* ? ■ ‘s V 4 A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. GREENLEAF I TENIS. an increase of nearly $»3,000.000 over the mime |>vri»nj in 1890 and lite figures situi» • •S om ething New U nder th e Sun Novemlier 85, 1901. alm ost steady increase since th a t date. Distreen by ilay and n ig'it— Leaver, o( Nelson Greek, pre- J . II -rubLiHHiiu ivïHï ram ar uounino .— T h a t's th e com plaint of those w ho W hen it is considered th a t the prices of \I1 duetors have tried to cu-e G irim i I yu'ir correspondent this week I .V ...... I,......... p o u d e . s . a v d g ises Hal­ 1 are no u n fo rtu n ate as to he afflicted t |,egl. m aterials have been considerably seated . . . . • • . with E czem a or S alt lU .e u in -a n d out- . , , O1>„ , , will, a twig of red raspberries six in.lies er.. and dings in p iste form. I heir p m - mem branes , i.i.-l, nan h i,I seven >Pvi»i r rine luscious her- . w ard applications do n o , t cure. reduced since 189', th e figures show an tong which ip e , lu scio us u n tiers dry up the miieoiis L amb C ounty , O kkoon ^ i t ^ l Z . o crack open and bleed, They c a n ’t. even greater increase of q u an tity and | r ie l. Leaver lias m any more. •i““ polverini acids used in • he inhalers , T he source of th e trouble is in th e they indicate u moat satisfactory growth ! William W heeler went to Mapleton have entirely eaten away the same men - [ - - - bv - « - brimes that their makers have aimed to lug, burning, itching skin disease will of A m erican m an.ifaclur.i.g interests, a today will, a load of produce, cure, w hile pastes and ointm ents cannot d isap p ear. grow th particularly gratifying in view of Salmon trout are very plenty in the re a d ......... . An old and expert-, “ I was taken with an itching on my ... ... . . , .......... nmall stream s. c u r e d pra«‘li......... nrinlitio'ier ulin has for iiitiny cured - • i. . . arm s which proved very disagreeable. I prevailing with foreign man- Editor and Proprietor. concluded it was salt rheum and bought a nfaptnrere Mike and Andv Alamam killed one veara made a close study nn it cures all inflam mation The ,,u num of « S enators carried on successfully and profitably, Tl,e "lb ber e r oi « « • « » “ and "*1 R«l>re effected. quicklv ami perm anently and is also ■ to believe there is petroleum below. wonderfully quick to relieve HAY M ayor-elect Low, of New York, was _ . . o r else th a t th e m anagem ent of th e boom sentntivvs in W ashington is increasing J , _____ ¡salmon ___ are _ more numerous in the FEVER or COLD in the HEAD. already built m ust pass to o th er hands duilv. They all call a t the W hite House among the callers a t the W hile House gmall stream s hereabouts today than at CATARRH when neglected often lends who will carry on tho business in a dif­ and with m ost of them Mr. Roosevelt last week and bad a long conference any previous tim e in ten years. Many to CONSUMPTION — “ SN UFFLES ” will save you if von use it at once. I t is feren t way. T here is a very decided discusses some phase of his forthcom ing with the P resident. M r. Low says th a t of them are fresh and full of eggs, no ordinary remedy, but a complete opinion among th e people along t h e ; nleM:l^e ' Ey com parison of notes it is, lie p articu larly values Air. Roosevelt’s j W hen G erhardt Steinhaiier was re­ treatm ent which is positively guaranteed river th a t th e m anagers of th e boom i “ *»•*>»*. becoming reasonably easy to advice on New York m unicipal ques- tu rn in g iron, a trip to the lake on the to cure CATARRH in any form or stage if used according to tlie directions which com pany nro eith e r incom petent to b a n - 1 l’ret*’e’ ’be P resid en t’s position on m any ¡ions, and th a t lie hopes to be a frequent 23rd and started to cross the Greenleaf accompany each package. D on’t de ay, bridge, the apron gave way, leaving the but send for it at once, and write lull «II« th e business or are indifferent to the o( tl,e " ,ore ’"tp o rlan t »objects. He lias recipient of his views. M r. Low lias al i horses on the bridge and the wagon particulars as to yonr condition, and you in terests of th e loggers, and by th eir H,,'d th a t lie is in favor of reciprocity, rea> IIUIVUHV V»« I * .«V m u - ------------- ----- C* - , | ( ( si to \ course are injuring tlie loggers, the mill bnt does not consider th a t it would be i UIU 1 • i .n i , i . . ¡ng your case w ithout cost to you l>cyonil D -------. — -------------------- - - anv serious imshaD. old abutm ent I * Je lar |iri(.e of “ s N U EFI.ES,” the proper for Idin to express a desire to see I digpogHi on th e galne ;ines t |,a t the l ’rcs- a n - v 6erio" a '»¡shap. The i oi"“ S \ U R ow ners, and them selves. any p articular reciprocal treaty ratified ¡dent lias laid down for th e conduct o( !'ai1 wailled ouU Th® new one Pnt *n ! “ GUARANTEED CATARKl II C U R E .” | i i ..... i . i las’ sum m er only held np the main I Sent prepaid to any address in tlie WAR CLOUDS IN SOUTH AMERICA. or negotiated, li e lias stated th a t he ied e rai uppom tm euts. bridge. The neighbors in the vicinity United Stales or Gamulii on receipt of j One Dollar. Address Dcpt. 1, EDWIN will urge th a t im m ediate provision be G eneral Ghaflee, com m anding the d i - ' a re repairing it tem porarily. I!. GILES & COMPANY, 2330 and 2332 Fan Francisco Chronicle. nitiile for a Pacific cable to the Philip- vision of th e Philippines, reports th at he j T here was a shooting match at Olar- Alarket Street, Philadelphia. The disturbed condition of South pines and touching nt H aw aii and has ordered th a t t h e ‘‘native scouts,” as ence liu rn e tt’s last Friday for turkeys A m erica is again conspicuous in tlie G uam , b u t th a t as to m ethod, w hether ’ t | iey are now cni|et| ) LiO organized into an^ obickens. T he croud ran out of Health for 10 Cents. new«. The Colom bian revolt has taken it be constructed by th e governm ent or t ¡es of 104 men th a t a standard a,nlnuni,ion an ‘* ’ben shook dice. Jesse A liv ely liver, p u re blood, clean an unfavorable tu rn for the governm ent, a p riv ate loncern antliorized to lav it r i i n *i ■ i i ^ l,at C!,rr'e‘l °«f ’be big gobbler and Miss I iv a ie io n c e rn authorized to lay it, of physical excellence be required, and Alary W illcut secured a lien. The rest skin, b rig h t eyes, p erfect h e a lth — 11 a n* ■ 11 inuL-ii w,» I .>»■ z-.»» I I .. . .. 1 ,ave ° “ 1,6 possession o | he n ill make no recom m endation. H e ¡ th a t these companies be gradually are seatttered around am ong home tal- C asc a re is C a n d y C a th a rtic will ob­ Colon and there is ft prospect th a t the has expressed a wish to see an Isth m ian ttrined w iti, Spriiw tield rifles and a lim - ’ e n t m ostly, ta in a n d secu re them fo r you. G en u ­ w hole of th e isthm us, including I a n - C anal constructed as soon as possible ited q u an tity of black-powder am m uni- Len Tabor w ent out to Eugene a week ine ta b le ts sta m p e d C. C. C. N ever aina, will bo occupied by them w ithin a and hopes to see Congress to take all the ,jon ago und retu rn ed F riday, bringing back sold in b u lk . A ll druggists, io c . T H E W E S T . Itc h in g S kin □ J ’ W 0 . . H U || Fi.ocaxo, W .ir. W EA TIIEItSO N ! w ith him Airs. C. A. P otterf, who bad been visiting friends and relative-) neai Sniillitiold. llie day they passed Green- , , was the , . J of 1 the season, leaf worst day The creeks were raising fast and they 'veru afraid to stop anyw here for dinner | lor fear they couldn’t cross Deadwood. 