3 Pre) e È A D V E R TIS E R S » SIUSLÀWS ONLY PAPER. O PPO R TU N ITY THE W EST Y O U R H O H E PA PER 1 S U P P O R T IT J eipt of Postil. 1 NO. 28. FLORENCE, OREGON, F R ID A Y . NOVEMBER 8 , 1D01. "alene. J. ilia K>‘‘w>. B fwl for"’5 t e e r t l n a u u d s ip a g la s s of cold beer. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Oue of them at length got the Idea that «he w as unhappy, and he chucked her , T,ie The Florence Real Estate Agency p u trid » » A L D IR E C T O R Y wer • “ - HE TAKES IN AN EXCURSION TO under the chin nud told her funny lias bargains to oiler in the following 7,e: r * * esc « Any fool can take a hors; to water, stories until lie fell off tils chair and 1 property this 'Ifeadl») HEN ISLAND. S T E A M E R M A R G U E R IT E , Q ’ - A - Z R j D i n S T E Z t ’^- but it'ta k e s a wise man to make him roll h;»i m t e officers w as dragged off to Join the »core that ! ICO acres on upper North Fork, alxiut d rin k ,” savs the proverb. The horse To had gone before. It was due Mr. Bow­ 12 miles from Florence. About 40 acrea ... : ---------- - ...... s t a q b L IN E . o —— W ill — make cits when hungry and drinks when I t t t ' n i G i v e n l i y t h e R a n d o f G e n t l e a In ll-„,2e ------------- ' - ser to record the fact that he wus a bottom, 4 or five acres of it cleared, nud thirsty. A m an'cats and drinks by the '•h -r-T a trial,' B r o t h e r « , l i n t B e f o r e t h e T r i p W o n . . T. T. Geer. R E G U L A R hero lor an hour or more. That is, he clock, without re­ > m 1 i r ; .......... D A I L Y T R IP S O v e r H e I'o n n d th e B r o t h e r * W e r e sought to be a Gentle Brother with the a small batn on place. Convenient to F. I. Dunbar. gard to the needs of -----B e tw een ------ A n y th in g h n t G e n tle . Stage Leaves Steamboat Landing on others. He put up with everything school. County road crosses tlie land. nature. Because of F. S. Moore >"'• 11. even,.,'*.......... ... 230 acres of land fronting about 1*^ careless eating and and kicked at nothing, and had the cat [Copyrteht, loot, by C. B. Lewis.] the Umpqua for Florence Saturdays. mig, how..., Instruction J. If. A ckerm an drinking "stomach “Now, thou,” saitl Mr. Bowser the at home been there to see that bland mile on Siuslaw river, about 5 miles [r case. tin ...............W. II. Leeds. tro u b le” is one of . " æ lili»?..... .........................." • " ■ ' Returning, Stage Leaves Florence sm ile on his face she would have been above Acme. A good liouae and barn, commonest of dis­ 3tker evening when dinner had been deceived Into the belief that he bus ■ ") I a |TL) maral D. K. N. B lack b u rn a young orchard, and 15 acres cleared. Sundays. eases. Sour and bit­ finished, “I have a little surprise for .R . 8. Bean ter risings, belch- you which I have been saving np for taking solid comfort. Even when Mrs. Convenient to school. $10°0 worth of Extra Trips When Necessary F . A. Moore S T E A M E R L IL L IA N art ings, unnatural ful­ three or four days. Have you got Bowser asked lilm to explain how It timber on tlie land. About 20 head of E Wolverton Charges Reasonable. ness after eating, tilings In tlio house so that you can w as that so many Gentle Brothers had ------MAKES DAILY TRIPS------- D istr ic t.. J. W. H a m ilto n dizziness, headache, pack a lunch basket by 8 o’clock in the happened to get out of state prison at cattle with the place. Steamers to and " Not,),./* -- ------------ ,, ,, ‘^ f ‘ gs antf a t: -A ttorney.. .