T H E W — fill» W IIIW I IIW ^ W -« » rn ia s t . H -sSajt^.lt» Va.~ II S I I I ■ — '■ » « ■ ■ H U n > J . '< l !■ ■ ■ W i l ■«■»»•uwrrr. l AJin-TW*. --»JN a - i S wc a W E S T . Pains in. ike S a c k SUCCESSOR. occupied and th eir reconutrnction on our ’ the cam ps with iresh m eat at 50 to 75 A WORTHY ---- ---- . . . . . - - -------Are exunptcnia cf a w eak, to rp id or civilization, Iarge’y directed by cents per pouud. “ S o m eth in g New U nder th e S u n ” Stagnant condition of the- kidneys or < hjt arm y officiate, th e engineering school- But very little work has been (lone, r-rviM jsH ^D jtyjMty raiipA}' mokxjno .— i liver, a n d are a Morning extrem ely becomes a doubly im p o rtan t institution. The country needs capital and proepee- All doctors have tried to c u r e OATAr.ltll i hazardous to ufcglcct, eo im p o rtan t! A t th e W hite H ouse there lias been a tors, hut th e man who goes in there bv tlie use of powde-'H, acid gases, inlial- . — AT— ! is a healthy action of these organs. ' , i . , , , , ers and drugs in paste torm . T heir p o w - ! They a re c o m p l y atten d ed by loss gr*‘at eO" 'in a B',ing of i>uWie men should have the m eans to get a y e a rs ders dry up the mucous m em branes £ oun ty . O regon ■ o f energy, lack <4 courage, aiul some- durin g the past week. The President 8eub stake, which costs »1000, and be j causing them to era,It open and bleed, j The powerful acids used in the inhalers i i tim es by gloom y foreboding an d de- ; has been seeking the views of many ■ prepared to tight mosquitos. I have entirely eaten away the same mem- ! ' «pendency. I le a d e n of his party, <;oneeruin topics of br-incs that ilitdr m a k e r s h a v e a im e d to “I had pains in nty bac», could not sleep A P h y s ic ia n T o l l f l e , . ! cure, while pastes met ointm ents cannot . _T ___, i bis first message and the legislation th a t r e s e ll th e d i, ease. An old and expert- and when I pot up lr. tho morning felt " , worse than the nigh before. I began tak- should be moat urgently stressed in the t ‘I have ta k e n K o d o l D y s p e p s ia C u re | enced practitioner who lias for many | JEtlitor and Proprietor. ing Hood’s Sarsai .rilla and now I can and have never used anything in my life f ! v e a rs m a d e a clo se s tu d y a n d sp e c ia lty ! _ _ _ _ _ ___ . . . . _____________________I rtsep and get up M n g rested and abie to i iniinediate future. Then the office h o ld -; th a t d lJ ln8 tll(J goo4 , bat (lil, 8ays ' treatm ent of G aia ', i;tn , h a i a t la s t ! toHlmd s Sarsooanr'’11’’ M rs j ’rv epi:nR'- urs who were first appointed by Presi- County Physician Geo. W. Scroggs o f , pcrlet ted a in a tn i-n l w h ic h w h e ll f a i t h - ' F l o r e n c e , O re g o n , N o v . 1 , 19G1. care II. B. Cope’and, i’I te Road. A la. ’ «lent McKinley are facing the legal ex- lla li County, Ga. “ Being a physician I ' ,'“ »t o u '-v " ''¿ e V v p i r r »* _ •» » ■ , : perm anentIv cures U A iA U lill, by re- fc J iZ /* S C ,C f2 ^ ’Z d££J pirations of their term s and most of have prescri >«d it and found it to gtve ,uovdl,. tni. cause, stopping tile d is- ZV V •y % ê IMUNI JTas junt opened up an elegant lin# o f goods of Lite following order; W, II, WEATIIKItSON : 11 OCa S a n d P ills • them coming on to see about their reap- ! „ . C ure kidney anti Ivor troubles, relieve p o .n tm en tt. while those who wish to I th e back, an d b u ild u p th e w holesystem . „ , , „ . . . . Ile u ry H inkson, of Aims, was arrested i sup p lan t them are no less in evidence. Between the two and with Congress just and taken liefore Justice Holden last i ahead, the President is beginning to re- F rid ay , charged witli opening tlye boom WASHINGTON LETTER. Í alize th a t being a President is not all bulow P o in t Terrace belonging to the ¿Siuslaw Boom Go. H e waived exam in­ (F rom O ca R egular G oriiespondext .) . “ biscuits and bouquets.” ation an d was tu rn ed loose on bits own ------— i The retu rn of Ambassador Ghoate from W ashington , Oct. 21, 1001. | London is assigned to the pending nego- yefiponsilijlity to ap|>ear for trial a t the ARRESTED. t '" s bes‘ iood T011 rem ains undigested in votir stomach it de,..lv, ti.era decays there ami puis.ms your system. \ o u can pi event this hv dieting but th at 'm ean s starvation. Kodol Dyspepsia Uure digests w hat you eat. You need suffer from neither dyspepsia nor starva­ tion. The worst cases quickly cured. N ever fails. Meyer & Kyle. V*“ « ™ »"«> r II. Edit 'naso tersd ouui r Ceñís’ Furnishing . 1 ' It is the only remedy known to science, th a t a c tm i.iv r e a c h e s th e a li’i c t e l p a r ts . • m a tt &T1SI! AND Iv ¡,. kllo,vn ,,s nette. \ ! i i ; - th e G I' H i X 1 1 ED GA-1 TAKKH C U B E ,” and is sol 1 at the ex hl enee tremely low price of One I> package containing internal and external ! m edicine sufficient for a full m onth’s I treatm ent and everything necessary to its perfect use. “ S N U F F L E S ” is the only perfect! Be .. Á. -- .Au--------------- À JL À À. À , * Notice of Assessment for Street Im- O ATARRIl C U R E ever made and is t now recognized as the only safe and pos- I provement. rite C apital city it beginning to take I tiations for a new and satisfactory canal p e g t term of of the circuit co u rt in E u ­ itive cure for th a t annoying and disgust- j ing disease. It cures ail inflam m ation , ou th e activities of “ tbs season” which ! treaty with E ngland. A synopsis of the gene qtiieklv and perm anently and is also i Notice is hereby given th a t a t a meet­ J liis cage is the outgrow th of a diffi- I covers tlie period of th e session of Con- salient features of tlie treaty, under for­ wonderfully quick to relieve IIAY’ ing of the Board of Trustees of tlie Town F E V E R or GOLD in tlie HEAD. tu i t y between the loggers and th e boom gress. Socipl circles ure being recon- m ulation, represents it in term s th a t of Florence, held on October 21, 1901, CATARRH when neglected often leads ry hij .company over an attem p t of th e latter vened, the th eatres are in full play ami m ust certainly prove satisfactory to the tlie following assessm ents were made tor to CONSUMPTION — ” SNUFFLES ” | will save you if you use it a t once. I t is j » run to collect additional fees on logs rem ain­ tlie fall weddings are attractin g t h e , P resident and to Congress. I t ¡8 hard the purpose of building sidewalks: no ordinary remedy, hut a complete ) bes The period of. to see, if th e forecast be correct, w hat in g ill tlieii booms after Qctober 1, 1901. never failing interest. ORIGINAL TOWN. treatm ent which is positively guaranteed ! We hive an exceptionally fine selectioa of in 8a to cure CATARRH in any form or stage j Block. official m ourning for ttie dead P re s id e n t, fu rth er concessions E ngland could m ake I,ot Owner. Amount. Tl/e circum stances as nearly as w,e can W H W eatl.erson. $ 4.22 , if ”Hed direMions which b all latest styles and patterns, consisting o f Mi C- is ended and th e politicians and lobby- ’ after abrogating the Clayton-Bulwer ¡ascertain are th ese: p i, . , ! accom pany each package. Don t delay, 5 * in tl A K P earce............... J.04, blI(,send fur it at once, and write lull The freshet last w inter brought down ists are assem bling and laying tlie lines treaty, and acknowledging our rig h t to 5 M H a rtle y ................. 