th e so called Cullom 6 A () Cleveland 9.04 Board of T rustees and its publication fur sores, was advised to trv D eW itt's Witi Ii ”f Um last Congress. Probably it A first-class 7 4 lan d & fliuiiiiis .. 9.04 ten days in T ue W est . H ss I Halve and did so with wonderh I will 1« a com promise m easure, perm it- 8 904 A ppioved this the 3rd day of Decem­ results. I was perf.-ctlv cured. It is it.,.. ... ,n.. i... .. , B A T H , l,nK pooling bv the roads in retu I. M Miller M arion M oeris , retu rn rn for for 9 9.04 ber, 1901. t> e beat salve on the market." Sure 10 in connection with the house 11.15 P resident of the Board of T rustees of cure for | ¡Its, sores, h u m s, liewaie of legislation allowing tlm interstate coni- the Town of Florence, Oregon. c o x ’s ADDITION. meree cuinm ission to decide, not only co unterfeits. M eyer A Kvle. At tent : G. G. B ehskic , Recorder. 6 O \V H u rJ .......... .. 9.04 1 Hint any given rate is "u n reaso n ab le,” 2 • lO lC i 4 6 I.ena B ergm an. . .. 9.04 L It is estimated that apple shipments but also to declare w hat rate is reasons- 44 6 5 ARE YOU AN .. 9.04 T. N . SE G A R , Die, and to enforce Its decision in the - • Proprietor. 7 0 M F P a rk e r........... .. 9.04 - sew .V1AXAOKMKNT. five h u n d red carloads of six hundred co,,rl». 9.04 S trictly F irst -C lass . am i fifty boxes each. T h ere is a short- 1 "Ifnsvioiis as President Roosevelt is W A Cox 9.04 44 <4 II F ree S ample R ihims . age in tlie crop elsewher». Prieee in to be, lie has had his fill of i 42.78 M F P arker 9.ID P o rtlan d range from fl.3 0 fo |2.00 |ier «flBting during tlie past week anti lias If so you should take and read F i f . itru - L ights \ m , B ei ! g 9.04 box. W eight and o th er charges bring F*'r 'y ru l> away for a Jav a cruise on 1 C e n tra lly L ocated. D W llu rd 9.04 P A C IFIC ODD F E L L O W tliem up to about th e th ree dollar m ark f'e a a p e a k e Bay, where ha can fill hia •4 44 II Hsaiqaartsrs for Mining, j j n sna 9.04 4« <4 M Iiiugs witli{fresli air and make ready fot I « te tlie commuer. 9.04 Ccffimwcial Men. A m onthly m agazine published in W A C o x .. the strain th a t will Inevitably attend 1 9.04 P ortland, and exclusively devoted to $1 to $ 2 Per Day ü W Hurd 9.04 Hie opening of Convreas. The h itter |s> an«l IteftNty. 9 W the intereets of Odd Fellowship, both E a«ene, liti.al eunteats Dial have been waged in Oregon. A poor com plezion Is usually Hie te And on Monday, th e 23rd »lay of De- *oc*! ,,nvl general. I t is the only Odd aolt of a torpid liver or irregular action New York, in Delaware, in several eemlier, at the ho u r of one o’clock p. m Fellow publication in Oregob and is ,G ents Furnishings kA i ce ANO Ready M ade C lotH i » I On El ALL UP-TO-DATE II Dry Goods got nils Wx, ten nda We have an exceptionally fine selection of all latest styles anil patterns, consisting of Homespun, Cashiners, rint oug offl nrl n fil lioui Mai Alpaca, and many otherr lines of fancy patterns. S IL K S and V E L V E T S for tri,,, lite largì st and best assortment of nett old ier J 'Tv» was B. UK J e w e lry and Watcher P sta t « ir bert lilis side of Portland w R --M t« a fre dttw .-.arc We invite inspection of the alaivo, m H ot . J as well a s o f other good carried b y llie ling famous and always ud-to-dato pati urta A cm e H otel, C A R M A v an. _ bu: e-tlie ..led N »(So First National B CHEAP CASH STORE! Drv Coods, * G roceries *- a n d * I r Ho ’lay i bad ano ow ii for a : bee es in Hoot ■eetni arrli, yspe| Not alk i r Ilia 3Ìof ! ' ••G ods a s R e p re s e n te d I su pi ,‘own will BAY VIEW HOTEL, 4 4 4 4 room Î ■tiled ecieit PROPP¡firt T >n of • wan Tectic eloae tie! two elect« treaa w . CARMAN B inder Tw ine. M achine Oil. M a c h i n e Extra» o Lut MN the I y nos lined » fe ry oo ODD FELLOW ? Ï L o g g in g a n ti M i few of th e liowel». Un leas n a tu re 'a refuse is Suulhern states and especially in Mis- »♦ »«id day. at the front door of th e Odd earried off it will surely cau-e im pure souri, Im re en tirely ealistird tlie presi ern e, C ounty of Lane, and S tate of O re- blood. Pimple«, Imlls and o th er erop- ,jei,Cs love ef « ...... at. n o nave made arrangem ents Horace J . Minor estate, •igiied! V». òrge o glv en "i"” Inly annoiò, “i W nn'ler- n P HU ' i - B u v s f , At'!y.inirtn' h* ‘* Mid « ta te . d froi onera iin ii£ T kSuppIil o E ve ryth in g n the H ardw are L in e .