( j C o * H ro w n From Mapleton to Florence and m a n y o t h e r morning?” once he preserved that sm ile us he re­ from Florence pass every day. Price, including farm, stock and machinery, symptoms mark the t- — ------- “What on earth do you menu?" asked plied: beginning and pro­ "My dear woman, they are out to en­ »3500. Mrs. Dowser In great surprise. -AND RETVBN. gress of disease ot »“■ - - • ^ ty officers 100 acres, five miles south of Floreuce. ‘’Nothing, except that I am going to joy them selves for the day, and their tile stomach. n 1 to Rlptni?»-. Leaves Mapleton a t 7 A. M. Dr. Pierce’s Gold­ take a day off tomorrow, and you exultation cannot be entirely restrain­ fronting on Clear Lake. 14 Hcres have ■ «W , h a», M * - E. B a n g s , P ro p rie to r Leaves Florence at 2 P. M. en Medical Discov­ might as well go with me. There’s to ed. When we reach the Island, we will been plowed nnd 15 acres more slashed ‘UJieh and n orth/' ..........H . B . Kincaid. On SUNDAY’S leaves Mapleton at 8 A. M. th e druW *S ery cures diseases of be a steamboat excursion of the 11. O. go o ff by ourselves to eat our lunch.” Stage leaves Eugene for Florence and in grass. A comfortable house of " in i. He fe^lg„ I ............ . . . . J . R. H ill and Florence at 3 P. M. He had been told by a Gentle Broth­ six rooms, a barn and oilier outbuild­ the s t o m a c h a»d Q. B. to Hen island, and it w ill be a re­ daily except Sunday at G v. m . he h„ (.. ers H . D. Edw ards c other organs of di­ er and he had told Mrs. Bowser In lief to get out on tlio water.” ‘“U«r,núuw, Arrives at Florence the day fol­ ings, a tiearing orchard of 75 trees and a gestion and nutri­ Mam, turn that the island w as a sylvan ___ E . U. Lee “Is It a club?” t i o n . I t c u r e s lowing a t 10 a . m . THE STEAM ER “Of course. It’s one of the clubs I grove ami that a thousand people could good wagon road to tlie river. Price IT. W . Withers ’«in euffertn, ft,............ through tile stom­ R eturning stage leaves Florence » “ U t t i, ,UL \ ............. k. 8 . I’atterson joined last spring — Baud of Gentle lose themselves In the shady nooks and $1250. Stock will tic sold witli place if ach diseases of other for Eugene daily except Sunday at .D . P. Burton Brothers. Mighty nice lot of fellows, cool retreats. When it was reached, desired. organs which have 2 p. M. Arrives in Eugene at G p. 158 acres lying on both sides of Lake t ---- W. M M 111er their origin in a dis­ and this is to be an exclusive thlug. however, things looked different. It » I* r'in ten tien ................0 . M. C ollier w as an island with three scraggly old Creek, in Section 2, township 17, range eased condition of m . the day following. t t „ ..................... . . ü . W . G rillin __ ______________t h e stomach, a n d trees growing In the center, and there 8. About 100 acres bottom, with 30 Will carry freight and passengers ‘ «ace .. .0 . H. H olden allied organ.; of digestion and nutrition. were 12 blades of grass, one burdock acres cleared, and 40 acres fenced; a ? ........ G .C . Cun, p io n f ? s i ’s It strengthens the stomach, purifies the and two thistles ns ornaments. The house nnd good barn. On county road Single fare - - - - 5.00 from Florence to San Francisco. It cares obstinate cough and heals G. B.’s made no kick, however. They Round trip - - - “ 0.00 blood, thr, W ill also bring up freight weak lungs. to rushed ashore with their lunch baskets niiout ‘■g mile from school and |x>st office. Tickets for salo a t E. Bangs’ •< I was taken with Orippe. w h ic h re s u lte d In hl' O FFIC ER S. and bad their kegs of beer rolled after Several million feet of good fir timber on . . . *»* h e a rt a m i sto m a c h tro n b lc ." w rite s M r. T . R. Ufi livery barn, Eugene, and a t O. W. C audill. M o m ,am i. A llc e h m e y Co.. N. C. "1 ---- --------------- them, and tbelr gambols were full of tlie place. Price $1000. Time w ill be F or further inform ation inquire H u rd ’s office in Florence. w as u n a b le to d o a n v th illii a good p a rt o f th e happiness, nnd their voices told only given on part if desired. tim e. I w ro te t o Dr. T i -rce n l-iu t m y co n d itio n , ........Marion Morris h a v in g full c .n fa le n v r in h is m ed icin e, li e ad- of merriment. Mrs. Bowser objected to 80 acres of timber land about four Oii ‘ * - OF All through freight on the stage -.