s4 w w ~ C o n s tip a tio n , H e a d a ch e , B ilio u s n e s s , H e a rtb u rn , In d ig e s tio n , D izziness, PERSO N ALS. A BOOM FOR FL O R E N C E . DO YOU GET UP AC M E C O n flE R C IA L CO., WITH A LAME BACK? II. Halvorson has rented the Robin* B u sin « « « C e n te r . 1 eon house below town. E ver since Hie town was laid out Hie ; Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. W. D. S eely, of Meadow, was in Flor­ people of Flore.ice have been eager Io . F R A N K B. W IL SO N , M anager, ence S aturday and Sunday. st everybody who reads the news- Almost I hove a good sawmill erected here. A C ounty , O kkoon .— E C. Knowles and wife moved to Mu- ¡sm all mill was built in Hie lower p art of j papers is sure to kinow of the wonderful Indicate that your liver cures made by Dr. [Town ten years igo, and for the past two I i pleton the first of the week. is out of order. The Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, best medicine to rouse ' or three years has done a good business, | the great kidney, ltver Miss Mabel M orris w ent to Eugene the liver and cure ail and bladder remedy. hut Hie prospect now looks favorable for : W ednesday to attend ecliool. these ills, is found in It Is the great medi­ litor • and Proprietor. the constinelion in Hie near future of j P hilip B erkshire came in a few days cal triumph of the nine­ ■ two large mills close to Hie business part j teenth century; dls- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ago for a look at iris homestead. Mt: $1.50 a year in adeem < _____ t covered after years of of Florence. Mr. Miller, secretary of Portland J f e s f F __ Willi scientific research by O. W. Iln rd has recently purchased 25 cents. Sold by all medicine dealers. B oard of Trade, was in Florence a couple Dr. Kilmer, the emt- ! cd a t th e post-office a t Florence, the P ronty properly, ill Morse’s a ild i-, of »lavs this week. - - ^ « i i i t y , Oregon, as w m i ,.! , . i tion, together with a num ber of lo ls : ------- Good advice to give to a hungry man dcr specialist, and Is v\t te r . , Olaf Peterson and Mrs. C. G . Wilson from other parties, which gives him an wonderfully successful In promptly curing ' —go to th e W estern House. 1 received intelligence ypsterday bf the excellent site for a sawmill. He also , lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou- 1 V n r ip il fifn p V The Booth-Kelly Lum ber Co. has in ­ JlSI death of th eir father, which occurred in ¡owns considerable of the tide land a > bles and Bright’s Disease, which is the worst * t t l RATSU M AD« KNOWN ON AT" stalled a new electric light plant in th eir forro c.I kidney trouble. FI.ICATION. Chicago a few days since. short distance above, which gives him , Dr. Kilmer's S w am p -R oot Is not rec­ ------p a r li n e , e a c h in s e rt io n mill at Coburg. The mill will now run Does 8 cents L- E. Bean, who has resigned his posi­ plenty of booiniige ground on which to | ommended for everything but if you havekld- __ night and day. ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found tion in the Roseburg Itn d office, re lu m ­ I store liis logs. Robert Lowe held th e winning num ber ce, Oregon, Nov. 22, 1901. just the remedy you need, it has been tested ed to Eugene Sunday and will probably i I t is now regarded as practically cer- In so many ways, in hospital work, in private Irew the beautilul silk q u ilt th a t , tain th a t he will move the frame already j practice, among the helpless too poor to pur­ rem ain there perm anently. W E S T L IN G S . , Mrs. Amirs H aring and d aughter re- j erected n ear Acme to his new posses- 1 chase relief and has proved so successful in liursday evening. case that a special