/A .V 'lT ll-f W i i l î u i y v i n u i Y ” i N ovember 7. F R A N K B. W IL S O N , M anager, E arl Butterfield haves in a few days T he Schley court ol inquiry is now for Siletz, Oregon. O kegon .— | holding secret sessions to consider the Mrs. J . S. P ale returned W ednesday evidence adduced. ■ - - av - - - after a trip to Eugene. R eturns from forty counties in Ala­ E rank M auensoti, of the upper Sins bam a indicate th a t th e new constitution t lin a And take a dose, from 1 to 4 pills. ’ law, was in town Monday. will have a m ajority of 27,009 votes. You will be surprised nt how easily ¡to r a n d P ro p rieto r. i’d e r - they v.'ill do their work, cure your I Bruce David has moved his household * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Several earthquake shocks were re headache and biliousness, rouse the < fu rniture to Point Terrace. liver and make you feel happy again. porled^from A rm enia a few days ago. >1.50 a y ear in advance.----- > • Í I - j cents. Sold by ail medicine dealers, . A. P . H u n ter has moved from Acme Many casualties were reported boni ! tailing buildings. to th e Sutton house in Florence. id a t th e poet-office at F'hnence, Tho strike of the ironworkers of San We Carry a Fine and -,nnty, Oregon, an s i n ‘ > John Lloyd goes to Siletz in a few tte r. s S lR w iiH p ip th e ris is reported to have broken davs to reside on his huinestea'l during F r a n c is c o , w h ic h lia s lu ste d for sever. I The Discoverer of Swamp-Soot at Work la hi « Latorntory. m onths, is about settled, and it was ex­ out near D usty, Benton comity, Oregon. the w inter. There is a disease prevailing In th ia ' SING RATER MAD» KNOWN ON AP­ Geo. 0 . Knowles, of M apleton, ha- pected the employes of th e Fulton Iron country most dangerous because so decep- | Try a chicken din n er a t the W estern PLICATION. W otka would retu rn to work this week. five. Many sudden deaths are caused by | Ices 8 cen ts per line» enHi ¡»i-»• : ti• »1 • House on Sunday when you are in Flor­ been com m issioned a notary putdic by T he U nited States prisonets at Leav­ It—heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure ence. Governor Geer. enw orth, K ansas, m utinied on the 7ili. or apoplexy are often the result of kidney The U m pqua Valley Oil Co. are put- E lm er Johnson and family are now disease. If kidney trouble is allowed to ad­ » , O regon , N o v . 15, 19H!. residing in Florence, having moved in to 'T h re e were killed, several more ¡wound­ vance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack , ting up th eir derrick and preparing to ed, and tweutv-uix made tlieir escape the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves I diill for oil a t M yrtle Point. j the Andrews house. 5 W E B T Ia IN G S . from prison B ut few of them had been j break down and waste away cell by cell. Born, at H eceta Head Light S tation, N. E. Berkrftin, of U m pqua Life Sav- Then the richness of the blood—the albumen captured a t last reports. —leaks out and the sufferer has Bright's on Tuesday, November 12th, 1001, to i ! ¡ng S tation, was shaking hands with his 3 e s t i s N o n e to o G ood . Mr. and Mrs. O. L. H anson, a daughter, i ' Florence friends Saturday. An A shland dispatch says th a t a syn­ Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's S w a m p -R o o t the new dis­ dicate of which the principal is T. B. run of fish is lig h t now and hut j G u ard : L. E . Bean has resigned his is the true specific for kidney, bladder , T, , i i , I W alker, of M inneapolis, is about to ac- covery and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands I are received a t th e can n ery . . position ... the Roseburg land office and , * #nJ of apparently hopeless cases, after all other | ig season closes n ex t W ednes- ■ will move to Eugene the near future. | (){ lh(j Siskiyou Lum ber 3,000,000. Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. and service between th a t place and P ortland noon. the W estern House, T he report that this country is th reat­ mention this paper. lue p rin t plats of any tow nship this w inter, Jam es M orris is taking a rest these ened w ith a shortage of beef cattle is A counterfeit qu arter dollar is being days on account of his th u m b coming in arousing much interest among prom i­ ction of or Douglas counties call a t C. put in circulation in B aker C ity. The contact w ith a saw at the Florence Lum­ n en t stuck m en, and efforts are being W E S TE R N HOUSE lien’s office. d in g of um ber tor the new sidewalk on coin is perfect in appearance, b u t has an ber C o.’s mill. m ade to have the census office announce W M . B R Y N D , P rop. street is nearly all on the ground imperfect ring. Miss K ath arin e P atterson, a teacher liie result of the live stock census in time The schooner Sacram ento, C aptain in th e P atterson school in Eugene, had for the national convention of stock men E v e r y th in g in co n n e c tio n w ith th e . walk has been comm enced. a, tr’in N elson, who resides a few Gruggel, arrived here from Sail F ran ­ her knee dislocated by a fall from her at Chicago thiB m onth. H o u s e is N e w an d F ir st-C la ss . est of Eugene, was severely in- cisco Monday morning and went to Acme bicycle a few days ago. T he labor representative sent to Porto SPECIAL ATTENTION TO Louis S m ith, Andrew C harles, Isaac Rico recently to organize tlie laboring ittern fl -8t Friday in a runaw ay accident. to load w ith lum ber. W e b u y d ir e c t fr o m t h e L a r g e s t J o b b in g H o u a e e a n d COMMESCIAL TSAVELLESS. A copy of the toaat issue of the Drain M artin, S arah M artin and Jennie men of th a t place was arrested on his ed—60 persons desiring to dis- ! N onpareil is on our table. It is a six- Johnson leave in a day or two for Siletz, arriv al. I t is contended th a t he is a T h e n o tic e o f th e p u b lic is c a lle d M a n u fo c tu r e r s i n t h e c o u n t r y , fo r C A S H , a n d w e a r e e n a b le d real estate in thia vicinity to call tiling lag. ace th eir propelty on our list. column qu arto , and th e first num ber w here th e first four expect to draw their dangerous labor agitator. Samuel Gom- to o u r n ew t o g e t t h e L o w e s t P r ic e s , b e s id e s a l w a y s b e in g s u r e o f o b ­ | presents a very cieditable appearance. Bl are of the coin which U ncle Sam is pers, president of the American Federa­ W eatlierson. B A T H R O O M Dr. H enry H opkins, veterinary sur- paying to his wards in accordance with tion of Labor, lias piotested to President t a in in g f ir s t - c la s s g o o d s . W e a r e n o t p a y in g e n o r m o u s ¡iouifci. county comm issioners w h e r e H o t an d C old B a th s m a y bo the treaty m ade years ago. They talk of Roosevelt against tlie arrest. eoided to allow witnesses from ' gcon, is in th e western p a rt of the coun­ e x p e n s e « a n d w i l l « e ll y o u g o o d s a t r e a a o n b a le r a te s . h a d a t a n v tim e. C has. D. Thom pson, suprem e finance places serving in th a t county ty adm inistering “ knock o u t” drops to returning to the Siuslavv before many an epidem ic ttiat is killing th e cattle in weeks. keeper of the suprem e tent, K nights of five cent mileage rate, instead of I th at section.