PERSO N ALS. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS- ■ W in. Ferris, of Indian If your liver U o u t of o rder, cansinr town W filnetday. Biliousness, Sick H eadache, H e a r t ­ J . A. I.cvago and wife weru visiting in b u rn , o r C onstipation, ta k e a dose of tow n Tuesday and W ednesday. • • 8 ftr;-» v Benjam in F. ! inn, of L eaning, has ™ ’L ' 4L> eeel - at iJiiSi been granted an original pension of $12. On retiring, and tom orrow your di­ Mr. and Mrs. Bruce G arrison left for gestive organs will be regulated and Eugene on the steam er Wednesday af- you will be bright, active and ready jtern o o n . for any kind of w ork. This has Dr. Tatom departed W ednesday after­ been the experience of o thers: it will be yours. HOOD’S PIL L S are noon by « ay of Eugene for his Imine at sold by ali m edicine dealers. 25 cts. Tillam ook. W om en a s W eil as Men Are M ade M iserable by K idney Trouble. ACME COMMERCIAL CO., A special meeting of the city connci was held Monday evening p u rsu an t to call. «TV, Olt EG O S.— ■ Roll showed Trustees Brytul, Christei - F R A N K B. W IL SO N , M a n a g « , sen, W entlierson and P resident .Morris Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis- 1 £ • - - BY - - - in attendance. A bsent, Trustee E vans courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor 1 and cheerfulness soon | . W E A T I î U K H :? , P resident M orris stated th a t as the disappear when the kid­ regular council meeting for this month itor and proprietor. neys are out of order was not held, thia meeting had been ~==*' or diseased. n -m i: w Kidney trouble has called for the purpose of transacting any at - «»: |1 .50 a year in .■■!-, .nice.----- become so prevalent business th a t could be transacted nt a that it is not uncommon % * * * * * * * * * % % * % % * % % % * * * % * * * regular m eeting. . for a child to be born veil a t th e pout-office n F lo re n c e , On motion the recorder was directed r afflicted with weak kid­ itnty, Oregon, ar e<-<->.ml -i-i . . . O, W. Hurd a as suddenly taken vio­ Io have putiiished according to law a neys. If the child urin- 7------- L ?tes t0° of,en’ •> ‘ho w n ™ lently ill W ednesday forenoon, but is j notice of as.-essment to pay for building A party of hunters from th e valley urine scalds the flesh or if. when, the child U e CftlTV a F l l i e a i l l l now im proving. sidewalk on M ain, M onroe and First reaches an age when it should be able to | I w i'li several dogs arrived here yesterday alt Desert SORATMMADKtXowx ON AI‘- control the passage, it is yet afflicted with H arper W orkm an returned home last stieeta. on th e M arguerite. mOATIOX. cea B tMints pci line, en< h ii>*--rti«»n On motion the recorder was instructed bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of Varied Stock of Saturday alter an absence of nearly four j Al. Reaily has moved into new the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first to advertise for bids for tending street step should be towards the treatment of years in A laska. i meat m arket at the com er of F ront anil lam ps. these important organs. This unpleasant e,- Oregon, O ct 2 5 , 1 0 0 1 . I W ashington streets. S. Davidson, th e jew eller, was a p a s - ! On motion the recorder was instructed ! trouble is due to a diseased condition of the sen g erjto G ardiner on B arrett’s stage A. R. B u lto lp h ’s nam e is on the list of Io advertise for bids for constructing a I kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as Wednesday m orning. most people suppose. W ESTLINC those draw n as jurym en at. the next sidewalk and crosswalks on Second and Women as well as men are made mis­ George B arber and family have finally 1 term of circuit court in this county. Madison streets as provided by Ordi­ erable with kidney and bladder trouble, located nt Orcas, W ashington, and pur­ est is N ona too Good. a id both need the same great remedy. W. C. Conner is now sole proprietor nance No. 29. chase 1 a farm of 127 acres. of the R oseburg 1’iain d taler, having p u r­ The following bills were presented and The mild and the immediate effect of t> QUA Ex-Comm issioner H yland and Mr. J allow ed: H ugh Cassidy, for hoard of S w a m p -R o o t Is soon realized. It is sold chased th e in terest of his p artn er, I1'. W. fp- Sywell, of Junction, were in Florence prisoners, $4.50; G. O. C nm pton, haul­ by