Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. ACM E COMMERCIAL Geo. O. Know les lias li ‘en appointed Interesting Thanksgiving exeteises adm in istrato r ol tiie estate of 11. J . were held by tiie Florence seliool : M inor, deceased. W ednesday afternoon. All of the pupils ( oaiHCK, L ank C ounty , O regon .- Will C ham berlin returned to Acme with some of the parents and several i F R A N K B. “W IL S O N , W ednesday, after spending several visitors assem bled in the larger room of I Kidney trouble preys upon (lie mind, dis- ; ------ BY - - - Rouse A th e tor 3 pld liver, and cure tlio school house. P a rt oi the scholars I courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor I m onths a t P o rtlan d . His Siuslaw ■N i it - i and cheerfulness soon ' biliousness, sick h e a d a c h e , jaundice, of tiie prim ary departm ent were nr- • “«»nt i;U(l disappear when the kid- j nausea, indigesf tion, etc. They are In­ friends are glad to see him back again. rayed in tiie costume of “ ye olden ncys are out of order ! valuable to present a cold or break up a E d ito r an d P ro p rieto r. W. R. Dilley, who lias been a resident '« onVf. or diseased. fever. Mild, gentle, certain, they are worthy of Acme for about a year past, left this tim e” and r epresented a company of tiie vsrr-a, ~ . - Kidney trouble has i pilgrims who seitled iu New E ngland. your confidence. Purely vegetable, they -T i r u s : $1.50 a year in f o l i u m ----- can be taken by children or delicate women. p art of tiie state W ednesday. We hope ' >— t>ecorne so prevalent Tiie n g t of tiie prim ary pupils were “ *hat it is not uncommon | Price, ¡¡ 2.« ail medicine dealers or by mail ne will prosper w herever his lot may he j dressed as Indians witii feathers in th e ir j of C. I . H ood «St Co., Lowell, Mass. for a child to be born ' cast. n te re ila t tlio post-office at Florence, afflicted with weak kid­ j h air ami fringe on their garmei ts. county, Oregon, a« set •«.ibi-chu»* A. E . Piekle, a former citizen of l'lor- neys. If the child urin- After a song by tiie seliool tiie pilgrim s ' Good mt vice to givo Io n hungry man 1 matter. : ence who far tiie pa«t nine years lias re- , ,, . ates ,0° of!en- ¡f >he ami Indians sat down together around a j —go lo the W estern House. urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child ! siiied nt Dansville, X. JY., surprised ids W illie B rand arrived here Saturday joldtlm e friends here bv appearing in I table after the m anner of our furefalli- reaches an age when It should be able to iX R TiaiN G RATES MADE K X O W N H ON AP- j control the passage, it Is yet afflicted with V ftv iw l »Jfiw k ■ PLICATION. from Bohemia and will atteu d seliool th eir m idst Tuesday m orning, and in- ! era at Thanksgiving time. bed-wetting, depend upon it, the cause of ’ “ * ^ »01 K 1 n o tic e « 8 c e n t« per li n e , e a c h in sertio n Longfellow's poem “ lliaw atli i” was I the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first ' during the w inter. ! formed them tliat lie intends to remain l was then recited, the children taking _ i step should be towards the treatment oi The board of equalisation, consisting in Florence. Mr. Pickle finds ninny im- rence, N o v . 2 9 , 1901. of Judge K incaid, Clerk Lee, and Asses . provenrents on tiie Siuslaw since lie left, | different parts and appearing in 111 „ t these important organs. This unpleasant characters of tliat poem. A wigwam ; trouble is due to a diseased condition of the ► sor Burton, is iu session at E ugene tiiis W eave glad io welcome him back to this kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as had been erected in tiie room, and this most people suppose. week. country. W ESTLLN G S. with tiie Indian dress of tiie children Women as well as men are made mis­ ------------------ j L ast Saturday th e Lillian took to Ma­ Tiie best place