T H E •WrE S T .. m S i u f f c d U p | WASHINGTON LETTE«. Already preparation» are being made i A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. for the reciprocity convention to be held j ) T h at's the condition of many caterers ^ru*M<,N*u k ïu jiy FRIDA}* — ‘Som ething New tinder th e Sun” from çakirih, especially in the morning. l'Kuj, Otiu H euviiah Ç u u ia iw itiïjr .) i in this city, November J9, 20 and 21. [General Manager E lw ard II. .Sanborn, i : Great difficulty w experienced in clear- —4T-— doctors have tried to cure C atarrh , ing the head and throat. , who it in this city, ban engaged the large • bv All the use of powder*, acid gusen, iuhal- , ÍLoniNCg, L ax * CouNiy, O regon " abiungton , Nov. 4, 1801. 1 banquet ball of the Raleigh Hotel for era and drugs in paste form. Their p iw- i No wonder catarrh causes headache, 1 impairs the taste, smell and iioarmg, I bn President is making unprece- the use of the convention. Every pre- I tier8 dry up the mucous membranes • •- - «V - - - pollutes the breath, deranges the 3tom* deuted progress on his message and a l-1 caution lias l« en ‘taken to secure a rep- • causing them to crank open and bleed.) 1 The. powerful acids used ?n the inhalers i ach and affects tlio appetite. To cure catarrh, treatm ent must be ready has the bulk of the m atter well in respntative assembly of manufacturers ’ have entirely eaten awav the same mem- . H as ju s t opened u p on eleg an t line i brunch that their makers have aimed to; Constitutional—alterative and tonic. band. From the day thftt be entered and to exclude those wl bo are not ac- c u re , w h iie pastes and ointments can n o t; •‘I waa afflicted with catarrh. I fcocfc ‘ of g o o ds o f (ho follow t it in g order E d it/,i- «piti P r o p r ie to r. medicines of different k in d s, g iv in g each the \\ bite House be has bad this im -! tively engaged in the maniifacturing I re a c h th e d ise a se . A n oM ami expert-, a fair t r ia l: b u t g ra d u a lly grew w orse u n til j e m e d p r a c titio n e r w h o h a s for many , t - ~ — ------------------------------- I could h a rd ly h ear, ta s te p r rniell. I then i portant document in viet,' and lias care- business, with be exception of delegates y e a rs m a d e a elu se s tu d y u n d s p e c ia lty concluded to try IPu-d’j Sarsaparilla, and fully catechised the members of bis cab- ' from F lo ren ce O reg o n , N o v . 15, 1901. after some institutions like the New i of th e tr e a tm e n t of C atarrh , has at last | ffvo bottle.-? t wm cured and h ave n o t had an y r e tu rn of th e disease ! met, and the numerous senators whom York Board of Trade which arc made up i p e rfe c te d a tre a tim * n t w h ic h w h en f a i t h - 1 id at fu lly u se d , n o t o n ly re lie v e s a t " tir e , but- z ^ x - a » » --------------- ----- sin c e?' Ei L £ 2 f4 F oedls , L ebanon, Kan. ,unty, be Has invited to the White House, so very largely of the manufacturers and ; p e r m a n e n tly c u re s C A T A R R H , by 10-1 H o o d ’s S a r s a p a r i l l a tter. *1 he citizens of Florence and tlie sur­ t h a t im a - i.o i.n. - . . »I- i • i m o v in g th e c a u s e , s to p p in g th e < lit-l 4 ‘ n,o,R comprehensive aloed interests. Toe proceedings of th e c h a rg e s , an il c u r in g all in fla m m a tio n . rounding qountry are anxious to see a Cures catarrh—it soothes and strength­ gntep of the situation than many men in convention will be governed by the rule» **? ikni'"i,'1 to science ! sino i ia'go sawnijll erected here, and it is ens the mucous