arrangement has 1 turned from E ugene last F riday, after 1 sions and there put in the m achinery j every been made by which all readers of thi3 paper Among those who took medals a t th e ; for a first-class saw mill. B e s t i s N o n e to o ( j o o d . having Hie pencil point removed from who have not already tried it, may have a an American E xposition w as: Ja sp e r , T h e Florence Lumber Go. also own sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book the ch ild ’s ear w ithout serious results. Glkins, Colmrg, g ild medal on one telling more about Swamp-Root and how to C apt. II. A. H utchings, of Meadow, some tide land above town and eome find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. t in ex h ib it of grains, grasses and wool. river front in MorBe’s addition. They When writing mention reading this generous ■ was taking in the sigh fa of Florence last R egister: Our Jasp er correspondent! S aturday. He called a t th is office and are endeavoring Io secure enough of the I offer in this paper and iys II. A. Skeels and an E astern party arranged fo have the W est sent to him adjacent property to give them loom for jgpj your address to -------- V ill soon establish a saw mill a t th a t a m ill site I’.od a ship yard adjoining. Dr. Kilmer&.Co.,Bing- for a year. Mr. K yle stated to us tw o weeks ago j hamton, N. Y. The CSGIVINQ TURKEY D IN N E R . | place with a capacity ol 70,000 feet per i regular fifty cent and ttom*, ,.r Swamp-Root Jared Scott was in town W ednesday Iduy. th a t if his company obtain the desired | dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. for th e first tim e since he was h u rt, I at t#ke 8t(.pg lQ U ncle Jesse Cox, who died a t G oshen View H otel Will serve a first-class nearly two m onths ago. He has not re- : J „„ r e f e l|„ y liouetl turkey dinner Tbanks- last Monday, was the last mem ber of Hie covered from Ins injuries yet, b u t is im ­ the mill. f r*l«digg ( | th a t if they nro tumble to get the prop- dav. B ring vonr iam iles and convention th a t framed th e constitution proving steadily. ! erty w anted, the mill will be built in WESTERN HOUSE of Oregon. H e was also an In d ian war ' ■’'.I'leting q | pleasant holiday. Mrs. M artha H artley, of P o in t Ter- | i f|ij> )na.Hr p nMrt the lower art of of town town near near the the site site of veteran. W M . B R Y N D , Prop. ra te, paid a visit to Florence Saturday ! the old one, S. D. R alston, an employee of the . . . Afr . chicken dinner a t the W estern Southern Pacific Co. on the pile d riv er Everything in connection with the X lSU f Xb'Afc'Afr'-U'-UCAA'-Ur'Afc'-Vfc'Afc'.Xfc'.U'' H artley returned home Jn ei(her evcnl , he prospect ia tbal -TV -T? -TV -7X -7\ -TV -A I paca, Sion S unday when you are in Flor- House is New and First-Class. assaulted early T uesday ! “ f,er aptrnding over a year with relatives , F]orence aoon have tw0 Urge mills * tram , was I,is skull frat- : in M innesota, Illinois and M issouri, and | e m .|ed wit(lin ,ler bor<|ers. They will morning a t Junction and inform s us th a t thin vs look more like furnish steady em ploym ent tor 50 to 75 SPECIAL ATTENTION TO jc v od second hand Cook stove for lured. Ilia purse witii all the money in W e b u y direct from th e L a rg est Jobbing H o u ses and COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS. living her“ on the Siuslaw th an any men, and these with th eir families will inquire a t the W est office. it « as found near th e scene. T here is place she saw on her trip. Kugene G un Club was organised no clue to the guilty party. be an im portant addition to the popula­ The notice of the public is called M anufacturers in th e country, for C A SH , and w e are enabled ' E-iniming^etk by the sportsm en of th at tion of our little city. to our new to g e t th e L o w e st P rices, b esid es a lw a y s b ein g sure of ob­ The best place in town to get a good meal is at th e W estern House. MAY CARRY MAIL. B A T H R O O M Y. M. C. A. of Marshfield have ANOTHER SIUSLAW SC H O O N E R . ■ ta in in g first-class goods. W e are n ot p a y in g enorm ous ACM E N E W S ." where Hot and Cold Baths may be I to close up the affairs of the ns- e x p e n se s and w ill s e ll y o u good s at reasonbale rates. had at anv time. The following le tte r concernipg gaso­ C aptain B urchard, who for several line boats for carrying mail was handed BY EIN MAGNUS. »s’ hats, ch ild ren ’s h ats, all kinds , years past lias been roaster of the meut of i ’at Mrs. Katiuff’s. New goods to us by Postm aster K v le: g ener al new s . j schooner Lily, plying between the U inp- Afe' .Ue- Afe* .Ue1 AP Afe1 Me' Aig1 Atr .\A< .Uf' Mr' AP .Ur Slt> Ah' Sit? Me> U* U - W U-- AXe AA- W ashington, N ovember 14, 190L November 20, 1901. ' vua and San Francisco, has disposed of I this week. S ir: In reply to yotir letter of th e 5th . j j ra> ^y|,jamail ¡a on the sick list this his in terest in th a t vessel and has taken A coroner’s jury a t St. I.onie, Mo., re­ due p rin t piats of any tow nship c i instant, relatives to bids of ow ners of ; week_ ! a share in a company which is building turned a verdict a few days ago finding or Douglas counties call at gasoline boats being accepted for service Schr. Sacram ento has left port w ith a a larger schooner. T he new vessel is the health dep artm en t negligent in pre­ d en ’s office. on route No. 73099, Mapleton to F lo r -1 now now under construction a t O akland, paring lock jaw an ti-to x in e. schooners Sacram ento and Lizzie ence, Oregon, you are informed t h a t 1 cargo of lum ber. A couple of commercial travellers California, and we ate inform ed is de-1 L ate dispatches from Rom e say the eft for San Francisco Monday af- w)d,e tbe aii vertisem cnt issued on Sept. signed tor Hie Siuslaw trade. Site is to i Pope is very ill and his deatli is expected l with cargoes of lum ber. ! 16, 1901, inviting proposals for carrying in our burg a few davs ago. be a four m aster, w ith 105 loot keel, 38 I I at any tim e. T here is much excitem ent M r. P ra tt, with family, now occupies Effie McCulloch, of Roseburg, i t)|e m aii ¡n Oregon, during the ensuing loot beam, and carry 500,000 feet of a|. t(|Rt plftcu oyer b ja expected demise, i years, sh o t herself last Ft ¡day con, ra.c t term , requires th a t mail be car- th e property recently purchased oi E . lum ber on a draft of nine feet. I A j ondo„ dia tch aaya the Comm er- jd.of th e wound next day. | ried “ in safe and suitable steam b o ats,” P. W aite. O aptiuivB nrchard is to take charge of j ,et th# ister: Tlte Misses L ester, Wessla i a boat “ safe and su itab le” would not be Lester Ogden finished moving family Uie cra(t aa lliaater when she is ready ie Sing, of G ardiner, have arriv ed to ; rejected sim ply because it is propelled and household effects today to the P ratt f(jr gea We hea(. ,dll, spoken of as a contract for the San Francisco-Philippi»e AP W'A^'AV AA^ Alre d I. Hol- I Chas. H . Holden and Frances E .uses to ren t are s|(«rce in F lorence. ,.on atitu tiona|ity of tb e set. qualified to hold such office for two years den to Lillie M. H urd, lot 2, blk 1, *100 R E W A R D . tio o . e is hardly a vacant bouse in town. -------------------------- thereafter. T he mayor has vacated his Morse’s ad to Florence, $100. be paper will I T he readers of this . the prospective increase in popn- SUNDAY SERV ICES. chair b u t will wotk to secure liis rehab' F . J . Seam an