druggists, in fifty- Roach. cent and one dollar ™ last Saturday on a business trip. ing lum ber, building crosswalks and one sizes. You may have a A new stock of fancy tissue and dne- J . F. T anner mid family have moved lin in ’ h ’s pay as m arshal, $14 ; Florence j sample bottle by mail orative papers received yesterday at free, also pamphlet tell- nome or Swa.vp.Root. Mrs. K anott’s. Ladies, call ami make from the Alley house to the p aint chop , L um ber Co., lum ber, $6.65; T he W est , ing all about it, Including many of the eaters at. A. O. F o u k e ’s. . building in the upper p art of town. ; printing, $4; Geo. O. Knowles, two and thousands of testimonial letters received your selections. •th Fork school close i Tues- Miss E nnis S tu art, who had charge o f . “ “ "'h alf m onths pay us recorder, $2.51'. from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer A bout Nov. 1st will have 3 or 4 fresh ■the prim ary d ep artm en t in FL-rence ' T h e recorder presented Ida quarterly Sc Co.. Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and milch cows for sale. G rade Jersies— mention this paper. T H i, vice to give to a hungry man cheap only for th e q uality. Am over­ I school last year, is now teaching near reP"rt. which was accepted. ! P resident Morris read several letters e W estern House. stocked. J oe M orius , Jit. | G ardiner. ’econd hand sewing m achine .Miss Abbie Peil left Monday for fier | in regard to fire apparatus. Tl lie opinion The Florence L um ber C o.’s mill lias I of a m ajority of the council seemed to lie iliquire at this office. been sh u t down since last Friday on iu:.. home in Texas, after spending the sue WESTEBN HOUSE i t s ’ . . 'edger belt (or th e Florence count of a break of the edger belt, It nier in Florence witli h er brotfier, Fred j th at a tux should ho levied by the city j and th e proceeds used as soon as availa­ W M . B R Y N D , Prop. o.’fl mill was received yester- wns found necessary to send to -an Peil, and wife. b l e to purchase a hand pum p ami some Francisco for a new one. A rth u r Taylor, formerly a m em ber ofj t'o" ,“ t“ th e ‘'p ,o p e X “in town ! E v e ry th !,^ in Tonneetio» w ith the town a short agrtin8t flre. ! House is New and First-Class. Do yon snfler from piles? If so do th e W est force was icken d in n er a t the W estern Sunday when you are in l-'Ior- not turn to surgery for relief. D eW itt’s tim e last M onday. H e came in from Geo. 0 , Knowles presented his resig. S P E C IA L A T T E N T IO N TO Witch Hazel Salve « ill act more quickly Eugene with a n um ber of companions nation as recorder. On motion the res- W e b u y direct from th e L argest Jobbing Houses and colie has moved his logging I 8l,r‘!ly “ ,,<1 »«fely, sa v in g jo u the expense j oil a h unting and fishing expedition. COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS. igni.ation was accepted to take effect M anufacturers in th e country, for CA SH , and w e axe enabled Geo. B. C am p’s piai-e mi and danger of ail operation. M eyer & I George I’eil started to Eugene Monday October 23. The notice of tho public is called K yle. | after a short visit with relatives here, ■ reek. A djourned. to g e t th e L o w e st Prices, besid es a lw a y s b eing sure of ob> to o n rn e w Eugene business men have subscribed j j He is still engaged in soliciting for the |ood is building a new rcsi- BA T H R O O M ta in iu g first-class goods. W e are n o t p a y in g enormoas AT THE CANNERY. 'T orse’s Addition near J.. M about $5,000 tow ard the bonus for the ! Modern Woodmen of A m erica and ex- woolen mill. L ate reports say th a t ■ peets to in stitu te a cam p of th a t order at where H ot and Cold Baths may be n ’s house. exp en ses and w ill se ll y ou good s at reasonbale rates. . I Portland is after the mill and will get i t ! j Lorane n ex t week. had a t any time. T here lias been a good run of fish in . p rin t plats of at v tow nship ■, t - , , . , 1 _ if Eugene does not raise th e required 13 S Id Q, Douglas counties call T he best place in town to get a good the river for several weeks and some am ount. good catches are reported. From 3000 to i’s office, meal is a t th e W estern House. GENERAL NEWS. M arried, on T hursday evening, Octo­ ■ 4000 fish per day are received at the c a i- s are busy locating a route ber 17, 1901, a t th e residence of Joe j nery ar.d this keeps all