a iio u a i’.n a b u k t c In the River While! Rafting Logs. o— jKiiA.iey ¿rouDXC) a n d D o n ’t K n o w It. How To Find Oat. Fill a bottie or common glass with your | water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a ] sediment or set-j tling indicates a n ; unhealthy condi­ tion of the kid­ neys; if it stains your llr.en it is evidence of kid­ ney trouble; too ACME COMMERCIAL CO., Satnrunv to remain lor a tu n e . torp;d or inactive. Moro serioua M. P . Seolt, of Ada, was transacting J troubles may follow. For a pr mpt, $ eiMcicnt cure of Headache end a*i F R A N K B . W I L S O N , M nn n ger, | 3 | bttftinesH io Fioreuve yesterday. L a s » C ounty , O regon .— liver troubles, u k e : E rn est Lloyd baa moved hie fam ily to I ROBERT GURNEY THE VICTIM. - - - Bg - - - th e old M iller bonne nt Spruce Point. While they rotis? the liver, restore )X John Yatew and John Compton went t line full, regular aetlnn of tho bowels, .Accident Occurred Near Mapleton—Body they do not grljic or pain, do not 8? , to Ten-Mile Creek W ednesday to fish. E d i t o r a n d P r o p r i e t o r . Hl ; Recovered—Funeral Services Irritate or Inflame the internal organa, Rj : Lizzie W orkm an retnrne . borne last 1 Held Wednesday. but have a positive tonic effect. 25c. at all druggists or by mall of S aturday, after ppeuding seveial weeks pars it or pain In T erms : 11.60 a year in advance.----- €. I. Hood <& Co., Lowell, Mars. J> ! in E ugene. the back is also •, A sad accident',took place Mon lay af­ convincing proof that the kidneys and blad­ “ ; Edgar F urnish left yeMentav for Al- j tered a t th e post-office at Florence. ternoon a sh o rt distance shove M aple­ der are out of order. , i ■> county, Oregon, aa second-class W hat to Do. banv, w here be and George Veil will to n by which R obert G urney came to m atter. There is comfort in the knowledge so We Carry a Fine anil attend college. ACME NEW S. his death in the w aters of the Siuslaw often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- George Saunders anil daughter Minnie , jj jver Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every Varied Stock of RTIS1NG BATIK JIASE KNOWN ON AP- I started th is m orning ior a visit with rel­ Ile and A rthur W alton were assist!) g wish in curing rheumatism, pain In the BY FIN MAGNUS. PtlCATAON. back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part atives in Iowa. notteus 8 cents per line, c a d i In s e rtio n Jesse Nicolle to m ake up a raft of logs in of the urinary passage. __ It aorrects inability C. D. C horpening left Monday for E u­ the river near tiie island in front of Hie j ;0 hold water and sca’ding pain in passing October 30, 1901. gene, where he has accepted a position. old Leslor place, and at tiie tim e R o t « i t j it, or bad effects following use of liquor, N o v . 1, 1901. R ain, rain , rain, m ore rain! was pushing logs out into tl.e eurrent I wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant We wish him success. . , - , , i a i i necessity of be;ng compelled to go often L. V. Stinglev retu rn ed from th e val­ Volney H einenwav and son, of E u ­ between the island and tl.e west bank. durini; ihe day and ,0 gc, up man6y ljmM W E S T L IN G S . ley very much improved in health. gene, were in Florence Saturday. The A rth u r W alton, who was over lowam during the night. The mild and the extra- . .MB ------- --------- M ort Douglas and Chas. Fox were W est acknowledges a pleasant cal). tiie island and further down tiie stream , [ ordinary effect of S w a m p -R o o t Is soon saw R obert full into the w ater. He gave realized. rea,ized advice to give to a hungry m an sister a t M apleton. day. He inten d s to return to Alaska in Mrs. V oltaire G urney, was born near ica, Jtto the W estern House. E v ery th in g in connection w ith tho Roseburg, Douglas county, about seven­ Steve Shrum and wife, of Ten-Mile, February. H ouse is New nut! Firet-C lasa. cod second band sewing m achine jj - .