and A. E. Seaman to 0 . pjeaae,j t 0 learn th a t there is at least one n in th e very near future m ore, ______ , ilitatiori. PROWMings will be needed. Rev. G . A. M cK inlay will hold reltg- W . H u rd , lots 5 and 6, blk 2, Moree’s ad dreaded disease th a t science has been mmawuma. able to core in all its stages and th a t is | K r lin b ie b u t G en tle« Salem , O regon,C ircuit Judge Boise ¡OI1S services in the church at P o in t Ter- to Florence, $150. Isaib H acker, assignee of David Morse, C a tarrh . H all's C atarrh Cure is the , “ A pill’s a p ill,” says the saw. But H a ts & Caps, decided th a t tlte M arion county ra,.e next Sunday, November 24, a t 3 J r ., to O. \V. H u rd , lot 1, blk 1, and lot* only positive cure now known to th e , 1----- issioners court had the au th o rity p> m , then there are pills and pills. Y ou 6, 0 and 7, blk 2, M orse’s ad to Florence, medical fraternity*. C atarrh being a w ant a pill which is certain, thorough lake a contract lor experting t h e ------------------------- constitutional disease, requires a consti- ' and gentle. M ustn’t gripe. D eW itt's $350. record*. T he officers who ob- THANKSGIVING SERVICES- tutional treatm en t. H all's C atarrh Cure Little E arly Risets All the bill. Purely f o r tio r rniatance. ---------- id will make no “ I have useil C h am berlain's Colic, is taken Internally, acting directly opon vegetable. Do not force b n t assist the A union service has been arranged for i Seers are tearcliiug for a man th e blood and mucous surfaces of t b e ! ted George Vernon, »h o spent sey- Thanksgiving day a t the Evangelical Cholera and D iarrhoea Remedy and find system , thereby destroying th e found«-1 the bowels to act. S trengthen and in ­ it to he a great m edicine,” says Mr. E. vigorate. Sm all and easy to take. M eyer weeke in Eugene recently. He is church in Florence nt 11 a. m . Rev. G. 8 . Phipps, of Poteau, A rk. “ I t cured tion of th e disease, sr.d giving the pa- j A K yle. ilid uf |weeing ■ Tiortli'r-1 check on A. M cKinlay will deliver th e serm on. me of bloody flux. I cannot speak loo tie n t strength by building up the c o n -, _ C wfratixen nf Ooborg no highly of i t .” This rem edy alwavs wins stitntion and assisting nature in doing M od ern S u ra e r y S u rp a ssed . imiMvWted irt the train robbery work. The proprietors have so ninch ih Hobbs'Simraaua put« ra n «It ktaiwr ills, taw “ W hile suffering from a bad case of th e good opinion, if n o t praise, of those its « • .i f «• rxr wo tl.al $1 OV / F •« A d*l »1« Hi IME U« OloUff C«i . C h iOM» •« M. T. r Eaeen«. piles I conanlted a p hrsiclan who advised who use it. Tlte quick enres which it faith in its c u ra tite powerp, th at they ofler One H undred Dollars for any case ov. T. T. Geer has appointed W m. me to try a box of D eW itt’s W itch Hazel effects even in th e most severe cases F U R S W A NTED. dinor. of Heppner. F rank Brown, of Salve,” says G. F . C arter, A tlanta. Ga. m ake it a favorite everyw here. For th a t it fails to cure. Send for list of . Y « tn h H f* w | O. M. C artw right, “ I procured a box and was entirely sale by O. W. H urd. free testim onials. Address, The highest cash price paid lor all F. J . Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. lies a t large to th e cured. D eW itt’s W itch Hazel Salve is a kinds of furs and hides. Sold by Druggists, 75c. 