membrang and builds that aetimliy reaches ti e atHicted parts. up the whole system. bis position would have ncquircti in six ! of the United States Senate witli the ex- This wonderful remedy is known aa AND hoj«d a suitable site cun be secured on tees 8 months. Hu issued bis Thanksgiving ception that delegates wili be permitted “SNUFFLES, the GUARANTEED OA- reasonable term s. Parties owning real MK. ROOT ANO ARMY REFORM. . i „ i. . . , TARItfI CURE,” and is Bold at tbe ex* I .aniation Saturday. It is bis first to speak but once on a subject and that treiuel, low price of O n e D o llar, ea c h 36, C • state which they do not use themselves oifieiul paper and tfoe sentiments are j they will be required to limit their re p ack a g e c o n ta in in g in te r n a l a n il e x t e r n a l ai,d which is wanted for a mill site, The muin crilici.ii medicine sufficient for a fell month’s ,,,luJe '*y llle f°r- . well-chosen and the expression brief and marks to ten minutes time i t r e a t m e n t a n d e v e r y th in g n e c e ssa ry to Wl phould take it.-to consideration the fact ngii officers who witnessed the events of to the point. In bis annual report A djutant General ; i!8.’« V n r '•? v ■ ,, • th a t if a good mill is eroded lioro that Hie Spanish war werp th at our forces! . . 1 ! “ SNU FFLES” Is the only perfect all real e«l«r« win „ t „ , i ( .. hr ,- i t I Alllong ,l'e BlleBt» “ t the White H ouse. Corbin recommends the abolition of the 1 CATARRH CURE ever made 3est and is A ilre«I pvfate MiI, aJvanep .«fibre i from unnecessary rfelajs in dinner table Friday were Mr. Jam es J. ! transport now recognized a s the onivsafc and pos­ service between the United T hey should remember, too, before do- transportation, from lever camns a n d H ill tl,« «-«it t.. „ . itive cure for that annoying and disgust- . . n . ca.ups, amt n u t, the well-known railway magnate States and the Fhilmnine« Ho ex- ¡ng disease. It cures all intlaininatiou i mandmg exorbitant prices (or their from bad food. One eat)se of these ev ils1 and Secretary 1 quickly and permanently and is also 1 Hay. It is understood presses the belief that now that the war property, th a t there are several goo I Io- ¡was the ineficieney of our schools for ivonderfuily quirk to relieve HAY , „ ... „ , lhal Mr’ H tiior.of Wisconsin, is assured is over the transportation of the troops FEVER or COLD in the HEAD. pationa lor milis on tbe stream, and that rather tia n r a . • , t ’ 7 ' 1<” l'° ’r l,OW llui8e l,,,ve of tbe SUP P ^ of Mr. Hill in bis objec- could be handled more satisfactorily and UATAKRH wnen neglected often leads rntlier tl,,n pay an excess.ye pr.ee fqr a ; been earned on, we read in Adjutant- tions to the ship snbeid « » « o n ly and to CON.SUMI’TION' — ” SNUFFLES ” : y bill, as it was economically by tbe commercial compa- will save yon if you use it at once, ft is i site in Florence tl,e mill company may General Corbin’s report, recently pub-| presented to the bi and it . is Pies and that were this business given no ordinary remedy, but a complete f decide to huild at some other point on lished. that some retired nrmv officers, known that M r m u ist i senate,’ i , .. . treatment which is positively guaranteed , the river si,„„i.i ,i „► i i I ........ . . m a t M r. Hill bad a band in its to private concerns it would tend to ; to cure CATA KftH in any form or stage I W o have an ex cep tio n ally fine «election of tne river, ¡should th a t be dome the peo- detailed with full pay as military in-I defeat if used according to the directions which | pie here wih lose the increase in value «.rue,ors, have been reported to him as fie 'd i m o i a i / ' w f r ; / “88“'" " 11 tliat Í bUÌI<1 “ æ tri'nsi)or,atio1' - V ¡ - - all latest styles and p a tte rn s, consisting of ; accompany each package. Don’t (le'ay, i • ■ ■ ■ F “ ,pl “s u ,e d in ,wr at the White House had some is said tbut Mr. James J. Hill lias » j but send for it at once, and write lull f Which the mill would have brought tp ' npt (lying at the schools and only occa- bearing particulars as to your condition, and you j w ar c m , , , lin„ , ine, I „ ked“ J - ■ » i ! i i . »< . — . m ~ . ij . . ,, ,. i will toceive special advice from the dis-i H om espun, C a s h m e rs , A lp a c a , on tlie subject of ghid to put m commission between the covorrr of th is w o n d e rfu l re m e d y r e g a r d - | huilt UP, and the partis« who hying Secrelary fioot ordered the re-establjsh- tliis measure, but lie has exercised the Luiled States and the Philippines and it ' ln = y o u r case w ith o u t c o s t to von beyonr pbout this ststeof affairs will themselves ment of various post lycenms or barrack th e r e g u la r p rice o f “ .S N U F F L E S ,” th t greatest discretion himself, and it is is quite probable that at the dinner, “GUARANTEED CATARRH CURE.” and m any o th e r lin es o f fancy patterns. l>e losers by tliplr own sel,fis' . schools, ip w hich every year young of­ doubtful if any one but bis intimate S e n t p r e p a id to a n y a d d re s s in tlie above referred to, that subject was dis­ fic e rs are required to take a certain I oiled States or Canada on receipt of frjend, Senator Lodge, knows just where cussed. Freight is now carried by sev- ; One Dollar. Address Dept. 1, EDWIN The result of the elections held in sev- number of professional courses. These S I L K S a n d V E L V E T S for t r im m in g ^ . be stands in regard to it ¡eral companies between the United I P. GILES A COMPANY, 2330 and 2332 ita l states last wtek w as generally favor- qiay bo called tbe public schools of the . Market iStievt, Philadelphia. The atmosphère of the White House i «'ales and the islands but tbe lines are pble to the republicans, tlpit party cr.--! army. Next lie ordered the post-gradu- does not ¡favor secret Conferences. A not direct and the service is by no means \\ bat. perhaps is tlie most peculiar ol Tying Ohio, Connecticut, Massachusetts, ate infantry, cavalry, and artillery New Jersey, ftbodo Island, Kansas, schools at Forts Kiley, Leavenworth, ensual visitor tbe other day saw an old satisfactory, ' mortality facts is that insurance compa- wliitelinired senator earnestly talking | nies bud rather take a risk on a man rennsylyanm , Nebraska, Utah, jowa and Monroe to be re-established upon a I with the Preside, , t ’ i The la rg is t an d best a sso rtm e n t of And South Dakota. The democrats were far more comprehensive basis These a - e re ‘ 006 .°Or,,er and in ! The question whether the advance of i i wit!, an occupation than upon a “gen- successfol in Kentucky, Virginia, M is-. may be called the ar-.iy high schools Mr R s^ T‘'en ,,ea,d I civilization brings with it a correspond - j tieinsn of leisure.” Tbe latest compila- Sixsippi and Maryland. In Greater New , T k . young officer who doe. well i t tbe !,bffi X ’ X fe I j ing decrease in crime is one of perennial ¡tion of experiences in both the U nitfd York tfie republicans and anti-Tam- public schools of tlie army will be re- I interest to society. Statistics can pro- j States and Great Britain is to the effect “ I have told you before, and I tell you 3U i verbiallv be made to prove anything, I*1'“1 '‘IHr,allt>’ of unoccupied men manyltcs carried the dgy, electing fietli jcejye.J into these post graduate schools; ’ this side of P o rtla n d U w m w b , . „ „ .