-e in town today. teen years »go, and came to tiie Siuslaw The beat place in town to get a good Inquire a t this cilice SPECIAL ATTENTION’TO w ith his fattier when about three years p a tte rn s,' *’ Mrs. H . H . Fisk and son George were meal is a t tiie W estern H ouse. old. H e was an intelligent and indus­ lies' and m isses’ union suits visitors to our burg on Wednesday last. COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS. W e b u y d ir e c t fr o m t h e L a r g e s t J o b b in g H o u s e s trious boy and a great lielp to iiis par­ i and wool at A. O F u n k e’8. W ork in the m ill has ceased until the D e a t h G n lc h . ents, who have had a full share of hard i T he notice of tiie public is called M a n u fa c tu r e r s i n t h e c o u n tr y , fo r C A S H , a n d w e a r e e n a b le d in nti ng s.good JW "?!/ of choice m eats at schooners, now on the way, have arrived A ravine In the no rth east corner of to o u r new i. prices alw ays found at Safiey’s Yellowstone National park, in W y o -. luck. and loaded. to g e t t h e L o w e s t P r ic e e , b e s id e s a l w a y s b e in g s u r e o f o b ­ Tiie funeral was held W ednesday a chicken d in n er a t the W estern T H R O O M The roof on the new church cannot be I in I ng, is know n by those living near by m orning, being conducted by Rev. T. A. as D eath gulch. Grewsome us is the w o n Sunday when you are in Flor- completed until “ the sh ip ” comes in t a in in g f ir s t - c la s s g o o d s . W e a r e n o t p a y in g e n o r m o u s name, it Is exceedingly appropriate. It Yost, and tiie rem ains interred in tiie j whore H ot and C o.d b a th s m ay be with th e shingles. had a t an v tim e. is a V shaped trench cur in the moun­ Masonic cem etery. e x p e n s e s a n d w i l l s e l l y o u g o o d s a t r e o s o n b a le r a te s. W. W allace has guccci ded to th e A rtist W ittenburg, representing th e tainside anil begins about 250 feet Tiie bereaved family have tiie sym­ nt of gement of th e Cottage G rove N O TICE T O CO N TRA C TO R S- A pparently it p athy of the comm unity in tlieir great P o rtlan d P o rtrait Co., who has been above Cache creek. er. taking orders and delivering in town and } forms a n atu ral shelter for the beasts ! ajjjjU(ion * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * mn yon w ant a nice steak, roast, vicinity, departed yesterday for E u g e n e .' of the forest, ns food, w ater and sh elter I Sealed bids will be received by tiie I, call on Will Safley, tiie up-to- He was assisted with hie work bv L . F . ! « « there, b u t entrance to the gulch , P re s id e n t of tiie Board of Trustees of the TRAIN HELD U P. z- , t [m ean s d eath to any anim al, for the Town of Florence until Saturday, No­ butcher. Crow and Geo. Gibbs, J r . ; poisonous vnpol.s thilt rlse out o t tlie bine p rin t plats of any tow nship Tiie funeral of R obert Gurney, son of ravine a re m ore deadly th an the bullets lto l.tie r a G e t I .l t t l e f o r T lie ir L a b o r . vember 2nd, 1901, for building a side­ walk on Second and Madison streets. S t ill a t L a r g e . ue or Douglas counties call a t C. Mr. and Mrs. V . G urney, of M apleton, i of the huntsm en. P lans and »pacifications may be Been occurred here today. In term e n t took i F o r ages th is death tra p in th e Rocky ■a, .4,..^, olden's office. The north bound overland Southern ipw sidewalk has been bu ilt on the place in th e Masonic .cemetery n ear tl.e ; m ountains h as probably been luring th e Pacific train was held tip October 23, at tiie office of Marion Morris. Tito right is reserved to reject an y and h ab itan ts of the forest to tlieir door between Cottage Grove and Eugene. side of W ashington street in front N orth Fork, Rev. T. A. Yost, of F lo r -: in W ith th e rain s of spring the bones ot all bids. G ko . O. K nowi . es , Despite ence, conducted tiie services, Soon after tiie train left Cottage Grove > Bay View H otel. the dend of th e preceding y ear are car- Recorder. th e inclem ent w eather, quite a large ried d o w n A t h e creek M U M gulch [ » masked man covered tl.e engineer and above "< io’,rn*^ term of circuit court, con- its last cleared for th e death harvest of tho j fireman witli revolvers, climbed into the num ber followed tiie (body to I t e lla h lo b u t G en tle* , , r. I in Eugene today. The regula- Bumtuer and w inter. i cab and compelled the fireman to leave resting place. 