9.04 ! particulars as to your condition, and you xl >d from th e upper river to tlie boom several of their coming cam paigns. build, own, control and protect tlie H o m e sp u n ,' C a s h m e rs , A ip a c a , Jeto th 6 Gora B A u d rew s.. . . 9.04 will receive special advice from tlie dis­ The most talked of event oi I lie past ! canal. Senator M organ, the canal chum- 5 m illion feet of logs, wiiicii th e boom Geo M M iller............ 9 04 coverer of this wonderful remedy regard- | nod t ing your case w ithout cost to you beyond | 5 “ “ “ 9.04 tlie regular price of “ SN U FFLES,” tlie ‘ company agreed, if certain inform ation week was th e presence of Booker T. i pion in the senate, is sure tlie treaty will and »any other lines of jancy pattern le. > 5 I W V a w te r .............. 9.04 “ GUARANTEED CATARRH C U R E .” as lo niaras, to whom sold, etc., were W ashington, the Southern negro educa-j be prom ptly ratified. lies’ Sent, prepaid to any address in tlie 6 L M M ille r................ 9.04 tpr, at a fam ily din n er witli the Presi- The reports of C abinet changes will! furnished, tq deliver to any q/jll not i and 5 “ “ “ 9.04 U nited States or Canada on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. 1, EDW IN I below Acme, or in sm all booms ii sticks (fent at th e W hite House. S outhern not down. Secretary Roof has returned S S L K S x i n d V E L V E T S for trimming¡j^ood “ “ “ ................. 11.16 II. G ILES & COMPANY, 2330 and 2332 i i prk were furnished, or to hold till October 1, com m ent upon th e incident has been to the city witli his family and «let lares j 4 Geo S o v ern s.............. 11.15 M arket Street, Philadelphia, 4 ' a ch prom ptly condem natory of P re s id e n t; th a t he has settled down for the w inter “ “ 9.04 1901, fqr th e sum of fifty cents per 4 AVm C h u rc h ill......... Roosevelt for w h at is considered a sig- j and h a „ no intention of re8ignillg. Sec- 9.04 thousand feet. Tlie company now claim 4 9.04 an additional fifty cents per thousand nificant in s u n e e of “ social eq u ality .” retary H ay reii;ge3 to 6ay #nything ex. 4 L M M ille r.......... 9.04 ThoDargfst aid best assortment of geme p n logs rem aining in the boom after Oc­ More conservative people are inclined to cept th at he has not handed in his resig- i 6 4 A O Cleveland . . . 9.04 the view th a t th e President, as any nation up t0 tllig time- T h at he will do 7 tober 1. 4 Lord & T ilom as....... 9.04 er. N 4 “ “ “ 9.04 M r. H inkson ow ned a thousand logs p th er m an, has th e rig h t to choose liis ; 30 a8 B00n a8 t l,e H ay—I’auncefote treaty 8 ien y 4 L M M iller................. 9.04 p r more of tiiose caught a t ttie boom and private guests a t his pleasure. B ut few is ratiUed ig not dollbted> and tl)al SenR. ! J ca E u g e n e , O re g o n . 4 11.15 botch prdered them delivered to tlie Siuslaw & Who know th e P resid en t really believe tor Lodge will succeed him is also coufi-i COX’S ADDITION bine Ban Francisco Lum ber Go. a t Acme, but th a t in honoring W ashington as he did , dent!y expected. Secretary Gage, whose this sideof Portland 6 O W Ilu rd .. ........ 