¡„ m , 4 „ , 0 « ' .„ 4 I If | and it is open to argum ent whether the i exceeila lhat of tlie average of occupied pver the SlieparJ, tl,, Tnu.tnai.y cn.idi. u iltiu ry uiHiieuver, . ... included I n 'u l i n t l i n 10 w rlll"li. will wo amount of crime in tlie United Kingdom I men by 132 per cent. -- --AiSfeAilast d„„ Fr„ ci. „ .................... I ,............ ...................... at any particular time corresponds di­ »tmon labor candidate, was elected by a the high schools will be transferred to rectly with tlie number of prisoners con­ The annual report of the United plurality of about 200Q. In these cities J tbe new “ War Oollege and School of victed. But the total number oi convic- W e in vite an inspection o f th e above States Treasurer, Hon. E.lis H. R o b erts,1 tbe resujt as , if a , rebuke to botwism and a National Defense” at Washington, for j for the fiscal vn.c t I lion8 rePrese,ds. at »t«y rate, the nearest as well as o f o th e r good c a rrie d by thfl je a r ending June 30th, ! approach to Victory for clean politics,. It is a very which Secretary Root has just allotted exactness that we ate likely fatuous and alw aj s ud-to-dato some stupendous figures. The Jiopefu| sign when the voters r. use to tbe st|m of $100,000. }|e b is thus I T contains l,« tm t . to attain. So far, then, as statistics go, be compelled to cast their baljot. for brought into vigorous being common were »587 e s - T T 8 7 H ' ' e g o v u ,“ t i E u g e n e , O re g o n . the prison report of the past year shows nnwortljy candidates, but demand clean, and I,igl, school, and a university. I„ $20.44H8o’ over t 7 " " t“ 6888 th at crinis is decreasing very perceptibly honest, , Straightforward men lor II,.e ir ; the university the pupil will naturally i the blgbest ,>rt' e “ ,g yBar- a,1'F in proportion to the population. During P aid up Cash C apital, - §50,000 ofliaers , Independence in voting for , deal with the highest problems in m ili-) disburse,,,e, ever recorded. llle total j the past forty years the rate per 100,000 ‘ lu h ’u s’ .................................. 50,000 I disbursements amounted to $509,967 353 , ■ limn outside of party hues, if immoral tary science, and its graduates ■ i i , , ’ ’ °* 8erlolIs crime lias decreased from 13 4 Hh i. i — "'id be ' which ' have been exceeded consistent only durinv o o an • , 1 "H h p r ynworthy me., are put up for office, j the p e n to bo chosen for responsibility I ,|,e civil war and in 1899. Tim gold J 1 . Th" rMuU 18 «"«lonbtedly en-j ith prudent b an k in g .. Correspoiidenje »ulic gold r« F ill do a great deal to purify politics and whenever emergency occurs. In any «erveof $150.000,000 has been couraging, and seems to show that edu­ T. G. Hendricks keep trickster« in the rear . v . President maintained event, officers may bo compelled to pass i without u iffie n ltv h . „ cation and tlie other disciplinary infln- s’- ^-sbin . ? ice President cnees of society are slowly but surely Ei H . Po?ter'‘8‘’' tl,rough three grades of .nstruction b e -! gold coin and bullion iro m 'tb r g c n e r a l ...........Cas I n et ! In publicly refusing to stand for the . .Asst. Oasbier I fore they are appointed Io our new Gen- fund. doing their duty, reflects the London republican nomination for govemor, a Iiominiitiot, he could secure for the ask- . *’ " S e ^ 1LlBry Ibioi a reforms So greatly in excess of bis needs are Chronicle. ing, and that, too, with „„ assurance of ° T r * ' rC8Ul‘ *“ leaat " Uncle Sam’s present receipts, that when Mr. 1 GASzKDY & SON - - P ro p rieto rs. ploctioi), Senator Fulton shuws his luy- I doubted gams to Iho country. In the Secretary of the Treasury Gago learned saint a c m e r 's v z s . ftlty to his fi ¡ends—for Secretary ■ of Slate „ i ,, first placo, aspirants for promotion in t,|Ht the receipts for one day amounted F lo re n a s , O re g o n . \ « n e Gt D unbar is bis friend. They are front the | , 7 " ° W. gra61’ lbe tlie ' to $1,081,444 over expense«,’ be feared BY EIN MAGNOS. that pu I” or favor,tistn will no longer that the finances of ;elist ft Name city and Mr. Dunbar is a candi­ T ables fu rn ish ed w ith all th e the country would avail; only merit will answer The aee- langlit« date fpr reimpiination. Mr. Fulton’s ' delicacies of th e season. G ive us I November 11, 1901 gaudidiiture for governor would „ „ ite ri-¡ E " ''K“‘" ° f econo"1J’ ’ | circulating mediunEnnd l" °" tance«! »e im inetiiately Í S dir. Lixiie Prien left yesterday for ! a call it char Hilly ip te i(«ie with Mr. D unbar’s candi ¡ ,¡f „ U" n<~ r' a,1'J . S hu Francisco. i . 8',,:ri(i'æ °f bega,, to purchase bonds an «n reduce 1 A first-class ilttcy. t ultpti net I Iris that propoli« I life and treasuro will hencefortl be the national debt and at the Schooner Sacramento lias arrived and many same lime discharged a small quantity of freight. tion nicely, decidedly and ut,sellisi,Iv. “ vo" le'1’ tll’‘nl‘s ,0 ° n« " ho has already ¡ turn the cm re ing. m ncy back into circulation, Halber woqld be bo true to Ida friend ¡ “r° VC(l 1,i",8,' lf Hn «'Imirably efficient The i Messrs. Makinson and W hittaker, ! b state excess of receipts over exficiiditures from tipper Siusluw, are in in connection w ith tlie house war secreta,-y.—The Outlook. the pe tomi for $I ium to be next governor of Oregon,— for the month „1 Gjtotier ran consider«- : few day«. uinti»!1 12, 1 Roseburg Plaindealer, bly over $9,000,030. NOtlkhey they ! he Louis Smith arrived today from Siletz TIMBER FRAUDS. H o t e l E u g e n e , Fbo William McKinley National Me-• John Lloyd is back at the “oM stand,” issued Anti-canteen advocates have quickly m t coil* moriid Arch Association has decided ; Laving returned from bis ranch iu Lin- J T. N. SEGAR, In his annual report for the past fiscal taken up the fayor/ble comment of Gei.r eyer di ■ P ro p rieto r. coin county. oral Kelson A. Miles «pon Hie abolition Iyei*r tk»inmiss;onor Hermann of the! that the cost of iheproposed monument, C' N ew M anagement . 15, nnd Geo. Craven, assisted hv Ben Dennis or arch, shall he $1,500,000. Secretary glause of the army reorganisation hill. ¡ (,ent’rHl Land Office refers to the timber S tkictly F irst -C laps . is building an addition to the Cox resi- i Gage, who is treasurer of the associa- den^ One prominent advocate, especially a frai“1’ Montana am! Idaho and dis- F ree S ample R ooms . ; Don, already reports contributions as |eader among soldiers themselves, gives ''U!,!*es the provision of the law under I'iLacTRtc L ights and B el ; a j ...... j „ X i ' . ' . , ' X " , X ...... .. ' «1 more weight to the cause than a thous- they have been carried on. He appeals have been out only three days. ! o T ’ on’accomu of no'w’farf î ? 