—Register. of W alter H aring and wife vveie passen­ Maccabees, and a prom inent vessel and ts a* heretofore, REAL E S I ATE T R A N S F E R S . the steam er! A t Eugene lust Sunday Alf D illard, a gers from G ardiner on B a rre tt’s stage tug man of P o rt H uron, Mich., is a de­ *7V g to th e delay of in San Francisco, th e Marshfield m em ber of th e Fisher-V an Cleve b a n d ,' Saturday afternoon to visit relatives faulter in tlie sum of >57.009. The order U . 8 . to Geo. R . Buss, 160 acres, sec. ly is short of cans and may close j and Miss Addie Bangs, a dau g h ter of the here. W alter returned to G ardiner th is j proteeted from loss, as Mr. Thompson 18 and 19, tp 17 s, r 11 w. this woek. The pack so far well known liverym an, were m arried, week h u t Mrs. H aring will rem ain for a I wag lieavliy bonded in tlie N ational Geo. R. Buss to Overton Dowell, 160 Rev. M. L. Rose officiating. while with h er parents on Indian Creek. Slirety (jo. of New York, and the Fideli- is to about 0000 cases. acres in secs. 18 and 19, tp 17 s, r 11 w; Mrs. Amos H aring started to E ugene t.y & Deposit Co. of B altim ore. Some nice straw berries were brought of a freight train jum ped tlie >400. H arriet Lee to W. J . Rogers, 1103 lots last Friday m orning near Wolf 1° town last Saturday by Carl M illet M onday afternoon with her little daugh -4. -V A I’liy s lc la n T e s titte « . in Florence and 27% lots in Frasier & in Southern Oregon. Fourteen from th eir ranch on Tsiltcoos Lake, ter Agnes to consult a surgeon. Some “ I have taken Kodol Dvspepsia Cure H yland add to Eugone, and three lots jre piled np in th e ditch and an ! They were very large handsom e fruit two or three weeks ago the child stuck a wn hobo was crushed to d eath . l and would be considered e x tra large a t co|ore(] pencil into h er ear and broke oil and have never used anything in my life in College H ill P ark , E ugene; >1600. ■.. ¿.j ......vriViWiF' ,, u , i th e h eight of the season for titraw- the point. The piece rem ained in the th a t did me tlie good th a t d id .” suvs eeting was held a t the C ham ber . . * l t d ta b le b u t G f U lb . ear and th eir efforts to temove it proved C ounty Physician Geo. W. Scroggs of iv e , as ituoree in F ortland last T hursday . ILlrleö- Hall Comity, Ga. “ Being a physician I unsuccessful. The child does n o t com­ “ A pill’s a p ill,” says the saw. B at, general executive com m ittee of 35 i H ie Rebekati Lodge in Florence g ate by the 44 - tv -TV *7» -Tx srs for setting th y Lewis & C larke ! a supper last evening to which Odd Eel plain of it b u t her paren ts fear bad have prescribed it and found it to give then there are pills and pills. Yon th e best results.” If the food you eat w ant a pill which la certain, thorough itiolt corporation in motion was lows and ¡their families were invited. effects if it ia not removed. rem ains undigested in your stomach it and gentle. M ustn’t gripe. D eW itt’s ited, ' I I The beautiful silk q u ilt w hich was on Y our patronage ia alw ays appreciated, and no matter kew 1 exhibition a t Meyer & K yle's was d is­ Tlie best place in town to get a good decays there and poisons your system. L ittle E arly Risers fill the bill. Purely in you feel th a t life is hardly worth You can prevent this by dieting but th a t vegetable. Do not force but assist the meal is at the W estern House. posed of during tne evening. By n g «audio take a dose of C h am b erlain ’s ; means starvation... Kodol Dyspepsia tlie tiowels to act. Strengthen and in­ small your purchaaea, you may rest aaaured it w ill be oar ooaetast Tne new law provides th a t the county H H I I cli an d L iver T ablets. Tliev will C ure digests w hat you e at. You need vigorate. Small and easy to take. Meyer aim to sell yen the boat goods obtainable at