in town to get a good made tiie scene seem alm ost real. A erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need tt B e s t i s N o n e to o G ood, Pleton a ecow loud ol you ng cattle which meal is at I lie W estern House. nu m ber of songs were given during tiie ! ^he mild and the same great remedy, the immediate effect of Moore Bras., of E lm ira, had purchased afternoon, and taken altogether tiie oc- ' Sw am p -R oot is soon realized. It is sold M A PLETO N NEWS- on Maple Creek. | casion was one tliat will be long reiuem by druggists, in fifty- cent and one dollar Tlie Royal Neighbors and Modern bered by tiie children. Tiie pupils of botli departm ents of tiie «I1“ ’, V 'L l" 4! haV8 i November 28, 1901. men of America are arran g in g to , , . , . . . . sample bottle by m i l ball at Acme Comm ercial C o.’s Turkey», ducks and chickens are suf­ ’bool are taking great interest in their i free, also pamphlet pamphlet te tell- ll- nom e of Swamp-Root. liall on C hristm as night. fering in aud about Mapleton today. studies and are m aking rapid progress. 1 ing all about it. including many of the sport says M. Nofl singer bus sold Ins | thousands of testimonial letters received Mrs. J. A. Midamd and children have School closed last niglit for a two day s’ TO C U T TALL TIMBER- : from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer moved to Florence, where the children vacation. I & Co., Binghamton, N. Y„ be sure and •y one of those Gein a ir tig h t heaters will attend school. They are living in mention this paper. M ayor S tilibens m ade a business trip . O. F u n k e’s. Articles incorporating a railroad com- ' tCiii i . i good second hand cook stove fur lh e Berkram house, near Dr. K en n ed y ’s. down town yesterday. pany lo operate in tiie tim ber in tiie The schooner Bella crossed in Tuesday ' AV, D. Ncelyt of Meadow, and T. J . COnustiegjK In q u ire a t the W est office. western part of Polk conutvam l Lincoln m orning bringing supplies whieli o u r' Neely, of P o in t Terrace, will visit the county, Oregon, have been filed witii tiie ■y a chicken d in n er a t the W estern m erchants were very glad to see. She , county sent n ext week. county clerk in M ultnom ah county and •“ on Sunday when you are in Floi- will take out a cargo of lum ber from the I W M . B R Y N D , P ro p . jpaca, u Miss F anny Moffitt, of Junction, a r­ with tiie Secretary of Slate at Salem. Florence L um ber C o.’s mill. rived on In d ian Oreek tiiis week and Tiie authorized capital is $100,000, and E verything in connection w itii th e % io steam er R obarts w ent to Yaqninn Again we find it necessary to ask our ' will teacli t i i e H erm ann seliool tiie com­ tiie corporate nam e is Salem, Falls City House is New and First-Class. needay m orning with several pas- subscribers who are indebted to ns to I ing term . Seliool commences next A W estern Railway Company. Tiie a r ­ 1 era on board. x SPECIAL ATTENTION TO : try and pay up. W inter is here and onr ' M onday. ticles recite tliat the object is to acquire, if blue p rin t plats of any tow nship woodshed is about em pty. We m ust COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS. W e b u y d ir e c t fro m th e L a r g e s t J o b b in g H o u s e s a r Tiie recen t freshet brought som ething construct and equip railroad, telephone *“ trimiiiin,ine or Douglas counties call a t C have som ething to till it before long. like 350 logs into tiie Knowles Creek and telegraph on a route to be designated The notice of the public is called M a n u f a c tu r e r s in th e c o u n tr y , fo r C A S H , a n d w e a r e e n a b 1 loiden’s office. W hen you feel th a t life is hardly worth boom. j later between Salem, in Marion county, to our now umbers of the Evangelical church ■ 4|ie candle take a dose of C ham berlain's to g e t th e L o w e s t P ric e s , b e s id e s a l w a y s b e in g s u r e o f o i - Tiie stage is arriving early, consider­ and the mouth of tiie Siletz River, in B A T H ROOM rreparing to give a literary enter- Stomach and Liver Tablets. Thev will ing tiie tu n e of year. Lincoln county. Tiiis would lie over a W e a re n o t p a y in g en o rm o u s - ^ . ^ m e n t in a few weeks. 