1 commences n e x t M onday. "A pill’s a p ill,” saya tiie saw. B ut The geologists say th a t th e lav as t tiie train . N ear W alker the engineer then there are pills and pills. You * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GREENLEAF I I EMS. nted—50 persons desiring to dis- which fill th e ancient basin of the p ark j wa9 ordered to stop tiie train, then com­ w ant a pill which is certain, thorough of reel estate in th is vicinity to call a t this place rest upon th e flanks of pelled to go with tiie robbers and blow October 26, 1901. place tlieir property on our list. m ountains form ed of fragm entary vol­ open th e express car with dynam ite. and gentle. M ustn’t gripe. D eW itt’s L ittle Early Risers till tiie bill. Purely & W eatherson. Y our patronage ia alw ays appreciated, and no matter hew Lawyer Edm onson, of Eugene, came canic ejects. Gaseous em anations are W hen the men attem pted to enter the vegetable. Do not force but assist tiie given out in g reat volume. These come, lew lodge of th e Modern Woodmen over the m ountains this week to visit a express messenger, (J. F . U harles, drove tiie bowele to act. Strengthen and in­ small your purchases, you may rest assured it w ill be our eosstsa* th e scientists say. front deposits of al­ ,erica, with 18 m em bers, is to be tim ber claim n ear M apleton. tered and crystalline trav ertin e mixed them back witli iiis gun. vigorate. Small and easy to take. Meyer ated to n ig h t e by Geo. G. aim to sell yeu the best goods obtainable at reasonable price*. They then uncoupled the mail car & Kyle. Oharley H itchcock was visiting his old w ith pools in the creek. Above these deputy bead oensu! stam ping ground on Nelson Creek S un­ deposits th e creek cuts Into a bank of front the others, took Hie engineer back .................. ■ «' .......... ... i i i sulphur. In tiie bottom of th e gully Is to tiie engine and ordered him to go m . in Florence. Oregon. Saturday, day. BIDS WANTED. a sm all stream sour w ith sulphuric ahead. Near Goshen another slop was ier 28,1901, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A couple of young fellows from Iowa h , a son. All doing well, and Jo e ’s are cam ping on th e old Charley Rowe acid. made and Hie engineer forced to blow Seale(] bids for tending the street No w onder th e poor anim als seeking ts him very soon tlp-m -1 n -. open tn e car. l l i e robbers then entered |nm ps in the town .of Florence will be place and projtose to spend tl.e w inter shelter iu th e gulch meet death there. and took four pouches of registered mail, reeolvej |,y tl.e President of tiie Board L. A. Lyster, of G ardiner, closed hu n tin g an J trapping. They never saw > m onths’ term of school on upper any wild game, but it is presumed th a t the value of which is unknown. j q'ru(dt.,.fl until S aturday, November 2, M illie G o o d M n tc h e s . Tiie engine was again stnrted and run i 1H0,. Bkii to slate pri(;e per nigllt for ile Creek last F rid ay . The p atrons th a t they will recognize it when they do. She—I can ’t m ake out how it Is th a t contractor to furnish oil. fie school speak very highly of her Bruce Moore and his brother, of E l­ Mrs. Wise h its fish for nearly every till near F airm ount, when they stopped (.He|, m ira, drove out fifty fine cattle, mostly meal. It c an ’t be for economy's sake, and tiie robbers got off after telling the i *pbe right is reserved to reject nny and engineer to go beck to the train . ’ all bids. G ko . G. K nowi . es , calves and young stock, today. They for she m ust be fairly well off. Tiie passengers were badly frightened i Recorder. eacher. He—She h as a h uge fam ily of un­ had picked them up on Indian, Lake, * * * * by the dynam ite explosions wliou the I ----- -- — m arried daughters, you know. e U m pqua Valley Oil Co. have Deadwood re- and Nelson creeks. She—Now. don’t be nasty and say express car was blown open, but further a vtllaga llleckam ith Hevml Ilia L lttl. •d th eir drilling outfit from Bakers- We have had a genuine Indian sum ­ som ething ab o u t girls uud tb elr bruius. (Î oh ' î Life. th an thia were not