reasonable prices. GREENLEAF ITEM S. s your stom ach, lone up your liver court at its November term shall divide suffer from n eith er dyspepsia nor starva­ & Kyle. -guíate your bowels m aking you the county into election precincts. A t tion. The w orst cases quickly cured. re a new m an. F or sale by O. W. i the last session of Lane county court a November 9, 1901. Bale ¡ N ever fails. Meyer & Kyle. furs w a n t e d . new precinct wub established at Wend- T he A lpha C orrespondent of the WttST ling, h u t th a t is tho only im p o rtan t has been predicting a wedding for years, The highest cash price paid ior all SUNDAY SERVICES. ling closed bere Ute la tte r p art of reek, although the Beason is no, I change made, and sure enough ono took place there kinds of fursu n d hides. until the 29:h oFNovember. The ¡ You N eedn’t keep on feeling distressed last week. We look for th e particulars G. C. C u s t o m . Rev. G. A. McKinley will hold servi­ sli of th e lot filled the last av u lla -'a fte r eating, nor belching, nor expert- in liis letter. ces next Sunday, Nov. 17, in the school At R eddy’s M eat M arket. Florence, Or M arion W heeler killed h is first deer house at Acme a t 11 a. m. and in the cans and fish broke i encing nausea between m eals. Hood a A V illa g e U la r k m n ltli R aved H is T .lttle Mr. T T im m ons ons put p u t up up over over 7000 ! Sarsaparilla cures d y sp e p sia -it strength- M onday. Mr. im m Presbyterian church in Florence a t 7 p. 4en *s L ife . ’ (o f salm on this w e e k .-B a n d o n Re- ens the stom ach and o th er digestive or- salm on this w eek.—Bandon R e­ Ray Miller, son of 8 . 8 . Miller of nt. All are cordially invited to attend ~ f°r proper perform ance of th eir Mr. Ii. II. Black, th e well known vil­ O hickahom iny, was m arried a couple of these services. v e r ie G u ard : M rs. R uth Sweet, an lage blacksm ith a t G ruham svillo, Sulli­ m onths ago in W ashington, where lie van Oo., N. Y „ sa y s: “ Our little sou, V* -ÑWé&wSjBwlí' _ , „ functions. Take H ood’s. C ham berlain’s Stomach and Liver Z3.uw1326.1 > 1' was throw n from a log into the w ater. M cLeod............................ eyer drew >366 15, ! drug and may be given ss confidently to G fo o d t j ★ ★ © r e s s G fo o d sj To rem ove a troublesom e corn or bun­ 11 Fiddle Greek ................. He swam to the shore, h u t was caught 16, and F . T. Rogers < .... ■ ■ ! a babe as to an ad u lt. For sale by O. 7 by an o th er log which pushed him ion: F irst soak the corn or bunion in B e rn h a rd t............................... “ Engene R egister says prosperity W. H urd. Alder R idge................ , e E against the bank and injured him so he warm w ater to soften it, th en pare it H e rm a n n ........... ........ even tlie. hoboes. W hile down as closely as possible w ithout was unable to get out. R eed ......................... . a group B<1 a c a ta T o a r H u a n t« W ith C a íc a ra ts. draw ing blood and apply C ham berlain s A c m e .......................■ In th e case of G. F . Luckey, adm inis­ Canil» Cathartic, ouro conatipatlon tore»«». a few days ago, in tlie clothing of a Pain Balm twice d aily, rubbing vigor- 10c. ZSc. U C .O . C .taU .drcjw latarctuoA m onas. •ed m em ber of th e party they found trato r, vs. Lincoln county, which was I ously for five m inutes nt each appltcn- “ I have used C lm niberlsin’s Colic, j i0 in cash anil c e rtiflc a t.. o. ' “posit tried in E ugene last wet-k, th e ju ry re ­ tion. A corn plaster should tie worn for Q1|0|erft an,i D iarrhoea Remedy and find ¡ turned a verdict in favor of plaintiff for TEAM AND TIMBER FOR It to he a great m edicine,” says Mr. E . LOGGING , >325. The plaintiff