'd istan ce of about 75 miles, most of where Hot and Cold Baths may be ta i n i n g fir s t- c la s s g o o d s. j cleanse your stom ach, tone up your liver Geo. AV. Nicolie lias lately increased had at anv time. >rn, at M inerva, Oregon, on Friday, and regulate your bowels m aking you l which would he through valuable tim ­ e x p e n s e s a n d w i l l s e ll y o u g o o d s a t re a s o n b a le r a te s . "»•’lit of ,m ber 22, 1901, to M r. and Mrs. L. feel like a new m an. For sale by O. W. iiis force in his hand logging camp at tiie ber. Tiie main object of tiiis corporation mouth of H adeall Creek. H urd. ckerly, a daughter. is to provide an outlet for tiie fine tim ­ GENERAL NEWS. I x AVarren Nichols and tiie Moore Bros, ber on tiie hills hack of Falls City. Tiie T h e U niversity of Oregon football If . i»hted—50 persons deeiring to dis- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * have been buying stock cattle in tiiis intention is to extend the new line as j team played a m atched game a t P o rt­ 7 ClTClW rea' e8,ate hi Ah*8 vicinity to call Tiie Freneli Frco Masons have ap­ vicinity the past few days. tiie Bawmill siiali eat into tiie tim ber, pealed to tiie Masons of tlio world lo place th eir property on our list. land y e sierla y with the M ultnom ah Rev. Yost gave us a very interesting crossing the coast range and penetrating A thletic Club team , and tom orrow they & W eatlierson. unite in an effort to stop tiie horror! oi sermon at the school house last Sunday th e Siletz country. I t will lie a stan d ­ <>, e Roseburg Review says tliat five m eet th e Pacific U niversity team at tiie concentration cam ps in tiie T rans­ Fred AVillielm was before U. S. Com­ ard gauge railroad.—Corvallis Gazelle. vaal. Tiie «pin al is particularly ad­ ...A.-A.X. »,l8 turkeys have been shipped Forest Grove. T his will close the foot­ ball season for the U. of O. and the m issioner Bean m aking final proof dressed to America. Douglas county d u ring the present team will go out of training. AVeilnesday. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS- iksgiving season. Francisco G am ba, president of the Tiie tak in g of salmon eggs nt tiie AViid- ' Tiie inw ard efleets of hum ors are ke a look a t tiiose rhododendrons Cuban commission sent to the United oom in Florence on Thanksgivim r worse the outw ard. They endan­ cat fish racks lias ceatfbd, and tiie eggs' A special m eeting of tiie city council Slates witii petition! for th e improve­ 11 -i uve tgnd tiien tell us w hether O regon’s ger the whole system . H ood’s Sarsapa­ will be brought to the hatchery as soon j | was held Tuesday evening. All the m ent of relations between the two coun­ rilla eradicates all hum ors, cures all as they are eyed. | members were piesent exrept Trustee trios, states th a t 90 per cent, of tiie busi­ urietl by .ate is not all right. th eir inward and outw ard effects. I t ’s Q uite a few of us were gladly surprised C hristensen. ness people and property owners of Cuba irrieil, a t G ardiner, Oregon, Nov. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * P resident M orris stated tiie object of desire tiie annexation of tliat island to 301, at th e home of M. V. Leach, the g reat alterative and tonic, whose Monday night by seeing our old tim e 1 tiie meeting was to receive a report from Hie United S tates. 