hands busy to ■posed line of railroad from ACME NEW S. Morris, J r ., on North Fork, Mr. Bruce take care of them . Twenty Chinese are ' Last Sunday night burglars tunneled ivet to Bohem ia. , 1“ G arrison, of E ugene, and Miss Inez employed a t canning, and since the big ' under the Chicago postollice and secured « • license hns^been «ranted I M illican, of W allerville, Rev. T. A. Yost BY KIN MAGNUS. to run comm enced, five or six w hite men j $80,000 worth of slam ps. Plielns mid Stella G. .M il-; officiating. and boys have been assisting them . The i John S. P illsbury, a m em ber of the th reside on Indian Creek. I shortage of cans has m ade it necessary noted family of m illers by th a t name W . T. W esson, G holsonvjlle, V a., October 23, 1901. G o l f S liF Ort.yi8it 7 i" ‘ l,ig PBren,# in druggist, w rites: “ Your O ne M inute Ja y Stingley lias re tu rn e d from Eu- for th « fi8l*ermen to lay off a portion of ; an,) governor of M innesota from 1870 to ■ Jan Cassidy left Monday for Cough C ure gives perfect satisfaction. gene sne the tim e, but the pack promises to he 1882> ln8t F riday nged ’ 3 years. • here 11 za in he w ■ I 1 atten aft.-.r, d 4 business 1-... . . will qui te large and the fish are of good he gave away im m ense unis (or My custom ers say it is the heat remedy Mill is sh u t down again on account of quality. educational and charitable ins. utions, for cough, colds, th ro at and lung trou­ tlie w harf being full of lum ber. < >-l >.\TE IX Aian,l carnival c o m m itte e bles.’’ Mover A Kyle. y of th a t place.’ is ta lk e d of ' colds as are others. H ood’s Sarsaparilla day evening to atten d th e R. N. A. e n ­ I.ast Monday afternoon a six year old ic candidate for s t a t e s e n a to r I m akes th e blood p u re; and this great tertain m en t. H e expected to retu rn to Some fine, large potatoes grown on the d aughter of John C. Beek, while fishing oinnty. j medicine recovers the system after a cold Albany in a few days. from h er fath er’s wharf, fell into tlie Saf' ey r,4llcl> on bn N orth Fork were Miss Moilit, of Jun ctio n , as no other medicine does. Take H ood’s. 50 persons desiring to dis- school teacher, arrived Sunday after- r ' v(’r - H er brother Morris, eight years '>r,”1Kbt to this office vexterday by A. II. 'estate in this vicinity to call • . . . . . ... I ll r • . I N n tto u a i t *l.M Chas. David is moving the engine from Nottage. They n are s of th e bnrbank __ vari th eir property on o u r lis t, his old mill at G lenada to his mill on noon and entered upon her duties last of age, beard her cry of alarm and ran to etv and are sm ooth, well formed tubers. th e wharf. H e could not see the little I Monday m orning. tlieraou. th e riv er below P o in t Terrace. H e will He brought five potatoes, measuring Quito a large delegation from Staple- girl, h o t hubbies of air showed w here j onging to Wm. S afley w h ich use the engine to furnish motive power she had gone down. He nt once dove in nearly a foot in length and weighing ton and up river points witnessed th e R. a its non Monday nfterni>"ii for ttie m achinery when the w ater is too after her, and though the water was i from two pounds to two and a lialf e ra n d R .’ N. W e n tlie r s o n n low to afford sufficient power for th a t N. A. en tertain m en t S aturday evening. about six feet deep succeeded in catch-1 each. Tlie Sellers Bros., lately from Wiscon­ before it was c a p tu r e d n e x t purpose. ing hold of the child, and after a hard i * * * * miles below town, The city of Astoria is m aking efforts sin, are visiting th eir relatives, the struggle managed to get tier out on tho I Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is not a mere l have no appetite, d o n ot ' to have a saw mill with a capacity of C ushm ans. They expect to spend the wharf, both of them being nenrlv ex ­ i stim ulant to tired nature. I t affords tlie food and feel dull n ite r eat- 250,000 feet per day and a large flour w inter in Lliis vicinity. hausted. I t was fortunate for both I stomach complete and absolute rest by Mr. and Mrs. Severy have moved over children th a t the boy is a goml sw im ­ I digesting the food you eat. You d o n ’t y know th a t you n e e d a d o se null located th ere. A. B. H am m ond, rlaln’e Stom ach a n d L iv er th e railroad m an, is hack of th e enter- from th eir ranch on Clear Lake, and m er, else one or both would alm ost cer | have to diet b u t can enjoy all tlie good H a v e 0 1 ways food you w ant. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure rice, 25 cents. Samples fr e e ' prise and will put in th e mills if suf- will likely rem ain all w inter. tainly have drowned. on I land a P in e ^ to c l^ of instantly relieves th a t i.¡stressed feeling urd s drug store, ' ficient inducem ents are given him . Joseph W hisinan accidentally cut his after eating, giving you new life and A NEW MANAGER. : Jam es Bay had the satis- ; The m achinery of th e Y aquina Bay knee with an ax while working in tlie vigor. M eyer & Kyle. ■covering a logging jack be- Coal & Oil Com pany arrived at Toledo { Wlli8a‘!ln logging cam p, and conse- ‘Y c A C M E , O R E G O N . «Ç:i3 nil Sil General M erchandise, P aten t M edicines, . r Sperrv's Best Family Flour Dry Goods, Dress Goods, LTSiF Prints, fluslins, Yarns, Crash, Notions, g Groceries. Suit We H ave a Com plete Stock o f Boots an d Shoes. h o H I N MEYER & HYLE BE! Saturday from Pennsylvania, I t eon­ quently is taking a lay-off while the Bists of a strain drill, tractio ion engine ■ wound is healing. R. N. A. en tertain m en t Saturday and portable derrick. Its depth is 1500 feet. B rin g will commence as soon as evening, given by Silver Wave Camp th e m aebine-y can be moved to Frank No. 2655, was rendered to q u ite a large audience. U la C ushm an won the silk S tan to n ’s place, re a r To'edo. I sofa cushion, having held tlie lucky Lewis O ckerm an, Goshen, In d .; “ De W itt’« L ittle E arly Risers never bend j num ber. 50. me double like oth er pilig, b u t do th eir j Trolling for salm on is th e latest fad in work thorm ighlv and make me feel like our burg. Everybody who can get an a boy.” fty-tain, thorough, reliable. outfit tries his lurk. T oday about forty den Van P osen estim ates Mover '& Kyle. silversides were caught in this m anner. R. M cM urphv, who has been acco u n t-| 0,000,000 salmon fry will be DDrxQPlPTr<’n‘ lhe l,a‘cl'M e 8 " e a n t in the Eugene I» a n & Savings Bank I GREENLEAF ITEM S. h K O R K i ¡rpr t!(|> yenr. j : x |„.r l , for some tim e past lias disposed of his ] October 16, 1901. least one-tentl» of these « ill stork in th e hank to the o th er share-1 .^ n .tn ra and retu rn to th a t Miss Maud M iller is in a m illinery es­ holders and resigned bis position. Louis Johnson has tauen the place made \ a - , tablishm ent in Eugene. N 0 t¡ f lÍm 8<,meho,lv P’irrep-: moved from am<>n^ V» in. ind took to Acme «hen he for G ardiner last July . ■ ing some bootpsticks to V. aging cam p above Map c t o t i , fternoon, the Lillian ‘■■lin k bar near th e old'Sca’on -o re til there stuck fast until tlie turdav afternoon floated lo r C. D. Cliorpenlng, who has been m an­ N O TIC E T O C O N TR A C TO R S- ager of the Mapleton store since last 1 A? ril> I'«8 resigned his position and, we Sealed bids will he received by the we are inform ed, will go to Eugene and President of the Board of Trustees of the I take a position there. i Town nt Florence until Saturday, No­ Geo. O. Knowles has been employed vember 2nd, 1901, for building a side­ bv M eyer & Kyle to take charge of their walk on Second and Madison streets. ■ business a t M apleton, and left for th at I ’lans and specifications may be seen place W ednesday afternoon to en ter j a t the office of Marion Morris. upon his new duties. u. v , . . . . i Tlie right is reserved to reject an y and J .K "°, _H WaS en^ . Ke,, in ’",slnB’8 all bids. G eo . O. K nowi . es , nt Seaton for seven or eight years, and is . Recorder. well acquainted with tlie people of Ma­ pleton and vicinity. | D ew itt's Little E arly Risers never dis- ---------- --------- — appoint. They are snfe, prom pt, gentle, \\ hen you cannot sleep for coughing, ; effective in removing all im purities trom it is hardly necessary th a t any one the liver and bowels. Small and easy to should tell you th a t you need a few take. Never gripe or distress. Meyer doses of C ham berlain's Cough Remedy & Kyle. O. W illcut lias added to his flock of to allay th e irritation of the th ro at, and ;. vxx>x>.xMi*nbi" K i’ er ,n d Or,’k’-n '15ni- cant by Mr. M cM urpliy’s retirem ent. M anager R obert Johnson, of th e Ben- "heep by ll,e Pu rd ,:l«e of 6O"'« »1 Mon- make sleep poisihls. Try it. For sale je in g a list of recent tra n s­ BIDS WANTED. by O. W. H urd. ir