sued for >5,000 dam - SALE. >600. A nother 4iad a check book av(;oullt of th e lk a th of Mrs. ' a few days, to protect it from the shoe, 8 . Phipps, of Poteau, A rk. “ I t cured ring deposits of >100. Luckey, who was in stan tly killed by the , As a general linim ent for sprains, brnts- me of bloody flux. I cannot speak too F or sale by , O. Pain W. highly of it.” This rem edy alwavs wins r One million feet of good fir tim ber con­ •ROPW ^ie m em bers of th e Lincoln county co||.,pge of a bridge while she was cross- ’es, lam eness and rheum atism tile good opinion, if not praise, of those v,,„ie nt to tlie Siustaw River for sale at Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes, •t returned yesterday evening from : ¡ng ¡t in a wagon some years ago. i Balm is unequaled. ene, L who use it. The quick cures which it a reason«tile price. Logging road al- key damage suit. The plaintiff was week on tliev suspicion being hv concerned w here were of called ’he í T in he tw o men arrested t G ardiner _______ GOATS n FOB SALE. last I effects even in th e most severe cases rca,iy built from tlie tim ber to the river. rded >325, and this, with the costs th e train robbery n ear Eugene were j Also six head of num ber one work m ake it a favorite everyw here. For ciA»:3 per head oxen and a pair of bulls, from six to sale by O. W. H urd. c« th« expense: to Lincoln county stable, b u t as there was no evidence to ! for th e band. About half of them are eight years old. Inquire of at >1000. Mr. Luckey, who sued for connect them with th a t crim e they were ' nannies. M rs . C ynthia A ustin , S idniiv W a its , FIR E M E N 'S ELECTION- comas out aliout even, mid Ids released. Sheriff W ithers refused to j Alene, Oregon. Acme, Oregon. irneys are not much ahead. It. was tak e charge of th e men as they were I lly a sUtory fcf th s county.—Lincoln tiroilght ttiere w ithout his instructions. I At a m eeting of Florence Fire Com­ T lie C h ild r e a ’s F r ie n d . int^L eadsr. E S U R E that y o u r blood is rich Douglas county or the G ardiner precinct Y ou’ll have a cold this w inter. Maybe pany held Monday evening th e following and p o t '. T lie best blood iiurlflcr, tying th e Cottage officers will have to bear the expense in- yo„ have one now. Y our children will officers were elected; M. M orris, presi­ ‘lie ftirich cf an d v ita lito r 1» H ood's Snrsa- j suffer too. For coughs, croup, bronchi- d en t ; J . A. Yates, vice p re sid e n t; O. W . (road is progressing curaed. u arilla. Bo «tiro to G E T H O O D ’ S . O regoriian: The closing down of sev-I (¡g, K,ip and other w inter com plaints H urd, treasu rer; C. C. B ehnke, secre-j H h te s have lieen run th e startin g |x>int in eral of th e larger logging camps oil t h e ' One M inute Cough Cure never fails.! ta r y ; F. C. Peil, forem an; A . O. Funke. t abort» eight miles Messrs. lower Colum bia R iver d istrict and th e Acts prom ptly. It is very pleasant to , first ¡assistant forem an; W. F. Safley, B U Y T H E have been o u t over refusal ol the owners to sell th eir hold- th e taste and perfectly harm less. C. B. \ sergeant-at-arm s. 1 express them selves ings a t the reduced rates, have had th e George, W inchester, K y „ w rites: "O u r i = «too REWARD, » t o o . th e progress. Mr. effect of putting the prices back to tlie ' little girl was attacked w ith croup late I M h e m anager, arrived in original figures, and first-class logs are one n ig h t and was so hoarse she eonld The readers of this paper will be 'th O » eek and is looking j„ K0.