1' ' ' a'V’ C e n t r a l l y L o c a te d . •ed men pod temperance arguments by church- *l>p"ks of thu course frequently lakon by room. H sadquartow /nr for ^T'tiaMsa. Mining , j >0 in-cat Mill dZll ! Toe announcement is made at the Clarence Nichols, who recently left men not in touch with the soldier’s life, Par,ies * b o wish to obtain possession of $600. / Cottmsrcial Msn, treasury department of the appointment here, is working in n sawmill in M arsh-' ring de| J. w . C A R M A N W ith Lord Rollerts speaking in behalf, govPr" ,“ ° 111 '“nd, and points out the ilclJ, Coos county. S I to $ 2 P e r Day of the nnti-cnnteeii ptoyisions in Ettk- ‘Lllicutn of getting proof of fraud in sud, of Mr. George N. Whitehead to the xp- PROPRi* m mem I land, and General Miles stemming 'the 8a* * ’ IIu a'™>«ly opposed to the ¡ i r " T 6 4 ’ ° f Z"? N‘ W Y ", k ’ Ol d X i n r “ < 0" P,B Eugene, •t return Oregon. ^,ene, wl, tide of army opinion here, there is reai, *'"’l,er lalld a‘ t and speaking of it save: ’ r ' v' ,ll,'Ir F. Wake- ranch at the cape 1 11 llr,‘" 1B lo their key dan pnable expectation that proliibitionists “ r ,|e only remedy is the repeal of the man, whose term has expired. Mr. I " A N T E fi-T R ira r WORTHY MEN an P tyn 'Vliitehea.1, who is now tbe collector of ' day mffi «“r'ra n g ^ m fr“',‘ F,° rVnCe rded $33 »wu to travel „ „d ad v c rlF c (,,r « 1 , 1 ? will have their way, despitw the leatie *“ w' 18 a “1O8t hattnful one and b o u s e ,f a ,.m tf i,,w in , #!aumn«. <.i. loins ior 1 orto Rico, was recommend- tern entertainm ent in 'th e hall R 1 M a I zs - year nnd e x p e n se , nil pRV„|.ie in , v /' ° t» in a e r a w i n e . <• »h- piony of pearly every officer and soldier ! 8‘’rve’ 1,80,1,1 Purpose whatever. on next vmninjr required w m o. ‘ No c»n ju tlip stwvice.—- Ex. Under its provisions public property has e.l for the New York appointm ent by ! Fridn* eTB" inII‘ «er. 3M bl.Is . chk^o. ' M"n’ j each year been dispoeed 0( jor „ priM Secretary Gage and has the endorsement! ÜBO‘ Fr.-scott returned this morn ta c h ín © O ¡J . I of Senator Finti, and I understand, ol iA 0"* nttc,,d,nlf circ,lit court at Eugen o’ The Snltan of Tqrkey has laten equi hundreds of thousand dollars less than Gov. Odell. ! Fred Kneaper has lieen improv oving . the "A rain f^ V A ren n u tiA n '^ '^'8 ()F ' Jielleal to show that another bluj! is mere ,lu! value, and the diilerence lias exterior appearance of his residence idence by 1 J,1,’1,’ "¿ 'V '.'Y 'G '” ’ ”’ "Pre'«.m U",iu* ï 1 Secretary Gage has been notified by pretepse $ id that when it cornea to the ,IC<,,, d¡verled into the pocket« of a fe, ' , l ‘e *<1,litiOn ü í rU 8lk’. e , c - ........ - ' : linanclRl s ta n d iu " da,an- S itar, ’o)M ■ Meekly ultJ, ! ru b fie |s willjpg lo make any foipe»- i,,l,ividunla and corporations by means the American Amt.ussador at Rome that , Mr. Fra.t ha. bought the house and «» ’» ’’«»h euch ¡ bend ol .. pions rather than uruvoke war witli any of P°rj«vy and si|lo>riiution of perjury. , a notorious anarchist, Jaffei by name, • lot Iwlonging to E. F. Waite, and will carriage turnio t '•I from when nvcesàiir Borni and 1 Ei ”1 *tn»i 'i’ K*‘^reij. pi the Urat or «pom i class E irppeau ,,l4) Pfoviaiona which aim to p revent!. nag saile.1, pnsum ahly for America, J t soon move his family over from tlie Malinger. :;if» m niro. ranch. is alleged that he has been an extensive |>owcrs. The Sqlipn is Ijke a Ohiqesc entrie8 ° r “ speculative nature are so ' i ¡X pi andarín—he is dostitutu of ftiiy any I real wholly pllVI* inef- promulgator of anarchist doclrinc- ai F. B. , Wilson , nnd family have change,!! iiytitu tpi L«t I v*’ l|y w aded that they J ■ are * ' »tiiUliJ» ! I L o ff^ ' A FREE PATTERN prido. AU lie Hauts ja tu préservé lux i,’,',lv0- »«“• »» rcaoon can poealbiy b« K ,ll0,,,l’t r * ,lf tbe ll,ili,ary proix'riv to the t' l'n à ■ ' " the Waite •rastigu te thp eyes qf tbc nations, a . hc «b«»«ld remain longer " ’"’‘"'H',' d° ‘y “ " Î F C “w . ù , r r ; - - . . ........................... • cu.