0 . Noel and Ida A. Leach, Rev. m erit has been everyw here established. riend, M r. Pickle. Tiie heavy rains a few days ago caused AVesley AVhittaker will soon be with the com m ittee to whom was referred V. Donaldson officiating. The euliniarine bout Fulton rose to the Y our patronage is always appreciated, aud no m atter li, •dong the possible candidates for sti- a r is e of tire river which lironglit out Iiis friends at Mapleton again. He lias Mr. K yle’s letter concerning a mill site. surface in New York liny last Sunday Tiie com m ittee reported they had re ­ after being snbinejged for fifteen hours. e judge on tiie d e m o c ra tic tic k e t some logs to tiie boom, R eports fiom i been visiting at his homo in Eugene for ceived a proposition from M r. Kvle and Every one on board was all lig h t and small yonr purchases, you may rest assured it will be our consUu Ju n e , tiie Orpgonian m e n tio n s tiie other points indicate th e rainfall to have several weeks. had conferred witii the ow ners of tiie report they had not experienced the Ireen considerably greater up tli-j coast T i i e appraisers of t i i e estate of Horace ) of Judge J . W. H a m ilto n , aim to sell you the best goods obtainable a t reasonable price*. th an it was here. At A storia the J , Minor, deceased, have been ap point­ property w anted, but had not succeeded slightest discomfort. e Douglas C ounty B ank lias t een stream s are said to have been considera- ed and will soon m eet to perform their ill m aking desiied arrangem ents. After Reports Irom A thens say (lie cabinet poratgd at R oseburg with a capital , (.......... ~ ' some discussion bv tlio couiicilmen and lias resigned as a result of tiie recent ) 000. H on. R. A. B oot’., of Eu- hl* her than fo 8«veral >eal“ s. ! duties as such. S am . Mr. Kyle tiie m atter was left in tiie dem onstration against tiie proposed The largest tim ber land deal ever con- ! , is president of the company. T have used C ham berlain's Colic, hands of tiie sam e com m ittee. translation of the Gospels into Modern sum m ated in th is p art of Oregon was [ berlain’s Stomach and Liver Adjourned. Greek. closed S aturday, when tiie AVriglit- ¡Cholera and D iarrhoea Remedy and find , its cure biliousness, constipation leadachc. They are eaB.v to t a k e , Blodgett Co., of Saginaw, M ich., p u r - i t to be a great m edicine,” says Mr. E. BOARD O F TRADE M EETING . To remove a troublesom e corn nr bun­ Irleasnnt in effect. For sale by O. chased 8000 acres of tim ber land trib u - S. Phipps, of P oteau, Ark. “ It cured ion: F irst soak tiie corn nr bunion in tary to A lbany. Tiie price paid was $14 lne oi bloody flux. I cannot speak too | k E \ K rd- . T here will tie a m eeting of the F lor­ warm water to soften it, then pare it per acre. The com pany will construct a highly of it.” Tiiis remedy aln-avs wins B t’ na,‘d states th a t one architect of logging road from Albany to the tim ber, tiie good opinion, if not praise, of those ence Board of T rade a tjth e office of (’, down as closely as possible w ithout ne lias been engaged to furnish and erect a lurge export sawmill in tliat who nse it. Tiie quick cures which it II. Holden on Friday, N ovem ber 29, at draw ing blood and apply C ham berlain's i for dwelling houses lo be erected city. effects even in the most severe cases 2:30 p. m. A full attendance is desired Pain Balm twice daily, rubbing vigor­ sum m er, tiie cost of construction of make it a favorite everyw here. For as huuincss of im portance is to come be­ ously for five m inutes at each applica­ The schooner A A ’ing and AVing, from J T / | 1 I will aggregate $14,000. tion. A corn plaster should be worn for fore the m eeting. sale by O. VAL H urd. ' I ' Fison B alliett, owner of the Baker' San Francisco to the Siuslaw, lias been ' a few (lavs, to protect it from the shoe. seen off tiie mouth of tiie river several SUNDAY SERVICES. Herald, is on trial before tiie U . P. ■ As a general linim ent for sprains, hrilis- C AU SE OF T H E FEU D . times during th e past m onth, but tiie al court at Des Moines, Iowa, on a | es, lameness and rheum atism , Pain H ave Q l sea lias been very rougli nearly all tiie c ^ to c ^ o f a A F n s i B e t w e e n J im . J o e a n d B n d w ays on __ ;e of using the m ails to defraud la n Rev. G. A. M cKinley will hohl servi . j Balm is uuequaleJ. For sale liy O, AV. 