11.15 Paid up Cash Capital, - «50,000 ne or l^e m eant to become tlie exem plar and [ deelaration before the B anker’s Gonven- only a sm all portiou of them were deliv­ - 50,000 6 den " “ “ 9.04 Surplus, . . . chanipion of indiscrim inate social j tioa> th a t he beiiuves in the relire_ ered prior to October 1. A fterw ard, so Ö L H P o t t e r .............. 9.04 ew 8 We offer every accommodation consistent i m en t of th e greenbacks and the e x te n -I we are inform ed, lie dem anded th e de­ equality. 6 Lena B erg m an ... 9.04 with prudent bunking. Correspondence solic­ ride 6 The annual national convention of tl.e sion of tlle of thu nalional hankg> i livery of ids logs, tendering fifty eepte 9.04 ited. »Bay 6 Wm K y le ... 9-04 T. G. H endricks p er thousand feet boomuge, which th e devotees of spirilualism lias been in see- 1 ig regarded as unfortunate, is expected j ......... President j We invite a n inspection o f the a.bove, sA ,1rn' 0 M F P arker. 9.04 IS. B. E a k in ........ • Vice President com pany refused to occept. IJe th en sion here the past week, evoking th e j t0 regign gl)Oll aUer 0ongreBg a88eD, b!egJ 8 as well as of other good carried by ihn 9.04 ' P- E . Snodgrass, ............. Cas hier consulted an attorney and, acting on his usual lively debates between the believ A ssistant Secretary of tlie Navy H ack ett I 9 g ()j L. H . P otter. .. ... Asst. Gashier 6 famous and always u6-to-date Cil"," W A Cox. nted- 4« <4 44 lio declare it I ' b a8 g ta te d b is ¡m ention to resign, and 10 a advice, opened the boom and removed ers in the cult a^d those who 42.78 ¡ ----------------------- * * of ree a system of delusion and < •’ 4 fakirism s.” ‘ ju d g e Charles H . D arling, of Benning 1 5 some of his logs. The com pany then had 9.04 2 5 M F P a rk e r............... 9.04 1 N evertheless the representatives ot tho ton, V t., will succeed him . Mr. H inkson arrested. nr< 3 5 “ “ “ ................ 9.04 C A S S ID Y & SON - - P ro p r ie to r s Thero is a very strong feeling against faith formed a hotly of earnest sneakers The President goes to Yale U niversity 4 BW lc 5 O W I l u r d .................. 9.04 F lo r o n o e , O re g o n . p ie boom company among tlie loggers on who voiced no Uncertain faith in the thia week, w here he will be vested with 5 5 9.04 realities of a spirit, world im m inent upon j tb e honolg of a Doctor o{ Lgwg “ ii ii 5 apcuunt of th e attem p t to collect addi­ I t is 6 9.04 5 Tables furnished with all the W A C ox. tional fees oil logs rem aining in the boom our own visible world and whose citizens probable also th a t H arvard, His alm a 7 9.04 8 5 are yet capable o^ com m unicating with O \\ I l u r d .................. 9.04 delicacies of the season. Give after October J, and m any of them say m ater, will follow w ith sim ilar honors 9 5 9.04: sym pathetic souls still in tlie flesh, n ex t sum m er. flier will rekist its paym ent. They con­ ,, .. a call 10 5 11.io sider fifty cents a high price, but were Occultism of any kind has a fascination Tlie several am ounts as above stated A first-class are now due and payable to the Recorder ' M IN IN G A T K O Y U K U K , A L A S K A . willing to pay it, but denounce in very for th e curious and th e convention was of the Town of Florence, and will be- ! fprcible term s the attem p t tp cpllect a largely attended. T .