'A ssociation, which splenJi I cure for pile«, giving relief in ­ G. C. Cuwrrow. G OA TS FOR SALE. D ecem ber 3rd tor a stan tly , and I heartily recommend it Io H all’s Fam ily Pill* »ro the best. At R eddy's M eat M arket. Florence, Or all sufferers.” Surgery il unnecessary I have 160 goats lor sale a t $3 per head • TEAM AND TIMBER FOR A T illa g e H la r h s m llh Ha>«U H is I.IISIa -I f yon were fo see to core piles. ’.D eW itt's W itch Hazel for th e band. A bout half of them are LOGGING 4on*« L ife . SALE. Salve will core any case. C ots, burns, nannies. M bs . O vxthia A ustix , Ittm e of nnitnpeaclia- Mr. II. H . Black, the well known vil- Alene, Oregon. ' ---------- yor of H ow l’s Sarsap- bruises sn d all o th er wonnds are also I lage hlackauiith a t G raham aville, Rnlli quickly cured by it. Beware ol counter­ One million feet of good fir tim bercon- pbraid yourself for to The C hlM rea's F riend, i venient to the Siuslaw R iver for sale at van C o., N. Y ., anys: “ O ur little son, itetb is effective med- feits. Meyer A K yle. i Y ou’ll have a cold this w inter. Maybe a reason vide price, lag g in g road al­ five years old, has alw ays been subject [disease trom which N OTICE TO PR O PER TY O W N ER S i yon have one now. Y our children will ready b u ilt from th e tim ber to the riv er. to croup, and ac bad have th e attacks been th a t we have feared m any tim es f enffer too. For coughs, croop, b ro n e ji- Also six heed of num ber one work the Roeehnrg li ­ I th a t he would die. We have hail th e Notice is hereby given th a t th e Board ; tie, grip and other w inter com plaints ' o le n and a pa ir of hulls, from six to th e lower U m pqna, ! doctor and need m any m ediciues, b n t rh u rn , of Wnwnnsin, of T rustees of tbe Town of Florence p ro -j One M inute Cough C ore never fails. cjgi,t years old. Inquire of I C h am berlain’a Congh Ren.edv is now Acts prom ptly. I l is very pleasant to I SinxKY W ait «, [p u ttin g in a large saw poses to im prov« Lincoln street in [ onr sole reliance. It seem s to dissolve Acme, Oregon. th e taste and perfectly harm less. C. B. aer with a capacity of Morse’s Addition to Florence by build­ [ the tongh m ucus and by giving frequent George, W inchester, K y., writes: “ Our ___ ay Mr. W iD on,Y beir ing a walk on th e east side of ssid s t r e e t' doeee when th e cro u p y sym ptom s appear little girl was attacked with croup late b* « in G ardiner and from Main street to Josephine street. U M O R S, boil», pim ple* and all have fonnd th a t the dreaded croup ie one n ig h t and was so lioeiee th e could Any snd all persons opposing said im ­ . pure .......... *g(g settlelo«>d w ith I b l n r e to look over th e provem ent a rs requested to file th eir no danger in giving this remedy lor it of One Minute Cough Cure. It relieved Hood’s SarsauariiU thcr are C U R £O . sp in y owns a large ohjnetione w ith th e recorder w ithin ten contsine no opium or oilier injurious her in stan tly aud «he w ent to sleep. lan 1 in t i n t section, davs from th e publication of th is notice. drug sad may be given at confidently to Dated at Florence, Oregon, this I3ih , When she awoke next morning »lie had , B d a r a te Tow» H ow ala W llh I aacw reU . large mill G ardiner a babe af to aa adult. For (ale by O. I no signs of hoarseness or croop.” Meyer i C m m I i (•ao.srtlr, aure armai ipat loo lorerar. lum ber town of day of November, 1901. fc.A«. U UCC.Uü.druaal»uraluiiA«Ba«*e. W. Hard. 1 C. C B xn x n sg s. Recorder. A Kyle. xgs. Su uu to H a v e T w o l a r g e S a w m ills N e a r J JAC1ÆE, - - - O R E G O N . Í. W EATHERS« )N H o o d ’s P ills We Carry a Fine and General Merchandise. Patent Medicines, MotHi a c Sperrv’s Best ; 5 6 Family Í lo u r, D ry Goods, Dress Goods, Prints, riuslins, Yarns, Crash, Notions, J Groceries. -W We Have a Complete Stock of Boots and Shoes. S ME7EE & KYLE px I I >1 * # * * nd * >mi ★ ★ Boots & Shoes, G ent’s Furnishing Goods, Are Taw* Kl«a«r> I H a rd w a rE , Paints, Oils, etc. Prices as Low as the Lowest. Jfc H a is a s i^ I ic