„> dem and now at >6 per thousand. |,a rdly speak. We gave her a few doses . pleased to learn th a t there is at least one .The surveying crew f ir e stric t system of sealing th a t w as in i of One M inute Cough C ure. I t relieved d re a d e d disease th a t science lias been , of sixteen m en, but practice a t the mills, and which equalled j h er in stan tly and she w ent to sleep, sble to sure in all its stages anil that is her belta are reached a ,eJnctio n of at least 50 centa per thous , W hen she awoke n ex t m orning ahe had C atarrh . H a ll’s C atarrh C ure is th e D o not be deeelvod by those w h o ad­ no signs of hoarseness or croup. Meyer ■ only positive enrs now known to the j vertise a 260.90 Hewing M achine for Increased m eet all ¡,1 the price, has been abolished. i medical fraternity. C atarrh being a I >29.00. T h isk h td of a m achine can ! A K y l e . ________________ gier. be bought from u a o r a n v o f our constitutional disease, requires a const!- I denlcrH from >15.00 to >18.00. low s’ hom e in East n o t ic e t o pr o perty o w n e r s . tutlonal treatm en t. H all’s C atarrh C ore I M .d e r n S u r g e r y S u rp a en ed , Jicated Jan u a ry 15. WC MAKK A V A N trrV . is taken internally, acting directly upon j “ W hil * suffering from a bad case of > for furnishing the THE HEW HOME IS THE BEST. the blood and mucous surfaces ol the between Itecember piles I co «mlted a physician who advised I Notice is hereby given th a t the Board system , thereby destroying tlie (ponds-j T he Feed determines th e strength or Several of ttie lodges me to try x box of DaW iU’a Witch Ilazel of T rustees of the Town of Florence pro­ tion of th e disease, ami giving tlie pa- i vrenkiKKt o f iiuw lng M achines. Tho poses to im prove Lincoln street in Salve,” tav s G. F. C arter, A tlan ta. Ga. l*oubl« Feed combined w ith other *• are to assist in th e tie.it strength by building up the con-j strong p o ta to m a k ceth e Me H onse ____ __ a ____ box ____ and was _ entirely . M orse's Addition to Florence by boild- I R el«kah Lodge has “ I procured in doing th e best Hewing M achine to buy. DeW iU 's Wiwl. Hs«e! Salve is a ¡ng a walk on the east side of said street [ stitotion end assisting ^rhich to furnish the cored. Its work. Tlie proprietors have so much j allowing tba dtr- splendid core for piles, giving relief in- from M ain street to Josephine street. frr«H l s ty le « o f 1 A shland, llusehnnr, fcitli in its c u ra tiie powers, that they: K '-wlnf M nchlnm Bluntly, and I heartily recommend it te l Any and all persons opposing said in t­ e r points have signi- ta -lu ro p u ru k .-la c aufatwraanA i »filer One H undred Dollars for any case ali sufferers.” Surgery is unnecessary provem ent a rs requested to file th eir furnish rooms Only th a t it fails to cure. Send lor list of j TRI REV HOKI SEHR! HERIRE IO. be accepted and tliev to cure piles. 'D eW itt’s W itch H asel objections with th e tevorder w ithin ten free testim onials. Address, Salve will cure any case. C uts, b u rn s, days from tlie publication ol th is notice. e s « « « , stase. or bra««. T h e i».xt F. J . C hsney A Co., Toledo, O. » U nton « q . M. Y ., Chiflo«», 'IL, A tte s t« , « f c . rd will 1* in D e ce r n - Iivuiseaanti all o th er w< onda are also , Dated a t Florence, Oregon, th is 13'l> Sold by Druggists, 75c. j BU bon«.,M o., D»X H o o d 's - - - O R E G O N . i Varied Stock of. 'mgs General Merchandise, P atent Medicines, f L Sperry’s Best j E D ry Goods, Dress Goods, ■> t Family F lo u rTh" “"' Prints, riuslins, Yarns, Crash, Notions, tches We Have a Complete Stock of Boots and Shoes. a . ' 4 METER & ZTLE 1/ * * * * in te E X), Gent’s Furnishing Goods, B xtra* H a r d u i a r E, h Paints, Oils, etc. SEWING MACHINE Prices as Low as the Low est W WritelorCIRCULARSS r«R «Akt «V i ip g ô s F t I K '