'ine J tim e and tiie tug could not go out a fttr S t a r t e d I t . e Swan mine stockholders, ces in tiie Preshy ter in n church iu Fior- H urd, 1 th e craft. F er some reason tiie vessel “As nlgli ns I kin rem cm lier,” said ion Thanksgiving services were did not come up near tiie bar, hut staid the K en tu ck y m ountaineer w hen asked enee next Sunday, December 1st, a t II I. O. O- F- ELEC TIO N . i , ¡in Florence j-esterday a t tiie E van- ! out to sea ten miles or more. She was w liat w ns th e beginning of n certain ; a. m. and 7 ;30 p> in. a n u ’ w cliurcli. Tiie sermon was deliv - reported off tiie U m pqua lust Saturday feud of long standing, “.Jim S harpless i G ^ o e E ^ iE g , A r iiy s ic la n T e s t if ie s . At tiie regular election of officers of by Rev. G. A. M cKfnlev. B ip tis- flying a signal of distress. From Mr. had n haw g, Joe P a rk e r had n ilnwg, ! ~ ervjces were held im m ediately after B arrett we learn tlia t the tug H u n ter and Until T ay lo r Iiad a Ju g of w hisky. | “ I have Isken Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Hcccta Lodge No. I l l , I. O. O. F., held *». Y ost. went out Sunday in search of the IIow th e haw g and tiie daw g an d the and linve never used an y th in g in my life Wednesday evening, t i i e following were Jug got m ixed up to g eth er I disrecol- tliat did me the good tliat d id .” savs chosen for tiie term which commences . is said Hint Wra. H eitniiller, re- schooner, hut did not find her. lect, b u t 'long cornea Jim and Joo and County Physician Geo. AV. Scroggs of January 1, 1992: G fo o d a G jo o d s v convieted-in 'Klfftihook county of I’.uil and iiegins a fuss, and tw o of 'e m , Hall County, Ga. “ Being a physician I GOATS FOR SALE. 'r e s s F. E. H ew itt, N. G .; AVilliam Clinm- (S S tl v *tb * Bhe went out to sound the b ar be- little Boston hoy, still hanging back, McLeod .......................... When she awoke n ex t morning she liad Tiie highest cash price paid for nil o w in g o u tth e schooner I lei Norte, Fiddle C r e e k .................. 11 no signs of hoarseness or croup.” Meyer “upon one of th e inscrutable m ysteries. Bernhardt.......................... kinds of furs and hides. 11 i was ready tor te a . The channel I do not object to these freq u en t l a t h ­ A Kyle. G. C . C lIM l’TON. ings in them selves considered, hut I do Alder R idge.................. ilioaled and tiie tag struck heavily, H e rm a n n ....................... At R eddy’s Ment M arket. Florence, Or ne unmanageable, and went ash re LOGGING TEAM AND TIMBER FOR resent th e evident necessity for them . Reed .............. . . . . . . . It show s th ere Is som ething Inherently A c m e ............................. e south side. The boat is tep irted SALE. w rong in tbo constitution of things.”— A V i l l a g e llia r A H in llli Have«! I lia L i t t l e « I it.m'M t . i f r . Chicago T ribune. One million feet of good fir tim ber con­ Burnett, hi the Marion county SIOO R E W A R D Sioo. Mr. H. H. Black, tiie well known vil­ MH$, ttttsftaaided tii - case of tiie venient to tiie Siuslaw R iver for sale at M n s le a l F is h . T he readers of this ps per will he lage blacksm ith a t G rnliam sville, Kulli- a reasonable price. Ixigging road al­ ol Oregon ts . E. F. McComacc Many fish can produce musical pleased to learn tlia t tticre is a t least one van Co., N. Y., aays: “ O ur little son, Jeorge Bingham bon Is men o f G e o . ready built from tiie timl-er to tiie river. sounds. The trig ls can produce long ' dreaded disease tliat science lias been i live years old, tins alw ays