molested. T he fire , Calif., and w ithin the next few mer. October lias been tiie loveliest T h a t's so old. matt after leaving Hie engine returned Mr. IL II. B lack, the well known vil­ th e work of sinking a uell will m onth of the year. He—Ob, no. I h ad n 't th e slig h test in­ to Cottage Grove and gave th e alarm . lage blacksm ith at G raham sville, Sulli­ l eith er a t O akland or M yrtle tention of doing so! H a ve Q lw aye on H and a F ine <^tocl^ o f Dana K night has gone to W endling to Officers were im m ediately started out to van Oo., N. Y., says : “ Our little son, She—Well, ca n 't you tell me? k. work. search for tiie robbers, but at th e latest five years old, has alw ays been subject H e—I don’t know. I ’m sure, unless hes and pains of rheum atism are Seth Sim mons h ealth is steadily im ­ it’s because fish are rich in phosphorus. reports had not succeeded in finding [ to croup, ami so bad Itave the attacks lerm anently, b u t only tem porarily, proving. v o u th .n a v t n we v Itave »»f a m ach in e c a n ; th e blood and mucous surfaces of the bonus asked for “ I procured a bex and was entirely Y ou’ll have a cold tbi« w inter. Maybe be bought from u a o r a n y o f o u r M r. Wagnon was of­ cored. D eW itt’s H itch Haael Salve is a yon have one now. Y our children will system , thereby destroying the fonnda- dettlcnt front $15.00to «18.00. splendid core for piles, giving relief in ­ < lion of the disease, and giving the pa­ fset Tuesday even- W I MAKE A VARIETY. suffer too. For cough», croup, bronchi­ lie will come to stan tly , and I heartily recommend it to tis, grip and other w inter com plaints tie n t strengtii by building up tiie con­ THE NEW HOME IS THE BEST. y and make arrange all «offerers.” Forgery ia unnecessary One M inute Congti Cure never fails. stitution and assisting n atu re in doing T ito Feed determ ine* th e stre n g th o r its work. Tiie proprietors have so much the m ill. The city I to core pile«. ^DeWitt’« W ild . Hazel weaknt-Mi o f Hewing M achine«. T iie Acts prom ptly. It 1« very pleasant to ¡ted on «eenring th e j Salve will cure any cade. Co»«, barn«, , faith in its curative powers, th a t they I’om bhm d w ith o th e r tiie taste and perfectly harm less. C. IL manufac- braises and all oth er wounds are also George, W inchester, K y., w rites: “ Our | ! offer One H undred Dollar« for any case Mtrang point« m ake* th e ' th a t it fails to cure. Send for list of th e beet Hewing Muchitie to buy. quickly cored bv it. Beware of counter­ little girl was attacked F itti croup late j s h o w in g th e d lf- ! free testim onial«. Address, feits. M eyerAKyle^_______ ren t n ty l« l o f one nig h t and was so hoarse she could » h a t life it hardly worth Write F. J . Ctieney A Co., Toledo, 0 . I riff MfW’lilnr« GOATS F OH SALE. hardly apeak. We gave her a few dosoa I wn naaaufacUire m id prim « b» *orc piircboaUig rd Chamberlain’« Sold by Druggist«, 76c. of One M iuute Cough Cure. I t relieved Tablets. Thev will Hall'« Family Pills are the beat. THE NEW HOME SCWINC MACHINE CO. I have 160 goat« for sale a t $3 per head tier in stan tly and she w ent to «leep. ■ * .*• ili, tone up your liver O N A N ftl, M A H . W hen »lie awoke next morning «lie had bowel« making you for th e band. A bout hali of them are » Union Sq. W. Y., (’tolcafo, I It, Attoikte,«»., « d u r i t . T o s s iv o w .ts W itt. C m . c a re ts. no signs of hoarseness or croup.’ ' Meyer M as. C ynthia At s t is , Ca»., DollaffyTez.'Kaa I’n-ncix», CUl , For «ale by O, W, nannies. U U. C. C. ia ti, d» u aa'sis r tf u«4 M a t e . A'.t-ne, Oregon. A Ky.e. FOR BALK BV TI. W E A T H E R S ! Hootf*® f (B * H, ■3 : A C M E , O R E G O N . lings General M erchandise, P aten t M edicines, Sperry’s Best SE Family Flour Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Prints, fluslins, Yarns, Crash, Notions, S Groceries. «"d BA itc h s 'i We H ave a Com plete Stock o f Boots an d Shoes. JA It METER &, HTLE N OKI- S ant w : A I. p e 1 G en t’s F u r n ish in g Goods, N H ardurarE , P a in ts, Oils, etc. SEWING MACHINE Prices as Low as the L ow est lkoiihie Feed Mew llosue fir CIRCULARS K v flRSÔSrç I Käfig, FMopßGee. Or