1 d o n i know w h ether tliev crossed that n ig h t or not, but if they did they crossed some deep water revoltera n u m b er 3000, are well i n - . be rejected. IDs intention is to clearly, jeet to in tern al revenue tax have been A L P H A C L IP P IN G S - trenched, fully equipped and have pleu and as briefly as possible, outline the | exem pt from excise duty on goods m unition. T hia ia a condition condilioi I n ational situation, designating any evils ty of am iiiuiiition. shipped to th e P hilippines as they are By E vex CtiANoa. believed to be unknow n Io th e govern-I which lie believes should be corrected on goods shipped to foreign countries. m en t, as th e insurgents diligently circu- and leaving it to Congress to take sue! N ovember 20, 1901. 011 „ . , • , . The w hooping cough is still raging )«ted th e false rep o rt th a t they were J action na it considers th e situation w ar-j MARSHAL’S SALE. am ong the children here. sh o rt of men and m unitions of war. If ra n ts. In tlie perform ance of Ins o w n ’ I The potato crop is tlie sh o rtest on «lie regular arm y of th e republic is de- duties, while lie has received with con- i -i, 1 .......................................... By virtue of a w arran t issued by the Deadwcod since it Inis been settled.- f c a te d .n the encounter, la n a m a will «.deration the adv.ee of everyone whom Recorder of tlie/l'ow n of Florence, Gouu- ..1.1 . . 1 _ . .1 _ i 1, , ............................ • ' ------ 1 -'Ds. H aig h t is very much indisposed, doubtless su rren d er to tlia revolution- he believed bad th e best interests of the , tv of Lane, and State of Oregon, to me ' having been in frail health for some ists. Tliis will probably ho followed by ad m in istiatio n a t h eart, he has acted i directed N ovember 23-1, 1901, com m and- 1 tim e. th e overthrow of the conservatives and and will continue to act with the great- >"15l,,B ,o levy 011 11,0 real e8tate ° { tl,e 1 Tlie recent high w ater cleared all the th e Institution of a lllx'Val governm ent, est independence, and in his relations ‘lulin(l “ unt property o n n e is named on sum m er foot bridges or trestle logs and M eantim e th ere are disquieting signs w ith Congress he will respect its in d e - , Baid Towll oI F |oreUce, for assessm ents i on tlie Gliilcan A rgentine border. These p ndcncc to the sam e e x ten t tl.a t ti e : made on tlie 21st day of October, 1901, tw o republics have had a long conten- expects (Jongre ea to respect his. “ The f°r building a sidewalk on the north side of Alain S treet in the Original Town tilin over the iKinnd.-iry. A rgentina has spheres of tlie Executive and Legislative of Florence from Jefferson S treet to the ie|iestcL Block. lier sister republic’s aggressions. B ut has appointed a well-known and earnest Q Ö A R P earce............. Ü.04 th e rep o rt from Santiago indicates th a t reform advocate to tlie Civil Service 4 a Gora B A ndrew s. . 9.04 th o A rgentine Republic has changed her commission, and during tlie past week, 5 5 Geo Al A liller............ 9 04 5 tactics and assum ed the aggressive her- he has announced th a t in the Army and 0 ............ 5 I W A . i n t e r .............. 9.04 self. I l may be th a t her troops have Navy and in “ our dependencies” m erit 7 8 5 L Al A liller................ 