„. ... , , . , . come delinquent after ten da»« the A local organization has been effected dollar per thousand. H arp er W orkm an, who returned from date o( U |i’ noticu- in connection with the house to prom ote th e building of a fitting Mc- The men also bhuue the boom com- Alnska a sh o rt tim e ago, gives us tlie D ated this 22nd day of October, A. D. pauy for tlie logs going to sea last win- i K inl°y Memorial in this city. T here is following account of liis trip home and 1901. G.:o. 0 . K nowles , j ter, and say th a t if the company hud 1,0 l,u rP08e *** f*1» t0 interfere w ith the description of tlie K oyukuk country : Recorder. taken due precautions the boom would work of tlie national com m issioners ap- A party composed of M. Osswood and C ham berlain’s Stomach and Liver T ’ N ’ S E 0 A -R ’ • P ro p rie to r. leave caught and held in safety all the pointed by th e P r« id e n t to fu rth er th e • C. Ne| key> of New York City, O. Dex Tablets cure biliousness, constipation N ew M anagement . logs th a t came down th e river during erecting of a w orthy mem orial to tlie ter, of Syracuse, N. Y., G. M orrev, of and headache. They are easy to take S trictly F irst -C lass . p ie rainy season. T here js talk of bring­ late President a t bis old home, C anton, ' N ewfoundland, and mvself left G old- a,,,i P e a sa n t in effect. For sale by O. F ree 8 ample R ooms . ing suits agu|nst tlie boom company to in Ohio. Y et it is difficult to figure out foot( ut the llioutll of sla te Creek( a1m . j W. H urd. E lectric L ights and B ells j compel them to pay lor th e logs th a t lwo suuh p ro jac» , each calling for ka> on Septem ber 4. We came in a row-1 C e n tra lly L ocated. Get What You Ask For! ,, , . were lost, but so far gs we liayo learned ,l eol,l,lu m illions of dollars, ure to he boat 800 miles down tlie Koyukuk in ■ess l u x la v ti n i i , When you ask for Cascarets Candv ^ sa'l'i’du,1'''3rs l3i M ill a n a po action has been comm enced yet. ««P»«»««! «im ultajieoqsly will, success. e*’«. 11U dayt«, thvn look a steam er for St. u '- a n a y . both M ima i. i i f , C a th a rtic b e sure you g e t th em . C om m ercial Mon. _____________ I I t is to be hoped, however, th a t botl b o th ! Michaels, where we lay four d a is , run G e n u in e ta b le ts sta m p e d C. C C ffif «-» » r-x I t0 P e r D '3 Y plans can be carried out in fullest J over to Gape Nome, 125 miles distant, N e v e r sold in bulk. A s u b s titu to r THE NEW STATE TAX LAW. . . . . O regon. achievem ent. thence to D utch H atlior and Victoria alw ays a c h e a t a n d a fra u d . B ew are! E n 2 e re , t _____ W ashington is becoming one of tlie and from liiere to Seattle. We liad a ¡ A ll d ru g g ists, io c . Tlie proportion of tlie state taxes to be • i u i i .• i greatest stu d en t centers of the nation, very pleasant trip on the deep and I CONTEST NOTICE. paid by tlie several counties, under a ,r . , , , ' 1 e ' ueep m m i ACMI.NISTRATORS r e p o r t . , , , , , , . , 1 he several universities already h ere read ied home O -to la r 19 U ni'c 1 StHtes Liir-i Office pew law passed by the last legislature, . . . . . 7 reacnen r.ome v io i.tr iv. « ictnl Will. t. * ' ' i and the lurgo n u iu lx r of private ami I Tlie following are tlie paying proper- In the Countv G<»urt of ” « Lane C o n n V tr ' , «■ Roseburg, -• i irtgmi, --- — er gj, a.