-tome bouses in Rom,. ... ; r • W fannl occupi occupies tilt­ houses in Rome, and of which ' i ........- — » t, » ith .»umv, haa no honor or »olt-iyspecl to uiain- on (he statute Isipks.” ¡ I . . » . , . .....................j .. ........... . Jr. • as in $ate,—Kg, M ork oil the new church is seriously j commnnicalion with the The news of tho fearful mortality i , nnarcliist, hindert») by the non-arrival of el.mg! the Boer pom entration camps in Bonth 1,rt8v‘’ ®«¡retary T aylorit “ The Rev. Mi Kinley [ reached an A short time ago tit« state supreme advised all the custom ho, pourt ntlldere-l » dwlpHn H>«t where * irk'a m« k ° ‘ be Jingltah pa ,s. tae officiala to foresting sermon at tlie school lmu-e A LADIES’ M4GAZÍNF? on tbe lookout for Jaffei and to refuse Sun,b»y c« cuing. liefere carrying out to ita full end the I roper,y ia urspaacd to gu y person it) a f«.«; l a i c , ,,u’fors are out announcing a m asque nía mona to permit him to laud. Mr. Taj lor says lum p tuin, if any |.ro|io ty ta included tl,a name ol Weyler in Out-a. I There A 1» : * s-tf is *** " »»pr.-v»s»««»a that tl.eim m igtaliou b“ '* in A’ C 1Uh fvr Thunks ¡ '..n,îd''1 S J T ,’?'"* '«PT. Which »’ •oluU-.y exclude «„m cl,- l>;'","i8 U *«,a r‘ Pertect Fl,„ng P . ^ p ^ - W . p invalidates Hip whole p-scsatiient *. *•’ 1 .,.^ .........._________ tm ..,!,--._______ ____ liar _ ) . held . . “ aM*un ''»ve charge ol the affair. (heap camps when ao much . . land . . is un- ists. b b" rn ‘ tl,al ,he , ’* 'w n «curta u ad e (to him, Thp Supreme «»„rt in need. A rich nation like England U' “ ’ ,liey giv* ll”' •“‘•re tiry of lira tr e a s - rendering II,1« dpciajon, hoitcver. jmint- sh> a -I n<-t try to vi-oiiomise in the main- UrV * ,ar»’e latitnde in judging ,,s to fxl Oilt • remedy for e«rh foully aaeess- Don’ t Accept a Substitute ! tcnnncoof non-combatant«. If it doea w," >m •**•** •* regarded ns undesirable luenf* by saying th a t a late pauld be en- -n„Hwea .« U ?’ k ío r C ascareis be Il e blood of women and chiforcn will be ' l" ,” ‘gr“ " ” ’ " n^ ***** *'° Pr«|xvscs to «foe )>Jn y° ft? g et the genuine C ascarete peted providing for g oew aseeseinent of clubille tb it tilan« He täy t «n ¡I» beati.—8. F Vhroiiule. If the a, - C an d y C a th a rtic! D o n ’t ac cep t ptiefo properly. .Such a law would abut ; arvhietB ainnot get iuiu the country th e / frau d u len t su b iti tute««, im itatio n s Oír a rJ® , T It ’ ** *'**• l*»»- i fiT pne event,o of eacaiie for Ihe tax A m t’wlnr cannot get into Ute conrta to enjoin the G en u in e tab lets stam p- Dr. HobM’ Rfarwp»« n I la cur« >11 lids»? ill». -ecrotary of the trv-iuuty.” 5" N e r«r sold in balk. t!(hJ|W J Ntvruu» U«a$«4jr t\>. Chicco or ■ » ■ a s a s ? ! ; * « « - AU ürtqtgists, joç . O . W H U . W.1L WEATHERSOX G e nts’ Furnishings Ready M ade C lotH i ALL UP-TO-DATE 5E D ry G o o d s. 5^ J e w e lry and Watches- First National B A N K BAY VIEW HOTEL C A R M A N S CHEAP CASH STOKE! B A T If R o o Drv Goods, * Groceries * and * o o d s a s R e o r e s e n te x ” a few bachine Extra*; fe1” » «îiiü A l i n i n g S u p p i g hs, Jr, MSCALL’S magazine E v e ry th in g n th e H a rd w a re L in e . H atterhs T h j H«w Griffin Vaar Kitfaay« f ¡?r VtMW. Hardware Compaq EUQENE, OREQOPi «ss >Í^^^ÍV S S .-S S S S