-¡<,-•1 '.l i l t l » ta k - hi ■ ’ ( . ” !»,< a ?.I ■ lical D is c o w ry ,' E . A. Evans, a, going ashore, but Mr. Bowser patiently miles from Acme aud mile from Sius­ w h ic h 1 d id Ik-fore I h a d full ' c d th e second either way between Eugene and W. H . Westberson, A. W. B EA D LE & CO. ¡ » • tie : b e -:” i to feed b e tte r . I II "•<• u sed n e a rly argued the point with her and carried law river. Has a large quantity of firand •ustees. Win. Brynd, M apleton, will be charged at the d x tm tllcs. I feel th a n k f u l to G od fo r th e bene­ It. They bad to take a seat on a rock cellar timber which can be easily hauled fit 1 h a v e rece iv ed tro u t D r. P ierc e’s t.o l- le n M ed­ L. Christensen. 22 M arket St. rate of two cents per pound during ical D isco v ery . 1 c u n liig illy recoin m e n d it to In the hot sun. and neither of them to tlie river. Price $500. all p e rs o n s a s a g.xxi a n d sale m e d ic in e .” ............J. G. P h e lp s the m onths of October, November, San Francisco, California. could eat a mouthful of lunch, but they 120 acres of tide and bottom land Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets keep the December, Jan u a ry , February, had got along very well when Mr. Bow­ ............O. W. liu rd bowels healthy. fronting on tlie Siuslaw river about nine March and April, ami one cent per ser was asked to Join in the games. __ G.C. C u m pton He excused hliuself, but the Gentle miles altove Florence. A large, new pound during the months ot May, Brothers wouldn’t have It thnt way. frame house, a good barn, and a bearing June, Ju ly , A ugust and September. H e had been Impolitic enough to boast orchard of 11 acres on tlie place. Aboa M rs . R. E . K a n o f f , THEBE WAS A LITTLE BOW. e ^R E T SO C IE T IE S that he could Jump higher than any 20 acres have been plowed. Steamer to the ten* . you know. T ’r r. ride of 20 miles to , I tried them. one in the club, aud now they wanted Florence passes the place every day. NOTA RIES. Hen Island, and when we get there ,t aotu.ii,Bj j Florence Lodge N o . 107. to w itness the feat. When ho contin­ Price $5000, including stock and sit- we’ll find a little paradise. We must . „ j i , t a r communication on second ued to claw off, half a doien men Reli­ be at the dock by 0 o’cloek. There’s O regon . i' w»r«,,rtv Saturdays in each m onth A. R. BUTTOLPH, F lorenck , ed him and drugged lilm forth, and the cliinery. go I aftrlbuni ___ nothing to prevent you from going, I A good frame house and two lots in R climax came. That Is, Gentle Brother iut ttaeywlllba E. W . COBH, W . M. suppose ?” 1 « e ir utuiLg| Secretary. Bowser broke loose and tendered Ills West Florence, near tlie river. A new “A good s lection of the late, t “N-o,” she hesitatingly replied. resignation on the spot and told the sidewalk to tlie property. Price $300. styles always on hand. “But don’t you wnnt to go?” Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, other G. B.’s what be thought of them 40 acres of land on North Fork about “It would be very ulce, but I'm ui W meets ead, alternate hatnrday W . E. B R O W N , D . A . P A IN E , year and expenses, all payable in casti. No can­ - in G ales’ H all, Acme. \ telling A. D C H A R L T O N , LARGE S TO C K R A N C H . President. Vice President. vassing required. Give reference» amt enclose A ssistant General Passenger Agent, ’«are invited to att’ l self addressed stamped envelope. Address Man 2&Í Morrison St., Cor lilh f F ? G xo.G . I ’ . n , N - < • F . W . O SBURN, W . W . BROW N, The “ Cox Ranch,” including about C ashier. A »»'t Cashier. alter, 855 Caxton Bldg.. Chicago. P o r tla n d , . bambkkmx , Olerk. 