land says: Ten thousand ton C ounty Prune Co., estim ates th e j ed and eighteen acres on the output of th e big orchard of the company ■ The saw of the A lpha mill got cranky FU RS W ANTED. Scaled bids for tending the street ver in Douglas county has at about 2Ô0,090 pounds of dried prunes ' Die other day, and Mr. P otterf took it to ■ Thom as Himel and others th is year. Had the season been favora­ Eugene and had it ilisciplined The highest cash price paid for all lamps in tlie town of Florence will be received by the P resident of th e Board d to on eastern Arm. ble for drying th e fn .it thia company M r. Gibson, la ’e o f A lpha, was in here kinds of furs and hides. nt Trustees until S aturday, November 2, wo tld have dried th ree tim es as many G. C. C umpton . this week looking for cows fur his dairy a travelling ¿her.t j 69 to $70 1901. Bills to state price per night lor m achine when you can buy prunes as they did.—Corvallis G azette. at Jun ctio n . H e did no t find any on At R eddy's Meat M arket. Florence, Or each lamp, contractor to furnish oil. Lake or Deadwood Creeks a t prices to iteet Im proved W bite sewing The right is teservod to reject any and DRESSMAKING. T here is more C atarrh in th is section th e W ert S B c .' for two suit him , and left lor H ale where he had G eo . O. K nowi . es , of the country than al! other diseases- all bids. | beard of some. it price? T h o W h ite is one p u t together, and until th e lust few j Recorder. Sophie Nicolle wishes to Inform the m achines In the m arket, P arti s started several tim es from years was supposed Io be incurable. F or I th e people of Florence th a t she has _ office and exam ine it. Alpha and Blnchley to look ou t a route opcneiPparlnrs here and is prepared to ! fo r'a ’s lm rt ro ^ l Lonnecring thos."places a “'«'W ye«r’ d « * ° r 8 pronounced L0CGING TEAM AND TIMBER FOR tolph is having an addition P i l l i e& lesigning at .,„,1 inv«rish!„ .......... ..........., 11 " local »nd present«.! local SALE. do dressm aking, fitting and designing erected. Tlie old shock at reasonable rates. T ailor m ade suits a and invariably got loat and came down rem edies, ami by constantly failing to Greenleal Creek, until quite recently a ■d b y O .W . H nr l for a store specialty. Over A. O. F u n k e't hardw are , cure w ith local treatm en t, pronounced crew resisted th e m agnetism of th at One million feet of good fir tin tier con­ M r, B nttolpb for an office, store. : it incurable. Science has proven catarrh stream and blazed th e desired route. venient to tlie Siuslaw R iver for sale at t One n( the land mark« of to be a constitutional disease, and there­ 8. S. Miller, of C hickaliotniny, came fore requires constitutional treatm ent. a reasonable price. Logging road al­ “ I had long suffered from indiges­ is ' nearly Mi) torn di wn to ,1 tio n ,” w rites G. A. LeDeis, Cedar City, up from M apleton thia week with a H all's C atarrh Cure, m anufactured by ready built frotu tlie tim ber to the river. elructm -e. Also six head of Dumber one work Mo. “ Like o th ers I tried m any prepar­ wagon load of tine salm on. ! F. J . Cheney A Co., T o M o , Ohio, is the lay th e steew ei M argnpri'e oxen and a pair of bulls, from eia to ations but never found anything th a t Dry rot has appeared in m any bins o f , only constitutional treatm en t on th e !»ton a scow p e a I of cattle eight yearn old. Inquire of did roe any good nntil I took Kodol Dye- potatoes, m arket. I t is taken internally in doses ichola bad purchased ftom S iunby W ait «, pepsia Cure. One bottle eared m e. A A party of C irly les and th e C hicka- ,r ” rn drops to a teaspnonful. It acts I dew ater. Mr. Nichola ob- Acme, Oregon. friend who had suffered sim ilarly I put hom iny school m a'am camped on th e '*‘rectly on the blood and mucons stir tnd yearlings on th e nse of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Lucas W heeler [dace from S aturday to faces of the system . They offer one I will in river, pay- He is gaining fast and will soon > e able Monday and carried home a fine deer. hnndred dollars for any case it fail» to ! A new remedy tor U lioosneM is now l$14 to $16 for to work. Before he need Kodol Dyspep­ on sale a t O. W. H u rd ’s drug store. I t Dried prune» are a b u n d an t and cheap cure. Send for circulars and te d i m o n -, sia C ure indigestion bad m ade him a is oalle