been subject Also six head of num ber one work d raw n notes ranging over nenrly an laris, the defaulting \ able to enre iu all its stages sn d tliat is j to croup, and to bad have tiie attacks Bonn), in the s un of oxen snd a pair of bulls, from six to octave. O thers, notably tw o species of ' C atarrh . H all’s C atarrli Cure is t i i e been tl.a t we have feared m any tim es * ophldum . have sound producing appa­ ), in laror of the defendants. It eight years old. In q u ire of ratus. consisting of sm all movable only positive enre now known lo tiie th a t he would die. AA’e have lind tiie S idney AV aitk , >• remembered th a t Davis defaulted hones, w hich can tie made to produce medical fraternity. C atarrh being a doctor ami used many m edicines, but Acme, Oregon. s sum of » 3 ,0 0 0 anil left th e coun- A sh arp rattle. The curious "drum ­ ■ constitutional disease, requires a consti­ C lia-nherlain’s Congli it now M od ern S u rg ery Surpaew ed, $5.000, and now ming” m ade by the species called um- tutional treatm en t. H all's C atarrli Cure onr sole reliance. It seems to dissolve Recover even th s “ AVIiile suffering from a bad case of brlvas can lie heard from a d epth of is taken internally, acting directly upon tiie tougli mucus sn d liy giving frequent piles I consulteii a physician who advised 20 fathom s. I tiie blood and niueons surfaces of tiie doses alien th e ernupy sym ptom s appear ' Ibaile to float the me to try a box of D eW itt's AViuli Hazel ! system , thereby destroying tiie founda­ we have loom! th a t tiie dreaded croup is w ent ashore near Salve,” says G. F . C arter, A tlanta, Ga. tion of the disease, sr.d giving tiie pa­ enfeil before it gets settled .” T here is Coquille some tim e “ I procured a box and was entirely W ife—n e r e ’s an advertisem ent in the llie n t strength by building up the con­ no danger in giving tiiis remedy tor it have been ilrcp ,* I cored. D eW itt’s AVitch Iiasel Salve is a paper th a t you’d Irntter lock Into. It stitution and assisting n atu re in doing contains no opium or other injurious | | w here she went splendid care for piles, giving relief in ­ s a js a man Is w anted, and he w on’t be its work. The proprietors have eo mtudi drug snd may lie given as confidently to run from them to the stan tly , and I h eartily reeoniiuend it lo workerl to death , and he’ll g et paid faith in i'a curative powers, tliat they s h a t« of to a;i ad u lt. Fur sale by O. oSer One H undred Dollars (or any case W. Ilo rd . M$l> •>« men in tl>e all sufferers.” Surgery is unnecessary enough to live on. H uslia ml—S ays ho w on’t be w orked tliat it (ails to cure. Send lor list ol ^ K b a n - e r ( .o n the to core piles. ¿D eW itt's Witch Hazel th e ■url to a scow on Salve will cure i ny case. C uls, bom s, to death, eh I fiee testim onials. Addiess, H E D E 3 T should ho y o u r aim |) r e i? i cd. T ie bruises and all other wounds are also AA'ife—Yes; and they promise pay F. J . Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. enough to live od . w hen b u y in g m edicine. ! Bold by Druggists, 75c. ashore Slid the quickly cored h r it. Beware of counter­ H u sb an d —Some catch about that!— Hood’s Karsupiiiillä and have the feits. Meyer A Kyle. I H all’s Family Pills ate the best. _________T ts e l . I ’lck Me- Up. ... . . J b-st mediciue MONEY CAN EUY. ' TI. WEATIIERSOX Manager, 1 ACM E, - - OEtEGC We Carry a Fine and of shinj. «□ lotH - General M erchant]’ P aten t M edicines, ate . Sperry’s liest ISE Fam ily Flour ¿i» D ry Goods, Dress G ocçl Prints, riu s i ins, Yarns, Crash, Notions, Î Qrocerie WESTERN HOUSE We Have a Com plete Stock of Boots and Shoes. MEYER & HYLE A I 18 * * * ★ ★ L ÍT I. ¡ne Hats & Caps, E Boots & Shoes, G e n t’s F u r n is h in g G oods, H a r d w ar E, »• Sor. >N. P a in ts , Oils, e tc . Prices as Low as the Lowest. Tee l.fherwl. T Plopcncß. O rro ri