1200 ncres, 12 miles from Florence on ihe ocean beach, near the Cape. A D it. C. H. T. ATWOOD. h s . a . o . ATtVOOll. 0!F< A T T O R N E YS house and barn on tlie place and a few P H Y S IC IA N & D E N T IS T . r acres plowed. Tlie government road to a T c T woodcock , Motto: Kin-1 Treatm ent, Prom pt Attention. Herein light bouse crosses tlie land. nod Work. W H. WEATHERSON, JOHN 0 . BECK, F lo r e n c e , O re g o n . Tlie place will support several hun­ Diseases of Women a Specialty. l ’t. Terrace, Oregon. dred liead ol cuttle or a large herd of ■*r- W atch the West for Trips to Coast "WB O regon sheep or goats. About 600 bend of sheep » X X *, Eugene, : : Oregon. nnd goats now on tlie runch will be sold 7 and » MclAirvn'» Building. ££28oniW«i»to0ollecU°"« 4nd I1™ with the land if desired. TOBACCO SPIT T H R E W H I M I N T O T H E W A T E R A N D H A U L E D H I M O U T A f ilA lN and S M O K E Time will be given on part of the price Y ourL Ifeaw ayl if wanted. For further particulars in­ You . . can . he cured of any form of q tobacco using I K Ç. H. H O LD E N , they regretted that there had been any quire at the Florence Real Estate . — s> ----------- *..«» | well*, fuli«? <.j*<> crew hopeful nnd wnn even A little easily, be made well, strong, m ma agnetic, tnlsumlerstandlng, but tlio majority of Agency. < taking MO-TO-BACt I - ........................ new life and vigor by Many-jc'ain ‘‘ntliuslftRtlc nx they left the bonne, that make# weak men »irong n — d C ommissiosks . them declared that Mr. Bowser ought and W. ' ' L a J ten pound?* in ten day», o v er 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 When they reached the dock, they A STOCK FARM- S re£ d A» ? S r i K . C° W S n& f « S & iou.nl quite a large number of Broth- to have been ducketl twice. He had boaghL sold aows it was oulv after a number of a meal?” Ian javahle cash in advance. “It I». ma'am,” replied Tattered la strenuthemng strengtbeiniig and ana recon- rtx,on e.“ ’ow* nsi #bw seeded n no o i Intro- n tro faltered the man. J wit’k Hick Headache, Gastralgia Crampsann M ,.0lJ They By 1 a ll other result« of umei ductlon to U n . Bowser, and they could i “No,” nnswered Fortune eailly, “foe i -------------------------------- 4 not understand why she was so con- 1 If I do 1 shall get m yself disliked by 1 ______ Ur« i n l z i n g It. ui tlie women who havs refused to marry Proaorsd By E c 7 o » w it t * co - caicaa» 1 strained nnd retiring when they naked you.”—Detroit I'res Press. 1 MStVKb A KYl.K. 1 her to waltz to the wall» of a con- «»veti ¡n „ . -, ^ TR A V ELER S' GUIDE TR A V ELER S' GUIDE. C . BOWSER’S DAY OFF. H .H . B a rre tt,P ro p ’r, Florence anil Head of Tide. EU G EN E-FLO REN CE STAGE LIN E. A C M E ORTHERN Pacific, Ry. * M IL L I N E K , Notary Public,Surveyor NOTARY P U B L IC . önitBü Siates Conunissioner EUGENE BEST FDR THE BOWELS Loan s Savings Bank TH R O U G H TICK ETS KIF . KEEP ÏOUB BLOOD CLEAN tto rn ey a t Law, F lo re n c e R eal E s ta te A gency. DON’T Attorney - a t - Law. D R U G G IS T S , Do You W a n t a Ranch? Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Do You W a n t Unimproved Land? irle Hotel. Do You W a n t Town Lots? Do You W a n t Tim ber Lands? F d Diflcsts what y®U IE N E A N D lE N C E ROUTE. ► '4 '4 JOHN C. BECK. W. II. WEATIIERSON. t'r«P L a * CASTOR IA Hw had eaoatu. Han Alwap Boi|tt