9.04 m erely occupied disputed territo ry a n d 4 u]utle will secure prom otion. Apropos 9 3 th a t diplom acy i) ay settle th eir differ- of th e arm y prom otions, he lias caused 10 5 11.15 11.15 ences and war be averted. If, however, j to ho given out a t tlie W ar D epartm ent 1 4 Geo Soverns . . 4 Win C hurchill 9.04 lioetilities »lieuId follow as a resu lt of an official declaration which Btates th a t 3 4 4 9.9t th e invasion, Bolivia anil Peru may botli otlleers who send th eir friends to the 5 L M Miller 4 become involved, (or Tacna and Arica, P resident to present th eir claim s for A O Cleveland ........ 9JM 0 4 Lord dt T hom as........ 9.04 th e n itrate provinces surrendered tern- prom otion will not im prove th eir 7 4 9.04 porarily by Peru as security for th e pay- ,-liances, b u t Hint “ on the contrary, the 8 4 L M M iller 4 9.04 inent of the war indem nity of 18H.I, have effect will probably he directly opposite 9 4 11.15 n o t been restored to th eir origins: »over- to th at which the candidate hopes for” 10 eig h ty , although th e indem nity has been p aid , and Bolivia’s claim s to the prov- luce ot A tacam a, w hich Chile and Ar- g eu tin a divided betw een them under th e term s of tlie arb itra tio n lettlem eiit of 1 499, have n o t been conceded. Thus a and m a t “ it is only fair to the adm inis- ' triv ion th a t not only arm y otficers, hut ,,|| o th er classes oi public office holders should rely iqion th eir own m erits and not iqx*n the further use of political i n - - lluence.’’ It is even rum ored th a t it is COX 8 A DD ITIO N . y U “a W f r ° '“ tl,e creek’ 1 S teinhauer w ent to the lake a 8 t " L e' " ith his team and wagon, but ° 'v,ng 10 th * lligl‘ walur caine tl0,,,e 4 00 E rn e st Tabor, who went to W asliing- “ »• 1“« sum m er, will re tu rn about C hristm as, because, lie says, Deadwood *a l i’e i,e8t’ place to go “ d e a r” hunting. ft w ith <'..car.tw I ► Cents’ Fu AND Ready Made ClotH e ] li D ry G o o d s 3por ill. •y on .0 . We have an exceptionally fino Helectioi, 111 (I gooi all latest styles and patterns, consigii»g¡ | In n y at H o m eN pun , C a s h in e rs , Alpaca, i,*' 10 S IL K S a n d fo r triminin,,»ne 1 V E L V E T S lo f ill sralx *rep« m»nt >rn, s Plie lnrg(»t mid best aworliueni of ckerl 1 antet 1 of re plac & H e Ro ails < ‘ Don, iksgb ke a Jewelry and Watrf tlii» s id e o f I ’o rtim id W e in v ite inspection of the alwe. ^ j , as well us of other good carried by ¡ate is famous and always ud-to-dato .rrieil 850,000 ; ill! » I, s O. N - 50,000 ! We offer every acconiiiKHlntlon consistent ; w ith p ru d e n t bunking. i ited. ; T. s. P. L. G. B. E. II. Correspondence solic- H en d rick s........................ Presi President Eakill ..................... Vice President Si m igras». . Cashiei P otter. . .. Asst. Cashier BAY VIEW HOTEL, C A S S ID Y & SO N - - P ro p rie to rs. F lo re n o e , O re g o n . T a b le s f u r n is h e d A N w ith a ll th e ; delicacies of the season, a call, G iv o us A firs t-c la s s B A T H cheap cash R O O M in c o n n e c tio n w ith t h e h o u se >,000. , is pi -am be its ci leada >leasn la rd . Gna ne lu i for d sumu STOÊ s on I Heral si cen ;e of e Swa ion 1 Hotel Eugene, Drv G o ods, ★ G r o c e r ie s ★ a n d tK í by Re e rv ,« sv. Y< is aak coni It wit tlie p scond th a t c ) sch leads) . Slu Sins mill, ,lor»n< ronng C o e d s a s R eoresc^ The G reenleaf correspondent will HcadquartSTS for Mining, Mill and again be unsurprised in th e prophecy of I C om m ercial M in Even Onange, thinking his observations as to the future |u u p tia ls oi a very sly i S I tO $ 2 P e r D a y Pa ir> who do not talk secrets to even E ugene, Oregon. very close friends, but give it away fi lee Invitations will perhaps be issued shortly « h er New Y ear. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. -------------------------- I” Jap an possessed ninety-six Horace J. Minor estate. m erchant steam ers of an aggiegate ton- Noth e is lmrehv given th a t tlie u n d e r-1 nage of 23,304 tons. They were all, witli- •igned, George O Knowles, |,as been ' •lull appointed iidiiiinistratiir o' the es o uat vessels which had been tate of Horace J Minor, deceased hi-! COIlJem ned by th eir original owners as order of the County Court ot l ' , ne County. Oregon; nod all persons having a’ nnfR for further profitable service, claims agnmst said estate nro hereby! were ill-found and ill-munnged and never notified to present the same with the ventured beyond the coasts of Ja p a n . j- w. CARMAN -< . . . . . ............. OUIld i last - B in d e r T w in e . Manager, U t f a a u a , B u tld la «. t hi. ¿ n . * r l '* ' * “ ted ei says M a c h in e I n ,1900 her m erchant fleet Included 846 » „ •e ..a e .a .W i,h e ra t. .11 t - r a h t . m ra. ï W c lii,s .l> i airet-i f r ,a t hcml nllicea. H tirae^ i.a earriages farw f.h«a when wen «rare Refera , at« mid many other line» of fancy pattfr ne8,i era c E u g e n e , O reg on, P a id u p C a sh C a p ita l, I S u r p lu s , - - - te n ALL UP-TO-DATE L. Z N Airs. 0 . A. P o tterf and daughter, who have been visiting relatives at H ale, E l" lira a' al r«D>r„ed home Saturday after - ' an absence of about live T. N. S E G A R , - P ro p rie to r. weeks. N ew AI axagement . The Deadwood bridge is in great dan- [ S tkicti . v F irst -C lass . ger of w ashing o u t, as tlie governm ent F ree S amplr R ooms . fish trap built just above it allowed tlie ! E lectkic L iuiits axi * B ei .;.» Ban logs to jam and nearly underm ine one oi the approaches. C e n tra lly L ocated. 6 O W H u rd ................ 9.04 steam ers of 528,321 tons, most of them ‘ 0 lanía B ergm an......... 9.04 5 .< .. g (V1 vegf*cls of the highest types of modern « 7 M F P a rk e r................ 9.04 « ’" ’ •«'•wlion, thoroughly equipped in 9 s s 9.04 «very respect, well-managed ai d sue- 9 • W A Gox 9.04 . essfully com peting to all parts of the 4« <4 44 10 6 42.78 world with tlie le st shipping lines. d eclaration of K a r between A rgentina th e in ten tio n of th e P resid en t to apply 2 5 M F P arker . . . 9.04 and Chile may result in a coalitii n of the requirem ents of th e civil service { 3 5 “ “ " 9.04 th e th ree republics against (lie comm on com m ission to al! th a t class ol employes 4 5 M inneapolis is the first city in the O W H a r d ................ 9.04 3 enem y for th e restoration of old condi- in W ashington know n as "la la jre rs” ol 1 " " “ “ 9.04 U nited S ta n s to have its m ails delivered 1 3 “ “ “ 9.04 by autom obiles, and, wliat is m ore, tlie lio n s. whom th ere are probably a t least one | . A W A C o x ................. 9.04 ~ ~ “ thousand, draw ing aggregate salaries o f , O W H urd ............... 9.04 vehicles in service l ave bee n built also T he G overnm ent seem« inclined to $509,000 |ier y ear. A bet of them are I g " “ " 9.04 in th a t town. It is evidently pro- aw ard th e palm for superior s irdincs to , doing clerical work and are “ lab o rers’’ A n d o n M onday, th e 23rd day of De- 8r »tive city, th e I’aeific G last to th e disparag. in cu t ia nam e o n ly , having need this i m ^ t o « ’mlier, at th e hour of one o’clock p. 111. _______________ ____ of tlie M ain* product, and right on to get in to th e service through o th er th a n ’ n‘d Hl llie front do" r ,lie Fellow 'a building, iu th e Town of Flor- w a s t e d — T » i\T a .iiir in - , , ___ . th 1 e civil 1 service • doors. , Fellow'a of th a t a salesm an . 