™ J * * - * “ í A"!0*',M*’* deceased, is us follows, bused on th e assessm ents ). , . , . , ‘ th e several counties fur th e p ast five I 1 technical schools pf . b° U‘ • " ' * " re i tiw in K oyukuk district, viz: M yr- ! A -M cLeod, A dm inistrator. ........................... A » * m g annu ally larger contingents of Ale, Em m a, Glara and Gold Greeks. The OCTOBER REPORT, 1901. years, preceding tiiis, to-w il: young men and women from all ¡.arts of estim ated yield of gold from th e-e prop- Gash received............ ................... $100, Go maitia P er cent Gountit-s J' CASH PAID OUT PREFERRED CLAIMS upon or cultivated it «luce m u tin g h l»'flu,,» i thu country. Thu departm ents of gov I thereon, hut has sbRudoned tlie limit, an,I th at 0520 , ’ , -------------- ;■ th e season is about »230,000, Mover & Kyle, supplies for Mrs ...0 1 9 5 L in n ............ B aker I such abnudonraem is not eaubvd b v ’ ernm ent are filled young m en, brought I which is about »175,000 more than for H adsall ' .......... ............... J- w . G A R M A N . t 80 73 hl» einployraent in either the nrniv. navy or ....0 2 0 2 L incoln. . . . Itentou 11 io m arine corp* of the (’nited by Congressmen from th eir districts, 19111) T ax es.............................................. ’ i ’ 7,V soldier.ofHuer, as a private , m u n n n or «u»ru.e. uunnir the Glackuuins . . 0335 M alheur . 009, , , . . , , . , . ' Of- K. L. Evans ......................... ' 'iny o iler war in which the 0013 " 'l'aM l "1U' Pu rP°B«* >« to hold office, A strik e was made on Union G ulch Mrs. Ilndaall . ................. 60.00 >tnt. 8 inav fn« enzii’ »«d, p ’i ties are p ia tso p .. ...0 2 1 2 M arion........ ereby notii e 1 to appear, respond unu off revi- 20.00 S r l,y ' only while fitting them selves in th e ' n«»p .t August i..,...» i.„ , o C ash'on Uarmaii for balance Mrs. Hadsall ence touching said allegation ut 10 o’clnpit,« near (L.ldf.wM Goklfoot U last by v E. v O. Gil- I,an,I to ■ has b p o lu n i bia. ...0 1 0 6 M orrqw.. 1.97 J ». on Dcceiubcrlu, 1001. bei'erc F. c . p ,„ , (-„¡i' j n ig h t classes of tl.e colleges for future lespie and W. W att. They cleaned u p . Mt.vfzn I Í. . .................. . . , ' 1 "*1 cd H S ta tu Conimts.loner, nt Manlct n -reg regoii, CfXM........ ....0 2 0 3 M ulinom ah ' el' professional careers. T here ure over »1400 it. four J a v a and found a »595 m. » ■ »190.07 ‘'« ‘ «' ’le be l>ecei,il,cr 2?: m F il tÏ . be I«f7r‘ u t « h e i V n’c" ä t« e r T w in © . 0130 P o lk ........... Crook » 4 a . , The logginir contracts now let will nro- aud Rcccivcvif the F n ik ,; -talcs Laud Ö l t e nward tliree thousand such student! in the city nugget. | dnee sufficient fuudd to pav all c la u n a i«» R om bur/. On _ •piirry . . . . ....0 0 4 0 Sherm an year, at the present tim e. Good prospects were found on Galifor- ! Ul« J -A - M c L eod . . " r " , ,7/!, Douglas . ...0 3 4 5 Tillamook . ft? a c h i n o A dm inistrator. ; »how that after due diligence O H . 1 onal service j I he Himounwinent th a t G eneral nía and Boulder creeks, tributaries of i ; nf this notice can not b« . . . .0087 U niatil,a .. (.¡¡Iliain Miles, th e head of th e arm y, will rep o rt tl.e south fork of th e K oyukuk, and tl.ey N O T IC E F O R P U B L I C A T I O N , due«.