111 11 ventiireeonie ....... ............................ ....., ... ’ » . ' i i u t k i «rw iiltritv VEX AMi w«». en ie, G ountv of I-niie, and S late of Ore- men to t r a v .l «m l a d r w t ii * far iM e k a b U tb e d s p irit goes straigwl dow n into th e ene- T he activ ity of the American m aiiu- gon, I w III »ell tho above described real ’••’«"*<>» «>••«> Buaaclal ,ian.lli,g. ewtary »Iso, n iy ’a cou n try ami oflfera tlie aforesaid f.ivliircia, a« evidenced by tlie am ount estate at public auction to th e liigliest ’ r"r “"ll 1,11“' "'*"*- *•• payable In ca»h. Xm-an- pack of tlie coast to tlie “ daw n E a s t” of raw m aterial im ported during Hie •’idder lor coah. entijeet to reerm ption, sett «tsuq^i enviJ * "bin «iii. * d ealers. T h a t it " ro b b in g it in ,” and |«i«t nine m onths, is a source ol g ratitt- ‘° * "• ,a iJ « » • ’ . and ages.»s v.>ioU Mbk.. cbUMo. , , , , . M crm ag coet.. __________ __ _ . ___ th e wail of one of o u r conteaiporariea . a.h .n hii .I uln.uel of .u rp rio e. The total F.oronce, Oregon, tliis 23rd th a t " i t »eeni«wl very like a i iise of iiuporlatioii of “ urticlee in a crude ro w day of N ovem ber, 1901 A. D. W A XTK IV—SEV KR XI, PKKSIIXS n y , - u . . . acier am i em -t ra,»H ali -u n, ?; ‘Iiriiiging co al, to Newcaetlrt’ to offer ■ •in u, w inch en ter into th e various pro- G ll. L’V.MPTON, M aithal. U.‘i* orch n, n-presrhi ,1,1* » ), m í ot.t « U ld U h e d u celtby bi.'.lccra borne u Z S tid atiani-lal « ta tu iti,s. S a la n »Ixtal .n i! aardinee for wile in K aetport. w hich is cesra-a of dom estic in d u s try ,” durin g th e -.................... r x ogm ze I a . llie lam n er sard in e city o ..... .. n o u th s H iding w ith S ep lem iar, F .ia c t. t n „ tim c o u B lr y .- E .s h in g tia s e lte . I DUI, am ounted to »-221,4CA,984. T his is ‘ ntei -c^e ei 1 nu r F irst National A E -Tat H o o d ’s S a rsa p a rilla few "days. The authorities of Colon steps necessary w ithout delay. The Commissioner of In tern al Iteve- seem to have been taken by surprise. In M r. Roosevelt realizes th a t the respon- nue has rendered a decision to th e effect , .. . i ........................... th ree hours after ■ tlie insurgents iinex- ailiilities of 1118 his “ hiirli otflee are henvv and m ill . t .I |,a t . pp,,,., 1 , • , , ” B ‘h" oinLt are neavy whiskey and , o th er articles of , pectedly entered th e town th e lighting knows th eir ex ten t. He lielleves h l. j douleitie „.an u fatt,ire, subject to in ter- was over and th e place in th e ir hands, own share to he quite sullicient and lie n a [ revenile , ax wlien consumed in tlie A governm ent force of 1100 men lias has no intention of assum ing a portion [ U nited S la te ., are s u 'je e t to the sam e •inco been dispatched from P an am a to J of those which properly pertain to Con-1 ■tax when shipped to th e Philippines, dislodge th e m ; h u t it is claimed th a t the 1 grew , or of proffering advice tl.a t m ig h t1 H eretofore, m anufacturers of goods sub- I UaK i " s ‘ " I ..... " l ' a n (.|egl(n l,¡lte ill' g u ild s o f I hu follow ,nB ««tier Oil. 9 tog I M achine £ • ? »lie - i Datea this 29th day of November 1901 (1K0. O. K xowi . es , ’ | A dm inistrator of said estate. E ievev , Atty í L o ffiiiiiir a n d owing i wae ihoale ne m i e «rat a tots M in in g S itf B o of Oi -sorge torà, MS CALLS macaiine ' 8 «am H i. ie A UDIfS' MAGAZINf. •'"V. l n<’n” '* •m h. *i'*u«shnid l „ - Í . T «aion ,,c t«»ncy s„¿ 8 ÍX b * r7 j •hoe. •^ e e i-rin i« , s™«'0" - V p -” - mscall A« r * e ‘ ” -1 -c t ; TH E M c C A I.1 J'J-in-IITWesi n „ St . , « Ä , r- c ‘ y» Everything n the«? Hardware Line. G riffin H a rd w a re