“!' perpubthw ibm '1 " ii'™ b^ '''y l’n 'A p r a n t . . . . ....0 0 9 2 Union . . . . . , in favor of the law abolishing th e w in e will be opened up n ex t sum m er. j Land o a ^ U R o « .b „ re . Orem.. i J ; R « '» « e r . H arnoy . ...0 1 6 0 Wujlowa and beer canteens from the arm y e x - ; 1're.l M orris and T. 0 . McNamer have „ „ t i c t, ....... ’7":...' -------------------------- J a c k s o n . . . WM W agco........ Jq sep h jn s .. 0090 W ashington f p a n ia f li... . . o l i a Wheeley |,a k e ...............0 1 0 7 V ainiiill. . . p a n e .......... ...o s t a A fter 1905, tem platcil arran g em en t A congroaslunal investigation will p re-, Jo h n M orris and O, Dexter are the Í. » ill if« co it H l , nj i rti< n cetle any legislation on the subject and ! principle m iners of M yrtle Greek. T here N O T IC E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N p e n t will 1« Uiade according to the av- Umt inquiry d(jve|op ,g u|lpro a n l will ,h e"; United State» ÏJind Office, pragu cxjx'pditures of th e various coun­ , I . more valuable f ir t u t;Iutor or 1 Z Roseburg. Oregon, support the law and convince Gongresw 1 there but all th e creeks near Coldfoot •tone than October 2 5 ,1%1. for agricultor»! purpose« ties each year for a |>eriod of five year« o s « » ! ^ “d e e 1« hereby given that in com pliance »». n , ‘ " an,I m cstabliafchi, th a t tho prohibition is a wholesome one foot have been staked S o m e g o o d lo o k - w hh the provision» nf the m t pf t <>»igre«s of c alni to Fai‘ï i«nd before «ter »n,l Ile- •---- -- X e - -• •— * -• ■ preceding, as ascertained by th e rejiortM for th e arm y. ■ ing q u a rts is found in the country, in - . 1 June ÎlmïvrU.blï lii"iht"s'stoÍ!nícLif’‘n » t a r < "r--• „1, on th e c q u n ty clerks tp th e secretary of Tlq, transfer of »he arm y «chpol for clmlmg a led g . of g .l .p a o r . on » « » « Ä T S J Ä J i S i Ä *■ .'UX i n*me< w Ï .M L '4 • Ready Made ClotHi ALL UP-TO-DATE. Dry Goods 6 F i r s t N a tio n a l ■ — W Á Jewelry and WalchF BAY VIEW HOTEL B A T If ft O O M H otel E u g e n e , CHEAP CASH STOKE« Drv Goods, ★ Groceries * Goods ie- tie P lachine Extf^ »axes Í pf ^taU. “ I |, . x s need G ham lw tla.n 1. Cqlic, ( l io k r a and piMrrhooA Kemedv sn d #nd ft to hv a great tmah. u.e. ” .a » s Mr. K. 8. P hipps, of |lo teau ( 4 r '1- “ R cured me engineers from W u k e t’e P oint, New York, to W asliingtou Barracks, in th is city, l.M been e tle c ^ l. One of t h . best . . , t *rm » in ^«e uprl-l is to be equipped lor the tra in -j KIvor, ten m ile, above Battle». Battles, ttie trading post for th e upper Koyukuk is 728 to ile, from t h . m outh of that Range Ne, io » r , l . and w ill f l a n , i n i i ,, . « nlfi-r pnxil to .h o w that the land wiuglu I. m„re °® ee valnahte for i t . Umber or .ton e than for asrleul-1 J’ UURrl- '9C_ stream . I __________ _ ________ Cqal of good quality has been found at said boat i.fnrv jlir R.-»-..«tt r and Heiro'cr e< } T- b « i i > oks . Register. V" ,(,r,“ ’ t><’d " h en H is |*y Q. W. llp p l W ith our new possessions that must he ' back in lb s Everything n the Hardware Line. ' . . A n v a n d a ll persons claim in g adverselr tbs effect, even In the m.wt m-vere eases w ao K"‘J u ,U ,ru“‘ > » m t are as- \ \ , | d game, such as moose, caribou, d. wr.iw.1 l.n d . are t o lheir wA,, Ä - ^ r : - ' : ” - « ‘ arable i . , direct forni b e o I , ptaks it • favorite everyw here. For •'* "* * “ » 11 “ * ’ prcial m ark of m erit, m ountain sheep and goats are abundant »<«« ««>« «»tor. »td ,«h day ef «.m ap -t« . T ininoiAd „hi.T r ’’ ' it ir . !°>>e tu h .. r * W ( i r i f » ; Pillili